Decepticons emblem. Decepticons

We understand that at this moment you felt like a person behind the times. But, in fact, everything is not so scary. We will help you understand all the above terminology. And to begin with, let us clarify that we're talking about about transformers. This word, we hope, is familiar? Well, now it’s easier.

And if among the readers there are mothers who are completely far from technology, we will add: transformers are powerful robots that can transform into various vehicles and other equipment.

The fictional universe of Transformers is the setting for many films, comics, books and cartoons. There are many plots and characters, too, but you don’t need to know all the twists and turns yet. The main thing is to remember that transformers, like people, can be good and evil.

Autobots ( Auto nominal po bot ized life forms) are kind, not prone to aggression, transformers. However, they still have to fight - for peace on their home planet Cybertron (she, by the way, is also a robot and the head of all transformers).

Autobots fight with Decepticons, who, as you may have guessed, are evil and aggressive. The word "Decepticons" comes from the combination English words“deception” (“deception”) and “construction” (“construction”). It turns out something like “cheating robots,” although the Decepticons themselves tend to consider themselves “deceived” by the Autobots.

In order not to immediately get confused about who is who among this technically sophisticated army, remember the main “tricks”. First, the Autobots and Decepticons have their own emblems. For the former it is a stylized human face, for the latter it is a stylized fox head. They are so popular that they even produce metal nameplates for cars in the form of transformer emblems, which can be mounted on the front bumper or trunk.

Another difference between evil and good transformers is eye color. The Autobots have blue ones, and the Decepticons have red ones. Although, let’s agree, it’s difficult to see such a small thing when a dozen or two sophisticated robots are fighting among themselves.

By the way, the opposing sides have leaders. The Autobot army is led by Optimus Prime. Externally, it can be easily distinguished by its signature red and blue coloring. Optimus can transform into a truck. He is also the only Autobot to have windows on his chest.

The leader of the Decepticons is called Megatron, and his later and updated version is Galvatron (here we get to deciphering the child's wish!). Among its equipment, a cool laser gun stands out.

On the distant planet Cybertron lived a special race of Quintessons, who put machines into their service, using them as slaves. There were two types of transformers:

  • Autobots;
  • Decepticons.

The former were intended for work in mines and energy production, and the latter served for fun - the rulers staged something like gladiator fights. This is how life on the planet Cybertron would have continued if Megatron had not appeared one day.

This machine first worked underground, but soon showed excellent strength, endurance and courage, so it was decided to make Megatron a gladiator. The cunning Decepticon quickly got his bearings in the new situation and gradually began to form an army of allies who, like him, aspired to power and longed to overthrow the regime of the tyrannical Quintessons. Gradually grouping from underground chants for the purpose of denunciation ruling class switched to open resistance. Using the help of the Autobots, the Transformers jointly expelled the Quintessons, but this marked the beginning of a new clash, which subsequently became quite protracted.

The Decepticons, led by the ambitious and daring Megatron, sought to become the masters of Cybertron and bring the Autobots, who were considered the lowest level of evolution, under their control. The latter, of course, did not agree with this, and a long war began, which depleted the planet's resources, threatening life on Cybertron.

The animated series had several seasons, which described an impressive period of time in the showdown between the Decepticons and Autobots. The success of the battles was on one side or the other. During the confrontation, the characters changed - the existing ones were rebuilt, upgraded (Megatron became Galvatron), new types of transformers were added. The relationships between the heroes changed (comrades-in-arms became opponents, new friendships were born) and even the planets. Thus, the film describes the events for which our Earth became the arena.

The Autobots and Decepticons were searching for the lost Great Spark, which served as the basis of their mechanoid life. Possession of this attribute gave power, so the transformers were looking for the Spark throughout the Universe, and it was waiting for them on the third planet from a star called the Sun. And although the Decepticons and Autobots became minor characters in the background love story representatives of the family homo sapiens, this did not bother fans of the cult story at all.

Species of the Decepticon family

It should be noted that in the course of their own evolution, which, it turns out, also operates in the world of Transformers, the Decepticons learned to consume organic resources, turning into new class machines - Predacons. The Autobots also did not remain in debt and mutated into Maximals. Ultimately, a truce between the two classes of machines was reached, and life began to improve.

The Decepticons formed several families, which included machines with a similar alt form. Thus, Effecticons, Constructicons, Terrorcons, Insecticons, Actioncons, etc. stood out. The first were particularly impudent, and even Megatron did not like to mess with them. These transformers turned into machines and had their own rude leader.

The Constructicons transformed into various types construction equipment, but this does not mean that building something new was their favorite thing. This type of Decepticon loved to destroy everything around, including enemies. Terrorcons are incredibly strong and bloodthirsty, which determines the harmful nature of these mechanized mythical monsters, which, by the way, appealed to Megatron. Insecticons are mechanical insects that cannot merge into a single whole (effectivecons, for example, together form the merciless Megasaurus). And finally, action warriors are excellent soldiers whose alt form is military equipment.

Decepticon Badge Value

In essence, the Decepticons were powerful, ambitious and aggressive transformers who loved to fight and win. These kind of ideal warriors, whom you don’t feed with honey, let them fight with someone in battle. The Autobots were calmer and, if such a description applies, conservative, who were more inclined to obey, although they could defend their rights, fighting for the honor of the class. Now about the icons.

Decepticon icons are a real find for a fan of the animated series or film, in which the magnificent Megan Fox played the main role. They reflect the owner's sympathy for a specific class of transformers, emphasizing certain character traits. That is, in addition to the decorative function, they serve as a kind of psychological test, symbolizing strength and the will to win. Decepticon badges are used to decorate cars. Nameplates look great on the hood (they can even replace the icon indicating the model of the “iron horse”), glass, various parts of the body and interior of the car.

The embossed Decepticon badge is a characteristic mask of this type of transformers; it is made of stainless steel and has different dimensions. Fans of the story about mechanoids from the planet Cybertron can have discussions about who is better - Decepticons or Autobots, on whose side is the truth, etc., but the most obvious sign of demonstrating their “clan affiliation” will be the corresponding badge, which, by the way, can be presented as a gift to a loved one, who loves Transformers.

In our world modern technologies It's hard to imagine the film industry without films about robots. The most popular among fans of action and science fiction has become the action movie "Transformers". In it we observe a long-term confrontation between warring clans of robots in the struggle for peace. The project was based on the Transformers comics. Probably only the lazy have not watched at least one of the five parts with the inimitable Megan Fox leading role. And many boys from different parts of the world are fond of the animated series with the same name.

As in most works, in "Transformers" there are both positive heroes - Autobots, and negative ones - Decepticons.


The side of good is occupied by the Autobots - good robots who do not like fighting essentially the same transformers, albeit on the dark side. Autobots, friendly by nature, were created for work. But still, in order to prevent the seizure of power by the leader of the clan at war with them - Megatron (Galvatron), they have to fight the Decepticons in the battle for the world and their home planet Cybertron. Each of the Autobots has the ability to transform into one or another vehicle. The main one is Optimus Prime, who has the ability to turn into a truck.


The negative characters, the enemies of the Autobots, are the Decepticons. Before their leader Megatron wanted complete dominion over Cybertron, they, unlike the Autobots, were created to work, they were made to play. Decepticons took part in gladiatorial battles. Actually, this was their purpose. And the Decepticons initially lived in peace with the Autobots. But, led by Megatron, they became imbued with hatred of their peace-loving brothers and began a war with them that lasted for many millions of years.

Autobot and Decepticon icons

Each clan of Autobots and Decepticons had their own identification badges. The Autobots' emblem was a human face transformed into a robot, and the Decepticons' emblem was a fox's head.

After the release of the movie "Transformers" on wide screens, these icons gained mega popularity. Car owners began to attach metal nameplates with transformer emblems to various parts of their cars. Manufacturers made them from stainless steel in different sizes. So, depending on which badge (Autobots or Decepticons) adorned the car, one could judge which clan of Transformers its owner was a fan of.

Scorponok became the leader of the Decepticons


Decepticons are huge fighting robots (transformers), created by Primus, who evolved from the Autobots. According to another version, they, like the Autobots, were created Quintessons on the planet Cybertron; but, unlike the Autobots, who were assigned the role of workers on factories, the Decepticons were specifically designed to participate in gladiatorial fights, with which their owners entertained themselves at their leisure.

The Decepticons maintained control of Cybertron until 2005, when their new leader Galvatron, defeated by the new Autobot leader Rodaimes Prime, went missing, leaving his army completely confused, disunited and demoralized. After this, they were forced to leave Cybertron and move to Chaar, where they hid until a year later Galvatron showed up again.

Further history

Although Cybertron's energy resources were restored over time, their reserves were too limited to support the existence of large mechanoid life forms. Therefore, the evolution of the Decepticons went along the line of reducing their size and developing the ability to consume organic matter, which eventually led to the emergence of a new generation. In addition, a cessation of hostilities was finally achieved and conditions improved peaceful coexistence between the Predacons and maximums- descendants of the Autobots. The Decepticons of the “older generation” gradually disappeared from the historical scene (probably the bulk of them died in battle or went to remote areas of the Universe). Some of them were held accountable for war crimes, but some were granted amnesty, after which some of them were reformatted into Predacons (for example, the “cassette player” Ravage).

Decepticon Teams

Just like the Autobots, some Decepticons form teams; the most famous of them are.