Types of alternative diagram. Alternative forms of training in preschool education

Surgut district is the largest area in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District - Ugra in the population and volume of industrial production. Its area is 105.5 thousand square kilometers. The length of the borders is 1800 km, from north to south - 560 km, from west to east - 400 km. During the existence, the appearance of the area and its border outlines underwent changes, however, as the very name of the territory - County, the region, the territory, the area, the area.

Surgutsky district has a centuries-old history - starting from 1594, when, by decree of Tsar Fyodor John, Surgut Ostrog was founded on the right bank of Obi. He represented a wooden chopped city with a Voivodskiy courtyard, a Powder cellar, a prison, sovereign barns, a trinity church and a living room. The first population was 155 serving people. The department of Surgut governors belonged all the Ostsyy town and parish, which went from Surgut up and down on Ob. In the first years of the existence of the Surgut County of such volosts was ten. In the future, since 1598, all new and new volosts joined the Surgut subsection and, accordingly, the population increased.

In 1924, in connection with the introduction of a new administrative division into Siberia, the Surgut region himself arose, which included 5 rural councils. The rapid development of the area began in the 60s of the last century. The oil reserves found during these years gave the second birth of the Surgut District. The legendary geologist Farman Salmanov became the reproductor of oil on average Priobye.

The first well, giving oil in industrial volumes, became Ust-Balykskaya in 1961, where 360 \u200b\u200btons per day were mined. Subsequently, West Surgut, Mamontovskoe, Lianstor, Lokosovskoye deposit were opened. On the territory of the district there were six All-Union Percussion Komsomolskaya Buildings, and therefore tens of thousands of young people from all over the Soviet Union began to come here. On the territory of the district, the active development of natural wealth began, and in place with him and the large-scale construction of settlements. One after another, new working villages arose here, which were then turned into major cities and moved into the district submission. And with them left the composition of the Surgutsky district and the territory of activity. This happened in 1967 with Nefteyugansky, with Kogalym in 1985, and in 1980 - with the Nefteyugansky district.

Despite this, today Surgut district is one of the most dynamically developing territories of the KhMAO-Ugra. More than 120 thousand people live here in 25 settlements: Lyantor's urban settlements, Fedorovsky, White Yar, Barsovo and nine rural settlements: Sunny, Lokosovo, Ultra Yagun, Syomyodino, Tundrino, Lynexorty, Ugw, Russkinskaya, Lyamin. Over the past years, the annual natural increase in residents has been celebrated in the area - about 3% per year, one of the best in the district and Russia as a whole. Speaking about the population of the Surgutsky district, it is necessary to emphasize the implemented social programs for the resettlement of people from dilapidated housing, the development of the infrastructure of the education system, the construction of new schools, hospitals, kindergartens.

The basis of the economic well-being of the area is the fuel and energy complex, which includes geological exploration, oil and gas producing, pipeline enterprises, oil and gas processing plants. So, on more than 100 fields of the Surgut district, 11 corporations work, which, in total, produce about 40 percent of the entire Ugra oil. Unconditional leader of oil production and exploration drilling - OJSC Surgutneftegaz. And Gazprom Processing and Gazprom Transgaz Surgut provide transportation and processing of tens of thousands of billions of cubic meters of gas. "Growth points" of the industrial potential of the area are:

"Condensate stabilization plant. V.C. Chernomyddina "LLC Gazprom Processing. The company actively increasing production facilities.

Woodworking enterprise OJSC Surgutmebel. Improves technology for the production of pellets and produces home-wagons.

The area is also rich in forest land. Therefore, leaflery and production of building materials are actively developing here.

Given the wealth of available natural resources, the administration of the district takes measures to develop fishing and fish processing. Increases importance for the economy of the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural production. Today in the Surgut district of 39 peasant (farmer) farms. Every year the numbers characterizing their work only grow. And the total number of peasant traffic exceeded four hundred.

There are more than 1 thousand enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses and more than 2 thousand individual entrepreneurs on the territory of the district. The number of people employed in the small business sector has more than 11 thousand people, which is 15% of the economically active population. Small business continues to dominate the sectors of the economy, such as trade, transport, construction, agriculture, various types of services and is mainly focused in large settlements.

As you know, besides a favorable investment climate, the availability of a developed transport infrastructure plays a large role in the development of business and production. In the Surgut region - 11 thousand kilometers of roads, and the main object of the transport network is the unique cable bridge over bb, with a non-free part of more than 400 meters long. The bridge was built in 2000 and opened a permanent motor vehicle with southern regions of Russia.

One of the important competitive advantages of the Surgutsky district is the successful combination of natural attractiveness and transport position. Surgutsky district is geographically more profitable in relation to regional centers - Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk and Nizhnevartovsk. The federal route passes through the district, which makes it possible for the development of roadside service (hotel complexes, public catering, trade). Given the territorial transport features of the district, the remoteness of human settlements from each other, develops on the formation of tourist products and infrastructure of the tourist service on the bush principle.

Perspective for the area of \u200b\u200bindustrial tourism - direction in tourism, contributing not only to rest, but also an increase in the intellectual level of knowledge about its own country, region, district. But the most color was attractive and attractive ethnographic component - more than 3 thousand representatives of the small peoples of the North live in the area (98% - Khanty, 1% - nonsense and less than 1% - Mansi). For the most part, they are engaged in traditional types of fishing - reindeer herding, hunting, fishing and collecting of Dijoros. Today in the Surgut region of 157 community-genital land (since 2001 they are called territories of traditional environmental management) on which more than 700 families live.

To compensate for the negative impact of industrial development on the state of the natural complex and the territories of traditional environmental management, in the Surgut district over the past decade there are contractual relations between the industrialists and the indigenous small peoples of the North. In accordance with the final treaties, in the quality of compensation for the use of land plots, oil companies annually pay monetary compensation to indigenous residents engaged in traditional economy. They also give them fuel, building materials, workwear, represent the helicopter and road transport to explore food to the core.

Time makes its own adjustments to God Hunt. In winter, they go to all-terrain vehicles, "Burana", in the summer of fish fishing are departed on motor boats. But the deer were and remain for them indispensable assistants. In addition, the racing on deer sleds is the invariably exciting spectacle during national holidays: annually in Russian, Lianitor, Trom-Agan and Nimesortist are the days of reindeer breeders, hunters and fishermen.

Separately, it is worth noting the pearl of the Surgutsky district - the unique state natural reserve "Yugansky", covering part of the Nosex River basins, a small and large yugan with their tributaries. In the reserve, 15 major lakes, the most famous of them are Ontyrlor and Kynellor. In the Ugansky Reserve - more than 320 species of plants and almost all species of Western Siberia trees, including cedar. Many representatives of the fauna listed in the Red Book. White partridges, Glukhary, Tetherov, Ryabchiki live here. Not rare meeting in the forests of the reserve with Sobolem, Bear, Else, Site, Mink, Mornosta, Wolverine, Outlook and other animals. Less likely, but there are lynx and boar.

The natural heritage of the Surgut district is the Yugansky Reserve - many scientists consider it the only place in the region who did not affect the consequences of the development of the subsoil when developing oil and gas fields. The village of High Cape is located in one of the most beautiful places in the area. Every year it takes place the festival of the Bardian song, which lovers and professional performers come from all over the country.

The village of Russkinskaya attracts tourists in search of northern exotic. Special pride of the villagers constitutes the center of national culture, where products made of fur, beads, fabrics, berers created by the hands of Masters-Khanty are collected. In 1989, the Museum of Nature and Man was opened in Russkinskaya, the basis of which was the collection of taxidermia A.P. Yazroshnikova - a man, passionately passionate about the study of the culture and history of the Surgut Priobia. Today in the collection of the museum more than 3000 exhibits.

The historical and archaeological monument of Barcova Mountain, located on the territory of the Surgutsky district, is distinguished by its antiquity: the first people in this place, on the assumptions of scientists, appeared in the V Millennium to our era. The interest of archaeologists to the area is not accidental: the first excavations began here in 1887 and were carried out using trenches with Swedish scientists. Thus were found 6 ancient settlements and more than 100 burials of the era of the Middle Ages. Barsova Mountain is not equal to the concentration of archeology objects in the region: here today has been discovered more than 400 settlements, sings and sanctuations of the ancient residents of the acquisition. Archaeological finds from this area are decorated with world museums in Sweden and Russia.

Located nearby village of Barsovo in 2005 became an experimental platform for the introduction of a new method of non-reagent purification of groundwater from iron and other impurities using the Kaviton installation. The received positive results are used in other settlements of the area on water treatment facilities.

Modern engineering infrastructure and construction technologies transform settlements of the Surgut district. Schools were built in the White Yar, Syomodino, Lianitor, engineering facilities in Barsovo, Lyamin, Sunny, Atlant Sports Complexes and "Vityaz" in Sunny and White Yar, Palaces of Culture "Jubilee" and "Crystal" in Lianitor and Lynesorhtsky, Hostel for students Surgut district, district library, landlord hospital with polyclinic in Lower Sortian, orphanage in Barsovo, football fields with artificial coating in 4 settlements of the area. For indigenous small nations of the North, a new boarding school was erected. And this is only a small part of large-scale transformations occurring in the social sphere in the area in recent years.

Surgut district combines natural wealth, historical monuments and unique cultural traditions. He never ceases to attract new people to himself, opens from new aspects to those who already live here, and guests from different parts of Russia and the world.

Modern demands

Zaripova Z.F., Republic of Bashkortostan, Oktyabrsky,

primary school teacher MBOU "SOSH№8" zylfiazaripov.[Email Protected]
Relevance This study is that the modern system of domestic pre-school education is based on the principles of dynamism, the variability of organizational forms, flexible response to the needs of society and personality, is characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children, a variety of pedagogical services.

One of the most pressing problems in the development of modern education is to ensure equal starting opportunities for children when entering school. In order to create favorable conditions for solving this task, it is recommended to develop and improve the existing forms of education for children of preschool age and implement alternative forms of training in preschool education.

Purpose. Examine the state of the modern system of domestic pre-school education and explore the state of the development of alternative forms of training in preschool education. We assume that with the existing traditional forms of pre-school learning and the introduction of alternative forms of training and education of preschool age in preschool education, the possibility of choosing forms of pre-school education at the requests of parents increases, the level of personal development of the child increases and an equal starting opportunity is ensured when entering school.

At the present stage of the development of Russia, changes occur in educational processes: the formation of education is complicated by focusing the attention of teachers of pre-school education on the development of creative and intellectual abilities of children, correction of emotional-volitional and motor spheres; The replacement of traditional methods come active methods of teaching and education aimed at the intensification of the cognitive development of the child. In order to create favorable conditions for solving this task, it is recommended to develop and improve the existing forms of education of children of senior preschool age. Currently, the main organizational form of pre-school education is pre-school educational institutions of six different species, as well as educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age. Accordingly, the bulk of pre-school educational programs developed so far is aimed at pre-school educational institutions. At the same time, due to a sharp reduction in the network of preschool educational institutions and the inability to adopt all preschool children in them, since 2000, variable forms of pre-school education began to develop, namely, the groups of short-term stay of children in a preschool educational institution, and programs developed for them .

One of the main tasks of pre-school educational groups, along with the development of preschool children, is the necessary diagnostic work with children 5 and 6 years of age, aimed at identifying the level and features of the child's development. As well as advisory work with parents of preschoolers, the purpose of which is the choice of differentiated pedagogical conditions necessary for the development of the child, training for school and choosing the optimal training model in elementary school.

The listed forms of education of senior preschool children can be divided into three models, putting the nature of the organization of the educational process: full day groups for senior preschool children based on institutions related to the field of pre-school education (pre-school educational institutions and educational institutions for preschool and junior children school age);

Groups of short-term stay of children on the basis of educational institutions.

In the garden, the child acquires: skills to draw, sculpt, dance, read, play knowledge about the environment, about professions, the first mathematical concepts, self-service skills, social labor, the first social experience.

Thus, the development of a child in kindergarten can be called comprehensive: the kid develops both physically and mentally, and the development of its emotional-volitional sphere is to develop; Harmonious: Since the training program and the education of children in kindergarten is conducted taking into account age, psycho-physiological characteristics of the child (that is, in every age group of their exercise, load and material).

Relying on these requirements, and you need to select an alternative to the kindergarten. The first version of the replacement of the kindergarten is a part of an incomplete day. The advantages of such education is that this is also the most as a visit to the kindergarten. The child also comes in the morning, plays with friends, engaged in a program with professional teachers, walks. That is, the need is satisfied with the baby and communicate, and in motion, and in obtaining new knowledge, skills. Maybe two types of a part-time group: visiting a special group in the garden, which is called "part-time group"; A visit to the ordinary group, but, by agreement with the educator and the head, in this mode, as convenient to parents (but it is necessary that the visit to be combined with the general mode of the group). A visit to the usual group more preferably, since the child can also be brought after day sleep. For example, additional rhythm or English classes that are more often in the afternoon. Option Second: Sections and Mugs. The second option for replacing the ordinary kindergarten is all kinds of sections and mugs, as well as courses for kids. They include in their program mainly the same classes as kindergarten. Classes in such circles cannot satisfy the need of children in physical development. Well, and thirdly, the most important thing that is overlooked in such "courses" is communication. It is practically no: the child was led, he worked out, in the break (20 minutes) played with others and everything. Naturally, as with the first version, an important condition for choosing a form of classes is its place. It must be necessarily not far from home so that the crumb is not tired on the way. With the existing traditional forms of pre-school learning and the introduction of alternative forms of training and education of preschool children in preschool education, the possibility of choosing forms of pre-school education at the requests of parents is expanded, the level of comprehensive, individual personal development of the child is increased and an equal starting opportunity is ensured when entering school. Having studied the state of the modern system of domestic pre-school education and, examining the development of alternative forms of training in preschool education, there is every reason to believe that in the future the trend towards the diversity of preschool school institutions will increase.


1. "Convention on the Rights of the Child"

(Adopted on 11/20/1989 by General Assembly by UN General Assembly)

2. "The continuity relations of the DOU, schools and parents of future first-graders." Toolkit. M., 2006. 3. "Modern educational programs for preschool institutions." Edited by Erofeeva T.I. M., 2007. 4. "Socio-economic foundations of education in Russia"

Review-Refectory Collection. - M., ITT and MIO RAO, 2004.

5. Arapova-Piscares N. "On Russian Preschool Education Programs" Well Pre-school Education No. 8 2009. 6. Gorkyova L.G. "To the question of the education and training of preschool children"

Well Elementary School No. 6 2010. 7. Crunelcht M. "Innovative Programs of Preschool Education"

F №5 pre-school education 2006.


Let's start with the fact that modern life is an express flying on a rabid speed.

Everything changes so quickly that from life that was, for example, 20 years ago, nothing left. If you do not have time to change, it is very quickly possible to become a dinosaur. Dinosaur for this world and for their children.

When it comes to changes, usually images of iPhones, computers, electric vehicles pop up in the head - this is what is understood under the changes in the surrounding world, but if you look carefully, then everything is changed.

Approaches to life, to psychology, to the principles of success, to raising children, even glances for questions of fate and God become different.

For example, another 20 years ago, vegetarianism was equated to the sequence and mental disorder, and now in the country hundreds of vegetarian restaurants, thousands of people who eat children's gardens and schools, where there is such a type of food.

Even the approach to the birth of children is changing. Natural childbirth is gaining popularity. There are questions about the time of cutting of the umbilical cord, about the period of feeding children, stimulation of generic activity and so on.

The world has become completely different in just 20 years, and in another 20 it will change even more, but what do we see in preschool and school education? There are changes even here, but everything changes too slowly and not always in the right direction.

What is bad standard pre-school and school education in my opinion?

I have the values \u200b\u200bthat I want to convey to my child. The problem is that all these values \u200b\u200bare not taught at school, but, on the contrary, contradict them.

1. I want my child to rose happy. Is there such a thing as happiness? Not. On the contrary, the school will rather make it unhappy if he takes life principles from this system.

2. So that my child was healthy. Is there a yoga or articular gymnastics school, or something else that will lead the child to engage in your body and maintain it in good form? Physical education in the classic school is complete nonsense. Climb the rope and run 100 meters? Who needs it! Especially the girl. What will it give? Nothing.

3. To ensure that the child develops spiritually, personally. There are no such objects as they should be. The subject appeared on which the teacher talks about religions, but the teacher is not an expert in this area, but says what is written in the textbook ..

4. What the children are fed in an ordinary school, I do not accept. My experience says that such food is harmful to the psyche, physical health, and most importantly - tears children to eat so much - this is normal!

5. Is there any information about how to find yourself in this world? Find your calling? Entrepreneurship lessons for boys, lessons to be a woman for girls? Not.

6. Relationships, psychology. I do not want my child to be saturated with what is broadcast on TV. Sex, beer, sex, beer, entertainment, beer ... .. Brrrrrr .... Where are the true values \u200b\u200bat school? Where is the conversation about family values?

The list can be continued, but there is another important point. Teacher themselves. Teachers will drive their worldview to children. Who will teach my children? Happy or unfortunate people? Nervous or calm? Good or evil?

Another important point. School goal? The purpose of the school is to pass the exam. I want the goal to be a happy person who will remember the time spent at school, happy, and at the exit of it will be the most adapted to the world around the world, where he can realize himself in profession, family and life.

For me there is still a special requirement. No matter how cool, but the society is divided. There are people who live according to one principles, and there is someone who lives in others. I want the child to be in the society of children whose parents share my life position, which is that a person should develop not only financially, but also spiritually, that smoking, drinking, and so on - it is abnormal, it is destroying for a person.

You come to the playground, and there, while the child plays in the sandbox, mom and dad silent alcohol or smoke cigarettes. The child sees all this. Then the child will have to grow in such a society.

It is possible to criticize the school and pre-school education to infinity. You can still mention the effectiveness that, with a different approach, the entire program is over for several years, and not for 10 .... Leave it.

As you can see, I do not like the usual school, absolutely, but the question must be solved somehow. I live not on the moon, but on the planet Earth.

What are the alternatives to standard school education?

Johova's system

At the moment - one of the most popular systems. It believes that there are no weak children. Each child is talented. This system can be implemented in any school, if there is a parent's desire. The school program does not change, the learning method changes, so no additional coordination needs, and any school can take it.

Waldorf School

No reviews. It is believed that it has a more humanitarian bias. Here is an example of such a school in the city of Sochi: http://waldorfsochi.ru worldwide there is a decent number of such schools. There is a school in Moscow and in other major cities. My daughter goes to a kindergarten at the school of such a system, and I am pregnantly satisfied with what your daughter careors and in which atmosphere it is located.

There is still a montessori system, as it seemed to me, while a small prolonged system, which takes place, but I was not particularly impressed.

There is a school of bristinine - it is more exotic

Wonderful school "Ark" in Moscow. She is only alone, unfortunately, nothing is known about the branches. Here is the link: http://covcheg.org

There is an online school that is made by the efforts of one of my subscribers: http://school-inter.net/

Very often, parents want to shift responsibility for raising children to school or kindergarten. Here, let them make a good and successful person from my child, but it will not work. You can make a happy child only!

Therefore, dear parents, if you are worried about the future of your children, pay attention to yourself!

Many want a child:

  • did not have bad habits. Did not drink, but smoked;
  • right and watched his health;
  • was balanced;
  • he was happy, able to enjoy life;
  • i knew how to achieve goals;
  • created a good family;
  • mat did not curse, did not surp on the street, did not hurt other people.

If not all, then many want the child to be bright, kind, happy man, but with whom does he take an example ??? It all starts with you!

The child give a little education, as it does not guarantee a happy life. Well, if you have the opportunity to give a good education, but even if there is no such possibility, it is still: in your hands the future of your child.

It is clear that everyone has its own individual fate. Of the disadvantaged families, it happens, the geniuses and saints come out, and from poor families, there is a completely undetended personality. There are no guarantees of what will be in the future, but you can do everything that depends on you so that this future is bright for you and your children if you yourself are an example for them.

I also want to note that in addition to education and our own example, there is still a very important detail that will determine the future of your child. His nature. Often parents go crazy and go to extremes, trying to take 100% responsibility for the future of their child and are worried if it is not as much as they want. In your child from birth, its own unique nature is laid. It will be quite sad if you do not take into account this and you will not try to see this nature and most importantly accept.

I think that there will be a continuation of this article, where we can escape in particular and disassemble specific examples of solving this problem.

The film was based on the history of the school, which is almost 100 years old. The school was founded in 1921 and there is still so far. The most important principles in it are the freedom of children and their self-government.

Alexander Nill rightfully considers school one of the happiest in the world. The school does not stroll lessons, there is practically no quarrel, large-scale conflicts, aggression. Children feel that they love them, understand and accept.

Here is the film itself:

Video artwork with add-ons and explanations:


Rashid 25.11.2015

The computer is putting and attracts children to himself, thereby becoming a teacher. It begins with "Masha and the Bear" goes into different games and then the student does not leave this case, perfectly dealing with all the causes and programs goes to self-education. Shows extreme displeasure when he is trying to tear it from this.


    Lydia 25.11.2015

    Rashid, and where did your child come from about the computer? You yourself and introduced it to him and in all likelihood so that he does not distract you from business. With a child you need to play, read books, and most importantly, talk and answer him numerous "why." What and think about To become a teacher himself and an example for your own child.
    And I say about this because I bring my granddaughter and I, at one time, allowed the computer only for a while when I needed information for study. Now she is 16 years old, she is a creative person: he is engaged in sports, walks on the circles, writes poetry, sings, engaged in volunteering, and we walk on weekends, we talk a lot, I tell her about my "roots", about family traditions, and believe it, grateful work. 😉 I wish you success!


    Maria 29.11.2015

    Rashid, but do not blame yourself, it's too late)))) But think about it - and then the child is smart! After all, it understands all these "influence" better than other adults, most likely a fear of englishing English words, programs, logic, analysis. Because he is a passion how interesting! And then the best way out - to be embedded in his games, become his ally, and then he will let you in this world, and there you can talk to))) And to tear up, to overcome from the computer - it's already useless, turn only in an "evil ancestor" for Child. Better Improve and see what it will be possible to get to you later, if he trusts you and you can see another interesting thing - you both will be in favor and be proud of each other!


    Vyacheslav November 25, 2015.

    Hello Mikhail.
    You write everything correctly. And all your doubts and fears are fully justified. Yes, the situation that has developed today, and the education and education of the younger generations is simply terrible. Not according to his own will, but on the methods imposed on our rulers, Western "well-wishers", are now trying to educate and teach.
    Although, by and large, our techniques do not have to work correctly. We are too different. We had our own, good enough, Soviet school of upbringing and education. And it's time to return to it, but only at the new level.
    And the fact that you are talking about the role of the family in the raising of children, the same is true. Just need to adults once and forever remember that our children learn from copying us. More precisely, copying the behavior of the behavior of the parents who are in the family of the leader.
    Only changing yourself, we can hope to achieve something from our children.


    Svetlana 25.11.2015

    It seems that the article is written 10 years ago. All of the above systems - last century. You can not grow a child, isolating it from society. Otherwise, it becomes a social non-adaptant. Funny talk about children in general. All children are different, and parents are trying to bring them up according to their principles, reading books and having heard some techniques that do not work. How do not cover the child from the negative influence of society, it is not avoided. If he later becomes an alcoholic or drug addict, so it is not from what he looked at drinking or lying on the street. This is the problem of psychological properties and need to understand what psychological lacks exist in a person and why he behaves like that, and not otherwise.


      Admin 25.11.2015

      It seems that you did not read an article ...

      Specify where it is written about isolation from society?
      Definition of the environment is impossible. Thousands of research and practices that adults are in children.
      About psychological lacks and other factors in the article also said. What is the individuality of every child.
      Funny talk about children in general? What is it like. Each child is a separate school to build?))))) Every person has differences and there is a common. All two eyes, nose, two hands and so on .. just this hands of different lengths, the eyes of color. So in the psyche. There are general recommendations, and there are recommendations marked for uniqueness. You should not add everything in one bunch.
      With the individuality, I do not need to tell, because I lead trainings for purpose and without it in this topic in any way.
      My techniques work! If you had at least one day in our family and the family of our friends who live and educate similar principles of children, then you would not have turned this to say that it does not work or outdated ....
      All the principles that I say are applied by the participants of my trainings and mailing readers and send only positive feedback on how the relationship with children have changed.

      Lacks, vectors, typing, psychotypes and a lot more - I have all this knowledge, but I do not watch any contradictions that you wrote about.


      Maria 29.11.2015

      When I read "these techniques on the child do not work" - more than frost on the skin. As if a laboratory assistant was bent over the mouse, Oh, it does not work ... kids - they are like plants, our task is to create an environment, including your example. And shove into the standard school - I don't care what to put a home flower in a dysfunctional entrance to the windowsill, and see what it will become in a week ....


      Maria 29.11.2015

      Mikhail, thank you for not afraid to upload your reflections on this topic. For many comments on the article I want to flare, to put on, the topic is extensive and only gains momentum. But instead of disputes I want to say - people, I like you. You do not look at the cats at work, and read it, it means you are looking for. And I think that only reflections of parents this direction will come in the end to something good! Not a state cares this topic, and they cannot solve it, because they do not know our children. They are trying to raise, subordinate, but do not know and do not like. Therefore, why not try to teach children otherwise? After all, you can always return to school, it will not go anywhere.


      Svetlana 26.11.2015

      If we talk about alternative schools - there is still in St. Petersburg "Orange" (http://apelsino.com/), really informal education, with friendly relations between teachers and students and the main promise - to interest the child with study.
      But about the article - very controversial impressions. You strive to get away from the rigid frames asked by official education, and immediately drive the child into your own, no less tough: "Business lessons for boys, lessons to be a woman for girls?", "Like a rope and run 100 meters? Who needs it! Especially the girl. " Why not? If the child likes to climb the rope and run? I like mine very much. And why do not the lessons of entrepreneurship girls? To sit at home and was engaged in the economy? Let's go back to the Institute of Noble Maiden?
      That, you really wrote - lessons to be happy, personal development - first of all should be given in the family. No one will teach the girl to be a woman better than mom, but a boy - a man than dad. And this is primarily a personal example, as you said at the end of the article.
      School's task - give knowledge and ability to apply, give a desire to learn, show all the variety of this world and ways in it. Of course, psychology and relationship are also important, but it is rather not so much group as individual classes and conversations.
      From my point of view, the main minus of most public schools - they beat off the desire to learn. You can go on yoga additionally (in our school there is something like a mug of yoga), food to take from home, relationships and good to study in the family, but if you are in school in school on the exam, and not interested, do not instill the love of the subjects - You will never love to learn and you can not realize yourself in life. And it is for this that it is necessary to pay attention when choosing a school.


        Admin 26.11.2015

        It could be better to return to the Institute of Noble Maiden))))), than to look at the statistics of abortion, divorces, and so on .... I am against extremes, but I am against the absurd. I consider the absurdity not to take into account the feminine and male nature.

        I am conducting trainings, I study this question in practice. Women forgot about their female nature, from here a huge number of problems. A woman can and in the office sit and build a career, no one forbids this, only the question of happiness remains open, it often happens that there is money, but in the heart of emptiness. If we talk about women's entrepreneurship, it is still another approach in which a woman should not lose themselves in business ... a separate topic ...

        You can run and crawl on a rope as much as you like, but the task of physical education is not performed, and time is spent. Why then physical education can be made simply a big change and send disciples to the gym.

        For lunch to school with me. I communicated with my parents who have already passed. Being a white rone child is very difficult psychologically. Adults can not always defend their right to vegetarian food, what to talk about the child.

        For me, relationships, society and other are no less important than knowledge of chemistry and physics to realize yourself in life. After all, the implementation is not only to find a good job or open its business.

        It is clear that it is impossible to embody my perfect vision. Everyone still has its own. Each individual school will not be built. There is an ideal, but there is a real world. My desire can be reduced to two points:

        1. For the child to be interested in learning. This is real.
        2. So that it is in a society with the values \u200b\u200bthat our family shares. This is done.

        Thank you for your opinion.


        Love 11/26/2015

        Good afternoon, Mikhail!
        My huge thanks to you for the article, she had to be very timely, I as a groove was in thought on the topic of you, where to identify the child in the first class to reveal to his nature, and not to bury it. Now I know in which direction to go.
        All you benefits!


        Nikolay 11/26/2015

          Admin 26.11.2015

          Olga 27.11.2015

          Misha, thanks for the article! I just consider either Waldorf School or the Ark (with this option more complicated).

          In domestic training, there are certain advantages, but so far, specifically for us, it seems to me that is too complicated.

          In online now try to engage in mathematics (this is the strength of the Son), he really likes. In -per, he gives a computer)) Secondly, he is engaged in the subject that loves and is good. For example, reading that is not a strong side, I can't do it.

          About the family everything is very true. As they say, do not educate children anyway they will be like you, educate yourself!)
          But I would still like like-minded people on this path)


          Olga 27.11.2015

          Mikhail, where are so many difficulties? Why should I drive them like that? Do you then restrict children then from all the wrong and negative?
          Everything goes out of the family, and no school or kindergarten will do your child unhappy if he is happy in the family. But if you always create refined conditions to him, then there will be problems.
          My children went to private gardens, and now - to the usual school. Everywhere our pros and cons, but also in that, and in another case - normal groups, classes and wonderful teachers. And inadequacy everywhere is enough. It is necessary to teach a child to adapt to it and react correctly.
          I believe that you have to look more positive about life - and not see in every quiet complexity.


            Admin 11/27/2015

            Olga, I do not see difficulties, I do not feel drunk and looking at the world extremely positively, I could even participate in competitions by positive.)))) Everything is good.

            An article is my opinion, you have another, that's all. Everyone has its own choice, which is due to his lifestyle, thinking and so on. What is fine for you, then for me it can be unacceptable, as in principle, and vice versa. It would be nice if the choice of everyone was respected.

            Imagine the situation that you share with me something that is important for you, and I say: "What are you so jerky and stolen? Positive should be! What are you soared for any church! " How would you feel? Probably not very much .. Do you understand what I am a clone? ...

            You write: "Everything goes out of the family ...". So I write almost the same at the end of the article .. True, I do not agree that everything, factors are somewhat .. But this is another story.

            I have beliefs, values, a certain vision. I share them. I do not force you to live or think also. Life will put everything in its place, but so far I am and my family does not feel any problems, lives a happy life. I do not bother with difficulties, do not drive, interact with the outside world, everything is wonderful. But we store your values, it is important for us.

            If you came to visit my site, then the only thing I ask you is to be more respectful to the opinion of another person.


            Alexey 27.11.2015

            Lyudmila 11/27/2015

            Excellent article, Mikhail. Everything is noticed true. I, as a teacher, try to create comfortable conditions for my students for my students. But believe me, without communication it is not possible to raise an open, sociable person, although the education at home can get great. But where then such a person will go in life, spending school years at home, without friends - classmates.


              Admin 28.11.2015

              Lyudmila, did not quite understand your comment.

              If the question is about communication to me, then I write in the text: "Homemade and online education causes me a lot of questions ...", then I write: "I have already found several schools and plan .." That is, I don't write what I'm going Child close at home and not release to the street. It is not clear why it is drawn to me.

              If it's just an opinion, about home education, then another question. By the way, I know at least one person who did not go to school at all, so I did not meet such an open and sociable person in my life. He had classmates and he was a very successful person. I can answer this question only theoretically, perhaps this answer will be with the coincidence with your opinion, but personally I practically did not study it. In fact, it would be interesting to know how the life of children who study at home is in fact.

              My daughter loves to communicate with other kids, in the kindergarten there are already girlfriends, friends. She is very happy from this, so I personally do not imagine that she is studying at home, she needs the joy of communication and I have the opportunity to choose in what conditions it will happen.


              Tatyana 27.11.2015

              Michael. Good day.

              Every parent must answer for himself first: for whom does he bring up a child? If for yourself, then you can bring up at home yourself on the moon and anywhere. But if for life in modern society, then without an ordinary municipal school can not do. In the municipal, Soviet school, let's call this .... Not just give knowledge, but learn to survive in the team, build relationships with classmates, responsibility, tierendeing (so distribute your time to catch all - and lessons and games). Yes, and a lot more.

              Maybe for girls it is not particularly necessary (if you raise them as future wives and mothers). But for boys is important - for further successful life in the working team, business.

              And about drugs, early sexual experience and so on - this is how parents have brought up. If parents themselves cannot build trust relationships with the child, then where is the school? If we consider that now children, one child in most cases, is brought up by mom and grandmother at best, and dad is a pilot or captain of a long swinging, what can we demand from children?


              Olga 28.11.2015

              Mikhail, if I told me that I worry about any church, I would think - and maybe this is, really, chih? You, probably, publishing an article, write not only for those who share your opinion?
              I also expressed my opinion that your fears are in vain if everything is wonderful in your family. The school does not have the prevailing action on the child. But the usual school teaches adapting among different people, it is a good opportunity to explain to the child that not everything in life is perfect.


                Admin 28.11.2015

                Olga, I would not say you so much, I would say differently. Perhaps I have another vision of the norms of decency, I see an exchange of views in a respectful form. That form in which you expressed your opinion, I consider the disrespectful and a little rude, and so any opinion is welcome.

                Your opinion I have the right to life, well, and then life will show. Of all the opinions, everyone can not be about this, but I am sure that I will teach it to the child around the world - this is not a problem for me, but the world aroundes that many adults cannot adapt to it))) and find themselves Certain communication, some activities where they are comfortable and good. Now it is not necessary to live among the wolves if you are not.

                The adaptation question is very interesting, of course, but repeating your logic, I can say that it can also be a strongly contrived problem and optionally pass all the circles of hell to prepare for life in this world.


                Galina 28.11.2015

                  Admin 28.11.2015

                  Natalia 28.11.2015

                  I am alarming that in any response to the article is not observed about the division of children within one school on the signs of elitism. What is there to talk about education systems? Children under the leafer "A" and children under the letter, respectively, "g" within one school community. And you, Mikhail, are to prevent such a norm, and even find arguments in justifying your position. I do not know whose initiative was the initiative - parents or teachers, but the desire of parents to protect their Chad from the undesirable environment was taken into account.
                  But is the protests of parents of the so-called. "Normal" children against integrative education not from the same area? "So that my child is taught in the same class with disabled !!!" So prefer to teach children on a computer, and not in conditions of reality.
                  By the way, about reality. Teachers who are now trained by our children are also a product of the state education system, which began to transform on the eve of the restructuring times. They were taught so. So they are taught and our children. Those who did not accept her began to look for other methods of teaching children, with a human face and with a human body.
                  I mentioned the body not by chance. Childhood is the time of the formation of a physical body of a child, and nature that gives a child to the realization of this task. The number of chronic diseases in humans, early psychoses, reduced immunity is a consequence of early intellectualization in education. The brain like a fabric is also a body, and it is impossible to develop a head separately from the body and dew people with spiritual experiences. The oversaturation of virtual reality kills the human in man.


                  Catherine 28.11.2015

                  Misha, thank you for another wonderful article! Always am striking how you skillfully answer the comments, where people prove their opinions in all ways and still manage to stretch out the argument))))) live with you to communicate, probably exceptional pleasure)))) with the whole family as a whole. Eh, for the new year you will make friends or friends)))) 😀 😀


                    Admin 28.11.2015

                    Natalia 28.11.2015

                    Catherine, it can be seen that there are no people indifferent. For example, I wrote not from the desire to pull out the author to the dispute, but because I was painful: I work with complex children, which are so deprived of nature. And we, adults, instead of using their potential and competently build a social environment, further aggravate their condition. And the condition of healthy children, by the way, too.
                    Mikhail Rights, and I am grateful for it, which raises the topic that cannot be silent. Time goes irretrievably, and unfortunately, to return the missed opportunities will not work, no matter how hard we tried.


                    Julia 11/28/2015

                    Hope November 28, 2015.

                    Mikhail, you have a wonderful article, you touched upon all the highlights of this problem. I agree with every word. I remembered that I was just as concerned, only 18 years ago. Time was Other, new schools and the technique was not. In our schools, bribery and defeats from parents flourished, not just defeats, but without shame and conscience. And I will give me a child in the 1st grade.
                    I'll tell you what I did in those conditions. The list of suitable schools and was looking for acquaintances who could give feedback about school, teachers, training. Reviews were disappointing.
                    Then I went to another way, I began to look for a decent teacher, so that the teacher was excellent and a good man. It is important! After all, from 1 to grade 4, one teacher and it depends a lot from it.
                    Found such a teacher! The daughter loved her and the first 4 years were successful, and later there were no problems, already in other schools.

                    Thank you for the article!
                    Successful to you to solve the issue!


                    Elena 30.11.2015

                    Interesting observations. My older studied in the Walfdor school, I will not describe the minuses, the advantages are much more. But the son did not get to such school, I had to go to the usual one, although it is more needed to be learned on health. I try to develop out of school: sport and theater studio, excellent teachers.
                    And by the way, in our school, the director divides children in grade 1, after enrollment. Divided 120 on grade 4, who wanted does not take into account
                    What privileges, teachers pull the lot.


                    Alina 30.11.2015

                    Article - Straight by living. Therefore, some comments call a bunch of emotions and want to prove how this person is mistaken, indicate which books to read and what to do, so that in his family there was harmony, etc. I will not. I really liked your values, Mikhail. Thank you for sharing. I believe that your surroundings need to be created by himself, and not adapt to the existing, spreading with his hands - so accepted, such is life.
                    Family education for me would be a wonderful way out -
                    So I wanted to protect my child from all school "wonderiness." Now that the possibility of such education appeared, I calm for my grandchildren. I am a teacher, there will be no problems with learning. As for communication - so it is everywhere - in sections, circles, master classes. The child appears the opportunity to try much and choose an interesting thing. He himself learns to plan his time, set goals, make decisions. And there are no unnecessary emotions - fear and anxiety, etc. In general, I am for family education


                    Marina 30.11.2015

                    Mikhail, Hello! It was very interesting to read and hear your opinion. The theme is very big and deep.
                    For me, this question got up with the birth of a son, long before the school. He knew that there was not the way I wanted that the education system was far from ideal.
                    He made a decision to voice and comment (without evaluation, in fact) everything that happens around the child while he was small. Since birth, he always thought - as this word, the situation will affect the future on my son? She told about schools. What people are all different, everyone has their own opinion ... Now the Son clearly understands what and how it happens and has its own opinion. Not still in force in age, probably understands, not with everything collided, there is still a lot of work until it grows.

                    For example, the Son is upset if the school "imposes him to his vision of the world" but clearly understands what he wants himself and goes forward! He is a musician and got into class where no one understands art. Once I told me: "Mom, why athletes are easily released on competitions, and as me on the competition, so there is no? Everyone believes that playing the guitar is on the bench at the entrance ??? " The child ranks first in international competitions in the classic guitar. And he himself decided - in the class he does not talk about his achievements neither to the teacher or children. At the same time, no word bad says anyone. And goes to school with pleasure. But joy is divided only with those who understand him and does not condemn.

                    I believe that the child is important to teach not to divide the world on bad and good. There are different people, a different opinion, everyone has the right to be as he wants. And when a child understands this (parent, respectively!) When a child can make decisions, then much becomes easier.
                    I wish you all harmony and joy!


                      Admin 30.11.2015

                      Anna 30.11.2015

                      Alternative schools are now much and every year appears more and more. This is understandable. Education, which is given in public schools, is strongly outdated, in this system to live hard both teachers and children. Everything has its pros and cons. If you are parents, translate your child for family training, this is a responsible and serious step, you must understand that you will have to be a teacher for your child. But the advantages here, in my opinion, more than minuses. I think that in the future you, Mikhail, is to choose this particular path. Then you will not be tied to one place, and your child will receive a wide choice and opportunities to learn a new one, without losing interest in everything around. In addition, I believe that you will have to become a good teacher for your child. Yes, this is a responsible step, since your child will become your project in which you will invest everything you can and want to give him, as well as what he himself will reach. I think you will fine and you can organize the education of your child at home. Yes, you may have to learn together, but it may be interesting. If necessary, I can advise excellent teachers who can help you. In addition, there are now remote schools, which can be attached for free and for them to hand over certification, while they give all the necessary documents and references: I will list some: School of tomorrow, our Penates (correspondence training), 277 St. Petersburg. School, Bitner School. As for the socialization and communication of the child, there are options: find like-minded people and be friends with families, led the child in mugs and creative studios, ride in different family trips where many like-minded children are going. We, for example, we organize such outbound schools, they are called multimicious - due to the diversity of what happens on them. Some parents drive with us, some of us are already so trusted that they send children some. In these New Year holidays, we organize school in Kazan, the spring will be the ZPS in the Pushchino, the summer of CLS and much more. I will not write a lot about it, everything is on the Internet. It is interesting in these schools that the child falls into a cultural and educational environment where stunning teachers open a lot of new things for them every evening, in the morning and during the day different activity is usually taking place - an inspection of museums and attractions, roller skating and other entertainment. It is important that I noticed, getting into such an environment, the child often becomes more easily, gets the skills fit in life, rests from parental control. Alternatives a lot, I think that every parent will be able to choose the best for his child. This will help us with the Internet and modern technologies, as well as beautiful people who will catch when you need it. By the way, I advise you to subscribe to a family education support club. They have a lot of useful information, webinars and meetings. Good luck to all in choosing the best future for your children!

                      Attach efforts, build bridges of attention and love - and now ... the child is revealed! ... you will find it better, you are happy to successes, heat his interest in professional activity ... But not all the children are ready to open. Here and reluctance to learn at all, and other interests, and "came sake of mom or dad, and I don't need it" and much more ... Trying to create a tandem with my parents, I want to help the child to decide at least with a professional orientation, but almost always one and one Also: "He is already an adult, can not learn, let the floors go! We no longer worry! "... And then you burn out ...
                      We are told: we change the approach ... Introduce the professional standard of the teacher from 2016 (the student's standard and graduate has already been introduced) ... listen to this word "standard"! .. Criteria are already voiced .... Not so correct, more order and so on ... I don't want to be "Standard", I do not want to see and teach the "standard" children ... But the system (we get all instructions from the Department of Education, and they naturally, from higher) dictates their rules. What to do? Either be in the system or leave ...
                      I'm leaving for three years ... I, apparently, masochist ...
                      Sorry, if not exactly in the topic, just stolen ....


                        Olga 02.05.2017

                        Mikhail, agrees with many of your judgments. But insanely disappointing for your feedback on school curriculum. A competent teacher will not simply force the standards, but he will teach the technique of major motor actions, will introduce various sports, safety technique, will teach adequate to defeat and lose. And the interest of the child is 7-12 years old yoga (especially if he is a choleric) is almost impossible. If at school age does not contribute to the harmonious development of all motor qualities - endurance, strength, speed, dexterity, flexibility - in the future there will be large problems and health, and with coordination of movements. Not every parent owns physical education techniques, so without the lessons of physical culture.


                        Natalia 08.05.2018.

                        Mikhail, thanks for the article. Much meets my thoughts. So far, there is no question of school before us - there is no three more - but most likely it will be home learning. I am generally against the school program, in whatever form it is not hammered. The whole today is the last century, even with new technologies and textbooks. The information remained old. For example, a history textbook can not even take into the hands, not something to read the child. The terrible lie - that Rusichi to Christianity, Muylas, lived on the trees, and Kirill and Methodius were taught them to talk and read them, etc. There will not be told how wars and revolutions from the abroad are organized, who did our leaders actually were - so if anyone knows a real story?. Not everything is so simple and with physical laws, on YouTube, the rollers that the land is not such a round, and the sun and planets are generally others. Not to mention that little kosinees and integrals from algebra were useful. Etc for all other subjects. So for me, in priority, it is not tactfully pumping a child with software information, but to develop the ability to such a level (now it is called supernormality - although it is elementary human skills) so that he himself can get any needed information at any time


Alternative training for pre-school education G. Kungura Perm Territory.

Chapter I. The problem of the education of the education of children of preschool age in domestic pedagogy and practice
1.1. About Russian ProgramMadoschool Education
1.2. Transition to options
Provide work of pre-school funds
1.3. Presentation of preschool formation
1.4. Modern teaching technologies for children
Chapter II. Alternative forms of training in inline education
2.1 Alternative to Dow in Perm Territory
2.2 Advantages of alternative forms
Education and training in preschool formation
2.3 Actualization of the introduction of alternative forms of training in preschool education of the city of Kungur Perm region
Bibliographic list

Over the past decades, the international community has adopted a number of documents, in which the priority of children's rights in society, substantiated this policy. Among them - "Declaration of the Rights of the Child." The main ideaseis - "Humanity is to give the child the best thing that it has." The declaration called on parents, non-governmental organizations, localists, governments, the public of the countries to strive to ensure children such conditions that allow them to develop healthy people free from any forms of violence, with self-esteem.
According to UNESCO materials obtained in conducting a survey in many regions of the world, it was concluded that all countries were involved in the process of understanding their systems. They concluded that education should be consonant with modern conditions.
The world and domestic persistence of educational systems suggests that only the dialectic unity of personality and equality of the rights of the formation has been providing a guarantee of this.

At the same time, due to a sharp reduction in pre-school educational institutions and the inability to adopt in their preschool age in them, since 2000, developing and alternative forms of pre-school education have begun.
Recent years in Russia are characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children for children, a variety of pedagogical services that are offered to their parents. Along with state, there are non-state children's gardens. Most of the children's institutions are creating the tasks of the overall development of children, but already there are institutions that are aimed at early development of special abilitiesDoschkolnikov (aesthetic centers, pre-school groups and children's facilities, gymnasiums, etc.); integration of educational children and children with some problems of physical development; Creation of pre-school groups operating in bilingual conditions, and others. This imposed in preschool education is permanently due to both increasing requests of parents who want to raise the overall level of dedication, to disclose those or other abilities with them, prepare for training in a specific school, and changed by the smallest school.
The relevance of the study is that the modern system of domestic preschool education is based on the principles of dynamism, the variations of organizational forms, giboreaging on the needs of society and personality, characterized by new types of educational institutions for children, a variety of pedagogical services.
Problem: One of the most pressing problems in the development of modern education is ensuring the starting opportunities for children when entering school. Intelligence of creating favorable conditions for solving this task, it is recommended to enablely develop and improve the available forms of education of preschool-headed children and introduce alternative forms of training in preschool education.
The object of the study: the conditions of development of alternative forms of training in preschool education in Kungur.
Subject: Alternative formulations in preschool education.
Purpose: to study the state-based system of domestic pre-school education to explore the development of alternative forms of training in preschool education.
1. To highlight the problems of the education and training of preschool children in domestic footagogue and practice.
2. To explore the modern forms of student technologies in preschool education.
4. Allocate the alternative to pre-school educational institutions, their positive and negative sides.
5. The test and analyze the work of alternative forms of training in the preschool education of the city of Kungur.
Research methods: analyzers, regulatory documents, descriptions of the content of traditional ivalternative forms of training in preschool education, research.
Hypothesis: We assume that the existing traditional forms of pre-school learning and the introduction of valuable forms of training and education of preschool children have been expanding the possibility of choosing forms of preschool education at the requests of parents, the level of comprehensive, individual personal development of the child is increasing and equal to school is ensured.


1.1 Oral Preschool Education Programs.
Among the factors affecting the efficiency of the oscarevy of the publicity in the Dow, an important role of the belonging program. It is administered by the guideline of creative activity: determines the content of the educational process in the DOW, reflects the ideological, scientific and methodological concept of preschool education, fixes its content in all the main (comprehensive program) or one (several) directions (specialized, partial program) of the Development. In accordance with the direction of implementation, the program holds the form and category of DOU.
Modern dialing of pre-school formation, the diversity of types of preds suggests significant variability of using programs and pedagogical technologies in compliance with the main objectives and tasks of pre-school education. In accordance with the joint venture. 5 tbsp. 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", each educational institution is provided by the right to independently develop or from the complex to choose those programs that the most fully taken into account the competitive conditions of the DOW operation. Along with these specialists of kindergartens, mastering different programs, can make changes in them (the basis: paragraph 19 of the Model Regulations on the Preschool Educational Institution), which do not violate the general conceptual focus of these programs, the notifying the specifics of their implementation, socio-economic, environmental, climatic Conditions, cultural, national and other features of their regions (area, edge, republic). Equipients can also use (adapt) the best world pedagogical and source. Thus, in the context of the new formative policy, pluralism (diversity, variations) of programs is considered as a matter of compliance with the above-mentioned-in-law. Only such an approach can ensure the development of the child's individuality, to take into account the educational records of the family, the level and to the direction of the Dow, as well as to promptly develop the initiative and creativity.
Today, in the pre-school educational institutions of the Russian Federation, in general education institutions that visit the preschool children, in special (correctional) institutions of informational institutions for preschoolers with special development needs, in educational institutions for preschool orphans (left without parental care) on the basis of Art. 9 Lawruf "On Education" are implemented by general formulating programs that are divided into basic and additional.
An analysis of the current situation shows that along with insufficient awareness of modern species-recognition programs (knowledge of terms and definitions) Pedagogues DOA experienced difficulties in the selection of the programs themselves, do not always take into account the programs elected by them relate to the specifics of the educational and staff and staffing potential of the DOU, and not always always Program compatibility.
At the same time, the quality difference between the professionalism of teachers, aware of educational programs and competentization of educational programs depending on the professionalism of teachers' professionalism. In this regard, it becomes obvious, as it is important to ensure the establishment and balance of various programs to the orientation to the creation of conditions for the most complete, diversified development of the abilities and interests of the child of preschool age.
General requirements for comprehensive commercials of pre-school education are set forth in the methodological feasibility of Russia of 24.04.95 No. 46 / 19-15 "Recommendations on examination programs for pre-school educational institutions of the Russian Federation". However, the requirements contained in this document are specified taking into account modern types of programs, which are defined in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (main, additional, approximate).
1.2 Transition to optional support for pre-school institutions.
Social, economic and ideological changes occurring outside the education system cannot be left without changing the education system and the education of the generation.
30 years after the adoption of the "Child Rights Declaration", many ideas have changed. The emergence of adoption of a new document, in which not just the declared of children, and on the basis of legal norms envisaged measures to protect these right. "The Convention on the Rights of the Child" (1989) not only develops, but also specifies the provisions of the Declaration of Declaration, which are joined by the Convention must be non-liberal responsibility to the international community for their own actions.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Convention is the mandatory welfare and rights of children, creating the necessary measures to survive, development, protect and ensure the active participation of the younger generation in the life of society. The most important principle approved in the Convention is the recognition of a child with a full-fledged and full person, as soon as the Company's subject in the entire complex of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
Analyzing the current state of the organization of the pedagogical process inormatically and software for pre-school institutions, it is advisable to make a small excursion to history.
Preschool institutions were created in their work "Program of Education of Hearsuvement in kindergarten", which from 1962 to 1982 was reprinted 9 times and was a unified government obligatory document. It determined the volume of ideas, knowledge, skills and skills that needed to raise each child. Work on a rigidly regulated program inevitably limited to pedagogical formation, insufficiently took into account the individual features of children, suppressed the native curiosity of the child, led to formalism.
Many teachers and scientists are concerned about the real state of affairs in the public-school education system, although the very presence of a developed system was the dignity, which repeatedly pointed out our own colleagues.
In 1989, the State Committee on the Folk Education of the USSR - the central authority guides the irregulating the work of all educational institutions in the country - was approved by a new "concept of pre-school education" (the authors of V.V. Davodov, V.A.Petrovsky and others. ). It will noted that a serious analysis of the negative factory of the current state of public pre-school education in the country was for the work. As the main drawback, the use of educational and disciplinary models in the organization of the pedagogical process in kindergartens was indicated. It was noted that in the main pre-school education, the body was reduced only to the preparedness for the school, to equip them with the sum of the specific knowledge, skills, skills, but at the same time, the specifics of the development of children of preschool-headed, the intrinsicness of the child, was not enough. The concept of the newcomer approaches to pre-school education. Important ideas of the concept - humanization and deideological education, the priority of education of universities: good, beauty, truth, self-specificity childhood.
The key positions of the update and school institutions were as follows:
- Protection to strengthen the health of children (both physical and mental);
- humanization and principles of educational work with children;
- the restraint of the conditions of children and the work of teachers in to school institutions;
- Provision of importance between all the spheres of the child's social station;
- radical effects of the nature of the preparation of pedagogical personnel, the conditions implantation of pre-school education and the restructuring of the management system.
In the concept, the disclosure of educational and disciplinary and personal-oriented models of constructingAdagogical work with children, each of which is alternative. The present model contributes to the establishment of a child as a person, providing psychological protection, the development of individuality, prevents the occurrence of possible impasses of personal development, i.e., promoting goals and PrinciplesPedagogical work with children. The focus was paid to the techniques and methods of adult to Srebenk through an understanding, recognition of the adoption of the child's personality, the ability of an adult to become the position of the child, to consider his point of view, respect the feeling of the child.
The concept reflected the thoughts of advanced practitioners and scientists, absorbed the views of pedagogical socialism, i.e. showed how it says that "worn in the air" is the need for indigenous rearrangement and education and education. That is why the concept was approved by the congress of public education workers. ConceptsDeshot-school education is an expulsion of views on the pedagogical phenomenon - the main ideas and the main recommendation of the restructuring of the education education system of preschoolers. But at the same time, it did not contain specific programs for the implementation of intended. This prevented the existence of a pre-school education system. It was necessary to be the next step. And he was undertaken.
In 1991, the Resolution of the Summina of the RSFSR approved the "Provisional Regulations on Preschool Project". In particular, it was noted that the program, a critical document for all preschool institutions, inevitishes to the uniformity of forms, content and methods of the methodagogical process, does not take into account the individuality of children. The situation gave the opportunity to choose from the existing training and education program from the existing training program, to introduce their own payments to it, create copyright programs, use a variety of forms of work.
"The main functions of the phosphoc institution, the position says, are:
- Protection Strengthening physical and mental healthy;
- provisional and personal and personal development of the child;
- Care of the emotional well-being of every child;
- Interactions of the family to ensure the full development of the child. "
It should be emphasized that the tasks and a functional institution formulated in the Regulations are based on attitude towards preschool age as a unique personality development period. In contrast to all subsequent age-specifications, it is during this period that the submission of a child about the world around the world is formed, its intensive physical and mental development occurs. The support and all of the development of such personal qualities, which are specific for preschoolers, are formed, since it is not only difficult to catch up. But sometimes Ineevoza. In addition, the provision provided for the independence of the children's institution in economic and financial activities, which allowed it to improve financial support for the staff entrepreneurship.
The state policy of the formation of education was reflected in the law of the Russian Federation "Molding" (1991).
Principles (Art. 2), in which education, consist in the following:
- the humanistic nature of education, the priority of the human values, the life and health of a person, the free development of the person. Educating, hard work, respect for the principles and freedoms of man, love of the environment, homeland, family;
- the unity of the federal cultural and educational space. Protection Ideravitization by the system of education of national cultures, regional cultural studies and features in the constructive state;
- publicly available formation, the adaptability of the system of educational levels and the peculiarities of the development and training of students, pupils;
- the secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions;
- freedom and pluralism in education;
- Democratic, state-public character of management. Autonomy of educational institutions.
Later, in 1995, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was approved by the "typosity of a preschool educational institution". The right is unreasonable that the preschool educational institution independently vyborne program from a complex of variable programs recommended by the government agencies of education, amending them, an attack in the development of own (copyright) programs in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard.
In connection with the change in the regulatory and legal, the need for preparation-shaped programs, which, along with the typical, could be proposed. The process of preparation and publishing programs gained the pace.
It should be emphasized that many programs have been developed by serious scientists or large scientific teams that have been tested experimental practice for many years. The teams of pre-school institutions in the Commonwealth with qualified metodists also created the autpectrogram.
In order to protect the child, the initial pedagogical impact in the conditions of the formation of the Ministry of Education of Russia in 1995, a methodological letter was prepared by the "Recommendations of the Educational Programs of Educational Programs for Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation", where it was indicated that integrated and partial programs are built on the principle of personal-oriented adult interaction with children and must provide:
- protection and strengthening of physical and mental health, imphysical development;
- emotional well-being of every child;
- intellectual development of the child;
- creation of conditions for the development of the child's personality, his creativity;
- the acquisition of children to universal values;
- Interaction with family to ensure a full-fledged development.
Recommendations state that programs should include the organization of the children's life of naughty, in non-elected activities and in the free time provided for the child in kindergarten during the day. There should be an initial combination of individual and joint activities of children of the enforcement of her species (game, design, visual, musical, theatrical and other activities).
Currently published and distributed through a variety of pedagogical seminars of various programs and guidelines for the education and training of children in a preschool institution. The program is the result of many years of scientific and scientific and pedagogical teams. All these programs are still in kindergarten. It is the pedagogical collectively to choose the program, the pointer to this pre-school institution will work.

1.3 Refreshment of Preschool Education
The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" has consolidated the right to pre-school agencies on a variety of programs. Appeal to a personal-oriented-shadeagogic, the departure from rigidly regulated forms of education of children's education characterize general trends in pre-school formation. The humanization of modern education is primarily connected with a change in the education, in the center of which the child is located, the formation of hexhiplicity. The transition from the uniformity of the types of pre-school institutions to the creation of a flexible functional system, which includes new types of state and non-state institutions, allows you to respond to a variety of educational consumerism of the population and satisfy them, providing extensive educational services.
Rearrangement of system formation is associated with overcoming difficulties. The update of the pedagogical consciousness is a long-term process, complex and painful. Well, so that the educators have aware of the significance of their social mission, have otherwaken their efforts on the full education and education of children, theirpicheological protection.
The awareness of the teachings of the sense-indoor processes is largely due to the adoption of education imaginalization, the desire to update its content and technologies, understanding of positions that impede substantial system reform.
The emergence of "concepts-school education" laid the beginning of intensive discussion of the theoretical and applied nature related to the statement of pre-school education, the testing of the work of the work of new pedagogical technologies, mastering teachers with new methods and forms of work. The development of developmental processes of nominal preschool education was reflected in regulatory and software-methodical documents. Specialists of all consumer management, methodological service, science and practice, creating a single educational space participated and participate in this work.
In guidelines prepared by. Mikhaylenko and N.A. Korotkovka (1993), analyzed the state-in-school education during the period of change began. It was noteworthy that the system of relations of the teacher with children continues to settleformally, i.e. Work is built by all the same educational and disciplinary models of education that spreads not only to training sessions with children, but also for the entire daily life of the child. In the educational, the emphasis on the front classes, which are made by the permanent pedagogy of cooperation, put the educator of the evaluation. At the same time, the establishment of trust relationships with the komotrudnee.
The authors of methodical recommendations analyze a number of reasons leading to the use of large numbers in kindergarten and rooted stereotypes of pedagogical work. Despite the fact that the regulatory and law-circuits of that period (Organization of the RSFSR "Proskeeping Institution", 1991) provided on the independence of the pre-school institution in the organization's management process, focused on the restructuring of the content and working methods of the kindergarten, fundamental changes in the pre-school education system have not yet occurred. One of the reasons was associated with extensive volumes of closer knowledge and skills, laid down by the "typical program", according to many educators continued to work. The reasons for the conservation system of mandatory occupations, according to the authors of the recommendations, was that the participants who were accustomed to working on ready-made abstracts and well-owning forms of frontal work with children experienced difficulties in transition to other ways to interact with the child. In addition, the administration was easier to verify the verification of the lessons clearly transmitted in the schedule than to analyze productivity by other types of children's activities.
The game, self-service, the aestheticism was not sufficiently used for a full-fledged development, while the filling of children in kindergarten and musical art, creating literature to reduce the psychological burden, brings up independence, aesthetic taste, the culture of the idea.
The monotonous setting of a vigode with the regulated placement of the "corners", the location of children's tables by the type of school class, the writing of the board has strengthened the formalized relationship.
Improving the jogging process and improving the developing effect in educational work to sit in the authors of methodical recommendations communicate through the following areas:
- change in the forms of communication with children (the transition from authoritarian forms of impact of communication, oriented to the personal peculiarity of each child, to establish trust, partnership relations of the teacher to sit down);
- Refusal to prevent political and ideologized specifications in familiarization with the surrounding;
- change in the form and content of training classes, reducing their number (transit of frontal classes to classes with non-large-acting children, reducing the number of classes through the selection of the most effective for the development of children's degeneration);
- the saturation of the lives of children of classical and modern music, works of fine art, the use of the best-sized form of children's literature, orienting human structural values \u200b\u200bthat expand the horizons of the child;
- changing the organization of the objective environment and the living space of the group room in order to ensure free independent activities and creativity of children in accordance with their desires and inclinations, the choice of children's activities
And its shapes - joint with peers or individual.
Humanization of the pedagogical process is intended to build a personally oriented modeling, a change in the form of a communicator with children in the process of traditional types of children's activities and in everyday life. To greater deceases, the interests, desires, the ability of the child, strive for cooperation in the cognitive, productive, labor, domestic cooperation, to the partnership of Vigrah.
In the above-mentioned recommendations, the authors reveal the following positions that determine the types of adult interaction with children:
- The position of the "teacher", which sets certain methods before children, offers certain methods or means of their decision, assesses the correctness of actions. Whatever democratic forms of communication here, in this case, the adult is the "over" child;
- The position of the "equal" partner included in the activities with children, which from the inside of this activity introduces its proposals to take the plans of children, demonstrates a variety of methods, solves in the joint activities of the "together" in children without harsh assessments - "right-incorrectly" -Ino ", etc.;
- The position of the "creator" of the surrounding environment, the subject of the child, when an adult is not directly included in children's activities, but provides children with the opportunity to act freely.
Each of the presented positions is also important for the most effective solution to the tasks of the development and education of the child, is unreasonable by others and has its place in the pedagogical production. The mastery of the teacher is associated with the mastering of each of the specified followers.
The implementation of developing tasks in the processigea free communication of the child with the educator should be able to serve with special activities. Moreover, the number is advisable to reduce them, and the form of the organization to diversify. Conducting with small subgroups of children will ensure the greatest knowledge of the activity of each admission, will help establish feedback and take into account the advancement.
It should not be left without changing the interaction of kindergarten and family. Parents' requests are increasing: while maintaining interest in the prepareplant to training in different types of schools increases for developing intellectual, linguistic, artistic and other abilities. It is advisable to show parents to an active discussion in solving child problems, attract them to creative work with children.
Serious changes should be in the organization of the objective environment and group space. The model of interaction-free with children, which was named accepted-disciplinary, unfolded against the background of rigidly "zoned" and regulated space. Equipment, subject and gaming exhaustion features and disadvantages of the authoritarian system, creating awardagogical stereotypes. At the same time, as already noted, the frontal formalforms of work, formal discipline, excessive regulation of the activities of children, especially the game, became the center of the pedagogical support.
Practical workers, heads of pre-school education and scientists understood that in a short time, yes even more cases of financial deficit, this problem can be solved. However, the prediction of its prospects, the study of scientific purposes was carried out by the contingest in the years ago and was of great importance. The subject environment was considered a system that was a enriching factor of children's development, guiding and integrating children's activities and didactics.
In the 90s, there are extinguishing documents that indicate the directions of innovation in terms of creating a developing environment in a preschool institution. The special integrated program was prepared by the USSR State Committee on Education. However, its implementation in a high-state scale was not implemented. Further development of the problem continued.
The concept of a developing environment (developed by the leadership. And Petrovsky) was presented as part of the strategic program of the Ministry of Education of Russia, where the fundamental transformation of the material and technical support of the pedagogical process in preschool education are included.
"The living environment can and should develop a child, to serve as a background of a personnel in the personal-developing interaction with adults and other children."
The strategy and tactics of the developing environment in the preschool institution was determined by the identity of a personal-oriented model of education aimed at promoting the establishment of a child as a person. The main principal-oriented modelers in the principles of building a developing environment:
- distances, positions when interacting;
- activity, independence, creativity;
- stability - dynamicity;
- Flexible zoning complexes;
- environmental emotion;
- combinations of the usual and indexed elements in aesthetic organizers;
- openness - closedness;
- accounting and age differences of children.
An important condition for the implementation of personality-oriented modeling of an adult with a child is to establish contact depending on their desires and classes, finding a common psychological space of communication, comfortable distance. This is possible if the positions of adults and children vary, which is provided by the layout of the room, the special selection and placement of furniture, the location of toys, benefits, decorative decoration, color and light design, the provision of conditions for activity or solitude. The possibilities of a child's child becomes a creative substrate environment. The interior can combine multifunctional, easily transformable elements and general semantic integrity. Currently, the publications of prominent scientists, teachers, psychologists, art historians convincingly revealed the importance of the objective environment, developing the ability of children to be crazy. The scientific psychological and pedagogical foundations and provisions of the concept of developing submission of childhood, practical advice addressed to the heads of pre-school institutions and designers participating in the design of educational institutions in the design of educational institutions.
It is emphasized by the importance of the unity of the style of all rooms, taking into account their functional interaction and filling. All elements of the objective environment should be combined along the scale, style, appointment and have its place in the interior. The current requirements of designers and art historians to the organization of the nearest objective environment are associated with the deliverance of the clutter of low-functional irresolutes with each other. For normal development, the child needs to live in three subject spaces: with large-scale arms (the "eye-hand" scale), with a large-scale growth and its growth and its with a large-scale world of adults (G. Lubimova, S.L. Novoselova). When creating a value of the environment, it is necessary to proceed from the ergonomic requirements of the Kzheniya: anthropometric, physiological and psychological inhabitants of the inhabitant of this medium. Onitis in the following:
- a developing component of the objective environment;
- activity activity;
- informative (diversity of themes, complexity, manifold materials and toys);
- enrichment, high-capacity, availability of natural and sociocultural environments, providing a variety of activities of a child's work;
- variability;
- a combination of traditional and new components;
- ensuring composite elements of the medium, co-responsibility of the reduction and microspace of children;
- ensuring comfort, functional reliability and safety;
- Esshetical and hygienic indicators.
The solution to the problem of creating a developing environment in many institutions will contribute to new approaches to the structure of the structure of the building, its free layout, the relationship of the internal external environments, the system of transforming equipment and furniture, design and placement of functionality as the basic components of the developing objective environment. The list of latter is diverse and can be continuing depending on regional, ethno and sociocultural, natural climatic and other features. Let's call some of them:
- group and classrooms;
- community-based;
- bedrooms;
- audiovisual computer-game complexes (KIC);
- libraries;
- design and isostudia;
- musical theatrical dance halls;
- Physical and health complexes with a swimming pool and
- winter gardens, living deeds;
- recreation corridors;
- Cabinets of the director, psychologist, doctor, kitchen and recreation room for staff;
- as well as objects outside the walls of kindergarten (external
The appearance of the building, the courtyards-parks on the site of the kindergarten).
An important direction of the change in the change ofAgogical work of pre-school institution is associated with software-methodical support. Unified for all preschool institutions Mandatory Program did not comply with modernity in preschool education. As already noted, "Templary Regulations on the Preschool Institution", and then the "Typical Regulations on Preschool Project" made significant changes: the teachers were provided with freedom in choosing programs and in organizing the pedagogical process. Opened in the possibilities for using various educational models and technologies. Pedagogy was first put in the situation of the "credo" in pedagogical work.
This gave a new impetus to developing the initiatives and creativity of teachers, including the preparation of variable programs. The desire for the company's company and innovation in technologies was due to the desire to move away from obsolete formvelopment, to find her own face, stand out from the total mass, "conquer" parents. However, quite quickly practical workers felt the difficulty of working in advance, high responsibility of their quality.
The efforts of pedagogical teams were just on the search for new generation programs (frequently referred to the author). The administration and employees of pre-school institutions were often weedly oriented in the values \u200b\u200bof a variety of programs and methods of pre-school education.
The choice of programs was often randomly, without taking into account the specifics of the pedagogical team. This was negatively affected by the teachers to the introduction technologies in their work.
Initially, the transition from the tall-waveled work of kindergarten to the variability and creativity was associated with snack difficulties, they needed to solve the entire pedagogical team. The awareness and adoption of the program is to be officially studying, the allocation in the holistic pedagogical process of structural enterprises, which are carrying the main developers and at the same time organize the real life of children. In addition, it is important in the pedagogical process to realize the role of an adult in the implementation of developing tasks.
Despite the difficulty period, the changes occurring in the field of education, retain the best designation of the Russian system of pre-school education and have, undoubtedly, positive features. This indicated vanalitical materials of the head of the Department of Pre-school Education of the Ministry of Education of Russia R.B. Sterkina1:
- The principle of complexity is observed - the pedagogical process covers all the main directions of the development of the child (physical, familiarization with the world's world, the development of speech, Hu is a modern and aesthetic, etc.), the system is provided to protect and strengthen the health of children;
- used partial partial programs are combined; work on other directionsMadagogical process;
- the development of new, unconventional directions for the development of a preschool educational institution, such as the training of choreography and rhythm, a foreign language, a focus on the creation of conditions for independent experimentation and the search activity of the children themselves, encouraging their attachment to the work, self-expression and improvisation in the process crawling;
- Integration of Activities, the complexity of content contributes to the liberation of the educational process in kindergarten;
- carried out on the emotional saturation of the atmosphere in the process, which allows to successfully overcome educational and disciplinary techniques and methods in the work of the teacher;
- Mastering new pedagogical technologies by taking into account personal-oriented interaction - transfer to new style and children with a child;
- new forms and the content of cooperation of teacher's parents are born, which contributes to overcoming the formalism of continuity in teaching and raising the child in the conditions of a kindergarten of Isaeni;
- The use of new models of the room and its improvement devices ensures the need for a child to jointly operate with peers, and at the same time conditions are being created for individual exercises, reading to the real effective approach to children.
The development program and (or) education is the necessary rod in the pre-school institution. The main education institutions of education: the preservation and promotion of health, ensuring favorable conditions for the development of all children, respect for the rights of the child to maintain their individuality of the reasons for basic content and education. Important components of any program of the Hydedagogical Process in accordance with it are the construction of the regime of the game in kindergarten, hygiene conditions for organizing life, classes and all children's activities, prevention of diseases.
According to experts of Iorganizers of pre-school education, civilized control over the level of education is important. Control, which can be protected from incompetent pedagogical impacts, methods of inflexion. Such control was ensured by the introduction of state-formative standards. In 1996, the order of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation was established "temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution". Estabilities refer both to educational programs and pedagogical technologies and to the nature of interaction with children.
Development of new programs that are carried out in the domestic preschool formation of a number of years and introduced new maintenance and pedagogical technologies to practice work, require the authors, above all, the definition of the confusion approach to the development of the child, historical and pedagogical erudition, scientific conscientiousness, methodological literacy, creative potential .
When creating new programmoving supports on the theoretical works of researchers, the use of elements of traditional technologies that provided positive shifts in the development will. At the same time, the theoretical competence of the authors is a jewelry attitude to predecessors, their deposit theory and practice of preschool education. The combination of innovative approaches and traditions does not reduce the substanties of new programs, but indicated the further development of pedagogical thought.
1.4. The modern technologies of learning and education of children of preschool age.
The reorganization process of the education system, which flows many years, places high demands of the organization of pre-school education and training, intensifies the search for new, more efficient psychological and pedagogical approaches to this process.
The innovative processes of the simpler stage of the development of society affect the first place of system education, as the initial level of disclosure of the child's potentials. Development of pre-school education, the transition to a new-quality level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies.
Innovation The definitive methods, forms, funds, technologies used in pedagogical research oriented to the identity of the child, on the development of its abilities.
There are changes in educational processes on the modern Equelination of Russia: the consecration becomes more complicated by focusing the attention of teachers of preschool education to the development of creative and intellectual abilities of children, correctional-volitional and motor spheres; The traditional methods are made to change the active methods of teaching and education aimed at the activation of the recovery development of the child. In these changing conditions of teacher education, it is necessary to be able to navigate in diversity of diversity of children, in a wide range of modern technologies.
Innovative technologies are a system of methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational funds aimed at achieving a positive result due to dynamic changes in the personal development of a child in modern sociocultural conditions. Dateagogical innovation can either change the processes of upbringing and learning, or improve. Innovative technologies combine progressive technologies and stereotypical elements of education that have proven their efficiency in the process of pedagogical activity.
Innovation of innovations in preschool education can be distinguished: scientific research; sociocultural environment - the need for pre-school educational institutions of internal pedagogical systems; Creative variability of teachers; parents' interest in achieving positive dynamics in development.
The concept of pedagogical technologies includes:
· ConceptualOnov; meaningful part of learning (learning goals and the content of the exercise);
· Technological science (organization of the educational process, methods and forms of educational activities, methods and forms of the teacher; Diagnostics)
According to G.K. Selevko, any pedagogical technology must satisfy some basic methodological requirements (process criteria).
ConceptualityPresenting support to a specific scientific concept, including philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical substantiated educational purposes.
Systemic Types of all signs of the system: the logic of the process, the relationship of all its parts, integrity.
Manageability Dewaveriness of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, design processing of training, phased diagnostics, varying by means and methods a sketch of results correction.
Efficiency Watching the cost of costs, a guarantee of achieving a certain standard examination.
Reproducibility does refer to the possibility of applying (repetition, reproduction) of pedagogical technology in other similar educational institutions, other subjects.
Based on the analysis of the analyzing technologies conducted by G. N. Selevko, it is possible to allocate the following technologies used in the system of preschool education: technician learning, problem learning technologies, game technologies, computer technologies, alternative technologies.

Chapter II. Alternative forms of training in inline education.

2,1lternative DOU in the Perm Territory.
One of the most pressing problems of the company's attendance of modern education is the problem of ensuring equal investment opportunities for children when entering school.
In order to create favorable conditions for the system of this task, it is recommended to fully develop the existing forms of education for children of the senior preschool-head.
Currently, the main organizational form of pre-school education are pre-school educational institutions of different species, as well as educational institutions for children's school and younger school age. Accordingly, the main mass mask educational programs developed so far is aimed at pre-school educational institutions.
At the same time, due to a sharp reduction in pre-school educational institutions and the inability to adopt in them the preschool age, since 2000, the developing forms of pre-school education began, namely, the groups of short-lived children in a preschool educational institution, and developed programs for them.
In this situation, speaking of the variation of the organizational forms of pre-school education, it makes sense as a special organizational unit "pre-school educational group". It is necessary to consider the possibility of creating such groups (for children in the age range of 1-7 years, including for children of 5-7 years), not only in preschool educational institutions (as a group accounting of the educational centers and the centers of additional educational purposes (libraries, museums, clubs, houses of children's creativity, etc.), as well as the Nabase of Voluntary Parent Communities. At the same time, preschool educational groups are able to be able to work in different time modes (with a full or full-time stay of stay, everyday or several days per week), meet the most diverse requests of the population.
The creation of such diverse preschool groups is more fully used by the cultural potential of society in the formations of preschool age.
"Preschool educational group" as an organizational form - a mobility and cheaper, a blessing and complex mechanism of a full day kindergarten (this does not exclude the most complete use of a kindergarten infrastructure for group accounting of different types of different types).
You can submit a list of permanent organizational forms of education of children of senior preschool growingly:
Children's garden full day;
short-term groups in kindergarten;
groups for senior pre-school children on basic education institutions;
pre-school groups on the basis of the combined-educational centers and centers of additional educational purposes;
Pre-school groups based on voluntary parents.
It is important to note that relatively child preschool age speech should go about the "pre-school education group", and not about the "early development classes" under schools or centers of additional education. Pre-school educational groups should be independent structural divisions of the formation institutions, the main purpose of which will be the full development of children of preschool age, the implementation of secondary programDesk-school education in full. Such groups in no way should have examined as preparatory courses for children to prepare them for advent of the first class of a specific school.
One of the main tasks of pre-schooling groups, along with the development of preschool children, is the necessary diagnostic work with children 5 and a 6-year-old, aimed at identifying the level and features of the child's development, and tactual work with parents of preschoolers, the purpose of which is the intended pedagogical conditions necessary For the development of a child, training for school and choosing an optimal training model in elementary school.
The listed formation of children of senior preschool age can be divided by three models, laying the nature of the organization of the educational process:
1) group of commercial days for children of senior preschool age on the basis of institutions related to the field of pre-school education (pre-school educational institutions of physical education institutions for children of preschool and junior school entrepreneurs);
2) group accounting of children on the basis of educational institutions, institutionsCultures and parent communities;
3) Education to the family (presented in the forms of families of family education, exercise arrangements, governess and tutoring).
In experimental activities in approbation of various models and variable development programs, upbringing and training for children5-7 years in 2007-2010. The following regions are included:
In the Central Federal District - Belgorod and Smolensk Region, the city of Moscow;
In the Volga Federal District - Chuvashskaya Register, Perm Territory, Nizhny Novgorod and Ulyanovsk Region;
in the North-West Federal District - Vologda and Novgorod region;
In the Siberian Federal District - the Agnesburyat Autonomous Okrug, Kemerovo and Omsk Region;
In the Southern Federal District - Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Republic of Kalmykia, Astrakhanskaya Volgograd region;
In the Urals Federal District - Sverdlovskaya Tyumen regions in the Far Eastern Federal District - the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Primorsky Krai.
Allocation of the three main models of the Education of the Senior Preschool allows you to specify an invariant part of the organization. At the same time, the invariant part can be placed in three levels:
1 level - basic - psychological and pedagogical foundation of the formation of the education of children of senior preschool level,
2 levels - the main form of education of children of the older school
age for two type-school educational groups - a full day and short-term stay - weeds;
3 level - the specification of the educational work with the children of the senior preschool-head-producer, determined by the type of institution, at which the educational group is created.
It is necessary to condition the various forms of education of children of a senior preschool-head-headed is to comply with its specific requirements.
The educational process in groups of palestar pre-school age, regardless of the organization's model, should include the block:
1) educational;
2) adult jointness with children and
3) independence of children.
At the same time, the leading role should belong to the joint (partner) activity of the adult with children. Configuration and organization of the objective and developmental environment must be the corresponding features of the development of children.
Special attention requires the organization of children of senior pre-school age on the basis of general education schools. Education in schools has severe formalization, so which software has not been used, the process begins to acquire the nature inherent in elementary school, charts by the age-related features of the education and development of high school. By virtue of this, if the pre-school educational group will be created at a secondary school, it must provide an independent structural unit organized with the principles of building education for children's age.
The organization of the education of elderly children on the basis of institutions of additional education of cultural institutions should occur in accordance with the requirements of the preschool educational groups provided for for group accounting for pre-school educational institutions. However, it is not necessary to abandon the possibilities that are laid out of the emergence of additional education institutions themselves and Culture institutions, meaning a wide context of the inclusion of children in different rhodascular practices (music, dancing, visual art, museum expositions, etc.).
The education of the children of the senior preschool-head-based on the basis of the family and parent communities is in our country underlying practice, therefore requires special attention from the organizational department of education. For the development of the field of family education of palestar preschool age, it is necessary to determine its capabilities of the issues, the forms of interaction between the family and the parent community of the development and education of children of the senior preschool-headed (physiologists, psychologists, educators). The formation of children's pre-school age on the basis of the family and the parent community is not a sufficiently sufficient methodological equipment that requirement of research and special designing of the parent community and development specialists in the development of children of senior preschool age.
The main models of children of senior preschool age are pre-schooling groups of full day for children of senior pre-school age Basic institutions related to the field of pre-school education, and pre-school educational groups of short-term stay of children of senior preschool age on basic institutions, cultural institutions and parent communities.
Thus, these two modeling of priority development in order to create equal start-ups for children when entering school.

2.2The property of alternative forms of upbringing and education in preschool formation
K2010 The problem with the child's device in /\u003e Kindergarten in the Perm region should be completely solved. Now the regional ministry is educated immediately in several directions. The design "Pre-school formation" project suggests:
1 Value of the monthly allowance for the maintenance of the child due to the regional treasury.
2 Works on the possibility of reconstruction of the history of new kindergartens.
3Replies new forms of provision of pre-school education services.
Governor Oleg Cherkunov instructed the regional ministry by 2010 to fully solve the problem of queues in kindergartens. The project, called "Preschool Education", is now under development and is inhabited by the public.
In accordance with the project until 2010, enter the territories of the region, where the problem with places in kindergartens is especially acute, 11 new kindergartens will open at once. Of these, Trina 240 seats each - in Perm. Repair will be subjected to 13 /\u003e kindergartens
Departed the problem, believes the governor, attracting a private business. From now on, those parents whose children go to private children's gardens can also be compatible at the expense of the regional budget.
One of the most important periods of human life is a childhood. Most often, the child at this age is visiting kindergarten. Kindergarten is the best place for acquiring customs not only knowledge and skills, but the most important, initial-social experience. And no less important circumstance is the preparation of school. But, unfortunately, not all children have the opportunity to get a kindergarten.
Milky reasons for kids may not attend preschool institutions. Misputations of parents (religion, their views on education and education), Mom, who is still sitting with the youngest child, "grandmother protesting the" children's prison ", etc.
In the garden, the child acquires:
- skills draw, sculpt, dance, read, play.
- knowledge of the environment, about professions, first mathematics.
- Self-service skills, social labor (to remove the bed behind them, attribute dishes in the sink, pour flowers, etc.)
- The first social experience, which is fundamental for inclusiveness.
Such, child development in /\u003e kindergarten can be called
- comprehensive: the baby develops both physically and mentally, and the development of its emotional-volitional sphere is being developed;
- Harmonious: Since the training program and the education of children /\u003e kindergarten is carried out by taking into account age, the psychophysiological characteristics of the child (that is, in each age group of their duration, load and material).
Relying on these requirements, and you need to pick up the kindergarten.
The first version of the replacement of the kindergarten - the groupneal day.
The advantages of such education is that it is almost the same thing that visiting the kindergarten. The child also with the morning, plays with friends, engaged in programming professional teachers, walks. That is, the satisfaction of the kid and in communication, and in motion, and in receiving knowledge, skills and skills.
The negative side lies in the fact that for parents the day is divided. With such a regime it is difficult to choose a good job.
There may be two types of a part-time group:
- visiting a special group in /\u003e the garden, which is called "part of the part-time";
- visits to the usual group, but, by agreement, the educator and the head, in this mode, as convenient arrangements (but it is necessary that the visit to be combined with the general regime group).
A visit to the usual group more preferably, since the child will be tactically brought after day sleep. For example, at additional comments on rhythm or English, which are often the second half of the day.
Option Second: Sections and Mugs
The second version of the replacement of ordinary kindergarten is all kinds of ourselves and mugs, as well as courses for kids. They include in the Program basically the same classes as /\u003e kindergarten.
The advantages of this kind are that they occupy less in time, which can be chosen taking into account the routine of the day. Usually, the occupation of such circles take place several times at different times that the givingness of parents to choose the most convenient for them. Also convenient to ethiants and the fact that you yourself can choose exactly what the kid will be engaged.
But still there are more negative sides. First, a chaphevity occupation is 2-3 times a week, and therefore they represent the quintessence of those classes, which is given in ordinary kindergarten. The only basic, and the rest implies at home.
Secondly, the occupation of such circles cannot be able to the need for children in physical development. Even if the schedule costs 1-2 classes with rhythm or physical education, then it is not enough. The usual "kindergarten" program is designed for 3 occupations of the physcoculture and 2 music classes in which dance games are necessarily included. Also, as a rule, in most gardens to these classes, 2 lessons per week rhythm is added. True, from the middle group, that is, from 4 years.
Therefore, many moms are thinking about the kid wants some kind of some section. And this is time and money again.
Well, and thirdly, most importantly, it is overlooked out of view of such "courses" is communication. It is practically no: the child named, he worked out, in the break (20 minutes) played everything from others. Naturally, as in the first version, it is important to choose a form of classes, is its place. It must be obligatory from home so that the crumb is not tired on the way.
Option Three: Nanny and Governess
This option is good for children in principle not accepting kindergarten. These are the only in the family and late children. Children who are overly touched, which are accustomed to constant elevation to their person, and have no self-service skills. Also not confident in yourself, and kids with a strong feeling of assistance to mom. As a rule, these are children on temperamentuleflegmatics or melancholic. Fortunately, "Nonadovsky" children units.
But, unfortunately, many parents resorted to the services of a governess, not believing with individuals, and even more so with the desire of the child himself.
A man engaged in the upbringing of your baby can be extremely affected and give the child all his knowledge. But he will never be able to serve Emouth's first social experience that children in /\u003e kindergarten.
It is also very important that the nanny is nanny, and for helping the house there was another woman. After all, it is very important that the child is paid to 100% of attention. It is clear that cooking and cleaning are going into account that should be spent on the baby.
As a rule, children, raising at home, comes to school, not only not ready for communication not only with peers, but also with the elders. This leads to a closure, feeling, low self-esteem and high anxiety. Yes, and Samo-graders immediately feel the "alone", and it becomes the target of forns and outcast.
Also, home education and education does not allow the need to satisfy the need for movement. Neither a walk nor a sports corner of the house will never replace the child relay or making games with children.
Optional fun: mini centers.
Two polar points of view are also continued on the question of the feasibility of the activities of the centers as /\u003e alternative /\u003e athway-school institutions. I would like to stay at the essential argument of the parties. The positive creation and operation of mini-centers are the following points:
-Exsessionisco-co-model of pre-school education, those who cannot align in the pre-school institution of a full day of stay;
- ensuring the early schoolization of children, their comprehensive development and training for school training;
- Psychological and pedagogical settlement of parents in matters of proper care for the child;
- Creating the conditions for the activation of private capital involvement in such a social sector, as low-school education.
But there are weaknesses of the life of mini-centers, among them, such as:
-Mimalization of educational services provided by mini-centers due to two-phase: low-cost child care and lack of needed;
- the ineffectiveness of private mini-centers due to the economic unprofitability of the background and the lack of a government-thought-out at the government level of tax frameworks for those invested in pre-school education;
- weakness-legal framework governing all aspects of vital activity: there are typical rules for the activities of mini-centers, but not settlement of legal, financial status of these institutions:
- The prejudice attitude of the society, including parents, to the activities of the centers, primarily, to the possibility of providing them with high-cost and education of young children.
Models of the education of children of the older school age "Pre-school educational groups on the basis of institutions related to the field of pre-school education"
1. Educational groups of full day for senior preschool age on the basis of institutions related to the field of pre-school education (pre-school educational institutions and educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age) .1 Number of visits per week 5 days a week for a full day 2. Pedagogical personnel educators who have special professional training for working with children of senior preschool age 3. The continuity with a lower level of education in preschool educational institutions There is a natural continuity between the formation of senior preschool children. and education in the younger preschool age 4. The continuity with the initial general education system continuity between pre-school educational institution and elementary school is laid at the level of the implemented educational programs that provide that children of senior preschool age should be prepared for systematic school learning. 5. Features of the subject-developing environment Environment involves the possibility of organizing various activities of children of preschool age, and "also includes conditions for their full nutrition and recreation. 5.1. For training classes there are specially organized places for training classes. 5.2. For the organization of joint (partner) activities of an adult with children The space of a kindergarten group has features for the flexible organization of the objective environment, permanently adjusted to developing tasks and the initiative of children. 5.3. To organize independent activities of children, everyone has a space for organizing independent activities of preschool children 6. Features of the educational The educational process is built in accordance with existing educational programs for children of senior preschool age. Components of the educational process in senior pre-school groups balanced and Will harmonious unity. 6.1. The training unit is represented by educational classes corresponding to the age of children and organized in accordance with pre-school educational programs; Differs high technological, accessibility to any professionally trained teacher
6.2. A joint (partner) unit of adult with children, joint activities occupies a leading place in the educational process. This block presents very high requirements for general culture, flexibility, creative potential and intuition of an adult, without which the model simply does not work.
6.3. The block of self (free) activity of children The organization of independent activities of children directs the efforts of the educator to create an objective environment, the selection of developing material is included in its function. This block limits the educational environment only by the substantive material and the rate on the "self-development" of the child leads to the disappearance of the systematics of the educational process and dramatically narrows the cultural horizons of the child. At the same time, this unit of the educational process is technological and does not require creative efforts from the adult.
7. Features of educational programs Pre-school educational programs intended for implementation in DOU.
7.1. Comprehensive programs Complex programs determine the main content of the educational activities of the kindergarten.
7.2. Partial programs Partial programs contribute to the deepening of the educational process in certain areas of education and development of children of senior preschool age, allow you to expand the possibility of organizing an educational process by expanding the forms of interaction of a raising adult with children.
8. The possibilities of the full development of children (the breadth of children's coverage of the development of children) occurs multilateral development of children of preschool age, covering almost all the main spheres.
10. The protection of children's health physical development, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and child health protection - priority tasks.
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"Pre-school educational group accounting of children on the basis of educational institutions, cultural institutions and parent communities."
2. Educational groups of short-term adventure of children of senior pre-school age Nabase educational institutions (pre-school educational institutions, general education institutions, institutions of additional education), cultural institutions and parent communities. The number of visits from 3 to 5 days Introduces 3-5 days per week for a period of 2 to 5 hours 2. Pedagogical personnel educators who have special training for working with children of senior preschool age. 3. The continuity with a lower level of education of the group is most often intended for senior preschoolers who have not visited the kindergarten, and brought up at home. Therefore, they solve the tasks of developing the skills of interaction with peers, training for school in intellectual terms and physical development. 4. The continuity with the initial general education system The continuity between preschool groups of short-term stay and elementary school is related to the fact that the objectives of education are related to socialization, personal and physical development, special training for school. 5. Features of the subject-developing environment Environment involves creating conditions for the joint activities of the adult with children and free independent activities of children. 5.1. For training classes in the Group's premises, a special work part is created for classes, which are most often organized in the form of adult joint activities with children 5.2. For the organization of a joint (partner) activity of an adult with children, the work part involves the organization of joint activities of adult with children, in addition, the group space has the opportunities for a flexible organization of the objective environment, permanently adjusted to developing tasks and the initiative of children. 5.3. For the organization of independent activities of children, the main space of the group is assigned to the free independent activities of children in interest. 6. Features of the educational process The educational process is built in accordance with existing educational programs for short-term residence groups. The educational process is based on the balance of free independent activities of children and adult joint activities with children. 6.1. The training unit is practically not used. 6.2. A joint activities of the adult activity with children joint activities is based on the basis of the educational process: an adult attracts children to classes without psychological coercion, based on their interest in the content and form of activity, additionally motivating them to their partner participation in activities. 6.3. The block organization of independent activities of children of independent (free) activities of children directs the efforts of the educator to create an objective environment, its function includes selection of developing material. 7. Features of educational programs. Educational programs specifically designed for groups of children of senior preschool age of short-term or temporary stay 7.1. Comprehensive programs The main educational program is integrated. 7.2. Partial programs are used in order to reflect the specifics of the work of the institution at which the Group has been created; allow you to realize the possibilities of a cultural and educational institution in the formation of preschoolers (for example, in the work of the group in the local lore museum, the house of children's creativity, the house of culture, etc.) 8. The possibilities of the full development of children (the breadth of the coverage of children's development of children) The educational process should cover practically All major areas of development of children of senior preschool age. 9. Protection of children's health Physical development, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and child health protection - priority tasks.
Thus, considering the advantages of alternative forms of education of preschool-headed children, it can be concluded that due to the established deficit-school places in educational institutions implementing proved toadchool education; An increase in institutions in which the number of children has the number of places, the complexity of the operational decision of these issues of the Municipal Municipalities, the possibilities of creating and developing forms of pre-school education, as well as more flexible systems of children in Dow, are considered. (Letter of the Department of State Policy of Inormatically Legal Regulation in the field of education of December 25, 2006 No. 03-2998 "On the methodological recommendations for the approbation of models of the formation of children's pre-school age").
2.3 Actualization of the introduction of alternative forms of training in the preschool education of Kungur Perm region.
The dynamics of positive perverse in preschool education does not exclude the presence of a number of issues, what is the level of development of children who do not attend pre-school organizations? What kind of marketplace do these children come to school? How can I use schools in working with inorganized children? Since further figure of these problems could have negative consequences for the forming generation, then the optimal output was outlined - the exploit forms of training in preschool education.
The system of early training today is perhaps the most vulnerable part of the system. That is why the problem of building a system for increasing the increase in illness is so relevant in the Perm Territory, namely in the city of Kungur.
The purpose of the study: to investigate analyzing alternative forms of training in the preschool education of the city of Kungur.
The characteristic of the basic examination.
The study was conducted by the city of Kungur with the population of about 70 thousand people.
Dow in the city - 23 and Triccola Garden. Kindergartens of the city work under the programs "Raduga", "Development", "Childhood", "origins", "Kroch".
In kindergarten number 9, Kungur employs a short-term residence groups of children with a violation of speech. In kindergarten number 16 is a circle and optional work.
For 2007, the queue of the near-school educational institution was 1370 children, this is compared to last year twice as many children are ready to attend a preschool educational institution.
At the AugustsPedagogical Conference, the head of the educational department of V.V. Sarapultsev adapted that the level of preparing for the school of children of preschool age is high, ranks second in the cities of the Perm Territory.
Having in the preparatory groups of 30 people in the preparations, it is unlikely that these merits can be attributed to deservedly. Recently, the city has an excellent opportunity in addition to classes in kindergarten, to prepare a child for school.
Development Groups are engaged on Sundays (Sunday School) in the direction:
- formation elementary mathematical ideas under the school "School 2100";
- Teaching a letter of the cumulative system "School 2100";
- an hour of aesthetic development;
- Psychological processing of children who are preparing to go to the first class.
At the classes, children are among their parents, jointly fulfill the tasks, get homework aimed week. Payment is 600 rubles per month (4-5 visits).
The number of children in those group does not exceed 20 people. Groups are divided by the ages. You can visit the Takokachku from the five-year-old age. The poll of the parents who visited the Sunday School showed that only with a systematic and systemic learning form of educational services can bring good results. And to read with the so-called "inorganized children", the children of "Indigo", and eased children, who, for various reasons, not visiting kindergartens and "Sunday schools" for various reasons?
In the city, the Private Agency "Kaleidoscope" (for the provision of a paid serviceEagogic nature) is recently advanced. The Agency provides pedagogical services to the client. A specialist with higher education is engaged in an affinality in the territory provided by the Customer. The individual training program for the child is already selected here, taking into account his psycho-physical, individual opportunities.
The agency will provide services:
- Nanny (for children of diving to 1.5 years);
-cakers (for children 1, 5 to 7 years);
-govers (for school children);
- specialist preparing a child to school;
- speech therapist;
The cost of one occupation by a specialist preschooler 70 rubles, as a rule, it is necessary to 3-4 by the direction of the direction that the client chooses. The cost of services for the nanny of the IVDPEATOR from 150 to 250 rubles per day, depending on the number of hours per day.
In the agency, referreders whose children cannot work in the children's team. These are children with swelling in mental and physical development, pedagogically launched, with cholecic temperament type, with behavioral defects, etc.
Mini-Center /\u003e - Alternative /\u003e Form /\u003e Pre-school /\u003e Institutions created for the development of children aged from one year to 6 (7) years and advisory and methodological support for their parents in the organization and /\u003e /\u003e Training /\u003e Child , social adaptation. Pre-school mini-centers can be governance and private, created as independent legal entities or the structural units of preschool, extracurricular and special organizations, as well as organizations of secondary general education. By tyorganization of the educational process, in the time of stay of the mini-centers to be the most different. But one task is to unite them - security to the pre-school formation of those children who have been deprived of this opportunity to have circumstances.
As a bright examples of development /\u003e /\u003e alternative /\u003e form of preschool /\u003e /\u003e /\u003e Education, the experience of creating mini-centered Kungur Perm region.
In Kungur, as well as throughout the region, there is an imbalance between the growing demand for incentive education and training and the possibility of satisfying the Eventivity. The number of children is 4-5 years old compared with 2001, one year old, which is inversely proportional to the number of pre-schoolorgations. In this regard, the Department of Education determined the structure that supports the development of the pre-school education system.
Conducting a question mark among parents, after analyzing the possibilities of the personnel method, it was decided that at four secondary schools can be able to be mini-centers for 100 children 5-6 years
Mini-centers - preschool groups of short-term children's stay (from 3 to 5 times a week and from 2 to 3 hours per day), with general educational schools of all types, aimed at the age of decompression and adaptation of children to school at the age (from 3 to 5 years).
Mini centers are convenient because it is possible to vary the time of stay in the group, as during the day, so Inthered. In such mini-centers, children are engaged in the first half of the day, so Ivo the second. The educational process in the mini-centrifies is based on the program "School 2100" using element technologies "Step by step", as well as technologies B. Sita, M. Montessori, technology of educational training.
Favorable admiration for the moral and spiritual formation of the child's personality are "self-knowledge", where the central place is occupied by such values, just dooms, kindness, care, friendliness, responsiveness, honesty, justice, trust, respect. In class, caregivers are creating an opportunity for knowledge through creativity, through the accommodation and understanding of the material, the proposed class, stimulate the needs of the child in self-realization, self-expression, the concepts and submission of a child about themselves as a person and a part-to-solid world, understanding their place and role in the environment.
The main tasks of mini-century are:
1) ensuring children's rankins;
2) mental, moral, physical, aesthetic, emotional, cognitive development, taking into account the individual characteristics and possibilities of each child;
3) WarningPedagogical launches of children; preservation of children's health;
4) the organization of the supervision, child care;
5) timely correction clones in the development of children;
6) Psychological and pedagogical education of parents.
The pre-school mini-center in Kungur is organized when performing three interrelated conditions:
- constructing subject and spatial environments, ensuring and developing the abilities of each child, and the implementation of the creative method of teachers;
- organization of the tradeagogical process on the basis of the rational use of the premises of the hipolyfunctional activities of specialists;
- coordination of adults based on cooperation of educators, source specialists.
Preschool mini centorganizes with full and incomplete stay. At the same time, the organizers of the following action algorithm:
1) student-educational demands of parents in order to select the model of the mini-center, which will be in demand by the population;
2) Installation of financing;
3) to determine the pedagogical process will be organized in the embedment, determine where the mini-center (in the kindergartal group, or the pre-school class) will be organized;
4) Consider and ensuring the material and technical equipment of the pedagogical process;
5) Develop a mini-center regulation, i.e. to resolve the question of when one or another group will work;
6) exercise the work of the mini-center;
7) Developmental duties and schedules of teachers;
8) to determine the deedagogical process in the mini-center, develop a grid of classes, thinking of work, including non-inflammatory activities;
9) the electronicity techniques (observation methods), allowing the tracked effectiveness of the pedprocess its quality, compliance with state standard-time education and training;
10) Thinking through the yorganization of a variety of forms with family.
You can highlight five specimen centers:
- adaptation (for children 1 to 3 years);
- developing (for children 3 to 5 years);
- mini centers for children with demarcable possibilities aged from birth to 7 (8 years old);
- Mini-center of evening fee, weekends and a festive day (for children aged 1 to 7 years old);
- Pre-school mini-centers house.
In the city of Kungur, there are mainly developing pre-school mini-centers at secondary schools:
In five educational schools, there are 5 developing mini-centers, providing an individual development of the development of each child of 4-6 years of age.
The implementation of the pre-school formation of the functioning of mini-centers in the city has begun since 2003. With Nososh No. 21, a mini-center was opened, where the number of 5-year-old children has grown - 18 people. Under these conditions, the stay of children was maximal through the ideal. Today, four mini-centers (4-5 years of age), 30 children (5-6 years of age) are operating at Nou School No. 21 (4-5 years of age) on the basis of schools. The status of a legal organization was obtained, a license to engage in educational activities in the city of Kungur.
In mini-centers, a creative objective-spatial, developing environment, taking into account sanitary hygienic requirements. Mini-centers are at School No. 21 of the city of Kungur, and there are rooms for classes, gym, toilet, hygiene rooms, for recederacy, teacher's - Methodical Cabinet.
For children - playing companions, rooms for classes, corners of recreation. In the gym there is a sports equipment, a children's simulator. All furniture chairs, wardrobes - appropriate children (quadruple tables, chairs, cabinets for storing toys, handout and didactic material), a rich children's library is collected. Also mini centers are equipped with toys, board games, construction materials, sports equipment. The rooms are renovated, aesthetically melted, landscaped. There is a playground for playing games and walks in the air.
The educators of this school share the experience, speaking at urban levels.
Children attending centers easily assimilate the program of pre-school preparation and in quality Quality ahead of children visiting only the classes of pre-school preparation.
Monitoring the quality of development of children in the mini-center allows you to note the positive dynamic growth of the child preschooler.
Working on the update of education, forming a dynamic, healthy-saving, aesthetically recreational, polyfunctional, rational-logical, interesting Wednesday, educators use innovative technologies.
The main figure of pre-school education in mini-centers is
- high level of child psychological complex; the severity of individual abilities; High degree of child's adaptation to new social conditions.
The creation of mini-centrally transformed the preschool system of the city, also ensuring the process of pre-school and school levels of education. Also promoted and the quality of pre-school education in the sociocultural space of the city.
Thus, /\u003e /\u003e Alternative /\u003e /\u003e /\u003e Preschool /\u003e /\u003e Training /\u003e In the form of mini-centers, educational training groups, agencies for grantagogical services in the city affected the solution of such issues such as availability and quality /\u003e /\u003e Education /\u003e on the Rannicheep; Ensuring a single starting features of children in obtaining education http://hghltd.yandex.com/yandbtm?url\u003dhttp%3a%2F%2fwww.predschool.kz%2fnews%2Fact_SOZD_minicenter%2F&text\u003d%EA%F3%F0%F1%EE % E2% E0% FF% 20% E0% EB% FC% F2% E5% F0% ED% E0% F2% E8% E2% ED% FB% E5% 20% F4% EE% F0% EC% FB% 20 % EE% E1% F3% F7% E5% ED% E8% FF% 20% E2% 20% E4% EE% F8% EA% EE% EB% FC% ED% EE% EC% 20% EE% E1% F0 % E0% E7% EE% E2% E0% ED% E8% E8 & REQTEXT \u003d (% EA% F3% F0% F1% EE% E2% E0% FF% 3A% 3A33447% 20% 26% 20% E0% EB% FC % F2% E5% F0% ED% E0% F2% E8% E2% ED% FB% E5% 3A% 3A57733% 20% 26% 26% 2F (-3% 203)% 20% F4% EE% F0% EC % FB% 3A% 3A3999% 20% 26% 20% EE% E1% F3% F7% E5% ED% E8% FF% 3A% 3A9028% 20% 26% 20% E2% 3A% 3A0% 20% 26% 20 % E4% EE% F8% EA% EE% EB% FC% ED% EE% EC% 3A% 3A169379% 20% 26% 20% EE% E1% F0% E0% E7% EE% E2% E0% ED% E8 % E8% 3A% 3A4520)% 2F% 2F6 & DSN \u003d 0 ° C \u003d 975454 & SH \u003d 1 & SG \u003d 1 & ISU \u003d 1- Yandex_21 in the district city. Today, such forms are vital, relevant as an alternative model education in the Perm region.

The advantage of the policy of politics the same formation is determined by the orientation on universalness, on the principles of personality freedom. These fundamental principles underlying the rights of the individual must be realized in children's and youthful years, when the prepassed and characteristic qualities of a citizen.
The rights proclaimed in the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" are implemented for a child through system formation, humanization and democratization of ideas, contents, forms, methods and technologies.
The modern system of domestic pre-school formation is based on the principles of dynamism, the flexible response of the maturity of society and personality, is characterized by the emergence of new species-training and educational institutions for children, diversity-diversity services.
Formology education forms may not fully meet the growing needs of the population, the established alternative forms of formidoschool education (family type groups, branches of pre-school educational institutions at home, round-the-clock residence groups of children, short-term residence groups, mini-centers, private agencies for the provision of pedagogical services ). For the effective development of the network of alternative pre-school educational institutions and groups of educational orientation, it is necessary to involve a solid departments, public institutions, private entrepreneurs.
Considering the advantage of alternative forms of education of preschool ages to conclusion that in connection with the current deficit of preschool facilities of ingenious institutions that implement the programs of pre-school education; an increase in institutions in which the number of children exceeds the number of places, the complexity of the operational decision of these issues at the municipal levels is considered to create opportunities and the development of alternative formsdoshocryal education, as well as a more flexible system of the presence of children's dow.
With the existing traditional formach-school learning and the introduction of alternative forms of training and educating preschool age in preschool education, it is expanding the possibility of forming forms of pre-school education at the requests of parents, rises the level of exile, individual personal development of the child and ensured a starting opportunity when entering school.
Having studied the state of modern systeminess of pre-school education, examining the state of development of alternative forms of training in preschool education, there is a reason to believe that in the future trends towards the diversity of preschool-school institutions will increase.

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14. Sterkina R., Knyazeva O. Recommendations for the organization of the work of pre-school institutions // Pre-school education. - 1992 №1.
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16. Wisdom of the city of pre-school education in Moscow in the conditions of the transition period // Pre-school education 1992 No. 1.
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Private kindergarten It can be created as a non-state educational organization that implements the main general educational program of pre-school education, or as an organization that provides care and supervision services for preschool children.

The tasks of the weekend groups may be:

· Help parents in supervision and care for children of early and preschool age;

· The assimilation of the basic knowledge of the appropriate age;

· Socio-moral education of children.

Game support center for children up to 1.5 years In preschool educational institutions, the form of organizing children of early preschool age, aimed at ensuring early socialization and adapting them to admission to a preschool educational institution. The structure of the center can be represented by the following directions:

· Consultative and methodological support for parents of children of early preschool age in organizing education and child learning;

· Integrative stories for children of early preschool age, aimed at cognitive and speech, sensory and intellectual development, as well as children's parental creation, music and gymnastics;

· Lectures, trainings, master - classes for parents of children of early preschool age.

The center of gaming support and development of children of preschool age from 1.5 to 6 years With educational institutions - a structural division of an educational institution that implements a general education program for pre-school education (hereinafter - the CIPR). The CIPR carries out psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at the comprehensive development of preschool children on the basis of modern game technologies.

CIPR functions on the principle children's playground: Comprehensive developing classes of different duration from 1 to 3 hours are combined with professional counseling specialists - psychologists, teachers and speech therapists.

In such centers, the cycle of the so-called "school early development" programs can be presented:

Children's social gaming rooms in residential buildings and hostels - The form of the organization of children of preschool age living in residential buildings, hostels of the city.

Created for the purpose of supervision, care and leisure activities of preschool children who do not attend pre-school educational institutions.