Fet is still in the spring mood of the lyrical hero. "Poem A

More fragrant spring bliss
She didn’t have time to come down to us,
The ravines are still full of snow,
Even before dawn the cart rattles
On a frozen path.

The sun barely warms at noon,
The linden tree turns red in height,
Through, the birch tree turns a little yellow,
And the nightingale does not yet dare
Sing in a currant bush.

But the news of rebirth is alive
Already there are in the passing cranes,
And, following them with my eyes,
The beauty of the steppe is standing
With a bluish blush on her cheeks.

Analysis of Fet’s poem “Still fragrant bliss of spring...”

From his student days until his death, Fet had three unconditional values: love, nature and poetry. It was these themes that he considered possible to reveal in lyrics. An unspoken taboo was imposed on all other motives. Descriptions of nature by Afanasy Afanasievich are an image of the moment through the prism of personal perception. For Fet, it was extremely important to capture the fleeting change. In his poems the reader is offered not just autumn, summer, spring, winter landscapes. The poet sought to talk about shorter periods of seasons, transition states nature. This can be seen in the work “Still fragrant bliss of spring...”, first published in 1854 in the Sovremennik magazine. It captures the moment when spring has not yet fully come into its own, but the feeling of its imminent arrival has already permeated everything around. Moreover, there are no significant changes in nature yet: frozen roads, unmelted snow, bare trees. Nevertheless, on an intuitive level, a person feels the upcoming onset of spring, rejoices at it, and a bright mood reigns in his soul.

Essentially, Fet describes late winter. At the same time, he adds bright spring colors to the landscape: the birch tree turns yellow, the linden tree turns red. A nightingale singing in a currant bush, the sun still warming only at noon are the first signs of the approach of warm days, the coming renewal of nature. The image of spring appears from the denial of its arrival and is summarized in the final five-line, beginning with the words: “But there is already a living message of rebirth...”. In Fet's landscape lyrics, things that are not very poetic become the subject of art. For example, the bluish blush on the cheeks of the steppe beauty and the currant bush mentioned above. With the help of these precise details, Afanasy Afanasievich makes it clear to readers that before them is not some abstract spring, but spring in Russia.

For landscape lyrics Feta the image of dawn is important. It symbolizes the fire generated by the sun. At the start of the day, the colors of nature are distinguished by clarity and purity, the rays of the sun bestow tenderness on the earth. In the glow of dawn there is a mysterious world that helps inspiration emerge. Its connection with spring is inextricable. This time of year for the earth is like the dawn for the coming day. As for creative people, spring gives them the opportunity to touch beauty with their hearts and experience the delight of widespread renewal and rebirth.


A. A. Fet is deservedly and widely known as a subtle lyricist, a sensitive artist, who created bright, unforgettable pictures of nature, reflecting the most difficult experiences human soul. Feta the lyricist was not interested in the social and political problems of our time, for which he, as a representative of “pure art,” was condemned and ridiculed by revolutionary democratic literary figures. The main themes for the poet were “eternal” themes: nature, love, beauty. His poems are musical, his images excite with sounds, smells, they are almost tangible, visible, like beautiful bright moments of life. Fet’s nature is spiritual and harmonious to the human soul, it is interconnected with mood and attitude lyrical hero. As Af himself wrote. Fet in the preface to the third edition of the poems “Evening Lights”, he would like to find in poetry “a refuge from all everyday sorrows,” and such a refuge becomes for him, first of all, nature, its elusive world, permeated with the thought of beauty and eternity.

The poem “Still fragrant bliss of spring...” was written in 1854 by an already famous poet, a recognized master of landscape lyricism. The author paints a picture of just emerging spring, or rather, a foretaste of it:

More fragrant spring bliss

She didn’t have time to come down to us,

The ravines are still full of snow,

Even before dawn the cart rattles

On a frozen path.

The poem is small in volume - it has only three five-line stanzas. Two of them compositionally continue each other, emphasizing the winter signs of the surrounding landscape. The sun warms “barely at noon”, the trees are still transparent and bare, “and the nightingale does not yet dare to occupy the currant bush” - its time has not yet come. But the third stanza is the antithesis of the previous two, and this is the main thing the thought of a poet who subtly senses the coming awakening of nature:

But the news of rebirth is alive

Already there are in the passing cranes,

And, following them with my eyes,

The beauty of the steppe is standing

With a bluish blush on the cheeks

The feeling of the revival of nature is in the air, it is transmitted to man and projected by the author directly onto man - a steppe beauty who feels the cold, but dreamily awaits spring, as all nature awaits it. This sketch of a living picture conveys one elusive moment, using the author's artistic means creating a vivid emotional impression. As always with the author, epithets serve this purpose (“fragrant spring”, “frozen path”, “passing cranes”). A major role in this case is played by syntactic parallelism, subordinated, as already mentioned, to the compositional design of the mood of the work. In the first two stanzas these are repetitions like individual words(“more”), and the syntactic model chosen by the author. The third stanza, like an antithesis, begins with the conjunction “but” and is expressive means transfer of the author's idea, subordinate to a common goal. Creating an intensely emotional picture of nature, conveying the subtle, almost elusive feeling of the lyrical hero, his joy, trembling novelty of sensation - these are the features that distinguish Fet’s landscape lyrics and give him the right to be called a subtle artist of nature, an inspired master of poetic creativity.

In the poem by A.A. Fet recreated the picture of the beginning of spring. It has not yet come into its own, but the poet sees signs of it in the nature around him. The unity of command helps create this picture; three of the five lines of the first stanza begin with the word “yet” and describe the signs of winter around the poet.

The signs of winter are conveyed through the epithets “frozen path” used by the author; the metaphor used by the author is interesting, conveying the picture winter morning(“the cart rattles at dawn”). Syntactic parallelism helps convey a sense of expectation and create the necessary emotional picture.

But spring is getting closer. In the second verse, the image of the warming sun appears. Let it come into its own “barely at noon”, and the nightingale does not dare to sing in the “currant bush”, but the author feels the growing changes with his gut.

The last stanza is the antithesis of the first two. The lyrical hero experiences a feeling of jubilation when he sees and hears the cranes returning home. For him, they became heralds of the revival of nature (“living news”), its awakening to spring. His feelings are merged with the feelings of nature, awaiting awakening, and that is why the “beauty of the steppe” stands with tears in her eyes, tears of joy and relief that soon the whole world will awaken to a new life.

Poetic devices: inversion, epithets, metaphors, antithesis, anaphora.

Despite the fact that the poem belongs to landscape lyricism, every word is imbued with the feelings of the lyrical hero, and it is for this quality that A.A. Fet was recognized as a sensual artist of nature.

Option 2

When you read Fet's poems, you often get the feeling that he lived somewhere in another world. Or maybe in the 19th century the world really was different, joyful and carefree? It seems as if Fet did not feel suffering or worries and therefore wrote only about birds and flowers.

In fact, the world, of course, was not different to a significant extent, and Fet himself probably had life difficulties and unrest. It is even possible to believe that the poet not only had some difficulties, but also felt the suffering and troubles of this world more sensitively and vividly than most people.

That is why he chose sublime themes for his own lyrics and wrote mostly about nature and love. Beauty in all aspects was the main character of his lyrics. As he postulated in another of his works, “and you seek in vain to find its beginning,” we're talking about about beauty that is not possible to fully study and comprehend.

Nevertheless, the poet considered it necessary to write specifically about beauty. To influence the world with beauty, to express the highest ideals and feelings through your works. He also associated with these concepts own ideas transformation of the world and man, as well as understanding the role of man in this world.

“Still fragrant spring bliss...” is a poem that belongs to landscape lyrics and was written at the beginning of the second half of the 19th century. Here we consider the period when the arrival of spring is just felt. Almost everyone has felt this feeling and it is truly amazing, it deserves to be expressed on paper, it deserves to be reflected in poetry.

Outwardly, spring is distant; it exists only in its own potency. For example, the roads are frozen, the trees are bare. However, the mood, despite all these circumstances, is joyful, as there is an understanding of the approach of spring.

In order to emphasize the process of transition, Fet uses some details that seem to hint: a blushing linden tree, a yellowing birch tree. Warm days are just approaching, but during the day there is some warmth that can be felt. All these details are summarized in the final part and formulated in the line: “But there is already a living message of revival...”.

Also in the final poem, it should be noted the image of a steppe beauty, which can be interpreted both as a metaphor and as a young maiden, who also personifies the beginning of spring. The poet clearly highlights the “blue blush” on the cheeks, which speaks of coldness, but is also a sign of vitality and activity. Over time, the truly winter days will recede and we will see spring, the signs of which are just beginning to appear in nature.

Analysis 3

For Afanasy Fet, throughout his life there were three constant values, about which he wrote poetic lines and dedicated works. He imposes a taboo on all other topics and motives; social and political issues are not discussed in his works. Most of the lyrics are occupied by a description of nature, which the poet passes through the prism of his perception. Fet tries to record every even fleeting change that affects his soul.

The poem “Still fragrant bliss of spring...”, which was published by the author in 1854, is one of those where the author describes the fleeting period of one of the seasons and the state of nature at the moment. The author describes a period of time when nature is changing and spring should soon come into its own. But at the same time, the lyrical hero is overwhelmed by the feeling that all the snow will soon melt and the flowers will begin to bloom. He hopes that similar changes will affect his soul, which will be able to start all over again and allow it to blossom.

Late winter lends itself to description, while bright colors are visible in the landscape, you can see how the birch tree turns yellow, and the linden tree gains red color. A nightingale sings in a currant bush, and the sun is already starting to warm at noon. All this portends that the warm season will soon come, and nature will renew itself again.

The author creates an image of spring, denying its arrival as a whole. For Afanasy Fet, various little things become the subject of art, for example, the blush on a girl’s cheeks or the same currant bush. Thanks to the little things described, the reader understands that this work describes spring in Russia, and not in any other place.

In landscape lyrics, the poet often uses the image of dawn. To him, she is like fire, which can only be generated by the sun. As soon as the day begins, the dawn is endowed with clarity and purity, and the rays fall on the earth with special tenderness. The whole world at dawn looks like a completely different phenomenon; it helps inspiration to be born, so dawn is inextricably linked with the arrival of spring.

For the poet, spring is like the dawn, the beginning of a new day, the beginning of everything new. He is in anticipation of something new, the beginning of feelings and experiences that will bring him inspiration and new vitality. He rejoices at the arrival of spring, which comes every year and gives strength to live.

Analysis of the poem More fragrant spring bliss according to plan

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The poem “Still fragrant bliss of spring...” was written by the famous Russian poet Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet in 1854. A few months after its creation, it was first published in the Sovremennik magazine, along with a number of other poems by the poet. At the time of writing the work, the name of A. A. Fet was already widely known, the poet became close to the literary circle of the Sovremennik magazine, which included such recognized masters of words as I. Turgenev and N. Nekrasov. Despite Fet's friendship with other poets, their influence on his poetry was minimal: A. A. Fet was an innovator in the field of verse and followed his own unique style.

The poems of A. A. Fet are considered the pinnacle of Russian landscape lyrics, to this literary direction also belongs to the work “Another fragrant bliss of spring...”. When creating the poem, the poet turned to one of his favorite lyrical genres: elegies. Creative works This style is distinguished by a slight sadness that permeates the author’s lines. The melancholy, thoughtful mood of the poem creates a feeling of observing the world around us. In the last lines of the work, the lyrical hero’s spiritual uplift occurs; his inspiration is noticeable due to the appearance of the first signals of the coming spring.

The elegy “Still fragrant spring bliss...” is dedicated to nature theme, like most of the works of A. A. Fet. In the poet’s work, love for landscapes is closely intertwined with love for his native land, but at the same time there are no motives in the poem civil lyrics. The central place is occupied by the worldview of the lyrical hero, observing nature filled with spirituality.

The work consists of three stanzas, each of which consists of five lines. The first two stanzas logically unite each other and are built into a single composition. In them the poet describes the winter landscape with its signs: "The ravines are full of snow", “only at noon the sun warms”. The third stanza was created using the technique of opposition; notes of spring nature appear in it: "passing cranes", "news of rebirth".

Plot The poem is a series of picturesque paintings that replace each other. The author seems to be painting two landscapes: the first of them still has snow, and the sun begins to warm only at noon. The lyrical hero observes winter, in which there is still no hint of spring metamorphosis; but he anticipates them, this is indicated by the constantly repeated word “more.” Fet understands that winter will not last forever, and spring is about to come. The second landscape, painted by the author, also depicts winter, but the man is "beauty of the steppes"- is already experiencing the feeling of the arrival of spring, which is in the air along with the passing cranes. In a short sketch, the poet manages to show the relationship between man and nature, a synthesis of feelings that is familiar to everyone who has observed changes in the world around them.

The lines of the poem are written in tetrameter and pentameter iambic.

The poem “Even more fragrant spring bliss...” is distinguished by a variety of paths, which create a uniquely beautiful landscape of awakening nature. Among them are such means artistic expression as numerous epithets ("beauty of the steppes", "frozen path", "fragrant spring"), metaphor ("rebirth is a living message"), antithesis(third stanza against the backdrop of the first two), personifications (“the sun is warming”, “the linden tree is turning red”, “the birch tree is turning yellow”), syntactic parallelism using lexical repetition ( "more"). The last stylistic figure is actively used by the author in order to emphasize the mood of anticipation of changes in nature. The onset of spring cannot happen suddenly; all changes are gradual, smooth, and the poet talks about them as if moment by moment. At the same time, the transience of the moment is also noted, this is manifested in the rapid change in the nature of the poem in the final stanza.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a genius of landscape poetry. His extraordinarily beautiful and thoughtful poem “Still fragrant spring bliss...” is filled with an amazing love for nature, which has so many faces.

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The poem “Still fragrant bliss of spring” written by Afanasy Fet clearly demonstrates what a master of words he was. Brief Analysis“More fragrant bliss of spring,” according to the plan, can be used in a literature lesson in the 6th grade to help students better understand its meaning.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- the work was written in 1854 and in the same year, only a few months later, it already appeared on the pages of Sovremennik.

Theme of the poem– nature is anticipating spring.

Composition- The poem consists of two parts. In the first, Fet describes nature, which has not yet awakened from winter sleep, and in the second he concludes that, despite this, spring is already close.

Genre- elegy.

Poetic size- iambic

Epithets“fragrant spring”, “living news”, “flying cranes”, “blue blush”, “steppe beauty”.

Metaphors“at dawn the cart rattles,” “the bliss did not have time to descend,” “the nightingale does not dare to sing”.

Personifications– “the sun is warming”, “the linden tree is turning red”, “the birch tree is turning yellow“.

History of creation

Nature has always been an absolute value for Afanasy Fet - this is one of the main themes of his lyrics. He considered it extremely important to record even fleeting changes in it - and one of such changes is described in the poem “Even more fragrant bliss of spring.”

At the time of writing this poem, the poet was close to the literary circle of Sovremennik. This magazine published it in 1854, just a few months after it was written.


The poem is dedicated to nature, which is in a borderline state between winter and spring. The cold has not yet left the earth, but some small signs tell observant people that warm days will soon come.

The lyrical hero, observing nature, finds spirituality in it, which is expressed in the poem.


The work consists of three five-stanza lines. The first two make up the first part of the work; they are united by one theme - a description of the winter landscape. At the same time, the author focuses on the word “yet,” showing that this is a temporary state of nature and at the same time hinting at the second, final part.

It is based on opposition: if the first two show winter, then in the third Fet gives the opportunity to reveal notes of spring nature, such as cranes flying from the south.

At the same time, the plot of the poem is a succession of pictures, full of natural beauty, and it seems that the author has combined two into one: the first is winter, in which not a hint of the metamorphoses that manifest themselves in spring is felt. There is only anticipation of the lyrical hero. Fet shows that winter is not eternal, moreover, spring will replace it very soon.

In the second part, the plot develops in such a way that a person appears in it - a woman observing natural phenomena. She sees cranes flying and realizes that spring is coming.

Thus, the composition is structured in such a way as to show the synthesis of nature and man, their kinship and closeness, based on many years of observation.


The poem is written in the genre of elegy, which Afanasy Fet loved very much. This is a wonderful example of landscape lyricism, written with a light, bright sadness. Observing natural changes, the lyrical hero is somewhat melancholic; he reflects on the world around him, as if immersing himself in it.

Means of expression

The poet uses familiar tropes to describe natural phenomena:

  • Epithets- “fragrant spring”, “living news”, “flying cranes”, “blue blush”, “steppe beauty”.
  • Metaphors- “the cart rattles at dawn,” “the bliss did not have time to descend,” “the nightingale does not dare to sing.”
  • Personifications- “the sun is warming”, “the linden tree is turning red”, “the birch tree is turning yellow”.

Added to them lexical repetition“else”, which creates syntactic parallelism and is used to emphasize main idea works: anticipating changes in nature, a person knows that they are gradual, they cannot happen instantly.

Poem test

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