Morning prayers for every day. An invaluable text to read every morning when looking in the mirror! What's better to read in the morning?

I noticed one peculiarity, namely: if you read a book or some other material (article, assignment, etc.) early in the morning, it turns out that you seem to understand everything faster, remember more of what you read and read “thoughtfully and carefully.” " Thus, I concluded for myself that best time for reading it is between 5:00 and 7:30 am. And in principle, 30-40 minutes of reading in the morning is enough. I've tried reading books in the morning before. I read 5 books, each in about 6-7 days (read 30-45 minutes a day in the morning). Moreover, these books that I read in the morning are the ones that I remember most of all. Plus, when I read books during the day, at lunch at work, after work, or in rare moments at work (when I had 15-20 minutes of free time), I kind of forced myself to do it. I read for the sake of reading, as if I set a goal to read a book, but whether or not I understood what it was about we're talking about- this was already secondary. Yes, maybe not exactly like this with everything, but something like that. And it felt like when I read in the afternoon or in the evening, it took incomparably more time (although the time in fact was the same when reading in the morning, as when reading in the afternoon or evening). In the morning, you don’t seem to strain yourself - you read for your own pleasure. You know that you have nowhere to rush, no one is distracting you with calls or VK messages, the main things have not yet begun... you seem to subconsciously devote these 30 minutes only to the book, immerse yourself completely and all your attention is focused only on what is written in this book. In general, these are the feelings I got. Another plus is that in the morning you read at about the same time (+/-) 15-20 minutes. and you already get used to it and don’t force yourself to read, it becomes the norm. In 2013, I once woke up at 5:00 for about a month and read in the morning - I didn’t notice how I read 1 book, then another. In this way, I managed to read 4-5 books a month, spending 30-40 minutes a day on it. Then I stopped waking up early (at 5 am), but I understood that it was necessary to read, because... books influence me in the most positive way. But somehow there was always no time. There were 20-30 minutes of time during the day, but I either forgot to read, or the book was not at hand, or I spent this time on TV, the Internet and other useless things. As a result, I came to this conclusion - that the best time for reading is early in the morning. Oh, yes, I almost forgot, another important point, a big plus: ... earlier in the morning when I was reading books on self-education, scientific and applied literature, I noticed a very interesting detail: when I read about something in a book in the morning, then in the afternoon, when there was a situation at work where I could apply the knowledge that I had read in the morning, I did it. Every day I learned something new and spontaneously applied it throughout the day. Those. even if I read 15 pages and something useful was written there, then very often an opportunity arose when this useful knowledge could be applied. But in the case when I quickly read 100 pages during the day, then somehow the information that was there “blurred” and was quickly forgotten, there was a lot of it... and somehow, from experience, I rarely used it in practice.

Vasily Belov

Dates in the morning

Grandma got up at six o'clock, when cars began to make noise on the street. Now her sleep is not strong, she sleeps and thinks all night. The first, probably still empty, trolleybus passed outside the window. Every time something clicks in it, it seems to her that the machine has broken down in the morning. They look after cars poorly! There are a lot of cars, but they don’t take care of them...

Today is Saturday. Anxiety for the coming day began in the evening. Now this anxiety immediately grips the old heart. Grandmother began to be afraid of Saturdays and holidays. Previously, when I lived in the village, I was happy, but now I began to be afraid. Will something happen again today? Yesterday my son-in-law came home late, but my daughter did not talk to him.

We slept apart again.

The grandmother quietly, with her feet, feels for the shoes. She puts her feet in slippers and, holding back a cough so as not to wake up her granddaughter, whispers: “Sleep, mother, sleep! Christ is with you. There’s no need to go to kindergarten today.”

The granddaughter from his first son-in-law sleeps with her grandmother. As soon as you get off the boob, everything starts to feel better. It happened that he would start roaring, and my daughter would immediately lose her temper. Throws the baby on the bed like a stranger. And all because neurons. The nerves these days are thin, many of them are very bad.

This is what she thinks, tucking the blanket around the child sprawled in bed.

The way to the toilet is now the most important for her. There are only four steps. But you also have to open the doors - two of them - and walk across the parquet. And the parquet floor creaks, and the rugs that they brought from the village don’t help. I wove it specifically for them. My daughter ordered in a letter when the fashion for many rustic things began. And that’s to say - fashion is not fashion, but you can’t buy enough carpets.

She carefully opens the door to the corridor. He steps quietly on the rugs. But the parquet still creaks, as if dry birch bark had been placed underneath it. Thank God they didn’t hear it in their room. Now I wish I could open the door with my blessing. The door also creaks, and the switch clicks very loudly. She decides not to turn on the light; the toilet still has a window from the kitchen, so it’s possible at dusk. Even better. The new son-in-law covered the entire toilet with pictures, and in the pictures there were only naked girls. She is always ashamed to look at these people - they almost don’t wear what their mother gave birth to. They hang like that scheperi. But what will you do? Case theirs. Grandmother sighs and again thinks about what to do. You should really flush the water, but you'll make such a noise that it's a real disaster. If you don't let it go, it's also a sin. My daughter scolds me for the noise, my son-in-law is angry that the smell remains, you don’t know who to listen to, who to please...

She again decides half and half: she doesn’t drain all the water, but only part of it, carefully so that it doesn’t gurgle. The washing is okay, you can wait. She just as quietly returns to her six-meter room, where her granddaughter sleeps.

A sharp, but somehow short, seemingly bashful bell is heard from the front doors. Grandmother, holding her breath, tiptoes to her door. “Lord, you don’t know what to do. If you don’t open it, they’ll call again and wake everyone up. And you can’t open it either. If only my son-in-law would wake up and come out. Maybe to him..."

She waits tensely: maybe they will leave. He creeps up to the door and listens. No, they didn't leave. You can clearly hear: there is someone behind the doors. It's better to open it.

She carefully, quietly, turns the lock handle and quietly opens the door.

A bald old man in boots, in a gray cotton jacket, holding a cap in his hands, hesitates at the door.

Good health! - he says loudly, and the grandmother waves her hands at him: “Hush, hush!..”

The old man moves his backpack from place to place and also begins to whisper:

I would like this... I mean, Kostya... No Konstenkin?

No, no

Where is he? Not on a business trip?

I don’t know, I don’t know, father. He doesn't live here now.

Have you moved?

Moved, moved. Whose will you be?

Yes, that means I... Tell Konstenkin that Smolin was there. Olesha, that means... Well, excuse me, please.

With God.

Grandma carefully closes the door. It's good that no one woke up. Let them sleep, with Christ, they have also suffered for a week, she thinks with respect about her son-in-law, daughter and sister-in-law, who came from another city, to act. That's six o'clock on the alarm clock. After reading the prayer, she sits at the feet of her granddaughter. It is very bad and unpleasant to sit like this, doing nothing. And there is a lot to do, but they will wake up at nine, not earlier. I could knit it on knitting needles, but I just ran out of wool. I should write a letter to my son, but they have paper and envelopes in their room. I would like to go get some bread and milk, but the store only opens at eight o’clock. There is nothing to do for now. The Dumas themselves are surrounded on all sides. And all thoughts are only about them, about the children. The sons are far away, but my heart aches for them. One, an officer, serves in Germany - this is the youngest. The other lives in Siberia and left as a teenager. One daughter is in Moscow, the other - the eldest - lives in the village. That guy doesn’t drink, he’s a craftsman. You can think about them in the heat of the moment; they live well. They themselves have grandchildren. But I feel sorry for the local daughter, even in front of my eyes, more than anyone else. They live like in a train station. She herself has become like a piece of wood, she also quarrels with this guy almost every other day. The first one was divorced because of drinking. The second one, although he doesn’t drink, is an ordinary drinker, and not independent. He himself is worse than any woman. They argue about trifles, but why argue? There is money, you are fed, you have shoes. Thank God, times have improved, the stores are full of everything. It used to be that they would bring chintz to the shop - they bought it by lot. And now they don’t know what to wear, they take gifts for every holiday. And the holidays are humming along. What about among themselves? Often like dogs. “Is this what I taught her?” - Grandma says bitterly to herself.

And she remembers a long time ago. Long ago, but so clear, here, as if it had never gone away. Men and wives never slept apart before. If they only go to war or to earn money. And now? Women are too lazy to give birth to children, men have forgotten how to feed their families.

Is it really a man if he earns less than his wife?

And suddenly she feels ashamed that she sneaks people through. She scolds herself in a hasty whisper and remembers yesterday’s letter from the village.

It's a pity. I feel sorry for everyone - those suffering now and those who have suffered. There, they write in the letter, a decent sir, younger than her, but he died. He planned to live until he was ninety. Don't forget to remember him in church. Oh, how much man has endured! He was wounded and robbed. They tore off their skin in captivity and spit into their eyes.

She also remembers her own husband, who died in last war. His mother-in-law, sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law come to mind behind him. What can I say, the deceased was not very affectionate. Yes, that's fair. He used to sit by the samovar, giving the first cup to his husband and the second to his son. And the third, not for myself and not for my young sisters-in-law, but for her, my daughter-in-law. The father-in-law, too, did not immediately, but thawed out, but then he did not let anyone offend.

And then the big one public organization Boys and Girls Clubs of America invited me to be a featured speaker at a national conference, and I gave my first paid lecture. Although I had been speaking to large business audiences quite often since 1998, the lion's share of which were salespeople, managers and corporate executives, I decided that with my tousled hair, (fairly) youthful appearance and the nickname Your Buddy Hal, I had a direct path to work with young people, and began speaking and telling his story at local schools and colleges.

2007 This year my life went to hell. The US economy was hit by a crisis. Literally overnight, my income was cut in half. My clients could no longer afford coaching. And I couldn’t pay the bills, including the house. I had accumulated over four hundred thousand dollars in debt, and I was crushed and devastated. Mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. And he plunged into the darkness of despondency. Never in my life have I felt so hopeless, so broken, so desperate. Completely at a loss to find a way to get my life back on track, I struggled to solve insurmountable problems: I read self-help books, attended seminars, even hired a personal coach - all to no avail.

2008 This year the situation began to improve little by little. I finally admitted to a close friend how bad I was doing (up until this point, I had stubbornly kept my problems a secret). He immediately asked: “Are you doing exercises?” I replied that I actually have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, so no, I don’t.“You start running,” he said. “You’ll see, it will make you feel better and clear your head.” Ugh, I hate running. But I was so desperate that I took my friend’s advice and went for a run the next morning. What I realized while running was a turning point in my life (read Chapter 2 for details). It was while running that inspiration struck me and I developed a set of daily activities that would help me develop into the person I needed to become in order to solve the problems that beset me and change my life for the better. And, incredible as it may seem, my method actually worked. Almost every aspect of my life that was important to me improved so quickly that I called this method my “Miracle Morning.”

Autumn 2008. I continued to develop yours The Miracle Morning, experimenting with different personal development practices and sleep patterns and exploring how much sleep a person actually needs. I must say that my conclusions completely destroyed the patterns and attitudes of many people, including myself, to this issue. I liked the results so much that I shared them with my coaching clients, who also liked them. They shared my findings with their friends, family, and colleagues. And one day the moment came when I began to see stories on Facebook and Twitter about “miracle mornings” of people whom I had never met in my life (I’ll tell you more about this later).

Where can I find time for exercise, self-development and meditation? How can just one hour change our lives? Why does the morning have special power? And what needs to be done to ensure that the new habit stays with us for a long time? The author of the book “Morning Magic,” Hal Elrod, is sure that just a few minutes every morning can change your life. Selected quotes from the book are in this post.

Material prepared by: Nastya Massalova

Change your morning - change your life

“I really like what I wrote in my book The Rhythm of Life (Rhythm of Life) bestselling author Matthew Kelly: “On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand, we all know what exactly makes us happy. But we don't do that. Why? Very simple. We're too busy for that. Too busy for what? Too busy to be happy."

Every person, no matter what stage of his life he is at - at the pinnacle of success or in a period of misfortune and adversity, in search of a way out of the current situation - dreams of at least one thing (probably there are many more such things, but I know about this for sure): improve your life and yourself. This does not mean at all that there is something wrong with our lives, we just all come into this world with a desire and an innate thirst for continuous growth, development and self-improvement. Yet it must be recognized that most people wake up every day to see that practically nothing has changed in their lives.

I am convinced that it is absolutely necessary for any of us to understand and acknowledge one fact: what another person has been able to overcome or achieve serves as solid proof that anything, really anything, is possible, regardless of our past or present circumstances. It all starts with taking full responsibility for every aspect of your life and resolutely refusing to blame anyone else for your failures. The degree to which you take responsibility for everything that happens fully determines the power of your personal power required to change or create anything in your life. Change any area of ​​your life - and you can do all this at the very beginning of the day, before eight o’clock in the morning.”

Oh no, not in the morning!

If you're daunted by the prospect of waking up earlier, you're not alone. The author of the book himself always considered himself an owl.

“I thought about starting self-development in the morning, but I didn’t like the idea right away. To say that I was not a morning person is an understatement. In fact, I just hated getting up in the morning, and especially waking up early; I hated it almost as much as I hated jogging. But the more I thought about it, the more a slightly different picture emerged.

Firstly, if I start practicing self-development in the morning, it will give me a powerful positive motivational boost for the whole day. I could learn something new in the morning and would likely be more energized, focused, and motivated for the rest of the day. I'm not even talking about the fact that if I started doing self-development in the morning, I wouldn't have all those excuses and justifications that usually accumulate during the day (I'm tired, I don't have time to do anything, and so on and so forth). By taking the time to develop myself before everything else in my life and work got in the way, I could ensure that I would actually do it every day.”

Meditation, reading and exercise

What should you do during this hour? The author suggests figuring this out on your own, but it's important to start doing what has the biggest impact. For himself, Hal Elrod decided that The Miracle Morning lasts an hour and consists of silence (including meditation), affirmations (repeating positive statements), visualization, journaling, reading developmental literature and physical exercise. The morning ritual does not have to last an hour; all actions can be shortened to just a minute. It is important to do this every day, and after a month this tradition will become a habit.

“I could read, but I’ve done this before, and I wanted something special. I could do physical education, but again I wasn’t particularly enthusiastic about it. Then I pulled out a piece of blank paper and wrote down on it all the most effective personal development practices that I knew about, but which I had never practiced before, at least consistently and constantly. My list included meditation, affirmation, visualization, writing, as well as reading and exercise.

My stress dropped dramatically. I was full of energy, I was thinking clearly and clearly. I felt happy full of energy and inspiration. Depressive thoughts seemed like a distant memory. You could say that I was back to my old self again - although I felt that I was growing so powerfully and rapidly that I was quickly becoming an improved version of myself in the past. And with new energy, motivation, clarity, and focus, it was much easier to set clear goals, strategize, and implement a plan to save your business and grow your revenue. Less than two months after the first “miracle morning,” my income not only returned to pre-crisis levels, but also reached levels previously inaccessible to me.”

What a morning - such a life

Waking up every day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) have a huge impact on your success in every area of ​​your life. Focused, productive and successful mornings generate focused, productive and successful days, which inevitably leads to a successful life - just as unfocused, unproductive and mediocre mornings create unfocused, unproductive and mediocre days and ultimately a mediocre quality of life. Simply changing the time you wake up in the morning can make a big difference in any aspect of your life, faster than you probably think.

  • Don't make an exception. Hal Elrod believes that consistency is important. If you want to stay in bed one morning, your motivation will drop and the next time you decide that you can afford to skip one more time. One of the most common, although less obvious reasons mediocrity is the desire to make exceptions for oneself. We do this because we mistakenly believe that every choice we make and every action we take affects only a specific moment or circumstance. For example, you may think that there is nothing particularly wrong with skipping a workout at the gym, postponing a project, or eating unhealthy fast food, because everything can be caught up or corrected tomorrow. But you make the mistake of thinking that skipping a workout only affects you today and that next time you will certainly make the right choice. Every time you choose the easy solution instead of the right one, you shape your personality and become more and more a person who prefers what is easy and simple over what is right.
  • A report that motivates. Have you ever had a day when you meant to go to the gym but didn't because you didn't feel like it that day? What if you knew that someone was counting on you and waiting for you at the gym? In a situation where you are responsible to someone, are you more likely to do what you set out to do? Most likely yes. Therefore, find yourself a reliable reporting partner. This could be a friend, colleague or family member.

  • 30 days to love a new habit. The author of the book believes that it takes about 30 days to form a habit. The first 10 days will become difficult and sometimes even unbearable, the next 10 days will become easier, but the course will still be difficult, and in the last 10 days the new habit will become part of your character and will even bring pleasure. So, the author himself simply could not stand running, but forced himself to jog every day for 30 days. During the first 10 days, he wanted to give up everything. Every day he struggled with an inner voice that persuaded him to give up this idea. From days 11 to 20, significant changes occurred: he liked running more and more. And after the 20th day, he felt that he was getting real pleasure from running.
  • Joy to the new day. Before you go to bed, think about what pleasant things will tomorrow bring you? Maybe you're meeting a friend? Maybe you're just looking forward to a wonderful breakfast? By finding a reason to look forward to the next day that excites you, it will be easier for you to get up in the morning.
  • Don't put it off until tomorrow. Perhaps the biggest reason for the mediocrity of our lives and unrealized potential is that most people do not see any urgency to begin to improve themselves and, therefore, improve their lives. It is natural for a person to live with the attitude of “someday, but not now” and to believe that life will flow by itself in any case. This attitude never changes, and it leads to a life full of eternal regrets and unfulfilled ideas. Hal Elrod suggests starting change now.

Nikitayskaya Natalia

Nikitayskaya Natalia

Sun in the morning

Natalia Nikitayskaya

Sun in the morning

You, of course, will not like the first option

bathroom, you're in the shower, only I'm going to leave m

The new thing about you is hard work. In this sense, you beat everyone. If among biologists, like footballers, there was a count of precisely scored ideas, then you would shine brighter than Pele.

However, you sparkle.

Now me. I'm thirty. I'm divorced. I live with my son in a one-room apartment. I work at a small factory in the legal department. The entire department is three people: Marya is the boss, Boris Petrovich is a lawyer, and I am the one doing the paperwork.. I have a secondary technical education. In the evenings I take care of my son. And when I go to you, my son stays with a neighbor on the site, a sweet elderly woman.

Yes, I completely forgot to say: your name is Evgeniy, my name is Olga. My son Yurka, nicknamed the Scientist.

Have I told you everything? No, not all. It's not clear how we met. And it couldn't be simpler. The cultural sector of our factory committee invited you to talk about the impact of pollution environment on the human body. You arrived and refused payment. The workers approved of this. They also approved your story. Nowadays it is common to speak in an accessible way. But you also spoke with enthusiasm and figurativeness. You were clear. And so clearly I see you between the presidium table and the shabby podium. And you're not talking into the microphone. And you look at me so often that I think I would fall through the ground with happiness. In short, I fell in love with you at first sight. And she stayed, supposedly asking a question. And you - Lord! I understand now what it cost you! - He offered to explain everything to me on the way to my house. This was just four years ago.

I kissed you that evening myself. And you fell so close to me that for a second I even felt superior. But I didn't know you yet. And I didn’t think that, having gone over this whole evening in your mind, you would consider me frivolous. Then you have not yet appreciated my love and impulse. But you immediately appreciated the impulse that fell on you. And after our first night - how long I had to wait for her! - it became clear: we can’t live without each other.

It's time to stop here. It’s impossible to retell everything that happened to us in four years, and the plot doesn’t require it.

Let's return to the conversation that takes place while you are in the shower, and I seem to be preparing dinner for us.

Where's the sour cream? Have you really put the sour cream in the freezer again?

I say you froze the sour cream again!

Don't be picky! These are small things compared to your shoes!

This is about the fact that I bought a great pair of shoes in the store, only both shoes were on one foot.

It’s rightly said: two boots make a difference, I’m hinting that it’s time to get married.

You don't hear any words or intonation.

You don't hear. He probably wrapped his head in a towel.

Exactly. You come out bundled up, your face is moist and radiant.

Well, what poison have you prepared for me today?

You love to eat, and I try my best to please you.

No, nothing, nothing, delicious...

Did you like it? For once I got it...

You glance at me, looking up from your plate, quickly and devotedly.

Will you stay the night?

No. She promised the Scientist to draw a duty schedule for his star.


Didn't I tell you? I was happy all evening yesterday.

Joyful child.

Brings me joy.

I am also attached to him.

You just rarely see it.

Well, Olya...

I'm silent, I'm silent.

You're coming. And you put your arm around my shoulders. Affection makes me stupid and I go ahead:

Zhenya, let's get married.

A woman, Olya,” you say, smiling joyfully, “must wait until she is called to marry.” Don't perform male functions.

You know everything about functions better than me. And I’m not making you an offer at all, but persuading you to make it to me.

Yeah! And you will think and refuse! - you put forward an assumption so ridiculous that we both laugh.

You know how much I love your jokes. Each new meeting added looseness and warmth to our relationship. And one of the signs of both is your humor.

But our meetings, especially recently, brought out not only good things. Or rather, my whole life - mine, in any case - was divided into periods: we are together and we are apart.

And since the first were much less common than the second, and the second, again for me, meant bitter loneliness, and my emotional nature knew how to somehow exaggerately experience this bitterness, and when we were together, I did not allow myself to splash out negative emotions, believing that tears and reproaches would push you away, then the warmth multiplied over the years was still not enough for me to peace of mind.

And that's why today I wanted to get an answer.

Well, but still?

Olya! Oleshek! I’m not fit to be a husband; I’m not mature yet, apparently...

When you mature, you will say... - I was offended.

I'll tell you. And remember, if this happens, it will only be for you, and you first...

You always felt it was time for a pat on the head. I accepted the gesture.

Don't lie. You have already proposed to one woman, for her you are already ripe.

How's that? Who is she?

She has a sonorous name. She is bloodthirsty and precise. Elusive and beautiful. She's a vamp. She's a sissy. And you love her more than anyone!

Who is this? Of course, I wouldn’t refuse one!

Her name is Biology! And I am jealous of you for this side-eyed beauty.

Why is it oblique?

One of her eyes cannot see enough of the exact sciences, the other winks at the humanities, and she is only interested in mortal creations.

Don't blame her for this. After all, we are such creatures. How can you not be interested in me?

Listen, can she hug like that? And kiss? - I pressed my lips to your ear and whispered a prayer like a shaman: - Why, why are two people so suitable for each other, so loving... No, in my opinion, we are depriving ourselves of happiness...

You're holding me tight. But this is not so much a loving embrace as a belittling embrace.

How you elude the main decision! How can you combine the incompatible: being with me and keeping me at a distance! I don’t understand what’s stopping you from being like others, I can’t understand. But I don’t want to see you humiliated, so I roll back.

However, we are already happy, right?

True, true,” you repeat with relief.

It should be noted that you are afraid of losing me. You’re afraid that I won’t be able to withstand such a life: meetings once a week, scanty conversations on the phone, your frequent trips - for some reason not a single international symposium can do without you.

But I can stand it. And Marya with her lifting; “What kind of character do you have, Olga? You didn’t get along with your husband. And this one won’t marry you.” This is not said seriously, not by a strange coincidence, always after I show dissatisfaction with Marya’s leadership style. I repeat, I tolerate Marya, I tolerate your indecision, the loneliness that for some reason you do not feel, I humble myself and my impatience. I humble myself because I love you and am afraid of losing you.

You see what happens: we are both afraid of losing each other. And we both love Yurka. True, you rarely see him.

Here I go, here I go. I’m getting closer to the main events and I’m still afraid of missing out on something. This is true. She did not explain her son's nickname. They began to call him a scientist almost from the nursery. He is, as you put it, a child with frequent flashes of genius. Do you like logic in. his thoughts and actions. You see him as a future mathematician. But I think that Yurka is more inclined towards art: he is very emotional. Of all our trinity: you, me, him - I am the most uneventful. I'm ordinary.

Well, now about the most important thing. If this were a historical work, the words “turning point” would certainly be used here. After all, everything really turned upside down. The change of scenery happened as suddenly as is possible only in a magic theater. I stepped over the threshold. You went out onto the landing and stood on the stairs, holding the door. I wasn't having much fun. Another meeting has ended. And everything is the same as before. Nothing has changed. I was returning to normal life - without you. As a farewell, I stroked the sleeve of your terry robe. And failed. I didn't even have time to scream. Fell into oblivion. Then you told the same thing: “You touched your sleeve. It was so tender. I felt so warm. And suddenly, a complete blackout. Like a dream. Or death.”

Why did they choose us? Who knows how they spotted us among billions of earthlings? But, one way or another, the second act began. Alien ship. Glowing texts on the wall in a large room built especially for us. The first text was: "We welcome earthlings to our ship. Peaceful spies." Then the word “scouts” faded away and two words appeared instead: “scouts of the Universe.” The scoreboard reminded me of Aksakov's "The Scarlet Flower". And the fact that their translator does not always immediately find synonyms in our language was so human. For some reason, I immediately realized that what was happening was real. You stood there tense.

And this tension was about to turn into admiration. You believed it too. And he was shocked. But what shock could stop the work of your mind? You mentally analyzed your impressions, you wanted to find out with what forces these “infiltrators” managed to extinguish consciousness, and then revive it again, without damaging anything, without disturbing anything. You tried to understand what happened objectively and impartially. But is this possible right away? You started asking questions. They answered you. But the answers - I saw - did not satisfy you. I tried to understand your conversation, but after several impressive formulas that you uttered quickly, I gave up trying, just firmly...