Esoteric practices - religion of the 21st century? What is esotericism, theory and practice.

What's happened esoteric practice? Why does a person do it? What is it trying to achieve? Different practices have different goals. Usually this is a merger with a certain state that is inaccessible or inaccessible in ordinary life.

The success of the practice depends on what kind of person he is - how pure his energy channels are, how free his mind is from patterns and clichés, and how resilient his body is.

And the choice of practice itself is largely determined by these factors. For example, Oshov dynamic meditation is unlikely to come...

Almost everyone who is now reading this article has at some point practiced something that can be called by the general term “esoteric practices.” Of course, there are people who read the book and remain at the level of theorists, but the majority still tried at least something.

However, years pass, and the person is still the same, although the practices are designed to change and improve our lives. No, of course, something has changed, but is it thanks to practices? Do these practices help at all? If so, how?

First of all, you need...

For some reason, it is believed that a runny nose is something bad. Moreover, social authorities, cultural figures and leaders of esoteric movements agree in this opinion. However, not everything is so simple; in this article we will talk about the secret esoteric meaning of a runny nose.

The fact is that a runny nose, as a phenomenon, is discredited by society. In society, blowing your nose is considered bad manners. It is proposed to buy “one hundred plus one” medicine, which should protect you from this scourge or cure you in as soon as possible...

Esoterics is a science designed to reveal a person’s inner riches. It doesn’t matter whether society recognizes this science or not, esotericism primarily involves working on oneself, and not with society. We change, and as a result the world changes, and not vice versa.

Exactly for internal work and such a section of esotericism as esoteric tourism is intended.

Esoteric tourism, or as it is otherwise called eso-tourism, is a journey whose goal is to gain inner integrity...

The practice of measurement is almost as old as human history. An economy based on the social division of labor and trade cannot exist without measurements. Already the first great civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Hindustan and China needed to create generally accepted and reliable methods for determining distances, land areas, weight (or volume) of grain and metals.

A remarkably complete (for its time) system of measures was created in Ancient Babylon, from where, through the Phoenician...

More recently Russian science turned out to be untenable when faced with some phenomena occurring in the world. Those phenomena in our lives that she could not explain due to her dogmatic materialism, she classified as insignificant and not of vital importance.

The general policy of prohibitions and persecution of the knowledge and practice of ancient peoples did not contribute to the normal process of development of society, and complicated the process of formation of physical, mental and spiritual qualities of a person...

Every year esoteric seminars become more and more popular. Meditation, hatha yoga, tantra yoga - many people travel halfway around the world to learn these areas of esotericism from qualified Masters. But what if your lifestyle does not allow you to take part in a seminar taking place in another city?

We offer you a new service - esoteric seminars in absentia.

So, you send us an application, which immediately goes to the enlightened Master’s desk. Now...

The esoteric-archetypal matrices of the soul and logos can only be guessed by human consciousness, so to speak, conjectured by it. At best, we can appeal to the opinion of the Great Initiates, bearers of the universal Esoteric tradition, which is what we will do in this article.

The soul is the light center behind the forms, as the Esoteric tradition testifies.

The degrees of approach to the Soul, union with It, are different, according to Esoteric philosophy. The Soul finally enters a person upon reaching...

Many people now dream about this, because it is always nice to know more than others. Centuries of prohibitions have passed, information has become available, the topic of the unknown has gained wide publicity. Nothing is impossible, and everyone has psychic abilities, you just need to be able to notice them in yourself. You can develop extrasensory perception quite quickly, in a couple of months, if you try hard and believe in the result. The method consists in increasing sensitivity to the subtle worlds, strengthening the etheric and astral bodies, which ordinary people atrophied, expanding perception.

To start working, you need to believe in the very possibility of a different worldview. Excessive skepticism comes from a reluctance to learn new things, from fear of it, and of responsibility for one’s views (it is easier to borrow them without checking them for correctness). Logical analysis does not take into account very many factors, while the soul, which has a connection with all living things, can “see them”, and the possible result to which the combination of these factors will lead. Moreover, these factors can be influenced by simulating events. Therefore, during practice, turn off logic, it will not give you the desired result, since it operates only with physical senses and generally accepted patterns, or extremes, or incomplete, possibly incorrect information, with its help it is impossible to learn new things, it operates in already known, “fenced” limits.

First exercise
Designed specifically to disable logical analysis and self-control. It is done quite simply: you need to try to imagine what is behind the wall, or behind any other obstacle (in the closet, bedside table, behind the door, in the next apartment). Now it doesn’t matter how reliable this information is, the goal is to turn off logical, template thinking. Don't try to analyze and remember, just imagine the first thing that comes to mind. Easy and relaxed, without creativity and attempts to “draw” a picture artificially. You just need to imagine it. This is the basis of clairvoyance.

You can do the exercise as much as you like until you get tired and simply cannot suppress the desire to invent, imagine, remember, analyze. Most likely, this will be accompanied by anger and irritation. The practice must be completed and repeated after a few hours or the next day.

After this exercise you may feel headache, it feels like you took a long time to decide complex tasks. There will be spiritual fatigue, and this is very good - the soul also needs training. They also don’t become jocks overnight.

You need to repeat until you learn to “see” easily, without internal resistance. You may also be surprised by the high accuracy of vision with good concentration. The first success is already there, before full development psychic abilities All that remains is to consolidate and strengthen the skills.

Second exercise
Designed to increase sensitivity to subtle bodies and concentration. It is also very simple to perform, it is a meditation during which there is no need to do anything other than listening to silence and contemplation. To do this, you will need a quiet place; an ordinary apartment in which you need to be alone is quite suitable. It doesn’t have to be completely quiet, the main thing is that there are no distracting sounds: a lawnmower, a track under the windows, music. This is just a start, then you will be able to maintain concentration even in very noisy and bustling places. Peace in the soul is necessary to perceive its urges. For the first time, it is better to use some room that is best lit by natural light, but not near a window - there it will be more difficult for you to maintain a state of peace within yourself. After several successful practices, you can already try on the balcony, from where you can better hear the sounds of the street, and perhaps see someone through the window (but you don’t need to set such a task for yourself).

The first part is performed with open eyes. Try to get rid of thoughts, free your mind. Turn off the internal dialogue (internal dialogue) for at least 10-20 seconds, gradually increasing this period. Do it easily, without aggression or irritability, just let go of the thoughts that force you to constantly waste energy on useless things. Listen to the sounds, but don't think about them, just listen. If this is a speech, don’t analyze it, don’t give in to thinking, just perceive it without evaluating it in any way. At the moment, it is not important for you to know what some passer-by is talking about, you simply let his words pass by without keeping them in your mind.

After a few minutes, you will already feel how everything around is filled with light and love, you will feel lightness, as if the shackles have been thrown off you. You have freed yourself from the dictatorship of the mind, so far only temporarily, by clearing your perception of its distortions.

The second part of the practice occurs with closed eyes, starting from the moment described above. Now you need to feel this light without eyes, use your inner perception. Imagine as if you clearly see everything around you, and sensations of objects will begin to come to you. The surrounding space will become part of you. This will indicate the success of the practice; your perception of the world has become broader.

This is a very important practice. Through the internal sensation of the world, the vision of inaccessible information is realized. If you did everything correctly and it worked out for you, then only a test will confirm the development of psychic abilities. It is easy to arrange it in everyday life, without doing anything special for him: perform the first exercise together with the sensations of the second, somewhere in an unfamiliar environment, provided that you cannot know what is behind some door or wall, for example, at work, in a store , in the next house. Act naturally, without appearing to be doing anything unusual or looking for something.

You can find out information about people in the same way. Any clue will do: a personal item, a photograph, being nearby. Just like in the first exercise, just see what a person is interested in, what kind of character and problems he has in life, what he is interested in. Now almost everyone is registered in at least one social network, so there shouldn’t be any problems finding people to check. After the “scanning” you can chat with the person, and after a few days it will be clear whether you were right or wrong.

Third exercise
It is not mandatory, but it is extremely important for those who want to consciously develop further, benefit other people by helping them with their problems. This is self-initiation, or the first phase of awakening, as they like to say in various esoteric literature. Roughly the same thing happens during magical initiation, only this time collectively. The point is to change your attitude towards life completely, to start living by new rules. The opposite moment will immediately arise, and life will begin to help you along the way if your intentions are pure.

This is a continuation of the second exercise. You can use music and any form of meditation that suits you best. The main thing is to evoke sensations in your soul, to feel how power flows through you, how something awakens inside, filling you with limitless energy. Some chakras may well open, you will feel them as points of concentration of energy, and kundalini is a flow along the spine from bottom to top. These are more serious practices, read about them separately before you start.

The goal is to feel the love of this world, which gives you endless possibilities. It will fill you from the inside. No matter how exactly you achieve this state, there are a great variety of practices.

A significant success factor will be knowing in advance why you need it. Usually people begin to awaken because the time has come and they can no longer live in the old way. Or, what is much less common, a person himself suddenly begins to want to know more about the world, to see all its facets, to find answers to all his questions, without wasting his already short life on the expectation that someone will do everything for him.

After self-initiation, a number of other wonderful abilities may appear: you will begin to eat and get tired less, sleep less, spontaneously see the aura of people and objects, astral beings. But it’s not at all necessary; the consequences are individual for everyone.

In conclusion, I would like to advise those interested and wishing to develop psychic abilities to study more esoteric materials, which are now abundant on the Internet. Then move on to serious literature by recognized authors, from which you can glean many practical points. And always think for yourself, without relying on someone. This is your life, you need to achieve everything yourself, and free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Esotericists never “give fish” if it is not profitable for them; they teach “to fish” if they pursue bright goals.

The writing of this Memo came about after visiting various esoteric sites. What can you find here! It is impossible to even imagine such an abundance of esoteric teachings, meditations, and practices. Reminds me of the description of the end of Atlantis, when people became sophisticated in practicing black magic.
This situation is not surprising; after two hundred years of the dominance of atheism, the awakening of the spirit began, as predicted in Agni Yoga. But, having no scientific basis and aimed at achieving selfish goals, esotericism does more harm than good. The most unfortunate thing is that the basis of the foundations of esotericism - Theosophy and Agni Yoga turned out to be in complete obscurity and neglect. Therefore, no one knows about the consequences of thoughtlessly touching the secrets of esoteric knowledge.
As clear example Here are some questions and topics that are discussed on these sites:

"Is it possible to place two or more desires on one I-magnet? Answer: magnet for money, car, house and others material assets- together. And the magnet for love is separate. Those. Magnet themes cannot be mixed. Thank you very much, then we’ll try to make two magnets: for excellent study and for material benefit."
"Out-of-body technique and astral flight."
“Who knows what meditations, please recommend? Answer: “through darkness you know God”, “you can’t build paradise without going through the underworld”; Oshov dynamic meditations; Feeling of unity with emptiness; According to the Kryon method - the state somehow lives with me constantly, even after driving a car, I just change the energy channels (filtration) depending on the result I want to get; while you are going to university; Five Tibetan rituals; I wonder at what age you can start meditation? - contact with darkness; Meditation according to the method of ancient shamans of Wu Chan Zhong; I’m currently doing “Planetary Yoga” - this is online meditation in real time. Moreover, based on their exercises, I began to feel the chakras and flows much more clearly; I chose a system of Knowledge such as Iissiidiology for the development of my Self-Awareness.”

This is only a small fraction of human madness. Of course, one could ignore it, but who, if not us, Agni Yogis, should help the “lonely orphan,” as Elena Petrovna called humanity. Distribute newspapers, give this reminder to people, advise them to visit our website, because as HPB wrote: " It is absolutely necessary to disabuse people before it is too late"But be prepared that you will be scolded, called names, called sectarians, ignoramuses in esotericism, etc.. This is the fate of all ascetics.

Most of those who touch practical esotericism have no idea about its nature and mix it with esoteric-occult sciences, including “black magic.” Their ideas about the powers acquired by people and the means used to obtain them are purely in the form of their fantasies and are far from the actual state of affairs. They imagine that it is enough to read about various esoteric practices and they can achieve whatever they want, which practical esotericism can be used anytime and for any purpose.
There is no doubt that many pretenders to the unlawful use of Esoteric Wisdom and Power will burst into indignation if the plain truth is told to them, but it is absolutely necessary to disabuse them before it is too late. This truth can be expressed in a few words: “Among the thousands of so-called “teachers and initiates” of esotericism in the West, there are not even half a dozen who have even an approximately correct idea of ​​the true nature of the science called “Esotericism.” With a few exceptions, all these "teachers and initiates" follow the beaten path of witchcraft."
Let those who have felt a craving for esotericism first restore at least some order in their minds and not rush to their destruction. Let them first understand the true position in which the esoteric practices offered by unscrupulous charlatans stand in relation to True Esotericism and the difference between them. Let them understand that esotericism differs from magic and witchcraft, like the shining sun from the dull soot of coals.

Therefore, this warning will be addressed to those who were attracted by esotericism for the sake of searching and knowing the Truth, but not for profit, who strive for improvement in the name of the Common Good.

There are basically four types of esotericism:

1) yajna-vidya, - knowledge of occult forces awakening in nature through the performance of certain religious ceremonies and rituals;
2) maha-vidya, - esotericism of Kabbalists;
3) guhya-vidya, - knowledge of the mystical powers contained in sound (ether), that is, mantras (monotonously chanted prayers or spells), and depending on the rhythm and melody used; in other words, esoteric action based on knowledge of the forces of nature and their relationships;
4) ATMA-VIDYA, a term that is translated simply as “spiritual knowledge” (true Wisdom among true Esotericists - Mahatmas), but meaning much more.

Namely, the last type is the only type of esotericism that everyone should strive for., who strives for spiritual knowledge, who is inspired by the “Light on the Path”, and wants to be wise and selflessly help people. All other types are a kind of offshoot from the “esoteric sciences,” that is, arts related to the sphere of material nature, no matter how invisible their essence may be.
The first three types of esotericism can be acquired and produce results, good, bad or neutral; but atma-vidya notes their small value. Atma-vidya itself includes the first three and can even sometimes use them, but only after they have been cleansed from impurities, pursuing good purposes and taking care to deprive them of any selfish motives.
Let us illustrate this with an example: any man or any woman can independently study one or all of the above-mentioned "esoteric arts" without any serious preliminary preparation, or even without adaptation to the excessive restrictions of their lifestyle, and even without a sufficiently high moral standard. But as a result, sooner or later they will all turn into the worst kind of sorcerers, uncontrollably rushing into black magic.
Precisely, voodoo and dugpa eat, drink and have fun in the labyrinths of madness of newly minted ignorant esotericists. Those who seek peace, tranquility and prosperity in esotericism will fall into the networks of voodoo and dugpa. They will never find peace again, neither day nor night, for their own selfish desires and constant dark whispers will feed a restlessness that they will no longer have the strength to overcome. Their hearts will be so filled with passions and selfish desires multiplied by the power of incoming psychic energy that it will no longer be possible to pass through the Golden Gate of Esotericism to the next stage of spiritual ascent. Sooner or later they will have to fall into witchcraft and black magic, become a slave to dugpa and voodoo, thereby accumulating terrible karma for themselves.
Thus, Western esoteric practices deserve censure, not glory gained through disgusting means. For, let us say again, hypnotism, vivisection, esotericism practiced in the West is pure veiled witchcraft, but devoid of the knowledge that voodoo and dugpa enjoy - it leads esoteric egoists into their clutches.
Having once made a mistake, people who have not outlived the self avoid realizing their mistake, thereby plunging more and more into the swamp. Their thinking falls under the influence of the astral regions of misunderstanding, where voodoo and dugpa dominate. And, although their primary intention was based on the implementation of white rather than black magic, the results of even involuntary, unconscious witchcraft cannot but produce bad karma. Enough has already been said to make it clear that witchcraft is any kind of evil or selfish influence exerted on other people, animals or nature. Such causes must produce effects, and they are clearly revealed in the just law of retribution.
Someone, despite all the warnings, will practice practical esotericism. But let them remember that whether they understand the nature of esotericism or not, whether they believe that the rules imposed on students are too harsh, and therefore it is supposedly possible to neglect atma-vidya or spiritual esotericism - their fate is very unenviable and sad - to turn into voodoo or dugpa in this life, to drag out a terrible and slavish existence for the next few rebirths, and ultimately the end of human evolution.

Much sad and terrible things can be avoided if people refrain from throwing themselves into activities the nature and meaning of which they do not understand.

Someone will ask: “What does it mean not to study esotericism? Isn’t there another, the right way?”

Of course there is.

To begin with, let a person not take on a burden that is too heavy for him to bear. Let him not strive to become a “mahatma” or a hierarch, a Buddha or a great saint, let him simply study philosophy, spiritual sciences: astrology, palmistry, esoteric physiology; develops and strengthens morality, psychic energy, straight-knowledge, spiritual understanding, but most importantly, let him work for the benefit of people, applying the knowledge acquired, and he can become one of the greatest benefactors of humanity, without possessing any superhuman powers.
Siddhis (or powers of arhats *) exist only for those who are able to lead a “hard life”, make the great self-sacrifice that such training requires, and obey without question. Let people know and always remember that true esotericism or theosophy is the “Great Self-Denial of SELF,” unconditional and absolute, in thought as well as in action. This is ALTRUISM, and it takes the practitioner beyond any categories and ranks among all living beings - “he lives not for himself, but for the world.”

So, the man decided to learn esoteric practice. What awaits him? From the moment of such a decision, he comes under the close supervision of the Higher Powers. Even if a person does not realize it, the tests have begun. Let the person write down this date, so that later he can summarize his achievements through the first three years, the second, the third, and the seven years.
Much is forgiven during the first years of testing. But the newcomer will not be "accepted" until his individuality has disappeared, and he must become a wholly beneficent force in Nature.
This is how, from year to year, without leaving life, in labor, in fulfilling one’s civic and family duty, studying the fundamentals of esotericism, applying the acquired knowledge for the Common Good, collaborating with the devotees of Light, one who has taken the path of esotericism will gradually approach his cherished dream- teaching practical esotericism. This preparatory period may take many years, but soon it will be at least several decades, or even several lifetimes. Everything depends on a person’s desire to overcome his selfishness. And then a person will hear the Voice of the Invisible Teacher calling to Shambhala. For only there can one comprehend atma-vidya, and nowhere else on the planet.
It should be firmly and clearly remembered that after this there will only be two poles of choice left for him, two paths, and there is no place to rest between them. He must either climb wearily, step by step, along the golden ladder leading to the state of a mahatma (arhat or bodhisattva), often through numerous rebirths, without hoping for devachanic rest, or he will fall from this ladder at the first false step and slide down to the state Dugpa....Are you ready for such a life? Are you ready to take risks? Does this goal appeal to you? Will you be able to overcome the incredible difficulties of the path?

The aspirant must make an unconditional choice between worldly life and life according to esotericism. It is useless to try to combine the two, for no one can serve two masters at the same time and please both. Is it possible for a person to enter the “open gate” of esotericism if his daily and hourly thoughts are connected with worldly things, desires for possession and power, lust, ambitions and duties, which, even if worthy of respect, are still the most mundane? ? Even love for wife and family - the purest, since the most disinterested of human attractions - is an obstacle to true esotericism. For, whether we take as an example the holy love of a mother for her child, or a husband for his wife, even in these feelings, if we analyze them to the very origins, then in the first case there will still be selfishness, and in the second - mutual selfishness. What mother would not, without a moment's hesitation, sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives for the life of her child? And what loving person or would a faithful husband not destroy the happiness of every other man or woman around him in order to satisfy the desire of the one he loves?
Anyone who would benefit from the wisdom of the universal mind must achieve this through the whole of humanity, without differences of race, temperament, religion or social status. It is altruism, and not egoism, even in its most legitimate and noble manifestation, that can lead a person to merge his small ego with the Universal Entities. It is to these needs and to this work that the faithful student of true esotericism must devote himself if he wants to acquire theosophy, that is, divine Wisdom and Knowledge.
He who indulges in the pleasures of earthly love or lust after he has devoted himself to ESOTERISM must soon feel what the result is: he will be irresistibly thrown out of the impersonal divine state into the lower material plane. Sensual or even mental self-gratification involves the immediate loss of the powers of spiritual insight - the Master's voice can no longer be different from the voice of his passions or even the passions of the Dugpas; true - from false, healthy morality - from simple casuistry.

There are “born magicians,” mystics and esotericists from the moment of birth and by right of direct inheritance of this ability, associated with a series of reincarnations and eons of suffering and failure. They can be said to be “resistant” to passions. No sparks of earthly origin can fan the flames in their feelings and desires, no human voice will find no answer in their souls, except for the great cry of humanity. Only they can be guaranteed success. Such people are not easy to meet, for they pass through the narrow gates of esotericism, since they do not carry with them the personal baggage of human transient feelings. They are freed from the sense of the lower personality and the “astral” animal being, and a golden, albeit narrow gate is open to them.

But this is not the case with those who must carry, for many more reincarnations, the burden of sins committed in past lives and in their present existence. For for such people, even if they act with great diligence, the golden gate of Wisdom can turn into a wide gate and a wide path, “which leads to destruction,” and “many will be those who will enter into it.” This is the gateway of esoteric arts practiced for egoistic reasons and in the absence of the limiting and beneficial influence of ATMA-VIDYA.

We are in Kali-yuga, and its fatal influence is a thousand times stronger in the West than in the East; hence the easy prey achieved by the Forces of the Age of Darkness in this cyclical struggle, and the many illusions over which the world is struggling in our time. One of these is the relative ease with which people seem to be able to enter the "Gate" and cross the threshold of esotericism without any great sacrifice. This is the dream of most egoistic philistines, inspired by the desire to achieve Power and personal well-being through esotericism. But that is not why esotericism exists.
Let them stop here and make no more attempts because of their moral and spiritual weakness. For if, with their backs turned to the narrow gate, they are drawn by the desire for the practical esoteric, - to the wider and hospitable Gate of that golden mystery that flickers in the light of illusion - woe to them! This will only lead to a state of dugpa, and one can be sure that very soon they will find themselves on the fatal road to Hell.

*Siddhis (or powers of arhats) - clairvoyance, clairaudience, selection and flight of the subtle body, telekinesis.
* Dugpa is the demon of evil.
*Voodoo is a dark sorcerer.

Magic is like God. Everyone knows about her, but no one sees her. But those who saw it will never again wonder if it really exists...

Esotericism is a special practice that allows you to understand your own spiritual path. Millions of people are addicted to it. They claim that self-knowledge and meaning own life helps you completely change for the better.

The name of the practice - “esotericism” - appeared in the Hellenic era, that is, in the 4th-3rd centuries BC. Then the term denoted a complex of secret knowledge available only to a select few. The word itself was first mentioned by Pythagoras in his writings. Literally translated, esotericism means “ inner world, territory". Therefore, esoteric knowledge and techniques are those that help to understand one’s purpose, the role of the Universe in human life and vice versa, human life for the benefit of the whole world.

Even the Pithecanthropes, distant ancestors, had knowledge of what esotericism is. modern man. This knowledge, as a rule, was not written down, but was transmitted verbally, and then only to those people who went through multi-level periods of consciousness preparation. Surprisingly, there was not a single people on Earth who did not have their own esoteric knowledge.

Esoteric teachings of the peoples of the world

Secret teachings still exist today. For example, no one except some Tibetan monks has access to sacred books, which, according to some information, contain centuries-old secrets of humanity: about Heaven and Hell, life after death, Higher powers, about the destiny of man and even about the end of the world. There were many attempts to steal the records; the monks themselves were repeatedly offered fabulous riches just for the right to see these books. But still, it is not in vain that only selected monks are trusted to keep secrets, because not one of them has yet allowed an outsider to know what was not given to him.

Jewish flounder, the mysteries of Ancient Greece, the teachings of the Masons, anthroposophists, theosophists, and Gnostic teachings are also considered secret teachings.

Esoteric knowledge also includes:

  1. Palmistry And chirology- techniques for determining the character and fate of a person by the shape of the hand and fingers, the lines of the palm and its individual sections.
  2. Numerology- the science that studies numbers. Numerologists believe that the date, month, year, and even the exact time of a person’s birth down to the second influence his future destiny. A large number of people from the East are interested in numerology. Often, couples planning the birth of a baby turn to a numerologist to calculate the most favorable time for conception and birth.
  3. Physiognomy- the science that studies appearance a person, his body structure, facial features and their correspondence with personal qualities.
  4. Astrology- one of the earliest esoteric teachings. Its veracity was even confirmed modern science. People talk about successful person they say he was born under a lucky star. Indeed, astrology confirms that a person’s patron planet greatly influences his character traits and future life.

Mysterious teachings also include ceremonial magic, divination on Tarot cards, yoga, cabala, clairvoyance, qigong, cosmoenergetics, runes, I-Ching, Feng Shui, Thai massage, channeling, Vedic knowledge and many others.

Almost all of these systems of secret knowledge are rejected by official science (except for astrology), but are of great interest to ordinary people.

How esotericism helps a person change his life

A narrower definition of esotericism is the doctrine of human nature. To feel confident and live happy life, a person needs to develop his hidden abilities. And esotericism offers a huge selection of methods for development, because its goal is a fully conscious and desired change in the entire human personality. In general, intentions, thoughts and desires are something to which the keepers of esoteric knowledge attach considerable importance, because they believe that every desire will sooner or later materialize, every thought will someday manifest itself in real life.

Very often, esoteric practices and methods defy rational explanation and understanding, but those who have been involved with them claim that they really exist and work, regardless of our belief in them. Esotericism cannot be understood by the brain. It can only be felt. And then the person moves on to more high level spirituality, he sees his enormous potential, understands his purpose. He no longer needs to be guided by rational arguments, logic, or evaluate what is happening. The person seems to be detached from material world, becomes a cell of the Universe, feels its merging with it. After esoteric rituals, he feels filled with energy and vitality. Often, after meditation or other techniques, a person discovers amazing talents in himself.

What to remember before starting esoteric practices

A lot of people begin to get involved in esotericism, but in the course of studying it it may turn out that a person is not at all prepared to perceive knowledge. He is interested, for example, in how to tell fortunes with coffee grounds, but does not have enough knowledge to decipher the symbols. Therefore, the main rule is that you need to choose a spiritual mentor for yourself. It’s better, of course, if he lives in real time and agreed to help you on the path to self-knowledge. If you decide, for example, to become a follower of Osho, then you must understand that this spiritual mentor does not deny, but does not recognize any Gods, so you will have to renounce your faith.

To begin with, it is advisable to re-read all the available information about the esoteric practice you like, because it is likely that you may be completely unprepared to accept some of its principles. Remember that any esoteric practice is a kind of magic, both white and black. And the infatuation of an unprepared person with it can cause him great harm. Esoteric techniques will help you understand how to become happy, how to live in harmony and love, how to attract people to you, how to learn to control dreams. The main thing is to feel that you really need these practices, to make sure whether you are ready to become one of those to whom the secrets of the world are revealed.

Live forever and learn!

We communicate with many people every day, and there are always those who are angry or negative, not to mention energy vampires.

What to do in such a situation so as not to get hurt? How to neutralize the negativity coming from a person? Can you appease an aggressive boss or husband, or can you somehow protect yourself from him? The most common thing that can be applied in this case, it seems to us, is to send “Love” to the person.

But what happens when we send a positive message to a perfect negative there (a highly charged negative potential), that is, we want to influence evil, turning it into good?

In this case, the reaction of the “recipient” will depend on the magnitude of his opposition, namely, how much is he in the minus and how far from “Love” or a balanced state?

If it does not have such a large gap in energy potential, then with your message-desire you will neutralize it, as if convincing you that you are right.

If it is deeply negative and consists of obvious opposition to your desire, then, most likely, an explosion will occur. This can be both emotional and can materialize in physical manifestations (breaking dishes, etc.).

A disaster may occur if this is in clear contradiction with the natural or physical characteristics of the object. After all, when we send Love, we actually add “fire” to his fire of indignation. High energy will only make him angry and fan his flames of anger even more.

What should I do?

And here it depends on what you want: to protect yourself from aggression or to “calm down” the raging one?

You, of course, can mentally pour a bucket or barrel of water on him to extinguish his fire, but this will not be environmentally friendly on your part, since you will perform this energetic impact against his will, and in the Universe no one has the right to encroach on someone else’s will. . By doing this you will violate the Law of the Universe, which may later be fraught with danger for you. Roughly speaking, you may be held accountable for such arbitrariness, especially if you use it often.

If you start regularly sending and bathing him in Love to a person who is always angry, somewhere even existing on animal instincts, then, if this is your alcoholic husband, he will run away from you in an unknown direction. You will knock it down or blow it away from your reality, since the energy of Love has a high vibration frequency, which is clearly opposed to its essence, its life-sustaining frequency.

And if for some reason he cannot escape from you (there is nowhere to run or he is afraid), then he, as they say, will get sick, and his energy body and all subtle bodies will burn out. Your love will truly burn him to ashes.

I know a case when the owner of an atelier, who was engaged in spiritual practices, began to send Love to her workers from the breadth of her Soul, and one morning they all flatly refused to work with her and placed their resignation letters on her desk.

It turned out that, acting for the good, according to her understanding, she “scorched” the energy fields of her workers with high-frequency energy. At some point, it became uncomfortable for them to be in the same energy-informational field with her, and they could not stand such an aggressive environment for themselves.

What does this mean? About the fact that everything needs moderation!

How does a positive person react to negativity?

I can say exactly the opposite about myself: in the field negative person or a low-frequency person - a drinker, an envious person, etc., I become uncomfortable and I stop communicating. Especially if it’s a remote conversation - on the phone or on Skype, I immediately hang up. My energy fields cannot withstand low vibration, and my resistance exceeds the rules of decency at the moment. Although, as I believe, these rules of behavior should not apply to a person who decided to speak out and pour out all his problems and all his accumulated negativity on you, despite your comments, since he violated your biological boundaries and thereby already expressed his your disrespect.

But in life there are also face-to-face conversations in the same vein, and in this case there are energy protection techniques. And only you can decide whether to communicate with such a person or not, since with each such meeting he will encroach on your integrity, and at the same time, even if you own and use defense techniques, you will still be in stressful situation. The choice in this case is yours. The only exception can be made for close relatives (husband, children), from whom, as they say, you cannot isolate yourself or refuse. In this case, you need an energy protection technique that is effective for you personally.

I will describe some of them, the most acceptable for the average person, in more detail.

* Light. Mentally imagine yourself in a stream of Light. Imagine that from the Creator through the top of your head your body is filled with bright white Light. Fill your physical body and all subtle bodies with this flow. Then condense this energy, forming a protective cocoon of White Light around yourself. Stay in this cocoon throughout the entire conversation or conflict, and no arrow from your “well-wisher” will hit you.

* Shielding. Surround yourself with a reflective screen. It could be a mirror directed outwards; or any other reflective surface in which the one from whom you are defending yourself sees himself, and the arrows of his indignation or his envy are returned back to him by a rebound.

* Dome. You can imagine yourself under an impenetrable energy dome, inside of which you feel completely protected.

I will not be original if I recommend that you do not get involved in negotiations with him or get involved in his problems. If you are dealing with an energy vampire whose goal is to profit from your energy, then he will very soon leave you behind, as he will feel that you have closed yourself off. At the same time, he will quickly lose interest in you and immediately leave as if nothing had happened.

In fact, everyone can come up with an energy protection technique for themselves: one that will be more acceptable to them, according to their imagination, and the image of which will be easy for them to hold throughout the entire conversation or conflict.