Philosophical foundations of synergetics. Synergetics as a new worldview: dialogue with and



(from Greek synergeia - cooperation, assistance, complicity) - interdisciplinary direction scientific research, within the framework of which the general processes of transition from chaos to order and back (processes of self-organization and spontaneous disorganization) in open nonlinear systems of physical, chemical, biological, ecological, social and other nature are studied. The term "S." was introduced in 1969 by G. Haken. S. as a scientific direction is close to a number of other directions, such as nonlinear theory, the theory of complex adaptive systems, the theory of dissipative structures (I. Prigogine), the theory of deterministic chaos, or fractal geometry (B. Mandelbrot), the theory of autopoiesis (X. Maturana and F. Varela), the theory of self-organized criticality (P. Buck), the theory of non-stationary structures in regimes with exacerbation (A.A. Samarsky, S.P. Kurdyumov). The term "S." sometimes used as a generalization of scientific directions within which the processes of self-organization and evolution, the ordered behavior of complex nonlinear systems are studied. S. can be considered as modern stage development of ideas of cybernetics (N. Wiener, W.R. Ashby) and system analysis, incl. construction of a general theory of systems (L. von Bertalanffy).
The essence of S.'s approach is that complex systems consisting of a large number of elements that are in complex interactions with each other and have a huge number of degrees of freedom can be described by a small number of significant types of motion (order parameters), and all other types of motion turn out to be “subordinate” (subordination) and can be quite accurately expressed through order parameters. Therefore, complex systems can be described using a hierarchy of simplified models, including a small number of the most significant degrees of freedom.
In closed, isolated and close to equilibrium systems, the ongoing processes, according to the second law of thermodynamics, tend to thermal chaos, i.e. to the state with the highest entropy. In open systems that are far from states of thermodynamic equilibrium, ordered spatiotemporal structures can arise, i.e. processes of self-organization take place. Attractor structures show where processes evolve in open and nonlinear systems. For any complex system, like , there is a certain set of possible forms of organization, a discrete spectrum of structures-attractors of evolution. The critical instability, when the complex carries out further evolutionary paths, is called the bifurcation point. Near this point, the role of minor random disturbances, or fluctuations, sharply increases, which can lead to the emergence of a new macroscopic structure. Self-organization structures that have the property of self-similarity, or scale invariance, are called fractal structures. As an interdisciplinary area of ​​research, sociology entails deep ideological consequences. A qualitatively different science emerges, different from classical science. A new one is being formed, the entire conceptual grid of thinking is changing. There is a transition from categories of being to co-existence, event; from existence to formation, coexistence in complex evolving structures of old and new; from ideas about stability and sustainable development to ideas about instability and metastability, protected and self-sustaining development (sustainable development); from images of order to images of chaos generating new ordered structures; from self-sustaining systems to rapid evolution through nonlinear positive feedback; from evolution to coevolution, interconnected evolution complex systems; from independence and isolation to connectedness, coherence of the autonomous; from dimension to proportionality, fractal self-similarity of formations and structures of the world. In the new synergetic picture of the world, the emphasis falls on co-evolution, cooperation of the elements of the world, non-linearity and (various future options), the increasing complexity of formations and their associations into evolving wholes. S. adds a new dimension to the discussion of traditional philosophies. problems of randomness and determinism, chaos and order, openness and purpose of evolution, potential (unmanifested) and actual (manifested), part and whole.

Philosophy: Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Gardariki. Edited by A.A. Ivina. 2004 .


SYNERGETICS is an interdisciplinary area of ​​scientific research that emerged in the early 70s. and setting as its main task the general laws and principles underlying the processes of self-organization in the systems itself of different nature: physical, chemical, biological, technical, economic, social. Self-organization in synergetics refers to the processes of the emergence of macroscopically ordered space-time structures in complex nonlinear systems that are in states far from equilibrium, near special critical points - bifurcation points, in the vicinity of which the behavior of the system becomes unstable. The latter means that at these points the system, under the influence of the most insignificant influences, or fluctuations, can sharply change its . This transition is often characterized as the emergence of order from chaos. At the same time, the concept of chaos is being rethought, dynamic (or deterministic) chaos is being introduced as a kind of super-complex ordering that exists implicitly, potentially, and can manifest itself in a huge variety of ordered structures.

Synergetics presupposes a qualitatively different picture of the world not only in comparison with the one that underlay classical science, but also the one that is commonly called the quantum-relativistic picture of non-classical natural science of the first half of the 20th century. There is a rejection of the image of the world as built from elementary particles- bricks of matter - in favor of a picture of the world as a set of nonlinear processes. Synergetics is internally pluralistic, just as the integral world that it presupposes is pluralistic. It includes a variety of approaches and formulations. The most famous of them is the theory of dissipative structures, associated with the name of I. Prigogine, and the German physicist G. Haken, from which the very name “synergetics” comes. In Prigogine’s formulation, the formation of synergetics is considered in the general context of what began in the second half of the 20th century. a process of fundamental revision of views on science and science. The sui" of this process is the "revival of time" in modern natural science and the beginning of a “new dialogue between man and nature.”

Lit.: Haken G. Synergetics. M., 1980; Prigozhy I, From the existing to the emerging: time and complexity in the physical sciences. M., 1985; Prigogine I., Stengers I. Order out of chaos. New man with nature. M., 1986; ArshichovV. I. Synergetics as a post-non-classical science. M-, 1999; Haken H. Principles of Brain Functioning. Cinergetic Approuch to Brain Activity, Behavior and Cognition. V., 1996.

V. I. Arshinov

New Philosophical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stepin. 2001 .


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Ilya Romanovich Prigozhin

Prigogine, Ilya Romanovich (1917-2005) - Belgian physicist and philosopher of Russian origin. Laureate Nobel Prize in chemistry (1977). Founder of the Brussels School of Statistical Mechanics and Physical Chemistry. Professor at the Free University of Brussels. Director of the Center for Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics at the University of Texas. Member of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts. Foreign member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1982). Prigogine is the author of a number of original concepts in the philosophy of science, as well as one of the founders of the new scientific direction- a system of worldview, designated as synergetics. According to the approach initiated by the research of Prigogine and his school, synergetics can be interpreted as a modern theory of self-organization, a new worldview associated with the study of the phenomena of self-organization, nonlinearity, nonequilibrium, global evolution, the study of the processes of formation of “order through chaos” (Prigogine), bifurcation changes, irreversibility time, instability as a fundamental characteristic of evolutionary processes. The problem field of synergetics, according to Prigogine, is centered around the concept of “complexity”, focusing on understanding the nature, principles of organization and evolution of the latter. Complexity is interpreted as “the occurrence of bifurcation transitions away from equilibrium and in the presence of suitable nonlinearities, the breaking of symmetry above the bifurcation point, and the formation and maintenance of macroscopic-scale correlations.” Synergetics as a worldview overcomes traditionalist ideas: about microfluctuations and accidents as insignificant factors for design scientific theories; about the impossibility of a significant impact of individual effort on the course of macrosocial processes; about the need to eliminate disequilibrium, the instability of their worldviews that are adequate to the true state of affairs; about development as, in fact, a non-alternative progressive process; on the proportionality and comparability of the volumes of external control influences applied to the system with the volume of the expected result; about the exponential nature of the development of “avalanche-like” processes, etc.

Philosophical Dictionary / author's comp. S. Ya. Podoprigora, A. S. Podoprigora. - Ed. 2nd, erased - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2013, pp. 350-351.

Other biographical materials:

Gritsanov A.A., Mezyanaya K.N. Belgian physicist and philosopher of Russian origin ( The latest philosophical dictionary. Comp. Gritsanov A.A. Minsk, 1998).

Arshinov V.I. Belgian physical chemist ( New philosophical encyclopedia. In four volumes. / Institute of Philosophy RAS. Scientific ed. advice: V.S. Stepin, A.A. Guseinov, G.Yu. Semigin. M., Mysl, 2010).

Author of works on philosophical and methodological problems of science ( Modern Western philosophy. Encyclopedic Dictionary / Under. ed. O. Heffe, V.S. Malakhova, V.P. Filatov, with the participation of T.A. Dmitrieva. M., 2009).

Read further:

Philosophers, lovers of wisdom (biographical index).


From existing to emerging. Time and complexity in the physical sciences. M., 1985;

(together with I. Stengers) Order from chaos. A new dialogue between man and nature. M., 1986;

(together with I. Stengers) Time, chaos, quantum. M., 1994.


The concept of self-organization in historical perspective. M., 1994;

Arshinov V.I. Synergetics as a phenomenon of post-non-classical science. M., 1999.


Image of an open environment

The class of systems capable of self-organization are open nonlinear systems. The openness of a system means the presence of sources and sinks, exchange of matter and energy with the environment.

Openness of the system is necessary, but not sufficient condition for self-organization: i.e. Every self-organizing system is open, but not every open system self-organizes and builds structures. Everything depends on mutual play, competition between two opposite principles: creating structures, increasing heterogeneity in continuum, and scattering, blurring the heterogeneity of the beginning of the most varied nature. The scattering principle in an inhomogeneous system can overpower, overcome the work of the source, and blur all the inhomogeneities created by it. In this mode, structures cannot arise.

But on the other hand, even in the complete absence of dissipation, an organization cannot arise spontaneously. It is necessary to understand the role of dissipation (evil) as a factor in eating away excess and therefore as a necessary element for the self-organization of the world. Dissipation in a medium with nonlinear sources plays the role of a cutter, with which the sculptor gradually but purposefully cuts off everything unnecessary from a block of stone. And since dissipative processes, scattering are, in fact, the macroscopic appearance of chaos, since chaos at the macro level is not a factor of destruction, but a force that leads to an attractor, to the tendency of self-structuring of a nonlinear environment.

Worldview meaning of the concept of nonlinearity “Nonlinearity” is a fundamental conceptual node of the new paradigm. One can even, perhaps, say that the new paradigm is a paradigm of nonlinearity. Therefore, it seems important to expand, among other things, the most general, worldview meaning of the concept.

Nonlinearity in the mathematical sense means a certain type of mathematical equations containing the desired quantities in powers greater than 1 or coefficients depending on the properties of the medium.

Nonlinear equations can have several (more than one) qualitatively different solutions. It follows from this physical meaning nonlinearity. The set of solutions of a nonlinear equation corresponds to the set of evolution paths of the system described by these equations (nonlinear system).

Here there is a significant difference between the stated position and the position of I. Prigozhin. In the book by I. Prigogine and I. Stingers, different paths of evolution are associated primarily with bifurcations when environmental constants change. That is, in differential equations some control parameter changes, and at a certain critical value of this parameter the thermodynamic branch loses stability and at least two different directions of development arise.

The branching paths of evolution described here by I. Prigogine are well known among mathematicians, although for many this process may seem surprising. Features of the nonlinear world are that, with a certain range of changes in the environment and parameters nonlinear equations There is no qualitative change in the picture of the process. Despite the quantitative variation of the constants, the attraction of the same attractor remains, the process slides onto the same structure, into the same mode of motion of the system. But if we have crossed a certain threshold change, exceeded the critical value of the parameters, then the mode of motion of the system changes qualitatively: it falls into the area of ​​attraction of another attractor. The picture of the integral curves on the phase plane is qualitatively reconstructed.

The transformation becomes quite obvious. After all, changing the parameters of nonlinear equations beyond critical values, in fact, creates the opportunity to go into a different environment, into a different world. And if the environment changes qualitatively, be it the environment of physical interactions, chemical reactions or the habitat of living organisms, then it is completely natural to expect the emergence of new possibilities: new structures, new paths of evolution, bifurcations.

In ideological terms, the idea of ​​​​nonlinearity can be explicated through: the idea of ​​​​multivariance, alternativeness, as they often say now, paths of evolution (we emphasize that many ways of unfolding processes are characteristic even for

· the same, unchanging open nonlinear environment);

ideas for choosing from these alternatives;

· ideas of the pace of evolution (the speed of development of processes in the environment);

· ideas of irreversibility of evolution.

Features of the nonlinearity phenomenon are as follows.

Firstly, due to nonlinearity it has the force the most important principle"expansion" of the small, or "intensification of fluctuations." Under certain conditions (it will be shown below which ones) nonlinearity can enhance fluctuations, which means making a small difference large, with macroscopic consequences.

Secondly, certain classes of open nonlinear systems demonstrate another important property - threshold sensitivity. Below the threshold, everything decreases, is erased, forgotten, leaving no traces in nature, science, culture, and above the threshold, on the contrary, everything increases many times over.

Thirdly, nonlinearity gives rise to a kind of quantum effect of discreteness of evolutionary paths of nonlinear systems (environments). That is, in a given nonlinear medium, not any path of evolution is possible, but only a certain spectrum of paths. The above-mentioned threshold sensitivity of certain classes of nonlinear systems, by the way, is also an indicator of quantumness.

Fourthly, nonlinearity means the possibility of unexpected, called emergent in philosophy, changes in the direction of movement of processes. The nonlinearity of the processes makes the hitherto very common extrapolation forecasts from the available ones fundamentally unreliable and insufficient. For development occurs through the randomness of choosing a path at the moment of bifurcation, and the randomness itself (such is its nature) usually does not repeat itself again.

Modes with exacerbation

Behind nonlinearity, in addition, there is an idea of ​​​​the possibility of ultra-fast development of processes at certain stages. The mechanism of such development is based on nonlinear positive feedback. It’s worth saying a little more about this, because the idea of ​​nonlinear positive feedback is generalizing for this area.

It is well known, for example, what negative feedback leads to. It has a stabilizing effect, forcing the system to return to a state of equilibrium. What does positive feedback give? At first glance, it seems that it only leads to destruction, to swinging, takes the system away from the state of equilibrium, to instability, and instability is of no interest.

In fact, now the attention of the Prigogine school and many other groups of researchers is aimed precisely at studying the unstable, changing, developing world. And this is a kind of instability. Without instability there is no development. Nonlinear positive relationship essential element in models of autocatalytic processes of various natures.

The study of the so-called blow-up modes is the modes of ultra-fast growth of processes in open nonlinear media, in which characteristic quantities (for example, temperature, energy or monetary capital) increase without limit in a finite time.

The methodology of “exacerbation problems” allows us to consider from an unconventional point of view a number of classical problems of mechanics associated with the processes of compression, cumulation, cavitation, and collapse. There is reason to assume that new approaches to solving the problems of collapse of rapid compression of matter are possible, to chemical kinetics, meteorology (catastrophic phenomena in the Earth’s atmosphere), ecology (growth and extinction of biological populations), neurophysiology (modeling the propagation of signals through neural networks), epidemiology (outbreaks of infectious diseases), economics (phenomena of rapid economic growth), etc. In all of these tasks, positive feedback mechanisms appear to operate, leading to escalation modes.

Once again about reductionism

Prigogine argues that science today is not reductionist. Of course, reductionism is a path of knowledge that raises doubts and fears. It is necessary to avoid rigid formalism or mechanism, a direct reduction of everything to the laws of the simplest formations of nature. But modern knowledge is increasingly based on the conscious application of highly abstract models that reflect the abstract properties of open nonlinear systems at various levels of organization of the world. And, in addition, the content of the term reductionism has changed.

Mechanistic reductionism is unacceptable, i.e. an actual denial of the specificity of the more complex, the reduction of the whole to the sum of its parts. But dialectically understandable reductionism is legitimate as “the use of fundamental laws of simpler levels for the purpose of theoretical derivation (explanation) of the qualitative specificity of complex formations.

Mathematical modeling complex nonlinear systems, is now beginning to grope for that class of objects for which there are bridges between dead and living nature, between the self-construction of nonlinearly evolving structures and the highest manifestations of human creative intuition. At a certain level of abstraction, a certain fundamental similarity to the pattern of events begins to emerge, a certain fundamental commonality of processes occurring in seemingly completely disparate areas of event reality.

A new image of determinism

The last part of I. Prigogine’s statement concerns the fact that modern science ceased to be deterministic. And we cannot agree with this. Much has been said above regarding determinism. Now let’s just summarize what has been said. And Prigogine repeatedly emphasizes that modes of movement switch, the evolutionary paths of real systems bifurcate, branch repeatedly, at moments of bifurcation randomness plays a role, and as a result the world becomes mysterious, unpredictable, uncontrollable. In a certain sense, this is indeed the case. However, this article expands central idea of a different kind: the presence of a field of development paths for open nonlinear media, a spectrum of structures excited by different topologies of initial influences on the environment.

Randomness and small fluctuations can really lead one astray and throw one off the chosen path; generally speaking, they lead to complex wanderings across the field of development. But in a sense, at least in simplified terms mathematical models you can see the entire field of development paths. All possible paths of Tao open up as if from a bird's eye view. Then it becomes clear that the branching roads of evolution are limited. Of course, if randomness works, then wanderings take place, but not just any kind, but within the framework of a very specific, deterministic field of possibilities.

Management loses the character of blind intervention by trial and error or stubborn rape of reality, dangerous actions against the systems’ own tendencies, and is built on the basis of knowledge of what is generally possible in a given environment. Management begins to be based on the connection of human intervention with the essence of the internal tendencies of developing systems. Therefore, here appears, in a sense, the highest type of determinism - determinism with an understanding of the ambiguity of the future and with the possibility of reaching the desired future. This is determinism, which enhances the role of man.

Thus, the ideas presented here about the laws of self-organization and evolution of complex systems in some ways overlap with the views of I. Prigogine. But there is no agreement on a number of positions. The understanding of self-organization mechanisms is being adjusted and developed. A significant addition is the disclosure of mechanisms:

a) localization of processes in the environment in the form of structures;

b) evolution (synthesis and decay) of non-stationary dissipative structures;

c) internal stability and instability of evolutionary processes at certain stages of their development, i.e. study of the dynamics of development of processes in regimes with exacerbation;

d) alternation of these stages, different modes of changing the states of the system. Moreover, the internal mechanisms of self-organization are deeply connected with the role of chaos at the macro level and its constructive and destructive manifestations at the macro level.


Questions of philosophy. No. 12, 1992.


The phenomena of self-organization, nonlinearity, and global evolution have repeatedly appeared as the subject of discussion on the pages of the journal “Problems of Philosophy.” Ideas about the formation of order through chaos, bifurcation changes, the irreversibility of time, instability as a fundamental characteristic of evolutionary processes have become widespread thanks to the books published in our country by I. Prigogine and his colleagues from the Free University of Brussels, primarily G. Nicolis, I. Stengers, A. .Babloyants. Let us also draw the readers' attention to the less well-known Springer series of books on synergetics in our country, within which, under the general editorship of G. Haken, more than 50 volumes have been published since 1979 on various aspects of the dynamics of self-organization in natural, social and cognitive systems. Recently, fundamental collective research has appeared on those revolutionary changes in the picture of the world, the methodological foundations of science, and in the very style of scientific thinking that occur in connection with the development of the theory of self-organization (synergetics).

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Synergetics is a complex of sciences that study the process of self-organization of systems and their components: subsystems. Their origin, maintenance, stability and decay.

The synergetic theory, which has now gained recognition in world science, is a new conceptual and analytical approach to the world, which is characterized by fundamental methodological content. Synergetic methodology makes it possible to search for principles of self-organization of complex systems, patterns of their evolution and interaction. It is based on the understanding of the irreversibility of time introduced by P., which is associated with the rejection of the Newtonian approach to time as a reversible phenomenon and with a radical rethinking of the concept of entropy. According to the synergetic approach, some systems degenerate in the process of evolution, while others develop in an ascending line. The irreversibility of a system begins when the complexity of the evolving system exceeds a certain threshold. This approach to evolution allows biology and physics to find many analytical points of contact.

Basic postulates:

1. Everything that exists is nothing more than an infinite number of open nonlinear systems at different levels of organization. Systems develop from simple to complex, from adaptive to evolving.

2. The connection between different systems can be defined as chaos.

3. When several systems come together, a new one emerges. Moreover, the new one cannot be reduced to the sum of its constituent parts.

4. when systems move from a state of chaos to a state of order, they behave in the same way.

5. Developing systems are always open and exchange energy with the environment.

6. However, if the system becomes nonequilibrium, it periodically falls into the so-called “bifurcation points”, where its further fate becomes unpredictable and completely dependent on any random factors (up to and including destruction).

I. Prigogine and G. Haken - basic concepts of self-organization.

Today, synergetics is a new trend in man’s knowledge of nature, society and himself, and why he exists in this world. New discoveries are achieved by using nonlinear thinking and combining the achievements of various sciences when constructing an image of the universe. The synergetic approach implies nonlinear development according to a branched scenario, when new image of man and society is not the result of natural development, but is a consequence of the choice of one of the possible versions of development under the influence of various kinds of interactions.

In the second half of the twentieth century in the circle of development scientific knowledge included such the most important tasks, as a study of complex and self-organizing systems. Self-organization - in the most general understanding means self-structuring, self-movement, self-determination of natural systems and processes. Such systems began to include informational and biological, social, physical and chemical environments, the brain, the human psyche and others. At this time, there was an awareness that the change in physical ideas about the world went beyond the physical sciences, moved to the level of cosmological issues, that the study of self-organization is at the intersection of natural science and philosophy, and it was necessary to create a definitely new picture of the world. This period can be called an era in the development of natural science and philosophy. Thus, understanding self-organization has become a symbol of the transition to the 21st century.

The object of study of synergetics is complexly organized nonequilibrium systems, moving from chaos to order and back. People from various fields of scientific knowledge are joining the new trend of interdisciplinary research, who are moving towards understanding the ideas of synergetics from the point of view of their specialization, be it biology or chemistry, philosophy or sociology, mathematics or physics, etc.

Today, two schools have been formed and are actively operating in the West, which conduct research in the field of synergetics. The first is the Brussels School. The Brussels School was founded by Ilya Romanovich Prigogine, a descendant of Russian emigrants and Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry. The founder of the second school is the German physicist G. Haken, who heads the Institute of Synergetics and Theoretical Physics in Stuttgart. The term “synergetics” was first used by G. Haken.

Synergetics arose at the intersection of the sciences of physics and chemistry in the 70s. XX century, the founder is G. Haken. “Synergetics” as a term to denote an interdisciplinary direction in which the results of his research on the theory of lasers and nonequilibrium phase transitions were supposed (and this happened) to provide an ideological basis for productive mutual cooperation of researchers from various fields of knowledge was introduced by G. Haken.

Synergetics is currently the most general theory self-organization and studies the patterns of these phenomena in all types material systems. According to G. Haken, the principles of self-organization extend “from morphogenesis in biology, some aspects of brain functioning, to the flutter of an airplane wing, from molecular physics to cosmic scale evolution of stars, from muscle contraction to swelling of structures."

Based on this knowledge, synergetics provides the following explanation of the mechanism of the emergence of order from chaos. As long as the system is in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, all its elements behave freely from each other and are incapable of forming ordered structures. At some time the behavior open system becomes ambiguous. The point at which the ambiguity of processes is detected is called the bifurcation point or branching point. At the bifurcation point, the role of influences external to the system changes: a negligible influence leads to significant and even unpredictable consequences. A positive feedback relationship is established between the system and the environment, i.e. system to influence environment in such a way that it develops conditions conducive to changes in itself. Those. the system does not collapse under the influence of the environment, changing the conditions of its existence.

In his works, G. Haken examines, on the one hand, physical objects and systems that have a strict mathematical description. On the other hand, it considers, in particular, biological macrosystems, to which the principles and conclusions obtained for physical systems can be transferred only by analogy. Formulas and diagrams are for biological systems figurative metaphors.

Brussels School of Nobel Prize laureate I.R. Prigogine forms a thermodynamic approach to self-organization from the point of view of dissipative structures, which reveals the historical background and ideological foundations of the theory of self-organization.

In open systems, the flow of energy can bring it out of a stable state - the development of instabilities occurs, and their subsequent self-organization can lead the system to a stable heterogeneous state. I. Prigogine gave these states the name “dissipative structures.” An example is self-oscillations that occur, for example, in a thin horizontal layer of oil when it is heated from below (Benard cells) or in lasers. Another well-known example is solitary waves on the surface of water and in other media (solitons).

Termattractor(from lat.attrahoattracting to oneself), which appears in the study of I. Prigogine, is used by him to describe the evolution of dissipative systems; These, for example, include the movement of a real pendulum, which takes into account friction. Unlike an ideal pendulum (without friction), whose movement is infinite, the oscillations of a real pendulum gradually stop and the pendulum stops in an equilibrium position: this position is an attractor.

Thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes together with the theory of dissipative structures, developed by biophysicist I. Prigogine, Yu. Klimontovich and others, are now used not only in physics, but also in ecology. There are even successful attempts to use them in sociology, linguistics, psychology, and pedagogy.

We analyzed the basic concepts of self-organization: synergetics (G. Haken) and the theory of dissipative structures (I. Prigogine). The theory of self-organization finds itself at the very epicenter of universal human issues of worldview, forming a new worldview and philosophy, allowing us to see significant progress in solving these issues within the framework of the new paradigm.

The very concept of self-organization is one of the brightest promising trends in scientific life of this decade and its theoretical and epistemological status are at the stage of formation.

Self-organization as a scientific trend of research is in demand by society. Its main concepts make it possible to productively interact with scientists of different specializations in the language of systemic understanding and search for new solutions. The indicated definitions of self-organization, obtained in a consistent manner, can be constructively applied in solving a large number of specific problems in various fields of science. It can be used as the basis for an interdisciplinary synthesis of knowledge, as a basis for dialogue between natural scientists and humanists, for cross-disciplinary communication, dialogue and synthesis of science and art, dialogue between science and religion, West and East (Western and Eastern worldviews). Being interdisciplinary in nature, self-organization allows us to develop some new approaches to training and education, to effective information support various layers of society.

List of used literature:

1) Knyazeva, E.N. Foundations of synergetics: a person constructing himself and his future / Knyazeva, Elena Nikolaevna, Kurdyumov, Sergey Pavlovich. - 2nd edition, stereotypical. - M.: KomKniga, 2007. - 231 p.

2) Prigozhy I.R. Rediscovery of time // Issue. philosophy. - 1989. - No. 8. -S. 11.

3) Prigozhy I., Stinger I. Time, chaos, quantum. - M.: Progress, 1999. P.

4) Haken G. Synergetics. - M.: Progress, 1986.

5) Haken G. Information and self-organization. – M. 1991