Raising the imaginary part of a complex number to a power. Raising complex numbers to a power

Let's start with our favorite square.

Example 9

Squaring a complex number

Here you can go in two ways, the first way is to rewrite the degree as a product of factors and multiply the numbers according to the multiplication rule for polynomials.

The second way is to use the well-known school abbreviated multiplication formula:

For a complex number, it is easy to derive your own abbreviated multiplication formula:

A similar formula can be derived for the square of the difference, as well as for the cube of the sum and the cube of the difference. But these formulas are more relevant for complex analysis problems. What if a complex number needs to be raised to, say, the 5th, 10th, or 100th power? It is clear that in algebraic form it is almost impossible to do such a trick, really, think about how you will solve an example like?

And here the trigonometric form of a complex number comes to the rescue and the so-called De Moivre's formula: If a complex number is represented in trigonometric form, then when it is raised to a natural power, the formula is valid:

Just to disgrace.

Example 10

Given a complex number, find.

What should be done? First you need to represent this number in trigonometric form. Astute readers will notice that we have already done this in Example 8:

Then, according to De Moivre's formula:

God forbid, no need to count on a calculator, but in most cases the angle should be simplified. How to simplify? Figuratively speaking, you need to get rid of extra turns. One revolution is a radian or 360 degrees. Find out how many revolutions we have in the argument. For convenience, we make the fraction correct:, after which it becomes clearly visible that you can reduce one revolution:. I hope everyone understands that this is the same angle.

So the final answer would be:

A separate version of the exponentiation problem is the exponentiation of purely imaginary numbers.

Example 12

Raise complex numbers to powers

Here, too, everything is simple, the main thing is to remember the famous equality.

If the imaginary unit is raised to an even power, then the solution technique is as follows:

If the imaginary unit is raised to an odd power, then we “pin off” one “and”, getting an even power:

If there is a minus (or any real coefficient), then it must first be separated:

Extraction of roots from complex numbers. Quadratic equation with complex roots

Consider an example:

Can't extract the root? If we are talking about real numbers, it really is impossible. In complex numbers, you can extract the root - you can! More precisely, two root:

Are the found roots really the solution of the equation? Let's check:

Which is what needed to be checked.

An abbreviated notation is often used, both roots are written in one line under the “one comb”:.

These roots are also called conjugate complex roots.

How to extract square roots from negative numbers, I think everyone understands: ,,,, etc. In all cases it turns out two conjugate complex roots.

Example 13

Solve a quadratic equation

Let's calculate the discriminant:

The discriminant is negative, and the equation has no solution in real numbers. But the root can be taken in complex numbers!

According to the well-known school formulas, we obtain two roots: - conjugate complex roots

So the equation has two conjugate complex roots:,

Now you can solve any quadratic equation!

And in general, any equation with a polynomial of "nth" degree has exactly roots, some of which may be complex.

A simple example for a do-it-yourself solution:

Example 14

Find the roots of the equation and factorize the square binomial.

The factorization is again carried out according to the standard school formula.

Let's start with our favorite square.

Example 9

Squaring a complex number

Here you can go in two ways, the first way is to rewrite the degree as a product of factors and multiply the numbers according to the multiplication rule for polynomials.

The second way is to use the well-known school abbreviated multiplication formula:

For a complex number, it is easy to derive your own abbreviated multiplication formula:

A similar formula can be derived for the square of the difference, as well as for the cube of the sum and the cube of the difference. But these formulas are more relevant for complex analysis problems. What if a complex number needs to be raised to, say, the 5th, 10th, or 100th power? It is clear that in algebraic form it is almost impossible to do such a trick, really, think about how you will solve an example like?

And here the trigonometric form of a complex number comes to the rescue and the so-called De Moivre's formula: If a complex number is represented in trigonometric form, then when it is raised to a natural power, the formula is valid:

Just to disgrace.

Example 10

Given a complex number, find.

What should be done? First you need to represent this number in trigonometric form. Astute readers will notice that we have already done this in Example 8:

Then, according to De Moivre's formula:

God forbid, no need to count on a calculator, but in most cases the angle should be simplified. How to simplify? Figuratively speaking, you need to get rid of extra turns. One revolution is a radian or 360 degrees. Find out how many revolutions we have in the argument. For convenience, we make the fraction correct:, after which it becomes clearly visible that you can reduce one revolution:. I hope everyone understands that this is the same angle.

So the final answer would be:

A separate version of the exponentiation problem is the exponentiation of purely imaginary numbers.

Example 12

Raise complex numbers to powers

Here, too, everything is simple, the main thing is to remember the famous equality.

If the imaginary unit is raised to an even power, then the solution technique is as follows:

If the imaginary unit is raised to an odd power, then we “pin off” one “and”, getting an even power:

If there is a minus (or any real coefficient), then it must first be separated:

Extraction of roots from complex numbers. Quadratic equation with complex roots

Consider an example:

Can't extract the root? If we are talking about real numbers, then it is really impossible. In complex numbers, you can extract the root - you can! More precisely, two root:

Are the found roots really the solution of the equation? Let's check:

Which is what needed to be checked.

An abbreviated notation is often used, both roots are written in one line under the “one comb”:.

These roots are also called conjugate complex roots.

How to extract square roots from negative numbers, I think everyone understands: ,,,, etc. In all cases it turns out two conjugate complex roots.