Wishes to graduates for successful passing of centralized testing. Wishes for the exam in prose

No need to worry too much
Be afraid and worry.
We believe it's worth trying
And you will pass your exams with an A!

Graduate student, you're almost there
One more effort - and that's it!
I wish you to take this step
Relaxed, fun, easy.
I wish you to be on defense
All the professors applauded
So that tears come to their eyes,
It's time to let you go!

Don't be afraid of the exam
Relax, calm down!
And don’t write a cheat sheet,
You better get some sleep at night!
Everything will go fine then,
You will pass the exam well!

Let that ticket come across
What good will you know
Pass the exam - no problem,
You always pass them by five.
I'm for luck with my fists
I hold it almost until I’m blue in the face.
Let the questions be easy
The answer is beyond doubt.
And then, cooling the dust,
Tiredly, you take off your armor.
Was it a waste of time to fill the refrigerator?
Shall I wash away your successes?

You are healthy, smart, be diligent,
He is very much an adult, but a little bit like his mother...
And in the wild excitement don’t forget,
Spurs, getting ready for the exam!

Both notes and books were abandoned,
I'm shortening my skirt. How else?
That's it, guys, the jokes are over:
Sixth retake in a day!

I wish you that the power of your thoughts,
Multiplied by nerve tension
And resistance to laziness, combined with energy
Good luck was equal to 5 points!
Good luck on the exam!

Students, congratulations again.
I wish you to pass the session quickly!
And you should receive a scholarship more often,
After all, we will all go for a walk on her darling!

I wish you to pass the exam with excellent marks,
And pass all the tests well!
Let him be lucky with tickets,
And on this day good luck awaits!

Today is your day of the decisive battle.
Battles with teachers who think
that they are smarter and more cunning than you. Prove to them
that this is not so! No fluff, no feather!

For eleven years you sat at your desk,
I tried, studied, crammed and sweated.
We wish you to pass your exams well,
And you can safely enter the university!

We wish you to pass the exams with dignity,
And just don’t need to cry and suffer,
Everything will be fine, you know, we are with you!
We wish: “No fluff…” to you dear!

We wish you a lucky ticket,
And you will pass the exam, there is no doubt!
There is no need to be afraid, everything will be OK,
Pass your exams and have fun!

“No fluff or feather”! - We want to wish.
We are confident in you, you will pass the exam with an “A”!
Everything will be fine, you didn’t study in vain,
“No fluff, no feather,” in short!

School years are already behind us,
There is not much left - to pass the exams,
AND new life you have ahead!
Come on, get ready, pass the exam with an A!

Everything will be fine, don't worry in vain,
We want to wish you an easy ticket.
Once you pass your exams, life will be so wonderful!
Just don’t forget, university is waiting!

Get rid of worries and anxiety, pass the exam with an A,
And also to you, “No fluff!” I can only wish.
Say “To hell!” to make it come true, and quickly pull out the ticket,
I'm sure you know the answer to any question.

I wish you success in your exams.
Having knowledge of a subject is only half the battle.
It is also important to be able to think, concentrate
Attention and, most importantly, do not worry! You have everything
You will definitely succeed, the main thing is to believe in yourself
And seriously prepare. Good luck and good grades!

Congratulations on Student's Day.

Today is a very important and significant event - an exam! I wish you to pass the Unified State Examination without resistance. maximum results. Let all the knowledge accumulated over the years be easily reflected on paper and not cause confusion and excitement. Good luck!

Congratulations and at the same time I wish you great luck in the process of passing this important state exam. I wish you not to be afraid of anything or anyone, I wish you not to panic and remain absolutely calm. Make this exam seem easy for juniors compared to your expectations.

May you be able to pass the Unified State Exam easily and without problems! Let all the tasks of this exam contain only what you know perfectly well, and I have no doubt that your knowledge is incredibly deep! I wish you good luck, a positive attitude and self-confidence! You will succeed!

Congratulations on this important day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you, without any talismans and superstitions, without any doubt of the soul and anxiety of the heart, to gather all your will into a fist and all the knowledge in your head and pass this exam “one, two, three times” so that all your loved ones and the state itself were proud of you!

Congratulations on this important day in your life. Let your knowledge gather in a heap, let there not be a drop of fear or excitement in you. I wish you to pass with ease and honors state exam, I wish to pass this test, like a brave captain through a storm.

I would like to wish you good luck in the exam. Remember that you know and can do everything, that you can do everything and don’t care about anything. And may luck lead you to a bright thought, to the right option, to the right path to success. And according to the old tradition - no fluff, no feather!

On this difficult exam day, we wish you success, good luck, and achievement of the desired result. Be confident in your abilities, maintain a positive attitude and faith that everything will work out.

No fluff, no feather. Go ahead, you can do it, you will do it. Exhale calmly, gather all your knowledge into a pile, relax, banish all doubts and worries, remember that you are a smart and resourceful person. And just in case, let good luck be with you during the exam, which, if anything, will protect you and allow you to get an excellent mark.

So the important day for you has come - the day of passing the Exam. I wish you to pass it with only “excellent” marks. Let no experiences or emotions prevent you from achieving your goal. Let your memory not fail you at the most crucial moment. Let thoughts and words be built in the right order, and thoughts flow like a river. I wish you only good luck, and, as they say, “neither fluff nor feather”!

I hold my fists and scold you to myself. I wish you to successfully pass this exam, I wish that everything goes easily and quickly, simply and without problems. Be cheerful and brave, don’t panic and believe in yourself. Good luck and prosperity to you.

Congratulations, today is an important day for you and important event. I sincerely believe that you will easily cope with this small test, that you will pass this exam with flying colors. Therefore, I wish you not to worry, not to be afraid, but to remain confident and prove yourself brilliantly. Have a great day and good luck on your exam!

So, gather your thoughts and go ahead to your exam. I know for sure that you will pass it well! And for this to happen for sure, I wish you success, luck and, of course, good luck. Seize the moment and everything will work out. Don't be nervous or worry, fortune is on your side. I'll be waiting for you in a couple of hours with a good grade in your record book and a satisfied smile!

With all my heart I wish you to pass the exams successfully and get through these exciting hours easily and without worries! May you get lucky tickets, have clear thoughts and a pinch of luck!

I sincerely wish you that the exam becomes easy for you, and not a test at all, but a 5-minute affair, I wish you to feel confident, not to succumb to doubts and fears, I wish you to gather all your knowledge, brave optimism, intuition and inimitable charisma. In general, good luck to you and a great result.

No fluff, no feather. I wish you to conquer your fears, breathe a breath of confidence, cheer up and not doubt your success for a moment. And may solid knowledge combined with good luck lead to a high result - an “excellent” mark, which will allow both you and your loved ones to be proud of you.