Tomsk Botanical Garden excursions. Central Siberian Botanical Garden

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Siberian Botanical Garden Siberian Botanical Garden

Siberian botanical garden Tomsky state university
Garden greenhouse, 1890.
 /   / 56.46639; 84.94583(G) (I)Coordinates: 56°27′59″ n. w. 84°56′45″ E. d. /  56.46639° N. w. 84.94583° E. d. / 56.46639; 84.94583(G) (I)
CountryRussia Russia
RegionTomsk region
Date of foundation1880
SquareThe total area is 126.5 hectares, including 10 hectares - a protected park and a greenhouse complex. ha

Siberian Botanical Garden- the first and for a long time the largest botanical garden beyond the Urals. Division of Tomsk State University (TSU).

The garden area is 126.5 hectares, of which:

  • 10 hectares - a protected park, including a greenhouse complex (in the University Grove)
  • 116.5 hectares - ecosystem dendrological territory (in the area of ​​the Mokrushinsky microdistrict - Energetik microdistrict - Stepanovka).


In 1935, the garden was given an area of ​​67.4 ha for experimental farming, in 1936 it was increased to 90 ha. On January 1, 1945, the garden received independent status scientific institution at TSU, in the late 1960s it was assigned category II.

    46b Interior view of greenhouses. Tropical Branch.jpg

    Tropical Branch, 1890

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    Tropical Branch, 2014

    Entrance IMG 1991 1997.jpg

    Greenhouse IMG 1964 1966.jpg

    Siberian Botanic Garden IMG 2137.jpg

    Siberian Botanic Garden IMG 2126.jpg

    Bridge IMG 1990.jpg

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An excerpt characterizing the Siberian Botanical Garden

“If you had told me long ago, mamma, I would have left immediately,” she said, and went to her room.
But, passing by the sofa, she noticed that there were two couples sitting symmetrically at two windows. She stopped and smiled contemptuously. Sonya sat close to Nikolai, who was copying out poems for her that he had written for the first time. Boris and Natasha were sitting at another window and fell silent when Vera entered. Sonya and Natasha looked at Vera with guilty and happy faces.
It was fun and touching to look at these girls in love, but the sight of them, obviously, did not arouse a pleasant feeling in Vera.
“How many times have I asked you,” she said, “not to take my things, you have your own room.”
She took the inkwell from Nikolai.
“Now, now,” he said, wetting his pen.
“You know how to do everything at the wrong time,” said Vera. “Then they ran into the living room, so everyone felt ashamed of you.”
Despite the fact that, or precisely because, what she said was completely fair, no one answered her, and all four only looked at each other. She lingered in the room with the inkwell in her hand.
- And what secrets could there be at your age between Natasha and Boris and between you - they’re all just nonsense!
- Well, what do you care, Vera? – Natasha said intercedingly in a quiet voice.
She, apparently, was even more kind and affectionate to everyone than always that day.
“Very stupid,” said Vera, “I’m ashamed of you.” What are the secrets?...
- Everyone has their own secrets. We won’t touch you and Berg,” Natasha said, getting excited.
“I think you won’t touch me,” said Vera, “because there can never be anything bad in my actions.” But I’ll tell mommy how you treat Boris.
“Natalya Ilyinishna treats me very well,” said Boris. “I can't complain,” he said.
- Leave it, Boris, you are such a diplomat (the word diplomat was in great use among children in the special meaning that they attached to this word); It’s even boring,” Natasha said in an offended, trembling voice. - Why is she pestering me? You will never understand this,” she said, turning to Vera, “because you have never loved anyone; you have no heart, you are only madame de Genlis [Madame Genlis] (this nickname, considered very offensive, was given to Vera by Nikolai), and your first pleasure is to cause trouble for others. “You flirt with Berg as much as you want,” she said quickly.
- Yes, I certainly won’t start chasing a young man in front of guests...
“Well, she achieved her goal,” Nikolai intervened, “she said unpleasant things to everyone, upset everyone.” Let's go to the nursery.
All four, like a frightened flock of birds, got up and left the room.
“They told me some troubles, but I didn’t mean anything to anyone,” said Vera.
- Madame de Genlis! Madame de Genlis! - Laughing voices said from behind the door.
Beautiful Vera, who had such an irritating, unpleasant effect on everyone, smiled and, apparently unaffected by what was said to her, went to the mirror and straightened her scarf and hairstyle. Looking at her beautiful face, she apparently became even colder and calmer.

The conversation continued in the living room.
- Ah! chere,” said the countess, “and in my life tout n”est pas rose. Don’t I see that du train, que nous allons, [not everything is roses. - given our way of life,] our condition will not last long for us! And all this is a club, and its kindness. We live in the village, do we relax? Theaters, hunting and God knows what. Well, how did you arrange all this? I’m often surprised at you, Annette. You, at your age, ride in a carriage alone, to Moscow, to St. Petersburg, to all the ministers, to all the nobility, you know how to get along with everyone, I’m surprised, how did this work out? I don’t know how to do any of this.
- Oh, my soul! - answered Princess Anna Mikhailovna. “God forbid you know how hard it is to remain a widow without support and with a son whom you love to the point of adoration.” “You’ll learn everything,” she continued with some pride. – My process taught me. If I need to see one of these aces, I write a note: “princesse une telle [Princess so and so] wants to see such and such” and I go myself in a cab at least two, at least three times, at least four, until I achieve what I need. I don't care what anyone thinks of me.
- Well, well, who did you ask about Borenka? – asked the Countess. - After all, yours is already a guard officer, and Nikolushka is a cadet. There is no one to bother. Who did you ask?
- Prince Vasily. He was very nice. Now I agreed to everything, reported to the sovereign,” said Princess Anna Mikhailovna with delight, completely forgetting all the humiliation through which she went to achieve her goal.
- That he has aged, Prince Vasily? – asked the Countess. – I haven’t seen him since our theaters at the Rumyantsevs’. And I think he forgot about me. “Il me faisait la cour, [He was trailing after me,” the countess recalled with a smile.
“Still the same,” answered Anna Mikhailovna, “kind, crumbling.” Les grandeurs ne lui ont pas touriene la tete du tout. [ High position didn’t turn his head at all.] “I regret that I can do too little for you, dear princess,” he tells me, “order.” No, he is a nice man and a wonderful family member. But you know, Nathalieie, my love for my son. I don't know what I wouldn't do to make him happy. “And my circumstances are so bad,” Anna Mikhailovna continued with sadness and lowering her voice, “so bad that I am now in the most terrible situation. My miserable process is eating up everything I have and is not moving. I don’t have, you can imagine, a la lettre [literally], I don’t have a dime of money, and I don’t know what to outfit Boris with. “She took out a handkerchief and began to cry. “I need five hundred rubles, but I have one twenty-five-ruble note.” I am in this position... My only hope now is Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhov. If he doesn’t want to support his godson - after all, he baptized Borya - and assign him something for his maintenance, then all my troubles will be lost: I will have nothing to outfit him with.

There are more than 3.5 thousand botanical gardens in the world, over eighty of them are located in Russia. One of the most significant is the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the SB RAS, which recently celebrated its 60th anniversary. It is located in the vicinity of Novosibirsk and is the largest botanical garden in the Asian territory of our country.

The area of ​​the botanical garden is more than a thousand hectares! This huge territory has great landscape diversity due to its rugged terrain with the Zyryanka River valley, steep slopes and adjacent flat areas covered mainly with pine and birch forest. Thanks to the work of the Garden’s employees, unique, rich exhibitions have been created: an arboretum and a forest park, a taxonomy, collections of medicinal, aromatic, food, fodder, technical, decorative, rare and endangered plant species. There are some wonderful ones here decorative compositions: “Rocky Garden”, “Garden of Continuous Flowering”, “Bonsai Park”, “Waltz of the Flowers”. In greenhouses, tropical and subtropical plants form paradise. The CSBS collection now includes about 10 thousand species, varieties, forms and hybrids of plants. The Botanical Garden houses one of the largest herbariums in Russia, numbering about 800 thousand herbarium sheets. The botanical garden is open to visitors, excursions and classes for schoolchildren and students are held here, and the Botanical Museum of Siberia has been created.

On the vast territory of the Botanical Garden I have my favorite place, a relatively small but incredibly beautiful and rich corner. This "Bonsai Park", founded in 1998. Its area is small by the standards of botanical gardens, “only” 2 hectares. The creator and guardian angel of this park is a candidate biological sciences designer, traveler and simply the most interesting and amazing person Yuri Viktorovich Ovchinnikov, who kindly received us, showed us the park and talked about his work.

The entrance to Bonsai Park is a Japanese-style thatched gate. The view behind them is so breathtaking. Paths run from the central area, inviting you to visit all corners of the Bonsai Park, and in every corner something interesting and unusual awaits you. For example, in the thickets of Cossack juniper you can find a large nest with multi-colored ceramic eggs. I wonder what kind of fabulous bird left them here? Or see strange giant wicker worms racing up the trunk of a large pine tree.

Everywhere in the garden there are balls of different sizes made from different materials: metal, wood, stone, birch bark, metal mesh and dry grass. A melodic, peaceful ringing echoes throughout the garden, intensifying with the wind. This is what fung lin pendants ward off evil spirits, as prescribed by the eastern wisdom of feng shui.

There are no random details in Bonsai Park, everything is carefully thought out and is in exactly the right place. Every stone, every snag, every blade of grass participates in the creation of a single composition. Designers create masterpieces from seemingly completely inappropriate objects. They use old wheels, empty gas cylinders, some scrap metal, rusty iron beds, bottles, and dry grass from last year. And what comes out of this trash makes you gasp and admire. Moreover, many ideas can be successfully used on your site. Here's at least this example: putting a woodpile not boringly and just somewhere behind the barn, but making it an interesting design element by laying out the firewood in a neat hemisphere. In winter, this firewood will turn into a white cap.

The Bonsai Park has a large picturesque pond with islands and streams. This pond was created by the hands of designers from an unsightly overgrown swamp. The territory was cleared, the banks were given natural winding contours, islands were poured in, and aquatic and coastal plants were planted. This reservoir has a clay bottom and no waterproofing is used here. A small stream flowing through the bonsai park ensures the flow and purity of the water. Japanese lanterns are placed along the banks of the reservoir, old driftwood is picturesquely laid out, and an openwork pagoda is installed. In the summer, more than a hundred goldfish are released into the pond, which live freely and frolic in freedom all summer, and in the winter they move again to the aquariums of the greenhouse. It seems that you can walk along the banks of this pond for hours, finding more and more beautiful views.

Already from the name it is clear that much attention is paid here to the art of bonsai. Many miniature trees were lined up on display tables on raised areas specially designated for them. Some are planted directly into the ground. Bonsai from the Botanical Garden are absolutely frost-resistant because they are formed from local plants. Most of them overwinter directly on saucers under snow cover. The main species from which small masterpieces are created here are common spruce, Siberian larch, Scots pine, false sycamore maple, common juniper, western thuja and even apple tree. In summer, in the bonsai park you can also see heat-loving plants, which are taken out of greenhouses in the warm season.

For planting bonsai plants, ceramic saucers and vessels made by local Novosibirsk ceramic artists are used here. Each such product is unique, because it is a unique individual work of authorship. In Bonsa Park you can also find other works by ceramists, mainly various garden decorations. We have already talked about ceramic balls, colorful eggs and Japanese lanterns. In addition, there are funny birds here. One of them “flies”, suspended from a branch on the central platform, the other two on long legs and with funny crests are hidden among the plants on the stone retaining wall.

Although the territory of Bonsai Park is small, you can walk here for a very long time. Repeatedly walking along the same paths, you realize that every time you see something new, you find interesting details and angles. Your correspondent took more than two thousand photographs in Bonsai Park!

More than 2,000 species, forms and varieties of woody and herbaceous plants currently grow in the park. And every plant, even the smallest one, just a few centimeters high, receives care and attention from the staff of the botanical garden.

Yuri Ovchinnikov says that it is very important to work with the relief when creating a garden. Flat areas are always more boring and uninteresting. But if you got exactly this one, don’t be upset, you can create a relief on it artificially. This technique is called geoplatics. The soil taken out in one place will serve as material for creating a hill in another corner of the garden. You will get additional cubic meters of earth by digging a foundation pit for a pond and a base for paths. The result should be interesting beautiful drawing relief. The garden will contain hollows and hills, slopes and leveled areas, ponds and grottoes, shady lowlands and dry, warm hills. These elements will require the construction of stairs, bridges, retaining walls, which will also greatly enliven and decorate your garden. Geoplastics also help create a variety of growing conditions for plants, greatly expanding the number of species that can be grown in the garden. If there is a relief on the site, then a variety of lighting conditions, humidity and soil composition, and drainage appear.

Bonsai Park always welcomes visitors; you can take a walk here on your own or as part of an excursion group. In the garden you can also buy planting material for ornamental plants, including already formed garden bonsai trees, and in greenhouses you can buy bonsai for your home.

Probably every resident of Novosibirsk and most guests of the regional capital have visited the Botanical Garden and Bonsai Park at least once. It is beautiful here at any time of the year. In spring you can enjoy the delicate colors of awakening nature, in summer you can admire its exuberance and diversity, in autumn - its brightness, in winter it is especially pleasant to visit greenhouses and immerse yourself in green world southern flora.

We sincerely advise you to visit this amazing corner and get many pleasant impressions, unforgettable pleasure and be inspired by ideas. And this can be done repeatedly, because the staff of the botanical garden constantly updates and complements the compositions.

Central Siberian Botanical Garden (Novosibirsk, Russia): detailed description, address and photo. Opportunities for sports and recreation, infrastructure, cafes and restaurants in the park. Reviews from tourists.

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Botanical Garden in Novosibirsk - simultaneously science center, a popular holiday destination and tourist attraction. On an area of ​​more than 10 sq. km, in the forested area there are several production buildings, many greenhouses and greenhouses, open gardens, alleys, and ponds. In summer local residents people go here to pick mushrooms, have picnics and ride bicycles, and in winter - skiing and snowboarding.

The landscape of the garden is created by the valley of the Zyryanka River (which was also the name of the village that was once located here): high slopes and plains, birch and pine forests. The expositions - all kinds of ornamental and food plants - fit in seamlessly.

A little history

The botanical garden was created in the post-war period as structural unit Institute of Biology. Already in 1953 it became an independent scientific center.

Initially, the garden area was small - about 2.3 square meters. km, and it was located in one of the residential areas of Novosibirsk. It was moved to Akademgorodok in 1964.

In the 70-80s. In the last century, the collections of the Novosibirsk Botanical Garden numbered about 14 thousand plant species; today there are fewer of them.

What to see

The greatest interest among visitors is caused by modern exhibitions: “Bonsai”, “Rocky Hill”, “Garden of Continuous Flowering”. It is also worth seeing the arboretum, looking into the greenhouses with tropical and subtropical plants, looking at the herbarium collections collected in the garden museum, decorative, rare and endangered species in the park area.

The Bonsai exposition is one of the brightest corners of the botanical garden. The best landscape designers of Novosibirsk worked on its design. A beautiful pond with islands, colored fish, flower beds, oriental-style lanterns - all this creates a fabulous and relaxed atmosphere that children really like.

Walking through the botanical garden, you can see its inhabitants from the animal world: birds (including large predators - hawks, kites, owls), squirrels, chipmunks, hares, weasels. Occasionally, larger animals are also encountered - foxes, ferrets, roe deer and even moose.

In agreement with the management, you can buy seedlings of plants growing in the botanical garden.

Practical information

Address: Novosibirsk, st. Zolotodolinskaya, 101. Website.

You can get from the center of Novosibirsk to Akademgorodok by buses No. 8 and 1209 (from the Rechnoy Vokzal stop), by minibus No. 1015 (from K. Marx Square). From the “House of Scientists” or “Morskoy Prospekt” stop you need to go towards the street. Zolotodolinskaya, then go down along it to the ravine. Next, cross the pipeline (or go under it) and climb the path to the botanical garden.

Entrance: adults - 25 RUB, children - free. Tours are available by appointment from Tuesday to Sunday in the morning.

There is one wonderful place in Tomsk that will allow you to immerse yourself in warmth, summer and the tropics. This is the Siberian Botanical Garden. Someone goes to the famous Thai Nong Nooch, but Tomsk residents can enjoy the exotic without leaving the city.

The garden belongs to Tomsk State University and is its separate division; it is also one of the ten largest botanical gardens in Russia.

How to get to the Siberian Botanical Garden

You can get to the garden in several ways:

  • On foot. If you settled near Lenin Avenue, then this is the most convenient option. You can get some fresh air and see the local attractions. So, within a 10-30 minute walk there is Novosobornaya Square, which you can read about, with the City Garden, the Embankment, the Museum of the NKVD Detention Prison, the Camp Garden, which is written about, and other places.
  • By bus or trolleybus. The fare costs 17 and 15 rubles respectively. Almost all buses go past the greenhouses; they are located in the city center. You need to get to the stops “University” or “TSU Library”. Next, visitors will have a short walk through the University Grove. It is more difficult to get to the grove on Mokrushina. There are only two buses going there: 19 and 24. You need to get to the “School” stop and walk past it (it is located at Mokrushina, 10) and residential buildings. This is where the entrance to the botanical garden is located. It is better and more convenient to get to your destination in the following two ways.
  • By taxi. Everything is simple here: you tell the taxi driver the address, he will quickly take you to the right place. The cost of a trip around the city is from 100 to 170 rubles. You can’t get to the greenhouses directly, so you’ll still have to take a walk along the University Grove.
  • By car. Renting a car will cost from 1,500 rubles/day and more. The only thing is that parking is a little tight in the center on weekdays, but an experienced driver will always find a place to park.

History of the botanical garden

This is the first botanical garden beyond the Urals; for a long time it was the largest, until Novosibirsk was ahead of it. In 2015, Tomsk celebrated its 135th anniversary. It was opened according to the decree of 1875 on the construction of the first Siberian University(current TSU). Then an area of ​​1.7 hectares was allocated just south of the main university building.

Initially, the garden had a greenhouse, the area of ​​which was about 400 square meters. In 1885, a learned gardener from Kazan University, P.N., arrived here. Krylov. He brought about 60 species of plants. With the exception of a few types, almost all of them were short-lived. And some of them have survived to this day. Therefore, visitors can see the same age as the botanical garden: ficus rooting, Forster's Howea palm and Bidwill's araucaria, they are 130-135 years old.

First of all, the work of the Botanical Garden employees was carried out to create collections of plants. In the 1930s, its territory grew: on the outskirts of the city an additional area of ​​almost 68 hectares was allocated, which later increased. During the war years, the garden’s employees also worked for the benefit of the country: medicinal plants were actively studied and grown here, which were later transferred to pharmaceutical plants and pharmacies.

Garden today

Today the garden has two areas. One of them is 4 greenhouses and 2 greenhouses near the main building of TSU. This territory of 6.5 thousand meters is divided into 18 departments with a varied microclimate. They contain both tropical plants unique to Siberia and other varieties that require special conditions for growth. As Wikipedia suggests, there are more than 6 thousand species:

  • 1800 tropical and subtropical species;
  • 796 ornamental shrubs and trees;
  • 1200 ornamental herbaceous;
  • 535 medicinal;
  • 235 fruits and berries;
  • 514 stern;
  • 421 vegetable;
  • and 551 endangered and rare in the Tomsk region.

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