When should you celebrate Student's Day? International Students' Day November 17th is Students' Day.

On the French side,
On an alien planet
I have to learn
At the university...
The students themselves are looking forward to Students' Day, and the adults are looking forward to it with fear. “Whatever they do!” is the general opinion of mothers, fathers and teachers, who have completely forgotten how they themselves celebrated this joyful holiday.
The history of International Students Day
International Students Day ( International Students’ Day) is celebrated on November 17th. Probably, the students themselves are unlikely to know that their holiday does not have a happy history at all.
On October 28, 1939, in a German-occupied country that is no longer on the map - Czechoslovakia, students and teachers took to the streets to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of their state. The Germans took this initiative with hostility and dispersed the demonstrators. A student was killed in a scuffle. The funeral turned from a funeral procession into a spontaneous protest. In response, on November 17 of the same year, the Nazis began mass demonstrative arrests - most of the students were sent to concentration camps, and the ringleaders were executed.

In 1941, during an international meeting of students in London, it was decided to celebrate November 17 annually as Students’ Day in memory of those terrible events.

This holiday has another history of origin and another date of birth. Another Students' Day is celebrated on January 25, Tatyana's Day. In 1755, Empress Elizabeth founded Moscow State University by decree and, since then, at the end of January they celebrate the founding day of this university and the beginning of the holidays. So the religious holiday, in honor of the martyr Tatiana, acquired a new secular direction.

Traditions of celebrating International Students' Day

On this day, even teachers are a little more lenient towards their students, and those who walk around with a sad look are universally reprimanded!
From the very morning, according to established tradition, they begin official events: congratulations from teachers and awards for the most distinguished students. Towards the evening - the informal part: drinking and partying to the fullest!
Since this day is closest in spirit to students, one of the unusual traditions of the holiday was singing under the windows of the editorial office of the Moskovskie Vedomosti publication, since this periodical was founded by students of Moscow University.

Another pleasant custom of the holiday was the making of mead and drinking of it by students and teachers at the same table.
Nowadays, Student's Day is celebrated in all sorts of ways: they hold music festivals, fairs, KVNs, “cabbage shows” or just meetings in dorms with guitars and candles.
Since yesterday’s students fly all over the world, the holiday spreads everywhere: rallies are held in New York, Lithuania, Kyiv, Beirut...
Students gather at social networks: they throw out a call on Facebook, give links to the event to their friends and lo and behold - in a few hours the holiday is ready and goes easily: a session with traditional fun and student carelessness!

Interesting facts about the life of students
Some interesting facts about the life of students and student traditions:

1. In Russia in the 19th century, students who went on a spree had their addresses written on their backs so that cab drivers knew where to deliver their unconscious bodies.

2. Students in Japan take a Kit Kat chocolate bar to the exam. The name of the delicacy is consonant with the expression “we will definitely win” in Japanese.

3. Did you know that the length of the bridge at Harvard is "364.4 times of trouble and one more ear." Doesn’t it really remind you of the cartoon about “38 Parrots”? This unit of measurement appeared

Based on the student's last name, Oliver Smoot. With the help of the 170-centimeter Oliver, students in 1958 determined the length of the bridge. It is also interesting that Oliver himself later became director of the International Standards Organization.

4. At Princeton University they take written exams without teachers, face to face with your conscience! All because in the first year they took an oath - the “Code of Honesty.” According to the rule, each student undertakes not to cheat or pry.

5. Yale University has a tradition of leaving notes for freshmen. After this, the newcomers become debtors - they must paint their eyes with green paint so that they resemble headlights, and are obliged to give their benefactor a ride on their back.

6. Do you know that the monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik is dedicated to students? Back in 1835, a law school was opened in the city on the Neva, whose students wore a characteristic uniform: yellow-green uniforms and fawn hats. For this, the students received the nickname Chizhiki-Pyzhiki. And the counting arose after the school cadets were having noisy feasts in taverns.

7. In Moscow in 2008, on the initiative of a group of students, a monument to student signs was developed and erected. In appearance, it is a circle, along the perimeter of which the names of Moscow universities are written. In the center of it is a five-kopeck coin from 1978, worn shoes and a record book.

By the way, about student signs: you haven’t been studying for a long time if you don’t know that:
- if you want to pass the exam with an “A”, then, regardless of whether you are a guy or a girl, you must paint the nail on your little finger with dark varnish;
- if the window is closed in the classroom where they are taking the exam, then don’t expect anything good: the freebie (balloon) has been kicked out!
- they used to put a nickel under the heel, today you have to put a piece of paper with a face value of 12 units, better not rubles or hryvnias;
- on the eve of the exam, at exactly midnight, you need to open the window in the room where the student lives and shout loudly: “Shara, come!” or “Freebie!”
But if the teacher has a clear conviction that God knows “five”, he knows “four”, then you can forget about all the other signs.
And don’t forget the main rule for writing a coursework or diploma: after each
a smart quote doesn't need to be put with an emoticon ;-))

On November 17, the whole world celebrates International Students Day. In Russia there is a traditional student holiday, it is January 25: after the session they celebrate Tatyana’s Day

International Students' Day, which is celebrated annually on November 17, should not be confused with the cheerful and joyful Tatyana's Day in January, a traditional holiday of Russian students. The history of International Students Day, unfortunately, is connected with tragic events from the Second World War.

Most likely, this is not even a holiday, but a day of consolidation and solidarity of students different countries peace.

A day when international students remember the victims fascist regime and expresses his resolute protest against the unleashing of new bloody wars on earth.

The origin of International Students' Day is as follows. Back in 1939, on October 28, a demonstration took place in Prague in honor of the tenth anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state. Students from many Prague universities took part in it. By that time, Czechoslovakia was already occupied by German troops.

During the dispersal of the demonstration, one of the students, Jan Opletal, was shot dead. Young Prague residents (including students and university teachers) turned the day of Jan’s funeral into a mass protest against this brutal murder.

A few days later, in the early morning of November 17, hundreds of Protestants were arrested. Many were shot, many were sent to concentration camps.

All educational institutions Czechoslovakia, by order of Hitler, was immediately closed. They resumed work only after the end of the war. The exact number of victims of the bloody Prague events has not yet been established.

In 1942, the first international student anti-Nazi congress met in London, at which it was decided to make November 17 a day of remembrance for the fallen Czech students. Since then, November 17 is celebrated by all students, in all countries of the world, regardless of their nationality, skin color and religion.

Traditions of International Students' Day

On this day, memorial services are held, in which representatives of many international public and student organizations take part. Ceremonies also take place at the grave of Jan Opletal, which is located in the cemetery in the tiny Czech village of Nakla.

For example, on the 50th anniversary of Jan’s death in 1989, more than 75 thousand students from almost all countries of the world attended a memorial rally that took place at his burial place.

It doesn’t matter at all how old you are, whether you are studying, working, or retired. Be sure to remember on November 17 all those people who fell from the bloody fascist regime and pray that peace and quiet will always reign on our Earth.

How to celebrate Student's Day in other countries

Most countries in the world have their own semi-traditional and traditional student days. Let's take a short overview of student holidays in some countries.

Student's Day in Greece

The Polytechneo students' holiday is celebrated on November 7. This day is the anniversary of the 1973 student protests. According to official data, there were no casualties as a result of the suppression of student demonstrations by the military.

But in fact, hundreds of students were arrested, more than a thousand people were injured and 24 people were killed. After the restoration of the democratic government, the students who suffered on this day were proclaimed martyrs.


The student holiday Vappu is celebrated on May 1st. On this day, lyceum graduates receive a symbol of transition to a new stage of adult life - a student cap. The holiday traditionally begins on April 30 with congratulations from the president of the country.

Student celebrations take place in Helsinki, which open with the placing of a student cap on the head of the Havis Amanda statue. The head of the statue is first soaped. A special cap with a circumference of 85 cm was made for the statue.


One of the most fun and large-scale celebrations is held at Harvard University every February. The Hasty Pudding pageant is named after the food that has traditionally been served at student club meetings since 1795.

This holiday is held in the form of a carnival with a costume parade. Only men take part in it, playing both female and male roles. This custom dates back to the days when Harvard was an all-boys university.


In Porto and Coimbra, a large student festival, Keima, takes place in May. Keima begins at midnight with loud student singing serenades at the monument to one of the Portuguese kings. Musical groups perform in the city park.

The culmination of the holiday is the solemn procession of students through the entire city. Each university has its own uniform. All participants hold sticks with ribbons tied on them (another name for this holiday is “ribbon burning”). A brightly decorated truck is moving along the pavement.

Graduates sit in the back, and freshmen move along behind the car, crawling on their knees. A church service is held at the stadium, after which the ribbons of each university are solemnly burned.


Belgian students are happy to celebrate any student holidays. The beginning and end of the session is a good reason for noisy groups to meet in bars! Of course, this is far from full list student holidays. Young people from all countries love to have fun, and not only in special days. In some places, student holidays are not tied to a specific date.

And yet, the fact that Student’s Day is celebrated all over the world suggests that the “university community” is valued and respected!

Congratulations in verse on Student's Day

We congratulate everyone on Student's Day,
We are happy to celebrate this holiday,
We wish you interesting studies,
And in the future - a decent salary!

Let Student's Day pass
Without sadness and worries.
May luck smile
And at least you'll be lucky in some way!

We wish you perseverance, we wish you excitement,
To make learning easy and enjoyable.
Students, relax! Today is your day!
And don’t let the shadow overshadow his session!

Patience for you for many years
And happiness in this life is not easy!
Please accept congratulations, student,
And smile, because today is your holiday

We wish to learn, sometimes to fall in love
And don’t get lost in life’s search.
May your head always be bright,
Beautiful – thoughts, actions, words!

Being a student is great!
Being a student is beautiful!
May things go well
And neither fluff nor feather!

We are all so different -
Excellent students, truants,
But we are together on student's day
We want to celebrate
Happy holiday to everyone
And we wish you in the future
Reach heights in your profession
Find a calling!

A student is an amazing creature, ready to shed thirty sweats and learn eight hundred tricks just so as not to study. Happy International Student Day to the laziest, and therefore the most inventive, part of the population. Happy holiday, students!

You're sitting at a boring desk,
And in your dreams, you drink beer by the quart.
You are a student, a sufferer of sessions.
Founder of all professions.
Happy holiday to many nations,
Congratulations - a hundred ovation!
On World Student Day
Be like a face stone, -
Solid, strong and beautiful,
A playful ray from the sun!

Knowledge is our support,
Life is difficult without science!
Celebrating Student's Day
We are here today, friend!
We send open congratulations
To all our friends -
So that fortune smiles here and there,
To close the session,
And the test is easy,
And it helps with studying
Guiding Star!

I hasten to congratulate you,
Happy International Student Day.
Let all the sorrows and troubles
They will walk away from you.

May the school year be for you,
It will pass like a fleeting dream.
And let success follow.
Tell everyone boldly that I am a student.

My poem for you!
It lifted a lot of spirits.
Now you will be happy
And your dreams will come true.

A student celebrates his holiday
And he thinks about one thing:
My holiday will end soon,
There will be a session later.

He hung his head
And there’s no time for a holiday for him.
We'll ask: why aren't you happy?
Why aren't you walking?

And he will answer that the exam
After all, after the holiday to hand over,
And I don’t know him yet
Well, how am I going to answer?

Well what can I say?
You, students, why would you go out on a holiday?
Study subjects on time
And you won't have to suffer.

International Students Day
Have fun celebrating!
And then pass the exam for five,
To be an example to others.

Congratulations on Students' Day,
I wish you knowledge and joy.
There is a lot of happiness, a lot of money
And an easy Monday.

On this day let worries
They will fade into the background
And exams, tests
Let the dean himself storm.

Our job is to have fun
Party until the morning
And then let us dream
This is a glorious time!

Autumn, November seventeenth -
Students all over the world
On the calendar pages
It appears as a student's day.

Seventy years have already passed,
But no one will forget about it,
How they lay down just like that, for no reason
People into the ground, without any preludes...

Remember brother, you are a student too!
Say this word with pride
Make sure that pride is returned
It rained down on you again and again!

Student, there is so much in this sound.
And his life is probably not easy.
It’s uncomfortable to sleep in the lecture hall,
No one can cook delicious borscht.

I have to study and write at night,
Prepares for the exam the day before.
Catching freebies in the dorm windows,
We are frankly too lazy to wash the block according to schedule.

But the memory of those years will not fade.
Student life is a wonderful time.
Let's raise our drink glasses
And let's shout three cheers!

We wish you various miracles,
Great, sometimes just good.
Honorable teachers and good watchmen,
And of course, the right shoulder is nearby.

I hasten to congratulate you, dear friend,
Happy International Students' Day,
Our institute threw us a circle
And the childhood fairytale tape is forgotten.

Let them rush by at the speed of the year,
And the release will be very quickly,
And life flows on, like water,
You know, soon we will be economists!

The country rests on us, after all.
All our calculations will agree,
And the years of youth will merge with the soul,
And they will always burn in your memory!

Your student years will fly by quickly,
Our release is just around the corner,
It’s such a pity, my friend, to part with you,
Let's appreciate the moments now!

Being a student is fun, golden years!
On this holiday, my friend, smile.
Methods and functions, ancient peoples,
Lectures, tests, text translations,
Atlases, stories, natural wonders,
The night before the exam, codes and codes,
Logarithms, prefixes, rocks,
Summer, pine songs and hikes,
"Speckled" cards from a plump deck,
Planes, girls and snowboards from the mountains,
Whether it’s a session or practice, the main thing is to hang in there!
Troubles and adversities are equally divided,
This is our youth, this is our life.

January 25th is Student's Day, or, as they like to call it, “Tatiana's Day.” It is named after Saint Tatiana, the patroness of students.

But, as you know, there are two student days. One has international status and is celebrated by students all over the world, while the second is known only in the countries of the former Soviet Union. As a result, we have a situation where all over the world Student’s Day is celebrated on one day, and in Russia on a completely different day. In Belarus, which is located at the junction of East and West, students are not averse to celebrating both of these holidays. But... how does one student’s day differ from the next?

January 25, 1755 Russian empress Elizabeth on the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Tatiana and on the name day of the mother of Ivan Shuvalov (in the church calendar this day is Russian Orthodox Church honors the martyr Tatiana and the victims with her in Rome (226) approved the petition of Ivan Shuvalov and signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University, which later became the center of advanced Russian culture and social thought in Russia. Subsequently, in one of the wings of the old university building, a house church of the holy martyr Tatiana was created, and the saint herself was declared the patroness of all Russian students.

It should be noted that then (1755) Belarus was part of a completely different state - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. And Moscow University did not have the slightest significance for us. Moreover, we had another cultural center - Vilna University, founded in 1579 by King Stefan Batory. And our university, unlike Moscow, was famous in Europe; people came to study with us from abroad, including from Russia.

Already by mid-19th century, from a holiday of students and professors of Moscow University, Tatyana Day actually turned into a holiday of the Russian intelligentsia. The celebration of Student's Day in the Russian Empire was noisy and fun. At first it was celebrated only in Moscow, but almost the entire city took part in it. The holiday began with official ceremonies in the university building. Then noisy and cheerful festivities took place throughout the city. During the student party, the Frenchman Olivier, former owner"Hermitage", even gave away the restaurant hall, where students and professors celebrated. At the celebration, as usual, they drank. But on this day, the royal gendarmes, having met a drunken student, did not touch him, but, on the contrary, offered their help.

After October Revolution Tatyana's day was rarely remembered. After all, Tatiana was a saint, and the church and the communists were not on very good terms. Only after the opening of the temple in honor of the martyr Tatiana at Moscow University in 1995, the holiday came to life again.

Since 2005, January 25 has been celebrated in Russia as “Russian Students’ Day.” In Russia, the symbolism of the holiday as a student holiday is emphasized by the coincidence with the academic calendar - January 25 is also the last day of the 21st academic week, the traditional end of the examination session of the first semester, after which the winter student holidays begin.

What we see in the end is that “Tatiana’s Day” has not the slightest relation to our country. This is a holiday of Russian students and intelligentsia. Belarusian students first formed in completely different universities.

But there is another student's day, International, which promotes international solidarity rather than celebration.

On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, Prague students and their teachers demonstrated to mark the anniversary of the founding of the Czechoslovak state. The occupying troops dispersed the rally, and a student was shot dead. Faculty of Medicine Jan Opletal, whose funeral turned into a protest. Dozens of demonstrators were arrested. On November 17, the Germans surrounded the student dormitories early in the morning. More than 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in a concentration camp. Nine students and student activists were executed in prison.

Two years later, an International meeting of students who fought against Nazism was held in London, at which it was decided to celebrate the date of their death annually as Student’s Day in honor of the victims.

Of course, no one forbids celebrating two holidays at once. We simply must never forget that November 17 is a day of solidarity among students around the world, a day of remembrance for those who died in the struggle for freedom and independence. And January 25 is simply the opening day of Moscow University.

Every year on January 25, the whole country celebrates a holiday close to the heart of almost everyone - Tatyana's Day, otherwise called Student's Day. This holiday is especially important for current students who are just looking for an outlet from constant lectures, numerous formulas and strict teachers. On Student's Day, it is customary for entire faculties to gather, and in order for the party to be not banal, but exciting and memorable, an original script for Tatiana's Day is needed.

When is Student Day: November 17 or January 25?

Many students puzzle over when student day is, however, in reality there is no confusion - both days are professional holidays for students. On November 17, International Students Day is celebrated, the history of which is not entirely rosy - in 1939, a protest took place in occupied Czechoslovakia, the majority of the participants were students and teachers. The fascists suppressed the action and executed the instigators. Since 1941, November 17 was recognized as International Students' Day at a student meeting in London.

There is another student's day that has a brighter occasion. In the mid-18th century, on January 25, Empress Elizabeth founded Moscow State University. This date is closer to Russian students also because it is the beginning of the holidays after the winter session. In Ukraine, from 1999 to 2015, November 17 is celebrated with greater pomp, and it seems that 2016 will be no exception.

Where is Student's Day celebrated in Russia in 2016?

Traditionally, the celebration of Tatiana's Day is divided into two parts: a more official one - directly at the university, with a speech and congratulations on Student's Day from the dean or rector - and a less official one, when students gather in noisy groups and go to celebrate on their own. It is interesting that university activists take part in events at the university, but even those who have attended lectures a few times gather for the post-graduate party.

The scenario for Tatiana's Day should be based on the place where the celebration takes place. There are several options where you can spend Student's Day in Russia in 2016. The most traditional and banal option is a club. Parties dedicated to Tatiana's Day are organized by almost all clubs, because students are the main category of clients of these establishments, which means you can be sure of high revenue. In this case, there is no need to independently prepare a scenario for the student’s day - the club will take care of the program.

However, not all students like this option - some companies want to get together in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Then you can rent an apartment for a day - if you divide the rental amount among everyone, it will be inexpensive. The problem may be that a group of students on the eve of Tatiana’s Day may simply not be rented out an apartment. There is an option to go to the hostel, where you can feel the real student atmosphere, however, here there is a risk that the event will take on no less threatening proportions than, for example, initiation into students on Freshers' Day if students from other courses decide to join. In addition, not all dormitories are so easy to get into - it all depends on the adopted regulations and regime.

The best place to celebrate Student's Day seems to be a dacha. Here you can barbecue, sing songs with a guitar, organize competitions - in a word, spend an unforgettable evening without any restrictions.

What points should a student’s day script include?

To make the party unusual, it is worth creating a scenario for Tatiana’s Day that would include the following points:

  • Dress code. It's an excellent idea to get students to dress in a way that makes it clear what profession they are pursuing at university. For example, accountants are allowed in only in the famous armlets, and translators - in the national costumes of the countries whose languages ​​they study. The point is that not all professions have such widespread stereotypes - I wonder how future managers and lawyers will get by?
  • Treats. If the celebration takes place in a nightclub, students' options are limited to the menu - but if the company has gathered in a dorm or apartment, there are incomparably more opportunities to show their imagination. The cake can be designed as thesis, and the menu is in the form of a record book. The menu includes student sushi with sausages instead of fish and the alcoholic cocktail “Tears of a Teacher,” which is particularly strong. You can provide “edible” competitions - for example, bake cookies with humorous prophecies inside.

How do you celebrate student's day?

The highlight of any Students' Day are funny skits. If the participants in the skits are distinguished by their artistry, a lot of fun is guaranteed. Scripts for skits can also be found on the Internet, but it is much more valuable if they are developed by the participants themselves. Variants of sketch concepts can be:

  • A humorous dialogue between a strict teacher and a careless student is somewhat banal, but it is very close to almost everyone who lives in a dormitory.
  • What if, in addition to Apollo, Zeus and Hermes, the God of Students also sat on Olympus? Laughter is guaranteed even when choosing a name for this god: popular options are Scholarship, Humanitarian, Ever-Late. This concept is more original, and the skit, if approached creatively, will definitely earn applause.
  • An ordinary lecture with the participation of famous students of different times and peoples - Pushkin, Casanova - and an ordinary modern Russian guy Petrov. To organize such a scene, you will have to think about the makeup, but the result will exceed all expectations.

The performance of skits can be presented in the form of a competition - divide the participants of the holiday into groups so that they quickly improvise something. The jury will be ordinary spectators, and the winners will receive the largest pieces of cake as a prize.

There are other ways to celebrate student's day. Games such as “Mafia” and “Crocodile” are popular. At the end of the evening, the participants of the celebration accept congratulations on Student’s Day from each other and take a joint photo as a reminder of their golden student years.