World Poetry Day. World Poetry Day World Poetry Day

Imagine our life without poetry... Without holiday greetings, without songs, without Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare, modern authors... It will be a boring life without the explosion of emotions expressed in simple letters on paper, without that little mysticism when the same words, but written in a certain order, can move you to tears or leave you completely indifferent. The power of words has a special energy that captivates and subjugates our imagination. In order to attract public attention to poetry as a source of answers to many questions of humanity, as an art, completely open to people, at the 30th session of UNESCO in 1999, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21 of each year. On this day, courses of lectures, author readings, and presentations of new poetic literature are held all over the world.

Happy Beautiful Poetry Day,
Sometimes a little sad
But always unique
And immortal from the start!

Let the poems excite the soul,
Makes you smile
Become more thoughtful and better
Plunge into a wonderful world!

On Poetry Day I wish
Inspiration and dreams!
I send you a ray of happiness
And the radiance of bright stars!

May poetry give you
Many sweet moments.
Let it invigorate and inspire,
Pointing out the route to goodness!

To the poets of the world - the nightingales of love,
To those who weave wreaths from ordinary words,
Bless their souls, Lord,
Add some gentle, poetic talents!

Give them happiness, joy and peace
Leave it for those who peacefully plow the land,
The poets of the world will all be with You,
Having drunk the power of the Divine cup!

Let the sun shine for you, let the thunder roar,
Everything in the world is sweet to the poet's soul,
Great success is flying towards you,
To make your soul ache with happiness!

All poets, poetesses
Today I want to congratulate
Wish you inspiration,
Loudly glorify your talent.

Let the rhyming lines
Born from the soul
Let your poems always
People really like it.

Let the muse come more often
Let her live with you
Let him throw up thoughts
So that your eyes burn with excitement.

Poetry is truly beautiful
All phrases are harmoniously intertwined!
Poetry, like the sun, shines clearly,
So that people's souls become clear!

Let poetry awaken in everyone
Emotionally stimulating cocktail
And the one who reads it thoughtfully,
He will understand what the author’s goal was!

Poetry sometimes touches the soul,
So much so that prose won’t take you in life,
Throws you out of the heat and straight into the cold,
After all, it is in poetry that the soul lives!

Happy World Poetry Day
I congratulate you today,
The heart beats in ecstasy
Let it be from poetic phrases.

Lines of beautiful lyrics
Let them disturb your soul,
Treating worries
All misfortunes and dramas.

A moment for poetry
Let it be sometimes
Beckons into the world of beautiful poems
Let her have her own line.

There is tenderness and pressure in her,
Strength and expression.
It's impossible to live without her,
After all, she is poetry.

Happy poetry day today
I congratulate you.
More magical lyrics
I wish it from the bottom of my heart.

Let the rhyming lines
The soul is subtly touched,
Let sadness and all problems
They will drown in those lines.

Who poetry
Doesn't know
Doesn't understand.
Happy poetry day to you
We congratulate you,

What decorates this boring world?
What makes him kinder for a moment?
Just a slight interweaving of rhymes
It will carefully warm hearts and souls!

On Poetry Day I wish you bright dreams,
To bring inspiration and joy,
And so that faith, tenderness and love
They kept you from all the vanities of the world!

Being a poet sometimes hurts
Taking phrases from the heart...
You can’t help but be responsible for everything,
Yes, passing everywhere along the edge,
The world is reasonable, but stingy in soul,
And feelings are completely in short supply.
After all, indifference is a great evil,
We need protection again!
When love comes to victory
...and the day of poetry will begin
All neighbors will become family,
Suddenly everyone's youth will return!

Congratulations to poets and everyone who is not indifferent to poetic creativity, Happy Poetry Day! The holiday will be celebrated all over the world in the second half of March.

In many countries, Poetry Day is celebrated in March. This day is intended to emphasize the greatness of the poetic word, the importance of verse in people's lives.

Poetry plays an important role in everyone's life cultured person in modern society. It helps to express feelings and convey emotions, it unites people and brings joy.

Expressing your feelings, your worldview in poetry is a great skill, a unique form of art created by man. Poetry allows you to think about the future, talk about the present and remember the past, communicating with millions of people through the poetic form.

This holiday is another opportunity for poets around the world to remind themselves.

Ceremonial events dedicated to this holiday are also held in educational institutions, schools and universities in philological departments. Such an event also does not pass by literary publishing houses.

Happy holiday! And we encourage you to study poetry and write poetry - don’t be afraid to be misunderstood, don’t think about fame, enjoy the creation of poetic words! Even small children express their thoughts in poetic form. But such seemingly absurd works also make a significant contribution to the spiritual prosperity of the entire society.

Within world day Poetry 2016 Moscow literary projects and platforms offer:

March 17, Thursday, at the Museum Silver Age(Bryusov House, 30 Mira Ave., metro station "Prospekt Mira") the opening of the World Poetry Day program according to UNESCO "All Moscow / general gathering" will take place (curators of Moscow literary projects, venues, salons, clubs present their program and authors) . Announcement of the exhibition - “Literary Atlantis of the 1990-2000s”. Starts at 19.00.

In the “Classics of the 21st Century” salon (Chekhov Cultural Center, Strastnoy Boulevard, 6, p. 2, metro station “Chekhovskaya”) there will be a presentation of German Vlasov’s book “Girl with a Hoop”. Starts at 19.00.

March 18, Friday, at the A.N. Tolstoy (Spiridonovka, 2/6, metro station "Arbatskaya") there will be a poetry evening by Evgeny Nikitin and Arkady Shtypel. Starts at 19.00.

On Saturday, March 19, a poetry evening by Galina Nerpina will take place at the Chukovsky House-Museum (Peredelkino village, Serafimovicha St., 3). Starts at 16.00.

The Museum of the Silver Age (Bryusov House) will host an evening from the series “Metamorphoses. Conversations about literary translation": Maria Falikman. Hosted by Alyosha Prokopyev. Starts at 19.00.

On Sunday, March 20, a presentation of the textbook “Poetry” will take place at the “Dacha on Pokrovka” club (18 Pokrovsky Blvd., metro station “Kitai-Gorod”). Conducted by authors Natalia Azarova, Kirill Korchagin, Dmitry Kuzmin. Starts at 19.00.

March 21, Monday, at the cafe “Jean-Jacques” ( Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 24, bldg. 1, metro station "Tsvetnoy Boulevard") there will be an evening "The Poetry Magazine "Air" - 10 years old." Starts at 19.00.

The poetry evening “Poetry Day 2016, or Solid Complexes” will take place in the premises of Theater.Doc (M. Kazenny per., 12, metro station “Kurskaya”). Starts at 20.00.

The presentation of the anthology will take place in the theater hall of the Literary Salon in the Bulgakov House (B. Sadovaya, 10, metro station "Mayakovskaya") modern poetry"Poetic Atlas of Russia". Hosted by Andrey Korovin and Pavel Kryuchkov. Starts at 20.00.

On Tuesday, March 22, in the cafe “Jean-Jacques” (Maroseyka, 15, metro station “Kitai-gorod”) the ceremony of announcing the poetry prize “Difference”-2016 will take place. Starts at 19.00.

There will also be a presentation of the books by Oksana Vasyakina “Women’s Prose” and Ksenia Charyeva “On a Completely Strange Celebration”. Starts at 20.00.

On Wednesday, March 23, an evening of poet laureates will take place at the “Chinese pilot Zhao Da” club (Lubyansky Prospect, 25, metro station “Kitai-Gorod”) literary prizes 2015. Starts at 19.00.

March 25, Friday, in library No. 76 named after. M.Yu. Lermontova (Barbolina, 6, Sokolniki metro station) will host the first evening of the Fourth literary readings“They left. They remained" (in memory of young poets who left at the end of the 20th - beginning of XXI century). Starts at 18.30.

March 26, Saturday, in library No. 76 named after. M.Yu. Lermontov will host the second evening of the Fourth Literary Readings “They Gone. They remained" (in memory of young poets who passed away at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century). Starts at 15.00.

In the Pasternak House-Museum (Peredelkino village, Pavlenko St., 3), as part of Dmitry Vedenyapin’s author’s project “Man in Other People,” an evening by Mikhail Yasnov will be held. Starts at 16.00.

As part of the Moscow Cultural Forum 2016 (Manege, Manezhnaya Square, 1, stand of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow, Central Bank of North-East Administrative District) round table"Artist and poet: transformations." Participating: Danila Davydov, Alexey Sosna and others. Starts at 18.00.

In the Museum of A.N. Tolstoy will host the evening “Poems kultinfo. Publication 1/16": "South Stream". Poems of the IX Moscow international festival"Biennale of Poets". Starts at 19.00.

On Sunday, March 27, the third evening of the Fourth Literary Readings “They’re Gone. They remained" (in memory of young poets who passed away at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century). Starts at 15.30.

A poetry evening by Vasil Borodin will take place at the Pasternak House-Museum (Peredelkino village). Starts at 16.00.

The 4th Jean-Jacques reading: Timur Kibirov will take place in the cafe “Jean-Jacques” (Nikitsky Blvd., 12, metro station “Arbatskaya”). Starts at 19.00.

On Tuesday, March 29, the Dacha on Pokrovka club will host an evening from the series “Moscow and Non-Muscovites”: Maxim Amelin (Kursk) - Mikhail Aizenberg (Moscow). Starts at 19.00.

On Wednesday, March 30, the 5th Jean-Jacques readings will be held at the cafe “Jean-Jacques” (Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 24, building 1). Nikolai Zvyagintsev. Starts at 19.00.

The literary salon “Bulgakov House” will host the evening “The Corner of Nevsky and Tverskaya. Contemporary St. Petersburg poetry in Moscow." Participating: Vitaly Dmitriev, Oleg Levitan and others. Starts at 20.00.

On Thursday, March 31, in the Great Hall of the Central House of Writers (B. Nikitskaya, 53, metro station “Barrikadnaya”) there will be a presentation of Waldemar Weber’s book “The 101st kilometer, then everywhere.” Hosted by Olga Medvedko. Starts at 18.30.

The Museum of the Silver Age (Bryusov House) will host an evening from the “Poles” cycle: Alexey Kashcheev - Dana Sideros. Starts at 19.00.

On Sunday, April 3, a presentation of Andrei Korovin’s book “Snebafall” will take place at the Bulgakov House literary salon. Starts at 19.00.

On Tuesday, April 5, the Dacha on Pokrovka club will host a presentation of Anna Tsvetkova’s book “Con amore.” Starts at 19.00.

On Wednesday, April 6, a poetry evening by Konstantin Kedrov will take place at the literary club “Contemporaries-XXI” (Russian State Library for Youth, B. Cherkizovskaya, 4, building 1, metro station “Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad”). Starts at 19.00.

The ExLibris cafe (Bobrov lane, 6, building 1, metro station "Chistye Prudy", "Sretensky Boulevard") will host an evening of poets - graduates of the Moscow Printing Institute "Farewell to the Printing Institute". Starts at 18.00.

On April 7, Thursday, the bookstore “Order of Words” (Electrotheater “Stanislavsky”, Tverskaya, 23, metro station “Tverskaya”, “Pushkinskaya”) will host a presentation of Yan Nikitin’s book “Selected Texts: 1997-2012”. Starts at 19.30.

On Friday, April 8, a presentation of Sergei Kruglov’s book “Queen Saturday” will take place at the Museum of the Silver Age (Bryusov House). Starts at 19.00.

In the Central House of Arts Workers (Pushechnaya, 9/6, p. 1, metro station " Kuznetsky Bridge") there will be a DOOS poetry review: Part I of the video chronicle of the 1st, 2nd, 6th and 7th World Poetry Days at the Taganka Theater (Yuri Lyubimov, Valery Zolotukhin, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Prigov, Nike Borzov, Andrey Voznesensky, etc. ); Part II - poetry readings. Starts at 19.00.

April 9, Saturday, at the club " Magazine room"(M. Gnezdnikovsky Lane, 9/8, p. 3-a) the evening of Vasily Lomakin “Igitur” will take place. Starts at 19.00.

On Sunday, April 10, the Silver Age Museum will host the evening “Top Salesmen of the Book Store.” Starts at 19.00.

On Tuesday, April 12, the literary club “Sovremenniki-XXI” (Russian State Library for Youth) will host a literary and musical evening “Gagarin-Boogie-55”: Oleg Chilap and the “Bee-Band” group. Starts at 19.00.

On Wednesday, April 13, the literary salon “Bulgakov House” will host a presentation of Alexander Timofeevsky’s book “Backward Time. A book of poems." Starts at 20.00.

On April 14, Thursday, at the Museum of the Silver Age (Bryusov House) a meeting from the series “Coordinate System. Open lectures on Russian literature of the 1970s-2000s": "20 years of the Crimean Club." Read by Igor Sid. Illustrated by Tatyana Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Igor Levshin, Alexander Lyusy and others. Presentation of the collection of the Bosporus Forum. Starts at 19.00.

On April 15, Friday, in the Great Hall of the Central House of Writers an evening dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Gumilyov “You will remember me more than once…” will be held. Starts at 19.00.

On Saturday, April 16, the Silver Age Museum (Bryusov House) will host Sergei Vlasov’s performance “Private History of Poetry” (based on poems by Alexander Pushkin, Sergei Yesenin, Vladislav Khodasevich, Sergei Gandlevsky, Leonid Kostyukov, Dmitry Vedenyapin, etc.) Beginning at 19.00 .

World Poetry Day is celebrated on March 21 every year. Poetry is probably one of the most brilliant achievements of mankind. To pour out your feelings in poetic form, to capture your worldview in rhyme, to dream about the future and remember the past, while simultaneously addressing millions and remaining alone with yourself - only poetry, the greatest of the arts created by man, is capable of this.

Not many become great and famous poets, but many have tried to write poetry at least once in their lives. After all, most people are far from alien to those “beautiful impulses of the soul” that prompt a person to take a pen, a piece of paper and start creating. Write poetry without thinking about fame and immortality. After all, even a small, unknown poem written by a child is also a huge spiritual contribution to the cultural and intellectual prosperity of the entire society.

History of World Poetry Day

For the first time, the initiative to establish the holiday was taken by the American poetess Tesa Webb back in the mid-30s of the 20th century. She proposed celebrating International Poetry Day on October 15, in honor of the birth date of the famous poet and philosopher Virgil. It should be noted that her proposal found a positive response in the hearts of many people: by 1951, on October 15, National Poetry Day was celebrated not only in 38 US states, but also in European countries. The celebrations were unofficial in nature, and the date of their holding was not recorded in any way in the calendar of memorable days.

Only on November 15, 1999, UNESCO, at the 30th conference, adopted a resolution on the establishment international day, which was supposed to “breathe second life” into the world poetic movement. The holiday was celebrated for the first time on March 21 in 2000, in Paris, where UNESCO headquarters is located. The main goal of International Poetry Day was to emphasize the greatest importance that literature plays in cultural life modern society, to unite poets from all over the world and give them the right and opportunity to express themselves!

Traditions of World Poetry Day in the world and Russia

Despite the fact that World Poetry Day is a young holiday, it is celebrated quite widely in the USA, Europe, and, of course, in Russia. On this day, it is customary to organize evenings at literary clubs, meetings with readers, which are attended by both seasoned and beginning poets. The holiday is solemnly celebrated not only by poets and their readers, but also by philological faculties of higher education institutions. educational institutions, many schools, publishing houses of literary magazines, almanacs and newspapers.