Durch management. Prepositions of place in German

The control of verbs (verbs) is their ability to influence the case form of the noun that follows them, i.e., to control it. Often verb. affects not only the case, but also the preposition with which the noun is used. In most cases, control of German verbs. coincides with the management of their synonyms in Russian.

Mir gefällt dieses Mädchen. – I like this girl.

However, there are a huge number of verbs, the control of which in German in no way coincides with the control of their synonyms in Russian.

The concept of controlling verbs, as follows from the above, exists in both German and Russian, as well as in English and many other languages; it is one of the basic elements of grammar.

For example:

English: to look + for + smth. - look for something

to look + at. + smb., smth. - look at someone, something.

to wait + for + smb., smth. - wait for someone, something.

Russian: to blame + smb. (Vin. fall.) + in + smth. (Prev. fall.)

watch+ over + smb. (TV pad.)

look + smb. (Vin. pad.)

look + at + someone, something (Vin. fall.)

As can be seen from the example, sometimes the meaning of the verb depends on control. One verb, when used with different prepositions or cases, can change its meaning. In German such cases also occur:

No. + haben + verstanden (Part. II) – understand (verb in the third form, in the past tense)

For example: Ich habe Sie verstanden. - I understand you.

einverstanden sein + mit + jemandem – to agree with someone.

For example: Ich bin mit Ihnen einverstanden. – I agree with you.

ankommen + auf + Akk. – depend (on smth.)

For example:

Die Lösung des Problems kommt auf mich an. – The solution to the problem depends on me.

ankommen + in + Dat. - arrive (somewhere).

For example:

Ihr Versand kommt aus Moskau in die Post heute Morgen an. – Your package from Moscow arrives at the post office this morning,

A more important nuance, however, is the difference between the case form of a noun coming after a verb in German and the case form of a noun in Russian. It should be noted that very often a verb, in addition to a noun, requires after itself the reflexive pronoun sich, which also in each individual case must be in a certain case (Dativ or Akkusativ).

interessieren – to interest

Ihre Arbeit hat mich interessiert.

sich interessieren + für + etw. (Akk.) – to be interested in smth.

Ich interessiere mich für Ihre Arbeit. – I am interested in your work.

Sometimes a verb may require a double object after itself:

bringen j-m etw (Akk.) – bring to someone. smb.

For example: Ich habe heute meiner Mutter die Blumen gebracht.

In the German language, there is a group of verbs that require a double Akkusativ after themselves, i.e. two nouns in Accusative case(Akkusativ), they can be connected with a preposition or used without it.

For example: halten + Akk. + für + Akk. - to take someone for someone

Für wen haltet ihr mich? – Who do you take me for?

In learning the German language, the topic of verb control is very important and one of the most difficult, because there are a huge number of verbs. with controls different from Russian. Such verbs. and their management should be learned by heart. Typically, teachers use a number of the most frequently used verbs; their lists differ little and look approximately the same.

List of the most frequently used verb controls:

antworten auf etw./Akk . – answer (to sth.)

sich/Akk. anziehen- dress

anfangen mit etw./Dat. - to begin (with smth.)

aussteigen aus+Dat. – to go, to unload (from smth.): Ich steige aus dem Bus aus.

anrufen j-den/Akk. - call (someone)

telefonieren mit. +Dat. - call (someone)

arbeiten an etw./Dat. - work (on smth.)

Abschied nehmen von j-dem/Dat. - say goodbye (to someone)

sich verabschieden von j-dem/Dat. - say goodbye (to someone)

abwischen etw./Akk. – to erase (from something), wipe (smth.): Ich habe das Fenster schon abgewischt.

beantworten etw./Akk – to answer (to sth.)

begrüßen j-den/Akk - to greet (someone)

beginnen mit etw./Dat. - to begin (with smth.)

betreten +Akk. – enter (somewhere): Ein fremder Mann betrat das Zimmer.

eintreten in+Akk. - enter (somewhere)

besprechen etw./Akk - to discuss (sth.)

sprechen mit j-dem/Dat. über etw./Akk. - talk (with someone about something)

brauchen etw./Akk. – need (smth.)

beenden etw./Akk. – stop, finish (sth.)

begegnen j-dem/Dat . - meet

bekannt sein durch etw./Akk. - to be famous (smb.): Dieses Land ist durch seine einzigartige Architektur bekannt.

bringen j-dem/Dat. etw./Akk . – bring (to someone something)

durchfallen in+Dat . - to fail, fail (in smth.)

denken an j-den/Akk. – think (about smb., sth.)

nachdenken über etwas/Akk. – think about (something)

danken j-dem/Dat. für etw./Akk. – thank (someone for something)

einverstanden sein mit etw.,j-dem/Dat. - to agree (with someone)

einladen j-den/Akk. zu etw./Dat. – invite (someone somewhere)

einsteigen in+Akk. – sit down (somewhere): Ich steige ins Auto ein.

einziehen in+Akk. - move in, settle in (somewhere)

entschuldigen j-den, etw./Akk. - excuse (someone, sth.)

sich entschuldigen bei j-dem/Dat. für etw./Akk. - apologize (for smth.)

erzählen j-dem/Dat. (über)etwas/Akk. – tell (someone about something)

fallen zu Boden - to fall (on the floor)

gehen (mit)j-dem/Dat: Wie geht es (dir)? - Es geht mir gut.

gefallen j-dem/Dat. - to please (someone)

fahren mit etw./Dat. - to ride (on something)

fertig sein mit etw./Dat. – prepare (something): Ich bin mit der Arbeit fertig.

Freude (Spaß) machen j-dem/Dat. - to bring joy (pleasure) to (someone)

sich freuen über etw./Akk. /auf etw./Akk . - to rejoice (at something)

zu Besuch gehen/kommen zu j-dem/Dat. - go/come visit (to someone)

geschehen mit j-dem/Dat. - to happen (to someone)

gehören j-dem/Dat. – belong (to someone)

gehören zu +Dat. - belong (to someone)

gratulieren j-dem/Dat. zu etw./Dat. - congratulate (someone on something)

Gelingen j-dem/Dat. - to succeed (from smb.)

hören etw.,j-den/Akk. - hear (someone)

zuhören j-dem/Dat. - listen to (smb.)

halten etw./Akk. - hold (something)

sich unterhalten mit j-dem/Dat. über etw./Akk. - communicate (with someone), have fun (with someone, somehow)

helfen j-dem/Dat. bei etw./Dat. – help (someone with something)

interessieren j-den/Akk. - to interest (someone)

sich interessieren für etw./Akk. - to be interested in (smth.)

klingeln an/Dat. - ring (somewhere) (at the door)

klopfen an/Akk. - knock (somewhere) (on the door)

kennen etw./j-den/Akk. – know (someone, something)

kennen lernen j-den/Akk. - get to know (someone)

leicht(schwer)fallen j-dem+Dat. – be easy/hard for (someone)

los sein mit j-dem/Dat. - happen (to someone)

nah sein von etw./Dat. – to be close (to something) (about an inanimate object)

nah stehen j-dem/Dat. – stand next to (someone) (about an animate object)

nennen j-den/Akk.+Akk. – call (someone)

passieren j-dem/Dat. - happen (to someone)

rufen j-den/Akk. - call (someone)

zurufen j-dem/Dat. - talk (to someone)

sammeln etw./Akk. - collect (sth.)

schenken j-dem/Dat. etw./Akk . - give (to someone something)

schreiben mit j-dem/Dat. - write (to someone)

schreiben j-dem/Dat. etwas/Akk. – write (to smb. sth.)

sich schreiben mit j-dem/Dat. - correspond (with someone)

sprechen mit j-dem/Dat. über etw./Akk. - talk (about something with someone)

staunen über etw./Akk. - to be surprised (at something)

stören j-den/Akk. bei etw./Dat . - interfere with (someone in something)

treffen j-den/Akk. – meet (someone)

sich treffen mit j-dem/Dat. - to meet (with someone)

umziehen in+Akk. – move, move (to somewhere)

umsteigen aus+Dat. in+Akk. Ich bin aus dem Bus in die Straßenbahn umgestiegen.

verbringen etw./Akk. - spend (sth.) (time)

vorbereiten etw./Akk. - prepare (sth.)

sich vorbereiten auf etw./Akk. - to prepare (for smth.)

verstehen etw./Akk. – understand (sth.)

sich verstehen mit j-dem/Dat. – understand (someone) (plural): Ich verstehe mich mit meinen Eltern gut.

versammeln j-den/Akk. – collect (someone)

vorstellen j-dem/Dat. j-den/Akk. – represent (someone)

sich vorstellen j-dem/Dat. - introduce yourself (to someone)

warten auf j-den,etw./Akk. - wait for (someone, something)

waschen sich/Dat etw./Akk. - wash (someone sth.)

sich/Akk. waschen - to wash

wünschen j-dem/Dat. etw./Akk. - to wish (for smb. sth.)

wissen etw./Akk., von etw./Dat. - to know (sth., about sth.)

sich wundern über etw./Akk. - to be surprised (at something)

zufrieden sein mit etw.,j-dem/Dat. - to be pleased with (smth.)

In German, as in Russian, each preposition requires after itself a certain case of the noun or pronoun with which it is used. This is called preposition management. Compare two sentences:

He is walking through the forest. Er geht durch den Wald.

Pretext By in a Russian sentence controls the prepositional case, preposition durch V German offer managed by Akkusativ.

There are German prepositions that require Akkusativ, or Genitiv, as well as . Thus, in the German language there are four groups of prepositions, which we will discuss in detail below.

In the German language, prepositions almost always come before the noun and, just like in the Russian language, in addition to their main meaning, they are also used in other meanings, that is, they are polysemantic.

Prepositions requiring Akkusativ

The following German prepositions require Akkusativ:

durch, für, ohne, bis, um, gegen, entlang

Learn and remember the meanings of these prepositions.

durch through, through, through Wir gehen durch den Park. We are walking through the park (through the park).

für 1. For Ich suche solches Kleid für meine Tochter schon lange. I have been looking for a dress like this for my daughter for a long time.

2. for Wir kämpfen für die Sauberkeit. We fight for purity.

ohne without Ohne Katalog finde ich diese Zeitschrift nicht. I can't find this magazine without a catalogue.

bis to(before adverbs, numerals and city names) Gib mir dein Heft bis morgen. Give me your notebook until tomorrow. Er fährt bis Dresden. He goes to Dresden.

um 1. around, around(in a spatial sense) 2. in (in a temporal sense) Um dieses Exponat stehen immer viele Besucher. There are always a lot of visitors around this exhibit. Um 2 Uhr ist der Unterricht zu Ende. Classes end at 2 o'clock.

gegen 1. against 2. about, approximately(when denoting quantity, time) Ich bin gegen diese Idee. I am against this idea. Sie haben jetzt gegen 20 Zeitschriften. They now have about 20 magazines.Mein Kollege kommt heute gegen 11 Uhr. My colleague will come today around 11 o'clock.

entlang along Sie läuft den Fluss entlang. She runs along the river.

Notes 1. After a preposition ohne the noun is usually used without an article: ohne Katalog, but ohne diesen Katalog.

2. Preposition entlang refers to a number of prepositions (postpositions) that come after the word they control. Compare them with similar Russian prepositions used: back, towards, in defiance, for the sake of and others (10 years ago, towards the dawn, in defiance of it, in fairness).

A noun with a preposition is a prepositional object in a sentence. In order to pose a question to a prepositional object expressed by an animate noun, you need to construct a question using the following formula: preposition + wer? in the appropriate case (See), for example:

Er kauft dieses Hemd für ihren Bruder. He buys this shirt for his brother.

Fur wen(wen - Akkusativ question word wer) kauft er dieses Hemd? Who is he buying this shirt for?

How to construct a question for a prepositional object expressed by an inanimate object is described in the section “Pronominal Adverbs.”

Exercises on the topic “German prepositions requiring Akkusativ”

1. Read the following groups of words, paying attention to the stress that the root syllable of the nouns receives. Remember that a preposition and a noun form one accent group with emphasis on the noun.

durch die Tür, durch das Zimmer, für diesen Studenten, für Ihren Kollegen, ohne Arbeit, ohne Antwort, um das Haus, um das Institut, gegen 100 Bucher, gegen diese Freundschaft, die Straße entlang, den Korridor entlang

2. Translate the groups of words from exercise 1 into Russian. Check the correctness of the translation using the table where the meanings of prepositions are given.

3. Put the nouns in brackets into Akkusativ. Remember that only nouns weak declination in Akkusativ Singular they receive endings -n, -en (den Kollegen, den Studenten), other nouns do not receive endings (see).

1. durch (das Fenster, der Lesesaal, dieser Platz); 2. für (der Unterricht, unsere Bibliothek, dieser Aspirant); 3. ohne (der Kugelschreiber, mein Heft, die Karte); 4. um (unser Institut, der Tisch, der Student); 5. gegen (dieser Brief, seine Hilfe)

4. Repeat the declension of personal pronouns. Form groups of words with prepositions für, ohne, um, gegen and personal pronouns in Akkusativ according to the model: für mich, für dich, für ihn, für sie, für uns. Translate the resulting phrases into Russian.

5. Complete the sentences with prepositions that correspond in meaning.

1. Die Kinder sitzen...den Tisch und sprechen. 2. Er nimmt dieses Buch... mich. 3. Meine Schwester kommt heute … 8 Uhr nach Hause. 4. Geben Sie mir bitte diese Zeitschrift…morgen. 5. Sind Sie... die Freundschaft Ihrer Tochter mit diesem Mädchen? 6. Mein Freund schreibt russisch… Fehler.

6. Answer the questions in the affirmative. For each question in point b), give multiple answers if possible.

Sample: a) - Ist diese Karte für uns?

Ja, diese Karte ist für uns. b) - Für wen (for whom) ist diese Karte?

Diese Karte ist für mich (für diesen Schüler).

a) 1. Ist diese Zeitschrift für mich? 2. Sind diese Bücher für unsere Bibliothek? 3. Ist dieser Brief für Sie? 4. Sind diese Tische für unseren Lesesaal? 5. Ist diese Marre für meinen Sohn? 6. Ist diese Aufgabe für ihn?

b) 1. Für wen nehmen Sie diese Karte? 2. Für wen suchen Sie das Wörterbuch? 3. Für wen kaufen Sie Hefte und Bücher? 4. Für wen brauchen Sie diese Zeitschrift? 5. Für wen bringen Sie Zeitungen? 6. Für wen schreiben Sie diese Aufgabe?

7. Ask questions to the highlighted parts of the sentence according to the sample questions in exercise 6b.

1. Ich brauche für meine Kinder Kugelschreiber. 2. Die Mutter sucht für ihren Sohn ein Wörterbuch. 3. Mein Kollege kauft für mich Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. 4. Dieses Buch ist für deinen Freund Kurt. 5. Ich bekomme heute Karten der BRD für die Studenten unserer Gruppe.

8. Translate into German.

1. My sister is going to St. Petersburg tomorrow at 8 o’clock. 2. I always buy books and notebooks for my brother. 3. I won’t go home without you. 4. Come tomorrow at about 3 o’clock. 5. We walk along Gorky Street (die Gorkistraße). 6. The children stand* around the teacher’s table and talk. 7. Is this vase for me? 8. Who are you buying this magazine for?

* In combination stand around smb. verb used stehen with detachable attachment herum-, herumstehen um…(Akk.), for example:

Sie stehen um den Baum herum. They are standing around a tree.


3. 1. das Fenster, den Lesesaal, diesen Platz; 2. den Unterricht, unsere Bibliothek, diesen Aspiranten; 3. (den) Kugelschreiber, mein Heft, die Karte; 4. unser Institut, den Tisch, den Studenten; 5. diesen Brief, seine Hilfe

5. 1. um; 2. für; 3.um; 4. bis; 5.gegen; 6. ohne

8. 1. Meine Schwester fährt morgen um 8 Uhr nach Petersburg. 2. Ich kaufe immer Bücher und Hefte für meinen Bruder. 3. Ohne dich gehe ich nicht nach Hause. 4. Komm morgen gegen 3 Uhr! 5. Wir gehen die Gorkistraße entlang. 6. Die Kinder stehen um den Tisch des Lehrers herum und sprechen. 7. Ist diese Vase für mich? 8. Für wen kaufen Sie diese Zeitschrift?

Prepositions are auxiliary parts of speech whose task is to link words in a sentence by manipulating these words. Prepositions can have the most different meanings, which may, in particular, have a temporal and spatial coloring. Based on this, such prepositions indicate time and place and, when combined with controlled words, answer the questions “when? – wann?”, “where? – wo?”, “where? - wohin?", "where from? - woher?” and others.

Prepositions of place and time in the German language represent two large groups, along with a third, which includes prepositions whose semantics contain abstract connections.

Prepositions of place in German

Preposition management

Where? Whoa?

Where? Wo?

Where? Woher?

Akkusativ (accusativecase –Akk.)

to - bis, through, through - durch, against - gegen, around, around - um along - an...entlang, around, all around - um,

Dativ (dativecase– D.)

(towards) to - nach, (in the direction) to - zu from - ab, about, at, at, next to, - bei, against gegenü ber(can come before or after the controlled word),
from - vonaus
from - aus, from - von

Genitiv (genitive case –G.)

outside, outside - ausserhalb, inside, in - innerhalb

Prepositions with different controls

on, at (vertical surface), about - an, on (horizontal surface) - auf, behind, behind, behind - hinter, along – entlang(can come before or after the controlled word), inside, in - in, near, at, near - neben, above, above - ü ber, below, under - unter, before, in front - vor, between - zwischen

Prepositions with different controls can be distinguished by asking questions to the corresponding phrases: to the question “where?” - wo? will answer dative (Dativ), and to the question “where? - who? – accusative (Akkusativ) case. For example:

  • Du musst richtig andeinemTisch sitzen! – You must sit correctly at your desk! (Here the circumstance answers the question “where? – wo?”, and, accordingly, Dativ is used).
  • Setz dich an den Tisch und iss dein Abendbrot in Ruhe! – Sit down at the table and eat your dinner in peace! (In this case, the circumstance answers the question “where? – wohin?”, and, accordingly, Akkusativ is used).

The preposition “on the contrary - gegenüber” always comes after a pronoun, and when used with a noun it can either precede or follow it. For example:

  • Gegenüber unserem Büro hat man eine moderne Schwimmhalle gebaut. = Unserem Bureau gegenüber hat man eine moderne Schwimmhalle gebaut. – A modern swimming pool was built opposite our office.
  • Ihm gegenüber ist ein schöner Wald. — Opposite it is a beautiful forest.

The preposition “along - entlang” is completely special: perhaps it is the only German preposition that has not double, but triple control (Genitiv - Dativ - Akkusativ), for example:

  • Sie ging schnell den Fluss entlang(Akk.). “She walked quickly along the river bank.
  • Diese Eisenbahn geht entlang dem Tunnel(D.). – This railway was laid along the tunnel.
  • Diese Eisenbahn geht Entlang des Tunnels(G.). – This railway was laid along the tunnel.

Prepositions of place in German, using which you can answer the question “where?” –wohin

Preposition of place + control
to –bis (Akkusativ) The meaning of this preposition involves reaching the final destination (“how far? – bis wohin?”). If the word that this final point denotes is used with an article, then another preposition is added to “bis” indicating case, for example:
  • Der Schnellzug fährt bis Spandau, wir fahren biszur Endstation. – The express goes to Spandau, we go to the final stop.
through -durch (Akkusativ) The meaning of this preposition involves advancement through something (“through what? – wodurch?”). For example:
  • Während unserer Fahrt werden wir durch ein paar lange Tunnels fahren. – During our trip we will pass through several long tunnels.
along– entlang (Genitiv, Dativ, Akkusativ) This preposition conveys movement parallel to something and generally corresponds to the verb “folgen”. In Genitiv this preposition comes before the controlled word, and in Dativ and Akkusativ it comes after the word it refers to, for example:
  • Die Kinder laufen den Bach entlang. - Children run along the stream. (For other examples, see above).
against, with, on, about –gegen (Akkusativ) This preposition conveys a movement that ends with some kind of contact with something (“with what? to what? etc. -wogegen?”), for example:
  • Der Kleine lief gegen den Baumstamm. – The kid ran into a tree trunk.
around -um(Akkusativ) This preposition conveys circular motion, in other words, movement around something (“around what? – worum?”). For example:
  • Um die alte Burg gab es einen tiefen Graben. – There was a deep moat around the old castle.
V -nach When using this preposition, an indication of a change in location is given (“where? - wohin?”). The names of countries, continents, parts of the world and cities are used without an article, and when indicating the direction, adverbs are used. For example:
  • Unsere Schüler fahren mit einem Bus nach Erlangen. – Our students will go by bus to Erlangen.
  • Im nächsten Jahr fliegen sie nach Australian. – Next year they will fly to Australia.
  • Der grüne Opel ist nach links eingebogen. – The green Opel turned left.
To -zu This preposition is used when changing the location of people, to indicate a goal, a place and its data. Nouns are used with articles. For example:
  • Im Sommer fahren wir zu den spanischen Bekannten meines Mannes. – In the summer we will go to my husband’s Spanish friends.
  • Kommt sie zum heutigen Abendessen? – Is she coming to dinner today?
to, to –an


This preposition is used in cases when we are talking about trips to all kinds of bodies of water and moving / finding something directly to any vertical surface, for example:
  • Unsere Bekannten haben über ihre Reise an den Stillen Ozean erzählt. – Our friends told us about their trip to Pacific Ocean(where? – Akkusativ).
  • Er hat die Autoreifen an die Wand geschoben. - He moved the car tires to the wall (where? - Akkusativ).
on –auf (Akkusativ) This preposition is used to indicate public institutions and events, regions and islands where someone is going. For example:
  • Er geht auf den Innenhof, auf die Gasse, auf die Post, auf den Tennisplatz, auf den Rockkonzert etc. – He goes to the courtyard, to the street (alley), to the post office, to the tennis court, to a rock concert, etc.
  • Er fahrt auf die Datscha, auf die Insel Ibiza etc. – He’s going to the country, to the island of Ibiza, etc.
V -in (Akkusativ) This preposition is used to indicate regular visits to some places or a trip to long time to any buildings, organizations, institutions, trips to regions, countries (with articles) to the mountains, as well as to indicate movement indoors or to any street. For example:
  • Sie geht in die Buchhandlung, in die Sprachschule, in den Dom, in s Werk, in die Bar, in die Universität, in den Park, in die Vorlesung etc. – She goes to a bookstore, a language school, a cathedral, a factory, a bar, a university, a park, a lecture, etc.
  • Er fliegt in die Mongolei, in den Irak, ins Ausland, in das Gebirge, in die Karpaten, in die Altstadt etc. — He goes to Mongolia, to Iraq, abroad, to the mountains, to the Carpathians, to old town etc.
  • Sie geht in sZimmer, in die Bierstube, in den Weinkeller, in s Bett etc. - She goes to the room, to the pub, to the wine cellar, to the bed, etc.
  • Er ist in die Goethe-Strasse eingebogen. “He turned onto Goethe Street.

Prepositions of place in German, using which you can answer the question “where?” –wo

Preposition of place + control

Meaning and features of use

along– an... entlang (Dativ) The meaning of this preposition contains an indication of the location of something or someone along something. For example:
  • An der Donau entlang liegen viele Städte. – There are many cities along the Danube.
around– um, um… herum (Akkusativ) This preposition contains an indication of something that is located or happening around something, for example:
  • Unsere Kinder tanzten um die Kokospalme (herum) . – Our children danced around the coconut tree.
from, from –ab (Dativ) This preposition contains an indication of the starting point, for example:
  • Bis Berlin fahren wir mit dem Auto und ab Berlin fliegen wir nach Oslo. — We will go to Berlin by car, and from Berlin we will fly to Oslo.
at, at, in, on –bei


This preposition is used when it is necessary to indicate the location of a person or object near something, with some people, or to work in some company. For example:
  • Die Stadt Sauerlach befindet sich bei Munich. – The city of Sauerlach is located near Munich.
  • Vorgestern war ich bei Klaus und mein Mann war bei mRechtsanwalt. – The day before yesterday I was with Klaus, and my husband was with the lawyer.
  • Meine Schwester arbeitet bei"Tyssen".
against -gegnüber (Dativ) This preposition can be placed either before or after the name. When used with pronouns, it always comes after them. For example:
  • Mir gegenü ber steht Frau Salzer aus Koblenz. — Opposite me is Frau Salzer from Koblenz.
  • Die Bank liegt gegenüber seinem Büro. = Die Bank liegt seinem Büro gegenüber. – The bank is located opposite his office.
With, from, from- von...aus (Dativ) This preposition answers the question from where? – von wo aus? and indicates the beginning, the starting point. For example:
  • Vom Dach unseres Houses aus kann man die Ostsee erblicken. – From the roof of our house you can see the Baltic Sea.
outside, beyond, beyond, beyond –ausserhalb (Dativ) This preposition indicates that something is outside an enclosed space. For example:
  • Ausserhalb dieser kleinen Stadt gibt es viele Seen. – Outside this small town there are many lakes.
inside, in, within –innerhalb (Dativ This preposition indicates that something is in a confined space or within some kind of framework. For example:
  • Innerhalb der Altstadt gibt es viele schöne Häuser. – There are many beautiful houses inside the old town.
at, about, at, on –an (Dativ) This preposition is used in cases when we're talking about about being on various bodies of water or when indicating being near any vertical surface. For example:
  • Üblicherweise erholen wir uns am Mittelmeer. — We usually relax on the Mediterranean Sea.
  • An dieser Wand steht eine Couch. – There is a couch against this wall.
  • Die Schüler treffen sich am Zoo. -Students meet at the zoo.
on –auf (Dativ) This preposition is used to indicate a location in public institutions, at events, in regions and on islands. For example:
  • Er ist auf dem Innenhof, auf der Gasse, auf der Post, auf dem Tennisplatz, auf dem Rockkonzert etc. - He is in courtyard, on a street (alley), at a post office, on a tennis court, at a rock concert, etc.
  • Er ist auf der Datscha, auf der Insel Ibiza etc. – He is in the country, on the island of Ibiza, etc.
V -in (Dativ) This preposition is used to indicate a regular or long stay in any places, buildings, organizations, institutions, regions, countries (with articles) in the mountains, as well as to indicate being indoors or on any street. For example:
  • Sie ist in der Buchhandlung, in der Sprachschule, im Dom, im Werk, in der Bar, in der Universität, im Park, in der Vorlesung etc. – It is in a bookstore, a language school, a cathedral, a factory, a bar, a university, a park, a lecture, etc.
  • Er ist in der Mongolei, im Iraq, im Ausland, im Gebirge, in den Karpaten, in der Altstadt etc. — It is located in Mongolia, Iraq, abroad, in the mountains, in the Carpathians, in the old city, etc.
  • Sie ist im Zimmer, in der Bierstube, im Weinkeller, im Bett etc. - It is in the room, in the pub, in the wine cellar, in the bed, etc.
  • Er steht in der Goethe-Strasse. – It stands on Goethe Street.

Prepositions of place in German, using which you can answer the question from where? –woher?

Preposition of place + control

Meaning and features of use

from -aus This preposition is used in cases where the question “where?” - wo? can be answered using the preposition “in”. This preposition denotes origin or movement from some place. For example:
  • Seine Mutter stammt aus Nordfrankreich. – His mother comes from northern France.
from -von This preposition is used in cases where the question “where?” - wo? you can answer using the preposition “an, bei, auf, zu.” This preposition indicates the initial spatial point of any movement. For example:
  • Die Kinder commen vom Tennisplatz um 15 Uhr. – The children come from the tennis court at 15.00.
  • Wir sind vom Rhein gekommen. - We came from the Rhine.

This preposition can be used to replace “aus” in cases where the speaker wants to emphasize not a place, but a starting point, for example:

  • Wahrscheinlich kommt er aus Prag. — He seems to be from Prague.
  • Er ist gerade von Prag gekommen. – He has just arrived from Prague.