Map of the children's association development project. Program of work of the children's association

Explanatory note

Currently, the issue of education is increasingly being raised. junior schoolchildren. The main purpose of the activity primary school is the provision holistic development child's personality, correction and development cognitive abilities, the formation of an elementary culture of activity, the development of readiness for independent activity and communication skills. In a special (correctional) school of type VIII, the problems of educating primary school students are no less relevant.

Primary school contributes to the formation process personal qualities significant contribution. Therefore, during this period, competent, purposeful educational work on the formation of a child’s personality is especially important. A junior schoolchild is an active, trusting being, easily amenable to corrective pedagogical influence.

The educational process at the boarding school follows five directions:
1. Formation of an active personality.
2. Development of a healthy personality, health protection.
3. Education of moral feelings and moral behavior.
4. Aesthetic and labor education.
5. Social adaptation and integration.

We believe that a prerequisite for the personal development of a primary school student with special needs can be the children’s organization “Friendship”, as an integral system of classroom and extracurricular activities.

A children's organization (hereinafter referred to as DO) is a special type of children's public associations. DO "Druzhba" is a children's public association created for the correction and development of cognitive activity younger schoolchildren, the formation of personal qualities necessary for the adaptation of children in society, which has norms and rules governing its activities, fixed in the Regulations of the Friendship Educational Establishment, and a certain structure.

1. Concept of the Children's Organization "Friendship".

The proposed program is a subprogram of the educational system of the boarding school, a logical addition and a condition for the implementation of the target development program.

Target: correction and development of cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with special needs, formation of personal qualities necessary for children’s adaptation in society.

1. Creating conditions for the intellectual, moral, labor, aesthetic, and physical development of the student’s personality.
2. Creating conditions for creativity in which every child finds something he likes and gets the opportunity to express himself, experience the joy of success and public recognition.
3. Promoting the development in children of awareness as a member of the team, the formation of the foundations of civil, social and legal cultures.
4. Creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of students
5. Promoting the protection of the rights, dignity and interests of children.

2. Principles and laws of DO “Druzhba”

The activities of the subsidiary are determined by the following principles:

  • Voluntary entry. Any student in grades 1–4 can become a member of the Friendship organization.
  • The opportunity to prove yourself in any business.
  • Creative union of junior schoolchildren and teachers.
  • Creative union of junior and senior schoolchildren.

Laws of DO "Druzhba"

  • The teacher opens the door to the world of knowledge, you must enter yourself.
  • Respect and value your family, school, homeland.
  • Know the symbols of the republic.
  • Cherish the honor of the school.
  • Take care and protect the environment.
  • Only a true friend can rejoice at the success of another.
  • Learn to see beauty in the world around you.
  • Success does not come on its own, even if you really wait for it. Learn to work.
  • Our region is us. Take care of your home, traditions, and the memory of the dead. Take an interest in the history of the school native land, countries.
  • IN healthy body- healthy mind. Do sports and exercise.

Motto of DO "Druzhba": "Not a day without a good deed"

Solemn promise:

“I, (full name), promise that I will strive with dignity to bear the title of a student of the Republican Boarding School No. 2, to always and everywhere help people, to work conscientiously, to gain knowledge in order to use it for the benefit of the Motherland.”

Symbols and attributes of preschool educational institutions.

  • DO “Friendship” has its own song - “If you went on a journey with a friend” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tanich).

Structure of the preschool educational institution.

  • The highest body of the preschool educational institution is the meeting, which is held once a year in May.
  • The squad consists of associations - detachments.
  • Between meetings, work meetings are convened.
  • The highest body of the school squad is the gathering of the squad or the gathering of representatives of the squads. The executive body is the Squad Council.
  • The highest body of the detachment is the assembly of the detachment. The executive body is the Squad Council.

3. Contents of activities in areas

"School Laws"

"The teacher opens the doors,
you must enter yourself.”


  • Strive to gain quality knowledge.
  • Develop your abilities. Show your knowledge in various competitions and olympiads.
  • Add your achievements to the class portfolio and your personal portfolio.
  • Diligence in studies.
  • The best indicators of the squad (activity, cohesion, discipline.)
  • Participation in olympiads, competitions, exhibitions (number, results).
  • Summing up the results at the school holiday " Last call»

"Friendly family"

“Rejoice at the success of another
Only a true friend can."


  • Formation of a friendly class team.
  • Involvement in active creative activities.
  • Creating a creative union with teachers.

Success criteria:

  • Participation in school-wide events.
  • The largest number of children who took part in creative activities.

"Champion of the Year"

“A healthy mind in a healthy body.”


  • Popularization of classes physical culture and sports (for all students).
  • Maintain students' interest in physical education and sports.
  • Reflection of students' sporting successes.

Success criteria:

  • Personal participation in competitions.
  • Participation of the class in school-wide and city competitions.
  • Level of achievement.

"Natural World".

“Learn to see the beauty in the world around you.”


  • Develop students' interest in the world around them.
  • Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Success criteria:

  • Participation in the “Native Nature” competition (quizzes, station games, correspondence travel, poster competition.)
  • Carrying out environmental cleanups.
  • Landscaping of a classroom, school.

"The region where you live."

“Our region is us”


  • Fostering love for one's native land.
  • Developing interest in the history of the school, region, and country.
  • Fostering patriotic feelings, honoring the memory of those who died for the freedom of the Motherland.
  • Foster respect for monuments cultural heritage and warriors.

Success criteria may be:

  • Participation in school and city patriotic events.
  • Achievements in competitions.

"Inspiration and talent."

“Everything in a person should be beautiful.”


  • To give every student the opportunity to believe in themselves, in their strengths, to realize their best qualities, talents and inclinations.
  • Create a situation of success for children.

Success criteria:

  • Participation in creative competitions.
  • Participation in collective creative activities.


“Success does not come on its own,
even if you really wait for it.”


  • Work hard and take care of the work of others.
  • Development of labor skills.

Success criteria:

  • Participation in school labor landings.
  • Preservation of school property.
  • Participation in socially useful work.

4. Summing up

To create a situation of success and a competitive moment, a “Success Screen” is created, where all the achievements of classes and each student personally are given points. The screen tracks are colored according to the colors of the rainbow.

For participation in city, republican and other competitions, competitions, and olympiads.

1st place – 5 points

2nd place – 4 points

3rd place – 3 points.

For participation in school competitions, competitions, and olympiads.

1st place – 4 points

2nd place – 3 points

3rd place – 2 points.

One point is added to the class for the largest number of participants who took part in the competitions.

5. The role and place of class teachers in the implementation of the preschool program “Friendship”.

  • This program can help class teachers:
  • Fill the living space of your pupils with activities that will be interesting to them;
  • Determine directions and plan auxiliary work taking into account the interests and abilities of children in this class;
  • The class teacher takes the position of a chaperone, an assistant in preparing children for specific tasks, constantly stimulating them to demonstrate their personal qualities.
  • Scheme for managing the activities of class teachers in organizing work with class teams:

6. Stages of implementation of the “Friendship” program.

  • 2012-2013 academic year– Immediate start of the implementation of the program, bringing the main components of the educational process in accordance with the program of the preschool educational institution “Friendship”
  • 2013 -2014 – implementation of the FE program, overcoming inconsistencies, adjusting the program.
  • 2014-2015 academic year - analysis and reflection on the implementation of the FE program, determining prospects for further activities

  • positive motivation to study.
  • observation, interest.
  • ability to apply knowledge in practice;
  • activity.
  • self-confidence;
  • the ability to reconcile personal and public;
  • Ability to live in a team.
  • sincerity, truthfulness;
  • tolerance when communicating and interacting with classmates and adults.

1. Program passport

6. Stages of implementation of the “Friendship” program.

þ 2012-2013 academic year - Immediate start of the implementation of the program, bringing the main components of the educational process in accordance with the program of the preschool educational institution "Friendship"

þ 2013 -2014 – implementation of the FE program, overcoming inconsistencies, adjusting the program.

þ 2014-2015 academic year - analysis and reflection on the implementation of the FE program, determining prospects for further activities

7. Predicted results.

A primary school graduate should develop the following basic personality qualities:

vpositive motivation to study.

vobservation, interest.

vability to apply knowledge in practice;

v activity.


vaesthetic perception of nature and man;

vskill reconcile personal and public;

vAbility to live in a team.

vthe habit of taking care of your health;

vsincerity, truthfulness;

vtolerance when communicating and interacting with classmates and adults.

1. Program name "Friendship" (Children's Organization Program)
2. Team of authors Teacher d. o - Pavlova Natalya Petrovna, teachers beginning. classes.
3. Customer School administration.
4. Program implementation period 2013–2015
5) Summary program ideas Creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of younger schoolchildren with special needs, the formation of collective relationships, involvement in joint creative activities, and the creation of conditions for successful socialization.
6) Expected result of the program implementation . A primary school graduate should develop the following basic personality qualities: a stable interest in learning; observation; application of knowledge in practice; initiative; activity; self-esteem, confidence; aesthetic perception of nature and man; the ability to reconcile personal and public; the habit of taking care of your health; sincerity, truthfulness; tolerance when communicating and interacting with classmates and adults.

A primary school graduate should develop the following basic personality qualities:

  • positive motivation to study,
  • self-confidence;
  • truthfulness;
  • initiative; activity.
  • aesthetic perception of nature and man;
  • ability to live in society,
  • application of knowledge in practice;
  • the habit of taking care of your health;
  • Tolerance – when communicating and interacting with classmates and adults.

Criteria for squads:

  • Cohesion,
  • Discipline
  • Mobility.
  • Activity

Explanatory note.

Today's life confirms that economic disorientation, social differentiation of society, devaluation of spiritual values ​​have had negative influence on the public consciousness of the majority of social and age groups of the country's population, sharply reduced the educational impact of Russian culture, art and education as the most important factors in the formation of patriotism. The gradual loss by our society of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness has become increasingly noticeable. Objective and subjective processes have significantly aggravated national question. Patriotism in some places began to degenerate into nationalism. In many ways, the true meaning and understanding of internationalism has been lost. Indifference, selfishness, individualism, cynicism, unmotivated aggressiveness, disrespect for the state and social institutions. On the other hand, heroic events national history, outstanding achievements in the field of politics, economics, culture and sports, still retained the qualities moral ideals, which creates real prerequisites for organizing patriotic activities for children and adolescents at school, taking into account the current trends associated with the consolidation of society and the rise of patriotism, transferring the main efforts for patriotic education to children's public communities, associations where negative attitude to separatism and conditions are created for the active participation of every child in sports events of a patriotic nature.

Pioneering is a person’s way of life, it is the desire to understand the world around him, to improve himself... This is the desire for life around to become “at least a little more beautiful and kinder”

Childhood is the foundation on which, over time, a people, a nation is formed, and the “building” of society is erected. Back in early XIX century A.S. Pushkin drew public attention to the fact that: “It is not only possible, but also necessary to be proud of the glory of your ancestors.” But it is difficult to be proud of your Motherland, the region, without knowing what this pride is based on, without knowing the achievements, victories and successes that were in its history.

Today there is a need for the restoration of spirituality and the revival of Russian culture, familiarization with the spiritual and moral sources that have fueled the development of human civilization for centuries. A country's past is necessary to understand the present. Knowing your region does not mean knowing only some part of it. This means that you need to know it comprehensively, the totality of its constituent parts.

Patriotism is a social and moral principle that characterizes people’s attitude towards their country, which is manifested in a certain course of action and a set of social feelings called love for the Motherland. Love for the Motherland includes: concern for interests and historical destinies countries; loyalty to the Motherland, pride in the social and cultural achievements of one’s country; sympathy for the suffering of the people; to the historical past and the traditions inherited from it; attachment to the small Motherland. From time immemorial, the components of the life of a Russian person were national dignity, the national traditions of our great-grandfathers, love of folk art, craftsmanship, the cult of native nature, and mercy.

Local history at school is traditional and effective means training and education of children and youth. The use of special forms of work, such as excursions, travel, local history observations, helps to broaden children's horizons, master diverse practical skills, cultivate a sense of patriotism and morality, and love for their small Motherland. It teaches children to love not only their places, but also teaches them knowledge about them, teaches them to be interested in history, art, literature, and to improve their cultural level.

The program is based on two fundamental principles: voluntary participation and the use of local history resources in the activities of the children's organization.

By creating the program, the team of authors tried to create a system of patriotic education, which provides for the formation and development of socially significant values, citizenship and patriotism in the process of involving children and adolescents in search, Timurov and journalistic activities. The creation of such a program involves consolidation children's association, school groups of children and adults, veteran organizations based on program methods and a common goal.

Therefore, the goal of the children's public association is "Brigantine" will be the formation of spiritual and patriotic values ​​among adolescents, the moral position of schoolchildren using the educational potential of local history.

To achieve this goal, the following are solved: tasks:

    Saving and developing a sense of pride in one’s country;

    Upbringing personality of a citizen - patriot of Russia;

    Creation conditions for the socialization of the child’s personality, his self-realization;

    Revealing and improving the organizational abilities of children, their further implementation in practice;

    Formation search skills research activities students.

The implementation of this program allows you to significantly expand and deepen children’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them in the process of their participation in practical local history activities, on hikes and travels, and to master the skills of using various methods scientific disciplines for carrying out local history research. At the same time, it is possible to acquire and develop a variety of practical skills: self-organization and self-government, social activity and discipline, overcoming obstacles and ensuring safety, which ultimately determines the potential of local history activities as a comprehensive means of teaching and raising children.

Children from 9 to 15 years old can participate in the implementation of this program. It is important for each participant to deeply understand the significance of this activity and to be partial to the history of their homeland.

The activities of the children's public association "Brigantine" are carried out in two directions: "Bell" and "Sami". Each direction has two modules.

Activity structure.

« Chronicle of the native land"

« Timurov's work"

"I am a leader"

« Press center"

Direction "Bell"

Module “Chronicle of the native land”

The history of our native land is unique in its own way. Having much in common with other regions, it also has its own specific features. Therefore, the content of the work is to identify the features of nature, history, culture, and economy of the native land. Experience shows that the events taking place today begin to be erased from people’s memory after a short time, the sources associated with these events disappear (studying the history of the Great Patriotic War is one of the main tasks of this direction). Therefore, recording ongoing events and natural phenomena is an urgent task of the program.

Module "Timurov's work"

Studying historical events The Great Patriotic War is one of the main tasks of this area. Young Timurites provide patronage assistance to war veterans, home front workers, disabled people, people of the older generation, and families of the dead. They congratulate you on holidays, invite you to school to participate in school-wide events, and take care of military graves.

Direction "SELF".

One of the main tasks of the children's association is creating conditions for the self-realization of the child’s personality and his socialization. In order for what was planned in the direction of “Bell” to become a reality and be an advantage of the children’s association “Brigantine”, it is necessary to teach each participant in patriotic events key skills: analytical, design, communication, reflective, research, applied. Using the example of the creative activities of a children's association, a teenager will be able to learn how to build own personality, set life priorities. Therefore the module " I am a leader"is the key to the success of the development of the children's association and the personality of each of its members. Contents of the activity of this module includes three components:

1. Training component. Here, participants form an idea of ​​leadership, the importance of the team in the development of the individual and vice versa, the basics of organizational activity, choose the optimal means of achieving it, and adjust their actions. The ability to organize mass events is also developed here.

2. Developmental component is a means of including a child in the implementation of socially significant matters, performing permanent or temporary duties in children's self-government bodies, participating in the council of the business, performing the function of the head of a particular module.

3. Activity component provides for the practical activities of each child, but by choice: the development and implementation of social and creative projects, the organization and conduct of collective creative activities, participation in programming, participation in the organization and conduct of classes in the “I am a leader” module.

Forms and methods of work: story, conversation, debate, training, assignment, instruction, competition, KTD, persuasion.

Module "Press Center"

One of essential means for the self-realization of a young personality is to provide a particular child with the opportunity to freely express and assert his views, defend his interests, and appeal to public opinion. The “Press Center” module involves the development of theoretical and methodological foundations inclusion of children's press and audiovisual media in the system of mass communication,

openness of this system for a teenager. Creating conditions for popularizing the activities of children's associations and nurturing children's information culture. This type activity involves cooperation with the regional newspaper “Time and We”, the children’s magazine “Class”, the newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda”, regular publication of “Battle List”, “express-info”, participation in regional competitions of the “Media and Children” program, press design -center of the children's association, organization of the free field “Say!” Members of the children's association, as part of the “Press Center” module, will learn what a newspaper is, its structure, get acquainted with fonts, learn how to take photographs, illustrate a newspaper, and understand its genres (article, information, report, interview, feuilleton). Children will get acquainted with the editorial staff of the printed publication: editor-in-chief, executive secretary, journalists, freelance correspondents, technical editor, proofreader, designer

The children's association meets with employees of the regional newspaper “Time and We”, children's magazine"Class". They visit a printing house and get acquainted with the process of manufacturing printed products. The result of this activity will be the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in journalistic activities, design, the ability to handle a voice recorder, a camera, a video camera.

Forms and methods of work: newspaper, information center, discussion, role-playing game, meeting, action, workshop, survey, business game, press conference, chronicle, photo exhibition.

The mechanism for implementing this program is the created system of self-management of activities “Compass” in order to obtain the most useful results in the development of independence and initiative of children.

Each member of the Brigantine children's association has the right to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of self-government, evaluate its work, criticize and make proposals for improving the activities of the association.

Each member of “Brigantine” is obliged to comply with the decisions of self-government bodies and participate in the program events of the children’s association.

Elections to self-government bodies are expected to be held annually, so that every child children's group had the opportunity during the period of implementation of this program to perform one or another function of the self-government system. Self-government system - necessary condition development of the potential capabilities of each child.

Stages and timing of the program implementation.

The implementation of the program is planned for 2013–2016. Each academic year is a certain stage in the implementation of the program, but this does not mean that organizational issues will be resolved at this time. It is necessary to create a program of activities, establish contacts for cooperation, and diagnose the level of development of the child’s personality and the children’s team. At the first stages of the program implementation, special attention is paid to the “SELF” direction, because, including the child in socially significant activities, it is necessary to develop in him the necessary skills and abilities of organizational activities. Throughout the entire period of implementation of the program, monitoring of its implementation is organized, an analysis of activities for each year is carried out, and the program content is adjusted based on analytical materials. Children's self-government bodies also take an active part in this process, making their proposals for modernizing the activities of Brigantine and taking an active part in the creation of a new activity project.

In order for what is being designed to become a reality, it is necessary to create certain conditions for the implementation of the program:

Coordination of actions of all self-government structures in associations;

Availability of a work plan for each stage of activity based on program content;

Cooperation with public organizations of patriotic education, authorities, and the media;

Information and creative exchange with children's groups from other regions of the region;

Creative reports on the activities of “Brigantine” to participants in the educational process of the school and the public;

Availability of an office (a meeting place for project participants), stationery for design work, a video library, a music library, visual aids, a camera,

voice recorder, video camera. Internet access;

Advanced training senior counselor on the methodology and organization of the activities of a children's public association, its pedagogical skills;

Close cooperation with school students, teachers, and parents.

The role of the senior counselor in the implementation of the program is coordinator, methodologist, mentor. Its main task is to create conditions for amateur performances and independence of children in the realization of their creative abilities.

Expected results

At the end of the implementation of the Compass program, children are expected to develop an increased sense of responsibility for their own team activities. Most children are aware of the role of a public association in their personal development and in determining life priorities. There will be a revaluation of values. Children will be more attentive to the troubles and needs of their neighbors, will be able to take an active part in solving these problems, will be not indifferent to the fate of people and, above all, their peers, relatives and friends. They will learn to build their relationships on a non-conflict basis, be strong friends and appreciate a kind attitude towards themselves. A stable need for an active life position will be formed, which should be manifested in socially significant events. The monument to fallen heroes will become more well-groomed. The authority of the children's association will increase in the eyes of schoolchildren, teachers, parents and the public. The self-esteem of each member of the “Brigantine” will increase, the guys will learn to be proud of the glorious military traditions of the Kursk region, their own affiliation with the socially significant activities of the children’s association. Participants in program events will gain independence in decision-making, analysis of their own actions, in the preparation and conduct of CTD, holidays, meetings, sessions, and promotions.

Children's association development program


1. The relevance of the creation and existence of a children's association


1.1. Recently, the number of offenses among teenagers has increased, the number of children with individual judgments has decreased, many children have lost interest in social self-expression or it manifests itself in an exaggerated form, and the number of children with some kind of developmental features has increased. In this regard, we made a decision to recreate an organized and controlled voluntary children's association for students in grades 1-10 of the Municipal government special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities health "Bolshekrutovo special (correctional) secondary schoolboarding school VIII kind." The basis for this decision was the conclusions from conversations with students of different age groups, their parents, as well as a survey of the school’s teaching staff.

1.2. The name of the children's association “WE ARE TOGETHER” and its motto “Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward and only all together” reflect the need of every child for attention, activity, communication, festivity, give children confidence in their abilities (when everything together, there is someone to ask for support, someone to lean on); allow you to implement interesting plans. All the paraphernalia - the anthem, the emblem, the laws - symbolize that little people can do anything.

1.3. Currently, the existence of the children's association "WE ARE TOGETHER" is also determined by the fact that there is always a danger of the spread of addictive and deviant behavior in children's environment, the passivity and inability of students to realize themselves in the social sphere. The children's association “WE ARE TOGETHER” conducts its activities in selected areas, extending it to all school students through the work of counselor groups.

2. Goals and objectives of the children's association “WE ARE TOGETHER”

§ creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual;

§ formation of civil patriotic consciousness;

§ formation of moral positions;

§ development of the desire to show initiative and creativity;

§ development of self-government;

§ strengthening traditions that contribute to the creation of a school-wide team, strengthening its traditions.

3. Program implementation period – 3 years

4. Main activities:

1. “Our concern”

Involves helping elderly and infirm people, friendship with children kindergarten and elementary school.

Sample cases:

Concerts in kindergartens;

Organization of labor landings;

Help for local residents;

Organization of holidays, concerts for children in kindergarten and primary classes.

2. "Memory"

Involves the study of family traditions, memory of the military and labor path, the life of the school and village.

Sample cases:

Drawing competitions;

Folklore holidays;

Collection of materials about labor, battle path sat down.

3. “My organization”

Involves admission and initiation into membership of the association.

Sample cases:

Fees, lines;

Design of new stands at the school.

4. Communication, play, creativity.

Involves the development of initiative.

Sample cases:

Quizzes, competitions, tournaments;

Collective creative activities;


Concerts, festivals.

5. Labor. Promotion care.

Involves the organization of work activities.

Sample cases:

Landscaping, planting trees, planting flower beds;

Caring for monuments;

Operation "Clean Yard";

Operation "Live the Book".

6. "Sport"

Involves promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports.

Sample cases:

Games, competitions;

Tournaments, relay races, hikes;

Sports festivals, marathons.


Goals and objectives

Forms of work


Revival of spiritual values;

Formation of a valuable attitude towards such concepts as Motherland, home, family, parents, friends.

KTD: “Old Grandmother’s Chest”, “I Live in Russia”

Russian holidays folk art: “Russian crafts”, “Triumph of the Russian dictionary”, “Folklore holiday”.

Exhibition of household items, Russian attire, arts and crafts.

Intellectual travel “My ancestry”

Competitions of poems about mothers, essays.

KTD: “The most expensive and only...”

Family sports holidays.

Fair "Russian Loaf"

Traditional exhibition “Gifts of Autumn”


Propaganda of the fighting traditions of the Russian people, preservation and enhancement of school traditions in this direction;

Formation of patriotic consciousness, nurturing a sense of duty, loyalty, heroism and courage.

Memory line. Memory watch (senior and middle classes)

Conference “Man. Science. Nature"

Talk show " Environmental issues sat down." Ecological erudition “A landfill called Earth.”

Competition of posters, wall newspapers. Creative works students "Environmental problems of our village."

Environmental campaigns: “Clean Spring”.

6. The program of activities of the children's association contributes to:

Creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality;

Orients children towards the ideology of goodness, justice, mercy;

Develops civic and moral positions according to the laws of goodness,

love, beauty;

Forms the child’s personality based on patriotism, culture and historical traditions your region;

Promotes the socialization of a young person.

7. Laws of members of the children's association "WE ARE TOGETHER"

Law of Friendship: “All members of the organization are friends”

The Law of Unity: “We plan together, we prepare together, we spend together.”

Law "00", i.e. the law of accuracy: "We all start on time so that there is a good sense."

Law of the Raised Hand: “Everyone listens when one speaks.”

The law of treating people kindly: “Discuss the matter, not the person.”

The law of creativity: “The romance of our lives. Nothing can change it, Every thing is creative, Otherwise, what’s the point.”

The law of song: “Without a song not a day, without a song not an hour, With a song work, study and sleep, With a song to be friends, to love a song, - This is our song law.”

The focus of the main educational ideas of the program: love, understand, forgive, teach to understand other people and help them.

8. The guidelines for action are the following commandments:

1. Help yourself, help your family, help your native village, help me understand the history of my homeland.

2. Help nature - the basis of all things on earth. - Is it difficult? - For one - yes! But together we can do this.

3. Believe in yourself, in your friends and join the ranks of the children's public organization "WE ARE TOGETHER." Together we will build the society that people have strived for at all times - a society of truth, mutual understanding and love.

Main part of the program

The children's association "WE ARE TOGETHER" develops its activities, builds the education of schoolchildren on the basis of democratic principles and prepares children and adolescents for independent life, helps them gain experience in leadership behavior, teaches them to respect other people's opinions and values, working together.

The program lasts three years. Its participants are school students, members of the children's organization "WE ARE TOGETHER", additional education teachers, and teachers. It is built taking into account age and psychological characteristics students. School leaders and teachers act as mentors, help in the work of the activists of the children's organization and self-government bodies, and contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the team, a situation of success.

9. The program is guided by the following operating principles:

1. The principle of public orientation presupposes:

Creation of an organization on the initiative and on the basis of the free will of children and adults;

Carrying out socially valuable creative activities;

Formation of a patriot, citizen.

2. The principle of voluntary entry and active participation in affairs presupposes:

Formation of an active position of the individual in work and study, social activities and creative activities;

Development of initiative;

The right of every child to voluntarily join and leave a children's organization.

3. The principles of cooperation between the teaching staff and the children's organization presuppose:

Development of amateur beginnings, initiatives of children's groups;

Interaction of teachers with elected bodies;

4. The principle of continuity and consideration of age and individual characteristics schoolchildren assumes:

Correspondence of cases to the peculiarities of raising children and adolescents of different age and physiological characteristics;

Constant attention to the peculiarities of the formation of the student’s personality, the uniqueness of his spiritual world;

Constant attention to the peculiarities of the formation of individual, psychological and physical capabilities.

5. The principle of romance, interest, and play presupposes:

Developing interest in public affairs, technical creativity, books, art, and diverse knowledge;

Development of the creative imagination of counselors and students, reliance on the initiative and ingenuity of the children;

Revealing the heroism of historical events in an emotional and vivid form.

6. The principle of continuity and systematicity presupposes:

Work throughout the year, especially during school holidays, as in educational institution, ensuring the unity of goals, objectives, principles of activity with the content, forms and methods of working with children.

10. Program management

ü This program is managed by the children’s self-government body, the School Student Council (SSC), with the participation of supreme body children's self-government - a general meeting held twice a year.

ü The implementation of the program is reflected in the work plan (drawn up by the senior counselor), in the grid plan (drawn up by the senior counselor with the participation of the ShUS), on the work stand (drawn up by the Ministry of the Press), in the work of the Ministry of the Press with the participation of all members of the organization.

ü The program is implemented through KTD, individual and group tasks when using various forms work.

ü The program is implemented jointly with various public and municipal institutions and organizations.

11. Expected results

1. Formation of a patriot, citizen.

2. Implementation of adolescents’ orientation towards goodness, love, joy, work, creativity.

§ Organization of work to implement the decisions of the School Duma.

§ Monitoring the work of subsidiary companies.

§ Distribution of responsibilities when conducting technical design work.

§ Participation in Council meetings.

§ Monitoring duty in classes and throughout the school.

Ministry of Culture and Sports

§ Organizing the participation of classes in Teacher’s Day, New Year's holidays, concerts, competitions, etc.

§ Organization and control of excursions, visits to exhibitions, museums, theaters.

§ Holding cool lights and discos.

§ Participation in Council meetings.

Ministry of Press

§ Preparing decorations and props for holidays and evenings.

§ Selection of materials for the design of the “School News” corner.

§ Participation in the design of all school albums and corners.

§ Participation in Council meetings.

Ministry of Education and Labor

§ Monitoring school performance, organizing assistance for lagging students.

§ Participation in the organization and conduct of school competitions and subject weeks.

§ Organizing territory cleaning.

§ Organizing and carrying out general cleaning at the school.

§ Participation in Council meetings.

"I affirm"

Head teacher


Work plan of the children's association "WE ARE TOGETHER"

for the academic year



1. Gathering of DO members

2. Work plan for the first quarter

3. Questionnaire of students, direction to identify interests

4. KTD “ABC of Road Traffic”

5. Preparation for Teacher's Day

6. Newspaper “School News”

1. Preparation for the “Golden Autumn” Holiday

2. Analysis of the work of subsidiaries in the first quarter.

3. Newspaper "School News"

4. Operation Teach Another

1. “Unusual in the ordinary”

2. Work plan for the second quarter

3. KTD “To the dearest and only” (for Mother’s Day)

1. Preparation for the New Year holiday.

2. KTD “Our cultural heritage”

3. Progress report for the second quarter

4. Newspaper "School News"

1. KTD “How important family is to us”

2. “Hurry to do good deeds”

3. Newspaper "School News"

4. Work planning for the second half of the year

1. KTD “Happy Valentine’s Day”

2. KTD “Quiz “Pages of the History of the Fatherland”

3. Newspaper "School News"

4. Social project"The book is our friend"

1. KTD “Spring Fantasies”

2. Participation in the preparation and holding of the holiday on March 8

3. Newspaper "School News"

4. Report on work for the third quarter

1. KTD “A smile will make everyone brighter”

2. Drawing competition in honor of Cosmonautics Day

3. Newspaper "School News"

4. Planning work for the fourth quarter

5. Preparation for Victory Day

1. KTD “Victory Day”

2. Sports tour “Together it’s more fun”

3. Newspaper "School News"

4. Ogonyok “Summing up the year”

Development of my public association until 2020 (prepared for the “Leader of the 21st Century” competition, 2013) Denis Medvedev, St. Petersburg All-Russian public organization"All-Russian Student Union"

This presentation is intended to be read. It represents my vision of the development strategy of the All-Russian Student Union, set out in the form of a “road map”. Elements of the roadmap and its content will be finalized during the strategic sessions of the ARIA: at the SakhaSeliger Forum and the “Student Organizations” session of the Seliger Forum

7(921) DOB: place of residence: St. Petersburg, married EDUCATION: 2014 National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Management - Master of State and municipal government 2011 SPbSUT, Faculty of Economics and Management - Specialist Diploma 2008 SPbSUT, Faculty of Communication Networks, Switching Systems and computer technology– specialist diploma LANGUAGES: Russian French English PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: (2012 – N.V.) SPbSPU – deputy. Director of the Department of Youth Policy and Cultural Programs (2012 - 2013) UMA Foundation - Project Manager (2010 - 2012) Center for Strategic Communications TriDeGroup - Co-founder, Development Director (2008 - 2010) SPbSUT - Head of the Department of Educational and social work PUBLIC ACTIVITY: (2010 – N.V.) All-Russian Student Union – deputy. Chairman, member of the presidium () Council of Rectors of St. Petersburg - member of the coordinating council for educational work (2009 - 2010) Association of Alumni of St. Petersburg State University of Technology - President (2008) ROO RSM St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region - head of the "Student Self-Government" program in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region () SPbSUT - Chairman of the University Student Council ADDITIONAL TRAINING: 2011 National Research University Higher School of Economics - short-term advanced training courses "Public-State Partnership" (2011 - 2012) Center for the Development of Non-Profit Organizations (St. Petersburg) - courses and seminars "Financial literacy of NPOs", "Endowment capital ", "Creation and development of NPOs" 2010 MIRBIS - shift "Innovative Entrepreneurship" at the educational forum "Seliger 2010" 2009 RGPU named after. A.I. Herzen – advanced training program “ Educational work with youth in modern sociocultural conditions" 2009, Moscow State University for the Humanities. Sholokhov – courses “Assessing and producing projects”, “Leadership communication”, “Life navigation”, “Russia and modern world" at the educational forum "Seliger 2009" About the author: Denis Medvedev 3

General logic of building a roadmap In a university that claims to be among the best in the world, all aspects of work should be built taking into account the best world practices 4 * based on materials from the magazine “Students: Dialogues on Education” Key socio-economic ambitions of the VSS Roadmap Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Set of program activities The goals of the WSS The essence of the WSS - in the field of quality of education - in the field of youth policy - in the field of student self-government - in the field of rule-making activities Youth professional community acting to improve the quality of education and development of human capital Russia.

Context: the main challenges of the 20s of the 21st century in the field of work with youth and vocational education Problems Reduction of youth from 35 million to 25 million by 2025 1 Competition among young people is increasing. Due to the aging population, each working person will have to “feed” several pensioners. Under these conditions, the role of quality education and increasing labor productivity increases. Solution Creation of an interactive system for the development of youth studying at Russian universities. Increasing labor productivity through the development of competencies: leadership, managerial, professional. Forming among young people the need for self-development, lifelong learning, and increasing their competitiveness. Universities should become a space for the implementation of state youth policy, and student associations should become providers for students to access existing and created social elevators. Goal: Improving the quality of human capital to achieve the competitiveness of Russian youth. Key tasks of the state 1 1.Formation of the worldview of youth: achieving success, patriotic values, healthy image life, respect for nature. 2.Development of in-demand competencies among young people: “creative thinking”, the ability to generate innovations; commercialization of ideas, availability of entrepreneurial skills; civic participation, conscious and responsible social behavior; life navigation, building professional trajectories; “project thinking”, ability to manage projects. The new GMP Strategy is a guide for the activities of all participants in the field of GMF. compliance with the objectives of the future social economic development; “economic model” of investment in human capital; integration of activities between federal departments and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, introduction of the “two keys” practice; verifiable performance criteria and performance indicators; openness of the development and implementation process. The Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia” is a mechanism for implementing the GMP Strategy. The All-Russian Student Union should become an active participant in the development and implementation of the state youth policy strategy, ensuring the involvement of students at all stages of the development and implementation of the strategy. In a university that claims to be among the best in the world, all aspects of work must be based on the Basic documents necessary for developing a roadmap: Strategy for state youth policy in Russian Federation until 2016 (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated r) “Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020” (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated r); “Strategy for innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020” (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated r); “The concept of a national system for identifying and developing young talents” (approved by the President of the Russian Federation PR-827). The following will be developed: Federal target program “Youth of Russia” National system of qualifications and competencies Federal target program for the development of education for years (?) 5 1 based on the materials of the report of S.Yu. Belokonev at the board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

The place of the VSS in the structure of the national education system and the formation of human capital of the VSS: Network of regional branches and representative offices of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Rosobrnadzor Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Federal and regional bodies state power development institutions, public, media university Student associations A university is a closed system with authoritarian management, in which student associations will always be weak and controlled, completely dependent on the will of the university leadership. They cannot effectively carry out the functions of the public sector: initiation and implementation of initiatives, protection of the rights of students, implementation of socially beneficial projects and programs. This situation will continue until external force, capable of defending the interests of student associations, involving external regulatory structures in solving problems. Such external force should become VSS. bilateral interaction control influence (adjustment) university

The main effect of the road map is achieved through 8 key activities 7 Development and implementation of the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia” Development of a network of regional branches and representatives of the VSS Implementation of the Institute for Social and Professional Assessment of the Quality of Education Advanced training and training SO Introduction of a certification system for student self-government bodies of the VSS – operator socio-economic programs for the development of the public sector and youth policy Development of the sphere of public diplomacy process result final result Initiation of the development of the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia” at the Seliger 2013 forum VSS – developer of the Federal Target Program in terms of the implementation of youth policy programs in the field of vocational education VSS – operator of projects and programs of the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia” » in terms of implementing youth policy programs in the field of vocational education and supporting student initiatives. Regional branches of the VSS and representative offices in cities and universities have been created in 95% of the regions of the Russian Federation. At least 80% of regional branches are in the form of a legal entity. District coordination centers of the VSS have been created in all federal districts. Regional branches of the VSS act as resource centers. At least 80% exist in the form of a legal entity. VSS - shift operator "Student organizations" at the forums "Seliger 2013" and "SakhaSeliger" "VSS University" began work - a corporate training program for the organization's assets VSS - operator of student shifts at most district and federal youth forums Launched the project "Academy of Federal Trainers" for training highly qualified in the field of student self-government In at least 50% of the regions, the VSS representative offices operate on the basis of cooperation agreements between the regional government, the council of rectors, and regional development institutions. The active staff of all regional branches were trained as part of interregional special educational events. There is a certification system for student self-government bodies of universities in the field of quality management, administrative and economic activities, and personnel training. A system for assessing competencies in the field of student self-government has been introduced, incl. based on eLearning With the participation of Rosobrnadzor, a standard regulation on the education quality council and methodological recommendations The activities of student government bodies in universities are brought into line with priority areas state youth policy (Rosmolodezh projects). 80% of universities have created project teams federal agency for youth affairs. Within the framework of the “Seliger 2013” ​​forum, the worldview of the active student government bodies from more than 100 universities (800 people) was formed. 90% of state and 50% of non-state universities have student councils on the quality of education. Russian universities are recommended to create and ensure the work of student councils on the quality of education VSS – representative of Russian students at international youth summits and congress events. VSS organizes international youth forums in Russia on issues of vocational education and youth policy Legislative initiative Amendments to the Russian Federation Law “On Education” have been adopted, expanding the rights and powers of student government bodies. Amendments to administrative and legal documents relating to the life and activities of students are being developed and adopted. Russia Launched a federal system of open distance learning and assessments professional competencies"Your Element"