Lesson summary automation with in syllables. Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound pronunciation “Automation of sound in words

Oksana Bulavskaya
Abstract individually speech therapy session on sound automation [C]

Subject: « Audio automation [s]» .


Create conditions for the formation of correct articulation patterns sound"With"


Strengthen correct articulation sound [s].

Expand your child's vocabulary.

Develop phonemic hearing, attention, thinking,

Equipment: mirror, painting material, texts.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello! My name is Oksana Olegovna, what’s your name? What’s your mood today?

Please sit down more comfortably.

They handed me a letter and told me to open it at class. Let's find out what's in this letter? Open the envelope.

But what is it? Some pictures. What do they mean?

That's right, these are exercises for the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics.

Today you and I will continue to pronounce correctly sound"WITH" in the text. And they will help us today interesting tasks in this envelope.

Take the mirror in your hands, let's smile at the mirror.

Our lips smiled

They went straight to my ears.

You try "ssss" Tell

Show me your fence!

Articulation style:

Well done, you're doing well.

When we say sound c – where does the tip of the tongue rest against the lower or upper teeth?

It's right when we say sound c- the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.

Lips take what form: round or smiling?

Are your teeth closed or open?

Well done, your teeth are closed, but there is a small gap left.

Look in the mirror.

Let's give a description sound C.

Which one is it sound vowel or consonant? Hard or soft?

Consolidating pronunciation sound in syllables:

Repeat the syllables with sound"WITH", collecting your fingers into a fist, starting with the thumb finger:











We still have circles in the envelope, I offer you

put aside the circles when you hear sound"WITH":



Well done. Now, count and name the same number of words that begin with sound"WITH".

Let's see what other interesting tasks this envelope has in store for us.

Look, there is a diagram in front of you, and I invite you to compose a short story with me.

Well done, you completed the task sound"WITH" was well pronounced in all words.

Bottom line:

Let's remember what we did today class. With what worked with sound?

Publications on the topic:

Summary and self-analysis of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [R] Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sound [R. ] in isolation, in syllables, words and phrases. Correctional educational tasks:.

Abstract of an individual-subgroup speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [L] in phrases and sentences” Summary of an individual-subgroup speech therapy lesson: “Automation of the sound [L] in phrases and sentences based on the plot.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: Automation of sound [L] in syllables, words, sentences Topic: Automation of sound.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [P] in words and in connected text Goal: automation of the sound R in words and text. Objectives: Correctional and educational: 1. Reinforce what is correct.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [L] and differentiation of sounds [S]-[S’] Topic: sound L, sounds S-S. Tasks: I---automate the sound L in syllables, words, sentences; -develop phonemic awareness at work.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on automation of the sound “R”. Correctional and educational tasks - To consolidate concepts about sound.

Target: automate the “S” sound in words consisting of two or three syllables.

Correctional and educational tasks.

  1. Fix the pronunciation of the sound “S” in difficult words with a consonant cluster.
  2. Reveal the meaning of the words train, carriages (vocabulary work).
  3. Develop phonemic analysis and synthesis skills.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

  1. Reinforce with your child the concept of animate and inanimate nouns.
  2. Development of speech-auditory memory.

Educational tasks.

Developing self-control over speech.


  • Doll.
  • A drawn train with carriages, on the carriages the numbers 1, 2, 3.
  • Pictures: dog, catfish, nose, magpie, cabbage, bag, bitch, owls, fox, juice.
  • Pictures: sailor, wasp, son, fox; sausage, wheel, scales, beads.
  • Pictures: bush, leaf, stork, pig, owl, pillar, beet, cabbage, rhinoceros.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Today you and I will continue to learn how to pronounce the sound [C] beautifully and correctly in syllables and words. A doll called Sonya came to visit us and she cannot read or write. She will sit quietly and watch your work. If you complete all the tasks, then you will find out what surprise she has prepared.

Sit upright, keep your back straight, hands on your knees.

1. Articulation gymnastics (complex 1, for whistling).


Pull your lips straight towards your ears

Frogs really like it.

Smiling... Laughing...

And their eyes are like saucers.

(The “Smile” exercise is performed 5-7 times, the lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are exposed.)


Place your tongue with a spatula.

And hold it calmly.

The tongue needs to be relaxed

And keep it under counting:

One, two, three, four, five!

The tongue can be removed.


My lips are a tube -

They turned into a pipe.

I can blow loudly:

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo,

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.

(The exercise is performed with closed teeth, lips extended forward 5-7 times.)

Exercise “Smile-tube”. (Exercises “1” and “2” alternate 5 times.)

2. Clarification of the articulatory structure of the sound “C”. Sound analysis: blue, dull. The air stream is cold. The tongue rests on the lower front teeth.

3. Game "Train".

On the board are models of carriages with numbers 1, 2, 3, as well as pictures: dog, catfish, nose, magpie, cabbage, bag, bitch, owl, fox, juice.

Speech therapist: This is a magic train. He will bring words and pictures. The train will move only when the words and pictures take their places correctly.

The first carriage should include pictures-words of one syllable,

in the second - of the two,

in the third - of three syllables. Let's help the pictures take their places. Name all the pictures. Choose pictures with one syllable in the title and put them in the first carriage (pictures in the second and third carriages are also selected). All the pictures took their places. The locomotive set off and carried the carriages.

4. Differentiation between animate and inanimate nouns.

There are two rows of pictures on the board:

1st row: sailor, wasp, son, fox;

2nd row: sausage, wheel, scales, beads.

The speech therapist asks a question for each of the pictures in the first row: Who is this? What question did I ask about this picture?

Questions are also formulated for the pictures in the second row: What is this? What question did I ask about these pictures?

Look at the pictures of the first and second row. For the pictures in the first row, I asked the question Who? And to the pictures of the second row I asked the question What? How are they different? The pictures in the first row depict which objects are: living or inanimate? What about the pictures in the second row?

Conclusion: about living objects we ask Who? About inanimate objects - What?

6. Guessing riddles:

Lives in the forest

and climbs into the chicken coop,

called a cunning beast?

Antoshka stands on four legs,

on Antoshka soup and spoons?

The child determines which question the answer words answer. The speech therapist puts a picture of a fox on the board on the left, the table on the right.

6. Game “Select pictures”.

On the board there are pictures: bush, leaf, stork, pig, owl, pillar, beet, cabbage, rhinoceros. The child names them.

Speech therapist: Name the words that answer the question Who? Place these pictures next to the picture of the fox. Select pictures that answer the question What? and put them next to the picture on the table.

7. Clarify the articulation of the sound “C”. Name words with the sound “S” that answer the question Who? What? Well done, now look what a surprise the Sonya doll brought.

Individual lessons with a speech therapist are necessary to establish and automate correct sound pronunciation. This method of work is necessary for children with speech pathologies and physiological disorders of the articulatory apparatus.

Classes are devoted to the production and automation of groups of phonemes or individual sounds. The topic of today's lesson: “Sound [S]”. During the lesson we use methods of sound production [С] and [Ш], developed for correctional work with preschoolers.


  1. Staging and automation of sound [C].
  2. Fixing sounds in isolated positions, in syllables, in words and sentences.
  3. Production of whistling sounds, their differentiation.



  • Setting and assigning the phoneme [C] in reflected repetition to the teacher, independently.
  • Enrichment of the dictionary.


  • Formation of syllabic analysis skills.
  • Fixing the sound [S] in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences.
  • Development of thinking, memory, attention.
  • Development .
  • Development of motor skills of articulation organs and fingers.


  • Maintaining interest in learning and working with a speech therapist.
  • Cultivating hard work.
  • Developing the skill of controlling sound pronunciation.

To conduct classes in a fun way game form You will need a toy (for example, a bear, an elephant), a mirror, a sound ruler, cards with letters and images of objects, and syllable diagrams.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment

Good afternoon, Zakhar (child’s name). Today we will meet a guest. He came to us to see what you were doing in class, to help you do exercises and play.

Come on, let's meet him. The elephant's name is Semyon. How are you?

We got acquainted, now we’ll tell the elephant what we’ll do today.

Let's learn how to pronounce the sound [C] correctly and repeat exercises to warm up the face, fingers, and tongue. Let's consider interesting pictures from fairy tales and come up with our own story. And Semyon will help us and learn too. What sound does the elephant's name begin with? (the child answers), and your name is Well done.

Game “Hear and Clap”

Goal: to develop phonemic awareness.

  • Let's play a game. I will name the words, and you will clap your hands if you hear the sound [C].

Sleigh, broom, elephant, owl, cat, bag.

  • Well done. The elephant praises you too. He is proud of you, wants to be just as smart and attentive.

Now let's get ready to warm up.

Articulation gymnastics

To make a sound [C] must be used articulatory gymnastics. Completing tasks helps to relax the muscles, feel the position of the organs of the oral cavity, and get into the mood for work. This stage cannot be excluded from speech therapy sessions.

Repeat the steps after me. Rub your palms and fingers. Stroke yourself on the cheeks, forehead (3-4 times). Move your hands to your ears, rub the earlobes (3-4 times). Rub over the lips, under the chin (3-4 times).

Articulation exercises:
Performed in front of a mirror or without it, the child repeats the movements after the teacher.

  • Smile

We stretch the sponges as far as possible to the sides. We hold the smile for a few seconds, then relax the muscles. 2-3 repetitions.

  • Spatula

We smile, open our mouth, and place our tongue on our lower teeth. We slap our tongue on our lips and say: “Bya, pya, pya, bya.”

  • Jam

We lick our lips as if they were smeared with a sweet treat.

  • Needle

Stick out your sharp tongue, pull it out as far as possible, and now hide it back. Repeat.

Well done. Our tongue and lips are ready for the lesson.

Breathing exercises

Helps the child relax, take a break from articulations, and get ready for further work. Do 2-3 breathing exercises with your preschooler.

  • Puffing out our cheeks

Come on, let's make Semyon laugh. Let's show him how a fish breathes underwater. Take air into your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Try not to release it right away, hold it. Then puff up one cheek, then the other.

  • Trumpeter

Pull the sponges into a tube. Take air into your lungs and blow it out through a thin slit in your mouth, as if you were blowing out a candle.

Finger gymnastics

Now let's stretch our fingers. Let's make a “Lock”, “Ring Fist”.

Sound production

The main part of the lesson. The sound [C] is produced using a mirror. The child must follow the movements of the articulatory apparatus. Fix the correct positions of the lips and tongue. These exercises and methods can be used as ways to create whistling sounds in future classes.

  • First, let's tell the elephant how we pronounce the sound [C]. Show what the tongue, lips, teeth do, how the air passes. Let's remember together.
  • Fold your lips into a smile, clench your teeth, relax your tongue and place it at the bottom of your mouth. Its tip should rest against the lower teeth. Exhale into your palm. Do you feel the cold air coming out in a thin stream? Well done. Let's do it again.
  • Remember that the consonant C can be hard or soft, it is always unvoiced. Can you name a few words where C is soft. I call the word Sema. Try to come up with it.
  • And now words where C is hard. I call the word, dream. Now it's your turn.
  • Let's look at the pictures. They depict fruits. Name those that begin with S.
  • The child is offered color images: plum, pineapple, currant, cucumber, tomato, peach, etc.
  • Now let's talk for a long, long time. Ssssssss. Let's sing a song to Semyon, as if we were inflating the tires with a pump. S-S-S.

The production of the C sound in dysarthria is accompanied by vowel sounds. We pronounce the syllables su, sa, then the small words soup, dog. We sing not a separate phoneme, but syllables with vowels.

The production of the sound C is similar to the correction of the pronunciation of the phoneme Ш. The tongue takes the same position, the lips stretch to the sides.

Mechanical method

If a preschooler cannot cope with pronunciation on his own, use the production of the sound C with the help of a teacher and a spatula, toothpick, and fingers. The mechanical method of extracting a phoneme helps the child feel. Understand the correct positions of the cheeks and tongue, control the process of exhaling air during articulation.

Sound production:

  1. Place the toothpick on the child's tongue. She's immersed in oral cavity by 1.5 - 2 cm.
  2. The child forms a groove on his elongated tongue and blows air along it. You can press on the toothpick, lowering your tongue to the lower palate. You will hear whistling sounds when you exhale.
  3. Place your tongue and toothpick in different positions, look for the right position for the clearest phonation.

Sound Automation

Pay special attention to sound automation. This stage of work is important for consolidating the norms of sound pronunciation in free speech. We automate sound in syllables, words, sentences, stories.

To automate the sound [S], syllable patterns will be required. The sound [S] should be hard, soft, and in different positions. After pronunciation, be sure to analyze the pairs, compare them by sound and meaning.

  • in syllables

Come on, let's read the cards with you. Repeat after me, look in the mirror at the movements of your lips and tongue. Tighten them up.

Sa-sa-sa - what a beauty.
Si-si-si, don't miss it.
Se-se-se, don’t go to your place.

The set of syllables may differ from the one given, use open, closed isolated syllables to set the sound s, use the same cards, phonemic sets for consolidation.

  • in words

Now let's move on to the words. Pronounce it correctly, don't rush.

Automation of the sound [S] in words at the end, in the middle, at the beginning of a word.

Look at the cards. What is shown in the pictures?

  • in sentences

Can be used story pictures from books, collections of fairy tales. The child is asked to repeat sentences and phrases after the teacher. Then compose your own text based on the proposed vocabulary.

  • in the texts

Look at the picture. What do you see?

This is Boris and Slava. The boys gathered in the forest. I will tell you them too, and you will repeat them.

Slava and Boris gathered in the forest. They want to see the pine trees and listen to the nightingale sing. They took their dog Strelka with them.

The child repeats the story. Correcting irregularities in sound pronunciation. Focus on the problematic sound.

Now come up with an idea short story about our guest, Semyon the elephant. I will offer you a few words to use in the text: elephant, scooter and pump.

The preschooler is given a few minutes to think about it at will. The text is being compiled. The teacher monitors phonetics, grammar, and syntax.

Do you like to solve crosswords? I have prepared a crossword puzzle for you with words with the sound [S]. Try to guess it.

Lesson summary

Today you and I learned a lot of new things, we learned to pronounce the sound [S] better. Repeat again. Well done!

At home, repeat the tongue twisters: “Robin Bobbin eats all day, and he is not too lazy to chew. He ate a whole apricot, he began to peel the coconut,” “Took Sanya with him to the sleigh hill,” “Mow, scythe, while the dew is on.”

Let's say goodbye to Semyon and invite him to the next lesson.

Sound automation classes [s] in

syllables and words using elements sand therapy.

"Walk with a Snowman"

Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist

    Fix and isolated pronunciation of the sound [s]. Practice correctly pronouncing the sound [s] in syllables
    and words. Continue to teach determining the presence and location of sound in
    word. Practice the correct use of genitive forms
    case of nouns. Continue to learn how to select words with the same root
    "snow". Develop holistic perception, attention, memory, facial and fine motor skills.


Picture "Snowman"; cut picture “Snowman”; set of snowflakes; a set of paired subject pictures with the sound [s] in the title (with an image of a cloud or snowflake on the reverse side); object pictures to determine the place of a sound in a word; silhouette images of an elephant, a bush and a snowman for the exercise “What does a snowdrift look like?”; glass pebbles; pictograms “Sadness”, “Surprise” and “Joy”; sandbox with white or blue semolina.

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist. Look, someone sent us a letter. Let's read it.

I wasn't raised

Made from snow.

Instead of a nose cleverly

Inserted a carrot.

Have you guessed who the letter is from?

Child. From the snowman.

Speech therapist. And here he is, looking through the window and inviting you for a walk.

2. Let's tease the snowman. Smile at him and show him
what straight teeth do you have (exercise “Fence”).

Now show him your tongue, flat as a shovel (exercise “Shovel”). Blow on your tongue, show the snowman that you are very friendly with the breeze (exercise “Breeze”). Place your tongue behind your teeth and show them how clean they are (exercise “Let’s brush your lower teeth.”)

3. Now leave your tongue behind your lower teeth, close your teeth, smile and let in the breeze (the child says: s-s-s). You've got your favorite snowman sound. Now let’s draw snowy mountains and pronounce the favorite sound of a snowman (the child draws mountains using semolina and pronounces the isolated sound s-s-s-s)

Walk in the snow and listen to how it creaks.

Take a step and say the sound [s] at the end of each of my words: le.., but.., pu.., kwa.., vacuum.., apricot.., autobu.., anaana.. .

The child finishes each word with the sound [s] and at the same time takes a step along the sandbox.

4. Look how much snow there is! Let's play in the snow. Let's draw a snowball for each syllable: ac

The child draws a circle on the semolina and repeats the syllable after the speech therapist.

Make the following snowball: ys (The syllables os, us, es, is are played in a similar way.)

Crunch the snow and listen to what he tells us about.

Isko-isko-isko - in winter the sun is low.

Aska-aska-aska - it’s a fairy tale made of snow all around.

Isto-isto-isto - the snow hid everything, clean.

The child repeats the syllable series after the speech therapist, after which the speech therapist finishes the sentence.

5. Look, it’s snowing, snowflakes are falling from the sky. Try to catch them, but catch the snowflake only when you hear the [s] sound in the word.

Sled, fur coat, blizzard, snow, skates, winter...

6. Look, there is a lot more snow! From it you can
build another snowman. (the cut parts of the snowman are hidden under a “drift”, the child cleans it with a brush and assembles the picture)

As the work progresses, the speech therapist asks questions: Who did you blind? (snowman); What did you make the snowman out of? (from snow); If a snowman is made of snow, what is it like? (Snow.)

The snowman decided to play with you. He knows that snow is falling from a cloud. You need to match each cloud with a snowflake so that the pictures on back side approached each other, they were a couple.

In front of the child there are pictures in two rows: the first row - “clouds” - pictures of one set, the second row - “snowflakes” - pictures of the second set. If the pair doesn’t work out, the pictures need to be put back in place and the place remembered.

Pictures: fox, elephant, nose, dog.

The pairs are made. Game "One - Many"

The snowman was tired and decided to take a break.

7. Dynamic pause.

We are making a snowman out of fluffy snow. (imitation of making snowballs)

Here they rolled the first ball, (bending over to “roll a ball of snow”)

That's how big he is. (spread hands from top to sides down)

The second one is a little smaller, (spreading your arms a little less)

The third is the head. (draw a circle in the air)

The hat will come from a bucket. (place palms over head like a roof)

The nose is a carrot, and the eyes are two cheerful coals. (show nose, eyes)

That's it, our snowman is ready, he looks happy.

The mouth laughs from ear to ear, (points a finger at the mouth)

He makes all the children happy. (smile)

8. And the snow keeps coming and going. And objects familiar to us turned into large snowdrifts. Look carefully at what
Are these snowdrifts similar? (silhouette pictures of cactus, snowman, fox, elephant)

Child. Cactus, snowman, fox, elephant.

Speech therapist. The snowman asks you to help him determine where his favorite sound [s] lives, say the name of the picture and determine where the sound is: at the beginning, end or middle of the word?

(Pictures: sled, plane, scales, bowl, globe, bus).

(The child draws a diagram of the word and uses pebbles to indicate the position of the sound)

9. What a strange snowflake flew to you. What is she like?
Child. Sad.

Speech therapist. Show how sad she is.

Child. She is sad because she has few rays, but a snowflake should be radiant and patterned.

Speech therapist. But for a ray to appear, you need to remember the snow word - the word in which the snow is hidden. The first ray we have is the word “snowflake”. Let's continue.

A lump of snow... (snowball).

Girl made of snow... (Snow Maiden).

Man made of snow... (snowman).

Snow woman... (snow woman).

The flower that first appears from under the snow... (snowdrop).

For each word, the child places pebbles around the snowflake.

The snowflake saw how many rays it had, and was surprised. Show how surprised she was. And then she smiled cheerfully. Show me how.

The child performs.

10. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Our walk has come to an end, it's time to return. What did you like most about our walk? What words does a snowflake like? What is a snowman's favorite sound?


Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [C] in syllables, words and sentences

Korogodina Anastasia Igorevna, teacher – speech therapist, Municipal preschool educational institution“Nursery – garden No. 170 of the city of Donetsk”
Job description: this material will be useful for speech therapists; the material is intended for children 5 years old; this material is used in individual work on automating the sound “S” in syllables, words and sentences.
1. Educational: automation of the sound [S] in syllables, words and sentences.
2. Corrective:
consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation of the sound [C] in syllables, words, sentences;
develop articulatory and fine motor skills;
develop phonemic hearing;
develop speech breathing;
develop clarity of diction and intonation expressiveness.
3. Educational:
consolidate the ability to determine the place of sound in a word;
develop attention, memory, thinking;
practice the ability to complete a sentence grammatically correctly.
4. Educational:
create positive motivation in class;
develop verbal communication skills and listening skills.
Equipment:“Sonya the Dog” toy, “Su-Jok” massager, incentive sticker.

Progress of the lesson
1. Organizational moment. Breathing exercises.
Speech therapist: The call gave us a signal:
The time has come to work.
So let's not waste time
And we begin to work.
- inhale deeply through your nose, exhale through your mouth, inhale deeply and exhale again.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

1. “Smile” / “Tube”
Keeping your lips in a smile. The teeth are not visible. Pulling closed lips forward. And again.
If our lips smile,
Look - a fence appears.
Well, what if the sponges are a narrow tube,
So, we can play the pipe.
2. “Clock” / “Pendulum”
The mouth is slightly open. The lips are stretched into a smile. With the tip of the narrow tongue, alternately reach to the corners of the mouth at the teacher’s count.
One after another, one after another
The arrows are moving in a circle.
You lick both lips
Show me how the arrows move.
3. “Punish the naughty tongue”
Smile widely. Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and, lightly biting it with your teeth, say “ta-ta-ta” for 5-10 seconds. Then slap your tongue with your lips, saying “five-five-five” for 5-10 seconds.
Your tongue is mischievous,
He doesn't listen to you.
Punish him quickly:
“Five-five, five-five, five-five-five!”
4. "Pancake"

The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue lies on lower lip. We slap the tongue with our upper lip: five-five-five. We slightly bite our tongue: ta-ta-ta.
We get up early in the morning,
We bake delicious pancakes.
A trickle across the frying pan
The dough spreads...
Look how handsome he is
It turns out to be a pancake.
5. “Brush your teeth”
Smile, open your mouth with the tip of your tongue from the inside to “brush” your lower and upper teeth alternately.
Open your mouth, smile,
Show me your teeth
Clean the top and bottom
After all, they are not superfluous to us.
6. "Gorka"
Open your mouth. Place the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth and lift the back of your tongue up.
The tongue is pulled down by the teeth,
Its tip is pressed against the teeth.
The back arches very, very strongly -
This is what a slide it turns out to be!
7. "Pussy is angry"
Smile, open your mouth. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth from the inside (“mountain”). Roll out the wide tongue forward and move it deep into the mouth (slide). Repeat the exercise 8-10 times at a calm pace.
Our pussy got angry:
They forgot to wash her bowl.
Don't come close to her -
Pussy can scratch!

3. Finger gymnastics.
Speech therapist: Look who came to us today! Who is this? This is a dog. What's the dog's name? Don't know? I don't know either. Let's ask. Her name is Sonya. Let's introduce ourselves to Sonya, she's wondering who she'll be playing with today. Sonya loves to play with the ball. And now, we will show her how you can do it.
Finger play with a “su-jok” massager.
I roll the ball in circles
I drive him back and forth.
I will stroke their palm.
It's like I'm sweeping away crumbs
And I'll squeeze it a little,
How a cat squeezes its paw
I'll press the ball with each finger,
And I'll start with the other hand.
Massage the fingers with an elastic ring “su-jok”.
One – two – three – four – five, /extend fingers one at a time/
The fingers went out for a walk,
This finger is the strongest, thickest and largest.
This finger is for showing it.
This finger is the longest and stands in the middle.
This ring finger is the most spoiled one.
And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.

4. Articulatory image of sound.
Speech therapist: Let's remember what position our lips, teeth and tongue occupy when pronouncing the sound “C”. The lips are stretched into a smile. The teeth are brought together and create a barrier to the air stream. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.

5. Pronunciation of an isolated sound [C].
Speech therapist: The dog Sonya loves it when a cool breeze blows. Blow like a breeze S-S-S.

6. Physical education minute.
We'll blow high: S-S-S
(The child stands on his toes and raises his hands up)
We'll blow low: S-S-S
(Child crouches)
We will blow far: S-S-S
(The child straightens up, leans forward, arms outstretched)
We'll blow close: S-S-S
(Standing straight, hands to mouth)

7. Development of phonemic hearing.
Speech therapist: Clap when you hear the "S" sound.

8. Automation of sound (C) in pure language.
Speech therapist: Just imagine, our Sonya was bitten by a wasp. Now she is not friends with her. And you and I must reconcile them. We will repeat all the syllables, we will win this quarrel.
bitten on the nose by a wasp.
my nose became like a wheel.
I carry a wasp in my hand.
I'm not afraid of the evil wasp.

9. Automation of sound (C) in words and sentences.

Speech therapist: Now we will play the game “Sound Closet”. Name all the words. Follow correct pronunciation sound.

Speech therapist: Look at the picture and say what the dog Sonya saw. Answer in a complete sentence. The dog Sonya saw...

10. Summary of the lesson.
Speech therapist: What did you like most? Who did you play with today? What is the dog's name?

11. Assessment of the child’s speech activity.
Speech therapist: You did a great job today, you pronounced the [S] sound correctly.
Speech therapist: And Sonya also liked how you played with her and performed various tasks. For this she wants to thank you and give you this sticker as a souvenir. Well done!

Literature used.
1. Yavorskaya O. N. Entertaining tasks speech therapist for preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2015.
2. Agranovich Z. E. Collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech in older preschoolers. To help speech therapists and parents. - St. Petersburg, 2007.
3. Zhukova N. S. Speech therapist lessons: correction of speech disorders. – M.: Eksmo, 2013.
4. Iskhanova S.V. Game therapy in speech therapy: articulatory transformations. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2013.