Kudryavtsev V.F. "Forge for training naval engineers of the Russian Navy"

(1980-01-17 ) (77 years old) Place of death Affiliation

Russian Empire Russian Empire

Branch of the military Years of service Rank

: Incorrect or missing image

Battles/wars Awards and prizes

Personalized weapon

Sergey Valentinovich Kudryavtsev (July 17 (30) ( 19020730 ) , Kremenets - January 17, Leningrad) - Soviet military leader, rear admiral (05/24/1945).


In the Red Army since July 1919. Participant Civil War. Junior orderly field hospital(July 1919 - February 1920), agent for special registration of traffic service workshops (February 1920 - October 1921), cadet of the 3rd Petrograd Artillery School (October 1921 - February 1922).

Watch chief (May - October 1925), auditor (October 1925 - June 1926), junior gunner (June - October 1926) of the cruiser "Comintern", senior gunner of the destroyer "Petrovsky" (October 1927 - December 1928), cruiser “Chervona Ukraine” (December 1928 - February 1931), assistant head of the sector of the operational department of the headquarters of the Black Sea Naval Forces (February 1931 - December 1934).

Head of the 2nd Department (May 1937 - April 1938) of the Main Naval Staff of the Navy. Chief of the OBP (April - August 1938), Assistant Chief of Staff (July - December 1938), Acting Head of the Group for Special Assignments for the Fleet under the Military Council (December 1938 - February 1939), Chief of Staff of the Brigade battleships(February - June 1939), commander of the destroyers "Strashny" (June - August 1939), "Smart" (August 1939 - May 1940); participant in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, head of the OBP of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet headquarters since May 1940.

He entered the Great Patriotic War in his previous position. Chief of Staff of the LAF (September 1941 - December 1942), Leningrad Naval Base (December 1942 - January 1943), Assistant Chief of Staff of the Fleet (January - September 1943), commander of the skerry detachment of the OVR of the Kronstadt MOR (September 1943 - February 1944) Red Banner Baltic Fleet , detachment of the skerry brigade (February - June 1944) of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet.

From the combat characteristics:

“During my stay at headquarters as assistant. The chief of staff placed his main focus in his work on managing the combat training department. Works energetically and fruitfully in formations and units of the fleet to check and eliminate shortcomings in the power supply. Having extensive experience in staff work and, in particular, in organizing power supply, he undoubtedly helped the power supply department better organize its work... He also worked energetically on a range of issues related to the duties of the assistant. chief of staff. During his time at headquarters he did not take direct part in combat operations... in his new position as commander of a skerry detachment, he energetically took up the organization of combat training for newly commissioned ships and already short term"has made significant progress in building up his unit in combat."

Head of the Western Direction Department of the Operations Directorate of the Main Naval Staff since June 1944.

After the end of the war he remained in his previous position. Deputy Chief of the UBP - Head of the 2nd Department of the General Staff of the Navy (November 1945 - March 1947). Commander of the skerry brigade of the 8th Navy (March 1947 - January 1949). At the disposal of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy (January - February 1949).

Deputy Head of the Department of General Tactics (February 1949 - May 1950) Military Medical Academy named after. K. E. Voroshilova, head of the departments of labor tactics and weapons of the Navy (May - November 1950), labor tactics of the Navy VMAKV named after. A. N. Krylova (November 1950 - August 1958).

Retired since August 1958.



  • Memories // Sov. sailor. 25.1.1964;
  • [Interview] // Guardian of the Baltic. 12/30/1977;
  • The steep Ladoga wave // ​​On the road of life. M., 1980. S. 455-458.

Write a review of the article "Kudryavtsev, Sergei Valentinovich (rear admiral)"


  • Sov. sailor. 18.6.1960; 29.7.1977;
  • Panteleev Yu. A. Half a century in the navy. M., 1979. S. 160, 192, 300-301;
  • Baltic sailors in defense of the Motherland, 1941-1945. M., 1986. See them. decree.;
  • War Chronicle Navy, 1941-1942. M., 1992. See them. decree.;
  • Combat chronicle of the Navy, 1917-1941. M., 1993. See them. decree.



  • CVMA, personal file No. 40851; f. 3, on. 1, d. 823, l. 257; op. 29, d. 57, l. 82-87; op. 028554, no. 163, l. 121-123; f. 444, op. 022833, no. 26.
  • Russian State Administration of the Navy, f. r-2192, op. 3, building 1603.


  • Lurie V. M.. - St. Petersburg. : Russian-Baltic Information Center BLITZ, 2001. - 280 p. - 2000 copies. - ISBN 5-86789-102-X.
  • List of admirals, vice admirals, rear admirals, USSR Navy (1940-1945)
  • List of engineer admirals, engineer vice admirals, engineer rear admirals, USSR Navy (1940-1945)

An excerpt characterizing Kudryavtsev, Sergei Valentinovich (rear admiral)

Prince Andrei arrived at the army headquarters at the end of June. The troops of the first army, the one with which the sovereign was located, were located in a fortified camp near Drissa; the troops of the second army retreated, trying to connect with the first army, from which - as they said - they were cut off by large forces of the French. Everyone was unhappy in general military affairs in the Russian army; but no one thought about the danger of an invasion of the Russian provinces, no one imagined that the war could be transferred further than the western Polish provinces.
Prince Andrei found Barclay de Tolly, to whom he was assigned, on the banks of the Drissa. Since there was not a single large village or town in the vicinity of the camp, the entire huge number of generals and courtiers who were with the army were located in a circle of ten miles in the best houses of the villages, on this and on the other side of the river. Barclay de Tolly stood four miles from the sovereign. He received Bolkonsky dryly and coldly and said in his German accent that he would report him to the sovereign to determine his appointment, and in the meantime he asked him to be at his headquarters. Anatoly Kuragin, whom Prince Andrei hoped to find in the army, was not here: he was in St. Petersburg, and this news was pleasant for Bolkonsky. Prince Andrei was interested in the center of the huge war taking place, and he was glad to be free for a while from the irritation that the thought of Kuragin produced in him. During the first four days, during which he was not required anywhere, Prince Andrei traveled around the entire fortified camp and, with the help of his knowledge and conversations with knowledgeable people, tried to form a definite concept about him. But the question of whether this camp was profitable or unprofitable remained unresolved for Prince Andrei. He had already managed to derive from his military experience the conviction that in military affairs the most thoughtfully thought-out plans mean nothing (as he saw it in the Austerlitz campaign), that everything depends on how one responds to unexpected and impossible-to-foresee actions of the enemy, that everything depends on how and by whom the whole business is conducted. In order to clarify this last question, Prince Andrei, taking advantage of his position and acquaintances, tried to understand the nature of the administration of the army, the persons and parties participating in it, and derived for himself the following concept of the state of affairs.
When the sovereign was still in Vilna, the army was divided into three: the 1st army was under the command of Barclay de Tolly, the 2nd army was under the command of Bagration, the 3rd army was under the command of Tormasov. The sovereign was with the first army, but not as commander-in-chief. The order did not say that the sovereign would command, it only said that the sovereign would be with the army. In addition, the sovereign did not personally have the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, but the headquarters of the imperial headquarters. With him was the chief of the imperial staff, Quartermaster General Prince Volkonsky, generals, adjutants, diplomatic officials and a large number of foreigners, but there was no army headquarters. In addition, without a position under the sovereign were: Arakcheev - a former minister of war, Count Bennigsen - the senior general of the generals, Grand Duke Tsarevich Konstantin Pavlovich, Count Rumyantsev - chancellor, Stein - a former Prussian minister, Armfeld - a Swedish general, Pfuhl - the main compiler campaign plan, Adjutant General Paulucci - a Sardinian native, Wolzogen and many others. Although these persons were without military positions in the army, they had influence due to their position, and often the corps commander and even the commander-in-chief did not know why Bennigsen, or the Grand Duke, or Arakcheev, or Prince Volkonsky was asking or advising this or that. and did not know whether such an order was coming from him or from the sovereign in the form of advice and whether it was necessary or not necessary to carry it out. But this was an external situation, but the essential meaning of the presence of the sovereign and all these persons, from a court point of view (and in the presence of the sovereign, everyone becomes a courtier), was clear to everyone. It was as follows: the sovereign did not assume the title of commander-in-chief, but was in charge of all the armies; the people surrounding him were his assistants. Arakcheev was a faithful executor, guardian of order and bodyguard of the sovereign; Bennigsen was a landowner of the Vilna province, who seemed to be doing les honneurs [was busy with the business of receiving the sovereign] of the region, but in essence was good general, useful for advice and for having it always ready to relieve Barclay. Grand Duke he was here because it pleased him. Former minister Stein was there because he was useful to the council, and because Emperor Alexander highly valued his personal qualities. Armfeld was an angry hater of Napoleon and a general, self-confident, which always had an influence on Alexander. Paulucci was here because he was bold and decisive in his speeches, the General Adjutants were here because they were everywhere where the sovereign was, and, finally, and most importantly, Pfuel was here because he, having drawn up a plan for the war against Napoleon and forced Alexander believed in the feasibility of this plan and led the entire war effort. Under Pfuel there was Wolzogen, who conveyed Pfuel’s thoughts in a more accessible form than Pfuel himself, a harsh, self-confident to the point of contempt for everything, an armchair theorist.
In addition to these named persons, Russian and foreign (especially foreigners who, with courage, characteristic of people in activity among a foreign environment, every day they proposed new unexpected thoughts), there were also many minor persons who were with the army because their principals were there.
Among all the thoughts and voices in this huge, restless, brilliant and proud world, Prince Andrei saw the following, sharper, divisions of trends and parties.
The first party was: Pfuel and his followers, theorists of war, who believed that there is a science of war and that this science has its own immutable laws, laws of physical movement, bypass, etc. Pfuel and his followers demanded a retreat into the interior of the country, retreats according to the exact laws prescribed by the imaginary theory of war, and in any deviation from this theory they saw only barbarity, ignorance or malicious intent. This party belonged to German princes, Wolzogen, Wintzingerode and others, mostly Germans.
The second game was the opposite of the first. As always happens, at one extreme there were representatives of the other extreme. The people of this party were those who, even from Vilna, demanded an offensive into Poland and freedom from any plans drawn up in advance. In addition to the fact that the representatives of this party were representatives of bold actions, they were also representatives of nationality, as a result of which they became even more one-sided in the dispute. These were Russians: Bagration, Ermolov, who was beginning to rise, and others. At this time, Ermolov’s well-known joke was spread, allegedly asking the sovereign for one favor - to make him a German. The people of this party said, remembering Suvorov, that one should not think, not prick the map with needles, but fight, beat the enemy, not let him into Russia and not let the army lose heart.

History of the Kudryavtsev family

This year in central library The series “History of Trubchevsk in Persons” began to be carried out, which introduces famous Trubchevsk families. The next meeting was dedicated to the Kudryavtsev family.

The script was based on the autobiographical books of Vice Admiral V.G. Kudryavtsev, dedicated to his family. The presenters talked about the Kudryavtsev family, in which five sons grew up - defenders of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, two of whom died at the front, and two rose to the highest ranks of the army and navy .

Most of the story was dedicated to Vasily Grigorievich, who currently lives in St. Petersburg and is preparing to celebrate his 90th birthday. Despite his advanced age, he maintains constant contact with our city, donating books and exhibits to the Trubchevsky Museum of Local Lore, libraries and schools in the city.

E.I. Yudenkova, whose family is friends with Vice Admiral Kudryavtsev, told those present about this amazing man and their recent meeting in July of this year, accompanying her story with photographs from her personal archive. S.V. Loginova, the chief curator of the museum’s funds, reported on the exhibits donated to the local history museum by V.G. Kudryavtsev.

The meeting was attended by Vasily Grigorievich’s cousin, who shared memories of her relatives, the Kudryavtsevs. The listeners perceived what they heard with interest and excitement. At the end of the meeting, the participants wrote a congratulatory message from the trumpeters, among whom veteran teachers G.I. Sazonova left a kind note. and Kurashova V.G., Navy veteran V.M. Biktimirov, employees of the library and literary museum N.E. Marchenkova, N.A. Soboleva. and Lozov B.Yu., students professionally – teacher training college headed by director Stepakova S.A.

O. Gulakova,Librarian of the Trubchevsk Central Library

In the photo: Meeting at the Trubchevsky Pedagogical School. At the table, the eldest of the brothers, Vice Admiral G.G. Kudryavtsev, with the director of the local history museum N.G. Tikhonov. behind the podium the youngest of the brothers

Vice Admiral V.G. Kudryavtsev. 1985

The election campaign in Volgodonsk has entered its final phase. Contrary to tradition, there will be no fierce battles for the mayor's seat. For the first time in modern history city ​​mayoral elections will be virtually uncontested. The only real candidate is a member of United Russia and current head Victor Firsov.

The other two candidates, Dmitry Pustov and Dmitry Taraskin, are not his competitors.

The fight for deputy mandates in most districts is very tough. A total of 105 candidates are registered, with an average of 4.2 people per seat. But it is not the number of candidates that gives the election campaign dramatic tension, but their quality. The local branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation nominated its candidates in all 25 electoral districts. At the same time, 6 candidates are employees of boarding school No. 14, which is headed by the secretary of the Volgodonsk party organization and the current deputy of the Volgodonsk City Duma Tatyana Voronko. The rest are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. With the exception of three, the candidates approached the campaign formally. On their election accounts 10 rubles each…

The Just Russia party lost to the communist party quantitatively, having formed a party list of 20 contenders. Fifteen of them are also fictitious candidates, with 10 and 100 rubles each in their election accounts. By the way, the actual budget of the election campaign of one candidate for a Duma seat ranges from 1 to 2 million rubles, depending on the popularity of the candidate, the seriousness of his competitor, etc.

The Liberal Democratic Party presented the smallest group of candidates. But 3 of their candidates are very serious players. There are 43 self-nominated candidates. Among them, there are only five competitive candidates. The main thing is character in the elections to the City Duma local organization of the United Russia party. In all 25 electoral districts there are United Russia candidates registered according to party lists. But there are United Russia members among self-nominated candidates.

In five districts, Evgeny Kudryavtsev, nicknamed Admiral, the leader of the Olympian group, led his fighters against United Russia. And he didn’t just bring it out. The newspaper “Pravda, what?”, owned by the same Kudryavtsev, energetically began to compromise the candidates from United Russia. It’s funny that he himself is also a member of the United Russia party. High position The current deputy of the 24th district, Alexander Prutsakov, nicknamed Shoma, is also an active member of the Olympian group in the political council of the city “United Russia”.

For the last eight years, Evgeny Kudryavtsev has been working very actively to create his new image as a respectable entrepreneur. He founded a fund to support family and childhood, received the Order of the Good Angel of the World (!) from the Patrons of the Century charity foundation, and created a newspaper that tirelessly glorified him. And he even took a photo at Krasnaya Polyana with President Medvedev. And he published the photo in his newspaper. It seemed that everything was ready to start running for parliament. But there was an embarrassment. One of the central newspapers wrote that our President was photographed with a man who has the reputation of the founder and leader of the Olympian group in Volgodonsk. After such a scandal, personal participation in the elections had to be canceled. Now the Olympians will be represented in the 11th district by Alexey Germanyuk, in the 12th by Evgeny Fedorin, in the 13th by Admiral’s brother Gennady Kudryavtsev, in the 14th by Alexey Misan, in the 24th by Alexander Prutsakov.

The latter owns a half share in the Olympus travel agency. The second half belongs to Alexey Zubarev, also an active Olympian. Two years ago, he was convicted of beating one of the city entrepreneurs, by the way, also a United Russia member, with metal rods together with an accomplice.

Another candidate for the 12th district, director of the base “Olympic enterprise” Troika LLC, Evgeny Fedorin, together with his “friends,” several years ago crippled a private security officer. For twenty days the 25-year-old young man was between life and death. Fedorin then went on the run and was on the federal wanted list for some time. A year later, the case was hushed up Fedorin returned to Volgodonsk and again became the director of Troika LLC.

And here are excerpts from one interesting document: “In the city of Volgodonsk, the criminal community, called “Olympus” according to criminal records, has a great influence on the socio-economic situation, the leader is Evgeniy Gennadievich Kudryavtsev, nicknamed Admiral. Has stable corrupt connections both in the city administration and in law enforcement agencies. Over the past few years, law enforcement officials have not carried out any activities aimed at undermining economic basis OPS "Olympus", although it is known that this criminal community receives most of its income through illegal business activities, concealing income from the activities of trading enterprises controlled by OPS "Olympus", extortion and blackmail.

The last inspection by OBEP officers was carried out in April 2002. Suddenly, the market in block B-5, controlled by OPS Olympus, was checked. During the audit, facts of concealment of income on a large scale were revealed (revenue collected from traders was not carried out through the cash register). The inspection material was recorded in the crime register. In April and May of the same year, at the Troika LLC market in the area of ​​the Yunost shopping complex, police officers carried out events during which numerous offenses in the field of trade and tax legislation were revealed, a large number of people of Caucasian nationality who were in the city without registration. However, no one was brought to justice."

But not all “heroic deeds” of Olympians can be hidden in secret. The serial beating of entrepreneurs two years ago by gang members who extorted money from them still ended in four sentences. The director and chief accountant of the Furniture from Georgiy enterprise were convicted of fraud, having helped the “man from Kudryavtsev,” as the chief accountant explained in court, “heated up” one of the banks for 5 million rubles and disappeared in an unknown direction It is clear that There's plenty of money for guys who do this sort of thing. Enough for charity, and for campaigning for ourselves, and for the coolest “PR”.

Kudryavtsev has his own view of the balance of power in the city’s corridors of power, which was published by his newspaper “Pravda, what?” In the “situation of mayor Firsov, speaker Tkachenko, the Duma will become pocket money for the administration” (L. Tkachenko, deputy head of the city administration for social development, is running for deputies of the City Duma, ed.). Therefore, there is no way for the leader of the city’s United Russia, Pyotr Gorchanyuk, to lose. He has a direct path to the post of Chairman of the Duma.

There is no doubt that the last week before the elections in the admiral's districts will be military-dramatic. Olympic plenipotentiaries will be on duty at each entrance around the clock. Competitive agitators will not be allowed near the population under threat of physical harm. One of the candidates, who dared to suspect the Admiral of unseemly actions and wrote a statement to the police, someone had already thrown an F-1 combat grenade into the courtyard of a private house. The police reacted to this incident in a very unique way: the main version is seriously considering the assumption that the candidate “ordered the grenade himself” for advertising purposes.

The question of what the balance of power will be in the future Duma of Volgodonsk of the fifth convocation is, without exaggeration, fateful for Volgodonsk now the representative body of power has the right to dismiss the mayor of the city, and the one in whose hands the controlling stake in the Duma ends up will be the master in Volgodonsk . And God forbid that it should become a celestial inhabitant of the local “Olympus”.

Memoirs - literary work, which narrates in the form of notes on behalf of the author about events of the past, of which he was a participant or witness or which are known to him from eyewitnesses, and about people with whom the author of the memoirs was familiar.

Many memoirs were written by individuals who played a prominent role in history (Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Catherine II). They can cover a significant period of time, sometimes the entire life of the author, connecting important events with the small details of everyday life.

Examples of memoir books created by DEAN Publishing House:

Vice Admiral Vasily Grigorievich Kudryavtsev. Life in memories, letters and photographs.

In the book, an honored veteran naval forces Russia talks about his life path. About the scorched Great Patriotic War childhood and youth, cruises on Navy ships, service in distant garrisons of his country and performing international duty abroad. This is a book about courage, love, meetings and partings.

DEAN publishing house invites everyone interested in publishing books about their life path or books about your loved ones to cooperate. We are ready to work with you to prepare a book about you and for you, as well as your family, friends and acquaintances.

Chernobyl. Chronicle and fate. Thirty years of heroism of Chernobyl veterans in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg.

Together with the St. Petersburg Regional public organization disabled people "Union "Chernobyl - Neva" on the eve of the sad anniversary - the 30th anniversary of the disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant, DEAN Publishing House prepared and published the book “Chernobyl. Chronicle and fate. Thirty years of heroism of Chernobyl veterans in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg.” This is a book about the heroes of our time, about those who had to stand up to defend their country from an ominous nuclear disaster.

The publication describes in detail the liquidation of the consequences of the largest man-made disaster in human history. Of particular interest are the memoirs of veteran liquidators, which allow us to see the Chernobyl tragedy from the inside, through the eyes of those who were directly involved in it.

Natalya Shelimova

At the end of February, Dmitry Medvedev spoke to employees of the Prosecutor General's Office and called on them to be expelled from the authorities local government crime bosses and authorities...

I wonder if Dmitry Anatolyevich had learned by this time that during the Christmas holidays he not only rode down the mountains in Krasnaya Polyana with a man of very dubious reputation, but also took a photo with him? This photograph was published in a newspaper in the city of Volgodonsk (Rostov region). And now everyone in the city understood: Evgeniy Gennadyevich Kudryavtsev is a man of federal stature.

Officially, Kudryavtsev is an entrepreneur and philanthropist, a member of United Russia. He has a fairly decent business by the standards of Volgodonsk, and several years ago he established the Family and Childhood Support Fund. In 2006, Kudryavtsev was awarded the “Good Angel of the World” award, established by the Patrons of the Century charity foundation.
Unofficially, this man has a reputation as the founder and leader of the Olympus group in Volgodonsk, nicknamed Admiral. In the early 90s, the Admiral, who already had great gangster fame, was taken under his wing by one of the influential city businessmen (killed in March 2002). Thus began the transformation of the Admiral, convicted in 1991 for extortion, into a businessman.

The Admiral's patron easily approached the then head of the city, Vyacheslav Khizhnyakov, and introduced them. It must be said that Khizhnyakov rose to the rank of plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council. And all this time he did not break off relations with Kudryavtsev.

For example, this story is widely known. In 1998, a transcript was published in the Rostov regional newspaper “Our Time” telephone conversation Kudryavtsev and Khizhnyakov. The admiral asked Khizhnyakov to petition the chairman of the Rostov Regional Court to reject the city prosecutor’s protest against the verdict of the Volgodonsk court (the prosecutor considered it too lenient) to two active members of the Olympov group, convicted of extortion. Khizhnyakov promised to resolve the issue. Be that as it may, the judicial panel for criminal cases of the Rostov Regional Court left the prosecutor’s protest unsatisfied. By the way, Khizhnyakov later publicly confirmed the fact of such a conversation with Kudryavtsev.

The Admiral also had other patrons - for example, the head of the local Internal Affairs Directorate, General Shevchenko, who later became the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karachay-Cherkessia, and from there moved to the chair of the head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Rostov Region.

At some point, local entrepreneurs, who were regularly subjected to tribute, could not stand it. (It’s not for nothing that this city is called “Chicago-on-Don.”) And 60 people wrote an appeal to the president. They asked for protection because local government and the police chiefs in Volgodonsk and Rostov, according to the authors of the letter, patronized the lads. Commissions and police brigades frequented the city. Searches were carried out in the apartments of the Olympians and the Admiral. Kudryavtsev disappeared from Volgodonsk for many months... After that story, both the head of the regional police department, General Shevchenko, and the presidential representative Vyacheslav Khizhnyakov, and the Volgodonsk police department head, Alexander Tokarev, lost their posts.

And five years ago a funny thing happened. Evgeniy Gennadyevich was offended that he was called the leader of an organized crime group. And he filed a lawsuit against the regional newspaper for the protection of honor and dignity. Journalists brought various evidence to court. Among them is a resolution of the regional prosecutor’s office to conduct a search in the apartment of “Evgeny Kudryavtsev, one of the leaders of an organized criminal group” (quote) in connection with the murder of businessman and deputy of the Volgodonsk Duma Pavel Zubkov. The search was carried out because “there were sufficient grounds to believe that at Kudryavtsev’s place of residence there were things and documents related to the initiated case, money and valuables obtained by criminal means.” The Volgodonsk Internal Affairs Directorate had information that “the crime was organized and committed by the Olympus criminal group.” Kudryavtsev, nicknamed Admiral, was called one of the leaders of this group. Despite this, the Volgodonsk judge granted Kudryavtsev’s claim. The Rostov Regional Court did not agree with this and - a rare case! — made a new decision: to refuse the claim, thus admitting that he also doubted the purity of the Admiral’s biography.

Now, after the significant meeting between Kudryavtsev and the president, people in Volgodonsk are sure: this photo is the final chord in the admiral’s long-term PR campaign, after which he will move into politics and will probably become not only a deputy, but also the chairman of the Volgodonsk City Duma.


“It’s our way, the Russian way!” From an interview with Evgeny Kudryavtsev:

- The breathtaking impressions of stunning landscapes and rapid ski slopes became even brighter after my meeting on the ski slope with the President Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. This was during night skiing. Imagine: the lanterns are burning, the mountains are beautiful, like in a fairy tale, there is a surge of adrenaline in the body, a song in the soul!

I'm proud that the president of my country doesn't hide behind a bulletproof shield like Barack Obama. This is our way, the Russian way! Therefore, we do not vacation in Courchevel, but follow the example of Dmitry Medvedev, Dmitry Kozak, Alexander Tkachev (I also saw them on the ski slope among tourists) - we support the domestic recreation industry.

And what, you could easily stand next to the first person of the country and talk?

I myself was amazed at the ease with which we started the conversation. Dmitry Anatolyevich - simple and open man, and of course, I was pleased with the meeting. A photo for memory

Possibly one of the nicest gifts I have ever received on Christmas night.

Race for the President. Entrepreneur Pyotr Fedin was the first to build a commercial cable car in Krasnaya Polyana.

He was the first to meet Vladimir Putin here when he was not yet president. Not so long ago, Fedin was “removed from the ski track”, which had become too VIP. Out of old memory, he comes to Krasnaya Polyana - now as a simple tourist. We asked him to tell us how to ensure that your ski track intersects with the presidential one.

It's almost impossible to do this by accident. Security works very well. It cuts off unnecessary and random ones. What they show us: a crowd of vacationers and free communication, - lies. The same as with the direct line with the president, when real Krasnopolyans were not allowed anywhere near, and the questions were agreed upon in advance and for some reason they were asked by people who were specially brought, it seems, from Krasnodar.

Surely there will be people who will object to you...

Medvedev rarely goes skiing at all; he is not a very good skier yet and is still learning. Businessmen who desperately need a photo with the president can only find out about his arrival through security or through the organizers - some time ago Medvedev rode at the Gazprom base. But, as you understand, there are no random passers-by on skis. By the way, at the last State Council, Putin and Medvedev rode together after the meetings. A bunch of politicians with “access to the body” came to the State Council in Krasnaya Polyana. (And they had the opportunity to bring their people to the president. - R.A.) True, children are sometimes allowed through. So, my friend’s daughter took a photo with Medvedev on the ski track. But an adult, of course, won’t just get by.

Price issue

During the season, the cheapest hotel in Krasnaya Polyana (a few kilometers from the slope) costs from 3,200 rubles. per day for a double room. A VIP-level hotel costs from 7,000 rubles. for a single room on weekdays and up to 18,000 rubles. on the weekend. IN new year holidays, when the president and prime minister like to come, a standard room costs 40,000-50,000 rubles. The cost of equipment is 1000 rubles. per day. Excursion - 500-800 rubles. Cable car (price for ascent time 12-15 minutes) - 550-2238 rub. (depending on the length and other characteristics of the cable car).