The best excuses for not going to school. Bad advice: how not to go to school? Stay at home if weather or environmental conditions require it

By the end of the quarter, every student who respects himself and values ​​his time thinks about how not to go to school without getting anything for it. It was so twenty, fifty, a hundred years ago, it is so now, and it will continue to be so until compulsory attendance is abolished. educational institution. Today, just taking a walk, going to the movies instead of lessons, or wandering around the streets is rarely possible: the city is unsafe, entertainment requires money, and in schools the presence of students is increasingly being monitored by technicians - that a child did not pass through the turnstile or broke out in the middle of the day. freedom, parents will receive the message immediately. This means that you will have to invent a way to get permission for an extra day off.

The oldest, most effective and affordable way to stay home on a workday is simulation. Just don’t be like Inochkin’s friends, who jumped into the nettles and acted out the symptoms so artistically that the doctors were afraid of the epidemic. Most parents do not wish harm to their child and do not want complications from the missed onset of the disease, so one day of bed rest will not prevent the problem. It is not at all necessary to heat the thermometer to a critical temperature and become delirious. Symptoms of any mild illness are weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite and upset stomach. It is enough to complain about feeling unwell, report a headache, refuse dinner and sit quietly instead of the usual running around, and the parents will take out a thermometer and offer tea with lemon. If a runny nose is naturally added to this, it will be more convincing, and frequent runs to the toilet will cause concern and bed rest for at least one day.

As a rule, mothers, fathers and grandmothers are in no hurry to call a doctor if the child does not seem to have a fever or is suffering, but is only slightly ill. To monitor the progress of the disease and to avoid the potential spread of infection, the sad, lethargic, running to the toilet student will be left at home. It is dangerous to simulate any other, more serious symptoms - parents can use pills that will certainly ruin good health.

If one of the parents or grandmother is always at home, then you can justify absenteeism by some kind of cultural outing. Yes, so it happened: tomorrow is the last day of the photo exhibition that you have been dreaming of going to for several years, saw it in a dream, counted the days - and then there was some kind of school. Or the circus with bears is leaving, and you still haven’t seen Kopatych on a bicycle. Or a meeting with your favorite children's writer in the library - you've already prepared autograph books. The main thing is that the events are not fictitious, and indeed the appointed day is the last chance to get there. The Internet will help you find such an event, but it is worth considering that parents will not always understand the desire to participate in the WoT tournament - the trip really should be cultural.

At school, students are often asked to prepare for some events, write reports or essays, and create some projects. Surely a couple of such tasks are on your list. If you don’t want to go to school, slightly embellish the urgency and importance of your work, note that the teachers and even the director hope that the day after tomorrow you will bring a ready-made delightful solution, but you don’t have time at all. Therefore, the only chance not to upset the teaching staff and not lose face is to stay at home and carry out an important assignment. Most parents will grumble about the need to get work done on time, but will allow the heroic child to spend the school day on homework. True, it will have to be done, and done well.

The most honest way not to go to school is to simply tell your mom or dad that you don’t want to go there tomorrow. And explain why. Let’s say that for getting a D on a test, a math student will call you a blockhead in front of everyone, and this is insulting and shameful, so it’s better to spend the day studying the material at home and doing extra work, and next time be prepared. Or talk about the fatigue that has accumulated over the course of a quarter, explain that a schoolchild is also a person, and if dad can take a day off, then so can the child. One extra day off is not irresponsibility and laziness, but rational use time, so there will be no gap in knowledge. If the reasons are personal, also honestly lay out: about a fight with a neighbor at your desk, about a school conflict that will lose its severity within a day, and the nerves will calm down on all sides. Such honesty is captivating, and most parents, having heard the arguments of an almost adult, will agree with them.

How to avoid going to school at all? You need good reasons for this. Of course, parents will not listen to an offended first-grader, but a serious high school student can talk about external studies or home schooling. For example, this is what they do when they are going to become a student at a reputable university, and studying foreign subjects is distracting, or they have already been studied at the general educational level.

Children love to skip school - this is a generally accepted fact. But they are not always able to come up with good reasons for absenteeism. It’s better to play it safe and read up on how to deceive correctly so that they don’t get caught. A responsible parent can scold him very offensively for absenteeism, but who needs that? What did savvy schoolchildren come up with when skipping unloved school classes? The article describes the brightest and most reliable ways to ask your mother for an extra day off on a weekday!

What to tell your mother so as not to go to school - illness

  • One of the common excuses for parents is the sudden onset of a painful condition. You can get really sick, that is, think through the whole cunning plan in advance. Or, getting up early, try to visually worsen your situation with pale skin, weakness, and even an increase in temperature. The latter is easy to do. Take a working thermometer, turn on the table lamp and keep it under the light for some time, at a small distance from the glass. Instead of a lamp, water or a battery is used, from the tap, but optimal for raising body temperature. It's about 38°C, but not higher. If you overdo it, your mother will call a doctor to your house, who will quickly reveal the shameful lie. Pallor skin add light makeup, namely by rubbing powder on the cheeks or under the eyes. They rub their nose until it turns red and begin to sniffle, as if they have a runny nose. It is also important to cough loudly and convincingly and to lead a not very active bed life.
  • If the decision to get sick came a few days in advance, then a good option is to run with your mouth open in the cold air or drink ice water, or go outside with a wet head. Easy to catch in summer sunstroke, having spent the whole day outside without a panama hat.
    Raise your temperature by doing 100 squats in a secluded place so no one can see. Just before going to your parents you should balance your breathing.

What to tell your mother so as not to go to school - classes have been canceled

You can rely on fate and say that there will be no classes at school. But this information is simply verified by calling the teacher or the mother of a student he knows.

What to tell mom so as not to go to school - oversleep

A favorite type of truancy, but not the most popular, because mothers always keep order in the house! Works when mom is very busy and doesn’t have time for everything around her.

What to tell your mother so as not to go to school - going to the theater

Lie about going to the theater. They say there is a meeting with the class near the school, energetically pack your things. Next, leave the house and turn around the corner, standing there for about 30 minutes, simulating the road to school and back. Returning home, telling my mother the story of being late, the school bus ended up leaving without the main passenger!

What to tell your mother so as not to go to school - the toilet is flooded

Lie about problems with the sewer system - the toilet burst and flooded, classes were sent home due to plumbing repairs.

What to tell your mom so you don't have to go to school - the batteries weren't turned on

Suitable for the autumn-winter period, when the heating has not yet been turned on, and the rooms are almost as cold as outside. To do this, supposedly go to school and return with sad news about the end of classes.

What to tell mom so as not to go to school - sprain

Wrap your arm or leg in an elastic bandage and tell your mom about the sprain in gym class. In this case, rest for several days until the condition improves. If you have to go to the doctor, you need to jump on your healthy leg, carefully bending the damaged one. If there are problems with the arm, it is rewound and pressed to the body.

What to tell your mother so as not to go to school - suspiciousness will help!

Self-hypnosis is a great help for those who have suspiciousness in their blood. The principle is this: in the evening before going to bed, think about illness, about headaches, about something negative. And if a person is impressionable, then there is a high probability of waking up in the morning feeling unwell. And an additional advantage will be to show in every possible way your poor condition on the eve of the decisive day.

Mom is also a person, and at her age she probably also skipped school. Therefore, you can make cute, naive eyes and try to tell the truth, then you won’t have to lie and blush when the lie is revealed. A frank conversation with parents explaining the situation is easy way get the opportunity to sometimes stay at home. But to do this, it’s still worth rehearsing in front of a mirror and thinking over a bait text.

In order to don't go to school, parents need to present serious arguments. Most often they are related to health conditions, so this is exactly what the offspring who want to stay at home try to play on.

There are many ways to imitate illness, and although many people care little about the moral aspect of such actions, deception is deception, and parents worry and worry. In addition, it is dangerous to slander your health, because even thoughts materialize, let alone a colorfully described painful condition. Very often imitations are embodied in real life, and the disease can be very real. Although, some people actually strive to get really sick.

To avoid going to school, you can try the following methods:

  • pretend to be sick, imitating the symptoms of a viral disease that you have already had before. To make your cheeks glow, confirming the presence of a cold, you can pat or pinch them (remembering to periodically repeat the procedure so that parents do not suspect anything)
  • you need to talk through your nose, breathe through your mouth, clear your throat and sniffle in the presence of your parents (or knowing that they are nearby)
  • complain of a sore throat, headache and general fatigue
  • the face and head can be heated with a hairdryer, simulating elevated temperature body
  • You can also carry out certain manipulations with a thermometer, for example, warm it up to a certain temperature by applying it to an incandescent light bulb, a hot battery, or placing it under a stream of hot water. Just don’t be zealous, raising the temperature excessively, otherwise they’ll call an ambulance.
  • you can go to bed and even limit yourself to food or something tasty, cancel a meeting with friends, they say, it’s so bad. In this case, the disease will look more convincing.
  • You can develop it in front of your parents. Refuse dinner or eat a little food, answering that your stomach hurts a lot (you can stock up on food in advance, then it’s easier to refuse dinner). You can approach this issue more thoroughly, with nausea and vomiting. To do this, you need to hide a ladle of water in the bathroom in advance and periodically, with appropriate sounds, pour water out of it. The face after leaving the bathroom should also be appropriate.

Ways to temporarily raise body temperature:

  • Place one drop of iodine on a piece of refined sugar. may rise to 37.7 0, although not for long - for a maximum of one day. You just need to be careful with iodine in case of allergies or poisoning
  • rub your armpits with regular salt or garlic, the temperature can then rise to 39 0
  • The lead of a simple pencil can raise the temperature to 38 0, but for three or four hours, and you can get poisoned.

Method in short terms raise blood pressure:

  • you need to strongly clench and unclench your fists for 1-2 minutes at a very fast pace (as much as possible). This way you can provide a pressure of 140x90 mm, accompanied by complaints of pain in the back of the head and nausea.

To avoid going to school for a long time, you can:

  • drink cold milk
  • breathe through your mouth in cold air
  • sit naked in front of an open window in the cold

The temperature will be the same, and you can sit at home for a week, but it’s better not to do that.

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There are days when you don’t feel like going to school at all. A test you’re not ready for, terrible events or conflicts with classmates, all this definitely doesn’t make you happy, and you just want to stay at home.

There are a great many ways to get sick and not go to school, but there are 2 main ways to solve this problem: feign illness or really get sick. And although the second method is more reliable, it can lead to consequences that you do not expect: you planned to stay at home for a day, but spent a month in the hospital on IVs; I wanted to cause nausea, ended up in the hospital with poisoning and had to do gastric lavage (and this is not a pleasant procedure).

How to feign illness so as not to go to school

  • When measuring temperature, you can attach a thermometer to a light bulb, or dip it in hot water, but do not overdo it, 37.2-37.4 is enough to stay at home, but 42 will cause serious suspicion; and if the parents are very trusting - real panic.
  • You can rub your armpits with salt, in this case you can measure the temperature right in front of your parents and they will not notice anything, and the temperature on the thermometer will be high.
  • In addition to the previous methods, for greater persuasiveness, you can heat your forehead with a hairdryer or heating pad; this will help if your parents first decide to check your temperature with their own hands (literally and figuratively).
  • You can drop a drop of iodine onto a cube of refined sugar, the temperature will rise again, but the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can be seriously poisoned.

How to get really sick

So, if you think that your parents will not believe in a simple simulation, and you decide to get really sick and not go to school, then this is your and only your responsibility. With such actions, there is a high risk that you will become seriously ill and spend a lot of time in the hospital, so you do not need to go for walks with wet hair or drink boiling oil, these are more likely methods for suicide than for skipping school. Safer ways:

  • Drinking cold things in the heat can cause you to catch a cold or a sore throat.
  • Eating ice cream on the street - you may have to eat more ice cream than you are used to and quite quickly. The effect will intensify if the weather outside is either already cold or, conversely, hot and scorching.
  • Standing in the wind means, again, a cold or a sore throat, but take care of your ears; if they blow out, inflammation of the inner ear will have to be treated for a long time and in a hospital.
  • If you shout enough, you will become hoarse and your throat will hurt.
  • Getting your feet wet while walking is important in autumn and spring.

Whatever method you choose, be careful, or better yet, no pain at all.