How do you understand what intelligent speech is? What is intelligence: definition, examples

Brief description

The main form of human existence is communication, an eternal and indispensable property of man, and the culture of communication is an integral part of his spiritual culture.
Main part general culture a person’s culture of speech, i.e. the ability to convey one’s thoughts accurately and expressively.

Contents of the work - 1 file

Is it possible to judge a person’s intelligence by speech?

The main form of human existence is communication, an eternal and indispensable property of man, and the culture of communication is an integral part of his spiritual culture.

The main part of a person’s general culture is the culture of speech, that is, the ability to accurately and expressively convey one’s thoughts.

Speech culture is the selection, search, conscious use in the process of communication of linguistic means necessary for a specific communicative situation.

The culture of verbal communication is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure purposeful interaction of people based on the adequate choice and use of means of communication.

Speech culture presupposes knowledge of the norms of the language and its means of expression.

Language is not only a sensitive indicator of a person’s intellectual and moral development, his general culture, but also the best educator. Clear expression of one’s thoughts, precise choice of words, and richness of speech shape a person’s thinking and his professional skills in all areas of human activity.

Sloppiness in clothing is, first of all, disrespect for the people around you, and also disrespect for yourself. It's not about being dressed smartly. In dandy clothing there is, perhaps, an exaggerated idea of ​​one's own elegance, and for the most part dandy is on the verge of the ridiculous. You must be dressed cleanly and neatly, in the style that suits you best and depending on your age. Sportswear will not make an old man an athlete if he does not play sports. A “professor’s” hat and a strict black suit are impossible on the beach or in the forest picking mushrooms.

How should we evaluate our attitude towards the language we speak? Language, even more than clothing, testifies to a person’s taste, his attitude towards the world around him, towards himself.

There are various kinds of sloppiness in human language. If a person was born and lives far from the city and speaks his own dialect, there is no sloppiness in this. I don’t know about others, but I like these local dialects, if they are strictly maintained. I like their melodiousness, I like local words, local expressions. Dialects are often an inexhaustible source of enrichment of the Russian literary language. It’s a different matter if a person lives in a city for a long time, knows the norms of the literary language, and retains the forms and words of his village. This may be because he thinks they are beautiful and is proud of them. Flaunting rudeness in language, as well as flaunting rudeness in manners, sloppiness in clothing, is a common phenomenon, and it mainly indicates a person’s psychological insecurity, his weakness, and not at all his strength. The speaker tries to suppress in himself with a rude joke, harsh expression, irony, cynicism the feeling of fear, apprehension, sometimes just apprehension.

A truly strong and healthy, balanced person will not speak loudly unnecessarily, will not swear or use slang words. After all, he is sure that his word is already significant.

Our language is a vital part of our overall behavior in life.

And by the way a person speaks, we can immediately and easily judge who we are dealing with: we can determine the degree of intelligence of a person, the degree of his psychological balance.

Learning good, calm, intelligent speech takes a long time and carefully - listening, remembering, noticing, reading and studying.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin

Faculty of History and International Relations

Persuasive speech on the topic: “Is it possible to judge a person’s intelligence by speech?”

Completed by: 1st year student

Faculty of History and Education

Gulebina Maria

Checked by: Sysoeva S.V.

Ryazan, 2010


  • Kornilova E. N. Rhetoric is the art of persuasion.M.: URAO, 1998. - 208 p. - ISBN 5-204-00146-8
  • Averky (Taushev) . A Guide to Homiletics.- M.: PSTGi, 2001. - 143 p. - ISBN 5-7429-0110-0
  • Soper P. L. Fundamentals of the art of speech.- M.: Phoenix, 2006. - 448 p. - ISBN 5-222-07060-3
  • Shakhijanyan V.V. Learning to speak in public


    1. Introduction.
      1. The basic form of human existence.
      2. Speech culture.
      3. Culture of speech communication.
    1. Main part.
      1. Language norms.
      2. Relationships to language.
    1. Conclusion.
      1. Language is part general behavior in life.

Abstracts of the work.

  • The main part of a person’s general culture is the culture of speech
  • Language is the best educator.
  • Clear expression of one’s thoughts shapes a person’s thinking and professional skills.
  • Language is evidence of a person's taste.
  • A strong and balanced person is sure that his word is already significant.
  • Our language is a vital part of our overall behavior in life.

Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “Intelligence is equal to moral health, and health is needed to live a long time - not only physically, but also mentally.”

In this article we will talk about what it means to be an intelligent person and whether it can be learned.

Be intelligent in society

There is an opinion that you can only be an intelligent person with a higher education. However, formal education has little in common with intelligence. Intelligence is the “higher education” of the heart, as well as human behavior in society, which is determined by the following characteristics:

  • Upbringing. An intelligent person knows etiquette well and knows how to present himself in society. He is usually a polite and tolerant person towards others.
  • Susceptibility. To be intelligent, you don’t have to re-read the classics and constantly go to the theater. It is enough to have an interest in acquiring new knowledge and not show indifference.
  • Respect. An intelligent person is endowed with respect for everything. He respects not only people, but also nature, history, culture different countries. The absence of rudeness and gloating in character is what distinguishes an intelligent person in modern society.

You can read more about the signs of an intelligent person in the article.

Thus, intelligence is inextricably linked with our behavior. It cannot be learned, but it can be developed in oneself. We also recommend that you read our articles

Sections: Russian language

Goals and objectives.


Learn to find and correct speech and grammatical errors

Learn to construct competent sentences;

Repeat the “Text” theme:

Train in the discrimination and skillful use of means of artistic expression (tropes);

Introduce Unified State Exam assignments, requiring knowledge of the rules of grammar;

Introduce the professions of this profile:


To cultivate a caring attitude towards the word, a love for the Russian language;

To form a desire to speak correctly, to replenish your vocabulary;

To instill an interest in professions that require careful attention to words and the ability to competently express one’s thoughts and feelings.


Develop the ability to prove and justify your point of view;

Develop expressive reading skills;

Develop such qualities as perseverance, painstaking work, attention, thinking, logic.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Our lesson is dedicated to developing a culture of speech. The topic of the lesson is relevant today. The speech of young people has become poor, their vocabulary is small, and the construction of phrases sometimes causes amazement. Correspondence on the Internet is a constant distortion of words, which instills a primitive, tactless attitude towards language. Therefore, the problem of careful attitude to the word is very acute.

For our lesson, you prepared assignments at home that will help us in our work on this topic.

2. The main part of the lesson.

1. On the board are sayings of great people about the Russian language (children read).

“In fact, for an intelligent person, speaking poorly should be considered as indecent as not being able to write and read.” A. Chekhov

“To handle the Russian language somehow means to think somehow: approximately, inaccurately, incorrectly.” A. Tolstoy.

“True love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language.” K. Paustovsky.

– What other statements about language do you know? (Children read the sayings that they managed to find in preparation for the lesson)

Do you see how much famous people We are concerned that you and I take care of our language, preserve it and pass on to our descendants all its beauty and versatility.

2. Each of you has probably thought about who he wants to become, what to do. Maybe some of you will choose a profession that is connected with language, with its history and requires boundless respect for the language and the desire to convey all its beauty.

Now girls will speak before you - high school students who have already decided on their future profession. They will introduce you to some very interesting and important professions.

Introduction to professions: editor, journalist, philologist, linguist (reports).

These professions require knowledge in constructing sentences, because correct sentences are a logically expressed thought that will be understandable to the reader, viewer, or listener.

3. Today we will be engaged in editing - correcting errors: speech and grammar.

In the Unified State Exam in 11th grade, you will be offered tasks on knowledge of grammar of the same type as you have in printout No. 1. Let's get acquainted with them and try to understand them.

Unified State Exam type tasks

1. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

a) Checking your essay:

a) everything must be presented consistently;

b) while reading, notes are made in the margins;

c) pay attention to speech defects;

d) it is read several times.

(This task tests the ability to construct sentences with participial phrases, we repeat the definition of participial phrases)

2. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error:

a) Chichikov buys up serfs who were still alive.

b) Thanks to the teacher, I coped with the difficult task.

c) Literature always, to one degree or another, reflects the state of society.

d) Height popular uprisings forced the government to take action.

(Sentence a) repeats the agreement of the participle with the word being defined. Sentence b) repeats the use of the correctly chosen case of a noun with a derived preposition.

Sentence c) repeats knowledge on the topic of noun case management. Sentence d) is incorrect - an error in agreeing the subject and predicate in gender)

3. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form:

  1. Factory engineers.
  2. Tomato harvest.
  3. The most beautiful landscape.
  4. Their things.

(Incorrect combination No. 3, because the superlative form of the adjective is formed incorrectly)

Possession of knowledge in the field of grammar gives a chance successful completion Unified State Exam.

4. All of you wrote creative works in class: essays and presentations.

Printout No. 2 contains sentences from your works with errors: speech and grammar. Our task is to edit these proposals. (Find the mistake and correct it) Everyone will get one sentence. Write down the corrected sentence (correct option). Be prepared to comment on your corrections.

(In a chain, children read both options: incorrect and correct and explain their point of view)

Sentences in printout No. 2 (with errors: speech and grammar).

1. The guys wrote letters home and told them about their faithful swan loyalty. (Repeat the word - R) Correct: The guys wrote letters home and talked about swan fidelity.

2. The fishermen pulled out the net and saw a swan in the net. (different tenses of the verb - G). Correct: The fishermen pulled out the net and saw a swan in it.

3. In his story he told about a yard dog (repetition of a word and incorrect manipulation of a noun). Correct: In his story, he told (said) about a yard dog.

4. Dozens of people, with their heads thrown back, looked at the tops of the pine trees (incorrect understanding of the lexical meaning of the word). Correct: Dozens of people, throwing back their heads, looked at the tops of the pine trees.

5. Painting by I. Levitan “Autumn Day. Sokolniki” is the only one with a living person (wrong sentences and inappropriate use of the phrase “living person” - R) Painting “Autumn Day. Sokolniki” is the only one where I. Levitan depicted a human figure.

6. In the distance there are clouds with possible rain (P). Correct: There are clouds in the distance. It might rain.

7. The picture gives a thoughtful mood (P). Correct: The picture creates a thoughtful mood.

8. Under the window they put hay, a saucer with water, a plate with fish (violation of the semantic connection of the predicate and complements). Correct: They put hay under the window, put a saucer with water and a plate with fish.

9. Dozens of people threw back their heads at the tops of the pine trees (P) Correct: Dozens of people, threw back their heads, looked at the tops of the pine trees.

10. Once Uncle Filya talked about the war, and how they had a yard dog (mixing structures in a sentence) Correct: Once Uncle Filya talked about how during the war a yard dog got attached to their company.

11. Then I started to shoot from the pistol (incorrect formation of the predicate form - D) Correct: Then I shot from the pistol.

12. And a pensive female figure in a dark dress is moving straight towards us (P). Correct: And a female figure in a dark dress is moving straight towards us. Her face is thoughtful.

13. The swan first put one paw into the bathtub, then the other (R). Correct: The swan put first one paw into the bathtub, then the other.

14. Uncle Phil stopped the silence (R). Correct: Uncle Phil broke the silence.

15. Lyonka felt freedom and flew, and the guys were happy for him, and already began to disperse and heard Lyonka’s cry, and he returned. (unjustified repetition of the conjunction “and” - P) Correct: Lenka felt freedom and flew. The guys were happy for him. They had already begun to disperse when they heard Lyonka’s cry - this meant that the swan was returning.

5. All these sentences are taken from the text. What is text?

Text features:

1. The text consists of sentences that are interconnected in meaning.

2. Unity of the subject of the speech-theme. All offers combined common theme and work to open it.

3. The text has a main idea.

4. You can select a title for the text.

5. The text has a beginning and an end.

6. In a large text, micro-topics (paragraphs) can be identified.

Let's go to the board and highlight the characteristics of text types and speaking styles.

What is a description?

Description is a type of speech with which an object or phenomenon is depicted by listing its characteristics or actions (the content of the description can be conveyed in one picture).

Narration is a type of speech that tells about events in their time sequence, actions and events replace each other (the content of the narrative can be conveyed in several camera frames). A special role belongs to verbs.

What is reasoning?

Reasoning is a type of speech with the help of which a position or thought is proven or explained, the causes and consequences of events, phenomena, assessments and feelings are spoken of (about what cannot be photographed). A special role belongs introductory words and subordinating conjunctions with the meaning of cause, effect...

Elements of the text - reasoning: thesis - argument - conclusion.

Let's remember the styles of speech.

What are the features of the artistic style?

Used in fiction: novels, stories, short stories, poems.

Artistic imagery, emotionality;

Fine - expressive means of language, words in a figurative meaning.

What are the features of the scientific style?

Lack of emotionality;

Semantic accuracy, facts;

Terms and professional vocabulary;

Genres: articles, reviews, abstracts, dissertations, textbooks, dictionaries, reports, lectures.

What is special about formal business style?

Functions: messages, information;

Accuracy, standardization, lack of emotionality;

Language stamps (according to the order, bring to notice, after the deadline - examples) clericalism (given, proper);

Business terminology;

Genres: orders, laws, instructions, announcements, business papers.

What are the features of the journalistic style?

Documentary accuracy, appeal, open evaluativeness;

Influence and persuasion in order to form a position, encouragement to action, drawing attention to an important issue;

Genres: essay, article, reports, interviews, author's speech.

What are the features of conversational style?

Direct everyday communication;

Ease, simplicity of speech;

Frequent use of incomplete sentences, interjections, and often colloquialisms;

No complicated sentences;

Friendly conversation, everyday story, argument, notes, private letters, conversations.

6. At home, in groups, you prepared stories about the beautiful Russian tree - the birch. These stories must be presented in different types of speech and written artistic style. Your task is to prove that your story corresponds to this type of speech.

(Illustrations depicting a birch tree at different times of the year open on the board)

A representative from each of the 3 groups presents his/her composition. With the help of the group members, he proves that the story is consistent with the given type and style of speech.


Birch tree happiness

A lonely birch tree grew in a field.

Birds often flew to her, and the birch tree was happy about it. After all, only from birds could she get news.

So she learned that somewhere there was an oak tree growing, large and mighty, and next to it was a beautiful mountain ash tree. Birds fly to the rowan tree every autumn and feast on the berries.

Birch listened to these stories and sighed. She was the only one sad, and she would have gotten sick if a woodpecker had not flown in one day. He tapped the birch tree on the trunk with his beak and said:


But why do I feel so bad then? - asked the birch tree.

“From melancholy and loneliness,” the woodpecker answered and flew away.

I'll help you. Wait,” said the woodpecker and flew away.

And the birch tree was waiting. Day and night. Autumn has come. The leaves began to turn yellow and fall off. And then one morning a woodpecker flew in. He kept a pine cone in the cranberry. The woodpecker sat comfortably on a branch, clutched a cone in its paws and began to peck at it with its beak. Seeds began to fly out of the cone. They spun and fell to the ground. A light breeze blew here. He also wanted to take part. The birch tree carefully threw off its leaves. She tried to cover the defenseless seeds and warm them with her warmth.

Thank you, woodpecker, said Birch.

The woodpecker was pleased with his work. He looked around and answered: “When the forest rises, I will settle here forever.”

Birch was happy! Now she wanted winter to come quickly and cover everything around with snow. And after winter there will definitely be spring. Now she knew that when she woke up, she would not be alone. Young pines will grow nearby. She also knew that the forest she had so dreamed about would definitely grow here. This means that a woodpecker will definitely arrive.

Children prove that the type of text is a narrative, highlighting verbs, adverbs denoting a sequence of actions, events, and calling means of expression.


Birch - a symbol of Russia

Each country has its own symbol among the trees. Thus, the symbol of Greece is the olive, in Japan the sacred tree is sakura, the symbol of Canada is the maple.

These symbols reflected the soul of the people, their history and traditions.

Russia is a land of white-trunked birches and endless fields. Here she is, a spreading curly birch tree, standing like an elegant beauty from Russian fairy tales, in a white sundress with gold earrings and soft green sticky leaves, bending her branches to the very ground, as if bowing in the field and saying: “Peace be with you, good people! ”

It is known that birch trees grow in many countries of the world, but in no other country is the birch tree treated with such warmth and love as in Russia. The birch tree is dear to the Russian soul. Our ancestors considered birch a sacred tree, a gift from the gods. The birch tree was worshiped as the image of the goddess Beregini, the mother of all spirits and wealth. The birch was a symbol of Lada, the goddess of love, beauty and family happiness.

Not a single tree enjoys such love and reverence in Rus' as the birch. They write poems, songs, fairy tales, and riddles about her. The birch has become the poetic personification of Russia.

Wherever a Russian person is, he always, longing for his homeland, remembers a slender, beautiful birch tree rustling in the wind, bathed in the sun or dusted with frost. The Russian composer M.I. Glinka, returning to his homeland, crossed the border, stopped his carriage, went out onto the road and bowed low, to the waist, to the white birch tree, the symbol of his Motherland.

The image of Russia is unthinkable without the Russian birch tree. Not a single tree contains so many national concepts, does not give rise to so many comparisons and images.

Birch - Motherland, memory birch, the embodiment of purity, fidelity, our love for our native land.

We cannot imagine Russia without birch - it is so bright in Slavic terms that, perhaps, in other centuries all of Rus' was born from birch.

O. Shestinsky

Children highlight the thesis, arguments, conclusion in the text, and name the means of expression.

And the third group was tasked with learning poems that describe the birch tree. Now we will listen to them, and the guys will prove that this description is in a highly artistic style.

A. Prokofiev

I love Russian birch,
Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,
In a white sundress,
With handkerchiefs in pockets,
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
I love how elegant she is
Dear, beloved,
Then clear, ebullient,
Then sad, crying.
I love Russian birch,
She's always with her friends
Bends low in the wind
And it bends, but does not break!

White birch

Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.
And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.
And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
sprinkles branches
New silver.

After reading poetry, students name means of expression that help make the description figurative: metaphors, epithets, comparisons, personifications.

They emphasize that the type of speech in these poems is description, because everything we read about can be reflected in one photograph.

3. The final part of the lesson.

1. Look how beautiful and rich our Russian language is! We must speak real Russian and not distort it. On the contrary, try to make it figurative. Maybe, after our lesson, someone will think about their future profession and want to serve the preservation of the Russian language, create truly artistic creations, and teach subsequent generations literate speech.

2. Homework.

Correct all errors in the sentences given in Printout No. 2 yourself. The corrected version should be written after the misspelled sentence.

Take care of Russian speech.


In various dictionaries, this concept is usually defined as “quality, inherent in people, professionally engaged in mental work.”
However, in the 1990s, scientists began to talk about the importance of the moral aspect when defining the concept of intelligentsia. From now on, the term began to denote a special socio-professional and cultural group of people, engaged primarily in the field of mental work, with the ability to be sensitive, tactful and gentle in their manifestations, responsible for actions and prone to a state of self-denial.

Thus, an intellectual is not just a literate person, he is necessarily a carrier moral values. Such a person is able to defend life-affirming values ​​that are good not only for him, but for the entire nation. Most importantly, such a person is not afraid to defend his beliefs and lives in accordance with them.

D.S. Likhachev, the main Russian intellectual of the 20th century and defender of Russian culture, spoke about intelligence this way:

“Many people think: an intelligent person is one who has read a lot, received good education(and even mainly humanitarian), has traveled a lot, knows several languages. Meanwhile, you can have all this and be unintelligent, and you can not possess any of this to a large extent, but still be an internally intelligent person.

Education cannot be confused with intelligence. Education lives by old content, intelligence lives by creating new things and recognizing the old as new.
(That is, an intellectual is not a passive consumer of culture, he actively comprehends everything that has been done before and creates something new, his own, special on the basis of what has been created. - notes by E.P.)

Moreover... Deprive a truly intelligent person of all his knowledge, education, deprive him of his memory. Let him forget everything in the world, let him not know the classics of literature, let him not remember the greatest works of art, forget the most important historical events, but at the same time will retain sensitivity to intellectual values, love of acquiring knowledge, interest in history, aesthetic sense, will be able to distinguish a real work of art from a crude “thing” made only to surprise, if he can admire the beauty of nature, understand the character and the individuality of another person, to enter into his position, and having understood the other person, to help him, will not show rudeness, indifference, gloating, envy, but will appreciate the other person if he shows respect for the culture of the past, skills well-mannered person, responsibility in decision moral issues, the richness and precision of one’s language - spoken and written - this will be an intelligent person.

To the intelligentsia, in my opinion life experience belong only to people who are free in their convictions, independent of economic, party, and state coercions, and not subject to ideological obligations.

(That is, he has his own beliefs, not imposed by anyone!)

The basic principle of intelligence is intellectual freedom, freedom as a moral category. The intelligentsia is an intellectually independent part of society. Independence from party, estate, class, professional, commercial and even just career interests. An intellectual loses intellectual freedom and ceases to be an intellectual when he is forced to blindly follow the dogmas of any teaching. The duty of an intellectual is: to know, understand, resist, maintain one’s spiritual independence and not participate in lies.” (Quoted from the book Likhachev D.S. Favorites: Thoughts on life, history, culture. M.: Russian Foundation culture, 2006.)

It turns out that intelligence is more than simply belonging to the intellectual sphere of activity. It is also conscience, one’s own convictions and the ability to follow them, the concept of honor and dignity – one’s own and that of other people. The key quality of an intellectual, in my opinion, is the ability to respect personal dignity.

Thus, intelligence can be defined as a set of intellectual and spiritual qualities personality, which are a reflection of a person’s character traits and the degree of development of inclinations and abilities.
It is these qualities that determine the direction of a person’s interests, his behavior, and also influence his speech and style of communication with others.


An English proverb says: “If you want to raise a lady, start with your grandmother.” And again: “In order to raise a gentleman, you need three diplomas: one from your grandfather, another from your father, and a third from the gentleman.” This proverb emphasizes that intelligence is brought up in the family.

In general, the formation of intelligence is influenced by several factors:

  • family;
  • education;
  • environment.

Psychologist M.E. Litvak talks about how he developed his intelligence: “When I began to seriously study psychology, I felt that I could not classify myself as an intelligentsia, although I had a diploma of higher education. But a diploma is a roof, a hut. It also needs walls and a foundation. And since you already have a “roof,” put a foundation and walls of intelligence under it.”

The key to the formation of true intelligence M.E. sees education and familiarization with world culture.

“When I realized this, I got acquainted with the gymnasium programs and began to study general education. I studied psychology, logic, Greek and Roman mythology, the main religious sources - the Bible, the Koran, the Gospel, the philosophy of Buddhism, the history of ancient Greek philosophy, Plato's Socratic Dialogues, and became familiar with some of the works of Aristotle, Seneca, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. Such great writers and poets as Shakespeare, Pushkin, Gogol, Chekhov, Dante and others gave me a lot.

    “About treasures that lie nearby”
    So what are these treasures?
    First of all, books. Both my students and I noted that many books that have been on their shelves for decades turn out to contain so much useful, life-changing information. So, rereading Pushkin in mature years, I realized that previously I could not extract anything from the work of this sage. I missed the most interesting and deep places. And I also did not understand him because I had not read the books that he read, namely ancient literature, the Bible and in general, cultural heritage. I realized that my diploma is just a roof, and there are no walls or foundation of intelligence. Now I’m busy laying the foundation of intelligence under my diplomas. I read books that have been sitting on my shelf unread or misunderstood for a long time, and I am laying this foundation, and I have already begun to build the walls. This is also a way to grow.

    I can suggest sample program readings:

  1. Of course, it is necessary to know ancient Greek culture. Ancient Greece is the childhood of our civilization. Moreover, this childhood took place under favorable conditions. To understand the cultural system Ancient Greece faster, it’s better to start by reading Professor Kuhn’s book “Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece.” Then you can read the books on which Kuhn’s work was based. All the ideas that are being fought over now smart people, were already expressed by the ancient Greeks. Without these works it is difficult to read the classics of the 19th century. They were all enlightened people. Their images are often associated with mythical heroes. Without knowing Ancient Greece, it is very difficult to enjoy, for example, Pushkin. Many modern writers do not have such fundamental education. They can be understood without prior cultivation. Of the ancient Greek authors, it is simply necessary to read Homer (Iliad and Odyssey). If you do this several times, the style (hexameter) will become familiar and you will enjoy these texts, although you may have great difficulty the first time you read them. My students and I read these works to children, of course, selectively. They listened to these works carefully.
  2. The second monumental work in this regard is “The History of Ancient Greek Philosophy” by Diogenes Laertius. There are very serious moralizing episodes, and instructive, and instructive-funny episodes that children over 5 years old really like. They remember them for the rest of their lives.
  3. The works of Aristophanes are useful, humorous and aphoristic.
  4. The works of Sophocles, Aeschylus and many others are perceived more easily after special preparation.
  5. A little later, you can familiarize yourself with Plato’s dialogues and be amazed once again by his nobility, who recorded the speeches of Socrates, which he witnessed. After all, Socrates himself did not write books.
  6. It also seems to me useful work Plutarch. Moreover, he describes historical figures in pairs: one taken from the history of Ancient Greece, the second from the history of Rome. You can also read his works as presented by our authors. There are very good popularizers.
  7. (The continuation of M.E. Litvak’s article can be found in his book “The Adventures of the Eternal Prince.”


  1. Knowledge of language norms: stems from education, a lot of reading and from communication with a circle of educated, literate people - parents and friends of parents, with good teachers;
  2. Logical reasoning: is ensured by the development of thinking, is achieved a large number reading, a good general education and a special culture of reasoning, which in intelligent families is learned directly from their elders, in the process of live communication;
  3. Rich vocabulary, ability to speak in complex, detailed phrases: is a consequence of being well-read and developed speech skills; An appropriate circle of communication is also important, in which the most complex and abstract issues, for example, philosophical concepts, can be discussed.
  4. Manners speaker-intellectual stem from such personal quality like respect for others. Therefore, in the speech of an intellectual there is no unnecessary harshness in intonation and gestures. This is also facilitated by a highly developed intelligence, which usually reduces the degree of emotional reactions, as well as the absence of examples of rude behavior in childhood. An intellectual knows how to conduct a discussion and critically discuss any issue without blaming an opponent, respecting his own dignity and the dignity of his opponent. Attention to the personality of another forms politeness and such a quality as courtesy. He always knows how to address his interlocutor, and in a conversation he tries to pay attention to everyone.

Undoubtedly, most important quality intellectual - respect human dignity. Your own, your interlocutors and people in general. Obviously, this is why real intellectuals often become human rights activists and promoters of higher values ​​- such are the examples of A. Sakharov, D.S. Likhacheva and others.

You could get acquainted with examples of speeches by the most interesting and intelligent speakers at the meeting of the oratorical club “Word and Thought”, which took place on April 12, 2014. Perhaps in the future we will return to this topic. Follow the news!
WITH best wishes, Ekaterina Pestereva.

A person must be intelligent - you can often hear such a phrase, but not everyone can tell why this is necessary and what it means to be an intelligent person in our time.

What kind of person can be called intelligent?

If you conduct a survey on the topic of what kind of person can be called intelligent, what it means to be such a person, then it will be difficult to create an exact definition from scattered statements. Most would agree that the main qualities of an intelligent person are education and well-readness. The other part will say that the main thing is education, because an intelligent man will never say a rude word in the presence of a woman.

The funniest thing will be that both groups will be right and wrong at the same time. Probably the most accurate description of an intelligent person was given by D. Likhachev in his article “A person must be intelligent.” It said that education and upbringing only emphasize a person’s intelligence, but this quality is innate. Even a person without education, brought up in a family of hereditary hard workers, can be an intelligent person. Because this quality does not imply knowledge of the intellectual values ​​of humanity, but the desire to know them. Intelligence is manifested in the ability to understand another person and not use these abilities to harm people. The speech of an intelligent person will not be replete with obscene words, because such people have a keen sense of beauty and cannot afford to violate it either with words or actions. To summarize, we can say that an intellectual is a person who knows how to be tolerant of people and the world. This is why you cannot be a fanatic (sports, religious, political) and remain an intellectual.

Although, in an attempt to understand what it means to be an intelligent person, you can take a simpler route and look into the dictionary. There we will see the definition of an intellectual as an educated person engaged in mental work. Which opinion most corresponds to what an intelligent person should be is up to you to decide.

Why should a person be intelligent?

If we agree with the last definition of an intelligent person, then there is no particular need to be such a person. Because there are a lot of working specialties that do not require obtaining higher education. But if we take into account Likhachev’s statements, the need to be an intelligent person will become obvious. Who do you prefer to communicate with - a person who does not respect the opinions of others, who tries to humiliate the interlocutor, or someone who listens to any point of view, trying to understand the opponent?

How to become an intelligent person?

But since we have decided that intelligence is an innate quality, is it possible to develop it in ourselves? Yes, you can learn to be an intelligent person, but this will require considerable willpower. You can read books as much as you like - fiction and scientific essays, memorize figures of speech and use them in your address, but this will not make you an intellectual. In addition to education, it is necessary to learn to think for yourself and respect other people’s opinions, love other people, and treat the world around you with care. And this is not a sectarian sermon, but a necessity; if there were not those who create works of art, who share spiritual warmth with others, our life would be gray and our existence aimless. However, it’s up to you to decide who you should be – rudeness and anger are flourishing nowadays and, it seems, such people have a good life.