Psychologist how to become rich and successful. How Ordinary People Succeeded and Became Rich

Each of us probably thought or dreamed of how to become rich and successful person from scratch. I want to earn more, improve my life, see the world ... Such desires always remain relevant, but not everyone turns into reality. In today's article, we will look at several ways to get rich or at least improve your financial situation. All that is required of you is not to be lazy and put them into practice, then your dream will come true.

1. Anyone can become rich

Many come up with stupid excuses for themselves: they say, there is not enough time, money, opportunities, connections, etc. This is just an excuse to conserve their lives and themselves personally at the same level. Any of us can become rich, regardless of the position in which we are at the moment. The main thing is to have a desire and act in this direction.

2. Set a financial goal

Before you become a rich and successful person from scratch, determine exactly how much money you will need and for what. This understanding is of great importance. When there is a clear goal, the human brain begins to look for ways to achieve it, motivation and inspiration appear.

But if you write some amount on a piece of paper (for example, $20,000 to buy a car or $60,000 to buy a new apartment) and earn it, you will not become rich. Yes, you will get what you dreamed about, but after that there will be no money left.Therefore, the goal should be such that the funds constantly work, so that your income increases every month, and different sources of income appear. Only with this approach you can get rich.

3. Make a list of ways you can earn money

Let's say at the moment you don't have any money at all, or you want to increase your income. Think about how you can earn today or tomorrow. Write down the options. It is possible that your first answer will be “no way”. This is not so, any of us knows how to do something useful. Perhaps you own some hobby that you can use to earn extra money, or remember some other ways. Try to be imaginative and write down maximum amount ways to make money in the coming days, this is very important.

For example, there are many opportunities to earn money on the Internet. In 2014, I decided to invest on the Internet with 200 dollars in my wallet, and with the help I multiplied this money tenfold.

4. Start earning

In the paragraph above, you have compiled a list of ways to earn money. Now choose from it the most suitable (or liked) options for you and start implementing them. What for? Firstly, your income will increase, and you will at least partially be able to solve your current material problems (if any). Secondly, it is of great psychological significance. You will believe in yourself, making sure in practice that money can be earned in any way, if you really want it.

5. Invest

“If you are thinking about how to become a rich and successful person from scratch, then why don’t you invest?” Most people answer this question predictably: because there are no funds. They wait until they earn a lot of money, and only then they will invest it. This is fundamentally the wrong approach.

First, investing is exactly the way to make money and achieve your goal of getting rich faster. Secondly, you can start investing with a very small amount of 10-20 dollars. You will gain valuable experience, because if you can make 100 dollars with 10, then you can easily turn $1000 into $10,000. Therefore, you need to start with small amounts, so you reduce the risk of losing a lot of money through your ignorance. If you have at least some amount of money, start looking for ways to invest it with maximum profit.

Yes, investing is risky. But unstable wealth is better than stable poverty :) I advise you to read the material ""

6. Surround yourself with rich people

We can do one simple experiment right now. Choose a person from your environment: friend, neighbor, colleague, etc. Find out what his monthly income is and compare with yours. You will find that the numbers are very similar.

This indicates that income is highly dependent on your social circle. Instead of talking to poor Vasya, who complains about life all the time, sitting on the couch and dreaming of millions, better keep in touch with rich Sasha, who is generating new ways to make money.

7. Keep track of income and expenses

Even in the saddest situation, when you are completely in debt, be sure to describe your current financial situation in numbers. Fix monthly profit, write how much you currently have, how much and what you spend.

Already within 5-6 weeks you will make many interesting discoveries. For example, you may find that you have spent more than seven thousand on alcohol, although these funds could have brought you additional income. And more: eIf you spend as much as you earn, you are unlikely to be able to become a rich person. Part of the funds needs to be invested, only this approach will help to increase capital.

8. Check out the success stories of rich people

There are many stories on the net about people who were previously poor and also pondered how to become a rich and successful person from scratch. Now they are millionaires and have made their fortune themselves. Stories like this are very motivating. Listening to the stories of successful people, you yourself begin to think and act differently, therefore, the result will be different.

9. Don't listen to the poor

Do not listen to those who say that all this is a waste of time and you will not succeed. Their thinking and actions lead to the outcome they have now - poverty. If you listen to their opinion, you will get the same result.

A rich person will tell you: invest, take risks in moderation, look for new sources of income. That is why he is rich. What will you hear from the poor? Stories about how dangerous it is, stories about some loser friends...If a person has worked all his life for one salary, then it will be difficult for him to understand that the world has changed a long time ago. And in it there were opportunities to earn good money for everyone who wants it. You just need to change your thinking.

Many would like to know how to become rich and successful, but only a few achieve this goal. Why not everyone manages to become a rich person and change life for the better? Is there a chance to gain financial prosperity from scratch, without the help of wealthy relatives and patrons? Let's try to understand this in the article, determining what habits are inherent in a rich person and a poor one.

Why can't everyone get rich?

Wrong case choice

By nature, every person has a skill that he does well. Having invested maximum effort in this, he gets the result in the form of earnings. Ideally, when the skill is revealed even in childhood, and parents with the school contribute to the disclosure of the strong side. More often the situation is different: the family puts pressure on the child, choosing future profession, and not responding to the desires of a son or daughter. A person gets used to go with the flow, which subsequently prevents him from becoming rich. It's hard to get motivated doing something you don't love.

Wrong role model

Often, hoping to become rich, we take as a guide a person who has achieved success in a certain industry. We discard the business that suits us and reveals the potential, taking on an industry in which we understand little. The result is obvious. Being engaged in obscure business, you have to make much more effort than the alleged authority had to do, and the result may not bring the expected income.

Unreasonable craving for prestige

Expecting to become rich, a person is only interested in prestigious professions, believing that they will ensure success. Usually, physical labor does not fall into the category of "status affairs" - preference is given to mental work. This is a mistake, because often it is physical work that leads to financial prosperity. Due to the unwillingness of the younger generation to be techies, a number of industries have a shortage of personnel. The “creative environment” has distinguished itself by a different trend - due to an overabundance of designers, journalists and other “humanitarians”, competition has formed. It is not easy to become rich from scratch if you have decided to realize yourself in the creative field, but you have the potential for another business. As a result, more capable competitors will always overtake you, and you will remain in the last ranks, instead of being in the lead in a more suitable field.

Focus on "money matters"

Wanting to become rich, a person rarely thinks about how to make money on a hobby, he is just looking for a business that can bring a huge cash flow. Often this happens to teenagers who flip through job ads and pay attention not to the requirements, but to the amount of payment. Suppressing the predisposition to work, they get involved in dubious adventures that rarely end in something good.

Life beyond your means

Expenses fall into two categories: essential and non-essential. In the first group: utility bills, medicines, necessary food. The second group: things that give unreasonable status, unnecessary trinkets, etc. People who try to impress others without having enough money to do so will never prosper. Many people have such acquaintances who have photos from resorts and with expensive cars, but at the same time they buy cheap products and borrow for necessary needs. It is impossible to become rich for someone who is used to throwing money around without taking into account the economic situation and without having a financial “airbag”.

A financial airbag these days is a necessary attribute for anyone who dreams of becoming rich. Finances can be needed any day: for necessary investments or for a profitable business. Some deliberately do not save money, believing that they cannot afford it: “What is the point of depositing one or two thousand rubles a month into the piggy bank? This is not accumulation. Now, if only to save twenty thousand. As a result, there are no savings, and the surplus is spent on unnecessary trifles.

Thinking and Habits of Rich People

Almost every rich person has a number of certain habits. It is noteworthy that these habits are more often characteristic of wealthy and successful individuals and are of little interest to the poor.

Ten Habits of Rich People:

  • Reading. Almost all successful people devote a lot of time to reading, not considering it a waste of time. Literature is chosen not entertaining, but educational: motivational books, biographies, historical works.
  • Sport. Most successful individuals do not neglect sports activities. Running, fitness, exercise, yoga, etc. are useful not only for the body, but also for the mind - sports give the necessary energy.
  • Communication with successful people . Millionaires prefer to communicate with individuals who have a positive outlook on life, prone to the manifestation of enthusiasm and purposefulness. They avoid the negative (pessimists), who are almost impossible to become rich.
  • purposefulness. The financially secure go to the goals, not focusing on the opinions of others. It is almost impossible for doubting people to become rich and keep money for a long time.
  • early rise. There are exceptions, but more often wealthy and self-satisfied individuals wake up a couple of hours before the start of the working day. It is possible to realize more planned cases and feel complete control over life.
  • More than one source of income. The rich have several industries that generate income - the only way to achieve a constant profit.
  • Competent mentor. If you want to become rich, do not try to convince everyone that you can handle any task yourself. A competent mentor is ready to help you? Don't turn down advice.
  • Optimism. Success is ensured by individuals with positive thinking. They believe in the best and do not give in to failures.
  • Sense of tact, good manners. A successful person is betrayed by his manners and knowledge of etiquette. They are a pleasure to deal with and easy to talk to. Many have seen rich boors and ignoramuses, but if they had manners and tact, then their wealth would be much greater.
  • Mutual assistance. A successful person thinks not only about his own good, but also helps others. Subsequently, it is easier for them to create a team to move towards the goal.

How to become rich and successful

Many people think that it is impossible to become rich from scratch without having higher education, relatives-oligarchs or an impressive inheritance. And yet there is a scheme that helps to achieve the desired result.

Stick to the following points:

    Make a decision to become rich - this is the first step to what you want. Be aware of your decision, its implications and benefits. Take action.

    Set goals, make a plan. The rich often differ from the poor in that their lives and plans are scheduled months in advance. They clearly understand what they are doing and what they want to achieve in the next month or year. Determine what you want to do and how to develop in business in a year or five years. What does that require?

    Find a Landmark. A role model should develop in a close and understandable area for you. Study materials about outstanding personalities, find out where they started and how they progressed.

    Adopt the Habits of the Wealthy and Prosperous. Study them, try to implement them into your lifestyle. Drop complaints, despondency, give up the position of the victim.

    Pay attention to social circle. Communicate less with "sufferers", whiners - do not get infected with bad things. Spend time with optimists who strive for success and charge it.

    The right investment. Money needs to work. Just by adding money for a "Black Day" you risk losing it. Learn about investing in stocks, real estate, etc. By investing wisely, you will receive passive income.

    be patient. Many millionaires had to start from scratch, lose their earned fortune and get back to business. Having stopped at the first defeats, they would not have achieved prosperity in the future. Do not give in to bad moods, go to success.

    Be financially literate. How to become rich if you do not know how to dispose of what you earn? It’s a paradox, but most of the poor people who hit the jackpot in the lottery returned to distress after a while - the inability to competently manage the resulting fortune affected.

Basic basics of financial literacy:

  • Save at least 10% of your income. This money is inviolable and will start working for you in the future.
  • Solve debt problems - get rid of them. From each income, find funds to pay off the debt, and refuse new loans.
  • Study books on financial literacy, go to trainings, listen to lectures online. Get a financial plan, act.

How can a poor person become rich from scratch

  • Keep track of income and expenses. Try to increase cash receipts and reduce spending. Having painted all your monetary transactions, make sure that some expenses are appropriate. What can you refuse? In parallel, look for ways to earn money: your business, bank deposits, shares.
  • On the path to wealth there is no place for laziness and fear - they are drawn to poverty. By getting rid of these destructive factors, you will begin to improve your financial situation. Of course, we are not talking about reasonable fears - they can protect against spontaneous unreasonable decisions.
  • Part of the income must be set aside. Move at least 10% of your income to savings. It turns out more - do not spend money clean up until the next salary, save it in a "piggy bank". Unconscious people determine the wealth of a person by his expenses - expensive things, regular visits to restaurants, etc. People who spend a lot can get stranded very quickly. Wealth is not determined by the scale of expenses, but by the ability to save and at the same time the ability to afford a lot.
  • Live on income, forget about loans and debts. You can become rich by adhering to the psychology of the rich. Develop self-control, do not give in to regular spontaneous decisions to purchase something. The road to success is open to those who know how to save and invest money. By learning to save at least 20% of your income by investing it in the “right” business, you will become rich.

Books to help you become wealthy

To achieve well-being, it is often advised to turn to reading.

"The Art of Thinking Big" (David Schwartz)

The work quickly gained the status of a bestseller. David Schwartz is a renowned motivational expert. The book follows the famous phrase of Donald Trump, who claims that a person can become great if he starts thinking big. We remind you that Trump himself, following these principles, reached the presidency. The book describes a scheme, adhering to which, you will get the most out of your work. You will also make the most incredible dreams come true by adopting the advice of Schwartz.

"Awaken the giant in you" (Anthony Robbins)

The author conducts in-depth research in his book, describing how to come to wealth. Robbins' work can be called step by step guide, telling how to control physical, emotional and mental qualities, directing them to achieve cherished goals and realize grandiose plans. The author will tell you how to make decisions that lead to well-being.

"Think and Win: The New Psychology of Success" (Carol Dweck)

Any business begins with thoughts - they can lead to prosperity or limit actions. Life will change for those who change their way of thinking. Stanford University psychologist Dweck believes that a person's thinking determines their potential in business and relationships.

"Stone Face, Black Heart" (Ning Chu)

A well-known Asian author will introduce the reader to effective military wisdom. How effective you can become is determined by your ability to put these principles into practice. Ning Chu reveals to us simple but powerful truths that help in entrepreneurship and give confidence.

"Tipping Point: How Small Changes Lead to Big Change" (Malcolm Gledwell)

The work shows how any little things that are not taken into account can have a global impact on a person's life. The author calls to draw inspiration and strength from creative processes. In his opinion, even a small idea can be the impetus for a huge achievement. Gladwell will allow you to see the power of your own potential.

It will be useful for people who are thinking about how to get rich to get acquainted with the conclusions of those who have achieved prosperity:

  • Avoid loans. You can get rich only by leaving the debt hole. Loans often end up with those who are willing to consume like people richer than them, but unable to afford it without debt. A loan is justified only in case of illness or investment in a business in which you have absolute confidence. This category does not include the purchase of a fur coat, a wedding, a TV or a telephone.
  • Do not keep large sums of money in banks. As inflation rises every year, savings will decrease. Do not keep money in the bank for more than two years. Trust only a reliable bank, study its reviews and deposit history well.
  • If you want wealth, think about it more often! This will bring you closer to your goal. Read about rich people, their path to success. Visualize your wealth, imagine what you can afford, where you will visit, what you will get. Appreciate your savings, strive for more. Change your attitude to money - do not rush to get rid of them.
  • You Can't Ignore the Literature on Pathways to Financial Prosperity. It is easier to achieve stability and well-being by owning information. Read about ways to improve your financial situation, study the biographies of people who have achieved success from scratch. Develop thinking, follow the wealth with a confident step. Allocate your time correctly.
  • The most important condition for achieving well-being is psychology, outlook on life, perception of oneself and the world. Think like a rich man and you will become one. Imagine what kind of person you want to be and how to get there. Throw away negative thoughts immediately - they lead to poverty. Change yourself and your way of thinking if you want your life to change.

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How a change in attitude towards money helped him achieve financial stability. He grew up in a poor family, often not knowing if they would be able to pay the rent or if they would be left on the street at the end of the month. He had to watch relatives and friends quarrel over money.

He now owns his own business and no longer lives paycheck to paycheck. He did not become a millionaire, but he reached the point where you do not need to constantly think about finances. Kim shared tips that he would have given himself at 18. Perhaps they will be useful to you too.

Money is a tool that allows me to do what I love. I don't see them as an end in themselves. Now I don't need any more money. But I continue to work and earn money to help my family and loved ones.

1. If you convince yourself that you need a thing, don't buy it.

One of the biggest financial mistakes is buying things unnecessarily. We often do this: we buy new clothes, a phone or a computer, just to keep up with others and feel fashionable. But most of these things are us.

When something is really needed, you understand it right away. If you have to convince yourself before buying, do not take this thing.

2. Don't buy early models

When you see a new model of car, camera or smartphone, do not rush to buy them. Wait for the next version: it will not have problems and flaws that the first versions sin with. You will save yourself from unnecessary headaches.

3. Be generous with what makes you happy

Money can buy happiness if you spend it on experiences and things that matter to you. If they delight, inspire and motivate, they are a necessary investment in your well-being.

Just remember that the pleasure of things passes faster than the experience.

After two weeks, we get used to new things and stop noticing them. Impressions please much longer. They can be mentally re-experienced. In addition, they help us grow and develop new skills.

4. Earn more and spend less

Many people start spending more after a pay rise. They buy an expensive car, travel more often and eat in cafes. As a result, they do not become richer, but remain approximately at the same level of prosperity. But if you earn more and spend less, there will be free funds. They can be deposited or invested.

Think about how you could earn more: take on additional responsibilities at your current job, find a part-time job, get busy. Then think about how to spend less. For example, cook at home and go to cafes less often. Spend less on clothes. Sell ​​your car and use public transport. Don't chase the latest fashions. Use the remaining funds to pay off debts or save up for something.

5. Never go into debt

No matter how rich you are, if you are in debt, you are a slave to the banking system. To pay them and maintain the necessary standard of living, you will have to work. Maybe in a job that you don't like.

So never borrow. If you are thinking of starting your own business or creating some kind of project, but for this you need to get into debt, postpone this venture. Start only when you can pay all the expenses yourself. So you risk less. And the lack of funds forces us to look for a creative approach to problems.

6. Learn not to want more of what you already have.

Being rich doesn't mean having everything you can. Real wealth is when you don't need anything other than what you already have.

And a billionaire can be poor if he constantly needs more and more. He may own real estate all over the world, but if his friend has a private spaceship He will still be jealous.

We feel like we're missing something when we compare ourselves to the people of us. Instead, compare yourself to those who are poorer. Then your current lifestyle will seem sufficient to you.

7. Look not for perfect, but for good enough

We always strive for the ideal, we want to have the best. But think, do you really need the best car, the most powerful smartphone or an apartment in the most respectable area? Maybe what you have now is enough?

Try not to use the phrase "the best" for a month. Watch how your attitude to shopping changes and how much money you save.

8. Don't buy too many items from the same category

Life is much easier if you have one phone, one computer, one pair of casual shoes. In clothes, you can limit yourself to one type of trousers, shirts, socks. You will make fewer decisions, be less nervous and spend less money.

Look at your belongings and think, what 10% of them do you use 90% of the time? Try . Sell, donate or throw away your extra items. You will feel relieved, you will be able to pay more attention and energy to important things.

9. When choosing a product, be guided by a lower price

The brain clings to the first price you see. Then you choose a product in comparison with this price. If at first you were offered a camera for 50 thousand, and then for 30, the second one will seem like a bargain. Although, perhaps, a camera for 15 thousand would suit you.

To spend less, look at lower cost items first. Compared to them, the rest will seem more expensive. As a result, you will stop at an acceptable option and do not spend too much.

10. Change Your Environment to Consume Less

The environment affects how much we consume. When everyone around you often changes gadgets and cars, buys new clothes and dine in a restaurant, it will be difficult for you to resist. If you want to spend less and live more modestly, try changing your environment. Naturally, it is not always possible to move to another area or city. But you can change your lifestyle. Go to the mall less often and avoid anything that makes you want to buy something.

11. Block out ads

We do not even notice how advertising changes our idea of ​​a product, making us want it. Avoid it by all means. Don't watch TV, don't read magazines, turn on your browser's ad blocker. Unsubscribe from newsletters. Buy paid versions of apps to disable ads.

12. Remember: the more money, the more problems.

Money is desirable up to a certain point. When you have enough to pay your rent, save a little, and not worry, more income won't make you happier. As income increases, so does stress. You need to worry about the tax, about unsuccessful investments, about greedy relatives who are asking for money and secretly waiting for your death.

The same applies to things. For example, the larger your house, the more worries: you need to clean large area, buy more furniture, most repair and change. Therefore, when considering a purchase, consider such hidden disadvantages of owning a new thing.

13. Invest in your development

The most important thing is to invest not in the stock market, but in yourself. This will help. Most often, a book is a squeeze of the author's ideas for several years or even for a lifetime. This is an opportunity to learn about the lessons that the other person has learned and apply them to your own advantage.

The more you invest in expanding your knowledge, finding new ideas and developing creativity, the more you will benefit.

If you take at least one from the book new idea that will inspire you, it means that you did not waste your money in vain.

14. Before helping others, ensure your own financial stability

If you're having trouble with money, don't lend it to anyone - not even a family member. You will worsen your situation and, in addition, spoil the relationship.

It is better not to lend money to friends and family at all. If you want to help, give them for free. That's the only way you save good relationship. But help when your own financial situation is stable.

15. Don't invest in stocks

You won't get rich on them. Professional traders often act randomly. But it's not only that. Even if the value of your shares rises by 30%, the profit from this cannot be compared with the benefit from. After gaining new skills, after a while you will earn more.

Think about how such investments will help you get rich. Maybe you should take some courses, sign up for a seminar, or start your own business.

16. Don't take risks

It is believed that entrepreneurs like to take risks just for the sake of risk, but this is not true. Good businessmen carefully consider their actions and do not allow situations in which you can lose all your capital.

If you are going to start your own business or invest in something, remember that you can always fail. Prepare for this and make sure you don't lose all your funds.

17. Strive not for wealth, but for not going broke

If you are a business owner, focus not on how to increase profits, but on how not to go bankrupt. If you are an employee of a company, think about how to stay fit. For example, you can learn new skills or expand your responsibilities.

18. Mentally exaggerate your spending and underestimate your income.

Very easy. We often look at the world through rose-colored glasses, overestimate ourselves and underestimate problems. Imagine that you are poorer than you are and cut your expenses. This will help you spend less and gradually accumulate funds.

19. Don't buy the most expensive things.

A $1,000 item won't make you ten times happier than a $100 item. Expensive items seem to bring more happiness, but that doesn't depend on how much money you spend. There is a certain amount, after which the pleasure of shopping no longer grows. For everyone it is different. Find this middle ground for yourself and don't spend more.

Do not forget that pleasures also become boring. Especially the joys associated with food, sex, travel and shopping. Over time, they cease to cause strong sensations, no matter how much you pay for them. Therefore, spending more and more money on things simply does not make sense.

20. "Think like a rich man, dress like a poor man"

So said Andy Warhol. Wear basic clothes, drive a normal car, choose practical items. Those who ostentatiously wear expensive branded products often, on the contrary, have no money and live in debt. They are simply insecure and want to attract attention at the expense of expensive things.

Be rich on the inside. Remember that you have everything you need. Think less about shopping. Spend more time and energy creating something important.

21. Live modestly than your income allows.

We get used to new things after two weeks. No matter how expensive they are, they no longer please us, because they become commonplace. Try to get used to a more modest lifestyle as well.

Buy a cheaper item, even if you have enough for an expensive one. Buy - inexpensive equivalent to original drugs. In a cafe, choose the cheapest coffee or the simplest dish. Over time, this will become a habit.

22. Don't Focus on Brands

When you look at a thing, think not about the brand or price, but about what it, in essence, is. Lexus is just an expensive Toyota Camry. Filet mignon is just a part of a cow carcass, and expensive wine is fermented grape juice. The new smartphone is just a piece of metal with a touchscreen. Brand suit - pieces of fabric sewn by some worker with a minimum wage.

Constantly reduce the value of such things in your eyes. Then they will become less attractive to you.

23. Don't give all your money to investments

If 99% of your funds are invested in real estate, you are deprived of financial freedom. In an unforeseen situation, you will not be able to pay off and will have to borrow. Try to always have free funds that can be quickly withdrawn from the account. This is also useful in case there is a profitable opportunity to invest them.

24. Don't Buy Anything You Can't Pay Without Credits

We are too optimistic about our possibilities. We think we can pay quickly. But debts are accumulating like a snowball. The more of them, the stronger you fall into slavery to the banking system. If you still want to use a credit card to receive bonuses, buy only what you could pay without borrowing.

25. Don't be cheap when you charge for your services.

Appreciate yourself. If you're an entrepreneur or freelancer, charge a little more for your services than you think you deserve. You may lose a few customers, but in the long run you will make more profit.

Of course, when you're just starting out, you can't ask for too much. To gain experience, work for some time for free. But then charge for services above average. If you agree to an average pay, you will always have to somehow make ends meet.

26. In your free time, work on what you love.

Many people want to quit their office job and do what they love: to become a photographer, a traveler or a writer. Don't do this until you have financial stability. Live on income from your main job and work in free time.

Get up an hour earlier, use your lunch break, do something useful in the evening instead of watching TV shows. When the money from extra work is enough to pay the bills, you can leave the annoying company. But always have contingency funds and a back-up plan ready. You may have to live with your parents again or return to your old job.

27. Think about what else you can buy with the money you are going to spend

Usually, when buying, we only compare items of the same category. For example, smartphones from different manufacturers. But maybe instead of a cool new phone, it's better to go on an interesting trip? Or invest in your education? Or pay off part of the debt?

28. Imagine how you would feel about a purchase in 5-10 years

Look at things realistically. Any purchase in 5–10 years will lose its presentable appearance. This is especially true for cars. Better not chase fashion, but count on the long term.

29. Don't forget that money itself has no value.

Fundamentally, money is just paper. Even precious metals are nothing special - they are just shiny stones. Consider why they are important to you. Perhaps they give you a sense of stability or symbolize success. Determine what money means to you. For example, strength, the absence of pain, the ability to do what you want.

Don't take money too seriously. And do not forget about the really valuable things: relationships with loved ones, important work, gratitude.

30. Don't be a slave to money

Money is neither good nor bad - it's just a tool. We decide what to use them for. Think about how they affect your life. What do you need money for? What joys and anxieties can they bring? How can money help you and others? And can they ruin your life?

Provide yourself with everything you need for life. Once you have enough money for this, spend time and effort on your development. And then do something useful and help others.

It is clear that for many this kind of headlines cause only a condescending smile. But it suffices to remember that each of the advice given here was actually once formed in practice. That is, someone once used it, and it was useful to at least one person. So why not follow at least some of them?

Of course, if you do not take any action, then only dreams will lead to nothing. But it is in dreams that you should specify your desires. Moreover, they allow you to cope with many psychological difficulties and maintain a positive attitude. How many stories about how a certain businessman became rich and successful begin with the words: “He did not want to become rich, it somehow happened by itself”?

Even the busiest and most exhausted person can find at least 20-30 minutes during the day to calmly be alone with himself and try to answer the questions as honestly as possible:

  • What am I doing what I do best?
  • What can I do better than others?
  • What benefit will I bring to people? What about yourself?
  • What is the meaning of existence for me?
  • What would I like to do if I had an endless supply of money?
  • Finally, how can you get rich?

It is important to know! The main thing is to answer the questions as honestly as possible, without deceiving yourself in the first place. After all, no one will ever know about the answers.

In this case, we are talking about studying the success stories of other people. If you try to take the best from the experience of already established millionaires and apply it in your life, then success will not be far off.

Don't forget to think about how you can get rich. Even better, do it all the time. Many of the ideas will be quite wild and ridiculous. But over time, much more worthwhile ideas will begin to visit your head. If you flip 1000 thoughts in my head th about earning methods, then 10 of them will turn out to be quite real, and one of them will shoot right on target.

Practice shows: if you do not maintain partnerships and even just friendly relations with others, then it is almost impossible to become rich. Moreover, in close cooperation with other, the same purposeful individuals, you can earn much more.

It means: stop working "for your uncle"! It's time to work for yourself and only yourself. No employee has yet become a millionaire. All of them at one time stopped “sitting on a salary” and began to make real money.

Council number 7. Think about your professional activities

If it is not yet possible to leave work for a salary, then it is necessary to maximize it for the sake of personal financial interests - to do only what will bring benefits, and not just obey corporate solidarity, courtesy, etc.

Passive income is good because you can do nothing and get profit. In search of answers to the question of how to become rich, only ideas about earning money on active actions come to mind? You can’t last so long: our body is not a perpetual motion machine, it needs rest. And not only physical, but also moral. So take care of how you can start earning passively.

Don't waste your time trying to achieve anything. Time is an irreplaceable resource. Therefore, you should try to spend it on worth it achievements. Ideally - the maximum result in a minimum of time. Long periods for reflection and discussion are also not the best option. As they say, less words- more business. Sometimes it takes more time to think than to act.

Good people are drawn to. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with them. And yes, at good people more likely to become rich and successful. You don’t need to search for a long time - each of our environment needs support, or at least a pleasant word, albeit in small things. So why not give it to your family, work colleague, neighbor?

If today you managed to help someone, then next time he will help you. In the end, from each person you can get this or that help later. Sometimes you can’t even imagine how friendly relations with this or that person can help in achieving the goal. They say that there are no casual acquaintances. You need to look for like-minded people, while giving others disinterested support. And in the future, such help will definitely pay off.

For communication, you need to choose the appropriate circle. Those who are looking for the answer to the question of how to get rich quick will never become rich if they surround themselves with poor and dull people. With their despondency, they will drag their entourage into the swamp. You need to communicate with positive, energetic people who know what they want from life and know how to achieve their goal.

Tip #13. Stop looking for someone to blame for your failures

Stop whining! If you only do what to look for someone to blame for your failures, whine to others about how little money you have, then nothing good will come of it. Only the person himself is to blame for the fact that he has no money. As soon as he realizes this, he can already formulate the goal more clearly and look for ways to achieve it.

Dale Carnegie also wrote about the importance of keeping track of your successes, not your failures. But many people tend to focus on the negative rather than the positive.

One small trick helps to correct the situation: you need to write down (namely, write down, and not memorize) your achievements, even the smallest ones. Over time, you will notice that the achievements have become much more serious than at the very beginning. These are the steps on the way to become rich or wealthy.

You have to offer people something really useful. Perhaps it will not be a specific product, but something more sublime. Indeed, for many, a product is just a way to achieve a dream, a position in society ... We must try to give this, and not some kind of product. People are much more willing to incur money for a dream or, for example, for the opportunity to show themselves with better side in front of the opposite sex. And, a lot of money.

It is important to know! Of course, these are not yet concrete answers to the question “I want to get rich - what should I do?”. But it is with these tips that you need to start. Following them over time will become not just a habit, but a way of life.

What is wealth: concept and formulation

Before you get rich quick, you need to understand: "wealth" - what is it? Not everyone can clearly explain. And if a person cannot formulate the very essence of his goal, then how will he achieve it?

Attention! Surprisingly, wealth is not an abundance of money. More precisely, not only that. After all, money is just paper units. There is one, but rather capacious definition of wealth. It sounds like this: this is an indicator of how long a person can stay in comfortable conditions without doing anything.

Therefore, for each person, the level of wealth will be different. After all, everyone's needs are different. For someone, a million dollars will be enough for the rest of their lives, while for someone it will not cost even a billion. Hence the variety of ways to get rich quick from scratch.

We can turn the definition of wealth in a slightly different direction. The one who receives a lot of passive income is rich. To get started, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why do some people manage to get rich, and quite quickly, while others do not succeed in a lifetime?
  • Why do some people work almost around the clock, barely making ends meet, while others can afford to do what they love, relax, but also bathe in luxury?
  • For what reasons can one immediately afford to buy something, while the other lives from paycheck to paycheck, while not getting out of debts and loans?

It is quite possible that these questions will now seem rhetorical. But, if you think about it, the answer to them is far from being as obvious as it seems at first glance ...

Thoughts of a rich man: speech turns and sayings of rich people

It has long been noted that before people become rich and successful, they begin to think differently - as rich and successful. If, however, one adheres to the mentality of the poor, then even suddenly the big money received will not be held in hands for a long time.

Attention! Therefore, you need to start thinking in a different plane. If you keep the typical thoughts of the middle class in your head all the time, then the maximum of your desires will be a salary increase. And after retirement, you will be at the mercy of the whims of the government and social services.

And before you become a rich and successful person, you must definitely start thinking and speaking as if you have already become one. No "where can I buy cheaper?" or "sell me this at a discount."

Instead, you need to choose words and expressions such as:

  • I make money;
  • I can afford it;
  • An excess of money;
  • My money works for me, not me for them;
  • I am capitalizing;
  • A very profitable investment;
  • My money is returned to me;
  • Financial flows;
  • I get everything I want;
  • I'm always lucky;
  • I am a rich person.

It doesn't matter if there is a lot of money today. You need to start using these expressions right today, right from this very minute. And then the thoughts themselves will move to a completely different plane. And this will be another step on the way to becoming rich from scratch.

So the next time you meet an expensive foreign car on the street, you don’t need to mutter under your breath with envy and hatred. Better ask yourself: what do I need to do in order to afford it?

But the most important thing in finding how to get rich from scratch is to make money work, and not lie dead weight in your wallet. We need to rest ourselves, but let the money work. That's right, not the other way around.

Reprogramming settings

Wrong psychological and life attitude can prevent not only enrichment, but also full life generally. Experts recommend writing negative thoughts and installation on a sheet of paper. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine more specifically what exactly worries, makes one inactive.

It is important to know! If you soberly evaluate everything, then some of these thoughts are ordinary excitement, not associated with any specific dangers. And others can be corrected, resolved.

Then you need to present each of these entries as clearly as possible and erase it - as if with an eraser. Instead, you need to try to write another thought - directly opposite and aimed at success.

It would be good to conduct such classes regularly for a month. To some, this activity may seem ridiculous and useless. But is it useless to try to always keep yourself in a positive frame of mind?

How to get rich from scratch in Russia: 10 principles of millionaires

The question of how to get rich quickly from scratch in Russia excites, perhaps, all Russians, without the slightest exception. Some to a lesser extent, some to a greater extent.

Notorious losers adhere to the following formulations:

  • I was born into a poor Russian family of an engineer - and nothing will work out for me anyway;
  • I was born in Russia - there will never be anything here, nothing will work out for me. There are few prospects in this country.

In these and similar thoughts, there is already a setting for failure. Instead, you should think:

  • I was born in Russia, where a lot is possible;
  • I was born in the family of a Russian engineer, not a worker in a poor African family - so I have much more opportunities.

In the end, if you work constantly and hard, then there are no such obstacles that could not be overcome. Hard work is the key to lasting success. And this applies to literally everything - from how to become rich from scratch in Russia, to winning the hand and heart of your girlfriend.

Attention! There are special seminars "How to become rich: 10 laws of wealth", where visitors are told about the ten principles of a rich person. Many people attended these seminars for money. But here they will be given completely free of charge. It is enough to re-read them periodically - the effect will certainly affect. It is possible that some of these principles will become real revelation, while others will be obvious.

Principle #1. Consider whether the goals you are striving for are yours

Some of the goals that people achieve, in fact, are not necessary to him. This may be an imposed goal on the part of relatives, the environment, society as a whole, but it is not desirable for the person himself.

An example is the purchase of a sports car. It is worth answering honestly to yourself: do I really need it? Am I interested in sports cars? I enjoy the roar of a powerful motor and the wind in my ears? I want to drive this car to enjoy the speed? Or just want to get it just to "look good"? Or do I just want to get a certain status in my environment in this way? And if so, then status and recognition can be obtained in a different way - through something else that you like.

Getting rid of the imposed standards of society is the way to inner harmony and at the same time the path to wealth. No money will make a person happier if it cannot be used to buy exactly what he wants.

When you don’t like the chosen path in the depths of your soul, then it is difficult to achieve great success on it. At least for the simple reason that it is impossible to work with full dedication. Hundreds of millions of people every day go to unloved jobs, for many years without getting a significant promotion, just because the type of work does not bring pleasure.

They are simply not interested in doing it. Perhaps they really didn't have a choice at the time. But most often, a choice was once made for them, but they did not find the strength to resist and defend their own desires and interests. Or the person simply “goes with the flow”, not really thinking about what he really would like to do.

If you achieve the desired goal, it will be achieved much faster. Yes, and it will bring more pleasure.

Principle number 2. Understand that only you are responsible for what happened to you and is happening.

Let us assume that the result of the current life is an opinion once imposed by your parents, or the pressure of insurmountable circumstances, or something else that is beyond your control. Even so, this is not a reason, out of old habit, to say that everyone and everything around is to blame for your failures.

Of course, there will always be culprits. It will take a couple of minutes to find them. Subconsciously, a person thinks something like this: whoever is to blame, let him correct the mistake, but I won’t do anything now ...

It is important to know! But the problem will not be solved in this way. It will continue to poison your life until you yourself take up its solution. And for this you need to understand: in the end, only the person himself is to blame for all his failures. This was said in the ancient Indian scriptures - the Vedas. As soon as a person begins to understand this, everything becomes available to him! After all, now he and only he is responsible for his future life.

You need to find the strength in yourself to take responsibility for yourself and your life in your own hands. Instead of waiting for some favorable changes to happen by themselves.

Principle number 3. Analyze the main goal

So, on the way of your thoughts about how to become rich and successful from scratch, a certain goal has appeared. And this is your goal, and not imposed by someone. Now is the time to conduct a biased analysis and figure out why you need it?

Principle number 4. Change your attitude towards money

One can mentally imagine that the goal has already been achieved. What `s next? Will it be emptiness, or will what has been achieved really bring satisfaction, will it become just another step on the way to a higher goal?

Principle number 5. Break big goals into small tasks

Let's say we have a goal get $1,000,000. But at the same time, no specific actions have been formed to achieve it. Then you will never get a million. The wording "work hard" is too vague to be considered as specific steps towards the goal.

Attention! You should take a piece of paper and try to describe the specific steps that need to be taken in order to get the coveted million. If this is done, then the goal will become more distinct. Now it is not ephemeral, but can be achieved in a finite number of steps. It remains only to make them.

Even the most global task involves the implementation of smaller tasks. The flight to the Moon would not have been possible without successively completed smaller tasks. It is impossible to take one huge step and immediately be almost at the destination. To do this, you need to take more than one thousand small steps.

Principle number 6. Plan your day and find opportunities for self-realization in it

If you start to carefully analyze your time during the day, you can be horrified by how many hours are spent without use. But it was possible to act. Now we would be closer to the cherished goal.

Instead of lying in bed and dreaming about becoming a rich writer again, wouldn't it be better to get up and write at least one sheet? Instead of wasting your time on the phone with a friend, wouldn't it be better to study foreign language, learn at least a couple of new words and speech turns? In the end, from one sheet a day in a month, a finished chapter of the novel will be formed, and a few words will turn into 60-100.

This, of course, does not mean that you do not need to rest at all. Need. And dreaming is not bad either. But don't give it up useful time, which could go to self-development. It is planning your day by the hour or even by the minute that will help make it as efficient as possible. Time and energy must be spent on creation.

At the end of each day, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What did I do today to achieve my goal?
  • Why didn't I succeed (if not)?
  • What changes can you make to your schedule to succeed tomorrow?
  • How can this be done even better, more productively?

Principle number 7. Act constantly

Without experience in a particular field of activity, there is nothing to think about success, especially about how you can get rich quickly from scratch. But the bottom line is that experience comes only to those who work hard and constantly do something. You can study hundreds of hours of videos on how to become rich videos, perfectly understand everything in theory, but do nothing in practice. In this case, there can be no talk of any success.

Experience is the baggage that stays with a person for life. And you can get it only by practical means. However, this does not mean that you need to work to exhaustion. Not at all. Just don't take too long pauses and constantly be on the move towards your goal.

Principle number 8. Don't work for leisure

Many work with only one dream - then relax and do nothing. If you are one of those people, then it's time to change this attitude. Man differs from the beast in that he must constantly strive for more - to achieve the following goals, having reached the previous ones.

Principle #9. Find peace of mind

Oddly enough, but the main task is not to get rich, but to understand yourself: what you are capable of, what you need. Try to find the maximum inner balance. The truth is that it is impossible to earn a lot, being in a state of constant nervousness. This requires a calm environment.

It is important to know! You need to learn to enjoy the process of making money. As much fun as possible. Let this also be an occasion for new acquaintances or trips to new places.

All this will allow you to create an aura of success and a favorable psychological environment around you. Soon you will notice how more and more people around you are thinking positively, also striving for their goals. Of course, there are examples of how to get rich from scratch in Russia, and ways to achieve goals alone. But most of the successful loners eventually had to stay in the psychologist's office, and ended their lives not in the best way. Loneliness has never done anyone any good. Is this what they wanted when they set themselves the goal of getting a lot of money?

Achieving wealth is a tool for understanding yourself and finding inner balance. For example, history does not know almost a single case when quick money brought satisfaction to a person. Winning the lottery or suddenly having a large inheritance often led to very bad endings. Often with suicide and a lot of debt. And all because a person has not become richer internally. Having received easy money, they did not resolve internal problems.

Principle #10. Do not give up

You can cancel your goal at any time. But it will be much more difficult to return to what has already been achieved. Before giving up, you need to think: another year will pass, and exactly the same day of the week will come, exactly the same number, but only next year ... And what will happen exactly in a year if I don’t give up? Am I going to go to my uninteresting job in the morning the same way? Or will I be much richer than now? Maybe there will even be opportunities for the implementation of long-standing desires?

Attention! Try to think as positively as possible. It is also true that nothing is good or bad. Everything that happens around is neutral. Only a purely subjective perception gives one or another assessment. So you can work on the perception of what is happening - try to “make lemonade out of lemon”, extracting only the positive from everything.

Wealth Exercises

So, it's time to move from theory to practice. Oddly enough, there are specific exercises to achieve the desired wealth more quickly. And here are just a few of them.

Exercise 1. Get rid of the mood of poverty

Most likely, as soon as you begin to achieve your goal, something inside will begin to tease, give impetus to doubts in your abilities. Perhaps there will be thoughts that nothing will work out anyway ...

I must say that this is quite natural. After all, many of us were taught from early childhood: where you were born, there you came in handy. That is, it will not work to get up a step higher anyway. And even more so - do what you love and get paid for it. For many Russians (however, not only for them), making money is certainly “hard work for the good of the Motherland”. And there are no ways to become rich quickly, except to steal.

However, the fight against this kind of sentiment must begin immediately. The following exercise will help, in particular:

  • Relax. As soon as despondency and self-doubt sets in, you should retire, find just a couple of minutes just to sit relaxed in silence with your eyes closed and not think about anything.
  • You can give free rein to your imagination. Imagine that everything you want is already there. Now you can literally afford everything! The ability to temporarily disconnect from everyday life, imagining yourself rich and successful, will allow you to tune in the right way.
  • Wish other people to get rich. There is no one else to envy. If you imagine that you have already achieved your goal, then it remains only to wish others to become just as wealthy and successful. Envy is destructive, but a kind attitude towards other people is a creative and positive feeling. It will get rid of bad thoughts.
  • You can even wish good to everyone around. Not just big money, but Good in the global sense of the word. Even enemies. After all, only a strong and self-sufficient person can afford such a luxury as independence from opinions about himself and negativity from enemies.
  • Finally, you need to wish yourself to get rich. The more positive emotions you managed to get, the richer you become. In every sense, not only in the material.

Well, now you can return with a new attitude and to pressing matters. They will go much faster.

Exercise 2. Plan your wealth

If you managed to get rid of unnecessary doubts, then it's time to make your plans more specific. For starters, you can imagine exactly how much money you managed to earn. Specific, down to the last cent or penny. So what is this amount? What currency is it in front of you? What banknotes? And where exactly is all this money now - in a box or in pockets? On the table or in the suitcase?

You can clearly imagine all these banknotes both externally and by touch, hear their crunch, smell ...

When exactly did you receive them? Specific day? March 12? Was it Monday, or was it Wednesday? It is from this moment that the countdown of personal financial independence begins.

Now you need to divide the whole amount into parts. How much will need to be invested for a new project or for the development of an existing one, and how much can be postponed? How much to put into passive income? How much does it help to become even richer?

And how much can you spend on other people - relatives, friends, for charity? And how much for a loved one?

First of all, you need to distribute the amount precisely for investments in the development of the business and / or in the organization of your passive income, and only dispose of the rest to fulfill your own desires. Write everything down on a piece of paper - then the maximum specificity will appear, and new perspectives will take on a more realistic shape.

  • I want a financially free life for myself;
  • I want to stop being dependent on wages;
  • I want to make money work for me;
  • I want to make money doing what I love, etc.

The more such phrases, the better. To build your resolve, reread these phrases more often, at least every day.

How to deal with the fear of losing money?

You don't have to be afraid to take risks. Any new business involves risk. If people walked only along the beaten paths, without putting themselves at risk, humanity would still be left in the caves to tremble cowardly with the onset of night.

Therefore, you need to be ready to take risks - to take the next step forward.

It is important to know! Nobody, of course, talks about thoughtless risk. Everything must be well thought out in advance. This will help not to get involved in a losing business and cut everything in the bud. A certain part of the finances must always be set aside in order to introduce it into a new enterprise and not be afraid to lose this particular amount.

One can even imagine that it is already lost, that it no longer exists. What will change from this? What will be lost? All business and reputation or just this amount of money? Big risk, despite its beauty, is unacceptable in financial circles. Remember: any risk must be calculated.

It is quite possible that someone will object with stories that great businessmen were once not afraid to put the last on the line - and in the end they got a lot more! In response, you can also object. First, they calculated everything before taking the risk. Secondly, quite rightly, history knows such success stories. However, they are singular. While hundreds of thousands, and even millions of risky enterprises have failed. And of course, history is silent about these nameless cases.

Losing money, of course, is not very pleasant. But you should not be afraid of this to a panic state. To get rid of the obsessive fear of losing money, you need to realize:

Attention! Life will always be challenging. Therefore, there is no point in hiding from danger. As soon as the challenge is accepted, this is a chance to enter a new round of development. After that, life becomes even more interesting and sharper felt. To lose is to lose with dignity. Well, to win means to win a lot at once!

Failing is nothing to be ashamed of. It's not even that bad. Without exception, all major entrepreneurs at one time suffered more than a dozen failures. It didn't break them. Who remembers their mistakes now? But everyone remembers their successes.

Learning from mistakes is okay. Moreover, often only on their own personal experience you can really learn, understand and see a lot. After all, each case is individual. Until you touch a hot pan, you will not understand what is hot. Read the smartest books about it at least a thousand times. Of course, the wisdom lies in minimizing the losses from such an experience. But it is not worth killing yourself - instead, you need to subject the situation to a thorough analysis. And then try to start a new business, but taking into account the mistakes made.

Failure should not be a signal to retreat. Unless it's tactical. The more failures, the more experience. The more experience, the greater will be success in the future.

Here's another point: a stable salary while working "for an uncle" is nothing more than a myth. It depends largely on the whims of that very "uncle". Living in constant fear of losing your job is not the best option. Yes, and current pensions are far from the most profitable item in the personal budget.

Practice: mini-training

To overcome many of your fears (not only financial), you can regularly resort to the following type of training. Its essence is to try to look your fears in the eye. If you run away from them all the time, they will always stand behind your back and only become stronger, forcing you to stagnate.

So, you just need to sit down (you can lie down), close your eyes and relax. Now try to imagine yourself as clearly as possible ... in a fairy forest. Yes, yes, in the fairy forest. And somewhere at the end of this forest stands a castle. Inside the castle, there is a certain reward - a goal that you want to get at all costs.

However, there are many obstacles along the way. Here you are walking through the forest, but there is no path, all around is one dense windbreak. How can it be overcome? Jumping over in one step or burning everything to the ground? This is a fabulous forest, literally everything is possible here!

Let's assume that we managed to overcome the windbreak. Now you have left the forest, but a dragon is waiting at the edge. How can he be defeated? Maybe with a sword or with a magic spell? The dragon is defeated, but a stormy river arose on the way. To overcome it, what can be done - build a bridge or just fly on imaginary wings? Or maybe try to revive the dragon so that he would be transferred across the river? Even the most incredible options will do.

So, obstacle after obstacle, the path to the goal and reward will be passed. It needs to be visualized as clearly as possible. Imagine how it feels to the touch, turn it from all sides. You can even try to feel the emotions that will be after receiving the award.

To some, this exercise may seem like a waste of time. But in practice, it helps to get the psychology of a winner, to teach your mind not to retreat from an obstacle, but to look for ways to overcome it. Thus, faced with a problem in real life, you will no longer retreat, but will look for ways to resolve the situation.

There are plenty of stories on the topic "How I got rich (a) and then lost everything." In fact, if you properly manage your income, then this is impossible in principle. Here are just seven tips to help avoid a similar fate.

1. Save at least 10% of your profits

Wealth is not something that has been obtained. Mostly what was saved. Therefore, having earned this or that amount, you need to set aside at least 10% of it in a piggy bank. Even if the temptation is great to spend this amount immediately on some luxury item, you need to stop yourself. After all, all sorts of status things, as a rule, are the lot of the poor.

It is important to know! They often live in debt - only to boast of their imaginary wealth. A real rich man does not need to do this. He is so confident in himself that he buys only what brings him comfort. If he is more comfortable making calls from an old mobile phone, he will never get an iPhone just because it is a status item. He will calmly make transactions for millions and millions from his old cell phone.

So, you need to set aside a certain part of what you earn. As a result, the amount will accumulate quite impressive.

2. Choose effective ways to save the deferred amount

But just saving money is not the best way. After all, the money in the stash may depreciate due to inflation.

In addition, there is always a temptation to simply take and spend all the deferred amount, or part of it. To avoid this, you can suggest, for example, carefully study the conditions of savings deposits in a bank. You need to choose not only the most reliable bank, but also the one that gives the most interest on deposits. This amount should be enough to survive for at least a year in the event of a complete collapse.

It is better if it is not a withdrawn amount. The interest that “drops” on it can, firstly, smooth out the effect of inflation as much as possible, and secondly, in the case of a really large amount, get good regular income from it.

3. Use cashback

Instead of a regular bank card, it is better to get a cashback card. It is better if this cashback can be cashed out.

4. Invest

Think about passive methods of earning. Investing in securities is one such way. You also need to spend about 10% of income on this kind of investment. Of course, in order to invest as profitably as possible, you will need to carefully analyze the securities markets and, perhaps, fill a few bumps at first. But in the end, you can learn how to invest as profitably as possible. So the capital will grow even more.

Attention! Don't "put all your eggs in one basket". Distribute contributions in different directions. If the shares of one company collapse, you will lose only a share of this company, while others can bring income that can smooth out the losses. If you invest everything at once in the shares of one enterprise, then if they collapse, you can literally lose everything.

5. Do charity work

Surprisingly, but another 10% should be spent on charity. This point is confusing to some. How so, because I want to get rich quick, and not be known as a philanthropist?

In fact, this has a deep meaning. Even multiple meanings. Firstly, you can thus raise your prestige and increase the degree of trust on the part of partners and others in general. Secondly, it will help to agree with my mind: I have so much money that I do not mind spending some of it on a good cause - so that other people will be happy. Thirdly, by helping one today, you can get help in return from others tomorrow.

So donating to charity is not only possible, but necessary!

6. Refuse all loans

The temptation is great to get something now, paying for it later. That's how they get into credit and debt holes. After all, in the end you have to pay more than the object of desire itself costs. And of course, you should not take loans to develop your business. No one can guarantee success in an enterprise. But in case of failure, being deeply in debt is easy.

It is important to know! So, no loans! You need to learn to manage with the money that you have at the moment. And then the financial growth will be more tangible - when at one point you will see that you can afford to buy an expensive car right away. But until quite recently, this would have had to pay the amount of five years, if not more.

In principle, this rule is, as it were, a continuation of the previous one. It has been said several times already: do not pursue luxury if it is not absolutely necessary. Remember that luxury is for the poor.

Attention! The destiny of the rich is to live in comfort. What separates rich people from poor people is, among other things, self-control. They will never allow themselves to spend everything on a yacht at once. This can only be done by a weak yesterday's poor man. The rich man will probably buy a yacht, but only if he really needs it (remember the moment about his own goals, and not imposed by someone else). And also, if after the purchase there is still a lot of money left.

Strong personalities do not spend on things - they invest the surplus in promising income.

Of course, ways to get rich quickly interested and continue to interest everyone. People will constantly look for new and new ways to generate income. And, as soon as possible and as easy as possible.

But almost all of them are rather risky enterprises. Instead of indulging in them, it is better to use the methods that have already been proven repeatedly. You can offer a kind of TOP-7 methods, thanks to which many people managed to really become richer than before.

Method 1. Creating Passive Income

Without exaggeration, this method can be put in the very first place. After all, passive income will work even if there is absolutely no active action. You can't think about it at all. It is passive income that is a condition for ensuring financial security.

At the same time, there are several ways to get passive income:

  • Rent out housing or land;
  • Receive interest on a bank deposit;
  • Receive dividends from investments in securities;
  • Work as a distributor in network marketing.

Several thousand rubles a month, or even more, is not a bad increase to the main income, especially to the traditional salary.

As a method of passive income, you can also offer the receipt of patent royalties. Of course, to invent something worthwhile, you need to show remarkable imagination and ingenuity. But if you succeed in patenting something, then it will be possible to receive stable royalties from each produced unit of goods. Finally, a patent can be sold for good money.

Method 2. Mediation in major transactions

You can also offer such a method of income - how to provide intermediary services in transactions. The larger the deal, the higher the income from it. For example, large realtors in the real estate market receive $5,000 or more per month.

It is important to know! If independent navigation in the "troubled waters" of economic transactions is still difficult, then you can first try to get a job in a large company. In addition to a good salary, it will be possible to learn from how transactions are made here, to try to delve into all financial and other business subtleties.

Method 3. Earnings on the Internet

There are many ways to get rich online. While you are reading this, hundreds of thousands of people are already making money on the World Wide Web. It can be anything: from remote work to freelancing, from making money on contextual advertising to infobusiness. The field for activity is so wide that more than a dozen articles can be written on this subject.

Method 4. Creation of a profitable website

You can create your own website and earn income from it by offering it as a platform for advertising. Of course, you will need to have the appropriate skills and knowledge. And also spend a lot of time and effort on the promotion of the site. But in the future, all efforts will pay off handsomely. After all, advertisers are very willing to cooperate with the owners of large visited resources, offering very good money.

Method 5. Starting your own business

So these terrible words sounded - own business. But you should not be afraid of this. After all, no one forces you to immediately embark on a large enterprise. Any commercial activity can be counted as your own business: from opening your own car repair shop to handicrafts.

In a word, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance.

Method 6. Investments in the stock market, stocks

First, it's great passive method earnings. It has already been discussed above, so we will not repeat it. Secondly, understanding all the intricacies of investments, you can delve deeper into the essence of financial relationships and how money works. This knowledge will be useful in the future - when expanding your company.

Attention! The stock market is a ruthless teacher. Here, even the slightest mistake can lead to very tangible negative consequences. But he really teaches you to look deep into things, calculate your steps far ahead and, of course, financial discipline.

Before investing in the shares of a company, you need to carefully study the company itself. This is not to mention general principles work with money in stocks.

An investment-attractive company:

  • Must firmly occupy a certain market niche and produce competitive products;
  • To exist in its market for a long enough time, while showing consistently successful results of its activities;
  • Have a clear business plan;
  • The company should be headed by competent management, and highly qualified personnel should work in the staff;
  • It is better if it is included in the TOP 500 of the largest companies;
  • Offer a decent percentage of income on shares;
  • Must show stable growth of its shares on the stock exchange;
  • Controlling stakes (or at least a large share of shares) should be at the disposal of the company's owners and top managers.

Before you buy shares, you need to follow their course for a long time. Often, newcomers, having read about how people get rich in stocks, are tempted to buy them at a lower cost. At the same time, they hope that this is a temporary decline, and in the future their growth will be observed. But who can guarantee that the recession is not the beginning of the collapse of the company?

The optimal strategy is to buy at the very beginning of growth. Then you need to decide on reaching what profit the shares should be sold. Sold - forgotten. Do not torture yourself with thoughts about how much you could earn if you managed to sell later.

As already mentioned, it is not worth investing all the money in the shares of one company. If one enterprise fails, it will be only one enterprise. But there is a chance that the rest of the shares will give a significant profit.

Method 7. Real estate investment

This method can be attributed to the most attractive for Russians. Indeed, in Russia, it is the rental of housing that is considered one of the most reliable and proven by many years of experience ways to receive passive income.

It is important to know! Of course, when buying a home, you do not need to rush for depreciated buildings, for example, in regions that are turbulent from the point of view of the political and military situation. The same can be said about buying property in places where the risk of natural disasters is always high. It's about about stable large cities in which there is always a demand for housing.

As a rule, real estate (in the first place - housing) does not become cheaper, but only grows in price. So the housing market is not afraid of inflation. Yes, there are temporary downturns, but after that the situation quickly improves. So investing in real estate can be considered a great option.

In order for housing to pay for itself as soon as possible, you can suggest the following ways:

  • Increase liquidity. For example, to rent residential premises by the day. In this case, it will bring much more income than with a long-term lease. There may be objections regarding the stability of the influx of customers and in general - it is not known who will settle there. But from a financial point of view, the profit is much more significant;
  • Rental income can be invested in other financial enterprises. The payback of housing in this case will increase significantly;
  • Such an option is also proposed, which was called by the people "Leapfrog". In short, first a loan is taken for not too expensive housing, then it is repaired, thanks to which it will be possible to increase its value. Then the apartment is sold, and the same thing is done with the proceeds ...

Method number 8 - making a profit in a magical way. As a separate one, we did not specifically highlight it. Of course, you can believe in amulets, talismans and magical rites that bring good luck without any effort, as well as magical rites can bring money. They have a certain plus: they help maintain a positive attitude, faith in success and one's own strength. And this is also an important moment for making money. But at the same time, sitting back and hoping for "manna from heaven" is not serious.

Benefits of owning your own business

As has been shown more than once, you can become really rich if you work for yourself. Working for a paycheck has never made anyone rich, even under the most austerity conditions. This must be clearly understood. Moreover, you need to do exactly what the soul lies in - only then it will be possible to work with full dedication.

Attention! An employee becomes a hostage to the whims of his superiors. At any time, they can cut wages or change the schedule to a less convenient one. The business may even be closed. An employee can be fired for any miscalculation. Finally, everyone reaches an age when the employer begins to think about replacing the employee with a younger and more enterprising one, ready to work for a small salary for the sake of perspective and experience. And then all life's efforts regarding self-improvement and career growth will go to waste. It may also happen that at the age of 60 it will only be necessary to refine until a beggarly pension as a janitor.

Another unpleasant option is personal hostility on the part of the authorities. It can be caused by both objective reasons and subjective ones. Just because you may not have a very pleasant voice. It sounds absurd, but it happens. Then the authorities will start to find fault for any reason. This will lead to the fact that work will become everyday torture. In the end, everything will end in dismissal. And well - if of your own free will.

All this is simply excluded in the case of your business. After all, you are your own boss. Accordingly, it is impossible to fire yourself. And to find fault with yourself - except for the cause, and will only benefit.

Finally, if necessary, you can simply sell your business. Everyone can have a streak in life emotional burnout. Only in the case of an office job will such a streak cause you to start making more mistakes and get fired. And by selling your business, you will get a very good amount of money, which cannot be compared with a state pension.

It's never too late to start your own business. Even if you gave 40 years to your "native" enterprise, but it simply spat you out - this is not a reason to obediently go to rest. You can start your own business at any time. There are no age restrictions. In addition, by working not for your “uncle”, but for yourself, you can significantly raise your own self-esteem and even rise in the eyes of others.

It is important to know! The bosses that fired you will look with envy at your success. Who knows, perhaps you yourself will compete with them and clash in a financial duel, luring, moreover, the most promising employees to your side. So, by the way, Steve Jobs did when he was fired from Apple, a corporation that he himself created. He opened another computer firm and took on many skilled workers. As a result, during the years of sailing apart from Apple, he became famous in the film and computer industries. Well, Apple ... At Apple, he was called back after some time.

How to make a business successful and make a profit: laying the foundations of a business

So, having made sure that your own business is much more preferable than working for a salary, you can think about where to start. Many people think that it is impossible to start a business without initial capital. However, it is not. If you properly dispose of what is at hand right now, then it is quite possible to get by with minimal funds.

The main thing is the goal and the idea. Oddly enough, but getting money is neither the idea nor the goal of a profitable business. If a business is opened only for the sake of money, then the failure will be almost one hundred percent.

From a practical point of view, money is, of course, the goal. But spiritual goals should be set above them. Thinking about how to make money on people, it will be impossible to force them to buy something. A huge number of enterprises went bankrupt only because they put income above all else, and not caring for people. They sold low-quality goods, offered expired products, cheated on prices ... The result was the same - complete ruin.

At the same time, if an entrepreneur thinks about what benefits he can bring to people, while even abstracting from money, then there are all the prerequisites for success. Even if at the very beginning something does not go as we would like.

Attention! For example, the already mentioned Steve Jobs - he did not set himself the goal of personal enrichment, but eventually became a billionaire. If he just wanted money, he would take the path of least resistance: he bought a batch of cheap radio components and sold them at a higher price. That's what a lot of people did back then. And now no one remembers them. Jobs, in turn, set a much larger goal - to give people the opportunity to work on a personal computer. Personal - that is, personal! The very thought of it made me laugh. "Who needs it - this personal computer?!" - the head of a large corporation asked Steve with a laugh when he came with his idea to his office.

Of course, only one interesting idea few. You need to manage it skillfully. And this involves a lot of preparatory work: market research, risk assessment, drawing up a detailed business plan, analysis of competitors, etc.

To turn an idea into a profitable business, you will need:

  • Become more communicative and open. Attractive and sociable people are drawn to. And all of them are potential partners or clients. To improve your communication skills, it will not be superfluous to attend courses and trainings. You will also need public speaking skills;
  • Appropriately approach the issue of forming your team. These should be exactly the same purposeful people: strong, ready to go further, and not give up at the first difficulties. Of course, they must also be good specialists;
  • Become a leader who is ready to lead others. We must boldly take responsibility, not shift it to others. By personal example, it is necessary to show the most outstanding qualities. Then people will believe you.

Final Exercise: Wealth Test

The book "How to become rich and successful" from one famous author offers to pass a simple test, thanks to which you can understand exactly at what stage of readiness to change your life you are.

It is important to know! Of course, you will need to answer as honestly as possible. After all, no one but you will know about the answers. But this will help to more accurately determine self-esteem and calculate future steps more competently.

So let's get started:

Question number 1. Let's say that right now you will have an inexhaustible and unlimited cash flow, which from now on and for the rest of your life will allow you not to spend a single second on work. What will you do then? The answer will help determine what exactly you can earn. For example, writing pictures or restoring old cars.

Question number 2. If today you yourself, or your spouse (husband) are fired from work, then how long will it be possible to hold out without work? Provided that it will be possible to lead the usual way of life?

Question number 3. When exactly would you like to retire? This will before age provided by the state or later? And after you retire, will you receive more than before, less or the same?

Question number 4. To give a more adequate assessment of my current lifestyle, you can ask yourself: which option would I choose - to work, while receiving a high salary, or not to work at all, but also receive a stable income?

Question number 5. It is most optimal for you: to think about where to invest the money you have already received cash, or puzzle over the options for spending them? Based on your answer to this question, how would you describe your life today?

Question number 6. Which option is more acceptable for you - to live in such a way that you no longer have to work to earn a living, or to work more and more so that your income constantly increases?

Question number 7. Is investing a venture for risky people? Is it necessary to manage money in such a way that it becomes even more? Is it possible to invest money without risking anything? If someone were to entrust their money to you right now so that you invest it successfully, are you ready to take on such a responsibility?

Question number 8. In addition to your family members, can you name at least 5 people with whom you want to spend more time? What is their attitude towards money? Is it the attitude of the middle class towards money or the attitude of the poor? Which one would you trust with your money for investment? Now, based on the answers received, you need to honestly answer this question: is it time to make new acquaintances?

Question number 9. Which option would you choose: not to work, but only to receive income from financial investments, or to work and receive a stable salary?

Question number 10. For one million dollars, would you quit your current job today? If yes, what is holding you back from finding funds to earn that amount? And if not, why not? Out of fear that the search will be unsuccessful, or does the work bring you satisfaction and joy?

Question number 11. Do you live in conditions of constant fear for the economic situation in the country or are you not afraid of the situation getting worse? If tomorrow the stock and currency market collapses, how much will you lose?

Question number 12. What can be done to improve your financial well-being? After all, can something be done? So why haven't you done it yet?!

Real stories of people who became rich on their own

It is possible to become rich. It is a fact. Moreover, rich from scratch and without outside help. History knows many examples. Of course, this is not the notorious "how to get rich in 1 day." Behind each of these success stories is hard work. Twice work and more determination. Here are four real examples. Perhaps these stories will inspire you on your path to wealth.

Steve Jobs. The personality is legendary not only in narrow circles, but in general throughout the world. He managed to take the understanding of the computer to another level. Thanks to him (and not to Bill Gates, as some people think), the computer became personal, and mobile gadgets became widespread.

Steve grew up in a family with a very average income. Moreover, he was adopted and was often forced to dine with friends or in free church canteens. But he was so fired up with his idea of ​​​​creating an accessible computer for everyone that he left his studies at the university for the sake of it and began to solder computer boards with his friend Steve Wozniak in the garage. The result of many years of tireless work is Apple Corporation and the title of a legend in the IT industry.

Oprah Winfrey. She was born into an even poorer African American family. At that time, the attitude towards the "colored" was, as you know, not the most loyal. However, this woman managed to become not only one of the most famous TV presenters and actresses, but also the first female billionaire, and one of the most influential personalities in the world.

George Soros. He was also born into a poor Jewish family. He began his career as a traveling salesman. Over time, he saved up the necessary amount in order to start playing on the stock exchange. Soros is known for having received two billion dollars as a result of a profitable investment literally overnight. Today he is one of the most famous entrepreneurs in the world and a philanthropist. Many charitable organizations work under his leadership.

Donald Trump. His figure needs no special introduction, like all the presidents of the United States. Once he was a big businessman and even a billionaire. But he lost all his money back in the 80s of the last century. Did he give up? Not at all! I found the strength in myself to start a new successful path to the financial Olympus.

You can treat Trump differently, as a person and a politician. But no one will deny that he is an outstanding personality. In the end, they don’t just take the presidency.

Attention! So, it makes sense to heed some of the advice that Trump gives in his book. It is possible that some of them will turn out to be controversial and will contradict what was said above, but ... everyone, after all, has their own opinion and their own views on some issues.

Council number 1. Dress according to your cultural and social status

It is known that they are greeted by clothes. So too cheap clothes already initially betray a loser in a person - even before he starts to say something. You can also buy inexpensive things, but only if no one ever finds out their real value.

This is probably advice that flows smoothly from the previous one. In addition to good clothes, a person's hairstyle says a lot about a person. If someone is not ready to take care of his hair, he will not be attentive to his affairs.

Many professional financial advisors have led corporations to failure. Better to take risks and learn from your own mistakes.

If you are insulted, attack. If offended, offend in return. Even family and closest friends. A tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye. Let everyone know that attacking you is more expensive for yourself.

During negotiations and meetings, it is necessary, as if by chance, to throw a carefully prepared provocative phrase. And then carefully watch the reaction of the interlocutors. It can tell a lot about people...

The habit of greeting each other with a handshake does nothing but spread infections. Why all this? After all, a businessman needs to maintain excellent health.

The essence of things is often hidden behind the details. Any little thing can be decisive for acceptance right decision. If you carefully remember everything, you can often avoid unpleasant surprises.

Tip #8. Listen to your intuition, follow your instincts

Listen to your "sixth sense". If an inner voice says that it is better not to deal with this person, then he must be treated with caution. End the relationship if possible. Neither experience, nor education, nor the number of diplomas matter here. Instincts helped people to survive. So why should they be neglected in business?

Tip #9. Be optimistic, but always stay prepared for failure

By wasting yourself on worries, you are only wasting your internal energy. And it will still be useful for further struggle. At the same time, you should not lose your grip, staying all the time in a good mood. It is necessary to be internally prepared for struggle and failure. Then life will not be a series of disappointments.

Trump quite reasonably notes that a man in love cannot soberly assess the risks. Let the lawyers do it for him. Once unsuccessfully married, you can easily lose everything that has been acquired over the years in a divorce.

What to read and watch to become richer?

Many books have been written on the subject. You can, of course, buy reading material in the spirit of "I want to become rich." But still it is better to turn to the world classics. The works of established authors draw their advice from personal practical experience.

So here are the books:

  • Book by Robert Kiyosaki - "Rich Dad, Poor Dad";
  • Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich.

Watch a video on how to become rich:

  • The Secret of the Wealthy. How to become rich and successful?
  • "How to become rich in 60 minutes" (Robert Kiyosaki).


What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Everyone will get something for themselves. But the main one is that everyone can become rich. And no, just wanting it is not enough. Making money is a process that requires constant work. Above yourself as well. With every dollar earned, a person becomes richer not only financially, but also internally. Moreover, the achievement of wealth should not become an end in itself.

It is important to know! Even if we take the example of Soros, who became richer by two billion literally in one day, it didn’t really happen instantly. That was preceded by a long work on the accumulation of initial capital. Then it was necessary to thoroughly study the work of the stock markets. And for a long time to try yourself in different investments - until, finally, there was a rapid take-off.

But even after reaching their position, successful businessmen did not stop their financial activities. Many of us would be quite satisfied with, for example, a million dollars and stop working, just enjoying the benefits of life. This is the main difference between a person aimed at constant profit and a person aimed at wealth.

Also, in the process of earning, you need to be prepared for both downturns and upswings. If you trust too much in the tempting promises of easy money, you can almost certainly fall into the hands of scammers with almost one hundred percent probability. And even become a participant in illegal schemes. This option, I think, will not suit anyone.

Summing up everything that has been said, it is worth repeating that everyone can get rich. If you tirelessly follow your dream, you can succeed in absolutely everything.

Success does not fall from heaven, despite the attempts of the Brazilian series to convince us otherwise.

It is not enough just to lie on the couch and dream about the legacy left by an unfamiliar uncle from America. To become a rich person, you have to forget about laziness and work hard!

Why do you need wealth?

Not everyone dreams of becoming rich and successful: for some, a strong family rear, mutual love, professional growth, raising offspring are more important ...

So one of the first points on your way will be the development of priorities. So, is this what you really want with every fiber of your being, or is it a trick, a mirage?

Don't force yourself to crave those crunchy greens just because your spouse wants money or your kid is begging for a fancy toy.

The decision is only yours. Having accepted it, you will have to restructure your life to achieve this very goal. You are ready?

How not to become rich?

Let's go from the opposite. You will definitely not earn your million if you read mantras at the mirror or lie on the couch and diligently visualize bills.

You won’t succeed by walking around shamans, liking pictures on social networks and placing gilded hoteychiks in the bosoms of cabinets.

It makes no sense to rely on roulette or the lottery, the sudden death of an ancestor from distant Australia, or a sharp jump up the career ladder five steps up.

Do not believe the flattering promises marked “quick money on the Internet”, “I will teach you how to earn millions by pressing just one button on your laptop”, “forex for dummies in 5 minutes”.

Don't go to success-driven training sessions: the joke is that these seminars and, even worse, webinars, are just an attempt to earn that very coveted million from you. Here you are not students, but voluntary sources of funds, “cash cows”.

As most children's fairy tales have tried to convince you, only a hardworking, diligent and not too lazy character achieves the desired well-being. It is, but not quite.

Let's not underestimate the importance of human laziness in evolution. It is a reasonably lazy individual who values ​​his time and tries not to waste it in vain, will receive an appetizing money pie.

So, you set an iron goal - to become successful. You definitely want this and are ready to dig into the granite of financial science, risk money, and build relationships. You made a decision and gave a signal - this is important.

This is how the universe works: it pulsates, envelops and reacts to all our vibrations. It gives, even in a modified form, exactly what we want.

The one who feels like a failure and waits for a catch from every corner never succeeds (even if he tries). Why?

He did not declare his desire to the universe. He says “I won’t succeed”, “I will always be poor”, “It’s all useless” and continues to go on a meaningless path to nowhere.

This is the so-called "poor man's complex". Have you been told for a long time that expensive cars, holidays in the Maldives, haute couture clothes are not your level, a foreign world?

Of course, it is difficult to rebuild in an instant. But you need to firmly believe that you CAN become a successful person and no caste, race or class has put a loser stamp on you.

To understand how unusual and thorny the path to success can be, read the biographies of famous millionaires - how did they manage to become rich?

You have decided to become successful - what's next?

1. The first thing to do is to learn the basics of time management..

After all, the phrase “time is money” is not an empty phrase in the world of business and million-dollar contracts.

YOUR time is worth money, so never agree to work for free, out of the goodness of your heart, or out of old friendship.

2.Learn to appreciate yourself - and then others will begin to treat you accordingly.. Believe in yourself, inflate self-esteem, overcome suspiciousness and insecurity, and mentally prepare for hard work.

3. Consult, be sure to consult, even for money and the notorious "quid pro quo"! And not from the woman Nadia from the next apartment and not from the older botanist brother, but from people representing the business area you have chosen.

4. Think carefully about the area you want to invest in. Explore the environment, competition, audience, demand, region advantages, infrastructure, development opportunities. For example, if there are already a dozen self-service car washes in your area, then you should not open the eleventh one.

5. Keep your books, count money, expenses and income. After simple calculations, master the second stage - financial control.

You have often wondered how the Petrovs from the apartment opposite manage to go on vacation twice a year, and this is with three children and a small average salary. The secret is simple - one mindlessly spends until the pocket is empty, and the other counts, saves and saves.

6. While saving money, raise the initial capital that will later allow you to open your own business. Do not get into debts and loans without special need, attract partners and investors, and then the initial investment will be enough.

7. If you are not ready to build a business from scratch, think about other options for a stable income - playing on the stock exchange, buying shares, investing in ready-made, potentially profitable projects, acquiring additional real estate and renting it out (always relevant).

To become successful, let your accumulated money work for you, and not lie in a glass jar. Passive income brought by well-chosen assets is the dream of any lazy rich man!