Essay on the topic of autumn. Essay on the topic: "Golden Autumn

For kids school age it will not be difficult to write a mini-essay about autumn. The younger generation especially vividly perceives the changes taking place in nature. One has only to see all the beauty of the environment!

How to write a mini-essay about autumn correctly

Of course, getting a good grade in school requires taking the time to prepare for writing. A mini-essay about autumn should be written according to plan. The task of moms and dads is to help the child in the order of writing thoughts so that the reasoning turns out to be beautiful and competent.

Such an essay plan will help your child put thoughts in the correct order. A beautiful essay about autumn in Russian will help boys and girls get good marks and praise from the teacher. Therefore, it is worth paying due attention to preparing the child for writing this type of work.

Essay about golden autumn for the little ones

When in elementary grades they are asked to write a story about autumn, it is worth giving the son or daughter ideas from which to draw options for writing. An example is to take the following compositions:

The golden time has come. I really love this time of year, because nature becomes magical during this period.

When I go to school, I feel like the hero of a beautiful fairy tale. Leaves rustle underfoot, creating a sense of magic. Decorated leaves flaunt over the head. All the trees seem to be dressed up in festive outfits and show themselves in their most beautiful form.

Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year.

Autumn came and brought a lot of magic. Nature, like an artist, painted the leaves of the trees in different colors. Bright and enchanting colors of autumn make you forget about everything.

On the trees, leaves rustle, falling to the ground, they cover it with a beautiful colorful carpet. The autumn forest gives a feeling of calmness and lightness. Leaves circling smoothly overhead immerse you in a mysterious mood.

I'm not surprised that many paintings by famous artists depict autumn. Indeed, it is during this period of the year that nature is transformed and shows itself in all its glory.

Such essays are ideal for elementary school children. Concise, but at the same time telling about a lot of expressions will help to express thoughts and create a beautiful essay.

Essay about autumn for high school students

You can write a lot about the golden age. Students high school they are also often asked to describe this wonderful time. As an example, you can take the following essay options:

When autumn comes, the soul becomes easy and calm. Nature with its colors, like a sorceress, envelops every corner of our country.

There is a lot of beauty in the autumn season. It is about this time of the year that there are many poems. And paintings depicting autumn delight. It is not surprising, because this languid, dull time inspires and gives creative ideas. The rustling leaves under your feet, as if alive, seem to whisper about how much everything has changed around.

Autumn is an incredible time of the year. I really love this time.

Such an essay will help express your emotions and get a good grade for the assignment.

What will help you write a detailed and colorful essay

In order for the essay to be filled with emotions, you should use the correct speech patterns. In the story about autumn, it is worth including the extraordinary names of the colors in which the autumn colors everything around, and use literary phrases that will help to pour the colors and mood of autumn into the text.

Alice Mathison

Golden autumn

It gets cooler in autumn. The days are already shorter because it gets dark early. The trees are shedding their leaves. They are very beautiful, they have juicy colors: red, yellow, orange. Increasingly, a strong wind blows, leaves circles and easily lowers them to the ground. At times the sky is overcast and it rains. I love this time of year, you can walk in the park and admire the golden autumn nature.
Dasha Larionova

Golden autumn

Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year. It is a little sad, because the foliage is flying around, but it is pleasant and fun to stand under the multi-colored leaf fall. Nature says goodbye to us until spring, chestnuts and acorns shed their unusually beautiful fruits. Yellow maple leaves look golden in the sun, making them even brighter and sunnier in the park. You can collect all these autumn gifts and make a beautiful craft out of them, which will remind us of this wonderful time all winter.
Autumn smells like apples and mountain ash. There is nothing more beautiful than a carpet of colorful leaves. How nice it is to run on it. I love you, my golden autumn! And I will miss you very much.

Semyon Vinogradov

Golden autumn

Autumn is the brightest time of the year. All the trees were dressed in colorful outfits. Maples - in red caftans. Birches - in yellow sundresses. The oaks are in brown frock coats. Everything shines in the bright autumn sun. There is such beauty that you can't take your eyes off. I really like the golden autumn. In autumn I like to walk in the woods.

Yura Zaitsev

Warm autumn

Autumn has come. The sun gilded the tops of the trees, painted the leaves in variegated, bright, beautiful colors. Leaves hang on the trees, like gold coins. A warm autumn breeze will blow, and the leaves turn into small airplanes. The cloud will fly by, the wind will die down, and the leaves sink into the water and turn into autumn boats. Other leaves will fall to the ground and cover it with a colorful carpet. When you walk on it, the leaves rustle like fried chips. And immediately comes good mood... And I want to lie in the leaves. In the sky, a flock of birds flies south, saying goodbye to us until next spring.

Gosha Kataev


In every season, nature is beautiful in its own way. This year, the beginning of autumn has given us many bright and sunny days. The sky is not overcast yet. The leaves on the trees delight us with different colors. Red, yellow, green, orange leaves dressed the forest in bright dresses.
Warm days in early autumn are called "Indian summer". In September and October, people gather mushrooms and cranberries. Children make crafts from leaves, cones, acorns.
Unfortunately, the colorful and warm autumn ends quickly. Leaves fall, it rains more and more often and even the first snow may fall. Nature is preparing for winter.

Sasha Penzin


Autumn is a very beautiful time. Only in autumn there is such a varied palette of colors. The leaves change their usual green color to red, brown, yellow, burgundy. And in the middle of autumn, trees shed their leaves to rest in winter. At this time, it is pleasant to wander through the park when the foliage rustles underfoot. We also love to go to the forest for autumn mushrooms. The main autumn mushrooms are mushrooms. But I don't like that it often rains in the fall. And they change our plans for the walk. But in the fall there is an "Indian summer". It is as if nature wants to bring summer back. The sun is shining brightly and it’s hard to believe that it’s already autumn.

Denis Gorlov

Golden autumn

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. The azure sky attracts the eye with its purity and serenity. The sun, like a golden ball, rolls across the sky. Trees change their "clothes". Leaves, like multi-colored coins, cover the branches. The grass is drawn to the last warm rays of the sun. It seems that all nature calms down and enjoys this wonderful time of "golden autumn" before the harsh cold winter.

So summer has flown by with its warm and sultry days. For many, this is a nostalgic time, because vacations, beaches, sunny days are left behind, and everyone understands that cold and rain are now ahead, because the autumn time is coming. In our essay today we will write about autumn for grades 2 and 3. Although, this topic is raised in older classes. This means it will be relevant for grades 5, 6.


Autumn is an ambiguous time. On the one hand, this is a sad time of the year, because it makes us say goodbye to the summer warmth. You have to set yourself up to meet the cold weather, because the sun shines, but its warmth is weaker every day, and now it sets earlier. And if some warmth is still preserved during the day, then by the evening it becomes very cold. Now there is wind and rain outside - so what is there to be happy about?

However, don't get depressed. Remember, many works of poets and writers tell about the autumn season and take us to autumn fields, to autumn forests, and it's not just that. For some reason, it was autumn that inspired writers to create their masterpieces. And to understand why they loved this time of year, it is enough to look at it from a different angle. Autumn is not only cold and slush, it is also an indescribable beauty. There is no need to fall into sadness, nature does not have bad weather, as well as bad seasons. You just need to learn to see beauty, notice it and find the positive. And then you will understand that autumn is a beautiful time when you can observe even schools of birds that fly to warm regions. This is the time when you enter a birch grove and cannot enjoy the riot of natural colors. It was not the artist who painted the leaves with gold, it was Mother Autumn who was leading her brush over the tops of the trees.

Autumn adorns parks, forests and shrubs with its colors. Slowly at first, and then faster and faster, everything starts to change. And even though it got colder outside and not as hot as in summer, autumn flowers continue to bloom in the fall. In the fall, we continue to harvest our crops, enjoying apples, pears, vegetables and grapes. And let winter come soon, but here and now we can fully enjoy the autumn season, where there is Indian summer and warm, fine days.

Hear such a familiar word "autumn", and you will certainly see a picture of incredibly beautiful trees that delight our eyes with their golden and variegated color. The most beautiful moment, in my opinion, comes exactly when golden leaves, smoothly and naturally, fly off the branches, gently touching the air, as if saying goodbye to this wonderful world forever. Having fallen, they form a divinely beautiful carpet, as if woven with gold and decorated with rubies, all this beauty covers the freezing earth. All this abundance of colors makes you think about the meaning of being and the meaning of your existence on earth. Looking at schools of birds flying south, somewhere deep in your subconscious you think about where they are flying, and certainly, each of us wanted to go after them, abandoning all the hardships and hardships of this everyday life. In the fall, it is sure to rain, the drops of which slowly roll down the glass, or they form large and small puddles, through which the neighboring children will later run. On such a gloomy day, most of all you want to drink mint tea in front of the TV, wrapped in a warm blanket, and stroke the kitty, who, with her purr, seems to say: “Everything will be fine!”. If you are in the company of old friends, then, of course, you will begin to remember all the delights of the summer that flew away without a trace, which left an indelible impression on our memory.

Speaking of autumn, one cannot fail to mention the villagers, who have worked all summer on their land plot, and finally get everything they deserve in full. After all, it is autumn that is so generous with its gifts. For me, the main attribute of autumn has always been bread. The most delicious bread is the one that is earned by one's own labor. Working all day, cleaning the garden, and collecting all the gifts of autumn, you will go into the house, and you will certainly sit down for a family dinner, just then you will feel the full taste of bread.

Why it is in the fall that a person begins to reflect on topics of concern to him. Philosophical thoughts wake up in each of us. Autumn was A.S. Pushkin's favorite season; it was in the fall that he wrote most of his works. This means that you need to be able to see autumn from the good side, because this wonderful time of the year has a deep meaning. Having spent the autumn in deep lyrical meditation, we thereby prepare ourselves for winter. Pondering these words, everyone will himself determine the meaning of autumn in his life.

She, as a holiday of the soul, helps to feel the beauty the surrounding nature... It helps to understand the need for work in the life of every person. Indeed, only in autumn nature blooms with all the colors of the rainbow: from silver-gray to crimson-golden. After all, only in autumn there is an abundance of vegetables and fruits on the tables.

Autumn ... Not only the variety of colors is mixed in this word. It also mixed a variety of feelings: joy and sadness, serenity and excitement ... hello autumn!

The subject of the essay is "Autumn has come"

Autumn has come... The sun is still warming almost like summer, trying to give away the last unspent heat. There are almost no clouds in the blue and clear sky. Only the wind became colder and harsher, reminding that it is already September in the yard. Among the bright greenery, the first heralds of autumn are noticeable: yellow and red leaves. Soon they will fall from the trees and cover all roads and paths.

Essay on the theme "Autumn"

Autumn is the time to say goodbye to warmth and the arrival of cold weather. The days are getting shorter, the nights are longer, and this is more noticeable with each new day. The sun appears on the horizon later and later, and sets earlier, and day after day it warms less and less. The temperature on the thermometer outside the window slowly drops down, in the evenings it becomes noticeably colder.

Now it has come Golden autumn... The most beautiful and picturesque time of the year. Autumn loves yellow, red, orange colors, and how she loves to shower everything with gold. Here you come to a birch grove, and you cannot take your eyes off, everything is covered in gold. On the birch trees, instead of leaves, gold coins are hanging, and it seems that from one breath of the breeze they will immediately begin to ring.

Essay on the theme "Autumn time"

Autumn- the most beautiful time of the year. It is not without reason that Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin's autumn was the most favorite time of the year. One cannot but admire the beauty that autumn nature gives us. And how beautiful it is in the autumn in the forest! Sometimes just words are not enough to describe all this splendor, only an artist can convey an autumn landscape.

Essay on the theme "Golden Autumn"

Ended up happy summer... September became the full owner. It gets unusually cold in the morning and at night. Only during the day is the sun still warming up, trying to remind us of summer. After exhausting long labor, the fields are resting. The golden gardens have already presented their crops to the owners. A cool breeze of autumn is felt everywhere. Low clouds began to appear more and more often in the gray sky. A light rain is falling.

The subject of the essay is "Why I like autumn"

Autumn, autumn is coming... A wonderful and wonderful time. The sun is no longer mercilessly roasting from morning to evening, as in summer, and is not yet hiding behind dense gray clouds, as it will be in winter. It generously and tenderly warms, caressing every cell, it seems to ring in the sky with a million bells and scatters its tenderness and warmth. Go, people and animals, grass and flowers, birds and trees, catch its lovely rays, swim in them, rejoice, smile.

The subject of the essay is "Autumn" for grades 2, 3, 4

Option 1. Autumn has come... The leaves turned yellow on the trees. Soon they will start to fall to the ground.
Yesterday my mother and I walked in the autumn park. It's sunny and quiet there. The birds no longer sing. They are preparing to fly away to warmer regions.

Option 2. On the first day of autumn we went to school. The days are fine. Every day I return from school and enjoy the autumn sun.
Autumn rains are coming soon. It will get cold. Now the foliage on the trees is golden. But soon it will wither and fall.

The subject of the essay is "Autumn in Odessa"

I live in Odessa... This is a very cozy and nice city. So it got to us autumn... The trees gradually began to dress in yellow, orange and red clothes.

Autumn is very warm here, but this year it is even warmer than before. You can still swim in the sea. The sun is shining less intensely, but still quite often. I was always surprised that in autumn we can sometimes not wear jackets and coats, while in all other cities located to the north, everyone wraps up, feeling the approach of winter. It is very good now to walk among the trees, when everything around is so colorful and bright. I love my city, for me it is like a whole world in which you can enjoy life. Autumn gives Odessa even greater grace and beauty. We can say that autumn is coming to my city.

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