Country and City (Village or city) topic in English. Country and City (Village or city) topic in English A story about a magical village in English

will help you write your own story about where you prefer to live. Cities are usually noisy and have a high pace of life, while in the countryside, life is measured and you spend every day in the fresh air.

AT Topeka in English city and village social and cultural aspects of people's lives are compared depending on their place of residence. It talks about the pros and cons of life in the city and the countryside in English.

Topic in English Country and City (Village or city) will be useful to schoolchildren and students, as this topic often comes across when passing the exam.


country and city

The opinions about living in the city and country are different. There are advantages and disadvantages in both, so you have to think properly before choosing where to live.

As for me, I prefer living in the country, because it is more comfortable, soothing and the pace of living is slower, than i the city. The air is clean and the neighbors are very friendly, and being close to nature is good for health.

In the mornings you can enjoy the twittering of birds, the smells of flowers and the breathtaking sight of the rising sun. Suburban dwellers are relaxed and have a more optimistic attitude to life and good relationships with other people.

The country habitants enjoy their social life every day: they have dinner with their parents, visit their friends in the evenings, they play games and watch TV together.

It is more difficult to enjoy it all in the city. The pace of living in cities is much faster than in the country. People loose a lot of time in traffic jams. That is why people who live in cities or towns are more pessimistic and less healthy. However, there are several advantages in living in towns and cities. There are career and study opportunities, there is central heating and running water. Towns and cities attract people of different cultures, so you can have various interesting friends.

Nevertheless, I want to live in the country when I grow up. I will buy a house in the countryside and enjoy my wonderful and healthy life in the village.


Village or city

Opinions about what is better - to live in a city or in the countryside, differ. In both cases, there are advantages and disadvantages, so you need to think carefully before choosing a place to live.

As for me, I prefer life in the countryside as it is more comfortable, quieter and slower than in the city. The air is clean and the neighbors are very friendly, and closeness to nature is good for health.

In the morning you can enjoy the chirping of birds, the scent of flowers, and the view of the rising sun is breathtaking. Suburban residents are relaxed and more optimistic about life, they a good relationship with other people.

The villagers enjoy social life every day: they have dinner with their parents, visit friends in the evenings, play games and watch TV together.

All this is much more difficult to enjoy in the city. The rhythm of life in cities is much faster than outside the city. People lose a lot of time in traffic jams. Therefore, people living in cities are more pessimistic and less healthy. However, there are several advantages to living in cities and towns. There are opportunities for work and study, there is central heating and running water. Cities attract people of different cultures, so you can have many different interesting friends.

However, I want to live in the countryside when I grow up. I will buy a house outside the city and enjoy my beautiful and healthy life in the village.

Topic: Summer in the village

Theme: Summer in the countryside

Every season of the year has its advantages. Spring and flowers, autumn with its contrasting colors and coolness, winter with its sleeping beauty – all these are worth loving and admiring. But most of all I like summer. Summer for me is a time of adventures, explorations and joyful activities.

Each season has its own advantages. Spring with its awakening of the life of trees and flowers, autumn with its contrasting colors and coolness, winter with its sleeping beauty - all this is worth love and admiration. But most of all I like summer. Summer for me is a time of adventure, exploration and joyful activities.

Usually most of the summer time I spend in the village which is located far from the city. You can get there either by car or by train. , where she grows different vegetables and fruit. Sometimes I have to help my granny with households. I water the flowers and dig when she asks me. I can not say that I am fond of gardening but when apples, strawberries and peas get ready, it's them.

I usually spend most of my summer time in the countryside, which is far from the city. You can get there either by car or by train. We have a big house in the village, surrounded by my grandmother's garden, where she grows various vegetables and fruits. Sometimes I help my grandmother with the housework. I water the flowers and dig when she asks me to. I cannot say that I am fond of gardening, but when apples, strawberries and peas ripen, it is very pleasant, and I eat them with pleasure.

There are a lot of activities in the village. There is a river bank where I like to spend time together with my friends. we have opportunities to row a boat and to swim when the weather is hot. We also like to go fishing. It is a very picturesque place so I often come there with my album and draw the nature.

There are many interesting things in the village. There is a river bank where I like to spend time with my friends. On the river we have the opportunity to go boating and swimming when the weather is hot. We also go fishing. This is a very picturesque place, so I often come here with my album and draw nature.

My friends and I like to play in the forest. Last summer we built a house under the huge oak, and branches. We brought chairs and a little table here. In the evenings we like to make fire near it and eat bread with sausages. We play hide and seek in the forest. Besides, there are a lot of berries. We gather mushrooms too. It's a great fun to have a competition while gathering. A person who finds more mushrooms.

My friends and I love to play in the forest. Last summer we built a house under a huge oak tree using planks and branches. We brought chairs and a small table there. In the evenings we like to build a fire near it and eat bread and sausages. We play hide and seek in the woods. In addition, there are many berries. We collect mushrooms too. It's great fun to compete when collecting. The person who finds more mushrooms wins.

On the sunny meadow there are many flowers of different colors. They are much more beautiful than garden ones. My granny loves chamomiles and my mother's favorites are cornflowers. As for me, what kind of flowers I prefer. All of them are so wonderful and smell fantastic.

There are many different flowers in the sunny meadow. They are much prettier than garden ones. My grandmother loves daisies, and my mother's favorites are cornflowers. As for me, I can't say which flowers I prefer. They are all so beautiful and smell fantastic.

When I want to feel high speed and wind in my face I ride my bicycle. A hilly terrain makes this activity very exciting. We like to organize small races. There are practically no cars on the streets so riding a bicycle is safe and our parents needn’t worry about us.

When I want to feel high speed and wind in my face, I ride a bike. The hilly terrain makes this activity very exciting. We organize small races. There are practically no cars on the streets, so cycling is safe and our parents don't have to worry about us.

It's a great event, when granny takes me to the market. We go there by train. While waiting for the train on the station I like to count wagons of the passing by freight trains or to stand under a jet of wind from whizzing high-speed trains. In the market I usually get an ice-cream. We buy bread

Nazarova Angela. Starosavrushskaya school, Old Savrushi, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination Our world.

My village

I live in Vasilevka. It is a nice small village in Russia. People live in one-storey houses. There is a school and a hospital in my village. There is also a shop. We can buy all we need there. There is a forest nearby. It is very beautiful and big. We like to go for a walk there. And often we have a picnic in the forest. I like pleasant smell of leaves and flowers.

But a river is the most important place for us. We can spend all day long swimming and playing in summer. But last summer it was very hot and our river almost disappeared. In winter we like to ski. There are always a lot of snow in our village. It is very difficult to overcome all the snow hills in the streets!

Even if Vasilevka is small and there are little things we can do, I like my village very much.

I live in Vasilievka. This is a beautiful little village in Russia. People live in one-story houses. The village has a school and a hospital. There is also a shop. We can buy everything we need there. There is a forest nearby. He is very handsome and big. We love walking there. We often go there for picnics. I love the pleasant smell of leaves and flowers.

But the river important place for us. In summer we can spend the whole day swimming and playing. But last summer it was very hot and our river almost disappeared. In winter we love skiing. There is always a lot of snow in our village. It is very difficult to overcome all the snowy hills in the streets!

Even if Vasilievka is small and there is not much entertainment for us here, I really love my village.

Composition in English Life in the village / Life In The Countryside with translation into Russian

In English. Life In The Countryside
I have always wanted to spend more time in the countryside. My family and I live in the suburbs of a big city. My grandparents live in the village not far from us. We often visit them and in summertime I can stay there for a month or two. I enjoy being in the countryside more than in the city. My grandparents own a small country house at the edge of the forest. There is a spacious garden and a chicken coop behind the house. Life in the city is boring for me. It consists of school and several friends. Whereas in the country I can swim in the local lake, pick berries and mushrooms, help my grandparents with the garden, go for a walk in the woods, read a book under the shed, go camping with friends and do many other interesting activities. I think that life in the village is fantastic! I really enjoy spending my weekends and holidays there. If I grow up I'd like to have a house in the countryside instead of a city flat. I prefer old-fashioned, wooden houses with traditional Russian ornaments in it. I'd like to plant many fruit trees and colorful flowers around my house. If there is a river or a pond nearby, it would be perfect. I like swimming and sunbathing in summer. To make my life complete there, I need some pets. Most of all I like cats and dogs but I can also keep a dozen of chickens in the village. They will supply me with fresh eggs every day. The best thing about living in the countryside is the fresh air and relaxing atmosphere.

Translating to Russian language. Village life
I have always wanted to spend more time in the countryside. My family and I live on the outskirts big city. My grandparents live in a village not far from us. We often visit them, and in summer time I can stay there for a month or two. I like being in the countryside more than in the city. My grandparents have a small house in the village on the edge of the forest. Behind the house there is a spacious garden and a chicken coop. Life in the city is boring for me. It consists of a school and a few friends. While in the countryside, I can swim in the local lake, pick mushrooms and berries, help my grandparents with the garden, go for a walk in the forest, read a book under a canopy, go hiking with friends and do many other interesting things. I think life in the countryside is great! I really enjoy spending my weekends and holidays there. If I grow up, I would like to have my own house in the countryside, not a city apartment. I prefer an old fashioned, wooden house with traditional Russian decorations in it. I would like to plant many fruit trees and colorful flowers around the house. If there is a river or a pond nearby, it will be excellent. I love swimming and sunbathing in summer. To make my life there complete, I need pets. Most of all I love cats and dogs, but in the countryside I can also keep a dozen chickens. They will supply me with fresh eggs every day. The best thing about living in the countryside is the fresh air and peaceful atmosphere.