The first Buryat scientist. Dorni Banzarov - First Buryat Scientist

It took from Buryat Cossacks. Father - the retired Pentecon of Ashbagagatsky Cossack Regiment Banzar Borukhonov. In 1833 he graduated from the Nikolaev-Ataman School. From 1833 to September 1835 he studied in Troitskosavsk, in the Russian-Mongolian school. He sent to study in Kazan gymnasium. January 25, 1836 is enrolled in the first class of gymnasium. In June 1842 he graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal and the right to enter the university. In September 1842, he entered the Kazan University at the Faculty of Philosophy, who had an Eastern discharge. On June 18, 1846 graduated from Kazan University. The university studied Eastern languages: Mongolian, Kalmyk, Manchur, Sanskrit, Turkish. I read freely in German, English, French and Latin. He was a disciple of Osip Mikhailovich Kovalevsky, one of the founders of scientific depot. He defended his thesis on the degree of candidate of Tatar-Mongolian literature. In 1846, the work "Black Vera, or Shamanism from Mongols" was published in the "Scientific Notes of the Kazan University". In 1847-1849 Bannzarov Vyul scientific research In the Asian Museum of St. Petersburg. He elected a corresponding member of the Russian Archaeological Society. In 1848 he published the work of Pijse, or Metal Counterats with the commands of Mongolian Khanov. "My boy - Jeed in 1848 - 1850 worked in Kazan. He studied document management in the office of the Kazan province. In 1850-1855, he served in Irkutsk an official for special instructions at the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia Nikolay Nikolayevich Muravyev-Amur. He lived in Kyakhte and Chita. Verkhneudinsk worked on investigative affairs. During this period, Banzarov published the work "Explanation of the Mongolian inscription on the monument to Prince Isunka, Chingice-Khan's nephew" (1851), devoted to the interpretation of the inscriptions on the "Genghis Stone". In 1851 he was elected by a corresponding member of the Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society. Performed the instructions in the name of Dorni Banzarov called the Buryat Pedagogical Institute, now - Buryat State University. In 1957, a monument of sculptors A. R. Vampilova and A. I. Timin were established before the Institute, and A. I. Timin. : Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk, Kyakhta and Kazan, Village Kyren (district center of the Tunkinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia). In the year of the 170th anniversary, in 1992, at the initiative of the Chairman of the XX Partition Chairman V. D. Budayev, a memorable stone was set not far from Dorzhi Banzarov's generic nest socket. In December 2007, the administration of the Dzhidinsky district was established by the Dorni Banzarov Prize for highly gifted, talented students of the district, which had achieved high results in various areas of activity on January 27, 2008. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia. secondary school June 19, 2010 in the framework of the 75th anniversary of the Dzhidinsky district at the site of the 75th anniversary of the Gennady Vasilyeva's sculptor.

In March 2012, 190 years old from the birth of the first Buryat scientist Dorni Banzarov.

Dorzhi Banzarov held a lot of talented studies in the field of history, philology and philosophy that did not lose scientific value still. Especially valuable is its essay "Black Vera or Shamanism from Mongols."

Dorji Banzarov was born in 1822 in the Faught Valley in the family of the Cossack Pentecostal Bannzara Borgon. Parents decided to train the Durazhius Russian diploma and in September 1833 gave it to Troitko - the Sava military-Montrug School. The boy studied easily and successfully, before the curiosity showed, discovered brilliant abilities and perfectly graduated from the course of the school.

In 1835, Dorii, among the four Buryat boys, was sent to Kazan to the gymnasium. An intelligent and gifted young man in June 1842 with a gold medal graduated from the 1st Kazan gymnasium and in the same year he entered the philological department of the Philosophy of the Faculty of Kazan University. University opened Dori Banzarov new world - World of science. In addition to Mongolian and Russian, he mastered the Manchurian, French, German, English and latin languagesAnd also got acquainted with Turkic languages.

In 1846, Dorii graduated from the university and defended his thesis on the topic "Black Vera or Shamanism from Mongols." The dissertation as one of the best, in the same year was printed in the "Scientific Notes of the University of Kazan University." The reproductor secrets of Black Vera Dorni Banzarov, as the son of the Cossack, it was necessary to stop twenty years in service, but by the decision of the State Council, he was exempted from this service and was appointed an official of special instructions at the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia.

April 12, 1850, after a fifteen years of stay in European Russia, Dorzhi Banzarov went to his native land. The arrival of the countryman of a big official, and even a scientist, was met by conidors as a big holiday. His honored in every ulus, each yurt. Unfortunately, the father of Banzarov has already died and could not be happy with the successes of his son. The life of both Banzarov himself was shortfast - he died away from the circle of friends, he died at the age of 33 in the full bloom of creative forces. Buried it on March 2, 1855 in Irkutsk.

Soviet and foreign scientists are treated with the scientific works of Dori Banzarov. The Buryat people honored the memory of their first scientist, widely promotes his heritage.

Descendants of Dori Banzarov

Family of the Garmaeva Rinchin-Dornji Dorzhievich

Garmaeva Garelma Rinchindorzhievna was born on January 8, 1973 in the village of Lower and Chuchui. She graduated from U-Udan pedestrian No. 2, graduated from Tank IM.N. Eermanova, at this time it works in U-Ude.

Garmaeva Bayarma Rinchindorzhievna - May 12, 1974, graduated from BSSH, married, has 2 children. This time lives and works in Udde.

Garmaev Amgalan Rinchindorzhievich- 1977. Member of the Chechen war.

Garmaeva Nadezhda Rinchindorzhievna - March 8, 1985, after the end of Nisosh graduated from the tank. M.N. Eerbanova, BSSH, works in SPK "60 years of October" by an accountant.

Zyren-Dorni Sangeyevich's family

Zhigmytov Viktor Zyrendorzhievich - December 6, 1973. After graduating from PSS No. 2 served in the army. He has a daughter.

Zhigmytova Oyun Zyrendorhievna - June 7, 1976, graduated from BSU. This is working at the Ulneinayantu school school of Ulan-Ude. Railing up two sons.

Zhigmytova Valentina Zyrendorhievna - January 30, 1980, graduated from Nisosh. After graduation, the Yeudan school works in the Irkutsk region in the village of Novukutsk in the district hospital. Married, has a daughter and son.

Zhigmytes Chimit-Dorni Zyrendorzhievich - February 14, 1982, graduated from Nisos, then he entered the Ivolginsky Dace, he studied for 5 years, received a master of Master Bachelor in Aginsky Dacan. At this time, it works in Datsan with. Petropavlovka, married, has 3 children.

Family of Zhigmymed Ekaterina Sangeevna.

Chagdurova SESEGMA Balgimonyaevna - December 25, 1973, graduated from PSOS No. 2, graduated from the tank. M.N. Eermanova. Lives and works in G.U-Ude. Married, has 2 children.

Chagdurova Tsyren-Dolgorm Balgimonyaevna - January 24, 1975. She graduated from Nisosh. Teacher of the Buryat language and literature. Married, has 2 children. This time lives in U-Ude.

Chagdurov Vadim Balgimonyevich was born on June 7, 1976. Provided Nisosh. By profession, carpenter carpenter. Married.

Chagdurov Muslim Balgimonyevich - January 10, 1978. Finished BSU. At this time, works by the builder in St. Petersburg.

Chagdurov Bair Balgimonyevich - 06/16/1979, graduated from Nisosh. Dared to the Ivolginsky Dacan. This time lives and works in Tabageut-Ichchulysky Dacan. Married, raises her daughter.

The Buryat has long been a dream of freedom, happiness and independence. A bright expression of this dream about the bright future was the legend (Uliver) about Herbrome and Mudrome Gasare. It tells about the fact that in the old days the monsters were horrified by the people with their atrocities, but the unrelated hesar was defended to defend the disadvantaged, and the best sons of the people were rising to the struggle. Monsters were exterminated. People sighed freely and began to live richly and happily.

This beautiful legend of Gesere and his heroes, who fought for freedom of all oppressed workers, made an indelible impression on the young Buryat scientist and Democrat-enlightener Dorni Banzarov.

In 1848, when a mighty shaft rose in Europe revolutionary movementBannzarov (he was then 26 years old) wrote to his friend A. A. Bobrovnikov: "In the inhabitants of the West it is now time of Troubles: They rolled their khans and owners ... Judging by the nature of this time, the GESER will appear again. Then we will be the case to be among the thirty-three heroes of it "1.

In the turning points of the history of the peoples, the true aspirations of people are tacuated, the true aspirations of people: it becomes obvious, one or another figure is on the side of which party. Of the few words of Dorni Banzarov, expressed in the letter of allegorically, the language of the People's Buryat legend about Gasare and his thirty-three heroes, it clearly seen that the lamp of democratic ideas was restoring the inner world of Dori Banzarov.

Bannzarov warmly welcomed revolutionary events in the West. And if the revolution occurred in Tsarist Russia, he would be one of her warriors. He was a passionate patriot of his homeland and hardly believed in a bright future as Buryat and the Great Russian People. Infinitely loving his people, bannasarov at the same time were not nationally limited.

He treated Russian culture with great respect, which had a decisive influence on his worldview, life and activity. Dorzhi Banzarov dreamed of becoming one of the warns of the national liberation struggle of the Buryat people for his happiness, freedom and independence. At the steep turn of the world history Banzarov was in the camp of Herzen, Belinsky, Chernyshevsky - Great Russian Democrats-enlighteners of the XIX century.

He was a prominent innovator in science. "Dorzhi Banzarov's scientific activity has exalted his native people. In the scientist, they spoke about Buryats as a native of the people, who put forward an outstanding figure of science out of his environment. His biographer and friend P. S. Savelyev, who wrote:" The glitter of a remarkable personality is reflected and On the people, and Buryats from now on acquired the right to more attention because from the medium there was a barrage banzarov "2.

Dorii 3 bannasarov was born in 1822 in the family of the Trans-Baikal Cossack-Buryat Banzara Borgon, in the mouth of Ust-Luchuju, located in the Valley of the Jesa River 4.

In 1832, the ten-year-old Dorji parents gave the Troitskosavskaya 5 military-Mongolian school. Here the barge showed uncommon abilities. In 1834, at the end of the school, Dorzhi Banzarov, among other Buryat boys, who were preparing in Pisari and Translators of the Selenginskaya Steppe Duma, entered the 1st Kazan gymnasium. About the period of life Banzarov in Kazan, famous synologist V. P. Vasilyev wrote: "I have studied at the University of Kazan for the second year .., when in the winter of 1834, they brought four Buryat boys to the first gymnasium from Transbaikal ... I knew them all. One ... soon died; the other ... who did not give up the barrage in the expectation, also could not stand it; Budaev and banners were left. The first ... was given to the soldiers for

1 "Black faith or shamanism from Mongols and other articles Dorni Banzarova." Collection ed. G. Potanina with the application of his article "Essays of Life and Activities D. Banzarov", p. S. SPb. 1891.

2 Petrov L. Dorzhi Banzarov, p. 5. Preface I. Tugutova. Ulan-Ude. 1943.

3 Dorji - in Russian "Diamond".

4 Currently, Dzhidinsky Aimak, Buryat Mongolian ASSR.

5 Troitskosavsk - now the city of Kyakhta, Buryat Mongolian ASSR.

the case with the inspector of the gymnasium Skyrovakov. Dorni bansenes seemed to be all younger, dry, but firmly folded; He studied perfectly, along with the best disciples from the Russians "1.

In the gymnasium, Durazhi was engaged with exceptional hardworking and showed brilliant abilities. He graduated from a full gymnasium course "with success and honors." In 1842, Dorni Banzarov, a twenty-year-old young man, entered Kazan University. The trustee of the district wrote about him to the Minister of Enlightenment: "It is necessary to say that young bannersaries, graduating from education at the university and enrolling in the service in the homeland, will have the most beneficial influence on its tribesmen ..."

Bannzarov entered Kazan University at a relatively favorable moment: at that time, the university was a brilliant mathematician N. I. Lobachevsky.

Conductors of educational ideas in Kazan University in the 30s - 40s "of the last century, along with N. Lobachevsky, D. Meyer, E. Aristov (Kazan Granovsky), N. Ivanov, O. Kovalevsky and other professors. During this period from the Department Voices were heard about the need to serve the people. Undoubtedly, advanced Russian literature was given a great influence on the development of Banzarov's worldview, which at that time Idean was led to Herzen and Belinsky.

Bannzarov was familiar with the philosophy of Hegel 2, with difficulty A. Humboldt "Cosmos" and with other works of modern Western European scientific literature. He knew up to ten languages \u200b\u200band, in particular, fluently owned French, English and German. Thanks to the initiative of Petrashevtsev, who came from St. Petersburg, and exiled Poles - students of Kiev University - the ideas of utopian socialism, in particular Fourier's teachings, widely spread among the Kazan students of the 40s. Bannzarov, sociable, cheerful, greering towards science, to new ideas, quickly and deeply perceived these ideas. It is no coincidence that Petersburg scientists who sympatheted by the socialist ideas of Fourier met in the face of Banzarov not a student, but an equal advanced leader. "With a light head, he was understood by the most sophisticated questions and evidence of erudition, and in all their judgments and the direction he found a purely European warehouse of the mind, sympathy for modern ideas, complicity in the life and movements of humanity" 3.

In 1846, Dorni Banzarov graduated from Kazan University and defended his thesis on the topic "Black Vera or Shamanism at Mongols" 4. This work of Banzarov received a high assessment of the scientists-orientalists of Russia and Europe. The "Black Vera" testifies not only about the comprehensive formation of Banzarov, but also about its clear and mature philosophical world, advanced for the 40s of the last century. At the same time, dreaming to engage in scientific activities, bannasarov filed a petition for released him from the Cossack service, which he, as Buryat Cossack, was supposed to serve for 25 years. In this regard, he spent half a year (from the end of 1847 to June 1848) in St. Petersburg, here he met with famous Russian scientists-orientalists, not alien to the advanced public ideas of the time: P. Saveliev, V. Grigoriev, and others. They provided Bannzarov warm, friendly reception.

During his short-term stay in St. Petersburg bannersov showed great energy: he in the morning worked in the Asian Museum of the Academy of Sciences or in the Public Library, and then at home processed discharge, as if to present that he would no longer be a favorable opportunity for scientific activities. In a short time, he fulfilled five research and development works, conceived a number of new topics and began to fulfill them.

In 1848, Banzarov received a definition State Council About the dismissal of him from the Cossacks and unexpectedly for himself and their Russian friends-scientists was appointed an official of special assignments under the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia. The appointment of Banzarov to this post and the elimination of scientific and pedagogical activities was oppressed by him. St. Petersburg period of life Banzarova Despite his short-term played significant role In the future, the development and strengthening of its democratic views and the final formation of it as a scientist.

In a letter from Kazan dated August 18, 1848, that is, shortly after returning from the capital, bannasarov recognized: "Here I ... I miss and regret Peter, and especially about that circle in which I was" 5. The composition of this circle was as well as known, P. Saveliev, V. Grigoriev, and others. In the 1930s, they supported the connection with the circle of P. Ershov (the author of the Konka-Gorbunk), in the 40s - with mugs . Nadezhda. Significant interest is a letter of bananarians from St. Petersburg to his friend Bobrovnikov

1 Hungarian S. Critico-biographical dictionary of Russian writers and scientists. T. II, p. 88. SPb. 1891.

2 Ilminsky N. Memories of Alexey Alexandrovich Bobrovnikov. "Izvestia and Scientific Notes of the University of Kazan". Vol. IV - VI, p. 428 - 429. 1865.

3 Savelyev P. On the life and works of Dorni Banzarov. "Notes of the Archaeological Society." T. IX, p. 78. SPb. 1856.

5 Hungarian C. Decree. Op., p. 126.

in Nikolaev Russia. Dori banzarov wrote with bitterness: "This world is similar to the ocean filled with underwater cliffs." The life of the porridge is conjugate with the torment, who should be expected every minute "1. About the Petersburg life he wrote from the irony:" People go here like mad .. innocent, and sinless, and innocent here are easily cheating and inflated "2. Bannzarov, whom the royal government sent to Eastern Siberian as a" official for special assignments of the governor ", and essentially a link, went right away to the native land, in his native ulus, where And he lived for a whole year. Buryats met him as their relatives. In a letter to I. Berezina, from September 4, 1852, Banzarov wrote: "I was between Buryats, which from devotion to me ... Begun at home or called me" 3 .

In the then Irkutsk, an inquisitive mind banzarova did not find meals. Bannzarov saw the breathtop everywhere and envy and more and more tried to be clogged into bear corners. He often disappeared all months in distant uluses, in the villages and did everything possible to ease the position of Buryat. He with undisguised contempt referred to bribery, widespread among the officialhood. In one of his letters bannasov wrote: "I live in one complaint, although I have such things on my hands, from which others get fat; I lose it from them" 4.

Bannzarov burned the desire to benefit to their people, but his Orthodox clergy was repulsed: it sought to "baptize" bananarians and send it to the path of missionary activity. I. Rural in a letter to P. Saveliev reported: "High-minded Nile, the connoisseurs of the Mongolian language, very much wanted to get closer to Bannzarov and wanted his advice with his own with the transfer of liturgy to Mongolian language. However, the pre-secrecy whatever walked for bannersov. Christianity. Mongol was angry for these attempts and stopped visiting the pre-gracious "5. Donimali Banzarov and Lama: They tried to discourage him. Bannzarov clearly understood the reactionary role of religion and servants of that and other cults and remained in Buddhist religion, since in the then conditions it was necessary to belong to at least officially to some cult.

In 1851, Banzarov was elected a member of the Irkutsk branch of the Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society. And with the official intelligentsia he did not find common language. Siberian bureaucracy and Nyunimia were hostile to public activities Banzarov. They achieved that bannasarov was arrested and imprisoned on Gaupwaht. Dorni Banzarov talks about this as follows: "I lived between Buryats for a long time, I did the investigations of strictly, in one word, I didn't lie in politicly; I was planted for ten days on the Gaupvataht, but still nothing could be done with me." 6. Bannzarov despite the conspiracy against him, despite the illness and difficult conditions did not stop scientific research and the struggle for the interests of their people.

Dorni Banzarov, while still a student of the University of Kazan, many times paid research and research and popularization. Diligence and brilliant Banzarov's transshipment affected its comprehensive erudition, especially in the field of history and philology. One of the prominent Russian orientalists, the contemporaries of Banzarov, characterizing his degree of his learning, wrote: "He could wear a doctoral cap in any European University" 7.

Even in the student years, bannasarov wrote scientific and popular books on Mongolian for his people: "Universal geography" and "Mongol grammar" 8. At the same time bannasarov translated from French to Mongolian language "Webness of the Chinese Buddhist of the IV century named Fa-Xiana", and also helped the Mongold A. Bobrovnik in the compilation of the Mongol-Kalmyk grammar. In 1846, the "Kazan provincial Vedomosti" was published a bananarian article "White Month-Day of the New Year from Mongols", representing a great interest in historical and ethnographic relationship 9.

The appearance of Dorzhi Banzarov as an advanced scientist of that time characterizes his candidate thesis "Black faith or shamanism from Mongols" 10.

This work written by Banzarov, when he was only 24 years old, put forward his name in the first rows of not only Russian, but also of Western European scientists-orientalists.

Bannasarov elected the topic of their work yet by anyone before him not developed the question of shamanism. He frolic hard in Mongolian manuscripts, the fragmentary shows

1 "Black Faith ...", p. 10.

3 ibid, p. 119.

5 Like, p. Xxxvi.

6 ibid, p. 120.

7 Grigoriev V. Mongol with European science. "Geographical news", p. 28. SPB. 1848.

8 manuscripts of these books, who were on the revocation of the famous Mongolad Professor O. Kovalevsky, died during a fire.

9 "Kazan provincial statements N 30 for 1846.

russian and Western European travelers, used Manchurian, Chinese and Arabic sources, personal memories and stories of the Lecturer-Buryat University of Kazan University, the compositions of many European orientalists and scientific philosophical works.

As the dissertation shows. Bannzarov was not a slave of the actual material (creeping empiricals) and established norms in science. He creatively revealed to the actual material assembled by him, seeking to reveal an objective historical pattern in the development of shamanism. "Light and philosophically understood his subject a young candidate, who had just left the university bench, and ten years, the child of Nature, grew up among the herds of the steppes!" 1 - wrote about him the first biographer - P. Savelyev.

The study on the shamanism of Bannzarov began with the establishment of the fact that the attention of Orientalists until recently "preferably appealed to the military affairs of the Mongols, meanwhile, they remained as part of them, as it were, as it were," 2. Consequently, bananarians already from the first page of their work criticized the abstract-metaphysical views of his predecessors and contemporaries that healing the fate of peoples Central Asia. He demanded applications historical method To the study of not only Mongol military affairs, but also their morals, customs in religion. Bannzarov considered shamanism as specifically a historical phenomenon in the life of ancient mongols. He argued and argued that the black faith (or shamanism) is the same religion as other religions, and that it originated from the Mongolian people alone, like the Chinese and Tungus, in very ancient times. He very skillfully rejected foggy, metaphysical ideas about shamanism, who liked him of Buddhism, Zoroastrisum and other religious cults. Many scientists of the 40s of the last century, and at a later time, observing the similarity in some establishments of religious, legal and other orders, were looking for borrowings. They were alien to the idea of \u200b\u200bparallel development, which was adhered to bannersaries. The thought of Banzarov about the natural similarity between the shamanism and other religions of the ancient peoples is the best for that time.

The study of Banzarov shamanism is carried out in general, from the standpoint of the anthropological theory of origin of religion. The objective sources of the occurrence of shamanism in the ancient Mongols, he considered the impact of nature "in the infancy", powerless on this stage of his historical Development Before the forces of nature, as well as the inner world of man. The second source of shamanism is the inner world of a person - Banzarov has nothing more than the passion of the people who he believed one of the foundations of religious fantasy, like the French materialists of the XVIII century. In general, Banzarov's glances on the sources of shamanism as religion are very similar to the views on the sources of religion Ludwig Feyerbach. But in a number of cases, bannersarov goes on: he explains the emergence of religious beliefs in the ancient Mongols based on the presence of such an objective source, like nomadic life.

He sometimes points to cattle breeding and war, these attributes of nomadic peoples, as the basis for the features of the religious cult of ancient Mongols, expressing remarkable materialistic guesses about the real soil, on which shamanism was formed as a religion. But these and other guesses do not eliminate the historical limitations of Banzarov.

Nevertheless, exploring the shamanism from the ancient Mongols, bannasarov deeper than anyone else from his contemporaries, found out specific distinctive features characterizing the content of shamanism as ancient religion. He convincingly proved that in the ancient Shaman religion there was no concept of a single God. She, as properly installed banners, directly personified the forces of nature and above all the "blue" sky, and only with the further development of shamanism, such an abstraction appears as the "eternal" sky and the idea of \u200b\u200bHis omnipotence. In this way. Bannzarov strongly rebelled against the provisions of European scientists about the presence of the ancient Mongols in the Shaman's religion of Deus's concept, as well as against the approval of Muslim historians about the presence of the concept of Allah.

Bannzarov rightly indicated that in the Shaman religion, it is possible to find an ancient Greek Olympus than the presentation or the concept of one God. He found that shamanists, in addition to the sky, worshiped the earth, the Sun, the Moon, the stars, fire and other phenomena and the elements of nature. Bannzarov set the presence of a spirit of spirits or secondary gods (Tengri) and the souls of the dead (Onon), first (in time) relatives, and then people at all. For the first time, he gave the mythology of the ancient Mongols, the truth was brief, and also described in detail the holidays of the ancient Mongols: spring, summer and autumn, or white, month. For example, the spring holiday "Urus", celebrated by Mongols from ancient times, "there is bannersaries, - the holiday of renewal of nature and the occurrence of this pore in the year, when the herd bring a new ratio and abundant milk; therefore, the victims that at this time The graceful people brings their gods, consist of milk, kumsa, beer and herbs "3. Thus, bannersaries, with the explanation of the shamanic holidays, proceeded from the objective, material conditions of the life of nomads - ancient mongols.

1 Savelyev P. Life and works by D. Banzarova. Proceedings of the Eastern Department of the Archaeological Society. Ch. II, p. 134. SPb. 1856.

2 "Black Faith ...", p. 1.

3 ibid, p. 38.

Analyzing the myths inherent in shamanism, as any religion, bannasarov correctly approached the explanation of the myths about the chief of the sky, appearing by the sky of the sky: they reflected primarily the interests of the dominated childbirth, that is, the generic aristocracy of nomadics. He expressed the right idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of a political factor in the consolidation and use of shamanism as a cult of "childbirth" - feudalists and the largest of them: Genghis Khan and Chinese emperors. Bannzarov gave the correct explanation of the word "shaman". Based on the analysis of the cult of fire, the ancient Mongols of Bannzarov also gave the correct explanation of the procedure for the mandatory passage of Russian princes between two lights before they appeared before Mongolian Khans.

Finally, bannasarov gave very interesting historical information about Buddhism and Islam against Shamanism, approaching the disclosure of this struggle with political aspirations "the interests of the largest faeodals (for example, Genghis Khan, Dan-Khan, etc.) who tried to create feudal monarchies and in The strength of this patronized religions that spread the cult of a single God and strengthened and sanctifying the monarchy.

In conclusion, bannasarov considered the disappearance of shamanism as a long historical process of fighting science, national education against religious prejudice: "To the final destruction of shamanism, there is still a lot to do: it will disappear not soon, being defended by the harsh nature from the enterprise the educated peoples" 1.

How far has bannars from contemporaries in the field of scientific research, it can be seen from the characteristics of his dissertation given by Savelyev; "What is the difference between this reasonable view of the shamanism and the look of the late about. Jakinf, who was satisfied with the extract from the Manchurian charter of the description of rites and the states of Chinese Shamans 2. We might think that these two writers about the shamanism meant the various public and one wrote for Europe, And the other is for Beijing, and moreover, Mongol watched as a European, and the European is like Mongol "3.

Valuable contribution to the development of science introduced bannersars and other historical and philological studies. He fell for the resolution of the most confusing and complex issues of oriental, especially the headplanes that arose from scientists in the 40s - 50s of the last century, when this science was just beginning to develop. Bannzarov in his review on the Kalmyk grammar of Kazan Professor A. Popova, noting the advantages of this work, indicated that the author did not take into account the influence of the Mongolian language on Kalmyk.

In the grammar A. Bobrovnikov, who came out soon, was the instruction of Banzarov, it was fully taken into account. The young scientist also wrote the following articles: "On the two Central Asian alphabets", "explanation of the Mongolian inscription on a silver plate found in the Ekaterinoslav province" and "Pyuse, or metal suites with the commands of Mongolian Khan." In the last bannasaries, he explained the word "Payza": so the Persian historians of the Mongolian period called the pile of skins with inscriptions. In the same article, bananarians gave an explanation and label of Burbidek Khan, awarded Metropolitan Kiev Alexey, which says: "Baisa da label with Aloj Taggohy Dali Esma for approval to you." This explanation helped historians to understand the relationship between the Tatars-conquerors and Russians, as well as the role of the Russian Church in the era of Tatar yoke. The article "On the Eastern Names of Some Old Arms" (1849) bannasarov explained the origin of the words "Loak", "Bakhthereets", "Teschlai", "Jid" and "Takhtui" and showed ways to distribute ancient Russia Mongol weapons 4.

Bannzarov wrote a number of articles on the etymology of some Mongol words found in the Tatar Chronicles "Sheebani-Name": "On the origin of the name" Mongol "5," On the origin of the word Genghis "6," On the name of Ergen-Hon "7," about Oratats and Uigurs "8.

If Banzarov's hypothesis about the origin of the name "Mongol" did not find followers and confirmation in science, then his assumption that the Mongols acquired crucial political importance in Central Asia in the first half of the IX century, it remains fair.

The article "On the origin of the word Genghis", based on fragmentary information of Chinese sources, bannasarov suggested that Genghis is the ancient title of the great khans of the people of Hyun, who owned all Mongolia until the end of the first century BC. e., equivalent to the Chinese Imperial title "Son of the sky".

This article is interested in the Bannzarov approach to clarifying historical conditions under which Techucin accepted Title Genghis. Bannzarov wrote: "Who knows the political state of Mongolia in the era of the appearance of Genghis Khan, he will easily understand that the Mongolian conqueror did not need to take the title of the Great, Mighty,

1 "Black Faith ...", p. 46.

2 Jacinf Bichurin. China, its inhabitants, etc., p. 314 - 328. SPb. 1840.

3 Savelyev P. Decree. cit.

4 Printed in the "Notes of the Archaeological Society". T. II, p. 352 - 358. SPb. 1851.

5 Library of Eastern Historians. Ed. I. Berezina. T. I, Annex II.

6 ibid, Annex III.

7 Like, Annex IV.

8 there, Appendix V.

innay, etc. He needed a title in another sense. Before the appearance of Genghis-Khan, Mongolia was influenced by China and crushed into a lot of small tribes, which were called the alkalo, and the title of Il-Khanov confined; If the ruler managed to connect to his power a few ilov, which was called GUR, then he received the title of gur-khan. When Techucin conquered all the tribes in Central Asia, he needed a decent title position ... Accepted, the title of Genghis had to mean something above the Gur-Khan, the corresponding Juan-di - Emperor "1.

Bannzarov in this article did not give the correct explanation of the word "CHINGIS" in etymological terms. The most believable explanation of this word he gave in his book "Black Vera". Bannzarov wrote that Techucin took the name of one Tengri, who considered the son of the sky, while he also brought the name of this Tengri: Hadzhir-Genghis Tengri. Academician V. Barthold This assumption of Banzarov considers quite probable 2. In its study, Banzarov revealed the socio-historical conditions under which Techuchin accepted the title of Genghis, correctly specifying Temchen's political intention and supported by his shamans to the decisive role in this event.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bBanzarov in the study "On Ohrates and Uygroch": "Uigur and Orata are the essence of the two forest people of the Turkic and Mongolian tribe, which made up (from the VIII century) one political body." At the same time, he rejected scientists to interpret the expression "Durban-Orat" as a political union. Banzarov believed that the addition of "Dorben-Centre" appeared in the XIII century, under Genghis Khan, when he from Oratov was four Tumen, i.e. four ten-thousand corps, which were the military-administrative division of Oratov, as it was and from Mongols. This explanation of Banzarova did not lose importance and in our time 3.

About the deep historical approach of Banzarova to the subjects under study, it is clearly indicated, in particular, his article "Remarks on Mongoliza in the Takhtamysha Khan label", written in 1850. In this article, he wrote: "To demand the monument of the XIV century by the current Tatar language - it means to reject any change in the language of the people who continues to live and subjected to quite many transformations in public life, which means in the ancientities to find modernity" 4.

Bannzers critically referred to some orientalists such as Schmidt Academician. This professor, as a true Prussian, was a slave of literal reading (according to the template), without the historical meaning of the essence of the document. Bannzarov also in the extent of their formalists or bureaucrats from science: "Although there are people who know Sanskrit and Tibetan languages, and they read the sacred Buddhist books, but they do not understand their essence. They are like a tilted vessel, inside whom nothing falls "5.

In 1851, Banzarov published an article "An explanation of the Mongolian inscription on the monument to Prince Isunka, the nephew of Genghis Khan." In 1852, he presented to the meeting of the Siberian Department of the Russian Geographic Society. Translation from the Mongolian "Journey of Zaya Hamba in Tibet".

IN last years Bannzarov had a trip to the Tunksky region to study the origin of the coyotes and their overseas neighbors, Uryanhaians. In addition, bananarov worked on the history of the transition for our territory of various Mongolian tribes.

Bannzarov was one of the first European scientists who indicated the independent development of the culture of the ancient Mongols. He developed this thought and defended how we saw, in the "black faith."

New ideas of Dorni Banzarov were not developed and as appreciated and understood by his contemporaries with his colleagues. The scientific legacy of Banzarov was not fully used and the subsequent researchers of the history of the ancient Mongols, although it introduced a lot of positive in its coverage.

Dorzhi Banzarov died very early, in 1855, 32 years old from the genus, in the sweaty flourish of creative forces. He is buried in Irkutsk.

Only after the Great October Socialist Revolution, when Soviet scientists took up the creation of genuinely scientific History "The Buryat people, the interest of Banzarov and his works increased interest. Much attention to the study of the Banzarov activity as a scientist and his scientific inheritance were given by F. Kudryavtsev 6, Sanzhev 7, B. Sanzhiev 8, N. Rumyantsev 9, P. Haptaev 10 and Dr.

1 library of Eastern historians. Ed. I. Berezina. T. I, Annex III.

2 Bartold B. Education of the Empire of Genghis-Khan, p. 116. SPb. 1896.

3 Vladimirtsev B., Acad. Public system from Mongols. XI - 222, p. 156 - 157, ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. L. 1934.

4 "Black Faith ...", p. 122, or "Khan's label Golden Horde, Torkhtamysh, to the Polish King Yagaila", ed. M. Obolensky, p. 41 - 42, 47 - 48. Kazan. 1850.

5 ibid, pp. 109 - 110.

6 Kudryavtsev F. History of Buryat Mongolian people. Essays. M. -l. 1940.

7 Sanges of Bannzarov as a scientist. "Notes of the Buryat-Mongol State Research Institute of Literature Literature in History." Vol. 2nd. Ulan-Ude. 1940.

8 Sanzhiev B. Dorzhi Banzarov (to the 86th anniversary of the death). "Buryat-Mongolian truth" N 62 of March 15, 1941.

9 Rumyantsev N. Dorni Banzarov as a philologist, "Notes State Institute Language, literature and history. "Vol. III - IV, p. 141 - 153. 1941.

10 Haptaev P. Short essay on the history of Buryat-Mongol people. Ulan-Ude. 1942.

The Buryat Mongolian State Research Institute of Language, Literature and History (Ulan-Ude) is currently preparing for the publication a full collection of essays Dori Banzarov, which will be the best monument to the first Buryat scientist.

P. Savelyev in a necrologist about Banzarov wrote: "The hoping of scientists on the emergency explanation of the Mongolian antiquities of Southern Siberia was collapsed with Banzarov ... He might have done a lot for science; almost the memory of the gift scientist, and for having managed to do. As a researcher Central Asian Antiquity, he deserved a place between European orientalists "1.

Dorni Banzarov - the first Buryat scientist, the national pride of the Buryat people.

In the irrevocative past, the time that the famous Russian historian A. Shchapov wrote from bitterness and anger was gone: "Among the young generations of Siberian dies, many Lomonosov, bananaries" 2.

In the country, the Councils of Buryats found freedom and happiness. Thanks to the fraternal assistance of the Great Russian People, the working people of Buryat-Mongolia under the leaders of the Great Lenin Party - Stalin in a short historical term have achieved tremendous success in the socialist construction and the true heyday of the country's economic and cultural life. The homeland of Banzarov disappeared nomads, noonation and lamination. The young scientific and cultural forces of the Buryat people are stronger. Universal teaching was introduced in the free Buryat-Montgill.

IN Patriotic War Soviet Union Sons and daughters Buryat-Mongolia shoulder to the shoulder with all the peoples of the USSR courageously defend the freedom, honor and independence of their homeland. Tens of thousands of Buryat, like the legendary warriors of the Gasare, the valiant of modern monsters - german fascist invaders. Together with the millions of warriors of other peoples of the Soviet Union, they constitute a mighty army of the Great Stalin's warriors, carrying victory to our homeland and all progressive humanity.

1 Savelyev P. about life in the works of D. Banzarov. "Notes of the Archaeological Society." T. IX, p. 30. SPb. 1856, or the works of the Eastern Department of the Archaeological Society. Part 2, p. 157. 1856.

2 pieces of A. Op. T. I, p. 16 - 23.

The story chess accounts for at least one and a half thousand years. Inventions in India in the V-VI century, chess spread almost all over the world, becoming an integral part of human culture. There is an ancient legend that attributes to the creation of a chess to some brahmin. In his invention, he asked Raji insignificant, at first glance, a reward: so many wheat grain, as it turns out to be on a chessboard, if one grain is put on the first cell, on the second - two grains, on the third - four grains, etc. turned out to be that there is no such grain on the entire planet (it is equal to 264 - 1 ≈ 1.845 × 1019 grain, which is enough to fill the storage with a volume of 180 km³). So it was, or not quite, to say it is difficult, but, anyway, the birthplace of chess is India. No later than the beginning of the 6th century in the north-west of India, the first game known to us is akin to Chess - Chaturanga. She had already quite recognizable "chess" appearance, but was fundamentally different from modern chess two features: the players were four, and not two (they played a couple per pair), and the moves were made in accordance with the results of the cast playing bones. Each player had four figures (chariot (rook), horse, elephant, king) and four pawns. The horse and the king went the same as in chess, chariot and elephant were much weaker than the current chess troughs and an elephant. Queen was not at all. For winning in the party, it was necessary to destroy all the army of opponents. Transformation of chess to an international sport from the XVI century began to appear chess clubs, where amateurs and semi-professional players gathered, who were playing at a cash rate. During the two subsequent centuries, the spread of chess led to the emergence of national tournaments in most European countries. Chess editions are overlooking, first single and irregular, but over time gaining increasing popularity. The first chess magazine Palamned began to publish in 1836 the French chess player Louis Charles Laburdonne. In 1837, a chess journal appeared in the UK, in 1846 - in Germany. In the XIX century, international matches begin (C1821th) and tournaments (from 1851th). At the first such tournament, held in London in 1851, defeated Adolf Andersen. It was he who became an unofficial "chess king", that is, those who considered the strongest chess player of the world. Subsequently, this title challenged Paul Morphy (USA), who won in 1858 years old, with a score + 7-2 \u003d 2, however, after the departure of B1859, Andersen became the first, and only in 1866 Godvilgelm Steinitz won the Andersen match with the score of + 8- 6 and became a new "non-protected king." The first in the world of chess, which officially wore this title was that Zhevilgelm Steinitz became the head of the ZuckerTava in the first match in history, in the agreement on which the expression "Match for the World Championship" appeared. Thus, the system of continuity of the title was a turning order: the new champion of the world became the one who won the match from the previous one, while the current champion reserved the right to agree to the match or reject the opponent, and also determined the conditions and place of the match. The only mechanism capable of adequate to play with the applicant was public opinion: If a strong, general recognition, the chess player could not achieve the right to the match with the champion, this was considered as a sign of the cowardice of the champion and he, saving his face, turned out to be forced to accept the challenge. As a rule, in the match agreement provided for the right of the champion of the match-revenge in case of losing; Victory in such a match returned the championship rank to the previous owner. In the second half of the XIX century, the time of time began on chess tournaments. At first, ordinary hourglass was used for this (the time was limited), which was quite uncomfortable, but soon the English chess player Thomas Bright Wilson (TBwilson) was invented by specialshamatic hours, which allowed it convenient to realize time limit on the entire batch or to a certain number of moves . Time control quickly entered chess practice and soon began to apply everywhere. By the end of the XIX century, official tournaments and matches without time control were almost not carried out. Simultaneously with the advent of the time control, the concept of "Zeietnote" appeared. Thanks to the introduction of time control, special forms of chess tournaments have arisen with a strongly shortened time limit: "Quick Chess" with a limit of about 30 minutes on the game to each player and "Blitz" - 5-10 minutes. However, they received widespread much later. Chess in the XX century in late XIX. - The beginning of the 20th century, the development of chess in Europe and America went very actively, chess organizations were enlarged, more and more international tournaments were held. In 1924, the World Chess Federation (FIDE) was created, originally engaged in the organization of world chess Olympiads. Until 1948, the system of continuity of the champion of the world champion in the 19th century was shown in the XIX century: the challenger called the champion of the match, whose winner became a new champion. Abonaluel Lasker (second, after the stein, the official world champion, who won this title in 1894), from 1921 PO1927 -Hos Raul Kapablanca, from 1927 to 1946 -alexander Alekhin (in 1935, Laexander lost the match for the world championship Max Ave, but B1937 in the revanter returned the title and kept him before his death in 1946). After death in 1946, Alekhina, who remained unsecursed, the organization of the world championship assumed the FIDE. The first official championship of the World Chesshambal was held in 1948, the winner was the Soviet grandmaster Mikhail Botvinnik. FIDE introduced a system of tournaments to conquer the title of champion: The winners of the qualifying stages went out of the visional tournaments, the winners of the zonal competitions went out the interjudicial tournament, and possessors the best results In the latter, they took part in the Address tournament, where the winner was determined in a series of parties "on the departure", which was to play a match against the current champion. The formula of the match for the title has changed several times. Now the winners of zonal tournaments participate in a single tournament with the best (by rating) in the world players; The winner becomes the world champion. A huge role in the history of chess, especially the second half of the 20th century, the Sugalovovaya chess school. The wide popularity of chess, active, purposeful learning to them and identify capable players from orphanage (Chess section, Children's chess school was in any city of Ukraine, there were chess clubs in educational institutions, enterprises and organizations, tournaments were constantly conducted, a large number of special literature were issued) High level of the game of Soviet chess players. Attention to chess appeared at the highest level. The result was that since the end of the 1940s and the Ukrainian DecoPAD, the Soviet chess players were practically reigning in global chess. Of the 21 chess Olympiads that have been held from 1950 to 1990, the USSR team won 18 and in one became a silver winner, from 14 chess olympiads for women for the same period 11 and taken 2 "silver". From the 18th of the world's drawing champion of the world among men in 40 years, only once the winner was not the Soviet chess player (it was American Robert Fisher), and even twice the applicant for the title was not from the USSR (and the applicant also represented the Soviet chess school, it was Victor Corrun, Filing from the USSR to the West). In 1993, Harry Kasparov, who was at that time the world champion, and Nigel Short, who became the winner of the qualifying cycle, refused to play another match for the world championship under the auspices of FIDE, accusing the leadership of the Federation in Non-Physionalism and Corruption. Kasparov and shorts formed a new organization -pache, and played a match under her aegis. There was a split of the chess movement. FIDE was deprived of Kasparov title, the title of world champion according to FIDE was played among themselves by Anatoly Karpov and Yang Timman, who at that time had the highest checkerbooks of Kasparov and Short. At the same time, Kasparov continued to consider himself a "real" world champion, as he defended the title in the match with a legitimate contender - shorts, and some of the chess community was solidar with him. In 1996, PSHs ceased to exist as a result of the loss of the sponsor, after which the champions of PSH began to call the "World Classic Chess Champion". In fact, Kasparov revived the old Title Transfer System when the champion himself took the challenger's challenge and played the match with him. Vladimir Kramnik became the next "classic" champion, who won the match at Kasparov in 2004, the title of the title in the match with Peter Leko in 2004. Until 1998, FIDE continued to play the title of champion in the traditional order (FIDE champion during this period Anatoly Karpov remained), but from 1999 2004 The championship format has changed dramatically: instead of the match of the applicant with the champion, the title began to play in a knockout tournament in which the current champion was to participate in general reasons. As a result, the title was constantly moved from hand to hand and five champions changed in six years. In general, in the 1990s, FIDE took a number of attempts to make chess competitions more dynamic and interesting, and therefore attractive to potential sponsors. First of all, it was expressed in the transition in a number of competitions from the Swiss or circular system to the knockout system (in every round, the match of three parties for disposal). Since the knockout system requires an unambiguous outcome of the tour, additional batches have appeared in the regulations of tournaments in fast chess and even blitz party: if the main series of games with normal time control ends with a draw, an additional party with shortened time control is played. Completed time control schemes protecting from hard cement, in particular, "Fisher's Clock" - control time with adding after each turn. The last decade of the 20th century in chess was marked by another important event -Computer ChessyDostigli high levelTo exceed a chess person. In 1996, Harry Kasparov for the first time played a computer with a computer, and in 1997 - a match of computerDeep Blue played in one point. An avalanche growth in the performance and volume of computers in combination with the improvement of algorithms led to the fact that by the beginning of the XXI century, public programs appeared, capable of playing in the level of grandmasters. The ability to connect to them in advance of the accumulated basicity of low-profile endings more increases the power of the game of the car, completely eliminates it from the danger to make a mistake in a known position. Now the computer can effectively suggest a chess person even at the highest level competition. The consequence of this was the changes in the format of high-level competitions: special measures began to use special measures to protect against computer prompts, in addition, completely abandoned the practitioners of the parties. The batch was reduced by the time: if in the middle of the 20th century, the norm was 2.5 hours on 40 moves, then by the end of the century it decreased to 2 hours (in other cases - even up to 100 minutes) on 40 moves. Modern condition And prospects After the united match, Kramnik - Topalov in 2006 consistent with the FIDE monopoly on the world championship and assigning the title of world chess champion. The first "united" world champion Stallladir Kramnik (Russia) who won this match. Until 2013, Vishvanatan Anand, who won the world of 2007 was champion in the world. In 2008, the match-revenge took place between Anand and Kramnik, Anand retained his title. In 2010, the next match, which was attended by Anand Iveselin Topalov; Anand again defended the title of champion. In 2012, the match, which was attended by Anand and Gelfand; Anand defended the title of champion in Tai Break. B2013 Boomanand gave way to the title of world champion Magnus Karlsenu, ahead of time to winning the woven score of 6½: 3½. The champion title drawing formula is corrected by FIDE. In the last championship, the title was played out in the tournament with the participation of the champion, four winners of the contender tournament and three personally selected players with the highest rating. However, FIDE retained the tradition of holding a champion's personal matches with the challenger: existing rulesThe grandmaster with a rating of 2700 or higher is entitled to call the champion of the match (the champion cannot refuse) subject to the provision of financing and compliance with the deadlines: the match should be completed no later than six months before the next world championship. The above-mentioned progress of computer chess became one of the reasons for the growth of the popularity of non-classical chess options. Since 2000, Fisher Chess Tournaments are held in which the initial layout of the figures is selected in front of the parties randomly out of 960 options. In such conditions, it becomes useless by the huge array of debut options, which, as many consider it, has a positive effect on the creative component of the game, and when playing against the machine, it's noticeably limiting the advantage of a computer in the debut stage of the game.

Bannzarov Dorji is a famous scientist from Buryatia. It is considered the first representative of this nationality who received higher education According to the advanced western pattern. It happened in the XIX century. The most popular and popular steel of his work and research on the glovenia were becoming popular.

Biography scientist

Bannzarov Dorii was born in Ulus Kutueevsky, which is located in the Trans-Baikal region. Nowadays, this is the Dzhhinsky district in the territory of the Republic of Buryatia. The future thinker appeared in 1822.

By the origin of Bannzarov, Dorii was a Buryat Cossack. Dori's father was called Banzar Borukhonov, he was considered the retired Pentecost, who in his time was true and devotedly served in the Ashibagatsky Cossack shelf. Biography and family Dorji Banzarova well studied modern researchers of his work. In addition to him, there were four more brothers in the family, whose name was Badma, Locon, Haragshan and Dzundy. But the hero himself of our article did not start the family.

At the 11th age, Banzarov Dorii has already become a graduate of the Atamano-Nikolaev school. Then, for two years, he received a deeper education in the Russian-Mongolian military school, in which his father was arranged. She was in Toricekosavsk. After her graduation, the hero of our article received a referral to study in the male gymnasium in Kazan. At the very beginning of 1836 he was enrolled in the first class.

Six years later, Banzarov released with a gold medal, he also was granted the right to enter the university - so highly teachers and the management of the gymnasium appreciated its achievements in their studies.

Studying at the University

Bannzarov Dorji is the first Buryat, who officially received a higher education in a classic university. Since 1842, he was a student of the Kazan University. The Hero of our article chose the Faculty of Philosophy, who had the Eastern Direction.

He graduated from university in 1846. In higher educational institution Bannzarov studied many oriental languages, including Manchurian, Mongolian, Turkish, Kalmyk and even Sanskrit. At the same time, he manifested himself with a real polyglot, because he loosened German, French, English and Latin.

The scientist Dorni Banzarov became one of the talented students of the Kovalevsky Osip himself, which to this day is considered the founder of scientific departments. The dissertation Banzarov defended just on Tatar-Mongolian literature.

First works

In the biography of Dori Banzarov important place occupy his scientific works. One of the very first is the work "black faith, or a shamanism of the Mongols." This study was published in 1846 in the publication entitled "Scientific Notes of the University of Kazan.

After a series of articles on the topic of Banzarov's headplant, they deepened in scientific research. He went to the Asian Museum of St. Petersburg, which worked until 1849. At that time published another one famous workwho has become popular, called "Pijse, or Metal Playing with the commands of Mongolian Khan".

At the same time, another important event in his career took place. Banzarov was admitted to the correspondent members of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society. This achievement has become another confirmation of its success achieved in the scientific field.

Return to Kazan.

In 1848, Banzarov leaves for Kazan, where he once graduated from the university. Here he comes to the service in the Office of the Kazan province to master the document flow.

In Kazan, he stayed for less than two years. His next place of service was Irkutsk. In this city, he was directed in the status of an official for special instructions, which directly obeyed the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia. At the time of his appointment, this post occupied Nikolai Nikolayevich Muravyev-Amur.

According to the official need, lived in different cities, in particular in Chita and Kyakhte. In Verkhneudinsk, he had to deal with the investigative affairs, which in recent years has accumulated a lot. The document flow in these places was bad, and just lacked highly qualified specialists to whom banners treated.

New Publications

Living in Siberia, the hero of our article published another his important work. This is a study called "Explanation of the Mongolian inscription on the monument to Prince ISUSC, the nephew of Genghis Khan." He was completed in 1851. Bannzarov dedicated him to numerous interpretations of the inscription left on the so-called Genghis stone.

In 1851, the Hero of our article was elected a corresponding member of the Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. For several years, he carefully and scrupulously carried out the instructions of this organization.

Bannzarov died very young. This happened in 1855 in Irkutsk. He was only 33 years old.

Memory of scientist

The famous scientist and today is highly appreciated by a narrow circle of specialists, as well as the Buryat people, whose bright representative he is.

An important event took place in 1947. In that year, the Buryat Pedagogical Institute at the solemn ceremony was assigned the name Dorni Banzarov. Nowadays, the institute received the status of the university, but still bears the name of the Great Scientist.

In 1957, a monument to Banzarov was installed right before the building of this institute, the authors of which were sculptors of Timmin and Vampilov.

To date, the name of the hero of our article worn streets in various cities of Russia. This is Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Kazan, Kyakhta, even the village of Kyren, located in Buryatia.

In 1992, in the 170th anniversary of the birth of a scientist, a memorable stone appeared near his generic nest. With such an initiative, at the time spent the name of the twentieth parcel, which helped everyone organize.

Since the end of 2007, there is a Banzarov Prize, which is established by the administration of the Dzhidinsky district. It is awarded to the most talented and gifted disciples of the district, which, according to the competition commission, can continue the case of the hero of this article. Their results achieved in the most different areas. It may be studies, science, social life, sport.

In 2010, another bansenium monument appeared. He was solemnly installed on the site of the scholar estate. The work performed the sculptor Gennady Vasilyev.