Ecology begins with the family design of a photo project. Ecology starts with family

Presentation of the experience of the Sorokov family “Nature gives us health” Project “Ecology begins with the family”

(long term)


Educational: development cognitive interests in the family and kindergarten for pupils, the culture of behavior in nature;

Educational: enriching knowledge on environmental education, developing a responsible attitude towards nature, expanding ideas about the nature of the native land and the healing power of some plants and vegetable crops.

Educational: fostering a humane attitude towards the environment.

Action plan for the project “Ecology starts with the family”




Involving Other Adults

Master class for parents and employees on the topic “Medicines around us”


Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Mother of pupil Evtsropov A.V.

Parents, preschool employees

Direct educational activities with children middle group"Where did the medicine come from"


Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Entertainment "Visiting the Samovar"


Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Mother of pupil Evstropov A.V.

Musical director Kotkova S.Yu.

Walk into nature


Mother of pupil Evstropov A.V.

Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Reading environmental fairy tales

During the year

Mother of pupil Evstropov A.V.

Planting medicinal plants “Vegetable garden on the window”

March, May

Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Mother of pupil Evstropov A.V.

Teacher Kryuchkova E.A.

Parents of students

Joint activity with children “Forest pharmacy in the service of man”


Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Mother of pupil Evstropov A.V.

Experimental activity with children “Put the grass in a cup,

Brew boiling water

see what happens"


Mother of pupil Evtsropov A.V.

Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Creation of the “Tea Encyclopedia”


Mother of pupil Evstropov A.V.

Parents of students

Presentation of a baby book with environmental fairy tales


Mother of pupil Evstropov A.V.

Parents, employees, children

Ecological trail “On a visit to the birch tree”

May, June

Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Mother of pupil Evstropov A.V.

Parents of students

Ecological trail “Plants that need to be protected”


Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Mother of pupil Evstropov A.V.

Parents of students

Direct educational activities with children of the middle group “Where did the medicine come from”

Target: develop the ability to rationally use medicinal plants for healthy image life. Develop the ability to collect medicinal plants. Develop environmental thinking. Develop creative imagination And communicative communication during the game. To develop the ability to preserve and protect nature.

Progress of activities.


Guys, look. Where the forest path led us. You and I have found ourselves in the kingdom of medicinal plants. Who knows what they are called? (The teacher points to medicinal plants, the children guess, and if there is difficulty, the teacher helps.)

Anna Vladimirovna.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that sick animals leave home to eat some kind of grass, after eating which they get better. So man began to seek help from different plants. Our ancestors knew the beneficial properties of many flowers and herbs: they treated the sick and wounded with herbal infusions and drank tea from various herbs.

Look at this plant, it can be found in meadows and forest edges, it is a yarrow. Why is it called that? (Children's answers.) This is a medicinal plant. People have long used it to stop bleeding and improve appetite.

A child dressed as a bear cub enters, limping and crying.


Little bear, what happened to you, why are you crying?

Little bear.

I fell and broke my knee.

Anna Vladimirovna.

No problem, baby, we can help you, right guys? And this herb (children call plantain) will help your troubles. But before you apply it to the wound, you need to wash it, then scratch it a little and apply it to the wound. Well, are you feeling better, little bear?

Little bear.

Thank you very much, I really feel better. I’ll quickly run into the forest and tell my friends about the miracle plant.


What plant is it said that it burns? That's right, it's nettle. Cabbage soup is made from nettles. The leaves are rich in vitamins and contain substances that kill microbes. It stops bleeding well.

Anna Vladimirovna.

If we have a sore throat, chamomile will come to our aid. Now I'll show you. how to distinguish pharmaceutical chamomile (show).


Well, you and I found out what medicines surround us. How often have you torn these plants and then thrown them away? But they could help someone. Let's no longer unnecessarily tear up plants.


The recording is playing "The Lonely Shepherd"performed by an orchestra led by P. Moriah.

The teacher reads the lines of the poem, the children with Anna Vladimirovna imitate the movements.

A light breeze is blowing.

I breathe in his clean, fresh air.

The meadow grasses are swaying.

Birds proudly circle above me.

I feel good and pleased.

I'm very glad that I met Amazing world nature

I want to live in peace with nature.

I will be a friend and protector of all living things.

Anna Vladimirovna and her children prepare herbal tea. Tea party.

Master class for parents and employees “Medicines around us”

Target : introduce students to medicinal plants, their benefits, and rules of use. Pay attention to careful and rational use natural resources native land.

Form: round table.


Anna Vladimirovna.

Nature has enough kindness for everyone.

And we live, imprinted forever,

there are beautiful features in her soul -

fields, meadows, seas and rivers.

Today I want to introduce you to medicinal plants and their use. And the children will help us with this. What are medicinal plants?


Herbs of life.

Healing plants.

Living force.

Plants that give vigor.

Pantry of vitamins.

Creation of nature.

Amazing health aides.

Anna Vladimirovna.

How accurately and aptly you said about medicinal plants! And now, dear adults, try to guess the riddles and name us medicinal plants.

Children make riddles.

*until late autumn bold glances are thrown at us

her cheerful yellow eye through white eyelashes...


*someone threw beads on the bushes under the leaf-

all the clearings have blue dots near green pines.


*red candle, white heart,

Give you aromatic tea and cure a sore throat.


*the flower was like honey when it was young, but when it grew old it became like smoke.


*a doctor by the road - he treats sick legs.


*sand heart, milky petals


*white peas on a green stem

(Lily of the valley)

*Alenka in a red shirt grows in the grass


*tea is healthy, pleasant and aromatic,

of course, not with cotton wool, but with... (mint)

*whoever does not pass, makes every bow (strawberries)

*was green, small, and then became scarlet.

I turned black in the sun, and now I am ripe.


Show and Describe Word Art.

A.V . You have solved the riddles. Now try to guess the plant from the picture and describe it.

The game is played with parents.

Role-playing game “Let’s help someone who needs it”

The phone is ringing.

A.V . Turns to the teacher.

Listen, please, someone is calling us.

Educator. It's the children calling. They say they are sick and need help urgently.

A.V. Call them to us as soon as possible, we will try to help them.

Two children come out, lethargic and tired.

Educator . What happened? (Children moaning) Oh, you're falling off your feet... (checks your pulse) Yes, you have a loss of strength, you're probably overtired... I need to immediately give you some vitamin tea.

A.V. (Addresses adults).

They need vitamin tea. But the problem is, they brought us tea in boxes, but they forgot to sign. You, dear adults, will have to find and sort out the medicinal herbs yourself, and I will help you with this.

Parents select the necessary boxes.

Educator. Tea is such a nice ceremony! Isn’t it time for us to have some tea and heal our children?

Children and adults are invited to the herbal bar to taste various herbal teas.


Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don’t always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

we will be alone on the planet.

V. Berestov.


What rules do you think you need to know in order to preserve natural treasures - forests, fields, rivers, gifts of nature and its living inhabitants?

Children help adults create a reminder of behavior in nature.

*in nature, in a forest, in a meadow, you should try to walk along paths so that the plants do not die from trampling.

*You cannot pick plants for bouquets.

*bouquets can only be made from plants grown by humans.

*you can collect medicinal plants only in places where there are a lot of them, but you must leave them in nature so that they multiply.

*there are rare plants that cannot be picked at all - these are lilies of the valley, valerian, primrose.

*it is necessary to protect not only plants, but also insects, birds, animals, because everything in nature is interconnected.

Educator. Majestic, rich, powerful is the nature of our Motherland. But the giant green forest, the river outside the outskirts, and the anthill in the aprox need our protection.


There is one planet-garden-

in this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

calling migrating birds.


Only on her alone will you see

lilies of the valley in the green grass.

And dragonflies are only here

looking into the river in surprise...

Together. Take care of your planet.

After all, there is no other one in the world!


Thank you all for your participation, for your sensitive and caring attitude towards nature. I would like to invite you to take part in the creation of a tea encyclopedia, where recipes for herbal tea from plants growing in our region will be collected.

Ecological trail “On a visit to birch tree."

Target: expand children's understanding of seasonal changes in nature. Show objects of the ecological trail in spring. Develop a caring attitude towards surrounding nature. Give basic ideas about the relationship between man and nature.



Guys, today we will walk along the ecological trail of our kindergarten.

The children go outside and are met by Anna Vladimirovna.


Hello children! Who can tell me what time of year it is? (spring) How did you know it was spring? (children’s answers)

Pay attention to this tree, do you recognize it? That's right, it's birch. Birch has a smooth white trunk with dark lines. Today I will reveal a secret - the birch tree breathes through these lines, and they are called “lentils”.

Educator. Thank you, A.V., we didn’t even know that they were called “lentils”.

A.V. Guys, what do you think, does birch love the sun? Yes, birch trees love the sun very much and grow in clearings where there is a lot of light.

Educator . Birches decorate our cities. This beautiful tree is a symbol of our country Russia. A lot of poems have been written about the birch tree, and I’ll read one to you now.

I love Russian birch,

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,

In a light sundress,

With handkerchiefs in pockets,

With red clasps

With green earrings.

I love how elegant she is

Dear, beloved,

That young, ebullient one,

Then sad, crying.

I love Russian birch,

She is always with her friends.

Bends low in the wind

And it bends and breaks!

A.V. In the forest, birch brings many benefits to humans, animals and other plants. Do you know how people use birch?

The teacher summarizes the child’s answersth (people prepare birch firewood for stoves, make beautiful products from birch bark, and make beautiful furniture from wood.)

A.V. Guys, have you tried birch sap? This tree gives us very tasty and healthy sap. Even birds and animals love this sap, and how many insects can be seen on the birch trunk during sap flow. In kindergarten, trees decorate the areas; in sunny weather they hide us from the sun. What do you think, should these trees be protected? What does it mean to save trees?

The teacher summarizeschildren's answers: you need to admire the birch tree. Water it, do not trample the soil near the root and do not break the branches. Then the birch tree will delight us with its beauty for a long time.

A.V. Guys, you answered all our questions so well today that I want to give you this jar of birch sap. This juice is very useful, I picked it for you in the forest. The movement of juice begins even before the buds appear. Only in the forest can you collect birch sap, and this must be done skillfully, without harming the tree. In a group you will try the juice.

Presentation of the experience of the Parfenov family

“A clean city is everyone’s concern”

Project “Ecology begins with family”

(long term)

Project duration: 2012-2013 academic year.

Goal: to intensify efforts to foster environmental culture in the family and in educational institutions, to present the best practices of parents.


Developmental : development of cognitive interests in the family and kindergarten among pupils, culture of behavior in nature;

Educational : enrichment of knowledge on environmental education, formation of a responsible attitude towards nature;

Educating: education of humaneattitude towards the environment, a value-based attitude towards one’s own work and the work of other people, to cultivate in each person an awareness of his role in nature and a sense of responsibility for his behavior in it.

Action plan for the project “Ecology starts with the family”




Involving Other Adults

Making feeders


Parents, educators

Labor activity with children on a walk “Let’s make our kindergarten cleaner"


Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Father of the pupil Parfenov A.N.

Preschool employees

Direct educational activities “My native land”


Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Father of the pupil Parfenov A.N.

Ecological trail “Let's find objects that pollute our streets”


Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Father of pupil Parfenvo A.N.

Parents of preschool pupils, preschool employees

Participation in the annual cleanup event “Clean City is Everyone’s Concern”


Father of the pupil Parfenov A.N.

Preschool employees, parents

Landscaping of the kindergarten site


Teacher Rozhnova L.A.

Father of the pupil Parfenov A.N.

Parents of the group

Direct educational activities with children n to her from the group “My Native Land”.

Target : to activate and consolidate knowledge about the native land and its inhabitants; wake good feelings in relation to nature; to form a caring attitude towards her, admiration for her beauty; to arouse a desire in children to maintain the purity of their native land.

Progress of activities.

The group's pupil's dad comes out Parfenov A.N.

Everyone here knows, you and me,

You can’t offend nature!

Our Earth is a beautiful planet, full of wonders and mysteries. We are surrounded by magnificent nature. Amazing plants, animals, birds, fish, insects live in our forests, meadows, and rivers; they should all be happy, and you and I should take care of them. But, unfortunately, we do not always notice the beauty that surrounds us, we do not always take care of nature and, even worse, we cause irreparable harm to it! Today I invite you to go on a journey in which I will show you how beautiful the nature that surrounds us is.


Their house is being attacked by a nest.

This is a real home.

They tweet, they shout,

They sing, chirp and whistle.

They have porridge for breakfast instead

Worms and cockroaches.

They would like to peck grains,

They would like to fly in the sky.

They'll fly, they'll fly,

They will sit on the trees.

They can't sit on the ground

And their names are simply.....(birds)

Well done! We found ourselves in a clearing of birds. What birds do you know? (children's answers) What birds winter with us?


And now I invite you to playgame "Kite and hen"»


We played well. Now I’ll check how attentive you are. I will name the birds, and as soon as you hear that I was wrong, you will clap and stomp.

The birds have arrived:

pigeons, tits,

Flies and swifts....

what's wrong?

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta....

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Mosquitoes, siskins.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Storks, swifts,

Jackdaws and siskins!


Well done guys, tell me, do you like birds? Don't you offend them? Do you feed in winter? Do you make bird feeders? Well, let's move on.


Guess the riddle.

Dresses in spring

In autumn he undresses. (forest)

We arrived at a forest clearing.

Hello forest, beautiful forest (spread your arms wide to the sides)

Full of fairy tales and miracles! (turns left and right)

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night? (hands raised up)

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal, what kind of bird? (children peer into the distance, holding rounded palms above their eyebrows)

Open everything - don’t hide it! (spread your arms wide)

You see (press palms to chest)

We are our own (spread your arms wide to the sides)


Who lives in the forest? (children's answers) Let's try to determine from our footprints who was here before us.

Game "Whose trace"


Do you know how to behave in the forest?

I'll check now. A game of attention: I will name my actions, and you tell me whether they are good or bad.

If I come to the woods

And will I pick a daisy? (no)

If I eat a pie

And will I throw away the paper? (no)

If a piece of bread

Will I leave it on the stump? (yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put a peg? (yes)

If I light a fire,

But I won’t put it out? (no)

If I mess up too much

And I’ll forget to remove it? (no)

If I take out the trash,

Shall I bury the jar? (yes)

I love my nature

I'm helping her! (yes)

Look, guys, what is this here? (a trickle) Where did it come from? (children's answers)

Yes, he is so small, but when he makes friends with another stream, and then with another one, then he will turn into a big powerful stream and will swim to the river, and then to the sea. Let's wish him a safe journey, let him convey our greetings to distant lands.


Our planet Earth

Very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields -

Our dear home, guys!

Let's save the planet!

There is no other like it in the world.

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals,

This will only make us kinder.

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers -

We need such a planet!

We traveled a lot today around our native land, learned and remembered a lot. There's one more thing left. Let'sLet's draw the inhabitants of our region.

A.N . Well, get on the bus, let's go to the group to paint a picture.

1 of 13

Presentation on the topic: Ecology and us

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Most of us have long been city dwellers and perceive nature as a place to relax. But we are not just part of nature, it increasingly depends on us and suffers from our stupid, or even simply criminal, activities. Do not forget that harm to nature is caused not only by harmful emissions from production, mountains of garbage, pollution of rivers and seas, deforestation, destruction of animals and plants, but also by our weekend trips to barbecue or pick mushrooms. Naturally, the harm caused by the fire we make is not commensurate with what a chemical plant or a landfill for household waste “gives” to nature, but it is still noticeable.

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Have you ever noticed how a mother, walking with her child in the park, suddenly, with the exclamation “ugh, what disgusting,” diligently crushes something with her foot? The child is receptive and will quickly learn that a butterfly fluttering in a clearing is cute and beautiful, but something crawling underfoot is disgusting and not worthy of life. A lesson learned in childhood will remain for life: “I myself determine what and who is worthy to live and grow on this earth.”

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Let’s not delve into the scientific jungle; the essence of ecology can be formulated in one way: in a short phrase- “man, do no harm.” But, unfortunately, we do a lot of harm and in a sophisticated way, causing irreparable harm to nature. We are already accustomed to the fact that every summer television shows a lot of fires that destroy thousands of hectares of forests. And most of the fires are the work of man. An unextinguished cigarette butt or ember, a transparent glass bottle thrown on dry grass (magnifying glass effect) in dry windy weather can in a few minutes turn a calm green forest into a fiery hell in which a lot of living things will die.

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Scientists have calculated that 1 hectare of forest absorbs at least 5 tons of carbon dioxide per year, releasing 10 tons of oxygen during the same time. For example, in one hour, a hectare of forest will absorb all the carbon dioxide released by the breathing of 200 people. Convincing numbers, aren't they? And there are many similar examples. Don’t forget that in city parks and squares there may not be much fewer living creatures than in a wild forest, but they are much more vulnerable and are entirely dependent on human whim. Our ancestors long ago formulated the basic principles of human behavior in relation to nature. Let's follow them too.

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Try not to keep wild animals at home. In most cases, turning them into pets will not work. Most often, your inept “care” is disastrous for them. If you decide to help a wild animal, think about whether you can do it without harming it. Under no circumstances should you bring grown chicks or young animals from the forest. In the vast majority of cases, they are not abandoned by their parents; the parents are simply busy looking for food.

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You should not approach animal holes and bird nests if they contain young animals, which usually give themselves away by squeaking. If your dog is poorly trained, in the spring and early summer do not let it off the leash in the park, forest, or vacant lots where there may be bird nests or young wild animals. Try not to create unnecessary noise during this period, which scares away birds and animals. Cubs that do not have time to run away after the adults may get lost and die.

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Treat the smallest inhabitants of the forest with care. Don't cut the webs, just walk around them. Do not destroy anthills or step on ant paths. Unnecessarily, do not turn over stones, snags, old logs, or break mossy stumps. A large number of living beings live under them and in them. If you want to make sure of this, sit aside for a while. The anxiety caused by your steps will subside, and lizards will crawl out onto the stumps, centipedes will hurry about their business, beetles will appear, birds will fuss, a mouse will crawl out of its hole - the forest will begin to live its normal life. For nature, all living beings are important and necessary; they all have their own niche and complex relationships with others. There are no “vile and nasty” people among them, so there is no need to put pressure on anyone or step on anyone. Tomorrow, a scary-looking hairy caterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly and pollinate flowers.

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Try not to unnecessarily disturb the forest soil. Do not forget that a passing car compacts it with its wheels, leading to the death of many living beings. Exhaust gases also do not benefit the forest. It is advisable to walk through the forest along existing paths, without unnecessarily creating new ones. If you go off-road, try not to break or trample plants. There is no need to pick plants just to admire them. To do this, just bend over to a flower, which in its natural environment will always look better than in your hands. If there is a need to pick plants - for example, when collecting medicinal herbs, do not do a “total weeding”, pick them little by little in different places, trying not to harm other plants.

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When collecting mushrooms, berries, and nuts, try not to cause unnecessary harm to nature. Don't destroy everything around to get to the coveted mushroom or berry cluster. Don’t pick all the berries and nuts, except for you, there are many others who have their sights on them. Don’t forget that in nature all plants are needed, this applies to fly agarics, toadstools, and various tinder fungi. By the way, collecting our beloved birch sap is by no means harmless to trees. It’s difficult to give up this delicacy, but don’t overdo it, and be sure to cover up the wounds on birch trees, preferably with garden varnish, or with regular plasticine.

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It is clear that the harm that a particular tourist, hunter or mushroom picker can cause to nature is usually small, but if possible we should try to minimize it to the limit. Nature generously shares its gifts with us, but also expects careful treatment and care. Don't forget the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:

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"We are all... on the same planet - we are all the crew of the same ship!"

“Speech at a parent meeting” - Parent meeting. Parents. Inviting parents and other meeting participants. Forms of meeting. Rules for preparing a parent meeting. Word. Student success. What to discuss. Bad mood. Use of game situations. Advice from a psychologist. Basic elements of meeting preparation.

“Parents meeting” - The last meeting is the final one and is held in the month of May. Parent meeting. But, as A.S. wrote. Makarenko “there are good families and there are bad families. Unconventional! Approximate topics for parent meetings. Organizing a parent meeting. It is necessary to involve parents in various activities.

“Parent meetings in 4th grade” - Topic of class parent meetings: MEETING No. 3. Meetings should not be reduced to a monologue by the teacher. Questions for discussion: Forms of interaction between teachers and parents: Meeting No. 2. Topic: The child’s learning abilities. Section 1. Objectives: Student responses. It discusses the problems of life of the classroom and parent groups.

“Meeting for parents” - Communication between school and home educators - a step towards mutual understanding, assimilation teaching experience, which the teacher and parents pass on to each other. Methods. Stage 2. Preparing the script and holding the meeting. Stage 3. Understanding the results of the parent meeting. Types of parent meetings. As one of the forms of working with parents.

“Parent meeting in 1st grade” - Development of fine motor skills. Album. The school has medical and psychological services. About reading. Volitional readiness. Communicative readiness. Folder for notebooks. The habit of saying hello or goodbye. In 1st grade there is a grade-free education system. Physical training and development. Exercises with objects.

“Parent meetings in elementary school” - Design, come up with interesting, intriguing invitations to class meetings and events. As an educator As a teacher of your child As an ally and partner. Hand out certificates and letters of gratitude from time to time. New forms of communication with parents. Usually at an organizational parent meeting The interview time will be agreed upon.

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Slide captions:

Ecology starts with family

Family is an association of people based on marriage or consanguinity, connected by economic and household community and mutual responsibility.

Ecology (from ancient Greek οἶκος - abode, home, house, property and λόγος - concept, doctrine, science) is the science of the relationships of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment.

Starting with a family, a small group of people, we move on to the big concept of “ecology”. It is not so difficult to discern the commonality in these words. Family is the same dwelling, house and even the world, and ecology is a group of objects, organisms, interconnected by everything possible.

Why does ecology start with the family? According to Alexander Ivanovich Herzen, “family begins with children.” As children, everyone was taught not to break tree branches or litter on the street. And everyone remembers these rules, just like “washing your hands before eating.”

We also remember...

In 2011 academic year we participated in the city handwritten book competition: “Nature - priceless gift, one for all" The result of the competition was creative work“Chamomile Murom”, in which the students of our class told amazing stories about chamomile, suggested creative social projects for improvement of the school yard.

This is how we see the façade of our school in the future. Chamomile fountain of our Murom

Practical implementation of the project A start has been made. There will be a flowerbed!

Well done boys! The lilac will definitely bloom!

Work ennobles real guys

Mom's master class

The first flowers are a reward for work

From school essays“...Nature is our second home, and the house should be environmentally friendly. Let's take care of it and plant indoor plants in the apartment, and under the windows there are trees and shrubs. This is the first step towards making our world a better place. If each of us does this, then everything can change before our eyes, and life will be much more pleasant." Olga Volkova, 13 years old "Today the issue of protection is very serious environment. Thoughtless human activity over the centuries has destroyed the habitat. Why are people so careless? Why don’t they take care of what nature has given to man as a gift? I don’t find answers to these questions, but I am absolutely sure that ecology begins in the family. After all, it is the parents who “generate” in the child love, respect and reverent caring attitude towards nature. Belova Arina 13 years old “Before you “carelessly” crush a small beetle or insect, think that this bug could have saved hundreds of trees, but now it is gone and... Always think about the consequences, set a good example for friends and family, because the life of the planet also depends on you » Panichkin Daniil 13 years old

The project “Purity of Nature Begins with Me” was developed on the basis of the Environmental Education Program in Private Educational Institutions of JSC Russian Railways. As a result environmental work For this Project, the Program was drawn up: “The purity of nature begins with me” and the work of the school environmental association “Rodnik” was organized with students in grades 5–11.

Relevance of the project.

Man is an element of an ecological system called the biosphere. It receives all vital resources - air, food, water and a significant part of energy and construction resources - from the biosphere. People dump waste – household and industrial – into the ecological system. For a long time this type human activity did not disturb the balance of the biosphere. However, in the last two centuries, expanding industrial activity, humanity has actively invaded the living world of the Earth.

Humans impact the biosphere locally - in hundreds of millions of places, pollutants are released into rivers and air, fertile soil is removed, forests are cut down, and the habitats of plants and animals are destroyed. However, the biosphere is unified system, covered by the cycles of substances, and millions of local impacts that at first glance are not dangerous, such as, for example, the use of freon sprays, chemical detergents, burning waste in production and everyday life, merging and reinforcing each other, cause global changes in all components of the biosphere . Rivers flow into the seas and oceans and introduce pollution released by industry and agriculture along the entire path of watercourses. Deforestation and soil degradation are leading to climate change, loss of soil fertility and destruction of natural ecosystems across the planet. Pollution released into the air at one point immediately spreads over thousands of kilometers.

We know how quickly atmospheric transfers occur personal experience. In our region in Bratsk, there are enterprises “Bratsk Timber Processing Complex” - BLPC, “Bratsk Aluminum Plant” - BRAZ, which periodically emit waste into the atmosphere. Emissions, within an hour, easily covering tens of kilometers of treeless territories, descend in a toxic haze into the “bowl” of our small town Vikhorevka. For a day, or even more, in calm weather, depriving residents of breathing freely.

The situation is aggravated by the barbaric attitude of the inhabitants towards the nature of their area: in pursuit of better life, saving money, people violate the laws of the Russian Federation and city regulations. It is scary that the younger generation becomes a witness and sometimes an accomplice to these actions. Illegal deforestation in adjacent forest areas, spontaneous landfills in forest, country and even urban areas near organized waste sites. The burning of solid waste (solid household waste) in barrels, littered streets, recreation areas on rivers and the Bratsk reservoir indicate the indifference and low level of environmental education of some residents.

The deteriorating environmental situation causes great concern and concern for all of humanity and for us in particular. An educational institution can play a major role in improving the environmental situation; its students can actively participate in environmental activities, studying the state of the environment, and organizing environmental monitoring. Increasing the environmental awareness and literacy of residents and the entire population is one of the ways out of the current environmental crisis.
School environmental education and training has the potential for targeted, coordinated and systematic transfer of knowledge.

Teaching children to understand and love nature means raising them to be moral people, for whom labor and production activities will be associated with responsibility for it. environmental consequences. The formation of environmental consciousness and caring attitude towards all living things is one of the most pressing tasks modern education, and our project proposes to solve it by involving children and adolescents in practical environmental activities.

The project is aimed at the child’s understanding of himself as a particle of the world around him, awareness of civic responsibility for his actions, understanding of the value human life as nature's greatest gift. The project is focused on making a person want to make their home, plot, yard, street, city clean, well-groomed and, if possible, environmentally friendly, so that the person is convinced that he and his family deserve a clean, beautiful and healthy life.

Thus the project « The purity of nature begins with me » relevant for our time and our city.

Lately there has been problem: how to make environmental work, including research work, more interesting and attractive to modern teenager. Therefore, it becomes relevant to use modern equipment and computer technology in this direction.

There is no teaching in schools today separate subject ecology, the knowledge system is formed in the lessons of biology, chemistry, physics and geography and in extracurricular activities. Lack of modern educational equipment for an environmental field workshop does not allow for on-site monitoring. Our association “Rodnik” does not have a color photocopier, a digital camera, a video camera, or a comprehensive environmental laboratory for field work. All this creates difficulties in field work on ecology.

It is important to develop not only knowledge, but also environmental and practical skills in the modern generation. Recently, the profession of “ecologist” has become increasingly popular and necessary in modern society.

Project goal: Environmental education and the formation of an environmental culture of behavior of students based on labor, spiritual and moral development of the individual through the joint activities of students, teachers and city residents.

Project objectives:

  • To form an active civic position among the younger generation.
  • Promote moral, environmental, aesthetic and labor education.
  • Study of the environmental situation in the world in the country and our city.
  • Coordination of children's practical activities to study and assess the state of the environment using the example of our city and nearby surroundings.
  • Fostering a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the environment.
  • Development of initiative and creativity in students through the organization of socially significant activities.
  • To disseminate environmental knowledge not only among boarding school students, but also among the local population, using various types activities and forms of work.
  • Growing seedlings and landscaping school grounds.
  • Identify gifted children prone to research work and provide them with opportunities to realize their abilities.

Project participants:

  • Students, parents, teaching staff and school administration;
  • Employees of the school and JSC Russian Railways;
  • Employees of the House of Culture
  • Employees of the Bratsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
  • Employees of the Ecological and Biological Center of Bratsk
  • Employees of the Vikhorevka water intake;
  • Employees of wastewater treatment plants in Vikhorevka and Bratsk
  • Forestry workers of the city and region;
  • Employees of the Bratsk Timber Processing Complex BLPK, the Bratsk Aluminum Plant - BrAZ OJSC RUSAL BRATSK
  • Fisherman's House staff;
  • Residents of the city of Vikhorevka and Bratsk district.

Project implementation mechanism.

  • Gathering information on the topic of the project.
  • Search for partners for joint project implementation.
  • Development of directions for an activity plan with institutions and organizations of the city, involving them in work on environmental education.
  • Search for addresses of positive experiences on the topic of project activities.
  • Development of a project management model.
  • Preparation methodological material for consultations and events within the project.
  • Program development.
  • Conducting research in accordance with the program.
  • General work(The project is implemented through planned activities on topics.)
  • Conducting environmental landings on the territory of a school, city and spring.
  • Conducting master classes on indoor and decorative floriculture.
  • Growing seedlings, landscaping the school grounds.
  • Preparing students to participate in the Baikal International School And All-Russian Olympiads on ecology.
  • Preparation of analytical material based on the results of the research work carried out.
  • Presentation of final results

Project implementation conditions

To implement this project, the following conditions exist:

  • School-wide educational work planBoarding school No. 25
  • The program of environmental education and upbringing of students “The purity of nature begins with me” has been developed and is being implemented;
  • Developed and implemented work program elective course: “Fundamentals of Ecological Culture” 10th grade based on the author’s program “Fundamentals of Ecological Culture” for grades 10-11 L.N. Kharchenko, Bustard 2012
  • Regulations on the “Ecological squad” dated September 15, 2014, JSC Russian Railways
  • The work of the environmental association "Rodnik"
  • Research work 11th grade students, winners of the IV Summer Interregional round of the conference of the All-Russian Competition for Youth Research Works named after. V.I. Vernadsky: “By raising the level of environmental culture, we are solving the problem of solid household waste in the city of Vikhorevka.”

Performance tracking mechanism carried out:

By comparing the activity of students throughout the year. Knowledge testing is carried out in the form of games, quizzes, competitions;

  • through observations;
  • by survey;
  • interest in search work;
  • activity in the activities of the environmental team “Spring”;
  • demand for consultations and elective courses in ecology and biology.

Principles of organizing environmental education and training:

  • The principle of environmental integrity, which forms in students an understanding of the unity of the surrounding world.
  • The principle of interdisciplinary connections, revealing the unity and interconnection of the surrounding world.
  • The principle of continuity, which makes it possible to use each age period.
  • The principle of interrelation between regional and global approaches, promoting the involvement of students in practical activities.
  • The principle of direction, promoting the development of harmonious relationships with the environment.

The project is being implemented in the main areas:

  • Organization of activities of the school environmental association “Rodnik”
  • Research work in the following areas:
    • Climate and people
    • Chemistry and Environment
    • Field ecology
    • Forest monitoring
    • Environment and people
    • Integrated monitoring of natural and anthropogenic systems
  • Environmental education activities:
    • Carrying out environmental lessons, cool hours, events at school (exhibitions, competitions).
    • Organization and conduct of city events
    • Creation of: information boards, newspapers, booklets
    • Development and implementation of school environmental projects.
  • Ecological and practical activities:
    • Greening the school and city grounds
    • Ecological landing
    • Environmental monitoring
    • Excursions to enterprises
    • Caring for birds.
  • Organization of work to promote a healthy lifestyle
    • School tourist rally
    • Themed classroom hours.

The project is implemented through different shapes activities:

  • Conversations and observations.
  • Quiz with ecological and biological content.
  • Competitions of drawings, posters, presentations, booklets.
  • Competitions of poems, essays, stories, fairy tales on an environmental theme.
  • Exhibitions of crafts made from waste materials, feeders, gifts of autumn.
  • Thematic days: Earth Day (April 22), Environment Day (June 5), World Animal Day (October 4), World Water Day (March 22), Bird Day (April 1), etc.
  • Production of environmental leaflets, newspapers, booklets.
  • Acquaintance with video materials about the life of plants and animals.
  • Ecological tournaments, KVN, brain rings, intellectual games of ecological and biological content.
  • Visit to the ecological and hydrometeorological centers of the city. Bratsk.
  • Ecological hikes to study flora, fauna, natural features of the region, ecological state reservoirs, their banks, coastal vegetation.
  • Operation "Spring"
    • Studying the environmental situation in the city and searching for ways to improve the environmental situation.
    • Excursions to enterprises in Bratsk and Vikhorevka to study the impact of human activity on nature.
    • Cooperation on issues of city improvement with the city administration.
    • Landscaping and beautification of the school and the city.

Social partners:

To implement the project and successfully implement the project of boarding school No. 25, Vikhorevka will continue to work closely with the following organizations:

  • Fraternal Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
  • Children's Environmental Center in Bratsk;
  • With the Baikal International School in Tankhoy;
  • Administration of the Vikhorevsky urban settlement;
  • General education schools;
  • Industrial enterprises BLPK, BrAZ OJSC RUSAL BRATSK, Bratsk.
  • With housing and communal services organizations in Vikhorevka: wastewater treatment plants, water intake;
  • City radio center;
  • Media and school website;
  • Educational institutions: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Brotherly" state university» (Project Factory)

Information support includes:

  • library resources,
  • Internet resources,
  • information resources of the environmental center, Bratsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
  • excursions to enterprises
  • meetings with employees of enterprises, housing and communal services, and city residents.

Technical equipment:

  • Cabinet
  • Black and white printer - copier
  • Computer
  • TV plasma
    Internet connection.

Project implementation timeline: 2016-2017

Results of the project:

As a result of the implementation of the “Cleanliness Starts with Me” project, a comprehensive targeted program for environmental education of the younger generation was created, which will allow:

  • Maintain the environmental direction as one of the directions in educational work schools and increase the level of environmental culture of students, school team and the residents of our city.
  • Solve problems public policy in the field of environmental education of youth.
  • Raise the level of environmental culture.
  • Develop creative and organizational skills.
  • To increase students' interest in studying ecology, region, city, country, through a system of creative, practical participation in planned environmental activities, promotions:
    • Improvement of a forest spring
    • Growing seedlings
    • Landscaping of school grounds, etc.
  • To develop a consciousness of personal responsibility and active citizenship in the protection and preservation of the natural environment.
  • To increase the efficiency of the Rodnik environmental team through the use of innovative forms and practical methods to solve educational problems.
  • Raise cognitive activity students through implementation in educational process scientific research and practical activities.
  • To ensure increased motivation to study not only ecology, but also natural science subjects.
  • To form the social experience of the student, which will allow him to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard and new situations.


  • Bianki V.V. Forest newspaper. L.: Children's literature, 1983.
  • Red Book of the Irkutsk region. Irkutsk: “Time of Wandering”, 2010 - 453s
  • Kriksunov E.A., Pasechnik V.V. Ecology. 10(11) grade: Educational. for general education Educational institutions. M.: Bustard, 2001
  • Litvinova L.S., Zhirenko O.E. Moral and environmental education of schoolchildren in grades 5-11. Moscow: “5 for knowledge”, 2007. - 204 p.
  • Scientific and methodological journal " Homeroom teacher" No. 3.-Moscow 2008
  • Guide to determining water quality indicators using the field method. Muravyov A.G. St. Petersburg 2004
  • Photo guide. Rare plant species of the Southern Baikal region. Ulan-Ude, 2011 -72p.
  • Ecological workshop. Muravyov A.G. St. Petersburg 2003
  • Ecological dictionary. Litvinov N.I. Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy 2003
  • Funds of the Ecological and Hydrometeorological Center of Bratsk.
  • Internet resources containing:
    • Decrees: President Russian Federation“On the state strategy of the Russian Federation for environmental protection and ensuring sustainable development"(1996), "On the concept of the Russian Federation's transition to sustainable development" (1996);
    • Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2002);
    • Federal law“On environmental protection” (10.01.2002);
    • National Security Strategies of the Russian Federation (2009);
    • Concepts of general environmental education for sustainable development (2010);
    • Educational portal( in the public domain for wide discussion.