On the path of a cart of mass m sliding on a smooth horizontal table with speed. Physics problems for the Unified State Exam. Sliding puck of mass m1

Task. A puck of mass m slides with speed v 0 along a smooth horizontal surface of a table, hits a resting wedge of mass 2m, slides along it without friction or separation, and leaves the wedge (see figure). The wedge, which did not come off the table, acquires speed v 0 /4. Find the angle of inclination of the surface of the upper part of the wedge to the horizon. The lower part of the wedge has a smooth transition to the table surface. Neglect the change in the potential energy of the puck in the gravitational field as it moves along the wedge. Solution. 1. The work of non-conservative forces in the system is zero, therefore the mechanical energy of the system is conserved (see Supporting abstract III, paragraph 10 vkotov.narod.ru/3.pdf) The kinetic energy of the washer before contact with the wedge (we take the potential energy of the washer in this position equal to zero) The kinetic energy of the puck immediately after lifting off the wedge. The kinetic energy of the wedge immediately after the puck comes off. (We neglect the change in the potential energy of the puck according to the condition)

2. All external forces acting on the bodies of our system (gravity and the reaction force of the table) are perpendicular to the horizontal axis OX, therefore the projection of the system’s momentum onto this axis is preserved (see Supporting Note III, paragraph 5 vkotov.narod.ru/3. pdf) Projection of the puck's momentum before contact with the wedge. Projection of the puck's momentum immediately after liftoff from the wedge. Projection of the wedge impulse immediately after the puck comes off. 3. The modulus of the speed of the puck immediately after lifting off from the wedge v is related to the projections of this speed v x and v y: v 2 = v x 2 + v y 2 = (v 0 2 /4) + v y 2 Let’s substitute this into the formula for the law of conservation of energy (point 1) and after contractions we obtain: After contraction we obtain: v x = v 0 /2 4. In the moving reference frame X"O"Y" associated with the wedge, the speed of the puck immediately after liftoff v" will be directed at an angle to the horizontal. The speed v " of the puck relative to the wedge is related to the speed v of the puck relative to the table according to the law of addition of velocities (see Supporting abstract I, paragraph 2 vkotov.narod.ru/1.pdf) The speed of the wedge immediately after lifting off the washer v k = v 0 /4 .

O X Y 5. Let us add the vectors v " and v k according to the triangle rule and in the same figure we show the decomposition of the vector v into the components v x and v y: The desired angle can be found from a triangle whose hypotenuse is v ", and the legs are parallel to the OX and OY axes. The figure shows that tg v y /(v x v k) Substituting v x from point 2, v y from point 3 and v k from the problem data, we get the answer:

Physics problem - 2896

A puck of mass $m$ slides with a speed of $v_(0)$ along a smooth horizontal surface of the table, hits a resting wedge of mass $2m$, slides along it without friction or separation, and leaves the wedge (Fig.). A wedge that does not leave the table will acquire a speed of $v_(0)/4$. Find the angle $\alpha$ of inclination to the horizon of the surface of the upper part of the wedge. The lower part of the wedge has a smooth transition to the table surface. Neglect the change in the potential energy of the puck in the gravitational field as it moves along the wedge. The directions of all movements are parallel to the plane of the drawing.


The figure shows the moment the washer slides off the wedge. At this moment, let us denote the speed of the puck relative to the wedge by $\vec(v)_(rel)$, and the speed of the wedge itself by $\vec(u)$. It is obvious that the speed of the wedge is directed horizontally, and the relative speed of the puck makes an angle $\alpha$ with the horizon. Since the resulting force acting on the “washer plus wedge” system of bodies in the horizontal direction is zero, the horizontal component of the momentum of this system remains unchanged:

$mv_(0) = 2mu + m(v_(rel) \cos \alpha + u)$. (1)

Since $u = v_(0)/4$, then equation (1) will have the form

$v_(0) = 4 v_(rel) \cos \alpha$. (2)

According to the law of conservation of energy

$\frac(mv_(0)^(2))(2) = \frac(2mu^(2))(2) + \frac(mv_(w)^(2))(2)$. (3)

In this equation, $v_(w)$ is the speed of the puck at the moment of sliding relative to a fixed coordinate system. By the cosine theorem

$v_(w)^(2) = v_(rel)^(2) + u^(2) + 2 v_(rel) u \cos \alpha$.

After substituting this relation into (3) and taking into account the fact that $u = v_(0)/4$, we obtain

$13 v_(0)^(2) = 16 v_(rel)^(2) + 8 v_(rel) v_(0) \cos \alpha$. (4)

From the joint solution of (2) and (3) with respect to $\cos \alpha$ we obtain that

$\cos \alpha = \frac(1)( \sqrt(11))$.

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N(see picture).

At the edge of the jump, the driver's speed is directed at an angle to the horizontal. After flying through the air, the racer lands on a horizontal table at the same height as the edge of the springboard. What is the flight altitude h on this trampoline? Neglect air resistance and friction.

A homogeneous thin rod of mass m= 1 kg, one end is hinged to the ceiling, and the other end rests on a massive horizontal board, forming an angle α = 30° with it. Under the influence of a horizontal force, the board moves progressively to the left at a constant speed (see figure). The rod is motionless. Find if the coefficient of friction of the rod on the board is μ = 0.2. Neglect the friction of the board on the support and the friction in the hinge.

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Ball, mass m 1, moving at speed v 1, hits another ball with mass m 2. The collision is inelastic. Immediately after impact, the speed of the balls is v. Find the energy value Δ U, released during the collision.

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A puck is released along a smooth inclined plane. The maximum distance of the washer from the line of intersection of the inclined plane and the horizontal is 68 cm. The angle of the plane with the horizontal is α = 30°. Angle between initial speed and line ABβ = 60°. Find the initial speed of the puck.

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Two small bodies are thrown vertically upward from one point after a time interval Δ t= 3 s, giving them identical initial velocities V 1 = V 2 = 20 m/s. At what altitude H will the bodies collide? Air resistance can be neglected.

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A rod slides along a horizontal plane AB, and the point ABOUT- its middle - has at a given moment a speed equal in magnitude to 3 m/s and directed along the rod from the point A to the point B. Dot IN the rod has a speed equal in magnitude to 5 m/s. What is the speed of the point and what is its direction? A at this moment in time?

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r 0 = 1 cm begins to shoot upward from the hose at speed v 0 = 20 m/s. Find the radius of the jet r on top h= 16 m vertically from the end of the hose. Neglect friction and surface tension forces, consider the vertical speed of water particles in any cross section of the jet to be the same for a given section, and consider the particles themselves to be in a state of free fall in the gravity field.

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Circular water jet with radius r 0 = 1.1 cm begins to shoot upward from the hose at a speed v 0 = 15 m/s. Find the radius of the jet r on top h= 10 m vertically from the end of the hose. Neglect friction and surface tension forces, consider the vertical speed of water particles in any cross section of the jet to be the same for a given section, and consider the particles themselves to be in a state of free fall in the gravity field.

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Projectile of mass 2 m breaks in flight into two equal parts, one of which continues to move in the direction of the projectile, and the other in the opposite direction. At the moment of rupture, the total kinetic energy of the fragments increases due to the explosion energy by an amount Δ E. The modulus of velocity of a fragment moving in the direction of movement of the projectile is equal to and the modulus of velocity of the second fragment is equal to Find Δ E.

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A piece of plasticine collides with a block sliding towards it on the horizontal surface of the table and sticks to it. The velocities of the plasticine and the block before the impact are mutually opposite and equal, and the mass of the block is 4 times greater than the mass of the plasticine. Coefficient of sliding friction between the block and the table How far will the stuck block and plasticine move by the time their speed decreases by half?

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The horizontal surface is divided into two parts: smooth and rough. At the border of these parts there is a small cube. From the side of the smooth part, a ball of mass M= 200 g, moving at speed v 0 = 3 m/s. Determine the mass of the cube m, if it stopped after an absolutely elastic central collision with a ball at a distance L= 1 m from the collision point. The coefficient of friction of the cube on the surface is μ = 0.3.

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A small ball of mass is suspended on a light, inextensible thread with a length that breaks under a tension force. The ball is removed from the equilibrium position (it is shown in the dotted line in the figure) and released. When the ball passes the equilibrium position, the thread breaks, and the ball immediately collides absolutely inelastically with a block of mass lying motionless on a smooth horizontal surface of the table. What is the speed u bar after impact? Assume that the block moves forward after the impact.

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To the ceiling on two identical light springs with a common stiffness k= 400 N/m a cup of mass is suspended m= 500 g. From height h= 10 cm a load of the same mass falls into a cup and sticks to it m(see picture). What is the maximum distance H After this, will the cup lower relative to its original position? Neglect losses of mechanical energy.

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When performing the "Flying Cyclist" stunt, the rider moves along a springboard under the influence of gravity, starting from a state of rest from a height N(see picture).

At the edge of the jump, the driver's speed is directed at an angle to the horizontal. After flying through the air, the racer lands on a horizontal table at the same height as the edge of the springboard. What is the flight range L on this trampoline? Neglect air resistance and friction.

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m= 1 kg at speed v= 5 m/s. He experiences a head-on absolutely elastic collision with another ball of mass M= 2 kg, which was at rest before the collision (see figure). After this, the second ball hits a massive piece of plasticine glued to the plane and sticks to it. How much heat was released during the process of sticking the second ball to a piece of plasticine?

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A projectile weighing 4 kg, flying at a speed of 400 m/s, breaks into two equal parts, one of which flies in the direction of movement of the projectile, and the other in the opposite direction. At the moment of rupture, the total kinetic energy of the fragments increased by the amount Determine the speed of the fragment flying in the direction of movement of the projectile.

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On a smooth horizontal surface of the table rests a slide with two peaks, the heights of which are and (see the figure). There is a puck at the right top of the slide. With a slight push, the puck and the slide begin to move, and the puck moves to the left without leaving the smooth surface of the slide, and the progressively moving slide does not come off the table. The speed of the puck at the left top of the slide was equal to v. Find the ratio of the masses of the puck and the slide.

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A block of mass slides down an inclined plane from a height h and, moving along a horizontal surface, collides with a stationary block of mass. As a result of an absolutely inelastic collision, the total kinetic energy of the bars becomes equal to 2.5 J. Determine the height of the inclined plane h. Neglect friction during movement. Assume that the inclined plane smoothly turns into a horizontal one.

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On a smooth horizontal surface of a table rests a slide with two peaks whose heights are h and 4 h(see picture). There is a puck at the right top of the slide. The mass of the slide is 8 times the mass of the puck. With a slight push, the puck and the slide begin to move, and the puck moves to the left without leaving the smooth surface of the slide, and the progressively moving slide does not come off the table. Find the speed of the puck at the left top of the slide.

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When performing the “Flying Cyclist” stunt, the rider moves along a smooth ramp under the influence of gravity, starting from a state of rest from a certain height (see figure). At the edge of the jump, the speed of the racer is directed at an angle α = 60° to the horizontal. Having flown through the air, he lands on a horizontal table, rising in flight to a height h over the edge of the springboard. From what height H did the driver start moving?

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The high-speed electric train "Nevsky Express" traveled from St. Petersburg to Moscow along a straight horizontal track at a speed v= 180 km/h. The train passenger hung a plumb line in front of him and began to monitor his behavior. At some point, the train began to slow down with constant acceleration in order to stop in Bologoe. At the beginning of braking, the plumb line deviated by a certain maximum angle α, and then oscillated with a slowly decreasing amplitude until the train stopped. What was the angle α if the distance to the stopping point at the start of braking was 2.5 km?

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Thin homogeneous rod AB hinged at a point A Sun m= 1 kg, its angle of inclination to the horizon α = 30°. Find the magnitude of the force acting on the rod from the hinge side. Make a drawing showing all the forces acting on the rod.

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N(see picture). At the edge of the jump, the speed of the racer is directed at an angle α = 60° to the horizontal. After flying through the air, he lands on a horizontal table located at the same height as the edge of the springboard. What is the maximum possible altitude for a racer to fly?

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When performing the Flying Cyclist stunt, the rider moves along a smooth ramp under the influence of gravity, starting from rest at a height N(see picture). At the edge of the jump, the speed of the racer is directed at an angle α = 60° to the horizontal. After flying through the air, he lands on a horizontal table located at the same height as the edge of the springboard. What is the flight range of the racer?

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On a smooth horizontal surface of the table rests a slide with two peaks, the heights of which are and (see the figure). There is a puck at the right top of the slide. With a slight push, the puck and the slide begin to move, and the puck moves to the left without leaving the smooth surface of the slide, and the progressively moving slide does not come off the table. The speed of the puck at the left top of the slide turned out to be equal. Find the ratio of the masses of the puck and the slide.

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At the interface between two immiscible liquids having densities ρ 1 = 900 kg/m 3 and ρ 2 = 3ρ 1, the ball floats (see picture). What should be the density of the ball? ρ so that one third of its volume is above the liquid interface?

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On a smooth horizontal plane there are two identical perfectly elastic smooth washers. One of them moves with a speed equal in absolute value to 3 m/s, and the other rests near a straight line drawn through the center of the first washer in the direction of its speed. The washers collide, and after the collision the second, initially at rest, puck rebounds at an angle α = 30° to this line. Find the speed of the first puck after the collision.

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A hill with two peaks, the heights of which are h and 3 h, rests on a smooth horizontal surface of the table (see figure). At the right top of the slide there is a puck whose mass is 12 times less than the mass of the slide. With a slight push, the puck and the slide begin to move, and the puck moves to the left without leaving the smooth surface of the slide, and the progressively moving slide does not come off the table. Find the speed of the slide at the moment when the puck reaches the left top of the slide.

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A slide with two peaks, the height of which rests on a smooth horizontal surface of the table (see figure). There is a coin on the right top of the slide. With a slight push, the coin and the slide begin to move, and the coin moves to the left without leaving the smooth surface of the slide, and the progressively moving slide does not come off the table. At some point in time, the coin was at the left top of the slide, having a speed. Find the speed of the slide at this moment.

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The horizontal surface is divided into two parts: smooth and rough. At the boundary of these parts there is a cube of mass m= 100 g. From the side of the smooth part, a metal ball with a mass of M= 300 g, moving at speed v 0 = 2 m/s. Determine the distance L, which will pass the cube until it stops after an absolutely elastic central collision with the ball. The coefficient of friction of the cube on the surface is μ = 0.3.

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A pendulum consists of a small mass of mass M= 100 g hanging on a light inextensible thread length L= 50 cm. It hangs at rest in a vertical position. A small body with a mass of m= 20 g, flying in a horizontal direction. As a result, the pendulum rotates in a vertical plane around its suspension point, and the pendulum’s weight constantly moves in a circle, making a full revolution. What could be the speed of the body before the impact?

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Two balls whose masses are m= 0.1 kg and M= 0.2 kg, hanging touching on vertical threads of equal length l(see picture). The left ball is deflected through an angle of 90° and released with an initial velocity of zero. As a result of a completely inelastic impact of the balls, an amount of heat is released Q= 1 J. Determine the length of the threads l.

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The Sapsan high-speed electric train was traveling along a straight horizontal track at a speed v= 180 km/h. The train passenger hung a plumb line in front of him and began to monitor his behavior. At some point, the train began to slow down with constant acceleration in order to stop in Tver. In this case, the plumb line at the beginning of braking deviated by a maximum angle α = 5.7°, and then oscillated with a slowly decreasing amplitude until the train stopped. At what distance L from the station in Tver, the Sapsan began braking?

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A small ball falls from above onto an inclined plane and is elastically reflected from it. The angle of inclination of the plane to the horizon is equal to How far does the ball move horizontally between the first and second impacts on the plane? The speed of the ball immediately before the first impact is directed vertically downward and equal to 1 m/s.

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Thin homogeneous rod AB hinged at a point A and held in place by a horizontal thread Sun(see picture). The friction in the joint is negligible. Rod mass m= 1 kg, its angle of inclination to the horizon α = 45°. Find the magnitude of the force acting on the rod from the hinge side. Make a drawing showing all the forces acting on the rod.

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A load is attached to a vertical spring with a stiffness of 400 N/m. The system is in equilibrium. At a certain point in time, part of the load is unhooked and the system returns to equilibrium, while the spring moves by 3 cm. Determine the mass of the unhooked part of the load.

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When performing the “Flying Cyclist” stunt, the rider moves along a smooth ramp under the influence of gravity, starting from a state of rest from a certain height (see figure). At the edge of the jump, the speed of the racer is directed at an angle α = 60° to the horizontal. Flying through the air, he landed on a horizontal table at the same height as the edge of the springboard. The racer's flight range is S. At what altitude N is the starting point above the edge of the diving board?

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Projectile of mass 2 m, moving at speed, is torn into two equal parts, one of which continues to move in the direction of movement of the projectile, and the other in the opposite direction. At the moment of rupture, the total kinetic energy of the fragments increases due to the explosion energy by an amount Δ E. The speed of a fragment moving in the direction of movement of the projectile is equal to Find Δ E.

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A ball of mass slides along a smooth horizontal plane m= 2 kg at speed v= 2 m/s. He experiences a head-on absolutely elastic collision with another ball of mass M= 2.5 kg, which was at rest before the collision (see figure). After this, the second ball hits a massive piece of plasticine glued to the plane and sticks to it. Find the impulse module that the second ball transmitted to the piece of plasticine.

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