Bestseller - Kurpatov Andrey Vladimirovich Happy by his own free will. Bestseller - happy at your own request Happiness at your own request Kurpatians

This is not just a book, it is a practical guide. Here you will find unique recipes for a good mood, ways to achieve inner harmony and happiness. Thanks to this book, you will learn how to cope with stress and psychological problems, how to find a way out of impasse and how to protect yourself from misfortune. Rid yourself of anxiety and depression! Take care of your own mental health! Be happy on your own! “Happy of my own free will” is a unique book on practical psychology. It has already gone through dozens of reprints!

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The given introductory fragment of the book Happy by choice. 12 steps to mental health (A. V. Kurpatov) provided by our book partner - the company liters.


An indecently large number of books have been written on how to become happy. But how many did they make happy? Judging by the number of people suffering from neuroses and various psychological problems, no. The fact is that simply reading even very smart and good books to find happiness, of course, is not enough. A person needs full-fledged individual psychotherapy, and no book can replace this. Why did I finally decide to write another “guide” to achieving happiness?

Firstly, because this kind of publication has almost completely discredited psychotherapy, but it really works wonders, as you can see by reading this book. Therefore, I was faced with the task of rehabilitating the good name of psychotherapy in the eyes of the reader.

Secondly, not everyone in need can use the services of a good psychotherapist, but everyone should know how to cope with their psychological problems. Our life is full of stress, and it is too expensive to live without knowledge of the tools of psychological protection and rehabilitation. Here you will find specific recommendations for dealing with stress and psychological problems, provided with all the necessary explanations.

And thirdly, I finally heeded the requests of my patients to present part of their system in writing, so that this book could become for them a kind of “pocket” psychotherapist, a guide in the ocean of psychological problems and stress. For a psychotherapist, the patient’s request is the law, so, despite all my prejudices regarding such surrogates of psychotherapy, I set about writing it.

Before submitting my book to a publisher, I submitted it for review by—whom do you think? Of course, to his patients, and received the go-ahead. And since people who know what real problems are approved it and considered it successful, then, apparently, it will help you too.

Before moving on to the main part, I would like to tell you what this book is and how to use it. I was primarily interested in three questions: “what?”, “how?” and “why?” Firstly, what are psychological problems and what causes them? Secondly, and most importantly, how to deal with them? And finally, the sacramental question “why?”, which, it seems to me, worries every person and does not need additional comments. Sooner or later, we all think about the meaning of life, about our goals and objectives. Due to the nature of my profession, I had to witness hundreds of human stories, I have my own, so here you will read about what I think about this. We are all very different, but in essence we are very similar, so I had to find and describe this seed hidden in each of us. I think you might find this interesting.

The book consists of twelve chapters. These are twelve steps that lead us to ourselves. If you do everything that is discussed, you will certainly find what we are all looking for: mental well-being, joy and strength - this has been verified. Man lives in the world, and he must learn to live with the world. So there are twelve steps in front of you, go through them step by step. The first six steps may seem a little dry to you, but I hope to compensate for this with the liveliness of the second movement. But, as you know, business comes first, and then everything else, so don’t be angry. Try not just to read, but to compare what you read with your own experience, with your feelings, and please follow all my recommendations. The latter is a must, without it my work will go to waste, and you will not achieve the desired result.

For clarity, I have provided this book with practical cases. In my opinion, this will make it easier to understand the psychological mechanisms that will be discussed, and maybe you will recognize yourself in some of my heroes, which will be very useful. But you won't find complex scientific terms here; I don't think you should bother your heads with them. After all, the purpose of this book is to help the reader find mental health, and not get a psychological education. The first is much more expensive than the second, so I would rather refer to examples from fairy tales and legends, in which the centuries-old wisdom of our people is hidden, than to the prominent names of Freud or Jung.

Modern man lacks intimate communication, so I tried to write this book in the genre of conversation. Talk to me frankly. But in order to cope with our problems, we also need specific recommendations, so after each conversation you will find exact recipes. I am a doctor by training, so consider me prescribing treatment for you. In each recipe, as it should be, you will find what to do, when to do it, in what quantities and in what cases. At the end of the book, in the “algorithms” section, I grouped all these recommendations for specific situations (what to do in case of anxiety, how to overcome depression, survive an unpleasant event, prepare for an important meeting, etc.).

This system is universal and suitable for everyone, but if you cannot cope with something on your own, I invite you to psychotherapy. You know, you can see better from the outside, especially if you have a trained eye. But we have a lot of reserves - that’s absolutely certain, and now, it seems, all the preliminary explanations have been given, and if in general this suits you, then, as they say, sit back...

In this book you will find a detailed description of the psychological mechanisms that cause emotional disorders in a person - fear, anxiety, depression, apathy, irritability. As well as a whole range of effective psychotherapeutic techniques necessary for each of us to gain mental health, the ability to rejoice and live a full life.

The author of the book, Andrey Kurpatov, is the head of the St. Petersburg City Psychotherapeutic Center, a psychotherapist at the Neurosis Clinic named after. Academician I.P. Pavlov, member of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy.


An indecently large number of books have been written on how to become happy. But how many did they “make happy”? Judging by the number of people suffering from neuroses and various psychological problems, no. The fact is that simply reading even very smart and good books to find happiness, of course, is not enough. A person needs full-fledged individual psychotherapy, and no book can replace this. Why did I still decide to write another “guide” to achieving happiness?

Firstly, because this kind of publication has almost completely discredited psychotherapy, but it really works wonders, as you can see by reading this book. Therefore, I was faced with the task of rehabilitating the good name of psychotherapy in the eyes of the reader.

Secondly, not everyone in need can use the services of a good psychotherapist, but everyone should know how to cope with their psychological problems. Our life is full of stress, and it is too expensive to live without knowledge of the tools of psychological protection and rehabilitation. Here you will find specific recommendations for dealing with stress and psychological problems, provided with all the necessary explanations.

And thirdly, I finally heeded the requests of my patients to present part of their system in writing, so that this book could become for them a kind of “pocket” psychotherapist, a guide in the ocean of psychological problems and stress. For a psychotherapist, the patient’s request is the law, so, despite all my prejudices regarding such surrogates of psychotherapy, I set about writing it.


I wrote this book primarily for those who suffer from psychological problems, who know first-hand what neurosis is and how difficult it can be to bring their shaky mental health back to normal after stress. But I dare to hope that it will be useful to every person, with the possible exception of a small cohort of saints who are no longer bothered by anything. I know it's not always pleasant, but we must admit that we have psychological problems. It's time to throw off the masks of the inflexible revolutionaries and Stakhanovites with whom we all grew up. Why be a hypocrite with yourself? What's the point? Psychological problems are a fact of life, it’s hard to argue with that.

Look at your own life. How do you react to shouting, prodding, tears? What feelings do the coldness of your boss, the grumbling of your parents, the whims of your children, the harshness of your spouse evoke in you? How do you tolerate betrayal, betrayal, lies? Do you know fear, anxiety, guilt? Do you know what mental loneliness is? Are you worried about your health? Are you suspicious, irritable, nervous? How do you look at a broken mirror, a black cat, spilled salt, an unexpected return? Are you suffering from insomnia? How hard do you bear the loss of a friend, car, wallet? How fully are your dreams and desires satisfied? Do you enjoy going to work? Do you also enjoy returning home? Do you ever have the desire to give up everything and go somewhere? Do you just feel bad? – it’s bad, that’s all. Happens? Do you know the feeling that “you’ve had enough of everything”? And you... This list can be continued indefinitely. Now do you understand that I am not exaggerating? And there is only one conclusion: there are problems, and this must be recognized.

Andrey Vladimirovich Kurpatov
Happy by choice.

12 steps to mental health

I wrote this book primarily for those who suffer from psychological problems, who know first-hand what neurosis is and how difficult it can be to bring their shaky mental health back to normal after stress. But I dare to hope that it will be useful to every person, with the possible exception of a small cohort of saints who are no longer bothered by anything. I know it's not always pleasant, but we must admit that we have psychological problems. It's time to throw off the masks of the inflexible revolutionaries and Stakhanovites with whom we all grew up. Why be a hypocrite with yourself? What's the point? Psychological problems are a fact of life, it’s hard to argue with that.

It doesn’t matter how hard you drive your horse, how you spur its sides, it doesn’t matter how fast it runs; if you are racing in a circle, you will not move away from the point where you started.

Sufi saying

Look at your own life. How do you react to shouting, prodding, tears? What feelings do the coldness of your boss, the grumbling of your parents, the whims of your children, the harshness of your spouse evoke in you? How do you cope with betrayal, betrayal, lies? Do you know fear, anxiety, guilt? Do you know what mental loneliness is? Are you worried about your health? Are you suspicious, irritable, nervous? How do you look at a broken mirror, a black cat, spilled salt, an unexpected return? Are you suffering from insomnia? How hard do you endure the loss of a friend, car, wallet? How fully are your dreams and desires satisfied? Do you enjoy going to work? Do you also enjoy returning home? Do you ever have the desire to give up everything and go somewhere? Do you just feel bad? – it’s bad, that’s all. Happens? Do you know the feeling that “you’ve had enough of everything”? And you... This list can be continued indefinitely. Now do you understand that I am not exaggerating? And there is only one conclusion: there are problems, and this must be recognized.

One day Diogenes lit a lantern and began to wander around. They asked him why he was doing this. Diogenes answered: “I am looking for a man.”

Current page: 1 (book has 26 pages total) [available reading passage: 18 pages]

Andrey Kurpatov
Happy by choice. 12 steps to mental health


An indecently large number of books have been written on how to become happy. But how many did they make happy? Judging by the number of people suffering from neuroses and various psychological problems, no. The fact is that simply reading even very smart and good books to find happiness, of course, is not enough. A person needs full-fledged individual psychotherapy, and no book can replace this. Why did I finally decide to write another “guide” to achieving happiness?

Firstly, because this kind of publication has almost completely discredited psychotherapy, but it really works wonders, as you can see by reading this book. Therefore, I was faced with the task of rehabilitating the good name of psychotherapy in the eyes of the reader.

Secondly, not everyone in need can use the services of a good psychotherapist, but everyone should know how to cope with their psychological problems. Our life is full of stress, and it is too expensive to live without knowledge of the tools of psychological protection and rehabilitation. Here you will find specific recommendations for dealing with stress and psychological problems, provided with all the necessary explanations.

And thirdly, I finally heeded the requests of my patients to present part of their system in writing, so that this book could become for them a kind of “pocket” psychotherapist, a guide in the ocean of psychological problems and stress. For a psychotherapist, the patient’s request is the law, so, despite all my prejudices regarding such surrogates of psychotherapy, I set about writing it.

Before submitting my book to a publisher, I submitted it for review by—whom do you think? Of course, to his patients, and received the go-ahead. And since people who know what real problems are approved it and considered it successful, then, apparently, it will help you too.

Before moving on to the main part, I would like to tell you what this book is and how to use it. I was primarily interested in three questions: “what?”, “how?” and “why?” Firstly, what are psychological problems and what causes them? Secondly, and most importantly, how to deal with them? And finally, the sacramental question “why?”, which, it seems to me, worries every person and does not need additional comments. Sooner or later, we all think about the meaning of life, about our goals and objectives. Due to the nature of my profession, I had to witness hundreds of human stories, I have my own, so here you will read about what I think about this. We are all very different, but in essence we are very similar, so I had to find and describe this seed hidden in each of us. I think you might find this interesting.

The book consists of twelve chapters. These are twelve steps that lead us to ourselves. If you do everything that is discussed, you will certainly find what we are all looking for: mental well-being, joy and strength - this has been verified. Man lives in the world, and he must learn to live with the world. So there are twelve steps in front of you, go through them step by step. The first six steps may seem a little dry to you, but I hope to compensate for this with the liveliness of the second movement. But, as you know, business comes first, and then everything else, so don’t be angry. Try not just to read, but to compare what you read with your own experience, with your feelings, and please follow all my recommendations. The latter is a must, without it my work will go to waste, and you will not achieve the desired result.

For clarity, I have provided this book with practical cases. In my opinion, this will make it easier to understand the psychological mechanisms that will be discussed, and maybe you will recognize yourself in some of my heroes, which will be very useful. But you won't find complex scientific terms here; I don't think you should bother your heads with them. After all, the purpose of this book is to help the reader find mental health, and not get a psychological education. The first is much more expensive than the second, so I would rather refer to examples from fairy tales and legends, in which the centuries-old wisdom of our people is hidden, than to the prominent names of Freud or Jung.

Modern man lacks intimate communication, so I tried to write this book in the genre of conversation. Talk to me frankly. But in order to cope with our problems, we also need specific recommendations, so after each conversation you will find exact recipes. I am a doctor by training, so consider me prescribing treatment for you. In each recipe, as it should be, you will find what to do, when to do it, in what quantities and in what cases. At the end of the book, in the “algorithms” section, I grouped all these recommendations for specific situations (what to do in case of anxiety, how to overcome depression, survive an unpleasant event, prepare for an important meeting, etc.).

This system is universal and suitable for everyone, but if you cannot cope with something on your own, I invite you to psychotherapy. You know, you can see better from the outside, especially if you have a trained eye. But we have a lot of reserves - that’s absolutely certain, and now, it seems, all the preliminary explanations have been given, and if in general this suits you, then, as they say, sit back...


I wrote this book primarily for those who suffer from psychological problems, who know first-hand what neurosis is and how difficult it can be to bring their shaky mental health back to normal after stress. But I dare to hope that it will be useful to every person, with the possible exception of a small cohort of saints who are no longer bothered by anything. I know it's not always pleasant, but we must admit that we have psychological problems. It's time to throw off the masks of the inflexible revolutionaries and Stakhanovites with whom we all grew up. Why be a hypocrite with yourself? What's the point? Psychological problems are a fact of life, it’s hard to argue with that.

Look at your own life. How do you react to shouting, prodding, tears? What feelings do the coldness of your boss, the grumbling of your parents, the whims of your children, the harshness of your spouse evoke in you? How do you cope with betrayal, betrayal, lies? Do you know fear, anxiety, guilt? Do you know what mental loneliness is? Are you worried about your health? Are you suspicious, irritable, nervous? How do you look at a broken mirror, a black cat, spilled salt, an unexpected return? Are you suffering from insomnia? How hard do you bear the loss of a friend, car, wallet? How fully are your dreams and desires satisfied? Do you enjoy going to work? Do you also enjoy returning home? Do you ever have the desire to give up everything and go somewhere? Do you just feel bad – bad, and that’s all? Happens? Do you know the feeling that “you’ve had enough of everything”? And you... This list can be continued indefinitely. Now do you understand that I am not exaggerating? And there is only one conclusion: there are problems, and this must be recognized.

And since psychological problems and stress are the realities of modern life, you need to know how to deal with it. Life makes its demands on us and, it seems, has no intention of slowing down. Those who do not keep up with the revolutions fall into its millstones. And in order to correspond to these turnovers, in order to live, you need remarkable psychological health. Therefore, if you do not want to fall behind the train, you will definitely need everything that is written here.

Psychologists call our age the age of anxiety. And this is true. We are all very anxious, although we don’t notice it because we’re used to it. Now it seems almost normal to us. But what's normal about this? Only the life that makes a person happy is normal. If this does not happen, then something is wrong... And, it seems to me, I even know what exactly.

Modern life is designed in such a way that we feel more and more lonely. Our only interlocutor is the TV, but this is a one-sided game. Communication with television presenters and heroes of romantic films is fictitious communication. Reality is replaced by a surrogate, and this cannot but affect our mental health. Mutual understanding and reciprocity are now so rare that, without any jokes, it’s time to put them in the Red Book, if, of course, it’s not too late. Which I personally really hope for.

But regarding our near future, scientists are making even more terrifying predictions. They say that a person of the 21st century is a person sleeping in an embrace with a computer. And before we sang: “people sleep, hugging each other”... A person cannot and should not be alone. Man is a social creature; it is unnatural for him to experience loneliness! But, unfortunately, even the saddest forecasts are more than realistic if we do not finally listen to the voice of reason and come to our senses. We need feelings, true, human: joy, tenderness, love. But the only feeling that powerfully controls modern man is anxiety.

For some, anxiety makes them sad and despondent. Such people experience depression, from which it is very difficult to get out. Others, continuing to resist, become embittered and aggressive. Still others seek salvation in alcohol and drugs. All this escape symptoms. Yes, we are afraid of a life that does not bring us happiness, scares us, and we run away from it without looking back. But have you ever wondered who, in fact, we are running from? Psychotherapy convincingly proves: we run from ourselves, from our desires and hopes. But this is tantamount to suicide, which we all do without realizing it. And therefore, everything that is written in this book is ultimately a means to find the main thing that we have all lost. This is a way to find happiness, which we abandoned unwillingly and which we are now looking for with such doom...

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Remember the fairy tale about sold laughter? We are very much like this boy who traded his happy and mischievous laugh for wealth and status (and most of us for a “living wage”). However, there is one difference: the boy did this on his own, but we were actually forced to abandon ourselves and our joy. Education, the dictates of public opinion, the fear of doing something wrong, the desire to live up to the ideal - all this ultimately undermined the foundations of our existence. And the only chance to return everything to its place is to rediscover yourself, your true “I”, your center, your essence. And only in this case will the life around us change. If we are at peace with ourselves, then we can cope with everything else too. We will have to separate the wheat from the chaff if we want to live like human beings.

One day I was walking near the Smolny Cathedral with a patient of mine who suffered from depression and anxiety. It was a wonderful summer day, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was blue. The cathedral was irresistible against the backdrop of the huge sky spread above it. I shared my delight with the patient. She looked at me in bewilderment and said: “How can you like this?” It was my turn to be surprised. And this is what I heard: “Look at these black pipes. This is terrible! Indeed, almost from the very domes to the ground, along all corners and gables, rusty drainpipes descended. But I didn’t even notice them, admiring the sky-blue color of the walls.

Yes, the world is the way we look at it. Our attitude towards this or that phenomenon is not determined by our desire: if I want, I treat it well, if I want, I treat it badly.

Our attitude is dictated by our internal state, the general background. You've probably noticed yourself: you're in a good mood, life seems wonderful and fragrant, suddenly some opportunity happens, and you only get slightly upset, but you don't lose heart and soon you can easily solve the problem that has arisen. But if you were in a bad mood and the same or even lesser misfortune happened, you would certainly perceive what happened as a tragedy on a global scale, and you would see in what happened a certain “law of meanness” or something like that. This means that the point is not at all how we relate to certain events in our lives, but what is the general background, the general mood of our inner world.

This book outlines many years of experience in psychotherapeutic work with pressing problems of real people. This system works and gives the expected result, I can say that. There is nothing supernatural here, everything is quite simple and understandable. There is only one “but”... However, this problem is the cornerstone of any psychotherapy. I can’t do better than what Alexander Lowen said on this matter, so I’ll allow myself to quote him: “We [psychotherapists] are strong in our knowledge and faith, but we are powerless to do anything for the patient.” Here you will find both knowledge and faith, and your task is simply to take advantage of it.

I ask you to remember The golden rule of the “Three Ps”. It says: simple is not enough Read, not easy enough Understand read, you also need Apply. And don't expect anyone to do it for you. Yes, a psychotherapist is needed, and in many cases you cannot replace him with a book or simple recommendations. But you yourself know how we feel about psychotherapeutic help. In our country they turn to it only in extreme cases. We are not accustomed to psychotherapy; in the West, having your own psychotherapist is not shameful, but, on the contrary, is considered almost a matter of honor. There, psychotherapists have long been classified as “essential necessities.” In Russia, they are still looked at as strange animals. And they turn to help as a last resort, as a last resort. This is a kind of gesture of despair. You can’t say anything, we follow our centuries-old traditions: until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself. But the stronger it strikes and the later you decide to cross yourself, the more difficult it will be to correct the shaky situation. Isn't that right? Therefore, my advice to you is to stock up on an umbrella before the storm clouds appear.

I understand the reasons for the wariness of my dear compatriots towards psychotherapists. We are not used to asking for help; we have always been taught to rely only on ourselves. And that's right, but we were never taught How to do this, therefore such training is no different from a simple, non-binding notification. We were simply told: “Rely on yourself, do everything yourself, be independent, your happiness is in your hands.” But How?! Have you ever heard detailed explanations? Probably not. We must fill this gap, and this is precisely why this book was written.

We are afraid of feeling weak and therefore do not like to be advised or instructed. It seems to us that if we start to obey someone or something, then we will lose something very important within ourselves. This breeds mistrust and resistance, and we run away without listening to the end. It won't work that way. Everything that we will do with you throughout this book is not an attempt to learn to live in a new way, but a natural desire to find a point in ourselves that will serve as a support for us in life. I don't want to lecture you, I want you to see yourself real.

Fear of weakness makes us consider ourselves strong (but through strength). We convince ourselves that we can always handle everything ourselves (however, we are tormented by vague doubts regarding this point), that we don’t need anyone’s help (we pronounce this thesis with tears in our eyes, overcoming the painful feeling of loneliness), etc. Deep down, of course, we have doubts about all these slogans (and that's putting it mildly).

Indeed, every person contains enormous reserves, a lot of possibilities and colossal strength. But we still need help and without it we risk getting deeply confused. Moreover, we will not accept it if it comes in the form of accusations and edifications or like sweet chewing gum. We need simple and understandable recommendations on how to use the reserves hidden within us. The owner of capital needs an economic education, otherwise he will lose it, right? Now you have before you an educational program for psychological economics.

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We are too complex: hundreds of contradictory feelings are concentrated in us; sensible and crazy thoughts are in constant dispute; conscious and subconscious processes pull the blanket from each other; simple and complex emotions fool us; we get confused in our own desires and aspirations; we cannot distinguish the important from the secondary, the valuable from the empty; fears block our impulses; Nightmares, fantasies and prejudices paint us a paradoxical reality. This is our psyche. Do I need to explain that the more complex the system, the more likely it is to fail? No, it's obvious. And we were all trapped.

And okay, we ourselves are confused, but no, we are still actively helped in this by all sorts of “well-wishers”, from the watchman to the Minister of Nationalities, from the nursery to the grave, they shower us with an endless number of instructions and moralizing. And it all sounds something like this: “This is possible, but this is not possible; this is not so, otherwise it is not like that; you are this one, not this one; your place is here, not there; sit down and keep your head down; you must, you must...” We were bombarded by public opinion, strange morality that no one observed, thousands of commandments, from “thou shalt not kill” to “thou shalt not eat meat”... How to make sense of all this?

Is it possible to fight your psychological problems if everything is already so mixed up that it is now unclear where “ours” are and where “not ours”? No, fighting your problems is completely pointless. But if open battle is impossible, all that remains is to come from the rear. Every phenomenon has its reasons. This means that both our neurosis and our psychological problems have them. So we just have to pull the ground out from under their feet, deprive them of support.

We need to find faults in the system itself, and not hit the top backhandedly and at random. We need to understand what the mechanisms are that force us to make mountains out of molehills, to be afraid of what is actually not scary at all, to feel guilty where we have done nothing wrong, to be lonely when there are so many people around, most of them wonderful and good ones. Understanding and correcting these painful mechanisms themselves is the main thing.

Most people use a different strategy: they try to catch their problems and burn them out with a hot iron. They wander in the darkness of their consciousness, subconscious, unconscious, like in a medieval castle. And problems live in this castle like ghosts. They are inseparable from each other. It is impossible to rid our psyche of psychological problems “surgically”. Imagine: you are walking through an old castle, it is inhabited by thousands of ghosts. They grow, multiply and constantly attack you... What to do? The answer is simple - you just need to leave the castle...

We can, of course, deal with many psychological problems. For example, using hypnosis. But where is the guarantee that they will not arise again? That we won’t feel lonely, abandoned and useless again? But it will be so, since we decided only on cosmetic repairs, locked the ghosts in the rooms and now, like restless people, we wander along the corridors, having not found our cherished happiness. Where is this good?

Therefore, as one “classic” said, we will take a different path. Which one? Firstly, we will find those psychological mechanisms that confuse all our cards. And most importantly, we will find something to replace them with! What good is it if we know which part in our car is damaged if we cannot replace it with a working one? None. So we will not only find breakdowns, we will also find replacements for them. So they will have no choice but to pack their things and go home...

Of course, this work is not easy, although in fact there is nothing difficult about it. Many, many dozens of patients have successfully dealt with it. And the result did not disappoint anyone.

The idea is simple: find what is faulty, replace it with something convenient and effective, and then simply reinforce these new strategies of worldview and worldview.

After this, the person becomes not only psychologically healthy, he turns out to be self-psychotherapeutic! When a new problem appears, he is able to quickly and easily neutralize it at its very beginning. And this, as you understand, is worth a lot.

* * *

When starting something, we must know And believe, otherwise, no matter how close the goal is, we are still doomed to failure. Doubt, mistrust, misunderstanding - all this will make even the simplest path impassable. Decide for yourself: if you want, do it; if you don’t want, don’t fool yourself. But If you still make up your mind, then leave your doubts. Think like this: “What do I have to lose? It won’t work out like that, but if it works out, great! I will get what I have been looking for for a long time.” This position is applicable to many life circumstances, but in this case it is as necessary as air.

However, what do you actually want? As a rule, this question baffles even the most confident and unshakable people. Really, what could we want? A lot of things... And most importantly? What do we want most? This must be understood and realized, otherwise all other efforts will turn out to be completely meaningless and useless.

This incident happened to one of my patients. She was very afraid of heights, but not like ordinary people, but in a panic. She was absolutely sure that she would slip and fall, even if there were reliable fences all around. And crossing a bridge or anything like that was as unrealistic for her as going to Mars. So, when we had already completed a sufficiently specialized course of psychotherapy outside of these “extreme factors,” we tried to overcome some real obstacle in order to test in practice how great the fear is. For this purpose, a large, heavy pipe was chosen, thrown across a ravine near the nearest construction site. The width of the ravine did not exceed a meter. It would seem, what is there to be afraid of? – it was not difficult to overcome it. But all efforts were in vain. As soon as she approached a ravine or put even one foot on a pipe, fear covered her from head to toe, and the attempt to overcome the obstacle stopped instantly and irrevocably. And this despite the fact that in the absence of an obstacle, the possibility of overcoming it seemed real.

What was left to do? It was necessary at all costs to determine exactly what experiences filled her soul when she approached the ravine. And do you know what turned out to be? It turned out that she did not see the end of the pipe - the opposite edge of the ravine. She looked only at this edge and this end of the pipe, and the pipe seemed endless to her! In fact, she did not see the goal! And the absence of the latter frightened her terribly. After this fact was established and she understood the whole essence of what was happening to her, this pipe immediately ceased to be an obstacle for her. She looked at the opposite side of the ravine and thus, as if subconsciously, had already overcome it.

Vision, knowledge of the goal shortens, makes it easier, one might say, eats up the path. If you know your goal, the journey will not be long for you.

Before you get down to business, be clear about what you need to achieve. Or you will have to tirelessly and unsuccessfully overcome an endlessly long pipe. The desire to become self-psychotherapeutic, unfortunately, cannot be your goal - it is too vague and vague. And we returned to our sheep again: what do you actually want? What were you hoping for when you picked up this book? Of course, everyone had their own thoughts, guesses and desires. But still? Maybe you wanted to be happy? Perhaps, but this also cannot be called a goal, because happiness has too many definitions to understand what its real meaning is. However, you have every chance, as you know, “if you want to be happy, you will be.” And if you don’t know what you want, then what? Let me give you a little hint. It is not invented, it is taken from real experience of working with people who have psychological problems common to most of us - Every person has a desire to live like a human being.

Do you understand what stands behind these words: “live like a human being”? To live humanly is to live in such a way as to enjoy life, enjoy it and not be tormented by incessant problems, sorrows, unnecessary and painful experiences. In short, to live as a Man should, with his head held high, breathing deeply and thinking only about the good, feeling this good, enjoying this good. Of course, living like a human also means living, as they say, “like a human,” that is, with a human attitude towards other people, but if you can get rid of the burden of your own problems, this will come by itself. There will be no need to grind your teeth and convince yourself that “you need to treat people well, you need to try to understand them,” etc.

It’s very important to want it, that’s half the battle. If the desire is supported by an accurate vision of the goal, then in total they amount to a good 90%. By the way, do you know what the fundamental difference between a person and a computer is? Memory capacity? Speed ​​of information processing? Emotions and feelings? Yes, but the main thing is different, the main thing is that the computer cannot want, and therefore, no matter how smart, strong and fast he is, he will never compare with a person. It lacks the most important thing in a person - desire. Desire is the engine, it is what drives life, it is a real perpetuum mobile. Some will accuse me of oversimplifying human nature. Yes, to some extent. But we must clearly understand: a computer can be decomposed into its component elements, into nuts and microcircuits, into wires and buttons, and we will not find anything inside, although it will be completely clear to us that we are still looking at the same computer, but only disassembled.

A person cannot be divided into components: memory, attention, emotions, will, intellect, unconscious. None of these elements contain or can have person. He is in some incomprehensible, inexplicable, elusive substance that unites, or rather, creates him, which is him. And this substance is capable want- this is the key to our movement, that strange and incomprehensible perpetuum mobile that was created several million years ago with such ingenuity and love.

The title of this book - “Happy of my own free will” - was not taken for the sake of a catchphrase. Unfortunately, we dream of getting nothing so easily and nothing in the world requires more effort from us than achieving happiness. Therefore, when writing the book, I tried to do everything in my power to make your path to happiness as less difficult as possible and even somewhat enjoyable. I hope you can appreciate this from your own experience. So if you share my optimism, then, as they say, let’s get to work...

An indecently large number of books have been written on how to become happy. But how many did they make happy? Judging by the number of people suffering from neuroses and various psychological problems, no. The fact is that simply reading even very smart and good books to find happiness, of course, is not enough. A person needs full-fledged individual psychotherapy, and no book can replace this. Why did I finally decide to write another “guide” to achieving happiness?

Firstly, because this kind of publication has almost completely discredited psychotherapy, but it really works wonders, as you can see by reading this book. Therefore, I was faced with the task of rehabilitating the good name of psychotherapy in the eyes of the reader.

Secondly, not everyone in need can use the services of a good psychotherapist, but everyone should know how to cope with their psychological problems. Our life is full of stress, and it is too expensive to live without knowledge of the tools of psychological protection and rehabilitation. Here you will find specific recommendations for dealing with stress and psychological problems, provided with all the necessary explanations.

And thirdly, I finally heeded the requests of my patients to present part of their system in writing, so that this book could become for them a kind of “pocket” psychotherapist, a guide in the ocean of psychological problems and stress. For a psychotherapist, the patient’s request is the law, so, despite all my prejudices regarding such surrogates of psychotherapy, I set about writing it.

Before submitting my book to a publisher, I submitted it for review by—whom do you think? Of course, to his patients, and received the go-ahead. And since people who know what real problems are approved it and considered it successful, then, apparently, it will help you too.

Before moving on to the main part, I would like to tell you what this book is and how to use it. I was primarily interested in three questions: “what?”, “how?” and “why?” Firstly, what are psychological problems and what causes them? Secondly, and most importantly, how to deal with them? And finally, the sacramental question “why?”, which, it seems to me, worries every person and does not need additional comments. Sooner or later, we all think about the meaning of life, about our goals and objectives. Due to the nature of my profession, I had to witness hundreds of human stories, I have my own, so here you will read about what I think about this. We are all very different, but in essence we are very similar, so I had to find and describe this seed hidden in each of us. I think you might find this interesting.

The book consists of twelve chapters. These are twelve steps that lead us to ourselves. If you do everything that is discussed, you will certainly find what we are all looking for: mental well-being, joy and strength - this has been verified.

Man lives in the world, and he must learn to live with the world. So there are twelve steps in front of you, go through them step by step. The first six steps may seem a little dry to you, but I hope to compensate for this with the liveliness of the second movement. But, as you know, business comes first, and then everything else, so don’t be angry. Try not just to read, but to compare what you read with your own experience, with your feelings, and please follow all my recommendations. The latter is a must, without it my work will go to waste, and you will not achieve the desired result.

For clarity, I have provided this book with practical cases. In my opinion, this will make it easier to understand the psychological mechanisms that will be discussed, and maybe you will recognize yourself in some of my heroes, which will be very useful. But you won't find complex scientific terms here; I don't think you should bother your heads with them. After all, the purpose of this book is to help the reader find mental health, and not get a psychological education. The first is much more expensive than the second, so I would rather refer to examples from fairy tales and legends, in which the centuries-old wisdom of our people is hidden, than to the prominent names of Freud or Jung.

Modern man lacks intimate communication, so I tried to write this book in the genre of conversation. Talk to me frankly. But in order to cope with our problems, we also need specific recommendations, so after each conversation you will find exact recipes. I am a doctor by training, so consider me prescribing treatment for you. In each recipe, as it should be, you will find what to do, when to do it, in what quantities and in what cases. At the end of the book, in the “algorithms” section, I grouped all these recommendations for specific situations (what to do in case of anxiety, how to overcome depression, survive an unpleasant event, prepare for an important meeting, etc.).

This system is universal and suitable for everyone, but if you cannot cope with something on your own, I invite you to psychotherapy. You know, you can see better from the outside, especially if you have a trained eye. But we have a lot of reserves - that’s absolutely certain, and now, it seems, all the preliminary explanations have been given, and if in general this suits you, then, as they say, sit back...


I wrote this book primarily for those who suffer from psychological problems, who know first-hand what neurosis is and how difficult it can be to bring their shaky mental health back to normal after stress. But I dare to hope that it will be useful to every person, with the possible exception of a small cohort of saints who are no longer bothered by anything. I know it's not always pleasant, but we must admit that we have psychological problems. It's time to throw off the masks of the inflexible revolutionaries and Stakhanovites with whom we all grew up. Why be a hypocrite with yourself? What's the point? Psychological problems are a fact of life, it’s hard to argue with that.

Look at your own life. How do you react to shouting, prodding, tears? What feelings do the coldness of your boss, the grumbling of your parents, the whims of your children, the harshness of your spouse evoke in you? How do you cope with betrayal, betrayal, lies? Do you know fear, anxiety, guilt? Do you know what mental loneliness is? Are you worried about your health? Are you suspicious, irritable, nervous? How do you look at a broken mirror, a black cat, spilled salt, an unexpected return? Are you suffering from insomnia? How hard do you bear the loss of a friend, car, wallet? How fully are your dreams and desires satisfied? Do you enjoy going to work? Do you also enjoy returning home? Do you ever have the desire to give up everything and go somewhere? Do you just feel bad – bad, and that’s all? Happens? Do you know the feeling that “you’ve had enough of everything”? And you... This list can be continued indefinitely. Now do you understand that I am not exaggerating? And there is only one conclusion: there are problems, and this must be recognized.

And since psychological problems and stress are the realities of modern life, you need to know how to deal with it. Life makes its demands on us and, it seems, has no intention of slowing down. Those who do not keep up with the revolutions fall into its millstones. And in order to correspond to these turnovers, in order to live, you need remarkable psychological health. Therefore, if you do not want to fall behind the train, you will definitely need everything that is written here.

Psychologists call our age the age of anxiety. And this is true. We are all very anxious, although we don’t notice it because we’re used to it. Now it seems almost normal to us. But what's normal about this? Only the life that makes a person happy is normal. If this does not happen, then something is wrong... And, it seems to me, I even know what exactly.

Modern life is designed in such a way that we feel more and more lonely. Our only interlocutor is the TV, but this is a one-sided game. Communication with television presenters and heroes of romantic films is fictitious communication. Reality is replaced by a surrogate, and this cannot but affect our mental health. Mutual understanding and reciprocity are now so rare that, without any jokes, it’s time to put them in the Red Book, if, of course, it’s not too late. Which I personally really hope for.

But regarding our near future, scientists are making even more terrifying predictions. They say that a person of the 21st century is a person sleeping in an embrace with a computer. And before we sang: “people sleep, hugging each other”... A person cannot and should not be alone. Man is a social creature; it is unnatural for him to experience loneliness! But, unfortunately, even the saddest forecasts are more than realistic if we do not finally listen to the voice of reason and come to our senses. We need feelings, true, human: joy, tenderness, love. But the only feeling that powerfully controls modern man is anxiety.

For some, anxiety makes them sad and despondent. Such people experience depression, from which it is very difficult to get out. Others, continuing to resist, become embittered and aggressive. Still others seek salvation in alcohol and drugs. All this escape symptoms. Yes, we are afraid of a life that does not bring us happiness, scares us, and we run away from it without looking back. But have you ever wondered who, in fact, we are running from? Psychotherapy convincingly proves: we run from ourselves, from our desires and hopes. But this is tantamount to suicide, which we all do without realizing it. And therefore, everything that is written in this book is ultimately a means to find the main thing that we have all lost. This is a way to find happiness, which we abandoned unwillingly and which we are now looking for with such doom...

* * *

Remember the fairy tale about sold laughter? We are very much like this boy who traded his happy and mischievous laugh for wealth and status (and most of us for a “living wage”). However, there is one difference: the boy did this on his own, but we were actually forced to abandon ourselves and our joy. Education, the dictates of public opinion, the fear of doing something wrong, the desire to live up to the ideal - all this ultimately undermined the foundations of our existence. And the only chance to return everything to its place is to rediscover yourself, your true “I”, your center, your essence. And only in this case will the life around us change. If we are at peace with ourselves, then we can cope with everything else too. We will have to separate the wheat from the chaff if we want to live like human beings.

One day I was walking near the Smolny Cathedral with a patient of mine who suffered from depression and anxiety. It was a wonderful summer day, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was blue. The cathedral was irresistible against the backdrop of the huge sky spread above it. I shared my delight with the patient. She looked at me in bewilderment and said: “How can you like this?” It was my turn to be surprised. And this is what I heard: “Look at these black pipes. This is terrible! Indeed, almost from the very domes to the ground, along all corners and gables, rusty drainpipes descended. But I didn’t even notice them, admiring the sky-blue color of the walls.

Yes, the world is the way we look at it. Our attitude towards this or that phenomenon is not determined by our desire: if I want, I treat it well, if I want, I treat it badly.

Our attitude is dictated by our internal state, the general background. You've probably noticed yourself: you're in a good mood, life seems wonderful and fragrant, suddenly some opportunity happens, and you only get slightly upset, but you don't lose heart and soon you can easily solve the problem that has arisen. But if you were in a bad mood and the same or even lesser misfortune happened, you would certainly perceive what happened as a tragedy on a global scale, and you would see in what happened a certain “law of meanness” or something like that. This means that the point is not at all how we relate to certain events in our lives, but what is the general background, the general mood of our inner world.

This book outlines many years of experience in psychotherapeutic work with pressing problems of real people. This system works and gives the expected result, I can say that. There is nothing supernatural here, everything is quite simple and understandable. There is only one “but”... However, this problem is the cornerstone of any psychotherapy. I can’t do better than what Alexander Lowen said on this matter, so I’ll allow myself to quote him: “We [psychotherapists] are strong in our knowledge and faith, but we are powerless to do anything for the patient.” Here you will find both knowledge and faith, and your task is simply to take advantage of it.

I ask you to remember The golden rule of the “Three Ps”. It says: simple is not enough Read, not easy enough Understand read, you also need Apply. And don't expect anyone to do it for you. Yes, a psychotherapist is needed, and in many cases you cannot replace him with a book or simple recommendations. But you yourself know how we feel about psychotherapeutic help. In our country they turn to it only in extreme cases. We are not accustomed to psychotherapy; in the West, having your own psychotherapist is not shameful, but, on the contrary, is considered almost a matter of honor. There, psychotherapists have long been classified as “essential necessities.” In Russia, they are still looked at as strange animals. And they turn to help as a last resort, as a last resort. This is a kind of gesture of despair. You can’t say anything, we follow our centuries-old traditions: until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself. But the stronger it strikes and the later you decide to cross yourself, the more difficult it will be to correct the shaky situation. Isn't that right? Therefore, my advice to you is to stock up on an umbrella before the storm clouds appear.

I understand the reasons for the wariness of my dear compatriots towards psychotherapists. We are not used to asking for help; we have always been taught to rely only on ourselves. And that's right, but we were never taught How to do this, therefore such training is no different from a simple, non-binding notification. We were simply told: “Rely on yourself, do everything yourself, be independent, your happiness is in your hands.” But How?! Have you ever heard detailed explanations? Probably not. We must fill this gap, and this is precisely why this book was written.

We are afraid of feeling weak and therefore do not like to be advised or instructed. It seems to us that if we start to obey someone or something, then we will lose something very important within ourselves. This breeds mistrust and resistance, and we run away without listening to the end. It won't work that way. Everything that we will do with you throughout this book is not an attempt to learn to live in a new way, but a natural desire to find a point in ourselves that will serve as a support for us in life. I don't want to lecture you, I want you to see yourself real.

Fear of weakness makes us consider ourselves strong (but through strength). We convince ourselves that we can always handle everything ourselves (however, we are tormented by vague doubts regarding this point), that we don’t need anyone’s help (we pronounce this thesis with tears in our eyes, overcoming the painful feeling of loneliness), etc. Deep down, of course, we have doubts about all these slogans (and that's putting it mildly).

Indeed, every person contains enormous reserves, a lot of possibilities and colossal strength. But we still need help and without it we risk getting deeply confused. Moreover, we will not accept it if it comes in the form of accusations and edifications or like sweet chewing gum. We need simple and understandable recommendations on how to use the reserves hidden within us. The owner of capital needs an economic education, otherwise he will lose it, right? Now you have before you an educational program for psychological economics.

* * *

We are too complex: hundreds of contradictory feelings are concentrated in us; sensible and crazy thoughts are in constant dispute; conscious and subconscious processes pull the blanket from each other; simple and complex emotions fool us; we get confused in our own desires and aspirations; we cannot distinguish the important from the secondary, the valuable from the empty; fears block our impulses; Nightmares, fantasies and prejudices paint us a paradoxical reality. This is our psyche. Do I need to explain that the more complex the system, the more likely it is to fail? No, it's obvious. And we were all trapped.

And okay, we ourselves are confused, but no, we are still actively helped in this by all sorts of “well-wishers”, from the watchman to the Minister of Nationalities, from the nursery to the grave, they shower us with an endless number of instructions and moralizing. And it all sounds something like this: “This is possible, but this is not possible; this is not so, otherwise it is not like that; you are this one, not this one; your place is here, not there; sit down and keep your head down; you must, you must...” We were bombarded by public opinion, strange morality that no one observed, thousands of commandments, from “thou shalt not kill” to “thou shalt not eat meat”... How to make sense of all this?

Is it possible to fight your psychological problems if everything is already so mixed up that it is now unclear where “ours” are and where “not ours”? No, fighting your problems is completely pointless. But if open battle is impossible, all that remains is to come from the rear. Every phenomenon has its reasons. This means that both our neurosis and our psychological problems have them. So we just have to pull the ground out from under their feet, deprive them of support.

We need to find faults in the system itself, and not hit the top backhandedly and at random. We need to understand what the mechanisms are that force us to make mountains out of molehills, to be afraid of what is actually not scary at all, to feel guilty where we have done nothing wrong, to be lonely when there are so many people around, most of them wonderful and good ones. Understanding and correcting these painful mechanisms themselves is the main thing.

Most people use a different strategy: they try to catch their problems and burn them out with a hot iron. They wander in the darkness of their consciousness, subconscious, unconscious, like in a medieval castle. And problems live in this castle like ghosts. They are inseparable from each other. It is impossible to rid our psyche of psychological problems “surgically”. Imagine: you are walking through an old castle, it is inhabited by thousands of ghosts. They grow, multiply and constantly attack you... What to do? The answer is simple - you just need to leave the castle...

We can, of course, deal with many psychological problems. For example, using hypnosis. But where is the guarantee that they will not arise again? That we won’t feel lonely, abandoned and useless again? But it will be so, since we decided only on cosmetic repairs, locked the ghosts in the rooms and now, like restless people, we wander along the corridors, having not found our cherished happiness. Where is this good?

Therefore, as one “classic” said, we will take a different path. Which one? Firstly, we will find those psychological mechanisms that confuse all our cards. And most importantly, we will find something to replace them with! What good is it if we know which part in our car is damaged if we cannot replace it with a working one? None. So we will not only find breakdowns, we will also find replacements for them. So they will have no choice but to pack their things and go home...

Of course, this work is not easy, although in fact there is nothing difficult about it. Many, many dozens of patients have successfully dealt with it. And the result did not disappoint anyone.

The idea is simple: find what is faulty, replace it with something convenient and effective, and then simply reinforce these new strategies of worldview and worldview.

After this, the person becomes not only psychologically healthy, he turns out to be self-psychotherapeutic! When a new problem appears, he is able to quickly and easily neutralize it at its very beginning. And this, as you understand, is worth a lot.

* * *

When starting something, we must know And believe, otherwise, no matter how close the goal is, we are still doomed to failure. Doubt, mistrust, misunderstanding - all this will make even the simplest path impassable. Decide for yourself: if you want, do it; if you don’t want, don’t fool yourself. But If you still make up your mind, then leave your doubts. Think like this: “What do I have to lose? It won’t work out like that, but if it works out, great! I will get what I have been looking for for a long time.” This position is applicable to many life circumstances, but in this case it is as necessary as air.

However, what do you actually want? As a rule, this question baffles even the most confident and unshakable people. Really, what could we want? A lot of things... And most importantly? What do we want most? This must be understood and realized, otherwise all other efforts will turn out to be completely meaningless and useless.