Belozerov Timofey Maksimovich interesting facts. Belozerov Timofey Maksimovich

Timofey Maksimovich Belozerov(December 23, 1929, Kamyshi village, Utyatsky district - February 15, 1986, Omsk) - Soviet poet. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1976).


Born into a peasant family in the village of Kamyshi, Utyatsky district, Kurgan district, Ural region (now in the Kurtamysh district, Kurgan region). At the age of 5 he lost his mother. During the years of collectivization, the family was subjected to repression. The father was arrested and subsequently rehabilitated. After liberation, the father and his youngest son Timofey moved first to Ust-Kamenogorsk and then to Leninogorsk. In the village Staro-Karasuk Omsk region Belozerov graduated from 7-year school. He worked as a carpenter, a railway clearing worker, and a logging worker in Kalachinsk.

In 1948 he became a cadet in the technological department of the Omsk River School. After graduation, in 1952 he underwent a naval internship in Vladivostok. He worked as a mechanic shop foreman at the Bobrovsky ship repair plant in Barnaul. At the same time he wrote poetry. First publication in the Altai magazine. In 1954, Belozerov was transferred to the Administration of the Nizhne-Irtysh River Shipping Company, to the Omsk Shipyard. He was hired as a literary employee of the basin newspaper "Soviet Irtysh", from 1954 to 1963 - he worked in the foundry shop of the Omsk Radio Plant named after. Popova.

In 1957, Belozerov’s first book, “On Our River,” was published by the Omsk Book Publishing House. In 1962 he was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. Since 1963, after graduating from the correspondence department of the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, works as an editor for Omsk Television. Since 1968 - at literary work. For about twenty years he worked as a literary consultant in the newspaper Omskaya Pravda. From 1965 to 1967 he was a deputy of the Omsk City Council, from 1967 to 1970 he was a commissioner of the USSR Literary Fund for the Omsk Region, and for many years he was a member of the bureau of the Omsk Writers' Organization. In December 1980, he took part in the V Congress of Writers of the RSFSR.

The poet died on February 15, 1986 in Omsk. He was buried in the Old-Eastern Cemetery of the city of Omsk, next to his father. The poet’s son Sergei is buried there (April 2012). Today the poet’s widow, Vera Ilyinichna, lives in Omsk.

Belozerov's cousin is the famous Russian composer and producer Maxim Fadeev.2011


Four of Belozerov’s books were included in serial publications: “The Forest Crybaby” (1979), “Zimushka-Winter” (1989), “Karasik” (1981), “Zhuravkin’s Holiday” (1990).

Belozerov Timofey Maksimovich (12/23/1929 – 02/15/1986)

Born on December 23, 1929 in the village of Kamyshi, Kurtamysh district, Kurgan region, into a large peasant family. Childhood was spent in the foothills of Altai, where fate brought the family in the hungry thirties. He lost his mother early, and during the war he ended up first in Omsk, then in the Bolsherechensky village of Staro-Karasuk, being raised by a kind woman, Maria Nikitichna Terentyeva. Here he graduated from the seven-year school and continued his studies in the village of Chernovo.
Then fate brought Timofey Belozerov to the city of Kalachinsk, where his work biography began. He worked as a simple worker cleaning railroad tracks, as a carpenter, and as a hired timber worker. Then he entered the Omsk River School.
The Omsk River School in those years was paramilitary. It trained not only river specialists, but also officers for Navy. Having passed the competition (12 people per place), Timofey Belozerov became a cadet in the technological department. He graduated from college in 1952 and went for a naval internship in Vladivostok. Then he returned to Omsk and received a referral to Barnaul at the Bobrovsky shipyard with a diploma in metal cutting technology.
During these years it begins creative biography poet. Like a magical miracle, a great love for poetry appeared, which arose in the fertile time of school, and with it a further passion for one’s own writing. The first publication of poems appeared in the Altai magazine. He was noticed and invited to Novosibirsk to a regional meeting of young writers. The leaders of the seminar, well-known poets at that time, Alexander Smerdov and Kazimir Lisovsky, approved of the young poet’s poetic experiments and advised him to write a book for children. Somewhat later, when Belozerov was already living in Omsk, such a book was published with colorful drawings by the famous Omsk artist K.P. Belova. It was called “On Our River” (1957).
In 1954, Timofey Belozerov was transferred to Omsk to the Office of the Nizhne-Irtysh River Shipping Company. He was hired as a literary employee of the basin newspaper “Soviet Irtysh”. Here he had to truly plunge into the working life of river workers not only on the river bank, but also on the deck of the ship. However, as the poet himself later admitted, work in the foundry shop of the Omsk Radio Plant named after. A.S. Popov was more suitable for his acquired profession and liked him better. Here T. Belozerov worked for several years, until he became permanent in 1969. creative work– she’s already given enough cash for the maintenance of the family. During these creative years, he published books for children one after another: “Spring” (1858), “Forest Violinist” (1960), “Beeps over the River” (1962), “Garden Growing Up” (1962), “Forest Swing” (1963) and so on.
Accumulated creative experience contributed to admission to the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky (in absentia), from which he graduated in 1963. A year earlier, he was accepted as a member of the USSR Writers' Union.
In subsequent years, books for children by Timofey Belozerov began to be published annually, and in publishing houses in different cities: in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo, Barnaul, Alma-Ata, Kyiv, and even in Bulgaria and the GDR.
Children's magazines - “Murzilka”, “Kolobok”, “Pioneer”, “ Funny pictures", "Misha", "Sibiryachok", "Koster" - the works of T. Belozerov were willingly and regularly published, and even the adult magazines "Siberian Lights", "Ural", "Neva", "Siberian-Far Eastern Land". His poems can be found in many collective collections, almanacs, anthologies, and anthologies.
Total for the whole creative life Timofey Belozerov published 53 books, half of them in Moscow publishing houses. And two dozen have already been published posthumously. The total circulation of the poet's creative heritage is more than 17 million copies.
For his services to Russian literature, he was awarded the government awards “For Labor Valor” and “For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin". For the book of poems “Colored Voices,” published in 1972 as a gift edition, he received the Omsk Komsomol Prize. And a little later he was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.”
T.M. died Belozerov February 15, 1986.

Materials for conversation

“Belozerov T.M. Biography and creativity."

Prepared by teacher M.N. Kovalik

Target: To acquaint students with the main stages of the biography and creativity of the Omsk poet T.M. Belozerova.

Tasks: Instill an interest in the history and cultural traditions of the native land.

Promote the development of a sense of patriotism.

Develop aesthetic taste, interest in cultural heritage.

Equipment: Computer, multimedia projector, presentation.

Progress of the lesson.

Conversation with students questions about the creative heritage of Omsk poets in general and the life and work of T.M. Belozerova in particular.

Teacher's story, presentation demonstration.

Timofey Maksimovich Belozerov

Belozerov Timofey Maksimovich - children's poet.

Born into a large peasant family, he lost his mother at the age of 5. During the years of collectivization, the family was subjected to repression. The father was arrested and subsequently rehabilitated. After liberation, the father and his youngest son Timofey moved first to Ust-Kamenogorsk and Leninogorsk, then to the Omsk region. In the village of Staro-Karasuk, Omsk region. Belozerov graduated from 7-year school. I really wanted to study, but there was no way to continue my education. To earn a living, he was a carpenter, a railroad clearing worker, and a lumberjack for hire.

From 1948 to 1952 he studied at the Omsk River School, then worked as a foreman at ship repair yards in Barnaul and Omsk. The first publication of poems was in the magazine “Altai” (1954).

In 1957 he published the first collection of books at the Omsk Book Publishing House. poems for children “On our river”. The theme of Siberian nature, the work associated with its development, became the main one in Belozerov’s work, giving him the opportunity to be equally intelligible to both children and adults.

From 1957 to 1963 he studied at correspondence department Literary Institute named after. Gorky, in 1962 became a member of the USSR SP. After graduating from the Literary Institute he studies literary creativity, combining it with a wide social activities: from 1965 to 1967 he was a deputy of the Omsk City Council, from 1967 to 1970 - commissioner of the USSR Literary Fund for the Omsk Region, for many years he was a member of the bureau of the Omsk Writers' Organization.

On Dec. 1980 participated in the V Congress of Writers of the RSFSR. He considered communication with children and creative youth to be the most important activities for himself. As the editor of children's and literary programs at the Omsk television studio, as well as a literary consultant for the regional newspaper Omskaya Pravda, he led seminars with aspiring poets - children and adults, whom the latter remember with deep gratitude. There were constant performances in schools, pioneer camps, orphanages, and pioneer palaces. Belozerov shared his understanding of childhood and child psychology with future teachers - students of pedagogical schools and pedagogical institutes.

Creative path Belozerov can be divided into two periods: the 2nd half of the 1950s - 1960s and 1970-80s. The 1960s were a period of intense creative quest for the poet: from apprenticeship and imitation (K. Chukovsky, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto - in children's poetry) - to the acquisition of his own stylistic manner in dialogue with the soil direction of Russian poetry close to him, where especially significant names for B. were I. Surikov, I. Nikitin, I. Bunin, S. Yesenin, and among contemporaries - those whom critics attributed to the “quiet” camp (V. Sokolov, N. Rubtsov, etc.) Didactic beginning , which appeared in the poet’s first collections (“Spring”, 1958; “To My Friends”, 1963), was very quickly recognized by Belozerov as alien to his moral and aesthetic position. For intelligent teaching, so necessary for childhood, other artists were found. ways of expression - experience, folklore are used.

In the 1970-80s, a laconic landscape sketch became the leading genre in Belozerov’s work. Criticism notes Belozerov’s inclination “towards a watercolor sketch, miniature, sketch” (S. Povartsov), incorporating themes of Siberian nature, small homeland, childhood, harmonious life in society, ensured by a patriarchal way of life, peasant labor. The central publishing houses “Children's Literature”, “Malysh”, as well as various regional publishing houses of the country (Novosibirsk, Omsk, Sverdlovsk, Barnaul, Alma-Ata, Perm, etc.) publish the best poetry collections of the poet (“The Wind Pantry”, 1970; “Winter-Winter”, 1974; “Magic Staff”, 1977; “Lark”, 1978; “Zhuravkin Holiday”, 1986; “Swan”, 1986, etc. highly appreciated critics and readers. In total, the poet published 54 books during his lifetime; collections of his poems, stories, and fairy tales were regularly published in the magazines Ogonyok, Ural, Neva, Siberian Lights, Prostor, Siberian Land, Far Eastern, Siberian lights”, “Pioneer”, “Bonfire”, “Murzilka”, “Funny Pictures”. The book “Zhuravkin's Holiday” was exhibited in 1981 at the International Book Fair in Moscow and was awarded a 2nd degree diploma. Belozerov's poems were included in anthologies for children's reading and serial publications. A number of Belozerov’s poems were set to music by Omsk composer G. Pantyukov.

Many famous children's poets and writers spoke highly of the Belozerov's work: E. Blaginina, Y. Korinets, S. Baruzdin, A. Barto, I. Tokmakova, Y. Akim, V. Berestov and others, noting a certain “borderline” attitude of the Siberian poet, which manifested itself in the organic combination of a childish vision of the world, provided with a living memory of childhood, with vigilance and observation, deep knowledge real world, which determines the originality of Belozerov’s work, which occupied a niche between “adult” and children’s poetry.

T. Belozerov is the author of more than 60 children's books published in various publishing houses across the country (Moscow, Omsk, Novosibirsk, etc.). Their total circulation is about 16 million copies. The book “Zhuravkin's Holiday” (1980) was exhibited in 1981 at the International Book Fair in Moscow and was awarded a 2nd degree diploma. Four of Belozerov’s books were included in serial publications: “The Forest Crybaby” (1979), “Zimushka-Winter” (1989), “Karasik” (1981), “Zhuravkin’s Holiday” (1990). For outstanding services in the development of poetry for children, the poet was awarded the anniversary Lenin medal (1970) and the medal “For Labor Valor” (1971). For the book “Colored Voices” (1972), he was awarded the title of laureate of the Omsk Komsomol Prize, and in 1976 - the title “Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.” The poet died on February 15, 1986 in Omsk. He was buried in the Old Eastern Cemetery. September 4, 1987 at house number 2 on the street. Ch. Valikhanov, where the poet lived and worked, a memorial plaque with his high relief by the sculptor F.D. Bugaenko was installed. One of the streets and a library in Omsk is named after Belozerov.

On the initiative of Omsk writers, primarily Alexander Tokarev and Vladimir Novikov, the motor ship Timofey Belozerov appeared in June 2005. The event is more than fair, because Timofey Maksimovich’s first profession was a riverman. In October of the same year, a memorial stone was erected on Martynov Boulevard to the remarkable Russian poet Timofey Maksimovich Belozerov.

Students read poems by T. Belozerov.

Summing up:

    What new things have you learned about yourself?

    Has your attitude towards your native Omsk region changed? Why?

    What else would you like to know about your native land?


Materials used from the book: Russian literature of the 20th century. Prose writers, poets, playwrights. Biobibliographical dictionary. Volume 1. p. 190-192.

Born into a peasant family in the Kurgan region. He spent his childhood in Altai. He graduated from a seven-year school in the village of Staro-Karasuk, Omsk Region, lived and worked as a carpenter, a railway clearing worker, and a logging worker in Kalachinsk.

In 1952 he graduated from the Omsk River School. He worked as a mechanic shop foreman at the Bobrovsky ship repair plant in Barnaul. At the same time he wrote poetry. In 1954 Belozerov was transferred to work at the Omsk Shipyard, from 1954 to 1963 he worked at the plant named after. Popova.

In 1957, Belozerov’s first book, “On Our River,” was published by the Omsk Book Publishing House. In 1962 he was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. Since 1963, after graduating from the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, works as an editor for Omsk Television. Since 1968 - at literary work.

The poet died on February 15, 1986 in Omsk. He was buried in the Old Eastern Cemetery. Today the poet’s widow, Vera Ilyinichna, and her son Sergei live in Omsk.

Belozerov's cousin is the famous Russian composer and producer Maxim Fadeev.


September 4, 1987 at house number 2 on the street. Chokan Valikhanov, where the poet lived and worked, has a memorial plaque with his high relief by the sculptor F. D. Bugaenko. One of the streets and libraries of Omsk is named after Timofey Belozerov. In 2005, one of the tankers of the Omsk River Shipping Company was named after the poet, and a memorial stone with the name of Timofey Belozerov appeared on the Alley of Writers (Martynov Boulevard).


Four of Belozerov’s books were included in serial publications: “The Forest Crybaby” (1979), “Zimushka-Winter” (1989), “Karasik” (1981), “Zhuravkin’s Holiday” (1990).


  • On our river. Omsk book publishing house, 1957, 100,000 thousand copies.
  • Spring. Omsk book publishing house, 1958, 200,000 thousand copies.
  • Forest violinist. Omsk book publishing house, 1960, 100,000 thousand copies.
  • Horns over the river. Novosibirsk book publishing house, 1961, 100,000 copies.
  • Choose according to your taste! Sverdlovsk book publishing house, 1962, 50,000 copies.
  • Gardener Grow up. Omsk book publishing house, 1962, 110,000 copies.

Awards and recognition

  • 1970 - Lenin Medal - For outstanding services in the development of poetry for children
  • 1971 - Medal "For Labor Valor"
  • 1972 - laureate of the Omsk Komsomol Prize for the book “Colored Voices”
  • 1976 - title “Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR”
  • 1981 - 2nd degree diploma of the International Book Fair for the book “Zhuravkin’s Holiday”

Timofey Maksimovich Belozerov - poet and storyteller, member of the Writers' Union, was born on December 23, 1929 in the remote taiga village of Kamyshi into a large peasant family. Parents raised their children in strictness, tried to instill in them a love for their native land, and taught them to work. They did not forget about books - they read Andersen, Pushkin and other classics. A wide Russian stove, filled with damp sheepskin coats and felt boots, and in my sister’s hands is a book. I listen - and it’s as if I’m walking through the forest myself, entering a bear’s hut, sitting on Mishutka’s chair and eating stew, - Belozerov later recalled. The serene life in his native Kamyshi lasted only eleven years. Timofey lost his mother early, and his father died during the war. The poet himself wrote: I was unlucky as a child: I almost drowned twice; Descending from the mountains, he broke his legs and often got sick. But all these minor misfortunes are nothing compared to one misfortune that fell at once - the misfortune of war. Left alone, I was adopted by a wonderful woman - Maria Nikitichnaya Terentyeva. In 1941, need forced him to move to Omsk, where he got a job. He worked as a shoemaker, was an apprentice carpenter and artist, and cleared snow from railroad tracks. After the war, in 1952, he graduated from the Omsk River School. He also had another difficult profession - he worked as a foreman in foundries. It was during these factory years, longing for the rivers and Siberian taiga, that he began to write poetry, which was first published in local newspapers and magazines, then began to be published as separate books. By the time Belozerov graduated from the Literary Institute, he was already the author of several collections of poetry. The poet dedicated all his work mainly to children. His books are very light and warm like spring (“Snowdrops”, 1982, "April", 1983). He sought to discover poetry in nature itself, wanted to show the child the beauty of the world, teach him to see a “sighing” cloud in the sky, hear the “affectionate trill of a lark,” to be kind, attentive, compassionate, and responsive. Ironic and mischievous fairy tales are still very popular "About Buku", "Forest Weeper" about a fairy-tale little man who helped “cry out” his grief and ease the soul of everyone who needed it, poems about an arrogant golden crucian carp. The book “Zhuravkin's Holiday” (1980) was exhibited in 1981 at the International Book Fair in Moscow and was awarded a 2nd degree diploma. Later, this book (1990) and three more books by Belozerov were included in serial publications: “The Forest Weeping Baby” (1979), “Zimushka-Winter” (1989), “Karasik” (1981).

Timofey Maksimovich Belozerov died on February 15, 1986 in Omsk. He was buried in the Old Eastern Cemetery. He lived for 56 years and published 69 books with a total circulation of 16 million copies. His heartfelt, joyful, melodic poems, wise fairy tales, funny counting rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters even today, already in this century, do not grow old and are not forgotten.

1. T. Belozerov.
Pantry of the wind.
Poems (1970)
Goodbye Robot.
Fairytale play (1970)
(doc; 274 Kb)
(doc; 136 Kb)
2. T. Belozerov.
Magic staff.
Stories (1976)
(doc; 68 Kb)
3. T. Belozerov.
Forest Weeper.
Fairy Tale (1979)