What are soul and spirit? What is the difference between spirit and soul. Different types of souls What is the human soul and spirit

Yeshua on Lightworkers
Contributed via Pamela Cribbe

From the chapter "From Ego to Heart IV"

Your (esoteric) traditions share spirit, soul and body.
The body is the physical residence of the soul for a limited period of time.
The soul is not a physical psychological anchor of experience. She carries the experiences of many lives. Over time, the soul develops and slowly turns into a multi-faceted beautiful stone, where each face reflects different type experience and knowledge based on it.
Spirit does not change or grow over time.
The spirit is outside of time and space. It is eternal, it is a timeless part of you, One with the Creator who created you. It is this divine consciousness that is the basis of expression in space and time. You were born from the sphere of pure consciousness, you took part of this consciousness with you and carried it through all incarnations in material form.
The soul takes part in duality . All experiences of duality affect and transform the soul. The spirit is beyond duality. This is the basis on which everything develops and evolves. This is Alpha and Omega, which you could simply call Being or Source.
Silence, external and especially internal, is the best entrance to the feeling of the ever-present energy that is you in your deepest core. In silence you can come into contact with the most wonderful and self-evident thing: Spirit, God, Source, Being.
The soul carries within itself the memories of many incarnations. She knows and understands much more than your earthly personality. The soul is connected to psychic sources of knowledge, such as your past life personalities, and guides or companions on the astral plane. However, despite this connection, the soul can remain in a state of confusion, ignorance of its true nature. She may be traumatized by specific experiences and remain in darkness for some time. The soul is constantly evolving and gaining an understanding of the duality inherent in life on Earth.
The spirit is an immovable part of the development of the soul. The soul can be in a state of darkness or enlightenment. This does not apply to the Spirit. Spirit is pure Being, pure consciousness. He is both Darkness and Light. He is the Unity underlying all duality. When you reach stage 4 of the transformation from ego to heart, you connect with Spirit. You connect with your Divinity.
Connecting with the God within is like stepping out of duality by remaining fully present and grounded. At this stage the consciousness is filled with a deep but quiet ecstasy; a mixture of peace and joy.
You realize that you are not dependent on anything outside of yourself. You are free. Truly, you are in the world and, as it were, outside it.
Connecting with the spirit within is not something that happens once and for all. It is a slow and gradual process in which you connect, disconnect, reconnect…. Gradually the focus of consciousness shifts from duality to unity. Consciousness reorients itself, finding that over time it is more drawn to silence than to thoughts and emotions. What we mean by silence is to be completely centered and present, in a state of non-judgmental awareness.
There are no fixed ways or means to achieve silence. The key to connecting with Spirit is not to follow any training (meditation, fasting, etc.), but to truly understand. Understand that it is silence that brings you Home, not thoughts or emotions.
This understanding grows slowly as you become more and more aware of the mechanism of thoughts and feelings. You let go of old habits and open up to a new reality of heart-based consciousness. Ego-based consciousness withers and slowly dies.
The spirit is silent and eternal, and yet it is a creator. The reality of the Divine cannot be grasped by the mind. You can only feel it. If you let it into your life and become aware of it as a whisper in your heart, everything slowly begins to fall into place. By tuning into the reality of Spirit, the silent awareness of everything that lies behind your experiences, you stop imposing your will on reality. You allow everything to be in its natural state of being. You become your natural true self. And everything happens in a harmonious, meaningful way. You feel like everything comes together in a natural rhythm and natural flow. All you have to do is stay tuned to the divine rhythm and let the fears and misunderstandings that make you want to interfere go away.

From the chapter “Your Self of Light”
The soul experiences its greatest joy from the interaction of Spirit and sensation, the interaction of divinity and humanity. This is the secret of the Universe.
When you are pure Spirit, your reality is static. Nothing changes. Sensation and movement only appear when there is a relationship with something outside of you/Spirit. When you experience something other than yourself, there is an invitation to explore, to sense, to discover. But in order to experience something other than you, you have to remove yourself from absolute Unity, from God/Spirit. By doing this you become an individual soul.
You are an individual soul with one foot in the realm of the Absolute and the other in the realm of the Relative (= duality).
By exploring relativity (duality), you can move so far away from Home that you lose contact with the element of Spirit within. Then the soul is lost in the illusion of fear and separation.
The greatest joy is possible when you participate in the realm of Sensation while remaining connected to Spirit, to Home. Balanced interaction between Spirit and Soul - source greatest creativity and Love.
From this perspective, you are all on the path of finding the right balance between the state of absolute Oneness and the state of the individual soul.

Many of us have wondered about the deep knowledge of all that multifaceted being that we conventionally call a person.

The ancient Hindus came up with the idea of ​​calling human energy centers chakras and identified 7 main ones. Subsequently, occultists introduced the concept of subtle human bodies, of which there are also 7 together with the physical, and connected them with the chakras. As a result, a theory emerged that a person, in addition to the physical, consists of 6 more subtle bodies.

On the other hand, various teachings and religions introduce concepts such as soul and spirit. At the same time, if problems usually do not arise with the definition of a person’s physical body, then the idea of ​​its subtle material structure is very much distorted by various religious movements.

For example, Christianity defines the spirit as an integral component of the soul, and defines the soul as an independent, immortal, personal, rationally free entity created by God, distinct from the body. In other words, according to the Holy Fathers, the soul consists of spirit and something else that is not entirely clear. And, after the death of the physical body, Christians are called to pray for the repose of the soul.

So what do we actually pray for and light candles for in church?

Let's look at this idea in more detail. We see that Christianity calls all the subtle bodies of man “soul”. However, he still singles out the mental body (mind) and calls it “spirit”. On the other hand, it is known from the religious philosophy of Hinduism that the soul is also immortal, but at the same time has the ability to reincarnate. And if a person’s mental body, that is, his mind, is reincarnated along with his soul, then why do only a few remember their previous incarnations?

Why doesn't anyone remember their previous incarnations?

Who is right? Who's wrong? Let's try to figure it out.

So, we know that there are 7 human bodies.

  1. Physical
  2. Essential
  3. Astral (emotional)
  4. Mental
  5. Causal (event-based)
  6. Buddhial
  7. Atmanic

Somewhere in these subtle bodies are the soul and spirit of a person. Let us remember that Christianity highlights the concept of spirit and connects it with the mind or, speaking in terms of subtle bodies, with the mental body. This is true, but not all, but only part of it. In addition to logic, the spirit includes emotions and ethereal sensations. It is the inclusion of all these bodies that constitutes the concept of intuition, wisdom and reason.

So, we have defined the concept of spirit. This is the Etheric, Astral and Mental body of a person.

Where is the soul then?

The soul is above the spirit. Her bodies are Causal, Buddhial and Atmanic.

The easiest way to understand the interaction of body, spirit and soul is to look at the moment of death. After the physical body finishes its earthly journey, the subtle bodies separate from the physical body. But the process does not end there.

On the third day the etheric body disintegrates. Why? But because the etheric body serves as a bridge from the spirit to the physical body. There is no physical body and the bridge is also no longer needed. As a result, the spirit has only two bodies: Astral and Mental. These bodies store the memory of the entire life lived, along with the emotions that surrounded the person. The spirit, consisting of two bodies, remains in the space of spirits. You can turn to it and read information about your life, its events that were known only to the person himself.

Then the following happens. Within 40 days, the soul chooses where it will be reincarnated. Since the spirit after 9 days has already separated from the soul and gone into the space of spirits, the Causal body disintegrates. Everything is in similarity. And if the Etheric body serves as a bridge from the spirit to the physical body, then the Causal body also serves as a bridge from the soul to the spirit. The spirit is gone and the bridge is no longer needed.

The immortal soul consists of two bodies - Atmanic and Buddhial. It is there that the soul’s experience accumulates, which it will carry into the next incarnation.

As a result, without separating spirit and soul, Christianity actively interferes with the understanding of the processes occurring on Earth. Believers pray and light candles not actually for the repose of the soul - it had already been reincarnated by that time - but for the repose of the spirit. Which will indeed henceforth reside in the space of spirits. How long? Long enough, from the point of view of our short earthly life - forever. And the quality of his existence in the space of spirits directly depends on how often and in what words his descendants remember him. That's why the expression " about the deceased either well or nothing", and it is customary to remember ancestors with a kind word.

The soul comes into its next incarnation as part of two bodies - Buddhial and Atmanic, and begins to rebuild its spirit anew. Thus, the soul each time forms a new spirit to fulfill its mission and tasks in each specific incarnation. And the spirit itself, in turn, determines what kind of physical body it requires. So don't "in healthy body- a healthy spirit,” but quite the opposite. The spirit determines the physical parameters of the body, and through the etheric bridge maintains contact with it. It is the spirit that will drive the body into the cold and douse it with ice water as a hardening, but not vice versa.

Now that we understand that the boundary of the soul runs along lower limit From the causal body, we can become aware of how the soul influences our lives. The causal body is responsible for the event plan, for the qualities and characteristics of the world that surrounds each of us, for its friendliness or, on the contrary, hostility. The soul arranges events for us, brings certain people to us, attracts or repels any incidents, pleasant or unpleasant stories. If someone steps on your foot public transport, pours water or gives flowers - this is a direct manifestation of the soul in your life.

Let's introduce a new concept - personality. From the point of view of Christian philosophy, personality corresponds to the concept of “spirit”; there are no discrepancies here. Personality is truly spirit. Namely, the Mental, Astral and Etheric bodies of a person. The personality solves the problem of obtaining life experience, ponders the tasks posed by the world (that is, the soul through the causal plan), finds and makes decisions. It is the interaction of the individual with the world and its development that we tend to call the concept of “life”. But the spirit, and therefore the personality, is separated from the soul at the moment of death. And at the new birth a new personality will be formed.

That is why at the personal level we do not remember our previous incarnations. The Astral and Mental bodies are new and do not contain any memory of the previous life. All the experience collected in the previous life remained with the soul in the Buddhial and Atmanic bodies, and in order to obtain information about past lives, it is necessary to rise to the level of these bodies, or to gain access and communicate with one’s own spirit from a past life.

(to be continued)

Spirit, soul and body are components of a person, and often Christians confuse soulfulness and spirituality.

A Christian who does charity and smiles at everyone may be soulful, but he will go to hell if his essence is not filled with the breath of God. Soul and spirit have different natures and differences, but at the same time they are one.

What does soul mean in Orthodoxy?

The soul is the breath, the breath of God. The Creator created Adam and breathed a soul into him. (Genesis 2:7) The Creator created an incorporeal entity, He takes it away, which means it has immortality.

The soul component fills the human body into which God breathed it at conception

But where this essence ends up after separation from the body depends on the person. The prophet Ezekiel wrote that souls who sin die. (Ezekiel 18:2)

Without a soul, a person has neither reason nor feelings. The soul component is devoid of form; it fills the human body into which God breathed it at conception.

Origin of the Soul

The soul is created by the Creator; it does not reincarnate and does not move from body to body. She appears immediately after fertilization and after the death of the bodily shell awaits the Last Judgment.

For a long time it was believed that an incorporeal spiritual creature was weightless, however, in 1906, Professor Duncan McDougall, by weighing a person at the time of death, proved that the weight of the soul was 21 grams.

The soul, after the death of the bodily shell, awaits the Judgment of God

Basic components of the soul

The mind, will and feelings of a person depend on the state of the soul. It is very important to understand which mental forces are considered reasonable and unreasonable.

Higher powers control the rational components, these include:

  • feeling;
  • will.

Unreasonable forces fill the body with vital currents, thanks to which the heart beats, the body is transformed and the ability to produce offspring is born. Our mind does not control the irrational substance, everything happens by itself. The heart is beating circulatory system works, a person grows, matures, ages. All this does not depend on the human mind.

The spiritual gift of the Creator is that He fills us with feelings, emotions, desires, consciousness, gives us freedom of choice, control of conscience and fills us with the gifts of faith.

Important! Consciousness and conscience are the main components of a Christian’s soul, which distinguish him from an animal.

The mental component of the human body, unlike animals, has intelligent power, which is characterized by the ability to speak, think and cognize. The rational force dominates all other components, it is given the opportunity to distinguish good from evil; choose, show the strength of desires, whom to love or hate and control irritable force.

God fills us with feelings, emotions, desires, consciousness, gives us freedom of choice

People's emotions are produced and controlled by irritable force. Saint Basil the Great called this mental component a nerve that supplies energy, which sometimes results in passions:

  • rage;
  • jealousy of good and evil.
Important! The Holy Fathers emphasize that the real purpose of the irritable force is to be angry with Satan.

Desirable or active force gives birth to a will capable of choosing between good and evil.

Three forces are inherent in one life, one body and, according to Callistus and Ignatius Xanthopoula, they can be controlled. Love curbs irritable power, dispassion extinguishes emotions, and prayer inspires rational power.

Only in submission to spiritual knowledge and contemplation of the Almighty are all three spiritual components in unity. The soul is invisible, it lives regardless of the state of the body. The mental state of people equalizes everyone before God, who looks not at the body, but at His likeness, which does not depend on gender, age, skin color and place of residence.

According to Saint Theophan the Recluse, it is the spiritual essence that is the source of all human manifestations, it is a person with reason and freedom of choice, it cannot be known by the organs of the body.

How does the spirit affect a person?

The soul is the temple of the Living God, in which the Holy Spirit lives. The Creator did not grant such an honor to be called God's temple to any Angel.

At baptism, the spirit of God settles in a person, which during life can be supplanted by other forces. This is only possible if the person himself opens the doors of evil spirits, polluting his temple.

The spiritual component is the highest side of people's lives

Despite the fact that the Lord fills a person with a spiritual component, she independently chooses spiritual filling. This is freedom of choice. The Creator does not create robots, He sculpts others like Himself.

The spiritual component is the highest side of people’s lives; it is given the power to attract a person from visible things to the invisible knowledge of the grace of God, to separate the eternal from the temporary.

The spirit is that component of man that separates us from animals. The creatures created by God do not have spiritual filling.

The spiritual is inseparable from the spiritual; it is the highest side, the essence. A person does not have such feelings with which one can cognize spiritual fulfillment. The Holy Fathers emphasize that the spirit is the human mind, and from it comes the rational principle.

Important! The spirit of a person cannot be seen or comprehended, but a spiritual person filled with the Divine essence can be seen immediately by his emotions, deeds and love for the world around him.

The human spirit is filled with perfection only when united with God's Holy Spirit.

In the letter of St. Theophan the Recluse, we find that spiritual filling is the power that the Creator breathed into the human spiritual component, as the final stage of creating His image.

In union with the soul, the spirit raised it to a divine height above the non-human creature. Thanks to spiritual filling, a soulful person becomes spiritualized.

Since spiritual power came from God, it knows the Creator and seeks His presence in life.

Emerging Spirit Components

Whom a person worships and serves is his god. Christians, regardless of their level of development, know that everything in life is guided by the Creator.

Spiritual Filling Leads Christians to Hunger for God

He is the Judge and Savior, punisher and merciful; the symbol of the Christian faith is the Trinity, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The fear of God is the main component of spiritual fulfillment.

You love power, money, fun parties, you do everything in anger, according to your own will and desire, which means you are not afraid of God, while your soul is controlled by satanic forces.

The guiding spiritual force is conscience, which makes a person fear the Lord, please Him in everything and follow His instructions. Conscience guides spiritual qualities Christians, guiding them to the knowledge of holiness, grace and truth. Only through conscience can believers determine what is pleasing or contrary to the Lord.

Only those who have a living conscience can fulfill God's law. Spiritual fulfillment leads Christians to a thirst for God, when no creation of human hands can give that grace that a person acquires through communication with the Almighty in fasting, prayer and fulfilling the Law.

About spiritual life:

The main differences between soul and spirit

In a person living in a fallen society and loving the Creator, there will be a constant struggle between the spiritual and the spiritual, for their unity is broken by human sinfulness.

The soulful component of God's creation makes him higher than animals, and the spiritual component makes him higher than angels. For which of the angels did the Lord ever say that they were His children? The Apostle Paul writes that human bodies are temples of the Living God, the Holy Spirit, and for this we must glorify the Creator; in this there is no merit of ours. (1 Cor. 6:19-20).. The saint emphasized that in a Christian there is human and heavenly, visible and invisible, flesh and spirituality. Man, according to Gregory the Theologian, is a small universe within a large cosmos.

The sayings of Saint Gregory Palamas are wonderful that the body, having conquered the desires of the flesh, does not become an anchor for the soul, pulling it to hell. It soars upward in soul and spiritual unity, becoming God's spiritual power.

Anything created by God living creature has a soul, spiritual filling only in humans. The surrounding world can influence the spiritual components; the Lord guides spiritual forces.

The soul appears at conception, spiritual strength is given to a person upon repentance and acceptance of Jesus as his Savior, Healer, Creator and Maker. The soul's substance separates from the body at death; with the disappearance of God's spiritual principle, a person falls into all serious sins.

Important! Only a spiritual Christian can call Jesus Christ his Master and learn God’s word by reading; a spiritual Christian only feels it.

Spiritual man is the image of God

The Lord can never be seen in the physical form. The Creator absolutely doesn’t care whether you are poor or rich, thin or fat, with arms or without legs, beautiful from a human point of view or ugly.

The image of God lives in an invisible spiritual shell, which is controlled by spiritual power. God's soul has immortality, intelligence, free will and pure, selfless love.

The state of mind that passes into immortality is controlled not by Christians, but only by the Lord.

Just as the Creator is free, so He gave freedom to His creation. The wise Creator endowed man with a mind capable of delving into invisible depths, cognizing the nature of the Lord. The Creator’s kindness to His creation is infinite, which He never abandons. Spiritual man strives for unity with the Creator.

In the New Testament, the phrase repeatedly appears about spiritually living people, that is, those who accepted Jesus into their lives as Savior.

Atheists or believers in other gods are called spiritually dead creatures.

Important! The Almighty, when creating man, provided for a hierarchy. The body submits to the soul, and it is subject to the spirit.

Initially this was the case. Adam heard God's voice with his spiritual consciousness, and hurried to fulfill all the wishes of the Creator with the help of his body. A spiritual person is like Adam before the Fall; he learned, with the help of the Lord, to do works pleasing to God, to distinguish between good and evil, creating in himself the image of the Creator.

“Dialogue on Orthodoxy” about soul and spirit

Session of new hypnologists

Q. Please tell me, what is the difference between Spirit and Soul?
A. The Soul incarnates and changes, but the Spirit is eternal.
Q. In what sense does “The soul change”?
O. The soul, it is plastic. Imagine a Star. These rays of it are the Spirit, and the light that comes from it is the Soul. The Spirit is the basis, more rigid, more unshakable, the Soul is more plastic. If the Spirit is imagined in the form of a ray, then the Soul will be its slightly blurred glow, in other words, the Spirit is a ray, and the Soul is the image of the Spirit and the glow is closed in it.

Q. Is a particular Spirit related to a particular Soul? Is this couple permanent?
A. Yes, they are connected and they mutually penetrate each other, only one Spirit, as a rule, has several Souls. But by and large, everything is a manifestation of one Spirit.

Q. What is the difference between the Soul of a person and the Soul of a representative of any other civilization?
O. What kind of person do you mean? People here are different and many different civilizations are embodied in People.

Q. We had information that all beings incarnating on Earth in human bodies, if they arrived from somewhere else, are given a pair of the Soul of an earthly person. It can be with experience or still a completely pure matrix, with basic experience recorded on it... Isn’t that right?

A. Almost like that. But it’s not like they are “issued as a pair”, but they seem to merge together, but at the same time retain their individuality. It turns out to be a single Soul.
Q. After completing the Earthly experience, do these Souls separate, or will they be together forever?
A. Everything here is according to their wishes, according to their tasks, depending on where they are going, there are many different points.
Q. What is the difference between the Earthly Soul of Man and other Souls? Is there any specific feature?

A. Yes, you can call it a special aroma... We hope you understand that "aroma" in this case is a metaphor.
Q. Maybe only from the Soul of Man can the true Creator emerge?
A. No, every Soul can become a Creator, only they create in different ways.

Q. Well, the Souls of Reptilians, can they also become Creators?
A. They are rather destroyers, but at the same time they create something, although they destroy.
Q. So how are they fundamentally different?
O. The teachers over there are already laughing at us, they say “tail, tail”!)))
But seriously... They have less Love... Rather, even with them it’s better to call it “care”, they don’t have Love. This is partly due to their physiology. In fact, their Souls could also develop this quality in themselves, and they seem to feel it and are somewhat complex because of it.
Those. This Unconditional Love, which is inherent in the Human Soul, is one of key differences from the Souls of representatives of other civilizations.

Q. What other key differences are there?
A. I now perceive it as a blue light and feel it as a mixture of nobility and sacrifice, the ability to act from principle, sometimes even to the detriment of oneself. All other civilizations are quite practical.
Q. Are there other civilizations with similar characteristics elsewhere?
A. Yes, but only with similar ones. This special aroma of the Human Soul is formed by a whole complex of special sensations that you experience while being close to this Soul. There is no one key point, there is a sum of signs.
There are people who do not experience Unconditional Love, but they are still people.

Q. But why can’t they show this Love?
A. This is a question for these people, not for us.

D_A I’ll add from myself:

What is soul and spirit

The soul is the intangible essence of a person, contained in his body, a vital motor. The body begins to live with it, through it it learns the world around us. No soul - no life.
Spirit - highest degree human nature, attracting and leading a person to God. It is the presence of spirit that places a person above all in the hierarchy of living beings.

What is the difference between soul and spirit?

Soul is a horizontal vector human life, the connection of the individual with the world, the area of ​​lusts and feelings. Its actions are divided into three directions: feeling, desirable and thinking. These are all thoughts, feelings, emotions, the desire to achieve something, strive for something, make a choice between antagonistic concepts, everything that a person lives with. The spirit is a vertical guideline, the desire for God.

The soul animates the body. Just as blood penetrates all the cells of the human body, so the soul permeates the entire body. That is, a person possesses it, just as he possesses a body. She is his essence. While a person is alive, the soul does not leave the body. When he dies, he no longer sees, feels, or speaks, although he has all the senses, but they are inactive because there is no soul. The spirit does not belong to man by nature. He can leave it and return. His departure does not mean the death of a person. The Spirit gives life to the soul.

The soul is what hurts when there is no reason for physical pain (the body is healthy). This happens when a person’s desires run counter to circumstances. The spirit is deprived of such sensory sensations.

From earlier on the topic:

Operator 1: Now there are many so-called hybrids on earth. This is when a mix is ​​embodied (they put a little of everything in different proportions into one form for embodiment) from different, unconnected systems:

Soul, as a certain quality and quantity of energy related to earthly and alien forms of embodiment
- energy, substance (I can’t find the word), from another system/plane, form. Not related to the system of incarnations on earth, but taking part in the universal cocktail..
- subtle-plane (energy substances embodied in guardians, angels, hierarchies, everyone who works with energies before incarnation)
- programmer level (they are not related to either the first or the second, but are related to the creation and adjustment of these three or more systems)
From this Mix of substances a single package is created, which receives the earthly body in incarnation. And for this body there are completely different tasks. They are minimally connected with past lives!
Since it is not the soul that gets karmic incarnations, but the ego*... The soul observes the evolution of the Ego until it is completely dissolved! To get out of the wheel of Samsara (reincarnation) is to overcome the ego, not to destroy it, but to understand that the Ego/mind is just a myth, an illusion.

*In shamanic traditions, it is believed that there are 3 souls embodied in a person: body (ego/personality), ancestral (karmic) and cosmic. The first one “dies”, i.e. for each life a new one is given, the last two are not, they continue their training from life to life.

UPD from comm:

Spirit is a sphere, soul is a living field in the sphere of Spirit... The relationship between Spirit and Soul is like in a good, friendly family, where the soul is the neck, and the Spirit is the head.....(where the neck turns is where the head looks and does)

If the Soul is like a vessel, then the Spirit is the light that fills this vessel. And this light also revives the Soul, because the source of the Spirit is Good and Life - essences above the Spirit, emanating from the Infinite.

Spirit is Will, Soul is goals.

From another session:

The information came when I decided to find out the fate of the creature that appeared through the channels of the cemetery love spell, then sealed in wax and sent “back” when the casting was burned.

It was the “Spirit” of the deceased, who was sent to “work” by the pogostnik (owner of the cemetery). During life, we call “spirit” a personality, it is also a particle of the Rod, which is incarnated in tandem with the Soul (someone calls it an earthly soul, which is incarnated in tandem with a stellar soul), and after death returns to the Rod. This one lingered (he had no connection with the Soul, the Soul had already left for reincarnation), lived in the cemetery, and when the casting was burned, he went to the Rod.

The Spirit, like the Soul, goes through a series of incarnations. He goes through his very first incarnations independently (but there are not many such people on Earth, less than 5%), then - together with a “star” Soul (all Souls began their experience of incarnations not on Earth, but in other worlds).

Spirit and Soul can go through a series of incarnations together. My Soul, for example, spent all its earthly incarnations in pairs with the same Spirit. But the Spirit also incarnated with other Souls.

And all the stories (all connections) from past lives are dragged into the present by the Spirit. What we call “karmic knots” were tied by the Spirit with the same Soul that is embodied now. And “generic negatives” come from his incarnations with other Souls.

UPD from comm.:

Many people have a slightly different problem. The Spirit (Essence) is powerful, and following it is a matter of course and natural. But the Personality is very small, there is no PMC, there is no grasping reflex at all, and it’s oh so difficult for her to survive like this, to comprehend the laws of this world.
Here “small” does not mean undeveloped, but just ahead of the average statistical majority.
In principle, she (Personality) is not their main one; it is strange for her to waste her precious time looking for comfort when there are important and inspiring tasks.
But for a harmonious life on earth, Personality is necessary, and so, a lot of effort is spent to adapt.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because, and at each level of consciousness

Hypnologist session

Question. Please tell me, what is the difference between Spirit and Soul?
Answer. The soul incarnates and changes, but the Spirit is eternal.

Q. In what sense does “The soul change”?
O. The soul, it is plastic. Imagine a Star. These rays of it are the Spirit, and the light that comes from it is the Soul. The Spirit is the basis, more rigid, more unshakable, the Soul is more plastic. If the Spirit is imagined in the form of a ray, then the Soul will be its slightly blurred glow, in other words, the Spirit is a ray, and the Soul is the image of the Spirit and the glow is closed in it.

Q. Is a particular Spirit related to a particular Soul? Is this couple permanent?
A. Yes, they are connected and they mutually penetrate each other, only one Spirit, as a rule, has several Souls. But by and large, everything is a manifestation of one Spirit.

Q. What is the difference between the Soul of a person and the Soul of a representative of any other civilization?
O. What kind of person do you mean? People here are different and many different civilizations are embodied in People.

Q. We had information that all beings incarnating on Earth in human bodies, if they arrived from somewhere else, are given a pair of the Soul of an earthly person. It can be with experience or still a completely pure matrix, with basic experience recorded on it... Isn’t that right?
A. Almost like that. But it’s not like they are “issued as a pair”, but they seem to merge together, but at the same time retain their individuality. It turns out to be a single Soul.

Q. After completing the Earthly experience, do these Souls separate, or will they be together forever?
A. Everything here is according to their wishes, according to their tasks, depending on where they are going, there are many different points.

Q. What is the difference between the Earthly Soul of Man and other Souls? Is there any specific feature?
A. Yes, you can call it a special aroma... We hope you understand that "aroma" in this case is a metaphor.

Q. Maybe only from the Human Soul can a real Creator emerge?
A. No, every Soul can become a Creator, only they create in different ways.

Q. Well, the Souls of Reptilians, can they also become Creators?
A. They are rather destroyers, but at the same time they create something, although they destroy.

Q. So how are they fundamentally different?
O. The teachers over there are already laughing at us, they say “tail, tail”!)))
But seriously... They have less Love... Rather, even with them it’s better to call it “care”, they don’t have Love. This is partly due to their physiology. In fact, their Souls could also develop this quality in themselves, and they seem to feel it and are somewhat complex because of it.
Those. This Unconditional Love, which is inherent in the Human Soul, is one of the key differences from the Souls of representatives of other civilizations.

Q. What other key differences are there?
A. I now perceive it as a blue light and feel it as a mixture of nobility and sacrifice, the ability to act from principle, sometimes even to the detriment of oneself. All other civilizations are quite practical.

Q. Are there other civilizations with similar characteristics elsewhere?
A. Yes, but only with similar ones. This special aroma of the Human Soul is formed by a whole complex of special sensations that you experience while being close to this Soul. There is no one key point, there is a sum of signs.
There are people who do not experience Unconditional Love, but they are still people.

Q. But why can’t they show this Love?
A. This is a question for these people, not for us.

D_A I’ll add from myself:

The human spirit is the same Spark of the Creator. The soul is those layers, matrices and bodies that the Spark “puts on” itself in order to experience worlds such as Earth. The matrix of the soul is impermanent; they often change, depending on the tasks, lessons and decisions made during incarnation. This does not mean that the soul itself changes completely, however, its cells can change (activate or “fall asleep”), thereby often changing its character. Coming out of incarnation, the Spark gives the majority of shells to those systems for which the accumulated experience was intended (eg the Earth, clan, native civilizations). One colleague described the process this way:

When my grandmother passed into another world, I saw how she rose above the planet and there took on the appearance of a flower. The petals of this flower began to disintegrate and move away, in the end only the Spark remained, which went into its higher dimension, I had no way to follow it further.

From external:

What is soul and spirit

The soul is the intangible essence of a person, contained in his body, a vital motor. The body begins to live with it, and through it it learns about the world around it. No soul - no life.
Spirit is the highest degree of human nature, attracting and leading a person to God. It is the presence of spirit that places a person above all in the hierarchy of living beings.

What is the difference between soul and spirit?

The soul is the horizontal vector of human life, the connection of the individual with the world, the area of ​​lusts and feelings. Its actions are divided into three directions: feeling, desirable and thinking. These are all thoughts, feelings, emotions, the desire to achieve something, strive for something, make a choice between antagonistic concepts, everything that a person lives with. The spirit is a vertical guideline, a desire for God.

The soul animates the body. Just as blood penetrates all the cells of the human body, so the soul permeates the entire body. That is, a person possesses it, just as he possesses a body. She is his essence. While a person is alive, the soul does not leave the body. When he dies, he no longer sees, feels, or speaks, although he has all the senses, but they are inactive because there is no soul. The spirit does not belong to man by nature. He can leave it and return. His departure does not mean the death of a person. The Spirit gives life to the soul.

The soul is what hurts when there is no reason for physical pain (the body is healthy). This happens when a person’s desires run counter to circumstances. The spirit is deprived of such sensory sensations.

From early