Nazhip Valitov. Professor Nazhip Valitov proved the existence of God

Bashkir University professor Nazhip Valitov was previously very far from theology. He is a world-famous chemist; all his life he has been devoted exclusively to scientific problems. And he did not imagine that spiritual leaders would be interested in his discoveries.

Monograph by Professor Valitov “Vacuum oscillations during chemical excitation of atoms, molecules and randomness power lines electromagnetic and gravitational fields" created a shock in scientific circles. Since February 1998, it has been located in 45 scientific libraries in 12 countries, including 7 leading universities in the USA, 2 leading universities in England, 2 leading universities in France, the University of Tokyo, 15 leading universities and institutes in Moscow, etc. .In this monograph, the following are scientifically unambiguously proven: 9 new properties of curved space, 16 new data on the structure of the atom, 16 new equations of the unified theory of the electromagnetic and gravitational fields, 16 new laws, 14 new properties gravitational forces in astronomy.
Using the strict language of formulas, Valitov proved that any objects in the Universe interact with each other instantly, regardless of the distance between them. Previously, it was believed that no interaction could occur at a speed exceeding the speed of light, says Professor Valitov about his discovery. - This is 300 thousand km/sec. But it turned out that electromagnetic and gravitational fields interact instantly. This was justified theoretically and confirmed experimentally.

But this speaks of the existence of some kind of single Higher power in the Universe! After all, in essence, everything is connected in everything.
Professor Valitov, unexpectedly for himself, received a letter from the Vatican from the Pope himself, which states that His Holiness dedicates his prayers to Nazhip Valitov and greatly appreciates the feelings that prompted the scientist to write this monograph. And - note! - “only after careful research and solid examination did we decide to send you our thanks” (end of quote).
The professor re-read the Koran, the Bible and the Torah, and was surprised at how similar they were; he expressed admiration for how accurately the essence of his scientific discovery was indicated in the texts of divine Revelation. Thought is material, the scientist is sure, and it can be instantly detected from anywhere in the Universe.
“In the sacred books of the main world religions,” says Professor Valitov, “it is written that God is all-seeing and all-hearing. In the past, some atheist scientists often criticized this very definition. Their logic was, at first glance, ironclad: since the speed of light has a limit, then the Lord God, if He exists, cannot instantly hear and see what a person has done. However, it turned out that the thought of each of us is material. The atoms in the molecules that make up the neurons of the brain undergo translational, vibrational and rotational movements. And the process of thinking is necessarily accompanied by the emission and absorption of force lines of electromagnetic and gravitational fields. This process can be instantly detected from anywhere in the Universe.
So God knows our every thought? Yes. There is a force to which everything is subject. We can call it Lord, Allah, the World Mind. The essence does not change. And interaction in the world is instantaneous, no matter where the objects are.
Colleagues calculated: Valitov’s theory refutes 12 laws of thermodynamics, 20 branches of chemistry, 28 branches of physics, 40 branches of mechanics. Just look at the professor’s statement that “in equilibrium reversible processes, time can be converted into mass and energy, and then undergo a reverse process.” This means that the resurrection of the dead, as all the sacred scriptures indicate, is possible!
The professor suggested checking his conclusions with scientific opponents. And they couldn't refute them. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrei Trofimuk sent an enthusiastic response to his colleague’s monograph... Responses to his works from religious and government figures poured in.
Now Professor Valitov considers himself a believer: “At first I proved the existence of God with formulas. And then I opened it in my heart.”
Based on materials from the newspaper “Life”

An absolute shock for scientific world was the speech of the famous philosophy professor Anthony Flew

The scientist, who is now well over 80, has been one of the pillars of scientific atheism for many years. For decades, Flew published books and gave lectures based on the thesis that faith in the Almighty is unjustified, writes the Meta portal.

However, a series of recent scientific discoveries forced the great defender of atheism to change his views. Flew publicly stated that he was wrong, and the Universe could not have arisen on its own - it was obviously created by someone more powerful than we can imagine.

According to Flew, previously he, like other atheists, was convinced that once upon a time, the first living matter simply appeared from dead matter. “Today it is impossible to imagine constructing an atheistic theory of the origin of life and the appearance of the first reproductive organism,” says Flew.

According to the scientist, modern data on the structure of the DNA molecule irrefutably indicate that it could not have arisen on its own, but was someone else’s design. Genetic code and the literally encyclopedic volumes of information that the molecule stores within itself refutes the possibility of blind coincidence.

British physicist Martin John Rees, who won this year's Templeton Prize, believes that the Universe is a very complex thing. A scientist with more than 500 scientific works, received $1.4 million for proving the existence of a Creator. Although the physicist himself is an atheist, adds the Correspondent publication.

“According to the director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Akimov, the existence of God has been proven scientific methods"- reports INTERFAX.

“God exists, and we can observe the manifestations of His will. This is the opinion of many scientists; they not only believe in the Creator, but rely on certain knowledge,” he said in an interview published on Friday by the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

At the same time, the scientist noted that in past centuries, many physicists believed in God. Moreover, until the time of Isaac Newton, there was no separation between science and religion; science was carried out by priests, since they were the most educated people. Newton himself had a theological education and often repeated: “I derive the laws of mechanics from the laws of God.”

When scientists invented a microscope and began to study what was happening inside the cell, the processes of duplication and division of chromosomes caused them a stunning reaction: “How can this happen if all this had not been foreseen by the Almighty?!”

“Indeed,” added A. Akimov, “if we talk about the fact that man appeared on Earth as a result of evolution, then, taking into account the frequency of mutations and the speed of biochemical processes, it would take much more time to create a man from primary cells than the age of the Universe itself.” .

“In addition,” he continued, “calculations were performed that showed that the number of quantum elements in the volume of the radio-observable Universe cannot be less than 10,155, and it cannot but possess superintelligence.”

"If all this unified system, then, considering it as a computer, we ask: what is it that a computer system with so many elements cannot do? These are unlimited possibilities, an incommensurable number of times greater than the most sophisticated and modern computer!” - the scientist emphasized.

In his opinion, what various philosophers called the Universal Mind, the Absolute, is a super-powerful system that we identify with the potential capabilities of the Almighty.

An absolute shock for the scientific world was the speech of the famous philosophy professor Anthony Flew. The scientist, who is now well over 80, has been one of the pillars of scientific atheism for many years. For decades, Flew published books and gave lectures based on the thesis that faith in the Almighty is unjustified.

However, a series of recent scientific discoveries has forced the great defender of atheism to change his views. Flew publicly stated that he was wrong, and the Universe could not have arisen on its own - it was obviously created by someone more powerful than we can imagine.

According to Flew, previously he, like other atheists, was convinced that once upon a time, the first living matter simply appeared from dead matter. “Today it is impossible to imagine constructing an atheistic theory of the origin of life and the appearance of the first reproductive organism,” says Flew.

According to the scientist, modern data on the structure of the DNA molecule irrefutably indicate that it could not have arisen on its own, but was someone else’s design. The genetic code and the literally encyclopedic volumes of information that the molecule stores within itself refutes the possibility of blind coincidence.

British physicist Martin John Rees, who won this year's Templeton Prize, believes that the Universe is a very complex thing. A scientist with more than 500 scientific papers to his credit received $1.4 million for proving the existence of a Creator. Although the physicist himself is an atheist, adds the Correspondent publication.

“According to the director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Akimov, the existence of God has been proven by scientific methods,” INTERFAX reports.

“God exists, and we can observe the manifestations of His will. This is the opinion of many scientists; they not only believe in the Creator, but rely on certain knowledge,” he said in an interview published on Friday by the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

At the same time, the scientist noted that in past centuries, many physicists believed in God. Moreover, until the time of Isaac Newton, there was no separation between science and religion; science was carried out by priests, since they were the most educated people. Newton himself had a theological education and often repeated: “I derive the laws of mechanics from the laws of God.”

When scientists invented a microscope and began to study what was happening inside the cell, the processes of duplication and division of chromosomes caused them a stunning reaction: “How can this happen if all this had not been foreseen by the Almighty?!”

“Indeed,” added A. Akimov, “if we talk about the fact that man appeared on Earth as a result of evolution, then, taking into account the frequency of mutations and the speed of biochemical processes, it would take much more time to create a man from primary cells than the age of the Universe itself.” .

“In addition,” he continued, “calculations were performed that showed that the number of quantum elements in the volume of the radio-observable Universe cannot be less than 10,155, and it cannot but possess superintelligence.”
“If this is all a single system, then, considering it as a computer, we ask: what is it that a computer system with so many elements cannot do? These are unlimited possibilities, an incommensurable number of times greater than the most sophisticated and modern computer!” - the scientist emphasized.

In his opinion, what various philosophers called the Universal Mind, the Absolute, is a super-powerful system that we identify with the potential capabilities of the Almighty.

“This,” says A. Akimov, “does not contradict the basic provisions of the Bible. There, in particular, it says that God is omnipresent, he is present always and everywhere. We see that this is so: the Lord has unlimited possibilities of influencing everything that happens.”

A. Akimov was baptized at the age of 55. “Have you believed in God?” - the priest asked him when he came to church. “No, I just realized that it couldn’t exist!” - answered the scientist.

Ecology of knowledge: Worldwide famous atheist scientist proved that God exists. An absolute shock for the scientific world was the speech of the famous professor of philosophy Anthony Flew. The scientist, who is now well over 80, has been one of the pillars of scientific atheism for many years

An absolute shock for the scientific world was the speech of the famous philosophy professor Anthony Flew.

The scientist, who is now well over 80, has been one of the pillars of scientific atheism for many years. For decades, Flew published books and gave lectures based on the thesis that faith in the Almighty is unjustified, writes the Meta portal.

However, a series of recent scientific discoveries has forced the great defender of atheism to change his views. Flew publicly stated that he was wrong, and the Universe could not have arisen on its own - it was obviously created by someone more powerful than we can imagine.

According to Flew, previously he, like other atheists, was convinced that once upon a time, the first living matter simply appeared from dead matter. “Today it is impossible to imagine constructing an atheistic theory of the origin of life and the appearance of the first reproductive organism,” says Flew.
According to the scientist, modern data on the structure of the DNA molecule irrefutably indicate that it could not have arisen on its own, but was someone else’s design. The genetic code and the literally encyclopedic volumes of information that the molecule stores within itself refutes the possibility of blind coincidence.

British physicist Martin John Rees, who won this year's Templeton Prize, believes that the Universe is a very complex thing. A scientist with more than 500 scientific papers to his credit received $1.4 million for proving the existence of a Creator. Although the physicist himself is an atheist, adds the Correspondent publication.
“According to the director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Akimov, the existence of God has been proven by scientific methods,” INTERFAX reports.
“God exists, and we can observe the manifestations of His will. This is the opinion of many scientists; they not only believe in the Creator, but rely on certain knowledge,” he said in an interview published on Friday by the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

At the same time, the scientist noted that in past centuries, many physicists believed in God. Moreover, until the time of Isaac Newton, there was no separation between science and religion; science was carried out by priests, since they were the most educated people. Newton himself had a theological education and often repeated: “I derive the laws of mechanics from the laws of God.”
When scientists invented a microscope and began to study what was happening inside the cell, the processes of duplication and division of chromosomes caused them a stunning reaction: “How can this happen if all this had not been foreseen by the Almighty?!”

“Indeed,” added A. Akimov, “if we talk about the fact that man appeared on Earth as a result of evolution, then, taking into account the frequency of mutations and the speed of biochemical processes, it would take much more time to create a man from primary cells than the age of the Universe itself.” .
“In addition,” he continued, “calculations were performed that showed that the number of quantum elements in the volume of the radio-observable Universe cannot be less than 10,155, and it cannot but possess superintelligence.”

“If this is all a single system, then, considering it as a computer, we ask: what is it that a computer system with so many elements cannot do? These are unlimited possibilities, an incommensurable number of times greater than the most sophisticated and modern computer!” - the scientist emphasized.
In his opinion, what various philosophers called the Universal Mind, the Absolute, is a super-powerful system that we identify with the potential capabilities of the Almighty. published