Why do we need communication? Why does a person need communication and how to build it correctly

The benefits of communication as such are obvious and beyond doubt; besides, being a sociable person is important for successful adaptation in society, in addition to intellectual development generally. For example, if parents communicate a lot with their little child, who has not even learned to talk yet, they will significantly contribute to his development, and accordingly this will become the key to his happy life. But in this article dear friends, we will talk about communication between people of all ages and mainly about the benefits of such communication, in which, strangely enough, some do not see any meaning. From a philosophical point of view, everything always has a meaning, and from a psychological point of view, communication is as useful as a person can derive this benefit from communication, and from any communication, with absolutely any person.

Yes, in my previous articles I have written more than once about the circle of people around you, communication with whom will be positive for you, and about those people who need to be avoided. But just as in our world there are no unnecessary elements and there is nothing superfluous, there cannot be unnecessary and meaningless communication, you just need to grow to the level at which you can communicate with everyone without exception for your benefit. For a person at the lowest level social development, communication with your own kind is, of course, everyday life. And it was no coincidence that I insisted on avoiding such communication, which should be replaced by communication with people of higher status, because the benefits of communicating with the weak and stupid people, can only happen to a person at a very high stage of his development.

This may seem strange, but the point here is to see the same person from different points of view, and accordingly perceive everything that he says in such a way as to see benefit and perspective in it for yourself. If you are a loser, then you need communication with successful people in order to grow to their level, since communicating with your own kind will not give you anything. True, there are people who love to communicate with those who are weaker than themselves and they take pleasure in this, seeing that not everything is so bad for them, there are also those who are even worse. This, of course, does not contribute to their own growth, although certain conclusions can be drawn from such communication, but more about them later, for now let’s return with those who are more successful in life and the benefits of communication for them.

Just as communication with his own kind gives little to a loser, so to a person who has everything and is located at the top of the social pyramid, communication with his peers gives just as little, and if there is no one else above, then what remains? And the only thing left for friends is to communicate with people who are at the very bottom, that is, with those very losers, the benefits of communicating with whom supposedly are not at all. After all, all they can do is complain about their fate and talk about their problems, for which, of course, there is no solution, what could be the benefit in this case? But, firstly, the problems of some are opportunities for others, and secondly, problems arise from mistakes, the analysis of which is always easier using someone else’s example. Any person with whom you communicate in your life gives you information, the application of which depends on your own level of development, somewhere you can see something that you have not seen before, somewhere you can find actions that are familiar to you from your own actions. , and therefore understand what all this can lead to.

To put it simply, in this case, people are divided into two categories - the benefit of communicating with some is that from them you can learn how to do the right thing, while others, accordingly, can teach you what not to do when doing This is primarily by your own example. But this is in general outline, but for a person who knows what not to do and how to do the right thing, that is, the person at the top, communication with losers can open his eyes to things that he simply does not see. In line with their prosperous social position, people stop feeling many things that would not hurt them to feel. Just as a person with high self-esteem ceases to see many threats to himself, being extremely confident in his own abilities, a person in greenhouse conditions may also not feel a lot, including he cannot understand his own behavior.

If you communicate with a homeless person, you can not only understand what mistakes you should not make in life, so as not to end up in his place, but you can also notice a completely unjustified risk, which often leads to a quick fall from a very great height , which for some people becomes tragic. A person at the very bottom of the social pyramid has an animal sense of smell that helps him survive, but as he improves his living conditions, he loses this very sense of smell. After all, surviving and improving your living conditions are fundamentally different things. In one case, a person fears for his life, and in others, he reaches for comfort. Communication with a person for whom life is very difficult gives a person who is in a more privileged position in society the opportunity to awaken in himself all his natural feelings, which underlie the instinct of self-preservation. This will give such a person an advantage both over people of his position and over those who are stronger than him, because their position makes them less sensitive to many things and events.

But you need to grow to this point, because if you have not seen life from different heights, then it will be extremely difficult for you to benefit from communicating with those who paint this life for you in dark colors. You will not have an objective point of view regarding those who are stronger than you, who are above you, and whom you hate for it. You can, of course, imagine the picture that other people see, see the flaws in it, understand the essence of what they see and what is the benefit, but how many people have such an imagination? But here you also need to have the appropriate desire to put yourself in the place of others in order to better understand them. In most cases, it is very difficult to put yourself in the position of another person and even the desire to do so does not arise. We more superficially like to judge someone and something, without delving into the details, especially the unpleasant ones, which do not allow us to draw simple and unambiguous conclusions.

Remember the fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish”? It is the kind of unbridled greed that it depicts that we are all susceptible to. But everyone sees the meaning of this greed in their own way. For some it is the norm, for others it is a vice, for others it is a measure of one’s awareness, when a person has a sense of proportion. But people often forget that someone else’s example also applies to them, that they demonstrate the same weaknesses as the one they condemn. And it’s not a short memory, it’s because people forget about the situation into which they can drive themselves, losing control over themselves and finding themselves with nothing. The fact is that we always consider ourselves better than others, we do not see in ourselves the same problems and weaknesses that other people have, we think in a limited way, judge everything from our own bell tower, thereby limiting our capabilities.

To see another life, you need to communicate with those who live this other life, even if you don’t really like them, for one reason or another. Communicating with people stronger than ourselves, we not only learn from them to think in a more practical way, sometimes getting rid of our naive illusions, we can also lose our sense of reality, forgetting about what level we are at. To put it bluntly, being associated with an influential person can make us feel special. In a way, this is a plus. Another thing is that connecting with a person is one thing, but understanding him is completely different. Any person will teach you something if you communicate with him, but if you don’t hear him, if you draw conclusions about his words long before he says them to you, then you will simply miss another piece of the puzzle for your picture of the world . And without these pieces, the picture of the world is incomplete, therefore, you are not rational in your judgments, you may have a desire to jump up several steps, because you want everything at once, not realizing that those who have it all do not jumped on the steps and climbed them sequentially.

If you want to understand human psychology, which will give you a lot, then you must communicate with everyone without exception, because in different conditions, people’s thoughts, behavior, and attitude to life are different. And you can switch people from one wave to another only by having an idea about this wave. Just as I played the role of a person who has nothing in this life for my client, who needed to somewhat transform the picture of the world, everyone can do this for themselves, supplementing their way of thinking with those associations that arise under certain conditions in life . Sometimes a bird in the hand is more promising than a pie in the sky, sometimes vice versa, but how can you live so many lives to have enough experience to understand absolutely any situation, perhaps it’s easier to communicate with other people and learn from their experience?

After all, every new interlocutor in your life is a person with a certain destiny, this is the same life experience, which we ourselves will not be able to accumulate for any life, but by communicating with everyone, we will learn more and more about life and people. So friends, no matter what social level you are at, you can always benefit from communicating with all people, another thing is that you may have your own priorities in communication, depending again on your social status. If you are not entirely successful and your life seems gloomy to you, it is too early for you to benefit from communicating with weak people, you can only not do as they advise you, because their advice will lead you to the same position in which they themselves are .

But communicating with people of a higher social status, for you at this stage, will be a more preferable option; this portion of communication should be noticeably larger for you. It’s true that you can’t always trust people higher than you, you can’t trust anyone at all, but nevertheless, communicating with them will be very useful for you, and we’ll talk about trust some other time, in my next articles.

Communication is the process of interaction between people. It represents a special activity that is aimed at establishing contact. Moreover, this contact can take place both between individuals and be intergroup. A modern person cannot do without communication in any area of ​​life. This does not depend on whether he likes noisy companies or not, whether he is an introvert or an extrovert by nature.

Main functions

The answer to the question of why a person needs communication will be prompted by the history of primitive society. After all, it was thanks to the communication of ancient people, which was carried out through gestures and individual sounds, that the names of objects arose, and then speech and writing. Thanks to the interaction between people, a society emerged and various rules of behavior began to be established. The role of communication in a person’s life is difficult to overestimate. It helps to exchange information, understand each other, is the distinctive feature which makes us human.

Studying the characteristics of Homo sapiens gives an answer to the question of why a person needs communication. The short answer is to exchange information. Despite the fact that communication exists in the natural world, in humans it takes on a very special form. Communication helps people develop spiritually and create cultural values. No animal can boast of this.

Communication is the basis of activity

Answering the question of why a person needs communication, it should be noted that people’s need for it is determined by their daily life. We constantly have to be in society, be it a family or a work team, school class or passengers on a bus. Communication acts as a regulator of activity during human interaction. This was well understood by J. Rockefeller, who considered the ability to successfully build communication to be the same expensive commodity as coffee or sugar. The banker said that he was willing to pay more for this skill than for any other product.

What does upbringing outside of society lead to?

If a person grew up without communication, he could never turn into a full-fledged personality, become civilized. He would only be human in appearance. This is proven by a large number of cases of raising so-called Mowgli children. The largest number of them was recorded in India. Between 1843 and 1933, 15 such cases were recorded. One of them was Dina Sanichar, who lived among wolves. He was returned to human society, taught to walk (before that he moved very quickly on all fours), use utensils, and dress. However, they could not force him to speak. There are many similar cases. Feral children are found among monkeys, wolves, leopards, and pandas. Their general signs- speech impairment or complete inability to speak, fear of people, inability to use cutlery. This shows why a person needs communication, what its main functions are in relation to the formation of the psyche.

Psychologists often note that a person who has spent a lot of time with animals identifies himself with his “brethren.” For example, an 18-year-old girl who had previously been raised by dogs managed to learn to speak. However, she still claimed that she was a dog. Stories like this also make it clear why a person needs communication.

Gaining experience

In the process of communication with some people, business conversations with others and conflict with others, personality development occurs. A person expresses himself where he is needed and gains valuable life experience. Gradually, he acquires the necessary behavior patterns and learns to react correctly to circumstances and situations.

Schoolchildren are tasked with answering the question of why a person needs communication in the 6th grade. At this age, students can understand that only the individual’s reaction to various situations that arise during communication is not enough. In essence, when a person enters into communication, he conducts an experiment on how different people will react to the same words or behavioral acts. As a result, experience comes to him. By drawing conclusions, a person gradually becomes wise. Understanding the reasons driving people's behavior, he chooses the right strategy for his behavior. His actions are no longer dictated by emotions alone. Indeed, in one case, a communication partner deserves a stern word, harshness, and in another - mercy and compassion.

Satisfying one of the basic needs

The main subject within the framework of which a student may find it useful to answer the question “why does a person need to communicate” is social studies. In preparation for this lesson the student may note that every person has a need to interact with other people. Man by nature is a social being. He needs other people as urgently as shelter or food. Two people can spend hours discussing some everyday things, and after a while no one will remember what the topic of the conversation was. After all, the deep goal of this conversation was not to discuss a colleague’s dress or the dollar exchange rate, but to satisfy the need for communication. Through communication with others like themselves, a person gains the opportunity to regulate his emotional state. Psychologists say that communication is one of the most important factors influencing the psyche. The entire spectrum of human emotions from love to hate also arises in the process of communicating with each other.

Impact on others

Why does a person need communication? everyday life? One of its goals is to influence other people. It is hardly possible to find at least one person who would not try to influence his neighbor in some way. This does not necessarily have to be manifested in the preaching of religious doctrine or political propaganda. Each of us can convince our friends or relatives that this or that film is not worth watching, that such and such a restaurant is definitely worth visiting, that best place relaxation is nature. A job interview is also a communication exercise. Its goal is to convince the manager that the candidate is truly worthy of holding a particular position.

Human society would not exist without communication, because it is thanks to it that contact is established between by individuals and entire classes. You can’t do without communication in any area of ​​activity or life. It is necessary, even if the person himself is closed and does not want to communicate.

Primitive man expressed himself through facial expressions and gestures, which subsequently affected the development of speech, the emergence of concepts, designations and names of objects. Communication is the core of society, society. The full importance of communication cannot be appreciated. It is thanks to him that a person’s character and psyche are formed, and his formation as a person occurs. It is communication that distinguishes humans from other creatures on Earth. Thanks to him, people understand and perceive each other. Communication promotes establishing contacts and exchanging information. A person can adopt experience or share it.

Natural human need

Communication is a natural human need, which was formed through life in society. A person spends his whole life in a team: family, school or student class, production team. Without communication, development, socialization, and cultural enrichment are impossible. An example of this is the Mowgli - people who grew up outside of human society. All processes in the body occur normally in them, but there is a lag in mental and mental development. This is a consequence of lack of communication with people.

Fear of communication - social phobia

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the communication process. But it doesn't come easy to everyone. There is social phobia, it manifests itself in those who cannot easily talk with people, are afraid to start a dialogue, experience severe anxiety, stutter, and stammer. It is very difficult to live with such fear in society; it becomes the subject of ridicule, lack of fulfillment in career and personal life. The first problems arise in adolescence. This is the most difficult period when the first steps into adulthood are taken. If society has negatively accepted a person, then this affects the future, the person begins to be afraid to communicate.

To avoid becoming an outcast, you need to master the art of communication. A sociable person is always well received in companies and is easy to get along with common language, there is something to talk about. This is especially important at work during joint activities, when you need to communicate, discuss, and analyze some projects.

Communication is a complex process of establishing contacts between individuals and entire groups. Without communication, human society simply will not exist. From the very appearance of the first man, it became the cause and guarantee of the emergence of society and civilization. Modern people cannot do without communication in any area of ​​their life and activity, regardless of whether a person likes solitude or company, whether he is an extrovert or an introvert. Let's try together to find the reasons for such a unique phenomenon as communication skills, and answer the question of why a person needs communication.

The role of communication in human life

The answer to the question of why a person needs communication comes from the history of primitive society. It was from communication, which among the first people was carried out through gestures, that human speech developed, concepts and designations of objects, and later writing, appeared. It was thanks to communication that society, human society, emerged, and unique rules of communication between people were established.

Why is communication necessary?

A person’s need for communication is determined by his natural life and constant presence in society, be it a family, a team of employees, a school or student class. If a person were deprived of the ability to communicate from birth, he would never be able to grow up social personality, civilized and culturally developed, would resemble a person only in appearance.

This is proven by numerous cases of the so-called “Mowgli people”, deprived of human communication in early childhood or immediately at birth. All body systems developed quite normally in such individuals, but the psyche was very delayed in development, or even stopped altogether due to the lack of experience communicating with people. It is for this reason that we understand why a person needs to communicate with other people.

The art of communicating with people

It would seem that if communication is quite natural for all people, then each of us should communicate freely and be able to do it. However, some people sometimes develop a fear of communicating with people or, in other words, social phobia. This fear usually arises in adolescence, the most difficult age in a person’s life. If the first conscious entry into society is negative, then in the future the person will have problems communicating with people.

Communication skills with people are acquired with age, and the most important thing here is to master this art. The most ancient commandments of communication can help with this:

  1. When communicating with a person, do it in the best way, in your opinion.
  2. Show respect for the person you are talking to.
  3. Trust who you are communicating with.

As a rule, we do not have any problems communicating with people we know; we know well how they react to certain words, remarks, news. But talking with strangers, you should always do this with positive side, do not show any negativity, always be friendly. Speak with a smile, but try to keep your words and phrases appropriate. Look the person in the eye with a clear and friendly gaze, show sincere interest and attention to the interlocutor. If you cannot overcome yourself and do all of the above for one reason or another, it is better to simply avoid communicating with the person.