About the function of excess weight. Obesity

Experts in the field of psychology confidently assert that excess weight does not appear by chance; a reliable reason for its occurrence is the mental perception of reality. To identify the causes of obesity, you should delve into psychosomatics and your state of mind and figure out which factor played a key role in the development of your physical condition. Consequently, getting rid of excess weight will become fruitful if unnecessary attitudes are destroyed in the head and soul.

Where did the excess weight come from?

According to psychosomatic theories, excess body weight is a consequence of a disregard for one’s appearance, which forces us to come to terms with the situation, indulging in habit in everything.

To the main psychological reasons excess weight includes:

  • Eating, when a person uses food to try to cope with unpleasant situations experienced;
  • Substitution, which allows you to replace everyday pleasure and joy from communicating with loved ones or love relationships with the next portion of food.

At its core, the craving for gluttony is the embodiment of a tendency to protect, including from internal emptiness, which awakens appetite with incredible force.

Excessive eating of food creates a feeling of some kind of acquisition. And fear of daily circumstances and lack of trust in oneself and others force one to fill the emptiness in the soul with the help of all kinds of external means. But the lack of emotional feelings cannot be filled with an additional portion of dessert.

Obese men tend to have a decrease strong-willed qualities due to the inability to deal with stress. They eat a lot because they are tired, sad and bored, worried and afraid. There may be hundreds of reasons, and all of them must be carefully suppressed within yourself. Overweight people are often unable to control their emotions and, at the slightest change in mood, immediately seek to console themselves with food.

According to theories of psychological factors that provoke obesity, overweight people are neurotic. They mindlessly consume huge amounts of food to reduce anxiety and depression. For these people, bad taste and food are combined into a single whole, so in case of possible failure, the mood automatically rises after eating.

Motives for being overweight

The psychosomatics of obesity and gluttony is distinguished by a unique list of psychological motives to which a person is able to intuitively succumb:

  1. Lack of security in early childhood, leading to dependence on others.
  2. Maternal overprotection, which provokes the need for dominance in the lives of relatives and friends.
  3. The perception of oneself as an insignificant person, with whom no one wants to be taken into account, competes with the desire to take strict control of others. This factor leads to an unconscious need to take up as much space as possible.
  4. Oral pleasure from food, compensating for life’s failures and not requiring volitional efforts.

"I eat to survive"

In men

Cases of excess weight in certain areas of the body are common. Gynoid obesity is often observed among representatives of the stronger half of humanity. It is the deposition of fat exclusively in the legs, thighs and buttocks. This occurs when there is an authoritarian mother and wife in the family, who takes the initiative in deciding everything family problems. Thus, the man is not required to show leadership qualities, laid down by nature, and his character gradually acquires features inherent in the fair sex. Following the character, the physique takes on feminine contours.

In women

The characteristics of female obesity zones are characterized by the accumulation of excess mass in the abdominal area, which is associated with a subconscious rejection of one’s femininity and sexuality. Constriction and lack of energy, satisfaction of one's innermost needs and limitation of personal freedom are caused by a lack of male love. It is this aspect that should be taken into account by women who have lost interest in relationships and life in general.

In children

Psychosomatic excess body weight in children is associated with a number of reasons, which to one degree or another depend on educational problems. Problems with excess weight as a result of insufficient attention to the child or overprotection lead to both deterioration of physical health and difficulties in social adaptation. For example, a consequence aggressive behavior may be abdominal obesity. According to psychosomatics, if a child is unable to express anger towards loved ones or experiences it towards his parents, he projects it onto himself, and food in this case acts as self-punishment.

How to cope with excess weight

Treatment for obesity is based on self-love. It is necessary to change the attitude towards your person in your own eyes, pamper yourself more often, but not with a delicious cake from the bakery around the corner, but by communicating with people dear to your heart, shopping and visiting interesting places.

You can use an approximate, but no less effective, algorithm for getting rid of hated kilograms:

  • Work on yourself and your thoughts. Monitor every call to eat and ask yourself: “Am I really hungry?”
  • When stressful situations arise, relax through sports, dancing, sex, and so on. You need to choose the right opportunities for yourself to recharge yourself with positivity.
  • Set priorities that are deeply ingrained in the subconscious, that is, finally eradicate excess weight and get rid of a couple of tens of centimeters from the waist.
  • Connect proper nutrition and reasonable physical activity for a comfortable transformation.

The problem of obesity is a consequence of impaired relationships, with oneself or others, not only among women, but also among the male half of humanity.

It is important to listen to your interests and ask yourself: “What do I really need?” before responding with unquestioning consent to the requests of others. After all, this will not make people stop respecting you or loving you less. On the contrary, they will understand that you know your worth and respect yourself. It is imperative to give yourself the opportunity to become an important person in the lives of your loved ones and finally believe in your importance.

The study of the psychosomatic causes of obesity in the context of attitudes towards oneself and one’s body, as well as emotionally significant people, can radically change not only metabolism, but also a person’s perception of the world as a whole.

1. OVERWEIGHT- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Fear. Need for protection. Escape from feelings. Lack of security, self-denial. Search for self-realization.

I am at peace with my feelings. I'm safe where I am. I myself (myself) create my own security with my thoughts. I love and approve of myself.

2. OVERWEIGHT- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Fear. Need for protection. Reluctance to feel. Defenselessness, self-denial. Suppressed desire to achieve what you want.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

It's safe to be where I am. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.

3. OBESITY- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

Sacred love protects me. I'm always safe. I want to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive everyone and create the life I like. I'm completely safe.

4. OBESITY- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Obesity is the excess deposition of fat in body tissues. Obesity is considered a problem when it poses an immediate threat to health.

Emotional blockage

Obesity can have various causes, but in any case, a person suffering from obesity has experienced a lot of humiliation in childhood or adolescence and still experiences the fear of being in a shameful situation for him or putting another person in such a situation. Excess weight is for such a person a kind of protection from those who demand too much from him, taking advantage of the fact that he does not know how to say “no” and is inclined to put everything on his shoulders.

It is also possible that this person often and for a very long time feels squeezed between two other people. He tries his best to make these people happy. The stronger his desire to make others happy, the more difficult it is for him to realize his own needs.

Very often it turns out that a person gains weight because he does not want to appear attractive to the opposite sex, because he is afraid that he will later be rejected or that he himself will not be able to say “no”. Obesity also affects people who strive to take their place in life, but consider this desire to be unhealthy and indecent. They don't realize that they are already quite good at it (I don't mean that they physically take up a lot of space).

Mental block

My observations show that it is difficult for an obese person to objectively evaluate himself due to his excessive sensitivity. Are you able to clearly see all parts of your body in the mirror? The ability to consider one’s physical body is directly related to the ability to consider oneself at other levels, that is, with the ability to analyze one’s internal state. If you don't have this ability, you won't be able to detect the real reason your obesity. That is why this article may cause internal resistance in you. If this happens, try to read it at your own pace several times and understand its meaning.

Having experienced some severe humiliation in childhood or youth, you decided to always be on your guard and not give anyone a reason to mock you anymore. You decided to become very good person and that’s why you put so many worries on your shoulders. It's time for you to learn accept, without thinking that you have something from someone you take away or borrow and sooner or later you will have to return it or pay for it. I advise you at the end of each day to carefully analyze everything that happened that day and note everything that may be associated with shame and humiliation. After that, you have to ask yourself whether what you noted is really related to shame. Check it out with the help of other people.

Before we begin to consider this topic, it should be emphasized that excess (excess) weight and obesity are not the same thing. The difference for them is the body mass index (BMI): an indicator from 25 to 30 is overweight or preobese, more than 30 is obese.

Thus, overweight– this is the presence of some excess body weight.

Signs of excess weight are:

  • the appearance of new folds on the body, a “double” chin, cellulite,
  • inability to draw in the stomach,
  • the appearance of areas that do not warm up after intense physical activity on the abdomen, buttocks, sides, thighs), etc.

The following are the causes of excess weight:

  1. hereditary predisposition,
  2. unhealthy diet
  3. diseases of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries.

Obesity is a disease, pathological accumulation of excess fat deposits in organs, tissues and subcutaneous tissue. Obesity poses a threat to human health and life.

Signs of obesity are:

  • snoring and lack of sleep at night,
  • frequent high blood pressure,
  • feeling of discomfort in the back and knees,
  • constant increase in waist size and weight,
  • difficulties in maintaining an active life and playing sports,
  • the appearance of cellulite areas on the body,
  • constant feeling of hunger.

Physiological reasons contributing to obesity are:

  1. genetic disorders
  2. imbalance between calories consumed and energy expended,
  3. disorders of the liver, pancreas, intestines,
  4. bulimia (exacerbated feeling of hunger).

Note that obesity in women is detected 2 times more often than in men.

There are several types of obesity.

Nutritional-constitutional type associated with predisposition and often occurs in members of the same family.

Hypothalamic type arises as a consequence of deviations of the central nervous system human, and in particular, pathologies of the hypothalamus - the part of the brain that regulates the endocrine system.

Endocrine type obesity appears as a result of pathologies of the endocrine system itself and is rare.

When revealing the psychosomatic causes of excess weight, you should dwell on some points.

To begin with, let us remember that a person’s body is a container for his Soul (the Soul is the content, and the body is the form). Hence, all mental health disorders over time negatively affect the state of the body.

Secondly, the word “weight” in a figurative sense is understood as “status, position” (“to have weight in society”). And sometimes people start to gain weight, striving to take their place in life.

Often negative experiences of self-perception and self-esteem in relationships with others affect a person’s weight.

Psychologists have discovered that people gain excess weight very sensitive, insecure people. As a rule, fear (of people, the future) lives in their inner world. Such people are characterized touchiness, imposing one's will on others. They often have thirst for hoarding(which clearly shows the accumulating excess weight).

According to psychological research, excess weight indicates disturbances in the human senses: nutrition, eating food becomes the only joy in life for him.

A person with this approach to food feels within himself a void that needs to be filled. Instead of filling out your inner world with joyful emotions, it fills the stomach. But this gives only a short-term effect, since the spiritual emptiness is not filled with food. And the gluttony continues.

If a person leans on sweets, this indicates that he there is not enough “sweetness of life” (joy in life).

Sweet cravings in children usually indicate lack of love. Excess weight in a child often appears as an expression wanting to be noticed close people (since the child thinks that he is not noticed in the family).

Psychological causes of obesity

The nutritional type of obesity is associated with psycho-emotional hunger: a person lacks love, and physical nutrition eases mental pain and feelings of loss.

Such psycho-emotional hunger with a constant desire to eat can lead to bulimia. This is a disease that occurs in connection with a neuropsychiatric disorder, which manifests itself in uncontrolled eating.

The endocrine form of obesity is localized around an organ, as it is associated with disease of the endocrine glands. The location of the organ and its metaphysical meaning can suggest which negative emotions have become the cause of this type of obesity.

It should be noted that with this type of obesity, gymnastics and diet do not help, which directly indicates its psychosomatic basis. It has been revealed that endocrine obesity usually affects a spiritually weak, insecure, touchy person. This is due to the fact that such a person has weak defenses mental functions, there is no understanding of the essence of the events taking place. Hence the resentment.

Another factor in this obesity may be life under pressure loved one ( For example, strong dependence on mother). In this case, the person inside seems to be suffocating from the powerlessness to resist and outwardly “swells up.”

Often, fat deposits in a person indicate complexes associated with one's appearance.

If we're talking about about the presence of excess weight in a woman, then one of the reasons is that she in life you have to be strong like a man(and, since “strong” is subconsciously associated with the concept of “big,” the woman begins to increase in size).

From birth in the child's mind satiety is inseparably linked with such fundamental sensations as security and love. Hence, a child who gains excess weight compensates for their deficiency.

Parents themselves can cause child obesity: if they constantly offer food as a universal response to any expression of any of his needs, or the mother shows love for the child depending on how he eats(if you eat, I will love).

Review of psychosomatic causes of excess weight and obesity proposed by some authors

According to Louise Hay, the following reasons underlie the appearance of excess weight: fear, need for protection, unwillingness to feel, defenselessness, self-denial, suppressed desire to achieve what you want.

Among the causes of obesity, she identifies hypersensitivity, fear and need for protection, hidden anger, unwillingness to forgive.

In her table, Louise Hay gives psychosomatic causes of obesity different parts bodies.

So, fatty hands indicates anger due to rejected love, belly - on anger in response to denial of spiritual nourishment and emotional care. Obesity in the upper thigh indicates the presence of lumps of stubbornness and anger at parents, lower thigh - availability reserves of children's anger, anger at the father.

She sees the psychological cause of bulimia fear and hopelessness, feverish overwhelm and release of feelings of self-hatred(People with bulimia are known to eat uncontrollably at first, and then, due to anxiety about their figure, induce vomiting or drink laxatives to get rid of what they ate).

Psychologist Liz Burbo revealed that in most cases the basis of these ailments are humiliation in childhood and adolescence. People with such psychological trauma subsequently experience fear of repeating a shameful situation, and the body finds protection in the form of fat.

According to Burbo, sometimes excess weight is as protection from people taking advantage of a person(when a person helps everyone, he is afraid to refuse help). Another option: as if “sandwiched” between two people, wants to make them happy, forgetting about himself.

It happens that a person does not want to be attractive to the opposite sex for fear of rejection. Then the body simply fulfills his desire.

Dr. V. Sinelnikov also points out fear as the main reason accumulation of fat, which should symbolize protection. He writes that a person is so strong dissatisfied and hates himself that the body protects itself from such destructive emotions.

Practice helped the doctor discover that obesity is often caused by hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive.

V. Sinelnikov also claims that the lack of love is often replaced by food. Alternatively: food is perceived by a person as a means of getting quick pleasure.

The doctor debunks the myth that women gain weight after childbirth. In his opinion, in this case the reason is that the woman pays less attention and love to himself.

Often anxiety about the child's health forces expectant mother eat tightly, since in the subconscious of many there is an association “rich food - health.”

Ways to Heal

Today there are many different ways and methods of healing from excess weight and obesity.

But speaking of healing psychosomatic illness, it is worth remembering one thing: the ways of healing, like the causes, are in the person himself, more precisely, in his inner world.

To find your own path of healing (and each person will have their own path of healing, different from others), it is necessary to trace and analyze his thoughts and emotions with which he has lived recently. What are they filled with?: Love or hate, Trust in life or fear, Good or evil, Cheerfulness or depression, positive or negative, optimism or pessimism?..

Having done this internal work, you will come to the conclusion that You can have physical health if you live within yourself in Love for yourself and the world around you.

What does it mean to “Love yourself”? This does not mean indulging yourself.

It means accepting oneself (with good and bad sides), but striving to be spiritually and morally better. This means not “breaking yourself” for the sake of something or someone. If a person loves himself, then he will strive to develop himself mentally and spiritually, will take care of his body, since it is the only one and no other is given.

And if a person loves himself, then he will treat other people the same way: with acceptance and respect for other, but equally unique individuals.

It seems that if these two basic conditions are present (the right attitude towards oneself and towards others), health and harmony are guaranteed.

Although the presence of excess weight in itself cannot be called a serious disease, it, as a rule, shortens life, reduces its quality, creates a predisposition to diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and lowers libido. Ultimately, being overweight makes you less happy.

To a large extent, excess weight is caused by the socioeconomic problems of the “affluent society.” A wealthy life, sedentary work and lack of physical activity are major contributors to excess weight. From an Ayurvedic point of view, any form of obesity arises from the fact that a person eats too much, sits too much and moves too little.

In general, being overweight is a disorder. kapha type. Obese people have a strong digestive fire, but the cellular fire in the tissues is relatively weak. As a result, any excess food or calories they absorb is not burned, but turns into adipose tissue- into subcutaneous fat, which leads to weight gain and obesity.

Other causes of excess weight include certain hereditary factors, such as excess production of growth hormone, pregnancy, after which many women find themselves unable to lose weight, the habit of snacking between meals, stress, which can cause repeated “attacks” of emotional eating, which can cause significant weight gain. (“emotional eating” is essentially a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder called “compulsive eating,” where a person eats unconsciously). Some medications, including steroids, birth control pills, and insulin, alter metabolism and can cause ill health and weight gain. Obesity is often associated with drug addiction, including alcohol and smoking. However, the main factors, as a rule, are still overeating, lack of physical activity - the “products” of today's civilization - and unconscious eating. Very rarely do we eat consciously and in order to carry out the real process of nutrition - to provide the cells of our body with nutrients. It seems that the wider our options, the less we think about the great gift of life contained in every particle of food. As a result, no matter how many calories we consume, our body and spirit remain hungry...

Watch your diet:

The first step in losing weight at all times is to control yourself while eating. Follow a Kapha-pacifying diet. Avoid cold drinks (they extinguish the digestive fire) and foods fried in oil. Minimize your consumption of dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. Be sure to include salads with a small amount of vegetable oil and legumes in your diet. Instead of iced drinks, drink hot water (even if you don't like it) - either plain or in the form of herbal teas, such as ginger, mint or cinnamon.

If you like meat, you can eat a little chicken or fish once a month, but no beef, lamb or pork.

Exercise regularly physical exercise:

At a minimum, you should walk 30 minutes every day. Do some aerobic exercise, such as light jogging. Generally, overweight people hate jogging, but they should at least walk quickly, preferably with weights (light weights on their arms and legs). Swimming is also very good job in this situation. In general, stick to the simplest arithmetic - when you consume more calories than you burn, your weight increases. Therefore, to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. Practically, this means two things: reduce calorie intake and increase energy expenditure. Follow a Kapha-reducing diet and exercise daily.

*Important note: after exercise, also do not drink cold drinks, which slow down your metabolism and thus negate the benefits of your exercise. Replace them with hot herbal teas, which both quench your thirst and speed up your metabolism.


If you are overweight, it is better to skip breakfast (or replace it with a cup of herbal tea), and have a hearty meal at noon - this meal should be the largest meal of the day. Dinner should be light. And avoid snacking between meals.

If you cannot refuse a hearty breakfast, then eat a light lunch and a very light dinner, or even better, skip dinner. While eating, listen to soft music and chew your food thoroughly. Calm and moderate eating should become a habit for you.

Listen to music:

While eating, listen to soft music and chew your food thoroughly. Calm and moderate eating should become a habit for you.

Drink hot water with honey:

Whenever you feel hungry, drink a cup of hot water with a teaspoon of honey and 10 drops of lemon juice.

Between meals:

If you still want to have a snack between meals, eat some raisins - this will satisfy your hunger and act as a mild laxative. Along with the raisins, you can snack on something like carrots or a cup of celery

The number of people with . The problem of obesity affects all people equally. According to statistics, a third of the population in Russia suffers from obesity, and this is an impressive figure. Most clinics, specialists, and nutritionists offer expensive treatment, grueling diets, and intense workouts, but the weight comes back. The connection between many somatic diseases and the psyche has long been known. Obesity is no exception. Psychosomatics is given special attention because ladies are more vulnerable, emotional, sensitive natures. The roots of many of their diseases can be found by studying psychological characteristics personality.

Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine and psychology that studies the influence psychological characteristics person on the occurrence of somatic diseases. There is a popular opinion among doctors that character traits, behavior style, emotions, and temperament have great value in the occurrence of body diseases. Pathologies with a proven psychosomatic nature include:

  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Panic attacks (vegetative disorders).
  • Arterial hypertension with an unspecified cause.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Obesity.

Why you need to fight the problem

Obesity is a chronic progressive metabolic disease, manifested by excessive deposition of adipose tissue in the body with subsequent increase in body weight. The disease is chronic in nature, difficult to treat, and weight returns. This happens for reasons of positive energy balance, when the body receives more energy than it can expend. The problem of obesity is multifaceted; there are more causes than treatments. Overweight people have many diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, live shorter lives, are limited in many ways, and their quality of life and social communication also suffers.

Complications of excess weight:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, angina, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia).
  • Respiratory congestion.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2.
  • Vascular atherosclerosis is common (intermittent claudication).
  • Cerebrovascular accident.
  • Joint diseases (deforming osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis).
  • Fatty infiltration of the liver.

Causes of obesity

To successfully treat this disease, you need to determine the causes that cause it. Doctors identify three main factors in the development of obesity.

Physiological factors

These include overeating. When a person begins to consume more food than necessary, the excess reserves do not have time to be wasted and are deposited under the skin, as well as in internal organs. The problem is relevant for people with a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, and reluctance to exercise. Gradually, the stomach of such patients begins to stretch, the feeling of fullness is delayed, and they have to consume more food to satisfy your food instinct.

It is customary to identify several conditions that provoke weight gain:

  1. Decreased physical activity.
  2. Hereditary feature of slow metabolism.
  3. Pregnancy, lactation, taking oral contraceptives.
  4. Long-term treatment with hormones.

Social factors

Socium means society. These reasons include:

  1. Family traditions, habits.
  2. Excessive overfeeding of a child in childhood, which may be associated with the parents’ fears and the desire to satisfy the baby’s need for food.
  3. Eating behavior at work, among friends and in the team.
  4. The manner of eating food quickly, impulsively, out of necessity, and not out of desire.

Systematic overeating with low consumption of energy reserves leads to rapid weight gain. Change social reasons much more complicated than physiological ones, where simple overeating occurs.

Psychological factors

The psychosomatics of excess weight is a complex concept. Not many nutritionists take into account psychological factor when prescribing a diet. Most of them don’t even think about the subconscious reasons for extra pounds. The result of such a diet will always be the same. After some time, body weight will return to its previous figures. We're almost close to psychosomatic reasons obesity in women. All that remains is to find out what constitutes female nature?

Mental characteristics of women

The mental system of women, their way of thinking, reasoning, logic and much more are very different from those of men. Ladies are always hungry people. This concept includes more than just food addiction. Women will always have few new emotions, sensations, impressions; they suffer greatly from monotony and routine, and are also very dependent on their mood. Their every action, movement, thought, idea is subject not only to reason and logic, but also to their spiritual and mental state at the moment.

But that's not all! Women have more fears, fears, and superstitions. There are also negative character traits: short temper, anger, talkativeness, envy, nervousness, hysteria. Mobile mental activity leads to the release of adrenaline and stress hormones, which greatly affects metabolism, metabolism, and the functioning of hormones. Frequent failures provoke fluid retention, replenishment of glycogen, glucose, and fat reserves.

Psychological causes of excess weight in women

Women's somatic diseases, including obesity, have a purely psychological basis.

Interesting! A undermined, destroyed, painful female psyche can affect the energy balance of the entire body and throw it out of balance!

Stress in our lives arises at every step, and ladies are extremely sensitive to them, so it becomes clear where obesity takes its roots.

  • Women's emotions and overeating. In women, there is a close relationship between mood and the consumption of sweets. I got nervous at work and ate a chocolate bar. Serotonin did its job, the lady felt a surge of excellent mood. Gradually this attitude becomes a habit. Depression, disappointment in a life partner, divorce, any troubles are “extinguished” by eating sweets or simply banal overeating. Hungry natures satisfy their needs, which they cannot fulfill, with food. The body consumes a large amount of energy, which is stored in reserve. If the harmful causative factor (depression, neurosis) is not eliminated, then pathological eating behavior is formed, leading to obesity.
  • Food for the night. We believe that evening will come, we will be able to relax calmly at home, sitting at the table, eat deliciously, and forget about problems and business. It's just imaginary pleasure! In the evening and at night, metabolism slows down sharply. Everything you eat at dinner will certainly be deposited on your stomach. Why is this happening? It’s just that many women find it difficult to imagine a vacation outside of home. It is much better to swim in the pool, jog in the park, or ride a bike after work. It’s not always possible to accomplish what you set out to do, and the reason for this is a habitual way of thinking that has developed over the years, which you don’t want to change at all.
  • Food as a feeling of security. Mental pathology comes from childhood. Psychologists call this the “baby” syndrome. In early childhood, babies sometimes demand their mother's breast not because they are hungry, but to feel comfortable and protected. This reflex fades with age, but not for everyone. Under the influence of any external reasons, an adult woman behaves like a child, limiting her safe zone to the kitchen, feeling protected while eating food. Saturating the blood with glucose gives a unique feeling of happiness and peace that you want to experience again.
  • Excess weight is internal conflict. This is what most psychiatrists and psychologists think. There is an internal attitude that it is better to be a plump and curvy woman than a thin one. The mood is subconscious and such a decision is made in connection with reasons that even the lady herself is not aware of. Pathological beliefs prohibit being slim through a complex series of biochemical processes associated with metabolism, metabolism, the work of hormones and enzymes. For obese women, there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between weight and psychological mood. As long as there is an internal conflict, all attempts to reduce body weight through diet and intense training will lead nowhere. The subconscious will again force the body to become the way it needs to be. The task of a psychologist is to find the internal cause, destroy it, and only then begin to fight excess weight.
  • Excess weight is beneficial. In this case, the benefit of excess weight lies in an attempt to protect oneself from the outside world, to hide from communication and problems under a layer of fat folds. The benefits of being overweight are expressed in the following criteria: weight justifies failures in life, gives significance to your appearance, solidity, obesity changes your attitude towards people, makes others take you more seriously, helps you feel loved, defenseless, evokes sympathy from loved ones, protects you from a specific problem.

Excess weight therapy: psychological aspects

Before starting treatment for obesity, you need to enlist the support of the patient himself. Obesity is an addiction. Without voluntary consent, as well as the strong desire of the woman, all attempts to treat psychosomatic obesity will fail from the very beginning.

In treating obese patients, doctors face three problems:

  1. It is difficult to find an internal reason (some appeared recently, while others stretched back to childhood).
  2. A woman's fear of seeing herself as thin.
  3. Constant feeling of hunger.

Our usual treatment for obesity comes down to prescribing medications that break down fat and reduce its absorption in the intestines. They also use means to accelerate the removal of fats from the body, various herbal diuretics. The complex of therapeutic treatment is complemented by a low-calorie diet and a visit to the gym. No one will deny that the effect of such therapy can be quite impressive. Body weight decreases, the patient, as well as her doctor, are satisfied with themselves and the results.

After 2-3 years, the woman again seeks help, or maybe she will give up on the problem and become even fatter than she was. So why does the weight come back? After all, you can’t sit on a strict diet all your life? There are several possible scenarios here:

  1. Weight gain is facilitated by concomitant pathology of the endocrine system. There is no need to look for psychosomatics here (only 5% of people suffer from secondary obesity). Correcting the disease will help you lose weight.
  2. Some people manage to follow a diet and exercise throughout their lives, maintaining their body shape. This path is difficult, costly, and requires willpower and free time.
  3. Contact a specialist, find an internal psychological problem, then eliminate it.

Detection of internal cause

Psychotherapeutic treatment of obesity in women – modern approach giving very good results. Excess weight is the intake of excess food into the body. Why does this happen? What subconsciously pushes a woman to overeat? Psychologists highlight several important aspects:

  • The feeling of being insignificant, flawed, almost invisible in this world pushes the subconscious to gain weight and increase its size.
  • Women who have been subjected to attempted rape also subconsciously want to become less attractive, so they gain weight.
  • After the birth of a child, young mothers change their thinking, try to look more respectable and weighty, because now they bear greater responsibility for the baby. The image of a slender young girl is becoming a thing of the past, and a new one is coming to replace it.
  • Single ladies blame all their problems at home and at work on their shoulders, playing the role of a man who is not around.

The woman is not aware of all these aspects. No slim girl will deliberately gain weight in order to become important, for example, at work. This is what her inner subconscious decides. This is the protection of the individual from outside world, stressful situations, problems. Only a psychologist can see this conflict, bring it to the surface of the psyche, take it apart, and make the patient believe in the need to lose excess weight.

Psychotherapeutic correction (hypnosis, introspection, psychological techniques) is supplemented by a course of medications that affect emotions, mood, desires, and sleep. These drugs include tranquilizers, antipsychotics, sedatives, and antidepressants. The latter are used very often in medical practice.

Weight loss

As soon as the first difficult stage of psychocorrection is passed, the internal psychological problem, you can move on to the second stage. Some patients are looking forward to directly losing extra pounds. Their problem has been solved, they have a strong incentive, a great desire to change, to see themselves differently. This category of women will achieve the desired slimness and maintain the effect for a long time only because they have a fairly strong mindset for change in their heads.

With the second group of women, the situation is less rosy, since they have too many “skeletons in the closet” that need to be gotten rid of before treatment with diet or training. It can be very difficult to imagine yourself differently from who you are now. You will have to change your lifestyle, diet, schedule, and expose yourself to grueling activities. Yes, and this is not the most important thing. After all, your attitude towards yourself, towards other people, your thinking and much more will change. Is any woman ready to undergo such a test?

Girls who are ready to lose weight externally, but inside they have a barrier or prohibition, come to see a psychologist. Subconsciously, they don’t want to give up their excess weight, so they find hundreds of reasons and excuses not to go to the gym or follow a diet. Working with such patients is extremely difficult; their internal conflict is difficult to overcome. If the specialist manages to do this, then the next difficulty for this category of women will be overcoming hunger.

Here are a few rules to help you cope with the task:

  1. Food is a dope, you need to consume it in moderation.
  2. Willpower and desire will help you lose weight.
  3. It is important to build a mental image of a beautiful and slender woman, and then strive for it.
  4. Patience. The fat on the sides will not melt by morning.
  5. It is necessary to distract yourself from thoughts about food.

In conclusion, I would like to say that women cannot live in conditions of lack of anything. Yes, no one actually demands this from them. If you lack love, attention, finances, communication, comfort, new sensations, bright emotions, then you should not resort to food as doping. This will end badly for your health and figure. There are excellent ways to replace the desire for constant snacking: hobbies, reading, watching a movie, visiting a museum, walking, traveling. All these methods save you from obesity, and also bring the mind and psyche into a state of balance.