An essay describing human actions. An essay on the topic of a description of an action or a description of the labor process - essays, abstracts, reports

In this article, you and I, dear schoolchildren, will discuss how to write interesting essay, which clearly describes your actions. What are we going to talk about here? Let's say you're doing your homework. How do you teach them: do you immediately start solving a problem or translating a sentence in English?

Write a description of the actions. An essay on a similar topic will help you figure out how to study lessons with interest, how to learn to understand this or that material. So let's take a look this topic.

My good morning

For every living being, a new day begins with waking up in the morning. Animals, insects, birds, plants live according to the laws of nature, waking up at dawn. In ancient times, people also almost always woke up at dawn, so they were much healthier and more energetic.

Why do we need this if our topic is “Description of Actions”? You can start your essay either with a description of your personal affairs in the morning or with a short introduction about how to live correctly. Let's look at a small example:

"I want to talk about how every morning begins for me. When I was little, my dad told me that you need to get up at dawn. He explained it this way: a person must live in harmony with nature, wake up with it, then he will have more strength, health. And I absolutely agree with him.”

What actions happen next? Do you do morning exercises or at least stretch while lying in bed? It is very important to describe all your morning actions in order and compare them with what good doctors advise and absolutely healthy people, athletes.

Getting ready for school

Each of us knows that homework needs to be done in the evening, or even better, half an hour to an hour after returning home. The sooner you do them, the sooner you will be free and run to play in the yard with your friends. By the way, it’s worth focusing on this, but we’ll discuss this later when we move on to the evening topic.

In a person's actions, it is advisable to include a point about what your mood is in the morning, whether you want to go to class. It is important for you to learn to love getting up in the morning to learn new things. And the essay will help you see everything from the outside, evaluate your attitude towards life. Because out of habit, we do not notice whether we are living correctly.

So, our task in the morning is to get up early “vigorously”, do gymnastics, wash, and have a good breakfast. By the way, let your meal consist of porridge or yogurt, and not tea with Nuts or a sandwich with sausage. Believe me, the second option will not give you strength and vigor.

I'm going to school

What do you do when you go to school? Are you always in a hurry and come running to class when the bell rings or are you even late? If yes, then it’s time to train yourself to get up early. Do you know that a leisurely walk in the morning can satisfy and lift your spirits? Go out half an hour earlier, when the sun is just rising. If there is a park nearby, take a walk through it. Then arrive at school 10 minutes before classes start. Make the following description of the actions (essay, personal diary, essay).

“At our school, classes start at 8.30. I only have to walk 5 minutes, but I leave the house at 7.30 to take a walk, get some fresh air, enjoy the birds singing in the park. That’s why I have every day good mood“I pick up new topics at school on the fly.”

Educational process

Tell us about how you prepare for the lesson. Do you repeat the topic you have covered, do you get all the necessary supplies: textbook, notebook, diary, pencil case?

Write out the description of the actions (essay) in order, so that you can understand whether you are doing everything correctly. For example, how do excellent students act? They listen carefully to the teacher, imagine the topic being studied as something interesting and elementary. Arriving home, they consolidate the acquired knowledge with repetition, exercises and tasks.

After school

When the last lesson ends, do you go straight home or go out with friends? Describe your actions, for example:

“After classes, I don’t run straight home, but go for a walk with my friends.” Describe why. Of course, after mental stress there should be a good rest, at least one hour. If the weather permits, it's worth taking a walk.

As a rule, after returning home you sit down to dinner. This is an integral process in the life of every person. A nutritious meal will not only help you satisfy your hunger, but also help you concentrate. And now that we have rested and eaten, we will continue to write our essay. The description of actions (“how I do my homework”) can be done with a list, for example:

This was just an example. Of course, you can have your own plan. Maybe it's easier for you to do what's easier and faster first. This is also correct.

Hobbies and additional education

Let's say you go to sports school, do swimming. In the future, you dream of becoming a champion in water sports. Then be sure to include this point in your essay: a description of sports activities. How do you train and prepare? What do you think about during challenging workouts?

Each student can describe his favorite activity or sports, music, or art school. The main thing is that you like it and have a purpose in life.

Household chores

If your essay is called “Description of Labor Actions,” then describe any types of work that you do and have done.

Thanks to this topic, you can learn to control your actions, improve your quality of life and develop.

Many of us are tormented by the question: how to colorfully describe the actions of a character and avoid various mistakes? Well, let's start the tour!

First, you should pay attention to eliminating the slightest logical inaccuracies: for example, if at the beginning of the food absorption process the heroine “deftly picked up pieces of omelette lying on the plate with a fork,” and at the end of breakfast she went to the sink to wash the spoon and bowl - this is not quite comme il faut.

You also need to carefully monitor how the character’s actions are connected by a logical chain to each other. For example: after a peaceful conversation between Chocolate Cookies and Warm Milk, there should not be the death of the first character, since a heart-to-heart conversation could not lead to such fascist movements on the part of the second character. Only if, of course, you don’t write about Molok, who is also a mentally ill maniac.

Another important piece of advice: if your hero does not live the life of Mary or Marty, then you do not need to describe his actions in the manner of: “I got up, I went, I came up, I got dressed, I walked.” I-I, the benefit is yours and the head from the dick! Guys, really, don’t do this.

The same type of sushi fanfictions don’t even deliver as much as they should even “for laughs”. Watson, they make me sick, it’s so elementary!

Now let's move on to the main part of the advice: in order to describe the actions of a cat/flea/ear/human/perch as realistically as possible, you just need to create a visual image in your own head.

Let's say you decide to write about how your hero eats lunch. Don't rush to type, but stop and close your eyes for a minute. After sixty seconds, it turns out that the character’s portrait has acquired new original details and interesting details.

You will be able to understand that a description that previously turned out to be dry and not very attractive to the reader can turn into something colorful and realistic thanks not only to means artistic expression, of which there are many, but also fresh ideas, which so opportunely visited you.

Unfortunately, often authors with very rich inner world and imagination, imagining unusually bright puzzles in their heads that form a beautiful picture, they simply cannot express all their thoughts on paper or do not know how to do it. In fact, the description only seems to be a stumbling block, because if you know the theory and with some acquired skills you already have, it will not be at all difficult to create this test. It is enough to remember three main rules:

Get your act together

Concentrate, concentrate on the work alone: ​​nothing else should disturb you at this moment, much less interfere. If you try to create something by stirring potatoes in a frying pan and slapping a housechild on the head at the same time in the manner of Yulia, you will definitely not succeed.

You need to pull off something like entering the astral plane: everything revolves around you, you guys, there is nothing except you and this Great Text, there is nothing except this description, except this keyboard, except...

When will you empty the toilet?!

In general, you understand.


Are you really not too lazy to recreate in your head the very image that you need so much now? Don't miss even the smallest details: record everything on a piece of paper. Later, re-read the resulting notes and make candy out of scraps like “resting your cheek on your palm,” “thoughtful look,” “shaking fingers.”

And you can read below about exactly how to do it.


Let's imagine that in some orige I have a girl character who is under the influence of strong medications. They may not turn a person into a vegetable, but they hit him hard. nervous system.

And now I want to describe the paranoia that has not allowed our heroine to sleep peacefully for three/five/whatever years.

I close my eyes and imagine a fragile girl sitting on the very edge of the made bed. She touches the tips of her toes to the parquet floor and exhales noisily. It’s long night outside, but the unfortunate woman is unable to sleep.

Look at the resulting passage: you can’t exactly call it colorful.

I close my eyes again and look at what this character looks like. It’s not possible to describe everything completely yet, so I grab a piece of paper and quickly write down the key phrases: “disheveled, shoulder-length brown hair,” “unseeing gaze,” “palms clenched into fists,” “sharpened facial features.”

Now I can begin to create something beautiful from the blank: first I should combine everything that I have recorded on paper into two or three sentences. Let's try.

She has been sitting here for a long time and still can’t fall asleep. Behind every fold of dark curtains she sees a ghost or a gloomy silhouette. The girl stares blankly at the window sill, clenching her palms into fists until her knuckles turn white.

Disheveled brown hair, barely reaching her fragile shoulders, sharpened facial features, lips compressed into a thin strip, on which a smile once played - the consequences of a terrible illness. Paranoia.

Well, we somehow managed to put together scraps of different stories and portraits into the overall picture. Try it yourself now!

Hello, guys!!! Sit down!!! Today in class we must prepare for an essay describing actions based on observations. To do this, we must get acquainted with someone else's text describing actions, its structure, we must analyze it, and in the next lesson write our own essay.

But before we start this work, let's write a little independent work associated with speech concepts and skills. Take out small pieces of paper and sign them. This is how we will do the work. You must answer the questions asked. Where you need to give an example, give an example.

Is this clear to everyone?


Then we do it.

Now, before moving on to the topic of our lesson, let's remember some concepts.

What is text?

What features of the text do you know?

What is the main idea of ​​the text?

What types of speech do you know? What question can you ask each of them?

What speech styles do you know?

What genres do you know?

What means of connecting sentences in the text do you know? (It is advisable to give examples)

Now tell me, what is text?

This is a group of sentences arranged in a certain sequence, interconnected in meaning and grammatically.

What types of speech do you know? What is storytelling? Description? Reasoning? We say that for each type of text you can put one general question. What question will we ask about the narrative text? Description text? Text-reasoning?

Description. Narration. Reasoning. Narration - actions and events, question - what happened? Description - an image of someone, something, question - what?. Reasoning - the causes of phenomena and events, the question - why?.

So, imagine that you have to write essays on three different types of speech. What can you write about in each of them?

Answers. For example, reasoning, in the text it is necessary to explain why the sunflower is called that.

Answers. For example, a description, in the text you need to describe a toy.
Answers. Narration, in the text you can tell about what happened while fishing.
Let's return to the type of speech called description. What can you describe?

An object, a person or group of people, an animal, nature.
Today we will talk about describing human actions.

What do you think is important to consider when creating action description text?

Who performs the action; where, what tools are used; how the action occurs; if there are several of them, how do they alternate; what happened.
Why do you think we study this topic - “Description of actions” - in the “Adverb” section?
We describe actions using verbs, and an adverb denotes a sign of an action. In order to clearly and most fully and vividly describe actions, we use adverbs in speech.

So, let's draw up a diagram-structure of a text-description of human actions. To do this, let's turn to the text that is on your desk. The text is called “How I planted tulips for the first time”, an essay by a 7th grade student. Let's read the text aloud and think about what compositional parts the text consists of.

They are reading.
They give their reasons. They read it out.

Recording a composition describing an action in a notebook.

Please tell me what type of speech this text is?

Narration with descriptive elements.

What does this say?

The entire text is riddled with verbs, but at the same time these actions are described in detail.

Notice how the student showed the movement of thought, the development of actions?

Using adverbs.

Read them out.

First, then, then, finally.

Absolutely right.

Please note: adverbs in a text describing actions can perform different functions; it is no coincidence that we spoke about adverbs indicating a sequence of actions. What do you think is the function of the second group?
Characteristics of actions.

Let's give examples from our text.

Never, really.

Let's add others to this list.

Slow, fast,unhurriedly (hurriedly), unhurriedly (hurriedly, immediately, swiftly), slowly, slowly (quickly, lightning fast, quickly), easily, not difficult, uncomplicated, freely, simply, lightly (not easily, difficultly, heavily)…

Very good!!!

Please tell me the composition of the description of the actions.


And now we need to learn how to correctly, without repetition, use adverbs indicating a sequence of actions, i.e. We will eliminate repetitions. To do this, open your textbooks and let's do Ex. 238. We need to correct mistakes. Underline the adverbs.

In half


Replace - then




Now let's summarize our lesson.

What new did you learn today?


Tell me, what is the composition of the action description?


What functions can adverbs perform with such a description?


So, write down D.Z.

In the next lesson we write an essay describing actions based on observations. The boys should watch their dad when he is repairing the car, the sequence of his actions, and make up a short story.

For girls - how their mother bakes a pie or cooks something. Also the sequence of actions.

Thanks for the lesson!!!


How I made pizza.

1. I'll make pizza.

2. Knead the dough.

3. Make the filling.

4. The pizza turned out great!

One day I wanted to treat my family to delicious pizza. First, I went to the store and bought the necessary products: sausage, cheese, tomatoes, herbs and onions.

When I got home, I put on my apron and got to work.

First of all, I kneaded the dough: poured flour into the pan; I heated the milk so that it was as warm as fresh milk; dissolved the yeast in it and mixed it with flour. When the dough had risen, I added eggs, butter, sugar and salt.

Then I turned on the oven and rolled out the dough. After that, I laid it out on a baking sheet, made a border around the edge, and laid layers of sausage, tomatoes and onions, cut into rings. I salted all this and sprinkled it with grated cheese.

I was looking forward to the result of my labor. Finally, about forty minutes later, a delicious smell spread throughout the apartment - the pizza was ready!

I took it out of the oven, sprinkled it with chopped herbs and put it on the table.

I invited my family to try my pizza. The whole family ate and praised me. The pizza was a great success!

A person's actions... are smooth and graceful or flashy and clumsy. Or maybe we’re just walking and there’s nothing alluring in our movements? Light, smooth steps, balanced running, calmness. Vanity, clumsiness, excitement. This is all that is sometimes in our movements. Many men fall in love with women at first sight because of their graceful gait. And some people are like cows on ice..... But human movements are not only physical movements: running, walking, jumping, doing exercises and more. Although no one argues, everyone performs them differently. But the phrase “human actions” hides a deeper meaning. These are not only physical actions, but also mental and many others. When we solve a problem or write an essay, this is also an action. Mental action. Everyone also performs them differently. Some are good, some are bad, balanced and calm, or anxious and fearful. It all depends on the person. What abilities and skills does he have, and what does he fail at? It is NOT necessary to strive to improve your shortcomings, to learn what you cannot do, to master many skills. When a person does something with his own hands, he also performs actions. If they are complex (for example, when men cut something out of wood) then they can also be called physical.

In general, a person has many skills and many opportunities. It can perform different actions. YOU NEED TO STRIVE FOR THIS To be more graceful, dexterous and skillful!


  • Educational: repeat types of speech; introduce students to a text describing actions and the structure of this text.
  • Developmental: show the role of adverbs in texts describing actions; expand students' vocabulary through the use of adverbs in speech.
  • Educational: continue to instill in students respect for work.

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation for the lesson “Description of actions” ( Appendix 1 )


Slide 1 (title)

1. Organizational moment

2. “Linguistic warm-up”(conversation)

– What is text?
Text (Latin) is a group of sentences arranged in a certain sequence, interconnected in meaning and grammatically.
– Name the features of the text.
1. Group of sentences.
2. A certain sequence of sentences.
3. Semantic and grammatical connection of sentences.
4. Has or may have a title.
5. General theme.
6. Main idea.

3. Updating knowledge on the topic “Types of speech”

– What types of speech do you know?
– What is storytelling? Description? Reasoning?
– We say that one general question can be posed to each type of text. What question will we ask about the narrative text? Description text? Text-reasoning?
– Let’s use the “hint” and check the correctness of your answers.
Slide 4
– Imagine that you need to create text based on a picture. Look carefully at the pictures presented, determine what type of speech you will use when creating the text. Why?
Slide 5
(Children's answers: reasoning, because in the text on this picture it is necessary to explain why the sunflower is called that).
Slide 6
(Children's answers: description, because in the text for this picture it is necessary to describe the toy).
Slide 7
(Children's answers: narration, because in the text based on this picture you can tell about what happened while fishing).
– Let’s draw up and write down in a notebook the diagram “Meaning types of texts” (one student works at the board).

– Let's return to the type of speech called description. What can you describe?
(Children's answers: object, person or group of people, animal, nature, etc.).
– Today we will talk about describing human actions. Try to formulate the purpose of our lesson yourself.
(Children's answers: learn about the features of this type of description, learn how to write such descriptions).

4. Learning new material

– What do you think is important to consider when creating a text describing actions?
(Children's answers: who performs the action; where, what tools are used; how the action occurs; if there are several of them, how they alternate; what happened).
– Why do you think we study this topic – “Description of actions” – in the “Adverb” section?
(Children's answers: we describe actions using verbs, and an adverb denotes a sign of an action. In order to clearly and most fully describe actions, we use adverbs in speech).
– Let’s draw up a diagram-structure of a text-description of human actions.
Slide 8
– Let’s get acquainted with the text describing human actions. This text is a description of the making of the Dymkovo toy.
Slides 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
– So, we have become acquainted with the text describing human actions. Anyone who pays close attention to the word will notice the peculiarity of the construction of sentences in such a text. Name this feature.
(In the next slide, all the text without pictures is displayed on the screen.)
Slide 15

...I am watching the hands of Anfisa Ivanovna Vorontsova. She deftly molded a bell from clay dough, tapped it quietly with a wooden spatula - the fluffy skirt was ready.
She took another piece of soft clay and carefully sculpted a torso with a head and a nose with a button.
I thought for a bit, wondering whether to crown the future beauty with a kokoshnik, or to put on an elegant hat for her. I settled on the kokoshnik.
Then I flattened the clay sausage, assembled it into an assembly - and now the apron is ready...
But this is told quickly, but it is done, albeit skillfully, but slowly. And a lot of time will pass until the inconspicuous clay doll, after being fired in a hot blazing oven, whitewashed, and painted, appears in all its splendor.

(Children's answers: there are many sentences without subjects. This allows you to avoid unnecessary repetition of words and strengthens the connection of sentences in the text).

5. Consolidation of knowledge

– Let us remember the structure of the text describing human actions
Slide 16
- We'll conduct vocabulary work. I propose a general theme for the text-description of actions - “At work.” We must select as many verbs and adverbs as possible that can be used in this text.
- So, let's start with verbs.
(The teacher offers the first word and writes it on the board, students take turns going to the board and writing down their words):

To do, to make, to construct, to produce, to manufacture, to perform, to prepare, to repair, to mend...

- Now let's write down the adverbs.

First, in the beginning, initially, initially, first of all, then, then, further, further, next, after...
Leisurely (hurriedly), unhurriedly (hurriedly, immediately, swiftly), slowly, slowly (quickly, lightning-fast, nimble), easy, easy, uncomplicated, free, simple, slightly (not easy, difficult, heavy)…

– Please note: adverbs in a text describing actions can perform different functions; it is no coincidence that we wrote down two groups of adverbs. What do you think these functions are?
(Children's answers: indication of the sequence of actions; characteristics of actions).
– We know that there are broad and narrow topics. Do you think the topic "At Work" is broad or narrow?
- Let's get to this one broad topic We will select and write down narrower topics.
(“How I sewed a button to my coat”, “Building a sand castle”, “Dad is repairing the car”, “How I learned to play chess”, “Mom greets guests”, “Fishing”, etc.).
– Another creative task is the so-called “silent” dictation. I have the text of the dictation ready, but we will conduct it differently than everyone is used to.
– The dictation is called “I’m cooking borscht.” What spelling is in the title?
(Children's answers: at the end of the word borsch We don’t write after a hissing b, because this is a noun m.r. 2 pages).

(The teacher invites one student to the board, hands over the text. The presenter depicts the actions described in the text, everyone else must not only guess the actions depicted, but also compose a coherent text in a draft, then transfer it to their notebooks).

- Attention! The dictation has a grammatical task: in the text you must use vocabulary words that I will suggest.
We formulate each sentence together (without adverbs!) and write it down in a draft. Then students rework the text by adding adverbs.

(As the student proceeds, the teacher shows pictures that will help students understand the content of the text and the order of actions: pan, carrots, tomato, potatoes, cabbage).

Dictation text


I hastily entered the kitchen fast I put on my apron and got to work.
At first I put a pan of broth on gas. Then I took carrots, garlic, onions and potatoes out of the bag. Peeled vegetables slowly , because my eyes were watering from the onion. Grated carrots, onions thin chopped and minced the garlic. I put all this in a frying pan, added tomatoes and prepared the dressing. Then diligently chopped potatoes. For a long time I was fiddling with the cabbage because at all I couldn't chop it up thin just like mom does.
The broth has boiled unexpectedly fast . I seasoned it, threw in potatoes, cabbage, A little salted it.
Left a little wait, and a delicious lunch will be ready.

Several students read the text they got.
Vocabulary words are written on the board.
The teacher suggests reading the original text for comparison.

Slide 17 (dictation text)

6. Reflection

– What new things did you learn about types of speech today?
(Children's answers: how to create a text describing human actions).
– What is the role of adverbs in a text describing human actions?
(Children’s answers: adverbs help to more accurately and clearly describe a person’s actions).

7. Homework (underline the adverbs in the created text, indicate their semantic groups).