How Fedor Konyukhov swam across the Pacific Ocean. Fedor Konyukhov: After landing, I slept for a very long time - as much as five hours! How it was

On Saturday, the rowing boat "Turgoyak" touched the coast of Eastern Australia. Thus ended the next journey of Fedor, who single-handedly crossed the largest ocean on the planet - the Pacific - on oars. It took him 160 days to travel from continent to continent, without a single stop at a port and without any outside help, it says. official website traveler

Konyukhov covered more than 17 thousand km ahead of schedule of 180-200 days and set a new world record for time. The previous record for crossing the Pacific Ocean in a single rowing boat in the southern half was 273 days, according to the International Ocean Rowing Society. This result was shown by 52-year-old Englishman Jim Shekdar, who started from the Peruvian port of Ilo on June 29, 2000 and finished on March 30, 2001 on the Australian island of North Stradbroke.

Konyukhov started from the port of Concon in Chile on December 22, 2013 and finished in Mooloolaba, Queensland. From time to time, on his Facebook page, in his characteristic dry manner, he reported on the progress of the risky journey.

“There’s a lot of wind, 20-25 knots, but it’s tailwind, I’m on course. About two hundred miles west of me there is a serious storm and I have a big swell. He lifts the boat like on a swing. The ocean is harsh, but you can live,” wrote He. His “Turgoyak” is a rowing boat 9 m long and 1.8 m wide.

“The main difficulty of this type of test is its monotony. Every day I tried to row for 18 hours, slept 20-25 minutes, but no more than two and a half hours a day. I walked with God’s help: all the biggest hurricanes passed me by, the boat never capsized, favorable currents helped me,” the traveler shared his impressions of the journey, stepping ashore.

“I have been traveling for over 40 years. Previously, I did this mainly for scientific purposes and out of sporting interest, but now I am thinking about the younger generation, to whom I want to instill the spirit of romance. I want people to dream more,” he answered when asked by one of the journalists what pushes him to new achievements.

Fyodor Konyukhov made more than 40 unique expeditions and ascents, including four circumnavigations of the world, crossed the Atlantic fifteen times and was the first in the world to reach the five poles of our planet: the North Geographical, Southern Geographical, the Pole of Relative Inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, Everest (the height pole ) and Cape Horn (yachtsmen's pole). In 2002, Konyukhov crossed the Atlantic in 46 days on a single rowing boat "Uralaz".

“I have been traveling like Moses in the desert for 40 years. Little time left to pray...

As a mature person, I realized that there is no loneliness in the world. After all, whales or dolphins swim in the ocean next to you, birds soar in the sky, and on the way to the pole you meet bears and seals.

And I also know for sure that God and the saints to whom you pray are always present nearby. In the vast ocean, no one can help you except them,” he once said in an interview. His thirst for adventure and conquering new heights is combined with religiosity. Konyukhov is a priest.

His next goal is to fly around globe on hot air balloon. According to Konyukhov, this will be a non-stop flight with start and finish in Australia; the traveler plans to fly from west to east along latitude 40.

To meet the designated 200 days, you will have to row 11-12 hours a day.

Konyukhov crossed the Atlantic 15 times and made 4 trips around the world. Now, he admits, the time has come for a new world record.

To the ocean - on a nine-meter boat

The journey will begin in the Chilean port of Valparaiso and end on the east coast of Australia. In a little over a month, Konyukhov will go to Latin America, where his voyage starts. The boat “Turgoyak”, nine meters long, was created especially for the navigator; it is almost three meters longer than the previous unique design “URALAZ”, on which Konyukhov crossed the Atlantic. The new craft is no heavier than the previous one: the boat is made of carbon fiber.

Konyukhov just conquered Atlantic Ocean on the boat, which is now stored at Southern Urals, at the school of young travelers, discovered by a navigator. Photo: From the personal archive of Fyodor Konyukhov

“Of course, it’s very difficult to row 11-12 hours a day,” says Fedor. — Scientists have long calculated that not a single person can count to a million. Maybe he can, but not at once: in a week, a month. And I have to count to 4 million: approximately the same number of oar strokes I will have to do during the trip, even more.”

The boat is designed specifically for Konyukhov. This is the first example in the world in which Fedor will try to cross alone Pacific Ocean. Photo: From the personal archive of Fyodor Konyukhov

According to Konyukhov, no one knows what surprises will await him in the ocean. From the experience of past voyages, he knows that in about a month his boat will be overgrown with small shells that will interfere with its progress. The sides will need to be cleaned of growths; the navigator has a wetsuit and a scraper especially for this, but what to do with sharks that can smell a person many kilometers away is still unclear.

Konyukhov always personally controls the process of manufacturing watercraft. And this time the traveler will meet his boat at customs. Photo: From the personal archive of Fyodor Konyukhov

When sleeping, the traveler will be tied to the boat, but there are dangers here too, for example, possible storms and hurricanes. Konyukhov will have to think about safety even at night.

“I always go to bed after twelve, then get up and pray from two to four, and wake up completely at six in the morning,” says the navigator. “I’m not used to this kind of regime.” Of course, I don’t know what other dangers may come along the way. For example, on one expedition we saw a giant octopus whose tentacles were 36 meters long.”

Fyodor Konyukhov gets up at six in the morning and goes to bed after twelve. From two to four in the morning he gets up for prayer. Photo: From the personal archive of Fyodor Konyukhov

"Eat to Row"

“In order to row 11 hours a day, you need to eat 6 thousand calories of food. To do this, I need to eat 3 packs of special food every day - it tastes very nasty. At first it’s nothing, but then he gets very annoying. I don’t even have a stove, but only a special mug with a gas cylinder in which I can boil water, because the boat throws a lot. I’ll take a fishing rod, but it won’t be possible to fish everywhere, but only where there is current and plankton; there won’t be such an opportunity for months, but sharks will accompany me the whole way,” says Konyukhov.

Chocolate chips and second course. The traveler will eat this food for 200 days. Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Uvarova

Fedor showed special food that was specially developed for him by the creators of products for astronauts. Hermetically sealed snacks and bolognese become boring; if you take 600 packs of such food, the boat will not support the load. Therefore, Konyukhov will load 450 packages into the boat.

“I will walk at thirty degrees,” says the traveler. — Past Tahiti, Robinson Crusoe Islands, Easter, Pitcairn and to Australia. That is, from continent to continent. This is 9 thousand miles, I will walk 54 miles a day. When I sailed across the Atlantic, my record was 84 miles. The URALAZ weighed 250 kg when empty. The boat is now longer, 9 meters, but weighs the same, it is built using new technologies. In one stroke I have to travel 4 meters. Computers calculated that I should walk 100 km per day. Somedays I'll walk more, sometimes I'll walk less. To set a daily world record, I need to walk one hundred miles in one day.”

Fyodor Konyukhov shows his colleagues on the map at what latitude he plans to take his route. Photo: From the personal archive of Fyodor Konyukhov

“I’m preparing spiritually”

According to the traveler, it is physically impossible to train: if you row out into the ocean in Chile, it will be very difficult to get back: there are very powerful currents there. He believes that a person should train spiritually, not physically.

It is very difficult not only to sail on a rowing boat when the water is constantly rushing in and its level is only thirty centimeters below the edge of the ship’s side, but also to be alone. Fyodor takes church hymns and music of different genres with him: you never know what preferences will be on the way: “Although you are not alone in the ocean: there are dolphins, whales, and other inhabitants.”

Fedor, even at home, during his vacation, does not part with the map. Photo: From the personal archive of Fyodor Konyukhov

According to the traveler, of all the bodies of water on the planet, the oceans are the least polluted. The real threat to them is plastic. If iron gets into the water column, the same cans, they sink to the bottom and do not cause much harm. It’s the same with glass bottles: they are made of sand and simply sink. But plastic - wrappers, bottles - does not dissolve and floats on the surface. Whales, when swallowing water, can also swallow a plastic bottle. It will clog itself in the blowhole and the mammal will die.

In the Urals, where Konyukhov was supported by friends and businessmen, Fedor was given a piece of meteorite - for good luck - and a bottle of water from Lake Turgoyak - on a boat of the same name the traveler crossed the Atlantic, because “she is holy” for the navigator. The organizers of the trip across the Pacific Ocean admit that the expedition costs “about the same as a luxury car.”

A piece of meteorite for good luck is a gift from the people of the South Urals. Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Uvarova

So far, not a single traveler in the world has crossed the Pacific Ocean by oar. “They are waiting for the Russians to do this,” Konyukhov is sure.

A man from another planet. He is always floating somewhere, flying, walking. Eternal journey. And each expedition is more difficult than the previous one.

In mid-November, he is going to set off on his next, already eighth, trip around the world - on a boat with oars. The route will consist of three stages: New Zealand - Chile, Chile - Australia, Australia - New Zealand. For the first time in history, Fyodor Konyukhov will try to cross the Southern Ocean in a rowing boat and go around Cape Horn.

A month before the start of the round-the-world trip, Konyukhov flew to Yekaterinburg. The fact is that one of the sponsors of the expedition was the local IT company SKB Kontur. Its logo will appear on a nine-meter boat, created by British designer Philip Morrison.

We talked with Konyukhov at the five-star Hyatt.

“I could spend the night in a tent - I’m more used to it,” the traveler joked.

Where does he get money for expeditions?

You save for a vacation - I do the same. In general, I think that if you cannot find money for an expedition, then it means that no one needs it and there is no point in it. People are ready to help. I have a very large team: some are building a boat, others are building a hot air balloon.

I am supported by those who are romantic and love adventure. Then we find common language. If people don’t have this, then it’s difficult to agree on something.

How much does the first leg of the circumnavigation from New Zealand to Australia cost?

The boat costs 15 million rubles. Its delivery to New Zealand by ship costs 6 thousand dollars. I don't really need any groceries. I think that three thousand dollars is enough for me. I’ll tell you something important: I haven’t earned a single ruble on any expedition. I usually come back with debts.

What then does Konyukhov earn money from, if not from expeditions?

On March 27, there will be a large exhibition at the Russian Museum. I painted about three thousand paintings. Three or four collectors buy my work a year. And this is enough for me to live. Each job costs about 30 thousand dollars.

Usually during expeditions I make sketches, and then, upon arrival, I paint pictures. But often sketches are even more valuable. One Canadian collector saw the notebook and really wanted to buy it. He liked that the sketches were made during the expeditions.

Plus I teach at a university and write books.

What will you eat during your trip around the world?

I don't eat for pleasure. You just want to eat there, that’s all. I take freeze-dried foods in packs: vegetables, beef, chicken, fish. I will have gas cans.

I will eat twice a day. In two minutes my water boils, I pour it into a bag, then it sits for seven minutes. I eat very quickly - a couple of minutes is enough.

How much sleep will you have during a trip around the world?

How many strokes will you do per day?

For example, in two stages we have 9 thousand miles, or 17,300 kilometers. They must be completed in six months. The calculations are as follows: I must walk 111 kilometers per day. Whether I want it or not, I have to. I walk about 3 meters in one stroke, which means I need to do 24 thousand strokes a day! And the counter shows me how much has already been done. This will take me from 15 to 18 hours. This means that I have 6 to 9 hours left for all other things.

What kind of expedition does he dream of?

I want to fly around the globe in a plane with an electric motor, but I still have technical problems. I have a phone, but I’m dissatisfied with it because I always have to charge it and connect an additional battery. I think that this problem will be solved in the next two years. As soon as this happens, I will immediately take off.

During the day, I will fly using solar panels at an altitude of 17–18 thousand meters. The speed will be 300–400 kilometers per hour. I’ll take off in Australia and return there in five days. We have everything for this: solar panels, electric motors, airplane... We are only waiting for batteries.

Were you close to death?

When I flew in a hot air balloon in 2017, I avoided a thunderstorm through Antarctica. And if I had been hit by lightning, I would have exploded. It was polar night in Antarctica. And I could just collapse to the ground.

I am an archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church, a believer since childhood. And I have all my hope in the Lord God, in those saints to whom I pray. And this is Nikolai the Wonderworker, and Mother Matryona, and Fyodor Ushakov. All hope is only for them. But you understand that I don’t go on trips to take risks.

While someone is wondering whether to go on a trip with all the conditions and in comfort, if there are people who prefer to surprise the public by giving up everything. A striking example can be considered Fedor Konyukhov, whose adventures have come to an end.

The world media were pleased with the long-awaited information that the Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov had finally completed his idea: he had finished trip around the world. It took place completely alone on a rowing boat. Moreover, the Russians did not enter the ports and did not accept any outside help.

So, let's tell you the details that are especially interesting to travelers who book the best hotels in Moscow or other cities in search of new experiences. Konyukhov's journey began in December 2013, when he sailed by boat from the port of Concon, located in Chile. Its boat is 9 meters long, and it is made of carbon fiber.

According to estimates by the International Society of Ocean Rowing, the Russian traveler was able to complete his task in 160 days. Previously, another daredevil, Jim Shekdar, managed to complete a similar tour in 273 days.

It is worth noting that Fyodor Konyukhov himself expected that his journey would take at least 200 days. During all this time, the hero had to swing the oar many times, which requires a lot of physical endurance and hardening. Approximately, he performed about 4 million strokes!

When Konyukhov stepped on the ground, his gait was uncertain. He even noted that “the ground is not very hard yet.” However, the traveler very quickly came to his senses and was able to answer questions from journalists and simply curious people.

For example, Fedor Konyukhov shared his plans for the future. His dreams are now to set another record, but traveling on a different vehicle - a hot air balloon. Namely, the hero intends to fly out of Australia and, moving east, land on the same continent. True, Konyukhov categorically does not want to reveal the secret of exactly when he wants to begin implementing this goal.

If you are just thinking about where to go and one of the options that attracts you is the capital’s Sport Moscow Hotel, which will certainly delight you with its numerous bright impressions. By the way, it would be appropriate here to recall some more words of Fedor Konyukhov. He has been traveling for more than 40 years and does not intend to stop his activities, if only because he believes - modern society There's not enough romance. So feel free to hit the road, even if it’s not a trip around the world for the sake of a record. By following the example of our hero, you can discover a lot of interesting things in the world around you, and also, if you wish, test yourself for strength.

About two-thirds of the 5,500-nautical-mile (or 9,000-kilometer) ocean route has already been covered by a brave Russian traveler in a single rowing boat. He expects to sail to Cape Horn by the end of February.


Tests by storms, weather, physical fatigue - this is only one side of the hardships of circumnavigation. It is no less (or even more) difficult to pass the test of loneliness. During the first month and a half of the journey, dolphins swam to the boat only once:

“Big flock. I was very pleased and amused. We hung around under the boat for a long time, studying it. They probably wondered what a person was doing here.”, - describes Konyukhov. - In general, the ocean is empty, there are no whales, no dolphins, I very rarely even see albatross. If you remove the daily call to Moscow via satellite phone from my routine, you might think that there is only Ocean and me. No one else. Where are the seven billion people?

Konyukhov has bad news for environmentalists: this is his sixth trip to southern latitudes since 1990, and each time the traveler sees less and less representatives of the fauna. He worries: “Over these 30 years, we have devastated the ocean, eaten and destroyed all living things. I think I have the right to say that. I have accurate observations. When you go on a yacht or a rowing boat, you see all the details, notice all the little things. Such an observation cannot be made from aboard a research vessel.”

There is a huge ocean ahead, the largest ocean on the planet - the Pacific. Let him give Fedor a warm welcome.
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1990-91 – circumnavigation on the yacht "Karaana" (Sydney - Sydney, Australia)
1998-99 – round the world race “Around Alone” on the yacht “SGU” (USA – South Africa – New Zealand – Cape Horn – Uruguay – USA)
2005 – circumnavigation of the world on the yacht “Scarlet Sails” England – Tasmania – Cape Horn – England.
2008 – sailing around Antarctica (Albany – Albany, Australia)
2009 – ferrying the yacht “Scarlet Sails” from New Zealand (Auckland) to the Falkland Islands.