Assignments for the school stage of the History Olympiad (grade 6). Assignments for the school stage of the History Olympiad (grade 6) All important issues in the Slavic tribe were resolved

All-Russian History Olympiad for Schoolchildren

School stage

6th grade

2 points

Task 1. From what year is it customary to count the history of the Middle Ages? 1.Tick the correct answer.

A) 476 BC

B) 1 BC

B) 1 AD

D) 476 AD

2. What was the event that ended the story? Ancient world, happened this year?


9 points


A) Organization of a library of clay books

B) Abolition of slavery in Athens

B) Creation new religion– Islam

D) Military campaign in India

D) The first ruler of the Frankish state

E) Creation of a single set of laws for all of Byzantium

G) Seizure of sole power in Rome

H) Transfer of the Polish capital to Krakow

I) Opening of the “Palace Academy” in Aachen

Assignment 2. Distribute the names of the rulers and their activities into columns in accordance with the eras in which they lived - the Ancient World and the Middle Ages.

1. Alexander the Great

2. Mohamed

3. Julius Caesar

4. Hammurabi

5. Solon

6. Boleslav the Brave

7. Justinian

8. Charlemagne

9. Clovis

History of the Ancient World

3 points

Task 3. In the Middle Ages it was believed that educated person must study certain sciences. They were called "Liberal Arts". 1. How many were there? _________________________________________________

2. Select the extra ones from the list provided:

A) rhetoric

B) grammar

B) dialectics

D) literature

D) astronomy

E) music

G) geometry

H) arithmetic

I) painting

6 points

Task 4. Make up a competent definition from the words proposed in the right column and find the word from the left column to which this definition refers.


Enter the results in the table:

5 points

Task 5. A note appeared in the newspaper with the following content: “In the Kaliningrad region ____________ a monument to the hero was mutilated Patriotic War 1812, to the Russian commander Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly. They decided to sell the monument for scrap metal, for which they threw sledgehammers and other heavy objects at it, which is why the monument was greatly damaged.”

In place of the missing word, the journalists used the name of one of the Germanic peoples.

1. What word is missing?

2. Why is it used in such situations?


4 points

Task 6. What “steps” are missing in the feudal ladder?

1. Recover what was missed: 1________________________; 2___________________________.

2. Could feudal lord 2, who swore an oath of allegiance to feudal lord 1, be considered a vassal of the king? Why? What medieval rule applies here?


1 2

2 points

Task 7. The proposed mosaic depicts one of the greatest and most powerful rulers of Byzantium and his wife. Connect the squares with the letters to make the names of these historical figures.

Write them down: 1.______________________; 2.___________________________.


Maximum quantity points: 31

Response preparation time: 45 minutes

The material presented in this section are examples of Olympiad tasks, which were prepared to prepare 6th grade students for the Olympiad in Russian History. We invite schoolchildren to use these assignments as a simulator that will help them deepen and systematize the knowledge they acquired in class.

Teachers can copy and print assignments for conducting a trial Olympiad in class. You can check and evaluate the results of 6th grade students in a matter of minutes, because answers and solutions are indicated for all tasks of the Russian History Olympiad.

Olympiad on Russian history 6th grade

Download the assignments by filling out the form!

After you provide the data, the download button will become active.

Test tasks

1. The prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state include:
A) the need to repel external enemies
B) tight economic ties between Slavic tribes
B) adoption of Christianity
D) The Great Migration of Peoples

2. Serf in Ancient Rus'- This:
A) peasant community member, dependent on the prince
B) a bankrupt community member who went into debt bondage for a loan
C) the most powerless category of the population, close to slaves
D) a community member who entered into an agreement, agreeing to live and work with the master under certain conditions

3. Statement by N.M. Karamzin: “This prince, called the Church
Equal to the Apostles, deserves the name of the Great in history" - dedicated
A) Svyatoslav
B) Vladimir
B) Yaroslav the Wise
G Vladimir Monomakh

4. Code of laws in Old Russian state was called:
A) Salic truth
B) Russian Truth
B) Stoglav
D) Code of Law

5. A literary monument of the 12th century, which contained a call for an end to the princely strife:
A) “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”
B) "Domostroy"
B) “The Word about the destruction of the Russian land”
D) “Teaching to children”

6. A number of dates associated with the struggle of the Russian people against the German and Swedish knights are:
A) 1237, 1238
B) 1240, 1242
B) 1243, 1252
D) 1262, 1263

7. One of the results of the reign of Ivan Kalita was:
A) the transformation of the Moscow principality into one of the strongest in Rus'
B) deliverance from the Horde yoke
C) the end of princely strife in the Russian land
D) formation of a unified Russian state

8. Formation of a single territory of the Russian centralized state was mostly completed with:
A) Vasily I
B) Ivan III
B) Vasily II the Dark
D) Ivan IV the Terrible

9. The territory on which in the middle of the 16th century. control was maintained Zemsky Sobor and the Boyar Duma, was called:
A) destiny
B) oprichnina
B) zemshchina
D) posad

10. Most famous work Andrey Rublev:
A) icon of Our Lady of the Don
B) icon painting “Church Militant”
B) "Trinity"
D) painting the walls of the Annunciation Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin

Open questions

Question 1
In the description of the possessions of one monastery in the 10th century. it is said that the peasant has a full allotment of land. He pays for it one pig, a pound of flax, three chickens, 18 eggs. According to custom, he grazes pigs in the forest for a week. For three days a week throughout the year, he cultivates a plot of the master's field, harvests the crops during the harvest, and during haymaking he mows a haystack, and works on the master's estate. His wife must weave canvas clothes.
Indicate which of the listed duties constitute corvee and which are quitrent?

Question 2
Place in chronological sequence the following
1) Glasses
2) Glass mirror
3) Chess
4) Toothbrush
5) Papyrus
6) Fork
7) Cannon

Question 3
Establish a correspondence between the Old Slavonic name of the month and
modern name.

Old Slavonic name.
1. sickle 2. veresen 3. berezozol 4. jelly 5. section 6. lipets 7. grass 8. fierce 9. leaf fall 10. worm 11. pollen 12. breast

Modern titles
A. January B. February C. March D. April D. May E. June F. July Z. August I. September K. October L. November M. December

Question 4
Carefully read a fragment of a work of Russian literature. Determine which work this passage is taken from
“...First is the law, then is grace, first is the law, then is the truth. The image
law and grace Hagar and Sarah, working Hagar and free Sarah, working first, you
then free to understand and honor!...”

Question 5
Place the names of the princes listed below in ascending order
length of their reign (from shortest to longest). It's either about
reign in Kyiv or, in the appropriate case, in Moscow or Vladimir.
1) Dmitry Donskoy
2) Yaroslav the Wise
3) Andrey Bogolyubsky
4) Mstislav the Great
5) Ivan the Red
6) Ivan III
7) Svyatopolk the Accursed

Presented here test tasks All-Russian Olympiad school stage on the history of Russia for 6th grade with answers to them.

The presented tasks can be used in a 6th grade lesson, providing students with the opportunity to better understand and update previously covered material, as well as determine how well students are ready for the Olympiad.

1. What contributed to the move of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church from Vladimir to Moscow?

  • A) the decline in the authority of the Moscow Principality
  • B) the rise of Moscow
  • B) exacerbation of religious contradictions
  • D) unification of Russian lands

About what kind of campaign Prince of Kyiv to Constantinople we're talking about in this passage from The Tale of Bygone Years?

6415 (907) per year. ____ went against the Greeks, leaving Igor in Kyiv; He took with him many Varangians, and Slavs, and Chuds, and Krivichi, and Meryu, and Drevlyans, and Radimichi, and Polans, and Northerners, and Vyatichi, and Croats, and Dulebs, and Tiverts, known as interpreters: these were all called Greeks "Great Scythia". And with all these he went _____ on horses and in ships; and there were 2000 ships. And he came to Constantinople: the Greeks closed the Court, and the city was closed. And _____ came ashore, and began to fight, and committed many murders to the Greeks in the vicinity of the city, and destroyed many chambers, and burned churches. And those who were captured, some were dissected, others were tortured, others were shot, and some were thrown into the sea, and the Russians did many other evils to the Greeks, as enemies usually do... And he ordered ______ his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on wheels. And when a fair wind blew, they raised sails in the field and went to the city. The Greeks, seeing this, were frightened and said, sending to _______: “Don’t destroy the city, we will give you the tribute you want”... And he ordered _______ to give tribute to 2000 ships: 12 hryvnia per person, and there were 40 men in each ship ...And he hung his shield on the gates as a sign of victory, and went away from Constantinople...

  • A) Rurik
  • B) Oleg
  • B) Askold
  • D) Svyatoslav

3. Which work is a monument of literature of the 14th century?

  • A) "The Tale of Bygone Years"
  • B) "The Life of Boris and Gleb"
  • C) "The Word on Law and Grace"
  • D) "Song about Shchelkan Dudentievich"

4. During what natural events did the formation of the state take place? Eastern Slavs?

  • A) As a result of the decomposition of the feudal system
  • B) As a result of the decomposition of the tribal system
  • C) As a result of the decomposition of the primitive system

5. Eliminate the extra ruler.

  • A) Oleg
  • B) Jagiello
  • B) Svyatoslav
  • D) Vladimir

6. The activities of Prince Vladimir were aimed at:

  • A) strengthening of princely power
  • B) prohibition of contacts with Byzantium
  • C) equalization of the rights of pagans and Christians
  • D) conducting campaigns against the Khazar Kaganate

7. At the congress of princes in Lyubech in 1097, a decision was made

  • A) Submit to the authority of the Kyiv prince
  • B) Rule independently in inherited lands
  • C) Transfer part of the power in the volost lands to the veche
  • D) Create a council of princes to resolve controversial issues

8. The Assumption and Archangel Cathedrals on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin were built during the reign of:

  • A) Alexander Nevsky
  • B) Yuri Dolgoruky
  • B) Dmitry Donskoy
  • D) Ivan Kalita

9. Which of the following events happened in 1433?

  • A) Battle on the river. Klyazma
  • B) Annexation of Pskov to the Moscow Principality
  • B) Battle of Kulikovo Field
  • D) Convocation of the Zemsky Sobor

10. The introduction of St. George's Day meant...

  • A) Restriction of personal freedom of peasants
  • B) Establishing an annual fee for peasants to live on the land of the feudal lord
  • C) Confirmation of the right of peasants to change from one owner to another at any time
  • D) Granting peasants the right to enter military service

11. Who made up the bulk of the population of Rus'?

  • A) townspeople
  • B) vigilantes
  • B) communal peasants
  • D) artisans

12. People hunted together, gathered together, took care of children, defended themselves from strangers. They were all considered:

  • A) friends
  • B) neighbors
  • B) fellow citizens
  • D) relatives

13. The Copper Stone Age is...

  • A) Paleolithic
  • B) Mesolithic
  • B) Neolithic
  • D) Chalcolithic

14. In what year did Prince Oleg make a campaign against Byzantium?

  • A) 907
  • B) 908
  • B) 910
  • D) 911

15. What was the significance of the reign of Ivan Kalita?

  • A) he destroyed the dependence of Russian lands on the Golden Horde
  • B) he completed the process of unification of Russian lands
  • C) he secured the Principality of Moscow from the raids of the Horde
  • D) he concluded a union with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

16. Which of the following events occurred in 1240?

  • A) Capture of Batu’s army of Kozelsk
  • B) Capture of Kyiv by Batu’s army
  • B) Capture of Ryazan by Batu’s army

17. When did the Slavs settle in Eastern Europe?

  • A) 40 thousand years ago
  • B) in the 7th - 6th centuries. BC
  • C) in the VI - VIII centuries.
  • D) in the 10th century.

Answers to the All-Russian Olympiad on Russian history, grade 6

This table presents the answers to tests on the history of Russia for the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad

Job numberCorrect answer
1 B
2 B
3 G
4 B
5 B
6 A
7 B
8 G
9 A
10 A
11 IN
12 G
13 G
14 A
15 IN
16 B
17 IN

The Olympics, which will make history closer and clearer!

We are launching the next stage of the Olympiad on the history of Russia for students of grades 6-11 and first- and second-year students of Secondary Educational Institutions. The event is indispensable for those who want to systematize the material they have covered.

How Russian history is taught at the Mega-Talent center: Unique sets of assignments based on the school curriculum have been prepared for pupils and students. The tasks have several levels of difficulty. So no one will be bored.

What themes are we repeating this season:

  • The appearance of man on the territory of Russia, the first tribes
  • State formation
  • Russian Empire in different centuries
  • Interrelation of political, social and historical events
  • Events of the 20th century
  • Recent history of Russia

The Olympiad tasks comply with the Federal State Educational Standard and help:

  • Master basic historical knowledge.
  • Gain experience in historical and cultural civilizational approach to the assessment of social phenomena, modern global processes.
  • To develop respect for the historical heritage of the peoples of Russia.

Separate awards await the organizer and parents

We will also send a special thank you to
ness to your educational institution

You will also receive

Gifts for all participants All participants receive a special “Table of Achievements”, in which they can enter information about the results of participation in our events and personal achievements.

Infographics Teachers who apply for 10 or more participants will be able to receive a personalized class rating in the form of an infographic

Info poster announcement With the help of the information poster you can easily start organizing our event in your educational institution Download information poster

  1. Register on the website website.
  2. Apply for participation by indicating the number of participants.
  3. Confirm your application by paying in a way convenient for you.
  4. One application may contain only one name of the Olympiad curator and one title educational institution, which will be reflected in the award materials of the participants and curator. You can submit multiple entries for an event if required.
  5. Use the received teaching materials to conduct the Olympiad ( methodological recommendations, tasks for each category of participants, answer forms).
  6. Upload student work before debriefing begins.
  7. Download award materials from your completed application after the day the results are published.
  1. Students must complete all assignments independently, without outside help.
  2. Be responsible when filling out the answer table—the participant’s result may depend on it!
  3. Correctly fill in all required fields. Time to change the entered data is limited.
  4. Remember that the registration fee will not be refunded for participants’ works not added in a timely manner!

Who can win the Olympics?

Our methodologists create tasks that correspond school curriculum. They are simpler than at regional olympiads, but more interesting and varied than at school tests. Our assignments are completed by excellent students and students who know the material at a sufficient level. However, the experience of participating in Olympiads is also interesting for students with a satisfactory level of knowledge.

We took part in the Olympics last season. Are the tasks the same in this Olympiad?

No, we prepare new tasks for each season. Quests for different seasons are based on different sections curriculum. You can take part in the Olympiad again.

What does a set of tasks for the Olympiad look like?

On the day the assignments are issued, all teachers who have paid for participation can download a set of materials for the Olympiad, which includes:

  • Methodological recommendations for holding the Olympiad.
  • Motivation letter to the participant from the director of the Mega-Talent MDG.
  • A set of 15 tasks of various types.
  • Calendar of upcoming events.

How are the results of the Olympiad assessed?

After you enter your answers into special table on the website, they will be submitted for verification. For each correct answer, the student receives 2 points. If a test question has two answer options and the student indicated only one option correctly, he will receive 1 point.

How are rewards distributed?

  • The Olympiad participant who received 30 points is awarded highest award- winner's diploma.
  • Participants who receive 26–29 points are awarded 2nd and 3rd places and given winners' diplomas.
  • All other participants receive personalized certificates.

Awards can be downloaded on the day of summing up.

How to pay for participation in the Olympiad?

To pay, use one of the proposed methods:

  • Bank card VISA/MasterCard/Maestro
  • QIWI Wallet
  • Yandex.Money Wallet
  • Transfer through a bank or Russian Post office
  • Cash at self-service terminals

In order not to pay for each event separately and not have to fill in all the payment information again each time, you can top up your personal balance.

How can you save on paying for participation in the Olympiads?

We will compensate for the costs of holding the Olympiad. The more students indicated in the application, the higher the percentage of compensation for the teacher's expenses.

You can also save by replenishing your balance on the website. When you replenish your balance, you will receive a bonus of 7–20%, depending on the replenishment amount.

Why do teachers choose the Mega Talent Olympiads?

  • Simple application form
  • Convenient access to methodological materials and awards
  • Entering answers yourself and working on errors
  • Reimbursement of expenses for printing assignments and award materials
  • Unique and varied tasks

Photos of participants

More than 1000 reviews from satisfied teachers

I express my deep gratitude to the administration of MDG Mega Talent, my daughter, a 1st grade student, and I really enjoyed everything! Everything is fast and modern!

Liliya Sharifullina

FKU IK-4 GUFSIN of Russia for Chelyabinsk region

I really enjoyed the first day of the conference - thank you!!!

Thank you very much for the opportunity, we became participants International Olympiad according to ISO. The guys liked it. The site works great! Good luck.

Marina Marisova

Thank you very much for the competition. Students take part with pleasure. The organization of the competition is very good. The support service is operational. We hope for further participation in your competitions.

Olga Zhukova

branch of MBOU Sosnovskaya secondary school No. 2 in the village. Right Lamki

On behalf of the participants, thank you for very interesting tasks. The tasks are appropriate for the age category. The children are very happy. We plan to continue to actively participate in the Olympiads. Budantseva Marina....

Marina Budantseva

MBOU secondary school No. 3

Participated in the conference for the first time. The students liked it. The organization of the Olympiad is good. Thank you very much for the opportunity to host online events.

Igor Semenikhin

Taganrog College of Construction Industry and Technologies

Thank you very much for organizing and holding the Olympiad. Everything is very wonderful, prompt and organized. We will be happy to participate in other events.

Alexander Sklyar

Thank you for the opportunity to test what you have learned in such a bright, attractive, simple form. Thank you even more for the independent assessment.

Galina Palaeva

Our students have been taking part in subject Olympiads in the subject “Music” for several years now, they really like literally everything, the tasks and gifts, we thank the organizers of such Olympiads, they are very...

Galina Polyakova

Thank you, the tasks were interesting and understandable for the children. MKOU secondary school in the village of Kolyanur

Alevtina Kuzminykh


Thank you for organizing the Olympics. The assignments are written correctly, taking into account the completion of the program. Good luck!

Elena Belozerova

MKOU "Kremenskaya Secondary School"

Thank you for the events! We wish you success! We will still participate!

Daria Pyannikova

Thank you very much for the competition. The students enjoyed their work. The organization of the competition is very good. The support service is operational. We hope that we will take part in your competitions more than once.

Natalia Alova

Municipal educational institution "Lomonosov Gymnasium", Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia

We often participate in free competitions on your website. Thank you very much for holding them and the colorful diplomas! Children and parents love it!

Tatiana Lunegova

MAOU "Secondary School No. 132 with in-depth study subjects of natural and ecological profile"

We took part in the Olympiad with 6th grade students. The questions were interesting, the students liked it. We plan to participate in the future. THANKS TO THE ORGANIZERS!

Tatiana Logacheva

"Mega Talent" - educational center, which conducts distance Olympiads at the All-Russian and international level. Each season, more than two thousand students in grades 6-11 and first- and second-year students of secondary secondary education institutions take part in olympiads in Russian history. Olympiad participants receive certificates or diplomas from us I-III degrees. We issue certificates and gratitude to the teachers who organized the Olympiad.

Results of our work for the year:

  • Expanded the list of Olympiad disciplines to 47 school subjects and spent 400 distance olympiads.
  • We helped more than 10,000 schoolchildren from 12 countries to prove themselves in Olympiads on the history of Russia.
  • We paid teachers 2,500,000 rubles to compensate for the costs of holding the Olympiad.
  • Earned the trust of teachers. Having taken part in the Olympiad once, 98% of teachers become permanent organizers.

5 steps towards a teacher

We try to make cooperation with each teacher effective and comfortable. To do this we follow 5 points.

  1. We open access to Olympiad tasks for all classes through your personal account.
  2. Every season we change the design of the awards to diversify the portfolio of students and teachers.
  3. We compensate teachers for the costs of printing assignments, diplomas and certificates.
  4. Every month we present gifts to active organizers of the Olympiad.
  5. We promptly answer teacher questions via online chat, email and Skype.

Advantages of distance Olympiads "Mega-Talent"

Distance Olympiad is an Olympiad that every teacher can organize. You independently choose the time and place for the educational event. Thus, students take part in an all-Russian or even international Olympiad, without leaving the walls of their school.

In a familiar environment, Olympiad participants are less nervous and worried. This means that they pay more attention to solving tasks and can achieve better results.

The tasks of the Mega-Talent Olympiads comply with the Federal State Educational Standard and are compiled taking into account the content of the curriculum on the history of Russia.

Sets of tasks for each class consist of 15 test questions different types:

  • Questions with one correct answer.
  • Questions with multiple correct answers.
  • Questions on analytical and chronological sequence.
  • Tasks on correlating two data series.
  • Tasks for working with illustrative sources.

Cost of participation in history olympiads

Students are admitted to the Olympiad after paying the registration fee. We return up to 30% of each registration fee to the teacher as compensation for the costs of holding the Olympiad. The final amount of compensation depends on the number of participants in the Olympiad. You can find out detailed terms of compensation after registration .
All teachers who organized and conducted the Olympiad are included inteacher rating . Every month we give gifts to the leaders of the rating - the teachers who attracted the largest number of students to participate in the Olympiad.

How often do we hold Olympiads on Russian history?

During the academic year, 7 distance Olympiads are held at the Mega-Talent MDG: 3 All-Russian Olympiads, which are held seasonally, 3 international Olympiads, which are held in between All-Russian Olympiads, as well as the final Olympiad at the end of the academic year.

Assignments for each season of the Olympiads change and are supplemented with material from sections of the curriculum covered by the time of the Olympiad.

How do we check participants' answers?

Participants' answers are checked automatically. After the teacher enters answers on the site, they are automatically checked against the key added to the system. On the day the results are published, access to award materials is available for participants and the teacher.

How to hold an Olympiad on Russian history?

  1. Register on the Mega-Talent website.
  2. Apply for participation, indicate the number of participants.
  3. Pay the registration fee to confirm participation in the Olympiad.
  4. Download the assignments and guidelines and read their contents.
  5. Print out the assignments and conduct the Olympiad.
  6. Enter the participants' answers on the table in personal account on the website.
  7. On the day of summing up, download certificates and diplomas for students, as well as your certificate and gratitude.

How to pay the registration fee to participate in the Russian History Olympiad?

The following payment methods are available to you:

  • Payment by bank card (online);
  • Payment by receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students from outside Russia participate in the event?

We are glad that not only those who live in our country are interested in studying the history of Russia. Anyone can participate in the Mega-Talent Olympiads, regardless of geographic location. The only condition is knowledge of the Russian language at a level sufficient to understand the tasks of the Olympiad.

We have published answers to other frequently asked questions here

Assignments for the school stage of the All-Russian History Olympiad

2015/2016 academic year

6th grade

Dear guys!

We are glad to welcome all participants who have shown interest in the History Olympiad! Congratulations on the start of the school stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad! We are confident that your talents and hard work will not only help you in your performance at the Olympiad, but will also in the near future become the key to the successful development of our country.

Instructions for performing the work

1 is allocated to complete history work. hour (60 minutes).

The work consists of 7 tasks.

For task 1, you need to choose a phrase.

For task 2 - 1 answer option is given, requiring a short answer ( Yes or No).

In task 3 you need to give calculations.

In task 4 you need to correct historical errors.

Tasks 5 and 7 require only one correct answer to the question posed.

In task 6, place the correct answers in table A and B.

Read each task carefully and the suggested answer options, if any. Answer only after you understand the question and have considered all possible answers.

Complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. If a task is difficult for you, skip it. You can return to missed tasks if you have time.

One or more points are given for completing tasks of varying complexity. The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up.

Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

Maximum points for work – 87 .



Exercise1. By what principle are the rows formed (4 points for each correct answer, maximum score – 12)?

a) dog, goat, cow -________________________________________________________________

b) soul, spirits, sacrifice, prayer - __________________________________________

c) century, year, millennium -________________________________________________

Task 2. Are the following statements true? ("Not really"). Enter your answers into the table (2 points for each correct answer, maximum score – 16)

    The Euphrates is the main river of Egypt.

    The date palm is a “bread tree”.

    Egyptian gods personified nature.

    Human modern look appeared about 20 thousand years ago.

    The first Olympic Games took place in 771 AD.

    The father of Alexander the Great was Darius the Third.

    The most sinister figure among the emperors I century BC there was Nero.

Task 3. Solve problems.

A. Caesar was killed in 44 BC. how many years have passed since then? Give your calculations

B. The burial was made in the year of the death of Spartacus. How old was this burial when archaeologists discovered it in 2015? Bring their calculations(7 points for the correct answer).

Task 4. There are 13 historical errors in the text, which are underlined.

Next to it you need to write the correct answer (for each correct answer 2 points, maximum score - 26).

In 753 BC. on the shore Tiger…………… Rome was founded. According to legend, the first two centuries of Rome were ruled by 12…… kings. After resignation…………….…. the last of them Tarquinius Bold………….. in 509 AD established itself in Rome democracy………….. .

For short term a small country turned into a huge empire. During four……….. Punic warrior of the Romans with Corfu………………… The Mediterranean Sea turned into an inland lake for the Romans. Rome and civil wars did not pass by. They actually began with the adoption land law Guy…………..Grakha. Spartacus's revolt 74 AD………….. shocked the state. The result civil wars was the establishment of autocracy in Rome. First emperor…………….. Gaius Julius Caesar became Rome.

Under attack Slavic tribes…………… in 576 g......... fell and Roman Empire………..….. ……….…. ……….…. . This event ended the history of the Ancient World.

Task 5. Place a cross or other sign in the correct cell (each correct answer – 1 point).

1. Determine the date of the end of the history of the Ancient World and the beginning of the history of the Middle Ages

A) 410 g. B) 395 g. C) 476 g. D) 500 g.

2 . When did the Great Migration take place?

A) IV-VII centuries. B) III-IV centuries. B) I-II centuries. D) VIII-X centuries.

3 . Specify the name of the leader who was nicknamed “the scourge of God” because he devastated Europe.

A) Clovis; B) Atilla; B) Alaric. D) Charles Martell

4. Ancient documents are kept in

A) archives B) museums C) offices D) safes

5. Written sources on the history of the Middle Ages in Europe (each correct answer – 1 point).

A) Calendars B) Chronicles C) Gospels D) Chronicles


Task 6. Group the sectors of the economy according to their affiliation. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers on the appropriate line. (Each correct answer - 1 point, total - 12).

A) Appropriating economy

B) Producing farm

1. picking berries

2. hunting

3.with cat breeding

4. mushroom picking

5. fishing

6. agriculture

7. beekeeping

8. gardening

9. weaving

10. collecting eggs

11. horse breeding

12. blacksmithing

A (Appropriating farm)

B (Producing farm)

Task 7.

Byzantine historian VI V. wrote: “They cannot in any way be persuaded to slavery or subjugation in their own country. They are numerous, hardy, and easily tolerate heat, cold, rain, and lack of food. They treat foreigners who come to them kindly and protect them if necessary... They bury the things they need in hiding places, and do not openly possess anything unnecessary..."

What people does the Byzantine historian write about?

Write your answer in words__________________________________________

For the correct answer - 2 points