Why is the sky blue and the sunset red? Blue sunset

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On a clear, sunny day, the sky looks bright blue.

In the evening, at sunset, the sky turns red, pink and orange.

Why is the sky blue? What makes the sunset red?

To answer these questions, we must study light and the earth's atmosphere.


The atmosphere is a mixture of gas molecules and other substances that surround the Earth. These are mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). Other common substances include argon and water (in the form of vapor, liquid, and ice crystals).

Also, in small quantities, there are other gases and small solid particles: dust particles, soot, pollen and salt from the ocean.
The composition of the atmosphere changes depending on location, weather and other things.

For example, there may be more water in the air after a hurricane or near the ocean. Volcanoes can release large amounts of ash into the atmosphere. Pollution can add various gases and soot. The atmosphere is pressed tightly against the entire surface of the Earth. It gradually becomes thinner as you rise higher and higher. There is no clear boundary between the atmosphere and space.

Light waves

Light is a piece of energy that is emitted and travels in the form of waves. Many types of energy are represented by a wave. For example, sound is air vibrations. Light is vibrations of electric and magnetic fields. This is just a small part of a huge series electromagnetic vibrations. This series is called a spectrum.

Electromagnetic waves move in space at speeds close to 300,000 km/h. This is called the speed of light.

Color of light

Visible light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that our eyes can perceive. The light of the Sun or an ordinary light bulb consists of different colors. We can see these colors by refracting light using a prism. They are also visible in the rainbow in the sky.

The colors are constantly mixed into one. At one end of the spectrum are red and orange. They gradually turn into yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Colors have different wavelengths, frequencies and energies. Violet is the color with the shortest wavelength in the visible spectrum. This means it has the highest frequency and energy.

With red the opposite is true: the frequency and energy are the lowest, but the wavelength is the longest.

Light in the air

Light travels in space in a straight line until it encounters an obstacle in its path. When light moves through the atmosphere, it continues to move in a straight line until it hits air molecules. What happens after a collision depends on the wavelength and frequency.

Dust particles and water droplets are much longer than the wavelength of visible light. Light, colliding with these particles, is reflected and changes its trajectory. Different colors of light are reflected equally from particles. The reflected light remains white, as it continues to contain all the colors mixed.

Gas molecules are much smaller than the wavelength of visible light. When light hits them, anything can happen. For example, it can be absorbed by molecules. And then they will begin to radiate it, but in the other direction. All colors are absorbed, but blue does this more strongly than all other colors. This process was called “Rayleigh scattering” (named after the English physicist Lord Rayleigh, who first discovered this phenomenon in 1870).

Why is the sky blue?

The sky is colored blue due to Rayleigh scattering. When light passes through the atmosphere, the blue color is absorbed by air molecules and reflected in different directions. This phenomenon is observed around the entire Earth. Wherever you look, the reflected blue color will catch you. That's why the whole sky looks blue.

Near the horizon, the color of the sky is not so saturated, this is due to the fact that it has to pass through a larger volume of air.

Black sky and white sun

From Earth, the Sun appears yellow. If you find yourself in space or on the Moon, the Sun will turn white. There is no atmosphere in space and the light of the Sun is not reflected from anything. Without the atmosphere, the sky would look black.

Why is the sunset red?

The sun is setting and the light will have to travel a long distance through the atmosphere before reaching you. Most of the light is reflected and absorbed. The less light reaches, the less bright the Sun appears. Its color varies from orange to red as these colors have the longest wavelength.

Around the setting Sun, the sky can take on different colors.

It looks especially spectacular when there are many small particles suspended in the sky. They reflect light in different directions, turning the sky red, orange and pink.


Life is unpredictable and full of surprises. So sometimes you sit and think that there is no life more boring than yours, but you are wrong. It’s just that sometimes we need to look a little deeper than everyday life, because sometimes we don’t notice the beautiful things around us. We get so used to life according to a schedule that we are afraid to change anything; This is not a mistake, but by focusing on one thing we can miss important points and then regret it! Lost in thought, many of us come to questions about our problems and difficulties, but do not try to solve them (they will somehow subside). But happiness is so close that you can touch it with your hand!
What exactly is happiness? Often asking ourselves this question, we assume that this is something bright and beautiful, but the worst thing is the thought that this is characteristic of THEM, but not of me. We are wrong! Happiness is characteristic of everyone who believes in the best and knows that he is not alone in this world, that there are definitely people who understand him. Truly happy is the one who wants to be happy! Just be true to your thoughts and committed to your dreams.


Oksana reluctantly raised right hand and turned off the alarm clock that had been trying to wake her up for a long time. She turned on her other side and, as if not paying attention to the bright ray of sun shining directly on her young face, continued to look at the dreams that quickly lost their meaning.
She was a young girl, with beautiful features, a slight blush, a neat nose and an elegant line of eyebrows. Her dark thick hair rested comfortably on the down pillow and seemed to also be immersed in dreams. Lively light brown eyes closed sleepy eyelids. Her lips trembled for a moment with an imperceptible smile, it was a flashing thought about happiness, about the beginning of a new day, foreshadowing significant event. Exactly a month has passed since the day she started dating Andrei. Oksana could not say with certainty that she loved this man, but she trusted the opinion of her friends, who spoke about his ideal combination of intelligence and beauty. She didn’t like his high opinion of himself and the constant reminder of the sacrifice for the sake of their relationship (He refused Sveta, the most popular girl in school) he was too proud of this, but otherwise, he was charming and sociable, always gentle and polite with her.
But now she really didn’t want to wake up: yesterday the whole evening was spent selecting the right words for a greeting card in honor of a significant date.
Anna Dmitrievna (Oksana’s mother) carefully entered the room. A good-natured woman of short stature, with beautiful green eyes, albeit faded over time, with a pleasant smile and slightly graying hair that retained its dark brown color. She loved her to death only daughter, whom she gave birth to at the age of 29, and always cared about her well-being. She slowly entered the room and whispered:
- Oksana, get up quickly! I thought I heard the alarm clock ringing! Come on, wake up! – She carefully shook her daughter’s shoulder.
- Now mom, five more minutes! – Oksana drawled, hiding her nose in the pillow.
- Not me, but you need to finish 12th grade well! – Anna Dmitrievna sighed, “Breakfast is already on the table.”
- I'll get up now.
Oksana quickly opened her eyes, remembering Andrei, she couldn’t wait to find out what he would give her today, what he would say, how he would look at her...
She jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen, quickly had breakfast and, returning to the room, put on her favorite things from yesterday, stuffed a couple of notebooks into her bag and carefully put a pale blue card in a separate pocket. In the corridor, I combed my luxurious hair and added a little eyeliner, highlighting their beauty and vibrant shine. Oksana went out into the yard and breathed in the fresh spring air, filled with the smell of newly blooming flowers.

On the way to school, and the journey was long, she kept thinking about the upcoming day: she thought through everything to the smallest detail, her every step and facial expressions.
Without noticing how time had passed, Oksana found herself in the school yard. It was still early. A tall guy stood near the main entrance, turning to the notice board. He was dressed in expensive, perfectly fitting jeans and a branded sports jacket. The light morning wind blew his blond hair, and he mechanically brushed it away with a dry hand with long, neat fingers. It was Andrey.
Oksana carefully approached him from behind and closed his eyes with a gentle movement of her hand, filled with happiness. One touch of his fingers was enough for Andrey to clearly say:
- Sveta?
Oksana sharply withdrew her hand, and Andrey automatically turned around. The beautiful smile changed into a surprise...
-Oh! Sorry, Oksanochka! It seems I made a mistake! ... He looked hopefully into her surprised face.
- Yes, there is a little! – Oksana looked friendly into his pale blue eyes and, having lost the happy spark of joy, asked meaningfully:
“You don’t remember what day it is today?” She clung to threads of hope and believed in the coincidence of such an absurd situation.
There was a pause.
-Thursday? – Andrey didn’t understand why she needed this. – Is there something special about him? “He was embarrassed for a moment, but then looked indifferent.
“It’s been exactly a month since we’ve been dating!” Oksana was completely upset, but didn’t show it. She, expecting an answer full of excuses and apologies, tried to smile, but was slowed down by the guy’s rude appearance.
- How stupid! You girls are all like that, you consider every day a holiday. After all, I should have some of my own money, and not spend it all on your whims! – He made a dissatisfied face.
- Now we're talking about not about money, but about basic respect! You could just say a few words to me and I would consider it the best thing that could ever happen!
It seemed to Oksana that Andrei heard these words, because he looked uninterested, and it seemed to her that he winked at Sveta, who had just entered the school, and smiled sweetly in response. Now everything has become clear.
“Listen, I have to go!” Andrey began to fuss. “Now there’s an astronomy test, I’ll run!” See you.
And he, stroking his hair with his palm, quickly walked towards the door.

Oksana stood at the entrance for a long time, trying to justify the guy’s action. Various thoughts flashed through her head:
“Maybe he really doesn’t pay attention to such little things, maybe this whole situation with Sveta is just a figment of my imagination, maybe there really is a serious test in astronomy today?
Maybe! But how could he speak so rudely? It’s not so difficult to just apologize and congratulate, just to please me!”
Conflicting thoughts flashed through Oksana's head, but still she came to the conclusion that she was too intrusive, and perhaps Andrei simply had Bad mood, who knows, maybe family problems or something else?
She belatedly entered the literature room and sat down in an empty seat. She spent the entire lesson thinking about what had happened and finally decided to apologize for her stupid obsession.
“It’s decided! After the second lesson, I will go to the cafeteria and ask Andrei for forgiveness! I’ll say that I was wrong and everything will return to its place. It was so stupid to be offended out of nowhere, I have to understand him... understand why it’s difficult to pay a little attention, why it’s difficult to do something nice. Oh, again I’m on my own” Oksana struggled with her thoughts and for a long time could not make a decision.
The second lesson ended and Oksana mechanically came to the dining room, remembering that she and Andrey often ate together during this very break.
Andrei and several of his friends were sitting at the second to last table. They were loudly discussing something and laughing. As soon as Oksana entered the dining room, Andrei rose from his chair and walked towards her. He was thinking about something, but it was clear that he was very pleased, although he carefully tried to hide it and put on a falsely serious face. Oksana did not give this any importance, thinking that she was exaggerating everything again. Meanwhile, he came very close to her.
They said at the same time. At the same time, Oksana looked into Andrey’s eyes, and he fixed his gaze on the floor. Oksana thought that he wanted to apologize, and so she said:
- You are the first!
- Fine! “Andrey said calmly. “It seems to me that it’s better for us to part.” It will be better for both of us!
Her thoughts did a triple somersault in her head after these words.
In front of her stood a guy whom she did not love to death, but with whom she had a good and pleasant time, and isn’t that where love begins? She didn’t want to lose him, especially like this: in the stuffy dining room, right next to the entrance, looking into his indifferent eyes and trying to hold back tears that were not worthy of him. That's right, not worthy! She had been imagining too many things to herself all this time and only now realized that he didn’t care at all, it could be seen in his cold eyes, heard in his indifferent speech, but still some feelings made her cry. Perhaps this is a feeling of loss and resentment, but not such a bright and strong feeling as love. Oksana tried to think about the best, at least that she had not yet fallen in love with this man and did not think that her life had lost its meaning.
- But why? – Oksana said with difficulty. Tears welled up in her eyes, and with a trembling voice, she barely pushed this phrase out of herself. It all seemed like a terrible dream to her, a nightmare that was about to end, but it was reality.
- Is it because of Sveta? – She asked, without having time to think, is it worth it?
“Uh-uh... no,” said Andrey, after a pause.
- Then where did such a drastic decision come from?
“I just thought we weren’t right for each other!” “He answered so indifferently that Oksana hated him for a second, but then she realized that deep down she still liked this guy.
Oksana couldn’t say anything more, memories flashed through her head. She wanted it to be a joke, a ridiculous, stupid joke, like the ones they say on the first of April, she tried to remember today’s date, but, looking at Andrei leaving the dining room, she couldn’t stand it and, crying, sat down at the first table she came across.

Several friends surrounded her and tried to calm her down. Oksana was choking on tears and heard only some fragments of their words:
- Poor thing...
- I always knew that Andrei was an egoist...
- Leave it, she wants to be alone... - So far, Oksana liked this phrase most of all, she most of all wanted to be alone and think about everything, but she could not utter a word and continued to peer at the texture of the table. She didn’t want to cry anymore, if this happened, then it had to be this way. Oksana sincerely believed in the best and knew that she should not give up, she was strong, she would fight.
The rest of the school day was spent thinking about the loss; she didn’t want to regret anything, but she wanted something warm and pleasant.
She was already slowly walking home, when suddenly some inner voice suggested that she go to the park. Oksana didn’t understand why she was going there, but she couldn’t resist herself.
Soon, feeling the spring-autumn wind and the smell of freshness, she realized that here was exactly the pleasant and warm place she wanted to go to. She wandered around the park for a long time and suddenly remembered the postcard. Oksana took it out of her bag with a sharp movement of her hand. The beautiful glossy sheet of paper made her think of loss and even aroused a slight hatred.
Oksana was not eager to crumple the ill-fated postcard; she did not want to tear it into small pieces and thereby show her anger and weakness. She simply loosened her hand, and the card smoothly fell to the ground, right next to her foot. Oksana deliberately walked around her, pretending not to notice.
She walked slowly through the park, inhaling the moist spring air, admiring the enchanting beauty of nature, listening to the birds singing, and did not think about anything. Oksana simply imagined that nothing had happened and continued to live and enjoy every second of her life. Having reached a small bridge that served as a crossing over a small river, she stopped in the middle and, peering into the transparency of the water, began to think and think about everything: about the pros and cons of today, about loss and about the continuation of life without Andrei...

Suddenly she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. Even through my jacket I felt an unusual warmth. It seemed to her that this man was dear to her, that this was someone she had known for many years. She slowly turned around and saw in front of her a guy about her age with dark hair and eyes filled with some kind of kindness and affection. He smiled, and his smile, completely unlike any other, seemed to suit only his face. The guy said politely:
“Did you drop this, by any chance?” He held out a slightly stained, but still very beautiful piece of cardboard, with a bluish background and a bright design.
“Yes, I am.” Oksana extended her hand, taking the ill-fated postcard and, pretending that the postcard did not cause her pain, put it in her jacket pocket.
She looked the guy in the eyes. Oksana thought she had already seen him somewhere.
- And what school do you go to? – This question burst out by itself, and Oksana even thought about what stupidity she had said, but decided to wait for an answer.
- I'm in the 70th.
It seemed to Oksana that she had heard incorrectly, and that she simply wanted to hear exactly this answer (this was her school). She thought that perhaps she had simply never noticed him before, although this was hard to wrap her head around. In complete confusion, she stood and carefully peered at the guy, trying to remember as many details of his face as possible.
- I'm there too! – Oksana smiled sincerely. She really wanted to ask what class he was in, but it seemed that this question would be inappropriate, and she had to remain silent.
- I’m at 12 o’clock, and you? - The guy said, reading her thoughts.
- B... “b”. – Oksana answered hesitantly. “And how come we haven’t met before?” She wanted to say this in her mind, but the phrase came out on its own, and Oksana automatically raised her hand to her lips, betraying her embarrassment and blushing a little.
- Well, sorry, I'm in a hurry, see you at school! It was nice to meet you.
-See you, but what is your name? – Oksana caught herself.
-Dima, Dima Dokarin. – He said this already five meters from Oksana.
She stood on the bridge without moving, so that some might think that she was hypnotized, but she simply followed the guy with her eyes and tried with all her might to remember his last name.

“What kind of surname is this - Dokarin? And how could I not notice him at our school, he’s probably new. Perhaps he moved to us from another country. How great it is, if only I could sit with him someday and chat about distant countries...”
Lost in thought, Oksana quickly reached the house. She couldn’t understand what she was feeling, she didn’t believe in love at first sight, but she had a great desire to find out as much as possible about Dima and see him as soon as possible.
Oksana did not have lunch at home; she decided to start preparing for the exams. She read the textbook for three minutes, and then for ten minutes she thought about what Dima might be interested in, what kind of music to listen to...
In a word, this evening could hardly be called an evening of preparation for exams; rather, it was an evening of reflection and immersion in dreams.
Overflowing with positive energy, Oksana went to bed.
She walked slowly along the seashore in a thin azure dress and talked with the birds about how clear the water is, how tender the grass is, how transparent the sky is and how beautiful this world is. Unexpectedly, but softly and somehow tenderly, one of the birds sat on her hand, flapped its wings and became snow-white. She descended onto the fine sand. A sand whirlwind rose around and it shone with such a bright light that Oksana closed her eyes, and when the sand sank, Dima stood in front of her, wearing a white shirt and white pants. He came close to her and hugged her very tenderly and said:
- Nothing will separate us!
Oksana felt warm and pleasant next to him, she felt the happiest in the world.
They walked along the shore, and then sat on the warm sand and began to admire the sunset. The sun plunged into the water slowly, and the further it went, the more beautiful it was. The sky was not colored pink, red or orange, as is usually the case. The sunset was blue. So unusual, so beautiful and fabulous.
The sun finally went down and the once smooth sea water was covered with small waves that hit the shore with a strange ringing sound
Everything has disappeared. Oksana, lying in her bed, reluctantly looked at the table. The tired alarm clock, no longer ringing so loudly, returned her to normal life.
The girl did not want to get up, go to breakfast, get dressed, she wanted to return to that dream, to the seashore and for it to turn into reality. She suddenly felt a flutter in her stomach, and it was definitely not from hunger. Oksana began to think:
“What a strange feeling. I am sure that I am not in love with him, this is simply impossible, but on the other hand, how else can I explain this insatiable desire to be near him and get to know him as best as possible! »

Having quickly had breakfast, Oksana got dressed and went to school. On the way, she began to notice what she had previously considered ordinary: the beauty of nature, the wonderful singing of birds, the freshness of the air. All this gave her strength and lifted her spirits. As if on wings, she entered the school and somehow did not notice the burden of the situation for which she had previously hated this place.
In the corridor, she didn’t even notice Andrei, who was talking very nicely with Sveta and significantly lowered his tone when Oksana passed. He didn't know that right now she didn't care about his presence at all.
Oksana went to the schedule to see where the 12th grade lesson was currently taking place. It turned out that she was very close, in an office whose door was a few meters away from her. Oksana, driven by some incomprehensible wind, went into the desired office and, not finding a better reason for her visit, asked the teacher for chalk. While the teacher was looking for a couple of extra pieces, Oksana looked around the whole class, but did not find Dima among the faces and, taking a piece of chalk, quickly headed towards the door. In the opening, she touched someone with her shoulder and, without looking at the person, apologized and continued on her way, thinking that she had been deceived again. Suddenly, the guy whom she carelessly touched said:
-Hi, I'm sorry, but I never learned your name.
-Oksana! Sorry, I didn't notice you.
-Very nice! How are you? Is everything alright now?
-What makes you think that something happened?
-You were worried about something yesterday, it seemed to me that you were even sad, who offended you?
-No, that is, yes! Well, it's all over, everything is fine now, thanks for your concern.
-What happened, if it’s not a secret, maybe I can help with something?
There was a pause. Oksana really wanted to pour out her soul to someone, tell everything, but she thought that it would be somehow incorrect, to impose her problems, and Oksana decided not to burden Dima with her affairs and experiences, because they knew each other so little. She was about to say all this, but Dima was the first to break the silence.
-Even though we don’t know each other very well, would you like to go to the park after school, discuss what’s bothering you, and just have a heart-to-heart talk. I just can’t keep these words inside me, they are rushing out, you can consider that you are just reading my thoughts right now. And I also wanted to say that a smile suits you very well, don’t hide it... - He paused - So we agreed? -Dima blushed a little and smiled, that very unusual smile that seemed to suit only his face.
It seemed to Oksana that she was imagining all this, but, succumbing to desires and dreams, forgetting about coquetry and other feminine things, completely sincerely, she answered:
-I will be very glad! My classes end at 14:30, maybe three?
-On the bridge.
It was as if he had read her thoughts again, and Oksana happily agreed.
I'm very glad, I can't wait to see you. He smiled again and entered the classroom.
“And how glad I am, you just don’t know!” Oksana stood and could not believe what was happening, she was so happy that there was no place in her head for anything other than the upcoming meeting. It seemed to her that nothing but his smile could make her heart beat and love so much!

...Three years have passed, three most wonderful years in Oksana’s life. She learned all the joys of life during this period of time. Very often she woke up with the thought that only the all-powerful God could give her such a person, she was very grateful to God for this gift, and every day she prayed that she and Dima would never part. She was so happy that she could not live even a minute without thinking about her beloved.
She and Dima never quarreled, neither over trifles nor for serious reasons. They did not have a single drop of misunderstanding, not a small grain of sand of doubt about each other. Oksana didn’t even dream of such happiness, she thought that miracles were not for her, but this was a true miracle. Those warm brown eyes, those gentle hands, that unearthly smile: everything about him was perfect, and Oksana loved this man with all her heart and every part of her soul.
She met Dima's family, they were wonderful people, who gave Dima all their love and conveyed to him all their most good qualities: sincerity, tenderness, sensitivity, kindness and openness. Very often we had family dinners and celebrated holidays together.
Oksana and Dima often walked through the park where they had their first date, and their favorite place was the small bridge where they met the sunrise and saw off the sunset. This was the place where they met, confessed their love to each other, where they kissed for the first time, where they looked at the stars and made wishes, not even suspecting that the wishes were the same: “to always be together.”
One day, coming to the park, Dima asked Oksana to close her eyes, she obeyed and completely trusted the guy. He led her under the bridge, carefully carrying her in his arms along the rocky bank of the river, which meant so much to both of them. Dima finally stopped and lowered Oksana to the ground, turned her 90 degrees, so that he was behind him and allowed her to open her eyes . Oksana saw in front of her an inscription neatly carved on the back of the bridge, circled in an even heart: “No matter what happens, my soul is always with you.” Oksana turned to Dima, and tears involuntarily appeared in her eyes, and he said:
-Wherever I am, wherever fate throws me, I will always remember you.
-You will be in my heart forever. She answered through tears of happiness.
From that day on, the lovers, even when parting for some time, remembered each other and felt warmth in their hearts and lightness in their souls.
There was not a drop of lies or insincerity in this relationship. These people completely trusted each other, shared all their experiences and went through all the tests together. They dreamed of eternal happiness and understanding.
A year later, Dima invited Oksana to become his wife. Oksana, of course, did not expect such a gift for her 22nd birthday, but without the traditional “I’ll think about it,” she said: “Of course,” without doubting or regretting her decision for a second. The wedding was scheduled for July.
For a whole month, Oksana visited wedding salons, choosing the best dress for her celebration; she wanted to look better than ever on this day. At that time, Dima was making arrangements with the registry office, booking tables in the restaurant, and all this in the spirit of love and with great happiness in his heart, because he was so afraid that Oksana would refuse, that she was not ready yet, and now all the troubles are just a joy. He was ready to do anything to get them family life not frozen into everyday life, so that all life would be a romantic adventure, and most importantly, so that Oksana would be happy, in order to see her happy, he could move mountains.
The wedding took place. Everything went great, the money put aside for the apartment was now looking for a new use, the apartment was donated by relatives. This was great happiness for the young people. The word “bitter” was shouted so often at this celebration that it seemed that no more than five minutes passed between breaks.

It was dark and cool outside. Dima walked quickly, his heart was pounding and worried, he had a presentiment that something was wrong, and he wanted to quickly find his wife and apologize to her. He now realized that the quarrel was very stupid and that he had to give in. Dima was almost sure that he would find Oksana in their favorite park, somewhere near the bridge.
He was already approaching the park and saw three dark figures. Not a sound was heard, but Dima recognized Oksana’s long coat, which he had given her as a birthday present. New Year. The guy rushed to the figures and saw what was happening more and more clearly, which horrified him. Two strongly built men forced the girl to go somewhere; she resisted, but was weak and defenseless; a naked knife blade could be seen near her throat.
Forgetting caution, Dima broke the nose of the unarmed bandit with a strong blow of his fist, he let go of Oksana and instantly received a strong blow to the stomach. The criminal fell to the ground and began to use obscene language. Oksana screamed loudly; it turned out that the man was covering her mouth. Dima looked at his wife with eyes filled with love and anxiety.
-Everything will be okay. – he said tenderly and tried to find with his eyes the second maniac, who somehow unexpectedly disappeared.
At that moment, the creak of a torn jacket was heard and Dima, clenching his teeth, fell to the damp ground. The police came running to the desperate cry of the young woman, disarming the killer and quickly overpowering his partner, who was lying exhausted on the floor.
In deep hysterics, Oksana rushed to her husband. She turned his face to hers and begged him to say at least a word, realizing the horror of the situation, she shouted:
- Call an ambulance quickly! – and fell exhausted onto her husband’s chest, washing his jacket with her tears.
The ambulance arrived fifteen minutes later. Approaching the lying man, the doctor sat down and shook his head. Soon he stood up, apologized and said that he was powerless. The car took away the body, leaving a disheveled and unhappy Oksana on the road.
She understood what had happened, and her legs themselves carried her somewhere. A couple of minutes later she was on the bridge. She looked at the dark water, at the lunar path on it and began to slowly raise her head, as if escorting the soul of her beloved to heaven, her gaze directed upward, higher and higher, and a tear smoothly and slowly descended down her cheek. Raising her head as high as possible, Oksana said:
-Sorry! I'm sorry! Please! It's all my fault! You are forever in my heart!
An exhausted tear fell into the water. Oksana looked at the rapidly spreading circles. The inside of the wooden bridge was reflected in the water, and there on one of the boards, with hardworking fingers, a small heart was cut out with the immortal words “No matter what happens, my soul is always with you.”

It was a wonderful sunny April day.
Very happy and burning with impatience, dreaming of seeing her grandson, Anna Dmitrievna entered the illuminated room. The small room, filled with cribs, seemed to be shaking from the constant crying and bustle of the nannies.
-Can I help you? – asked one of the young girls.
-No, thank you, I'll do it myself. – Anna Dmitrievna whispered politely, smiling.
She went to the crib and began to admire one of the babies, who, unlike the others, did not cry, but smiled, lying on his back and opening his warm light brown eyes wide. The woman carefully turned over the tag on the baby’s leg, on which was written: “Dokarin Andrey Dmitrievich.”

To the reader.

That's how life is. Everything in it is in balance: someone dies, and someone is born. And this does not mean that life ends with death, there are some things that still exist, whether you believe in them or not.
At any time there is time for exploits and it is not necessary to save the whole world, it is not necessary to sacrifice your life for salvation, because a person who accomplishes a feat never thinks that he is a hero. Sometimes a word, even a look, is enough to make someone happy, and happiness is the life juice that we all need.
Our world today is cruel and dangerous, and people made it that way. All the evil that exists on earth is created by human hands. Are you not offended by the words: “The death of one person is a disaster, the death of a thousand people is a statistic.” Such a phrase really exists, but I don’t remember who said it, it terrifies me. How much is done in this world for the sake of money, where holiness has been lost human souls. If anyone is even slightly touched by works about war, about the death of innocents, then the person is already holy in soul, understanding the golden phrase “Love your neighbor as yourself.” We are all brothers and sisters, because we all have one Father, so let's take care of our family and our home.

The novel was completed on May 9, 2006. The final words are an appeal to the future generation, because the fate of the whole world is in their hands.

On a clear sunny day, the sky above us is bright blue. In the evening, at sunset, the sky takes on a deep red color with numerous shades that is pleasing to the eye. So why is the sky blue during the day? What makes a sunset red? How does clear air shimmer with blue and red hues at different times of the day?

I will present 2 answers here: the first is more simplified for the general reader, the second is more scientific and accurate. Choose for yourself which one you like.

1. Why is the sky blue and not green? The answer for dummies

Light from the Sun or a lamp appears white, but white is actually a mixture of all 7 existing colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (Figure 1). The sky (atmosphere) is filled with air. Air is a mixture of tiny gas molecules and small pieces of solid material such as dust. As sunlight passes through the air, it collides with air particles. When a beam of light hits gas molecules, it can "bounce" in a different direction (scatter).

Some of the component colors of white light, such as red and orange, pass directly from the Sun into our eyes without scattering. But most blue rays “bounce” off air particles in all directions. Thus, the entire sky is literally permeated with blue rays. When you look up, some of this blue light reaches your eye and you see blue light all over your head! Here, in fact, why is the sky blue!

Naturally, everything is simplified to the maximum, but below is a paragraph that more fundamentally describes the property of our beloved sky above and the reasons that explain why the color of the sky is blue and not green!

2. Why is the sky blue? Answer for advanced

Let's take a closer look at the nature of light and color. Color, as everyone knows, is a property of light that our eyes and brain can perceive and detect. Light from the sun is a large number of white rays that consist of all 7 colors of the rainbow. Light has the property of dispersion (Fig. 1). Everything is illuminated by the Sun, but some objects reflect rays of only one color, for example, blue, and other objects only reflect rays of yellow, etc. This is how a person determines colors. So, the Sun shines on the Earth with its white rays, but it is enveloped by the atmosphere (a thick layer of air), and when this white (consisting of all colors) ray passes through the atmosphere, it is the air that scatters (spreads) all 7 colored rays of the white sun ray, but with greater strength, it is its blue-blue rays (in other words, the atmosphere literally begins to glow blue). Other colors come directly from the Sun to our eyes (Fig. 2).

Why is blue the color that is most scattered in the atmosphere? This is a natural phenomenon, and it is described physical law Rayleigh. To explain it more simply, there is a formula that Rayleigh derived in 1871, which determines how the scattering of light (ray) depends on the color of this ray (that is, on such a property of the ray as its wavelength). And it just so happens that the sky blue color has the shortest wavelength and, accordingly, the greatest scattering.

Why is the sky red during sunrise and sunset? At sunset or sunrise, the Sun is low above the horizon, causing the sun's rays to fall obliquely

yut to Earth. The length of the beam, naturally, increases many times (Fig. 3), and therefore, at such a huge distance, almost the entire short-wave (blue-blue) part of the spectrum is scattered in the atmosphere and does not reach the Earth's surface. Only long waves, yellow-red, reach us. This is exactly the color the sky takes on during sunrise and sunset. That is why the sky, in addition to blue and blue, is also yellow and red!

And now, to fully understand all of the above, a few words about what the atmosphere is like.

What is the atmosphere (firmament)?

The atmosphere is a mixture of gas molecules and other materials that surround the Earth. The atmosphere mainly consists of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%) gases. Gases and water (in the form of vapor, droplets and ice crystals) are the most common constituents of the atmosphere. There are also small amounts of other gases, as well as many small particulate matter such as dust, soot, ash, salt from the oceans, etc. The composition of the atmosphere changes depending on geographical location, weather and much more. Somewhere there may be more water in the air after a rainstorm or near the ocean, somewhere volcanoes spew large amounts of dust particles high into the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is denser in its lower part, close to the Earth. It gradually becomes thinner with height. There is no sharp break between atmosphere and space. This is why we see shimmers of blue and blue in the sky, precisely because the atmosphere in the sky is different everywhere, has a different structure and properties.

"I came into this world

To see the Sun and a blue horizon.

I came into this world

To see the Sun and the heights of the mountains.”

Our planet and earthly inhabitants cannot exist without the familiar, warm solar ball. A person feels sad in cloudy weather, but when the sun shimmers cheerfully in the sky, the fiery luminary instills hope and confidence that everything will be fine. Why is the sun yellow? Have you thought about this?

What is the Sun

The solar star is a hot ball of gas, the central figure solar system. Center of a cluster of planets celestial bodies, consisting of heavy elements. Hydrogen in the Sun is compressed under the influence of gravity. Inside the luminary it continuously flows thermonuclear reaction, creating helium from hydrogen.

The solar star arose after a series of supernova explosions five billion years ago. Thanks to its ideal location to the Sun, life began on the third planet. This is Earth.

Helium leaks and radiates through the photosphere (the thin surface layer of a star) into outer space. The star has a boundary atmosphere - solar corona merging with interstellar medium. We don't see the corona because the gas is very rarefied. It becomes visible during eclipses.

The main luminary of the solar system has an 11th cycle of activity. During this period, the number of sunspots (darkened zones of the photosphere), flares (dazzling glow of the chromosphere), and prominences (hydrogen clouds condensed in the corona) increases/decreases.

The chromosphere is the boundary layer between the photosphere and the corona. The man sees him solar eclipses in the form of a bright red rim. The mass of the star is gradually decreasing. The star loses some of its weight as it converts hydrogen into helium (synthesizing energy).

The warmth that makes people happy is the lost stellar mass (sun rays). Weight is also lost due to winds on the Sun, which regularly blow electrons and protons from the star into space.

Why is the celestial body yellow?

Not every person is able to explain the reason for the pleasant, warm shade of a solar star. For scientific explanation we need knowledge about the structure of celestial bodies, the properties of the earth's atmosphere, and the abilities of the human eye. The explanation of why the Sun is yellow is given from two perspectives.

Beautiful illusion

In fact, the color of the sun star is white. But human eyes stubbornly present the shade as yellow. This is the color perception of light waves in humans. When the sun's rays pass through the earth's atmosphere, they lose part of the light spectrum, but retain their wavelength.

Nature has designed the human eye in a cunning way. We perceive only three colors: blue, red, green.

Some spectral emissions are long, others are shorter. Short spectrum waves dissipate at a faster rate, people perceive them more sensitively. The shortest color spectrum consists of blue waves. Therefore, the sky appears to be a noble shade of blue.

The white rays of the Sun are longer. When they penetrate the atmosphere and merge with the blue spectrum, they produce the yellow color we see. The more piercing the shade of the sky, the brighter and yellower the luminary appears. Please note that this optical effect is noticeable after rain in cloudless weather.

And in winter, when the sky is gloomy and joyless, the sun dims and is perceived by people as a whitish circle.

Astronomy speaks

What color is the Sun from the point of view of astronomers? The warm star is a “yellow dwarf”. This is the type of star that determines the size. Compared to other stars in the Galaxy, the solar star is tiny, and the range of its color radiance is yellow.

The color of a star’s radiance depends on its size, distance from Earth, and features chemical reactions happening inside.

The young star has a bright glow and long light pulses of a certain frequency. Such “newborn” stars have a sparkling white with a blue glow (young stars are white). Our middle-aged sunny lady has rays of a different frequency and is perceived by people as yellow.

For astronomers, the sun's color is important. Using a special spectroscope instrument, scientists study other stars by spectral mapping. Determine the composition (metal or helium with hydrogen remaining in space after big bang). Understand the surface temperature of the stars.

  • Cool red stars (Gliese, Arcturus, Cepheus, Betelgeuse).
  • The hot ones (Rigel, Zeta Orionis, Alpha Giraffe, Tau Canis Majoris) have a pleasant bluish glow.

Outside the atmosphere, the Sun appears as a white star. The color of the mesmerizing heavenly beauties is surprisingly varied. From white-blue to crimson-red. The hotter the star, the longer the wavelength.

The blue tint has shorter spectral wavelengths compared to red. Therefore, hot stars emit more strongly in the blue range and appear blue, while cold stars penetrate the red spectrum more powerfully, we see them in a red tint.

Interesting fact. Why the sun is yellow was explained in 1871. English physicist John Rayleigh created the theory of molecular scattering of a light beam. The law that explains the intensity of light scattered by air was named after him - Rayleigh's law.

Explanation for children

Children's minds are inquisitive and inquisitive. The young “why” asks thousands of questions. Sometimes adults get lost when choosing an answer so that the child can understand it more clearly. How to explain the obvious little man(why does the sun shine, why is it yellow, and why is the sky blue)? How to choose words so as not to scare away with abstruse phrases, but to encourage the little researcher to study and learn? When explaining, take into account the child's age.

We explain to the kids. Tell little children about color spectrums, light waves It's too early. Come up with a fascinating fairy tale to satisfy your little one's curiosity.

“There lived one fairy-tale wizard in the world. He loved to draw and wore magic paints all the time. Every morning he painted the sky blue and the sun yellow, so that people would have fun, warmth and joy. The magician has an older fairy sister. She watches over him, and in the evenings, when the children are tired, the fairy wraps the sky and the sun in a dark blanket and scatters stars so that the kids have wonderful dreams.

When a wizard is sad, his colors cry. Then the blue color of the sky blurs, hiding the sun. It becomes sad, but not for long. The fairy sister comes to the aid of the wizard, draws a multi-colored rainbow and colors the sun again, giving him a golden ray. After all, wizards don’t know how to grieve!”

Or this story: “Once upon a time there were magical colors. They loved to walk and went outside every day. One day they woke up in the morning, ran out into the yard - and everything there was gray and dull! It doesn’t matter, said the paints, we will return the colors! Blue colors the sky, puddles, and river - let the kids splash in the water!

Yellow went to decorate the sun so that it would become warm and warm everyone around. Green decorated the grass, trees, black – pebbles, earth. Then they painted the flowers together - look how colorful they are! The paints did a great job, got tired, and went to bed. And everything on the street remained painted - after all, the colors are magical!”

Older children. To older children, you can explain why the Sun appears yellow in adult language, but in accessible words:

“Remember the rainbow? It consists of seven colors. But in a rainbow, the colors go separately, one after another. The light of a solar star is the same as a rainbow, but the bright star has combined, mixed colors. The sun is far away from us and sends solar rays towards our planet.

The sky has an atmosphere, it is like a sieve. Sunlight, reaching the Earth, “is splashed into individual colors (like a rainbow). The rays pass through the heavenly “sieve” in different ways. They are fast, but other colors are so lazy that they don’t even reach us and get “stuck” in the strainer atmosphere. The most persistent and strongest are blue and yellow rays. That's why the sun is yellow and the sky is blue. That’s how we see them.”

Come up with your own answers, use your imagination, awaken the storytellers within you!

"Multi-colored" star

If you are one of the observant people, you know that the Sun comes in a different color. Not just yellow or whitish. Before leaving or ascending into the sky, the solar star shines with an orange, purple or reddish hue.

Why was the light red at sunset and pink at dawn? Our planet rotates around an axis, moving away and approaching the Sun. In the evening and morning, the Earth occupies the farthest distance from the hot star.

In order to reach the earth's surface in the evening or morning, the sun's rays spend more time traveling. Along the way they disperse faster, mixing with a large number blue color waves. Therefore, at this time the Sun is a different color.

If a hot star is covered by a black cloud of ash or smoke (during a strong fire, volcanic eruption), the star will take on a lilac-violet, frightening hue. The more dust in the air, the more saturated the star's hue becomes. Microscopic dust particles transmit only violet and red light waves; they “take” and absorb the rest of the spectrum.

The same thing happens when air humidity rises. Water vapor only transmits red spectral waves. Therefore, during periods of high humidity, before heavy rain, the solar star acquires a red tint.

Don’t be alarmed when the usual yellow sun appears before us in a different color guise. These are “jokes” of human visual perception, an optical effect. Any shade of the Sun is explainable and does not pose any threat to people.

Interesting observations!

On a clear sunny day, the sky above us looks bright blue. In the evening, the sunset colors the sky in red, pink and orange. So why is the sky blue and what makes the sunset red?

What color is the sun?

Of course the sun is yellow! All the inhabitants of the earth will answer and the inhabitants of the Moon will disagree with them.

From Earth, the Sun appears yellow. But in space or on the Moon, the Sun would appear white to us. There is no atmosphere in space to scatter sunlight.

On Earth, some of the short wavelengths of sunlight (blue and violet) are absorbed by scattering. The rest of the spectrum appears yellow.

And in space, the sky looks dark or black instead of blue. This is the result of the absence of an atmosphere, therefore the light is not scattered in any way.

But if you ask about the color of the sun in the evening. Sometimes the answer is the sun is RED. But why?

Why is the sun red at sunset?

As the Sun moves toward sunset, sunlight has to travel a greater distance in the atmosphere to reach the observer. Less direct light reaches our eyes and the Sun appears less bright.

Since sunlight has to travel longer distances, more scattering occurs. The red part of the spectrum of sunlight passes through the air better than the blue part. And we see a red sun. The lower the Sun descends to the horizon, the larger the air “magnifying glass” through which we see it, and the redder it is.

For the same reason, the Sun appears to us to be much larger in diameter than during the day: the air layer plays the role of a magnifying glass for an earthly observer.

The sky around the setting sun can have different colors. The sky is most beautiful when the air contains many small particles of dust or water. These particles reflect light in all directions. In this case, shorter light waves are scattered. The observer sees light rays of longer wavelengths, which is why the sky appears red, pink or orange.

Visible light is a type of energy that can travel through space. Light from the Sun or an incandescent lamp appears white, although in reality it is a mixture of all colors. The primary colors that make up white are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colors continuously transform into one another, so in addition to the primary colors there are also a huge number of various shades. All these colors and shades can be observed in the sky in the form of a rainbow that appears in an area of ​​high humidity.

The air that fills the entire sky is a mixture of tiny gas molecules and small solid particles such as dust.

The sun's rays, coming from space, begin to scatter under the influence of atmospheric gases, and this process occurs according to Rayleigh's Law of Scattering. As light travels through the atmosphere, most of the long wavelengths of the optical spectrum pass through unchanged. Only a small part of the red, orange and yellow colors interacts with the air, bumping into molecules and dust.

When light collides with gas molecules, light can be reflected in different directions. Some colors, such as red and orange, reach the observer directly by passing directly through the air. But most blue light is reflected from air molecules in all directions. This scatters blue light throughout the sky and makes it appear blue.

However, many shorter wavelengths of light are absorbed by gas molecules. Once absorbed, the blue color is emitted in all directions. It is scattered everywhere in the sky. No matter which direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches the observer. Since blue light is visible everywhere overhead, the sky appears blue.

If you look towards the horizon, the sky will have a paler hue. This is the result of light traveling a greater distance through the atmosphere to reach the observer. The scattered light is scattered again by the atmosphere and less blue light reaches the observer's eyes. Therefore, the color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or even appears completely white.

Why is space black?

IN outer space there is no air. Since there are no obstacles from which the light could be reflected, the light travels directly. The rays of light are not scattered, and the “sky” appears dark and black.


The atmosphere is a mixture of gases and other substances that surround the Earth in the form of a thin, mostly transparent shell. The atmosphere is held in place by the Earth's gravity. The main components of the atmosphere are nitrogen (78.09%), oxygen (20.95%), argon (0.93%) and carbon dioxide (0.03%). The atmosphere also contains small amounts of water (in different places its concentration ranges from 0% to 4%), solid particles, gases neon, helium, methane, hydrogen, krypton, ozone and xenon. The science that studies the atmosphere is called meteorology.

Life on Earth would not be possible without the presence of an atmosphere, which supplies the oxygen we need to breathe. In addition, the atmosphere performs another important function - it equalizes the temperature throughout the planet. If there were no atmosphere, then in some places on the planet there could be sizzling heat, and in other places extreme cold, the temperature range could fluctuate from -170°C at night to +120°C during the day. The atmosphere also protects us from harmful radiation from the Sun and space, absorbing and dispersing it.

The structure of the atmosphere

The atmosphere consists of different layers, the division into these layers occurs according to their temperature, molecular composition and electrical properties. These layers do not have clearly defined boundaries; they change seasonally, and in addition, their parameters change at different latitudes.


  • The lower 100 km, including the Troposphere, Stratosphere and Mesopause.
  • Makes up 99% of the mass of the atmosphere.
  • Molecules are not separated by molecular weight.
  • The composition is fairly homogeneous, with the exception of some small local anomalies. Homogeneity is maintained by constant mixing, turbulence and turbulent diffusion.
  • Water is one of two components that are unevenly distributed. As water vapor rises, it cools and condenses, then returning to the ground in the form of precipitation - snow and rain. The stratosphere itself is very dry.
  • Ozone is another molecule whose distribution is uneven. (Read below about the ozone layer in the stratosphere.)


  • Extends above the homosphere and includes the Thermosphere and Exosphere.
  • The separation of molecules in this layer is based on their molecular weights. Heavier molecules such as nitrogen and oxygen are concentrated at the bottom of the layer. Lighter ones, helium and hydrogen, predominate in the upper part of the heterosphere.

Division of the atmosphere into layers depending on their electrical properties.

Neutral atmosphere

  • Below 100 km.


  • Approximately above 100 km.
  • Contains electrically charged particles (ions) produced by absorption of ultraviolet light
  • The degree of ionization changes with altitude.
  • Different layers reflect long and short radio waves. This allows radio signals traveling in a straight line to bend around the spherical surface of the earth.
  • In these atmospheric layers auroras occur.
  • Magnetosphere is the upper part of the ionosphere, extending to approximately 70,000 km altitude, this altitude depends on the intensity of the solar wind. The magnetosphere protects us from high-energy charged particles from the solar wind by keeping them in the Earth's magnetic field.

Division of the atmosphere into layers depending on their temperatures

Top border height troposphere depends on seasons and latitude. It extends from the earth's surface to an altitude of approximately 16 km at the equator, and to an altitude of 9 km at the North and South Poles.

  • The prefix "tropo" means change. Changes in troposphere parameters occur due to weather conditions- for example, due to the movement of atmospheric fronts.
  • As altitude increases, the temperature drops. Warm air rises up, then cools and descends back to Earth. This process is called convection, it occurs as a result of the movement of air masses. Winds in this layer blow predominantly vertically.
  • This layer contains more molecules than all other layers combined.

Stratosphere- extends from approximately 11 km to 50 km altitude.

  • Has a very thin layer of air.
  • The prefix "strato" refers to layers or division into layers.
  • The lower part of the Stratosphere is quite calm. Jet aircraft often fly into the lower stratosphere to avoid bad weather in the troposphere.
  • At the top of the Stratosphere there are strong winds known as high-altitude jet streams. They blow horizontally at speeds of up to 480 km/h.
  • The stratosphere contains the "ozone layer", located at an altitude of approximately 12 to 50 km (depending on latitude). Although the concentration of ozone in this layer is only 8 ml/m 3, it is very effective at absorbing harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, thereby protecting life on earth. The ozone molecule consists of three oxygen atoms. The oxygen molecules we breathe contain two oxygen atoms.
  • The stratosphere is very cold, with a temperature of approximately -55°C at the bottom and increasing with altitude. The increase in temperature is due to the absorption of ultraviolet rays by oxygen and ozone.

Mesosphere- extends to altitudes of approximately 100 km.