Admission to university in May. MAI - Moscow Aviation Institute

  • To enroll in contract places, the applicant submits an application for consent to enrollment and the original document on education or its copy certified in the prescribed manner, or its copy with presentation of the original for certification of the copy by the admissions committee
No later than July 27 Posting lists of applicants on the official website and at the information stand
Priority Enrollment Phase- enrollment without entrance examinations; - enrollment in places within a special quota and target quota (places within quotas) July 28 Acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons entering without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas is completed, if these persons simultaneously submitted applications for admission to two or more organizations higher education in accordance with clause 4.13 of the Admission Rules;
July 29 An order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment from among those applicants without entrance examinations who are admitted to places within quotas
Enrollment based on the results of entrance tests for the main places within the CCP, remaining after enrollment without entrance examinations (main competitive places) First stage of enrollment
for the main competitive places - enrollment in 80% of places
August 1 The acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage of enrollment in the main competitive places has ended. Within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are allocated until 80% of the main competitive places are filled
August 3 An order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 80% of the main competitive places are filled
Second stage of enrollment
for the main competitive places - 100% enrollment
August 6 The acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places is completed. Within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are allocated until 100% of the main competitive places are filled.
August 8 An order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 100% of the main competitive places are filled

Stages of enrollment in contract places for full-time and part-time education

  1. Enrollment in contracted full-time study places is carried out in streams with July 9 By August 16.
  2. Enrollment in contract places part-time forms s training with the exception of the IPEEf Institute is carried out in streams with July 9 By September 20.
  3. Enrollment for contracted places of part-time study at the IPEEF Institute is carried out September 20.

Stages of enrollment in contracted places of correspondence education

Enrollment is carried out:

  1. Moscow - in flows from July 9 to September 20(except IPEEf);
  2. Moscow - September 20, Institute of IPEEf;
  3. Moscow - May 13, enrollment of persons who passed the entrance examination to AUPET;
  4. Smolensk - September 20;
  5. Volzhsky - September 15.
  6. Dushanbe - October 18;

The last day for providing consent for enrollment is the day preceding the date of issuance of the enrollment order.

If there are contract places left vacant after admission based on the results of the competition or the return of documents by applicants, MPEI may announce additional admission to vacant places.

Information about the university

At the beginning of the twentieth century, there was an intensive development of aviation science and technology. This has led to an increased demand for specialists with relevant qualifications in this industry. The initiator of the creation of special centers for research and training of engineering personnel was Professor N. E. Zhukovsky. Understanding the importance of this issue, in 1930, on the basis of the Aeromechanical Faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical University, VAMU (Higher Aeromechanical School) was organized with an aeronautics, engine-building and aircraft-building department. In August 1930, this institution was renamed Moscow aviation institute.

In the memorable year of 1930, the first graduation of a large number of aviation engineers took place at MAI, many of whom joined the teaching staff educational institution. During the same period, graduate school appeared, which enrolled designers and scientists who later became widely known.

The structure of the educational institution was constantly improved, adapting to new requirements and discoveries in the aviation industry. That is why, in 1933, the institute established a faculty of engineering and economics, which trained specialists in such areas as economics and organization of the aviation industry. And in 1935, the Faculty of Aircraft Weapons appeared, where students were trained to handle aircraft combat installations, as well as navigation and radio equipment.

By 1940, the institute consisted of 5 faculties, 38 departments, 24 specialized classrooms, 22 laboratories, equipped training workshops, flight training squad. After the war, MAI began to develop specialized courses lectures and experimental installations on rocket and jet engines, for training specialists, taking into account new discoveries in science. In the 50s, departments for designing and designing rockets were opened, and in the 80s, the MAI-89 ultralight aircraft was developed, which subsequently set a record for the speed of ascent to a height of three thousand meters. In 1998, the Moscow Aviation Institute received a certificate confirming the right to develop light civil aircraft.

Today the university is recruiting students for the following faculties:

  • Aviation technology;
  • Aerospace;
  • Aircraft engines;
  • Applied mathematics and physics;
  • Radiovtuz MAI;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Robotic and intelligent systems;
  • Social engineering;
  • Pre-university training;
  • Aircraft radio electronics;
  • Applied mechanics;
  • Control systems, computer science and electrical power engineering.

In addition, the Military Institute of MAI, the Engineering and Economic Institute of MAI, and the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of MAI are involved as faculties.

The Moscow Aviation Institute offers full-time, part-time and part-time (evening) forms of education, which makes training as convenient as possible. Thanks to multi-level training in various specialties, applicants can receive:

  • primary education;
  • general;
  • secondary vocational;
  • higher education;
  • second higher education;
  • postgraduate education;
  • preparatory courses for working specialties;
  • advanced training;
  • professional retraining.

For visiting applicants, a dormitory is provided, which is located on the campus. There are seven dormitory buildings in total, where the number of places is 4805. All questions about accommodation are resolved in the dean's offices of the faculties. Recruitment of applicants is carried out for budgetary and paid places in specialty, bachelor's and master's programs, and in branches there is also a recruitment of those wishing to obtain secondary education vocational education. All students undergoing training on a budgetary basis under full-time, can apply for personal and state scholarships. The scholarship (type and amount) depends on academic performance and the presence of special merits in research, scientific, social, sports and cultural activities.

The educational institution offers postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Postgraduate studies provide training in 54 specialties of chemical, technical and physical and mathematical sciences, and in 6 specialties of philosophical, political, historical and economic sciences. The doctoral programs include more than 10 scientific directions in the field of mechanical engineering, mechanics, control processes. There are also special Councils for those wishing to defend a doctoral or candidate's dissertation.

At the Moscow Aviation Institute, 25 departments were created (or reorganized), where educational activities on the basis of various scientific organizations. There is the possibility of obtaining a second higher education, both after graduating from a university, and in parallel with training. Training takes place at the faculties: Engineering and Economic Institute MAI, Aviation Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Applied Mechanics, foreign languages, aerospace.

This higher education institution offers distance learning:

  1. Educational and methodological center distance learning Engineering and Economic Institute MAI;
  2. Distance learning system for mathematical disciplines;
  3. Resource Center scientific research and innovative technologies.

The branches of the university, where specialists are trained, are located in important centers of the rocket, space and aviation industry - in the city of Zhukovsky, Khimki, Baikonur and Akhtubinsk. At the institute itself, more than 2,300 teachers teach students, including about 450 doctors of science and professors, more than 1,100 candidates of science and associate professors. About 70% of the teaching staff have a title or academic degree, which significantly improves the quality of education provided. The rector of the university is Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Anatoly Nikolaevich Gerashchenko.

The institute also has an external program, thanks to which you can qualitatively prepare for admission and passing the necessary exams. The university’s rating (among Russian universities) is not particularly high, but there are numerous positive reviews, a relatively low passing grade and a sufficient number budget places attract many applicants. In addition, to facilitate employment upon graduation, the MAI Employment Center was created, the database of which contains more than 200 companies interested in graduates.

The Institute has its own airfield, where students of the Faculty of Aviation Engineering undergo practical training, training specialists for the defense and aerospace industries, carried out on various types of aviation equipment. MAI has a high-quality educational and laboratory base and highly qualified teaching staff, which makes it possible to provide high-quality training for students.

Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) (MAI)- a higher educational institution in Moscow, which trains personnel for the aviation and rocket industry. IN present moment More than 20 thousand students study at the institute, of which more than 1200 are foreign citizens. Ten faculties, three institutes and four separate branches train future engineers and scientists. Find out more detailed information about the structure of the university, student life, scientific activity, teaching staff, the conditions for admission to the MAI specialty in 2015 can be found by visiting the official website of the MAI.

MAI official website - Home page

In the header of the site, foreign users can go to the international version of the site "International version", and on the main page of the English version, select the language for displaying information by clicking on the corresponding icon.

International version of the site

There is also a search bar in the header on the main page, and below there is a button to go to the section dedicated to Admissions company MAI 2015 "Admissions Committee". On the pages of this section, applicants will be able to familiarize themselves with the work schedule of the university admissions committee, view competition lists applicants, find out the MAI passing scores, the number of budget places and a lot of other useful information. Link in the upper right corner "How to find us?" will allow you to quickly find the contact details of the admissions committee and navigate the directions.

MAI Admissions Committee

The body of the site's main page is divided into 3 columns. On the left there is a menu of five sections with sub-items. The central column contains information banners, links to the latest and greatest significant events in the life of MAI 2015, and below is the subsection “MAI in the Media,” which presents publications that, to one degree or another, relate to the institute, its employees and graduates.

Home page - "Relevant" and "MAI in the media"

On the left side of the page there are “Announcements” and “News” with links to the latest messages.

To make it easier for each resource visitor to navigate the variety of information presented on the site, a menu has been placed at the bottom of the page that offers structuring of data by target audience categories. Here are links to information and subsections that are of interest to students, applicants, alumni or employees.

Additional menu in the footer

By accessing the "MAI" section of the main menu, the user will be able to obtain comprehensive information about the institute, including its structural divisions, management, places in ratings, Russian and foreign partners.

MAI - Divisions and organizations

In the "Education" section you can learn about faculties and areas of training, opportunities for internship and training abroad, obtaining a second higher and additional education.

Education - Areas of training

The “Science” section contains information from the field of scientific developments, achievements, information about conferences and councils, competitions and grants, scientific journals and useful data for graduate students.

Science - MAI Developments - Space

The extracurricular sports, cultural and social life of MAI students is covered in a section with the capacious title “Life”.

Life - Palace of Culture and Technology MAI

The last section "Miscellaneous" includes various sub-items, including announcements, information about festivals and holidays, news and announcements.

Admission of students is carried out on a competitive budget and paid-contractual basis.

The Unified State Examination is generally held from May 27 to June 20.
Unified State Examination results are assessed on a 100-point scale. The certificate is valid until December 31, 2022. The minimum threshold for the subject will be known within 6-8 days after conducting the Unified State Exam within the main deadlines. Without overcoming minimum threshold points in one of the compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), the graduate has the right to retake it this year on additional days provided for in the schedule.
If a graduate does not achieve the minimum threshold of points in two compulsory subjects at once, he can take the Unified State Exam no earlier than next year.

The deadline for accepting documents has also been determined.

The start date for accepting documents required for admission to undergraduate programs in full-time and part-time forms of study is June 20, 2019

Those who enroll exclusively for training at the expense of budgetary allocations for Unified State Exam results, can submit documents until July 26.

Acceptance of documents for training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for undergraduate programs ends on August 13, 2019.

Acceptance of documents for studies in undergraduate programs based on the results of entrance tests conducted by MAI independently ends on July 10, 2019.

The deadline for submitting documents for distance learning based on the results of the Unified State Exam is September 13, 2019;

The deadline for submitting documents for correspondence courses for persons entering based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by MAI independently is September 6, 2019.

Additional entrance tests of a specialized, creative or professional orientation are not conducted at MAI.

Enrollment will take place on the following dates:

  • July 27 – summing up the results of the competition, posting the list of those who passed the competition and the list of reserves;
  • from July 28 to August 1 – collection of original documents from persons who passed the competition;
  • August 3 – publication and posting on the official website of the order for the enrollment of persons included in the lists of stage I;
  • August 8 - publication and posting on the official website of the order for the enrollment of persons included in the lists of stage II;
  • August 23 - enrollment in full-time undergraduate programs is carried out under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

In July 2019, the Admissions Committee will accept certificates of the Unified State Examination (USE) obtained in 2015 and 2016 academic years, in the following subjects:

By direction "Informatics and computer technology»: mathematics (specialized), Russian language, physics.

By direction "Management": mathematics (specialized), Russian language, social studies.

Documents submitted to the admissions committee:

  1. Certificate of completion high school or a diploma of completion of a secondary vocational educational institution (original).
  2. Photos – 12 pcs. (3x4 - 6 pcs. and 4x6 cm - 6 pcs.).
  3. Certificate of registration or military ID (to be presented) + photocopy of the 1st page of the registration certificate.
  4. Passport (presented) + photocopy of 1.2 pages.
  5. Unified State Examination results.
  6. SNILS.

Military department

Preparing students for military department is carried out on a competitive basis in training programs for reserve lieutenants.

Studying at the military department allows you to:

- in addition to the main one civil specialty obtain a military specialty;

Trained at the military department at military service are not conscripted, but can be conscripted at personal request.


MAI preparatory courses prepare 11th grade students for passing the Unified State Exam and entrance examinations to technical and humanitarian universities in Russia.

Purpose of the preparatory courses– to provide the future student with fundamental training in competitive subjects: physics, mathematics, Russian language, history and social studies. Classes in the courses will help systematize the knowledge acquired at school, raise the level of training to the requirements for a future engineer, and provide an opportunity to acquire solid skills of independent and creative solution the most complex tasks. The solid knowledge gained from us will serve as a good basis for making a meaningful choice of your life path.

Studying for preparatory courses MAI is:

  • classes with qualified teachers;
  • training on methods of passing the Unified State Exam;
  • execution analysis tests and individual recommendations to students and their parents;
  • textbooks for applicants;
  • adaptation to studying at a university.

Classes at the preparatory courses are taught by teachers from the Moscow Aviation Institute and the branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after. Peter the Great, having extensive teaching experience, academic degrees and titles, as well as the best teachers and methodologists of the city schools, recommended by the city education committee: Mametova G.U. , Andrianova N.V., Taranina O.V., Martynov A.A., Yashin A.V.

Duration of training in preparatory courses is:

  • 8 months – in groups of one-year training;

At the request of the applicant, he can be enrolled in study group studying on days convenient for him.

Classes are held:

  • Two days a week (on weekdays) for 4 academic hours a day (from 16 to 19 hours).

Preparation is carried out in the following subjects:

  • mathematics (128 hours);
  • physics (128 hours);
  • computer science (128 hours);
  • social studies (128 hours);
  • Russian language (128 hours).

Training is paid.

Address: Serpukhov, st. Oktyabrskaya, 21, room No. 118.

Directions: by buses No. 4, No. 106, stop “Children's sanatorium” (gps: 54.902791, 37.401167)