Puss in Boots is the main idea for the reader. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: Puss in Boots

Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" and their characteristics"

  1. Marquis Karabas, also the youngest son of a miller, who was very dissatisfied with his inheritance, but obeyed the Cat in everything and succeeded in life.
  2. Puss in Boots, cunning and resourceful, has an extraordinary imagination and easily realizes all his plans.
  3. King, ruler of the state, who would be delighted with the Marquis of Carabas
  4. The cannibal, angry and naive, turned into a mouse and was eaten by the Cat.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"
  1. Inheritance
  2. Puss in Boots
  3. Cat hunter and getter
  4. The Marquis is bathing
  5. Reapers and mowers
  6. Cannibal transformations
  7. Wedding.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The miller distributes the inheritance and the youngest son gets the cat.
  2. The cat catches the game and gives it to the king
  3. The cat pretends that the Marquis Karabas is drowning
  4. The cat persuades the peasants to say that they belong to Karabas.
  5. The cat deceives the ogre and eats him in the form of a mouse.
  6. The Marquis of Karabas marries the princess.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"
Not material assets Our main wealth is intelligence and ingenuity.

What does the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us not to be discouraged if it seems that something is going wrong. Teaches you to believe in your own strengths, teaches you to be smart, teaches you to be brave. She teaches us cunning with which we can achieve more than brute force.

Signs fairy tale in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

  1. Magical assistant - talking Puss in Boots
  2. Magical creature - Ogre
  3. Magic transformations - The ogre turned into a lion and a mouse.
Review of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"
I really liked the fairy tale “Puss in Boots,” because the main character in it is an unusually smart and calculating Cat, who came up with a wonderful way to make his owner rich and happy, and at the same time ensured a quiet life for himself.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"
Where you cannot take force, cunning will help.
What is clever is also simple.
The cunning one will always find a loophole.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Puss in Boots"
When he died, the old miller left his sons a small inheritance - a mill, a donkey and a cat. The eldest sons took the mill and the donkey, and the cat went to the youngest.
The younger was disappointed with such an inheritance, but the Cat did not lose heart. He asked for a bag and boots.
The cat began to catch rabbits, partridges and other game and carry them to the king as a gift from the Marquis of Carabas, his master.
One day the Cat found out that the king was going for a walk with the princess, and sent the Marquis of Carabas to swim. He himself began to shout that his owner was drowning, and that his things had been stolen by robbers.
The king gave the marquis the best dress and invited him to ride in a carriage.
The cat, meanwhile, ran forward and told the mowers, reapers and other peasants to call the Marquis of Carabas their owner, under the threat of immediate and cruel reprisal.
The king was amazed by the rich possessions of the marquis.
The cat ran to the ogre's castle and asked if the ogre could turn into huge animals. The ogre turned into a lion and the cat ran away to the roof. Then the Cat asked if the ogre could turn into small animals. The cannibal turned into a mouse and the cat ate it.
The king arrived at the castle and was fascinated by the beauty of the castle of the Marquis of Carabas. He invited the Marquis to become his son-in-law and the Marquis of Karabas married the princess.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

Year of writing: 17th century

Genre of the work: fairy tale

Main characters: Marquis Karabas- the youngest son of a miller, Cat- wizard, King- monarch, Princess- daughter.


The miller died, his three sons divided the property. The eldest took the mill, the middle one took possession of the donkey. And the youngest of the three only got a cat. He asked the owner to give him boots. He caught the hare and presented it to the king, saying that it was a gift from the Marquis of Carabas. So it was with the partridge. The royal court became interested in the Marquis. Then the cat persuaded the owner to drown. He called the king himself for salvation. When the young man was rescued, he was dressed in an expensive outfit. The cat also persuaded the peasants to tell the king that their fields belonged to the marquis. The cat ate the cannibal, turning him into a mouse, and the castle went into the possession of the marquis. And he married beautiful princess. So the poor young man began to have wealth and honor.

Conclusion (my opinion)

As it turned out, the inheritance with which the young man was dissatisfied was more valuable than the property of his brothers. At first glance, failure may turn out to be the opposite side. The cat had agility. He did not sit idly by, but acted. And the young man should have unquestioningly obeyed the cat’s instructions. Resourcefulness and hard work resolve complex tasks. The cat is an example of devotion to the owner and friendship. He was ready to risk himself, because the deception could be revealed.

The action takes place in France, in the 17th century. After the death of the miller, his three sons received a small inheritance, which they themselves divided: the eldest was given the mill, the middle one got a donkey, and the youngest of them, Hans, got just a red cat. Of course, the boy was upset and did not know at all what to do with this cat, but the cat immediately consoled his new owner with his promise to help him and asked him for boots and a knapsack.

When the owner was bathing in the river, the cat shouted to the royal carriage that was passing by that the noble

The master Marquis De Carabas drowns in the river and then they helped him, and even dressed him and seated him in the royal carriage. In the carriage sat the royal daughter, who took a liking to the boy, and besides, she believed that he was a rich gentleman who owned an entire castle.

The cat outwitted the giant ogre himself, forcing him to turn into a small mouse and immediately swallowing it. The boy Hans became the real master Marquis De Carabas and the owner of the giant's castle, and he also married the beautiful royal daughter and made the cat a nobleman.

Thus, we can conclude that this fairy tale teaches us that we should not be upset and envious if you got something small and not the same as others, because, using ingenuity and the ability to think, even from this you can make the greatest wealth and become truly happy, because the brothers of the younger boy, their inheritance, a mill and a donkey, did not bring such material benefits, prosperity and happiness as Hans, who became rich, took possession of a castle and even married the royal daughter. The fairy tale also teaches friendliness and devotion, like that of a cat to its owner.

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“Puss in Boots” is one of the most popular fairy tales by Charles Perrault, in which a cunning cat managed to fool the king and the ogre, and marry his master to a beautiful princess.

Summary of “Puss in Boots” for a reader’s diary

Name: Puss in Boots

Number of pages: 32. Charles Perrault. "Puss in Boots". Publishing house "Eksmo". 2016

Genre: Fairy tale

Year of writing: 1697

Main characters

Marquis Karabas is the youngest son of a miller, a kind, good-natured guy.

Puss in Boots is a cunning, smart, resourceful cat with an inexhaustible imagination.

The king is the trusting ruler of a rich country.

The cannibal is angry, bloodthirsty, but very naive.


Before his death, the old miller bequeathed a small inheritance to his three sons. The eldest son got a mill, the middle one got a donkey, and the youngest got a cat. The youngest son was very disappointed with his share of the inheritance, but the cat did not lose heart - he asked his owner for a bag and boots. Having received what he wanted, the cat went hunting and caught a lot of rabbits and partridges, which he ordered to take to the king as a gift from the Marquis of Carabas, his master.

When the cat found out that the king and the princess had gone for a walk, he ordered his master to bathe in the river. Seeing the carriage from a distance, the cat began to shout that the Marquis of Karabas was drowning, and that his things had been stolen by robbers. The king graciously lent the marquis the best backgammon and invited him to join them.

Meanwhile, the cat ran forward, ordering all the peasants to say that these rich lands belong to the Marquis of Karabas. The king was very amazed at such extensive possessions of the marquis.

When the cat ran to the ogre's castle, he asked if he could turn into large animals. The ogre turned into a lion, and the cat barely had time to hide on the roof. The cat then asked if the ogre could turn into tiny animals. When the ogre turned into a mouse, the cat immediately caught it and ate it.

The king was fascinated by the beautiful castle of the Marquis of Carabas, and invited him to become his son-in-law. So a simple miller's son married a princess.

Retelling plan

  1. Inheritance.
  2. The cat catches game.
  3. The Marquis bathes in the river.
  4. Rich lands of the Marquis of Carabas.
  5. Transformations of a cannibal.
  6. Wedding.

Main idea

The main value is not gold, but intelligence and ingenuity.

What does it teach

The fairy tale teaches you to never lose heart and persistently pursue your goal. Teaches you to believe in your own strengths, and to use intelligence and ingenuity rather than brute force in complex issues.


Even if fate turned out to be not very favorable, you can always build happy life with your own hands, the only important thing is to want it.


  • Where you cannot take force, cunning will help.
  • What is clever is also simple.
  • The cunning one will always find a loophole.

What I liked

I liked how smart, cunning and quick-witted, and how very devoted the cat turned out to be to his owner. One can only envy his resourcefulness.

Fairy tale test

Reader's diary rating

Average rating: 4.8. Total ratings received: 22.

Dragunsky V., "Puss in Boots"

Genre: children's story

The main characters of the story "Puss in Boots" and their characteristics

  1. Deniska Korablev. The boy is kind, cheerful, resourceful.
  2. Bear Elephants. His friend. Kind, but very practical, even greedy.
  3. Vera Sergeevna. Neighbor. Fun and original.
Plan for retelling the story "Puss in Boots"
  1. Carnival announcement
  2. Denis forgot about the suit
  3. Father's boots
  4. Mom's hat
  5. Neighbor's tail
  6. Bear tailor
  7. Drawn mustache
  8. At the carnival
  9. First Prize
  10. "Uncle Styopa" for Mishka
The shortest summary of the story "Puss in Boots" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Before the holidays, the teacher announced a carnival.
  2. Deniska forgot to prepare a suit, because his mother left and he had to keep an eye on his father.
  3. Mishka came dressed as a gnome, and friends began looking for a suit for Deniska.
  4. Deniska put on his father's boots and his mother's hat.
  5. The neighbor compared him to a puss in boots and gave him the tail.
  6. Deniska received first prize for an original costume, and shared it with Mishka.
The main idea of ​​the story "Puss in Boots"
The more original and unique a thing is, the more interesting it is.

What does the story "Puss in Boots" teach?
The story teaches you not to put things off and plan your affairs. Teaches you to find unexpected solutions, teaches you to look for a way out of any situation. Teaches you to help your friends. Teaches you to appreciate the help of others and not to attribute all the credit to yourself.

Review of the story "Puss in Boots"
I liked this story and especially its unexpected ending. It is not surprising that Deniska’s costume won the competition, because it was so unique. But Deniska did a very good job of not becoming arrogant and sharing the prize with Mishka, who helped and supported him in difficult times.

Proverbs for the story "Puss in Boots"
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
The need for invention is cunning.
Road help on time.
Friendship is strong through care and help.
One head is good, but two are better.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the story "Puss in Boots"
The holidays came, and teacher Raisa Ivanovna warned the children that a festive masquerade would be held during the holidays, and the owner of the best costume would receive a prize.
Mishka was happy and said that he would become a gnome, because he already had a rain cape. And Deniska said that he would think about it.
His mother left, leaving Deniska with his father, and the boy suffered from watching his dad. He completely forgot about the carnival when Mishka suddenly came running and shouted that the carnival was today. He was already in a gnome costume.
Deniska was confused and said that he did not have a suit. But the lively Mishka suggested looking for something wonderful at Deniska’s house. The boy found his father's old shoe covers, fishing boots, and put them on.
The boots were huge, but they sparkled beautifully. Then the boys began to look for a hat, and Deniska took out his mother’s straw hat. The costume turned out great, but the boys didn’t know what to call it. Deniska suggested “Fly Agaric”, and Mishka “Old Fisherman”.
Deniska went out into the corridor and his neighbor Vera Sergeevna saw him there. She called the boy Puss in Boots, and Deniska had an idea. He asked if the neighbor had a tail.
Vera Sergeevna was offended at first and replied that she was not a devil, but then she came to her senses and brought out the boy’s scruffy red ponytail.
Mishka appreciated the tail and quickly sewed it on, giving Denis three painful injections. Then Deniska drew a mustache on himself with ink, and the boys went to school.
There were many dressed up boys and girls at school. There were about fifty gnomes alone. There were also a lot of snowflakes. But there was only one Puss in Boots. And even though Deniska often stumbled in his huge boots, but still, at the end of the carnival, counselor Lyusya invited him to the stage and presented him with the first prize - the books “Uncle Styopa” and “Fairy Tales-Riddles”.
Boris Sergeevich played a touch, and Deniska almost fell again.
When the boys were walking home, Mishka complained that there were many gnomes, but the cat in boots was alone. And Deniska offered Mishka a book as a gift, because he helped him win. Mishka refused the book, but still took "Uncle Styopa".