What do we know about space? Interesting facts about space

In this article we have prepared for you a lot of fascinating information about space and astronauts, as well as about the structure of the Universe in general. You may already know some things, but you will hear some things for the first time.

So, in front of you the most interesting facts about space.

Tenth planet of the solar system

Did you know that in 2003, American astronomers managed to discover the 10th planet located beyond? It was named Eris.

This discovery was made thanks to new and improved technology. Soon other space objects were also discovered. They, along with Pluto and Eris, were usually called transplutonian.

It is worth noting that such discoveries are also of interest to scientists because they are trying to find out what advantages and dangers this or that cosmic body may conceal.

Scientists are constantly searching for life on other planets. This is due to the frightening events that are unfolding today on. It's about about the threat nuclear war, epidemics, global disasters and many other factors.

Mysterious Moon

When telling interesting facts about space, one cannot fail to mention. After all, despite the fact that, compared to other celestial bodies, the Moon has been studied best, we still don’t know much about it.

Here are just some of the mysteries, the answers to which have not yet been found:

  • Why is the Moon so large? It is important to understand here that in the solar system the planets do not have natural satellites comparable in size to the Moon.
  • What is the reason for the fact that the diameter of the lunar disk at the moment of a total eclipse perfectly covers the disk of the sun?
  • What makes the Moon rotate in a regular circular orbit? This question is difficult to answer, since the orbits of the remaining satellites are elliptical?

Where is the Earth's twin located?

According to some scientists, the Earth has a twin. It turned out that on the satellite Titan, conditions are very similar to our planet.

A similar air shell is also present and observed there in sufficient quantities.

At the moment, Titan is of particular interest in scientific circles and continues to be actively studied by specialists.

The Mystery of Mars

The Red Planet is a nickname it received because of its color. Water was discovered on this planet, and a suitable temperature and atmosphere for the existence of living organisms was determined.

In the mid-20th century, there was a popular song that apple trees would soon bloom on Mars. However, it still remains uninhabited.

Scientists are trying to find any signs of life, but conducting research is quite difficult. The main problem is the long distance to this coveted planet.

An interesting fact is that today Mars is the second most studied object in space after Earth.

Why did flights to the moon stop?

Since the Moon is closest to the Earth, it never ceases to interest people's minds. In 1969, the Americans visited it and managed to collect important space data about this satellite. Today, scientists continue research in one form or another.

However, after American astronauts flew to the Moon, the program to study the satellite was suddenly stopped.

Naturally, this leads to many questions and causes bewilderment: why was a successful space exploration project closed without sufficient grounds?

There is an opinion that there was no flight at all, and all the photos and videos allegedly taken in space were simply falsified in an American film studio.

Considering the fact that at that time cold war was in full swing, such a forgery is quite possible to assume.

The first astronaut to visit the Moon, Neil Armstrong, argued that there was another form of life there, in a fight with which man could not emerge victorious. However, his opinion does little to clarify the situation as a whole.

Unfortunately, today many facts about this space object remain classified. Perhaps in the near future we will learn some new interesting facts about the Moon and what space researchers were hiding from us.

Space toilet

An interesting fact is that before sending the first man into space, scientists faced an unusual problem: what kind of toilet should the astronauts be able to use normally in a state of weightlessness?

It is only at first glance that it may seem that creating a toilet for astronauts is an easy task. In reality, everything is much more complicated.

The sewage system must function without interruption. For example, during the takeoff of a spacecraft and its subsequent spacewalk, astronauts have to use special diapers.

As soon as they began to build the rocket, the designers paid special attention to the invention of plumbing devices. They were developed taking into account the individual anatomical characteristics of the crew members.

Every year, toilets in spacecraft became more and more versatile, thoughtful and comfortable.

Superstitions on board

Astronauts, like other people, have many superstitions.

For example, when going into space, they take a branch of wormwood with them so that its smell reminds them of Earth. Before the launch, Russian cosmonauts always play the song of the group “Earthlings” - “Earth in the Porthole”.

The founder of practical Soviet cosmonautics, never allowed space flights to take place on Mondays. He himself did not comment on this, although because of this decision he had many conflicts with management.

Once, when the launch was finally carried out on Monday, by fateful accident a whole series of accidents occurred.

On October 24, 1960, a ballistic missile suddenly exploded at Baikonur. From that moment on, this sad date became associated with bad luck. And today, on this day, no types of work are usually carried out at the cosmodromes.

Unknown facts about space and Russian cosmonautics

Peak of popularity Russian cosmonautics occurred during the Soviet era. Scientists and designers managed to achieve phenomenal results that amazed the whole world.

However, against the backdrop of victories, there were also tragic moments that need to be treated with understanding. Space exploration was a new and unknown direction in science, so mistakes were inevitable.

Here are some interesting facts that you may not have heard of.

  • On the monument erected in Star City, you can see a daisy that the astronaut is holding in his hand.
  • Many people think that the first living beings sent into space were, but this is not so. In fact, they were turtles.
  • Do you know why in the middle of the 20th century, 2 cosmodromes were built in the Soviet Union? This was done with the aim of misleading the enemy. Wooden structures imitating genuine space structures were erected from Baikonur at a distance of 300 km.

Fun discoveries and interesting facts about space

  • Saturn has a very low density and is a very light planet. If he could be immersed in water, he would not drown in it.
  • Among all the planets solar system, is the biggest. Surprisingly, all the planets orbiting the Sun could fit inside it.
  • The very first star catalog was compiled by the ancient scientist Hipparchus, who lived in the 2nd century BC. e.
  • In 1980, the “Lunar Embassy” was formed, engaged in the sale of territories on the Moon. By the way, as of today, about 8% of the lunar surface has already been sold out. So if you are interested in space from a practical point of view, hurry up!
  • An interesting fact is that the Americans spent huge amounts of money on developing a special pen that could write in space. After all, in a state of weightlessness, ink does not flow out of the rod, as it does on earth. Soviet cosmonauts considered this problem somewhat far-fetched, and took… a pencil into space to take notes.

NASA's Most Unusual Statements

Throughout its history, NASA has made many different statements, some of which were very unusual and even strange.

  • Being in zero gravity, astronauts suffer from “space sickness,” accompanied by nausea and pain. This occurs due to disruption of the full functioning of the inner ear.
  • The fluid in the astronaut's body tends to get into the head, as a result of which his nose becomes blocked and his face visibly swells.
  • In outer space, a person becomes taller due to the lack of pressure on his spine.
  • A snoring person on Earth, in conditions of weightlessness, will not make any sounds.

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Such a distant and endlessly attractive space! Not every adult fully understands the fullness of this concept, let alone children. Let's try to tell children about space as clearly and interestingly as possible. If we succeed, perhaps the child will not just become interested in astronomy for a while, but will truly love it and be able to accomplish some grandiose things in the future scientific discovery. When telling your child about space, imagine how, as an adult, he will remember your story with a smile on his face. What should you tell your child about space and, most importantly, how?

Space has attracted and continues to attract the views and thoughts of man of all times and peoples. After all, there are so many secrets, so many inexplicable and amazing discoveries and opportunities. Yes, and we - the humanity of planet Earth - although small, are still a particle of the cosmos - this boundless and alluring space.

Just the main thing

What can you tell us about space? First of all, learn to observe! If we look at the sky at different times of the day, we will see the sun, moon and stars. What is this? All these are space objects. The vast universe consists of billions of cosmic objects. Our planet Earth too space object, it is part of the solar system.

solar system

The system has this name because its center is the Sun, around which 8 planets move: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. The path they take around the Sun is called an orbit.

Planet Earth

The only planet on which there is life at the moment is our Earth. The main difference between the Earth and other planets is the presence of water - the source of life and the atmosphere, thanks to which the Earth has the air that we breathe.

Other planets of the solar system

The rest of the planets are no less interesting and alluring. The largest planet is the mighty Jupiter. And Saturn is famous for its giant rings, visible to us from Earth. Mars is the first planet to attract the attention of man back in the Ancient Egypt. Because of its fiery red color, Mars was associated by ancient people with the god of war. The planet Venus is the only one that has a “female” name. She received it thanks to her brightness. In ancient times it was considered the brightest planet.

I wish you space discoveries in life!


The boundless, boundless space is an unknown and beautiful phenomenon, although sometimes even frightening. Space serves as a source of inspiration for writers and directors, remaining just as mysterious and enigmatic. But it’s so easy to see it - just look up to the sky on a cloudless night.

  1. With the help of special equipment you can hear the sounds produced cosmic bodies, such as stars and planets.
  2. The ISS is the most expensive object ever built by mankind.
  3. The dog Laika was the first earthly creature to travel into space.
  4. The size and age of the Universe are beyond normal human understanding.
  5. In a state of weightlessness, the flame spreads in all directions at once.
  6. Most of the stars (see amazing facts about stars) in the observable part of the universe are red dwarfs. They are noticeably less hot than yellow dwarfs like our Sun.
  7. Some bacteria grow much more actively in a state of weightlessness. than on Earth.
  8. The Sun makes up about 99.8 percent of the mass of our entire system.
  9. The gas cloud in the constellation Aquila contains a huge amount of ethanol, that is, essentially, alcohol.
  10. Currently, astronomers have discovered about two thousand exoplanets (see) located in other star systems.
  11. Stars and planets make up only about 5 percent of the mass of the universe. Where the remaining 95% comes from is still unknown.
  12. In our Galaxy alone, about forty new stars appear every year.
  13. The Sun is far from the most powerful star in terms of radiation, but it also loses about a billion kilograms of mass every second due to the solar wind, which carries its particles away.
  14. The mass of the Earth increases by about two billion tons every thousand years due to cosmic dust falling on its surface.
  15. The stars of the famous Ursa Major are actually located in different galaxies.
  16. The density of some gas giants, for example, Saturn (see) is less than the density of water.
  17. Metal objects in outer space can spontaneously weld to each other, but in known cases this does not happen, since the metal oxidizes on Earth.
  18. People who snore while sleeping on Earth do not snore in space, in a state of weightlessness.
  19. There are more than one hundred billion galaxies in the observable Universe. Yes, yes, exactly galaxies.
  20. The closest galaxy to the Milky Way is Andromeda, but it is also about two million light years away.
  21. About two hundred thousand meteorites fall to Earth every day, but almost all of them burn up in the atmosphere.
  22. There are about eight thousand objects in orbit around the Earth. Basically, these are various kinds of debris and space debris.

April 12th is celebrated in our country Cosmonautics Day. On this day in 1961, our planet was shocked by unexpected news: “Man in space!” People's dream of flying into space has come true. On an April morning, the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. The flight around the Earth lasted 108 minutes.

The starry sky has always attracted the eyes of people, beckoning with its uncertainty. People dreamed of learning as much as possible about space. Thus began the time of space rockets, satellites, lunar rovers...

Let's tell children about space and astronauts so they have an idea

It’s good if parents read books about space with their children, show pictures, and look at the starry globe. You can play games with your children on space theme, read and learn poems about space, guess interesting

Telling children about space

Planets and stars

Our Earth is a huge ball on which there are seas, rivers, mountains, deserts and forests. And also people live. Our Earth and everything that surrounds it is called the Universe, or space. In addition to our blue planet, there are others, as well as stars. Stars are huge balls of light. - also a star. It is located close to the Earth, so we see it and feel its heat.

We see stars only at night, and during the day the Sun eclipses them. There are even stars bigger than the sun

In addition to the Earth, there are 8 more planets in the solar system, each planet has its own path, which is called an orbit.

Let's remember the planets:

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Jupiter is the largest planet. If you imagine it in the form of a watermelon, then in comparison with it Pluto will look like a pea.

To help children remember all the planets better, read the poem and let them remember it. You can sculpt planets from plasticine, draw them, or cut them out of paper and attach them to a lamp at home, for example.

You can see our space crafts made from plasticine

Children about space


Scientists who observe and study stars are called astronomers.

Previously, people did not know anything about space, about the stars and believed that the sky was a cap that covered the Earth, and the stars were attached to it. Ancient people thought that the Earth was motionless, and the Sun and Moon revolved around it.

Many years later, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proved that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. Newton understood why the planets revolve around the Sun and do not fall. They all fly around the Sun in their own way.

This is how scientists discovered the secrets of space. In the Middle Ages, a telescope was invented, with which scientists observed the stars.

There are still many mysteries in space, so astronomers will have enough work to do for a long time.

Animal astronauts

To find out what a person will have to face in space, scientists sent animals for “reconnaissance”. There were dogs, rabbits, mice, even microbes.

Dogs are smarter animals than mice, but not all dogs were suitable for testing. Purebred dogs are very gentle, they were not suitable for space. The dogs were selected by size, trained with them, accustomed to noise and shaking. Ordinary mongrels came closest.

The first dog, Laika, was sent into space in 1957. She was observed, but she did not return to Earth.

Then Belka and Strelka flew into space. In 1960, on August 19, they were launched into space on the prototype of the Vostok spacecraft. They stayed in space for more than a day and returned safely.

So scientists proved that space flight is possible.

About astronauts for children

An astronaut is a person who experiences space technology and works in space. Now there are astronauts in many countries.

The first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, he flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft and circled the Earth in 1 hour and 48 minutes. Came back alive and healthy.

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino, Gzhatsky district, Smolensk region in ordinary family collective farmer I grew up as an ordinary child. In his youth, he was interested in classes at the flying club. After college he became a pilot. In 1959, he was enrolled in the group of cosmonaut candidates. And for his first flight into space he was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union And awarded the order Lenin.

Yuri Gagarin will always remain in our memory as the first cosmonaut. Cities, streets, and avenues are named after him. There is a crater on the Moon named after him, as well as a minor planet.

Cosmonauts are courageous people, they train a lot, they must know and be able to do a lot in order to control a spaceship.

The first spacewalk was made by Alexei Leonov in 1965. And the first female cosmonaut was Valentina Tereshkova, who flew into space in 1963. She withstood 48 revolutions around the Earth, spent almost three days in space, and took photographs that were used to study the aerosol layers of the atmosphere.

To fly into space, you need to study a lot and study well, be persistent, patient, and enduring.


Children always look at the Moon in the sky with interest. It is so different: sometimes it is sickle-shaped, sometimes it is large and round.

The child will be interested to know what is on the Moon. You can say that the Moon is covered with crater craters that arise due to collisions with asteroids. If you look at the Moon through binoculars, you can see the unevenness of its relief.

Stargazing with kids

Children need to be supervised starry sky. Take the time to go outside in the evening and admire the stars. Show your child some constellations, try to find the Big Dipper together. Tell us that ancient people peered into the night sky, mentally connected the stars, drew animals, people, objects, and mythological heroes. Find a star chart and show your child what the constellations look like, and then together find them in the sky. This develops observation and memory.

In general, it would be great to take your child to a planetarium if you have one in your city. The child will learn a lot of interesting things from the story about stars and planets.

We don’t have a planetarium in the city, you just need to go to another city.

The space theme contains a lot of ideas for drawings and crafts. You can draw, sculpt astronauts, aliens, the Moon. Come up with new names for stars and planets. In general, use your imagination, the theme of space is limitless and interesting for children.

Here are Yulina's drawings on a space theme.

Games on the theme "Space" for children

You can play games with children. I suggest some games that you can play.

Game "What will we take with us into space."

Lay out the drawings in front of the children and ask them to choose what they can take with them on the spaceship. These can be the following pictures: a book, a notebook, a spacesuit, an apple, candy, a tube of semolina, an alarm clock, a sausage.

Game "Space Dictionary" will help children replenish their vocabulary words related to the theme of space. You can play with several children and arrange a competition to see who can name the most words related to space. For example: satellite, rocket, alien, planets, Moon, Earth, astronaut, spacesuit, etc.

Game "Say the opposite".

Teach children to choose words with opposite meaning. Yulia and I played these games, she was pretty good at naming antonyms correctly.

Distant -…

cramped -…

big -…

get up -…

fly away -...

high -…

famous -…

include -…

dark -…

Tell your children about space, astronauts, learn the names of the planets, look at the starry sky. Let the child grow up curious, and what if he also later becomes a scientist or astronaut and you will be proud of him.

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The man managed to overcome the force of gravity and escape into outer space, modern telescopes allow scientists to look even into neighboring Universes, but at the same time, space still holds many mysteries. And, it would seem, not all earthlings know sufficiently studied issues. Our review contains some very interesting facts about extraterrestrial space.

1. The taste of food in space changes

Astronauts who enter orbit completely change their food preferences. For example, an astronaut from the International space station Peggy Whitson revealed that her favorite food on Earth, shrimp, is simply disgusting to her in space.

2. Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse is a red star that is so huge that its diameter is larger than the diameter of the Earth's entire orbit around the Sun.

3. The danger of space debris

The risk of being seriously injured by a piece of space debris falling from orbit is 1 in 100 billion.

4. Celestial bodies in the solar system

Jupiter's mass is 2.5 times greater than all other planets in the solar system combined. Moreover, the mass of the Sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass of all matter in the Solar System.

5. Water can miraculously float in space

Far out in the galaxy (10 billion light-years away from Earth) there is a huge cloud of water vapor containing 40 trillion times more water than Earth's oceans.

6. Moon and Earth

The volume of the Moon is approximately equal to the volume of the Pacific Ocean.

7. Galaxy Sombrero

There is a galaxy 28 million light years from Earth that looks exactly like a Mexican sombrero. It can be seen with a regular telescope.

8. Names of Mars

The soil of Mars is rich in iron, which gives the planet's surface a reddish color. Because of this, the Egyptians called it Desher ("red"), and the Chinese called Mars the "fiery star." The Romans named the planet Mars, in honor of the god of war (the equivalent of Ares in Greek mythology).

9. Calculation on Venus

Venus orbits the Sun faster than Earth, but it also rotates surprisingly slowly on its axis. Venus revolves around the Sun in 225 days, and it rotates around its axis in 243 Earth days. Thus, a year on Venus is shorter than a day.

10. Apollo 11

Spacecraft Apollo 11, which delivered Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins to the Moon, landed on the surface of the Moon, as they say, “butt-to-face.” There was only 20 seconds of fuel left in the braking engine.

11. Little stars

The densest and tiniest stars that have been found so far are neutron stars. They can have a mass many times greater than the Sun, but their size is only 20 km.

12. Collision of Galaxies

The Andromeda Galaxy flies through space towards the Milky Way at a speed of 110 km/s. The collision is expected in four billion years.

13. The most expensive kimchi

There is no way to know how many stars there are.

Astronomers were able to estimate (with a huge error) the number of stars in our galaxy, Milky Way- from 200 to 400 billion stars. New galaxies are constantly being discovered, and given how many billions of galaxies have yet to be discovered, the number of stars in the Universe is simply impossible to estimate.

No less interesting are . For unprepared people, they can seem like real magic.