Unified State Exam. Unified State Exam criteria for literature Scores for all social studies tasks

Unified State Exam 2019. Russian language. Distribution of points for tasks

Unified State Exam 2019. Russian language. Points for tasks

Table 1

Job number Number of primary points
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 5
9 1
10 1
11 1
12 1
13 1
14 1
15 1
16 2
17 1
18 1
19 1
20 1
21 1
22 1
23 1
24 1
25 1
26 4
27 24
Total 58

Conversion from primary points to 100 points Unified State Exam system 2019. Russian language see

Russian language:
1 point – for tasks 1-7, 9-15, 17-25
2 points – 16.
4 points – 26.
5 points – 8.

24 points - for essay (task 27)

Total 58 points.

You can find out in more detail how many primary points each task gives in the demo versions of the Unified State Exam 2019 in the Russian language (file "Specification", last table).

The system for assessing individual tasks and the 2019 Unified State Examination in Russian language work as a whole

For correct completion of each task in Part 1 (except for tasks 8, 16 and 26), the examinee receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or lack thereof, 0 points are given.

For completing task 8, you can score from 0 to 5 points. For each correctly indicated number corresponding to a number from the list, the examinee receives 1 point (5 points: no errors; 4 points: one error was made; 3 points: two errors were made; 2 points: two correctly indicated
numbers; 1 point: only one number is correct; 0 points: completely incorrect answer, i.e. incorrect sequence of numbers or lack thereof. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer matters.

For completing task 16, you can score from 0 to 2 points. The answer that contains all the numbers from the standard and no other numbers is considered correct. 1 point is given if: one of the numbers indicated in the answer does not correspond to the standard; one of the numbers specified in the standard is missing
answer. In all other cases, 0 points are given. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer does not matter.

For completing task 26, you can score from 0 to 4 points. The answer that contains all the numbers from the standard and no other numbers is considered correct. For each correctly indicated number corresponding to the number of a term from the list, the examinee receives 1 point (4 points: no errors; 3 points: one error was made; 2 points: two errors were made; 1 point: only one number was indicated correctly; 0 points: a completely incorrect answer, that is, an incorrect sequence of numbers or its absence is important.

The maximum number of points that an examinee who has correctly completed the task of Part 2 can receive is 24. For the correct completion of all tasks exam paper A maximum of 58 primary points can be obtained.

How many points are given for each Unified State Examination task in chemistry? Criteria Unified State Examination assessment in chemistry 2020: points and grades, conversion table, as well as the structure of the exam, testing methodology and main changes in the new year. In 2020, tasks for the Unified State Exam in chemistry began to contain more mathematical elements, calculations physical quantities, the testing of the basic theoretical course of chemistry also became deeper. At the same time, the number of tasks has decreased, now instead of 40 questions, the student will have to solve 35 (according to other sources, 34). Accordingly, the grading scale for the Unified State Examination in Chemistry 2020 has changed primary score became lower – by 4 units.

All assignments are graded differently complex tasks You can earn up to 5 points. Therefore, to enter specialized universities, it is necessary to study the subject as deeply as possible.

Table of criteria for assessing USE 2020 tasks in chemistry, taking into account the new requirements:

Job number

Maximum score

35 3

Assessment of assignments is carried out according to the established methodology, while difficult tasks, where logic is required, points are awarded using special analytical tables. If the answer best meets the requirements of the analysis, you can get up to 5 points for it. If the student has only partially developed the topic, the number of points is reduced. For an uncompleted task, 0 points are awarded.

Complex assignments are checked by two experts. If there is a strong discrepancy in scores, then a third specialist is involved. This ensures the most effective and objective assessment of graduates’ knowledge.

Conversion table for the Unified State Exam 2020 in chemistry from points to grades:

Number of points


The structure of the Unified State Examination tasks in chemistry in 2020 includes 29 questions with a short answer, as well as 5 with an extended answer.

The duration of the exam is 210 minutes; according to the standard, simple questions should take about 3 minutes, complex ones - up to 15. Regarding minimum score for admission to specialized universities, then each higher educational institution sets its own requirements. For example, for admission to Faculty of Chemistry Moscow State University, or the prestigious Moscow medical university You must score at least 50 points.

But usually the overall passing score is prestigious universities is 400-470 (at least less for the chemistry department, more for the medical department), and admission to Moscow State University does not depend on chemistry alone, so if you don’t have enough points, you can get it in mathematics, biology, Russian and internal entrance exams.

Significant changes in the Unified State Exam are also observed in other subjects.

For successful completion Chemistry is recommended to spend most of your time solving problems and equations. During the test, you can use a calculator, periodic table and salt solubility. The electrochemical voltage series of metals is also allowed.

The evaluation criteria for the Unified State Examination in Chemistry 2020 are described quite clearly in the regulations, but each graduate has the right to appeal.

Table of conversion of points to OGE-2020 grades in chemistry

Graduates of 9th grade have their own assessment criteria. According to all KIM and GIA, the maximum you can score is 34 points. But if a graduate wants to go to a medical college, a specialized class, or some other specialized secondary education related to chemistry, pharmacy and medicine, he needs to score 23 points or higher.

Chemistry score conversion table for OGE-2020

Despite its apparent simplicity, scoring 9 points for the minimum passing grade is not so easy. You need to be able to solve problems, navigate formulas, and have at least a minimal knowledge of theory. Those who pass with a bad grade will remain for the second year if they fail the retake.

Scoring table for assignments:

Job number

2 (1 – if partially resolved)

2 (1 – if partially resolved)

2 (1 – if 2/3 correct)

2 (1 – if 2/3 correct)

Many schoolchildren, to play it safe, start solving difficult tasks right away. If you solve them all without errors, you can score 19 points at once, that is, a “four”. However, this implies a complete solution to the task, otherwise it will be scored 1 point, or even not at all.

The assessment criteria for chemistry tests change every year, the rules become stricter, because there is an idea among the government that there is not enough quality education. This, of course, has no basis, because schoolchildren study worse not because of the program, but mostly because of overload.

What will go into the certificate? What to do if the Unified State Examination in chemistry is written as a bad mark?

If the Unified State Exam in chemistry is not passed, but the grades in mathematics and Russian are normal, the student will simply be given a certificate. And they will also give you a Unified State Exam certificate, where chemistry simply won’t be included. However, the exam can be retaken after a year. There is only one minus here - the overall score may not be enough for admission, and if the university requires chemistry without fail, then they will not accept documents at all. Accordingly, the student loses time, and young men may even be drafted into the army, after which it will be even more difficult to retake the test.

If the grade for the year is 4 or 5, and the Unified State Exam in Chemistry is passed with a 3 or 4 (that is, a decrease in the score), what will go into the certificate? The one year mark will be reached. If the Unified State Exam is passed with a 5, and in a year 3, then it also does not affect the certificate. But every specific school where they are required to calculate the arithmetic average.

Why is this happening? Because no one checks this calculation later. Based on this, it is better to resolve the issue in advance with the chemistry teacher and class teacher, usually in normal schools teachers try to meet the graduates halfway. If a child has a 4, but he pushed himself and passed the Unified State Exam with a 5, why not help him?

But! We must remember that no one needs grades on the admission certificate, especially in chemistry. Today in 99% of cases they look only at the Unified State Examination certificate. Tags:

The Unified Exam implements a nationwide knowledge competition. The smartest people get the maximum points and 100 points. To evaluate all other exam participants, theories were built, graphs and distributions were drawn. This is a very fruitful and interesting topic.

This section will cover scaling, theoretical basis assessments in the Unified State Examination. All information is presented in an accessible form, and tabular data is taken from official websites. We apologize in advance for the fact that the inserted pictures and materials sometimes contain errors from the original source; we will not correct them, respecting the copyright and other rights of the original sources.

We will pay the greatest attention practical advice and recommendations. The exam can be passed with a score higher than “an average student with this level of knowledge.” “How to do this?”, “Why will these techniques work?” - you will see this for yourself.


At conducting the Unified State Exam Many graduates from different countries take part in the exam. educational institutions. They have completely different levels of training: from Olympiad winners to C students. In this regard, the question arises of how to objectively assess and, most importantly, compare the level of their preparedness, because all graduates have equal rights when passing final exams and when entering a university or secondary school?

Scaling is a procedure for converting primary scores into test scores.

It is necessary to understand the difference between the concepts of “primary score” and “test score”.

The primary score is the preliminary USE score, which is obtained by directly summing the number of correct answers, each of which has a certain coefficient. Primary score for different items, usually different. For example, in mathematics it is 30, and in Russian - 64

A test score is the final score that a Unified State Examination participant receives based on the exam results. Maximum test score for to all subjects - 100.

Each completed Unified State Examination task is assessed with a number of points from 1 to 6. The sum of these points constitutes the primary score of the examination paper.

Here is a table in which you will see how many primary points are awarded and for what tasks:

Next, a correspondence is established between the primary and test scores. The scale for converting primary scores into test scores is constructed using special technique taking into account the properties of the control measuring materials by subject.

Obviously, this scale preserves the ordering of individual results, that is, a larger primary score will correspond to a larger test score, and equal primary scores will correspond to equal test scores.

A feature of the translation scale is that the change in test score when the primary score changes depends on total primary points. This change will be slightly larger if the participant received either a small primary score or, conversely, a fairly high one. Moreover, the boundaries of the intervals at which these differences appear are published in advance in the specified methodology. Within the intervals themselves, the change in the test score when the primary one changes will be almost constant (fluctuations of 1 point can only occur due to the fact that the number of test scores in the interval is not a multiple of the number of primary ones).

It is important to remember that the test score is NOT the percentage of tasks completed correctly.

Here is a table of the correspondence between the primary and test scores on the Unified State Exam according to mathematics 2011:

Primary score Test score, 2011 Number of students
people % accumulated %
0 0 2 894 0.4 0.4
1 6 7 787 1.1 1.4
2 12 14 052 1.9 3.3
3 18 20 916 2.8 6.2
4 24 29 328 4.0 10.1
5 30 39 723 5.4 15.5
6 34 49 641 6.7 22.2
7 38 56 714 7.7 29.9
8 41 62 099 8.4 38.3
9 45 65 158 8.8 47.1
10 49 66 817 9.0 56.2
11 52 66 308 9.0 65.2
12 56 61 565 8.3 73.5
13 60 50 316 6.8 80.3
14 63 40 441 5.5 85.8
15 66 28 186 3.8 89.6
16 68 20 654 2.8 92.4
17 70 15 812 2.1 94.5
18 73 10 400 1.4 95.9
19 75 8 340 1.1 97.1
20 77 5 638 0.8 97.8
21 80 4 397 0.6 98.4
22 82 3 247 0.4 98.9
23 84 2 462 0.3 99.2
24 87 1 861 0.3 99.5
25 89 1 399 0.2 99.6
26 91 977 0.1 99.8
27 94 737 0.1 99.9
28 96 401 0.1 99.9
29 98 271 0.0 100.0
30 100 205 0.0 100.0
738 746

This table also shows the number and percentage of students who scored a certain test score.

What is the Unified State Exam in mathematics - points, tasks, percentage of completion...

From the beginning of the 10th grade (immediately after the end of the Unified State Examination), everyone is frightened by the upcoming final exams and gradually begins to be given scattered assignments. By the 11th grade, the picture of tasks develops into a single option, but what knowledge will we need for which task? How to prepare? Let's talk about this.

Let's start with statistics on task completion in 2017:

Only a few percent of students completed the 13th and subsequent tasks: 12.9% of those who took the test received 1 primary score, and 36.3% received 2 points. Similarly with other tasks from the second part.

The entire Unified State Exam in mathematics is divided into 3 topics:

There is a primary score and a final score, the conversion schedule is presented below.

The primary score is the preliminary USE score, which is obtained by simply summing the number of correct answers. In the first part, for each of the 12 tasks you can get 1 primary point. In part two, tasks are more expensive:

In total, for all Unified State Examinations in mathematics you can get 12+2+2+2+3+3+4+4 = 32 primary points.

Final (test) score- this is the conversion of the primary score to the hundred-point system. Moreover, the points are distributed unevenly.

The exam in specialized mathematics is the only Unified State Exam where you can get 100 final points, while losing 2 primary points.

As can be seen from the graph from 0 to 13 primary points, one primary point costs approximately 5 final points. Further points are more difficult to obtain: each primary point brings only 2 final points.

There's no difference, if you correctly solved the first 12 tasks or 8 in the first part, the 13th and 15th, you will still have 12 initial points and 62 final points.

The average score for specialized mathematics in 2017 was 47 points.

For the entire first part, correctly completed, you can get 62 points, but, based on statistics, few people succeed in this. Many teachers, especially from physics and mathematics lyceums, say that the first 12 tasks need to be solved in 45-50 minutes. This is true if you want to score 100 and can solve all the problems. But if you are counting on solving tasks 13, 15, 17, then you should spend twice as much time on the first part in order to avoid stupid mistakes and check it as thoroughly as possible, every point counts. For One wrong task in the first part will cause you to lose from two to six final points.

p.s. In 2016, I took the Unified State Exam and, due to inattention, did the 12th task incorrectly, the total was 94 points, instead of 96.

  • Clearly define minimum quantity points you need ("the more, the better" will not work).
  • Make a list of tasks that are easiest for you to solve in order to score the required minimum.
  • Bring this minimum so that 90% are consistently solved correctly (for many this is No. 1-13, No. 15 and No. 17).
  • Start solving the problem "in reserve". For example, No. 14 or the first points of No. 19. Nobody knows which task will be unusual (difficult) this year. In the early exam in 2017, this was problem 17. On the main one it was 14. Perhaps the task you were preparing would turn out to be overwhelming.
  • Solve difficult tasks. Statistics show that those who solved more complex options coped better with the Unified State Exam (at the same level). For example, options Larina or Chupro. This is explained by the fact that you will solve tasks that are easier with a higher percentage correctly. Also, every year at the Unified State Exam they give tasks that are not similar to previous years and have only distant analogues. By solving more complex tasks, you will learn to think, which will significantly help you not to get stunned at the sight of an “unknown” task. Books "30 Options" are usually easier than real tasks on the Unified State Exam. The site "Solve the Unified State Exam" is most similar to the real Unified State Exam.
  • Try to arrange an exam for yourself by solving the 4-hour version of the Unified State Exam.
  • And of course, right.

Maximum Unified State Exam score in Russian

The Unified State Exam in Russian is divided into 2 parts. The first part consists of short answer questions. The second part contains an essay. There are a total of 26 tasks in the first part. The essay, which is essentially the 27th and last task, has its own evaluation criteria, which can be viewed in the demo version of the 2019 Unified State Examination.

Points for each USE task in Russian:

All tasks first part, except 8, 16 and 26 are scored as one point.

For task 8 you can get 5 points.

For 16 you can get 2 points.

For 26 you can score 4 points.

Just for the first part of the Unified State Exam in Russian you can score 34 points.

Second part of the Unified State Exam in Russian is an essay that relates to tasks with a detailed answer. Each fulfilled response criterion specified in the demo version of the Unified State Exam adds from 1 to 5 points.

Total in second part For an essay on the Russian language you can score 24 points.

Maximum Unified State Examination score in mathematics

Unified State Examination tasks in specialized mathematics are divided into 2 parts. In the first part of task 1-12. These tasks require a short answer. The second part is more difficult. All tasks in Part 2 require the presence of a solution text; answers are simply scored 0 points. However, you can get a point even with an incorrect answer, but with the correct sequence of solutions. More details about the criteria for assessing profile mathematics can be found in the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2019.

Points for each USE task in specialized mathematics:

Every task completed correctly first part 1-12, worth 1 point.

Tasks 2 parts 13-19 are graded depending on the completeness of the solution and the correctness of the answer:

For task 13 you can get 2 points.

For 14 – 2 points;

For 15 – 2 points;

For 16 – 3 points;

For 17 – 3 points;

For 18 – 4 points;

For 19 – 4 points.

Basic mathematics

Basic mathematics lacks part 2, which involves detailed solutions to problems. There are only 20 short answer questions on the Basic Math test. For each completed task, the student receives 1 point. Thus, maximum quantity The points that can be scored in basic mathematics is 20.

The minimum number of points that must be scored is 7. In this case, the exam is considered passed.