The largest battle of the 14th century, surpassing Kulikovo, is a forgotten battle of the ancient Russians. Solving the mystery of the Battle of Kulikovo General characteristics of the era

Battle of Kulikovo (Mamaevo Massacre), a battle between the united Russian army led by the Moscow Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and the army of the temnik of the Golden Horde Mamai, which took place on September 8, 1380 on the Kulikovo field (a historical area between the Don, Nepryadva and Krasivaya Mecha rivers in the south- east of the Tula region.

Strengthening the Moscow Principality in the 60s of the 14th century. and the unification around him of the remaining lands of North-Eastern Rus' proceeded almost simultaneously with the strengthening of the power of the temnik Mamai in the Golden Horde. Married to the daughter of the Golden Horde Khan Berdibek, he received the title of emir and became the arbiter of the destinies of that part of the Horde, which was located west of the Volga to the Dnieper and in the steppe expanses of the Crimea and Ciscaucasia.

Militia of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich in 1380 Lubok, 17th century.

In 1374, Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, who also had a label for the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, refused to pay tribute to the Golden Horde. Then the khan in 1375 transferred the label to the great reign of Tver. But virtually the entire North-Eastern Rus' opposed Mikhail Tverskoy. The Moscow prince organized a military campaign against the Tver principality, which was joined by the Yaroslavl, Rostov, Suzdal and regiments of other principalities. Novgorod the Great also supported Dmitry. Tver capitulated. According to the concluded agreement, the Vladimir table was recognized as the “fatherland” of the Moscow princes, and Mikhail Tverskoy became Dmitry’s vassal.

However, the ambitious Mamai continued to consider the defeat of the Moscow principality, which had escaped subordination, as the main factor in strengthening his own positions in the Horde. In 1376, the Khan of the Blue Horde, Arab Shah Muzzaffar (Arapsha of Russian chronicles), who went over to the service of Mamai, ravaged the Novosilsk principality, but returned back, avoiding a battle with the Moscow army that had gone beyond the Oka border. In 1377 he was on the river. It was not the Moscow-Suzdal army that defeated Pian. The governors sent against the Horde showed carelessness, for which they paid: “And their princes, and boyars, and nobles, and governors, consoling and having fun, drinking and fishing, imagining the existence of the house,” and then ruined the Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan principalities.

In 1378, Mamai, trying to force him to pay tribute again, sent an army to Rus' led by Murza Begich. The Russian regiments that came out to meet were led by Dmitry Ivanovich himself. The battle took place on August 11, 1378 in Ryazan land, on a tributary of the Oka river. Vozhe. The Horde were completely defeated and fled. The Battle of Vozha showed the increased power of the Russian state emerging around Moscow.

Mamai attracted armed detachments from the conquered peoples of the Volga region and the North Caucasus to participate in the new campaign; his army also included heavily armed infantrymen from the Genoese colonies in the Crimea. The Horde's allies were the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello and the Ryazan Prince Oleg Ivanovich. However, these allies were on their own: Jagiello did not want to strengthen either the Horde or the Russian side, and as a result, his troops never appeared on the battlefield; Oleg Ryazansky entered into an alliance with Mamai, fearing for the fate of his border principality, but he was the first to inform Dmitry about the advance of the Horde troops and did not participate in the battle.

In the summer of 1380 Mamai began his campaign. Not far from the place where the Voronezh River flows into the Don, the Horde set up their camps and, wandering, awaited news from Jagiello and Oleg.

In the terrible hour of danger hanging over the Russian land, Prince Dmitry showed exceptional energy in organizing resistance to the Golden Horde. At his call, military detachments and militias of peasants and townspeople began to gather. All of Rus' rose up to fight the enemy. The gathering of Russian troops was appointed in Kolomna, where the core of the Russian army set out from Moscow. The court of Dmitry himself, the regiments of his cousin Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky and the regiments of the Belozersk, Yaroslavl and Rostov princes walked separately along different roads. The regiments of the Olgerdovich brothers (Andrei Polotsky and Dmitry Bryansky, the Jagiello brothers) also moved to join the troops of Dmitry Ivanovich. The brothers' army included Lithuanians, Belarusians and Ukrainians; citizens of Polotsk, Drutsk, Bryansk and Pskov.

After the troops arrived in Kolomna, a review was held. The assembled army on the Maiden Field was striking in its numbers. The gathering of troops in Kolomna had not only military, but also political significance. The Ryazan prince Oleg finally got rid of his hesitations and abandoned the idea of ​​​​joining the troops of Mamai and Jagiello. A marching battle formation was formed in Kolomna: Prince Dmitry led the Big Regiment; Serpukhov Prince Vladimir Andreevich with the Yaroslavl people - the regiment of the Right Hand; Gleb Bryansky was appointed commander of the Left Hand regiment; The leading regiment was made up of Kolomna residents.

Saint Sergius of Radonezh blesses Saint Prince Demetrius Donskoy.
Artist S.B. Simakov. 1988

On August 20, the Russian army set out from Kolomna on a campaign: it was important to block the path of Mamai’s hordes as soon as possible. On the eve of the campaign, Dmitry Ivanovich visited Sergius of Radonezh at the Trinity Monastery. After the conversation, the prince and the abbot went out to the people. Having made the sign of the cross over the prince, Sergius exclaimed: “Go, sir, against the filthy Polovtsians, calling on God, and the Lord God will be your helper and intercessor.” Blessing the prince, Sergius predicted victory for him, albeit at a high price, and sent two of his monks, Peresvet and Oslyabya, on the campaign.

The entire campaign of the Russian army to the Oka was carried out in a relatively short time. The distance from Moscow to Kolomna is about 100 km; the troops covered it in 4 days. They arrived at the mouth of Lopasnya on August 26. Ahead there was a guard guard, which had the task of protecting the main forces from a surprise attack by the enemy.

On August 30, Russian troops began crossing the Oka River near the village of Priluki. Okolnichy Timofey Velyaminov and his detachment monitored the crossing, awaiting the approach of the foot army. On September 4, 30 km from the Don River in the Berezuy tract, the allied regiments of Andrei and Dmitry Olgerdovich joined the Russian army. Once again, the location of the Horde army was clarified, which, awaiting the approach of the allies, was wandering around the Kuzmina Gati.

The movement of the Russian army from the mouth of Lopasnya to the west was intended to prevent the Lithuanian army of Jagiello from uniting with the forces of Mamai. In turn, Jagiello, having learned about the route and number of Russian troops, was in no hurry to unite with the Mongol-Tatars, hovering around Odoev. The Russian command, having received this information, decisively sent troops to the Don, trying to forestall the formation of enemy units and strike at the Mongol-Tatar horde. On September 5, the Russian cavalry reached the mouth of the Nepryadva, which Mamai learned about only the next day.

To develop a plan for further action, on September 6, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich convened a military council. The votes of the council members were divided. Some suggested going beyond the Don and fighting the enemy on the southern bank of the river. Others advised staying on the northern bank of the Don and waiting for the enemy to attack. The final decision depended on the Grand Duke. Dmitry Ivanovich uttered the following significant words: “Brothers! An honest death is better than an evil life. It was better not to go out against the enemy than to come and do nothing and return back. Today we will all cross the Don and there we will lay our heads for the Orthodox faith and our brothers.” The Grand Duke of Vladimir preferred offensive actions that made it possible to maintain the initiative, which was important not only in strategy (hitting the enemy in parts), but also in tactics (choosing the location of the battle and the surprise of a strike on the enemy’s army). After the council in the evening, Prince Dmitry and voivode Dmitry Mikhailovich Bobrok-Volynsky moved beyond the Don and examined the area.

The area chosen by Prince Dmitry for the battle was called Kulikovo Field. On three sides - west, north and east, it was limited by the Don and Nepryadva rivers, cut by ravines and small rivers. The right wing of the Russian army forming into battle formation was covered by the rivers flowing into the Nepryadva (Upper, Middle and Lower Dubiki); on the left is the rather shallow Smolka River, which flows into the Don, and dried up stream beds (beams with gentle slopes). But this lack of terrain was compensated for - behind Smolka there was a forest in which a general reserve could be placed to guard the fords across the Don and strengthen the wing’s battle formation. Along the front, the Russian position had a length of over eight kilometers (some authors significantly reduce it and then question the number of troops). However, the terrain convenient for enemy cavalry action was limited to four kilometers and was located in the center of the position - near the converging upper reaches of Nizhny Dubik and Smolka. Mamai's army, having an advantage in deployment along a front of more than 12 kilometers, could attack the Russian battle formations with cavalry only in this limited area, which excluded maneuver by cavalry masses.

On the night of September 7, 1380, the crossing of the main forces began. Foot troops and convoys crossed the Don along built bridges, and cavalry forded. The crossing was carried out under the cover of strong guard detachments.

Morning on the Kulikovo field. Artist A.P. Bubnov. 1943-1947.

According to the message of the guard Semyon Melik and Pyotr Gorsky, who had a battle with enemy reconnaissance on September 7, it became known that the main forces of Mamai were at a distance of one march and by the morning next day they should be expected at Don's. Therefore, so that Mamai would not forestall the Russian army, already on the morning of September 8, the army of Rus', under the cover of the Sentinel Regiment, took up battle formation. On the right flank, adjacent to the steep banks of Nizhny Dubik, stood the Right Hand regiment, which included Andrei Olgerdovich’s squad. The squads of the Big Regiment were located in the center. They were commanded by the Moscow okolnichy Timofey Velyaminov. On the left flank, covered from the east by the Smolka River, the Left Hand regiment of Prince Vasily Yaroslavsky formed. Ahead of the Big Regiment was the Advanced Regiment. Behind the left flank of the Big Regiment, a reserve detachment was secretly located, commanded by Dmitry Olgerdovich. Behind the Left Hand regiment in the Green Dubrava forest, Dmitry Ivanovich placed a selected cavalry detachment of 10-16 thousand people - the Ambush Regiment, led by Prince Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky and the experienced governor Dmitry Mikhailovich Bobrok-Volynsky.

Battle of Kulikovo. Artist A. Yvon. 1850

This formation was chosen taking into account the terrain and the method of fighting used by the Golden Horde. Their favorite technique was to envelop one or both flanks of the enemy with cavalry detachments and then move to his rear. Russian army took a position reliably covered on the flanks by natural obstacles. Due to the terrain conditions, the enemy could attack the Russians only from the front, which deprived him of the opportunity to use his numerical superiority and use the usual tactics. The number of Russian troops, formed in battle order, reached 50-60 thousand people.

Mamai’s army, which arrived on the morning of September 8 and stopped 7-8 kilometers from the Russians, numbered about 90-100 thousand people. It consisted of a vanguard (light cavalry), the main forces (mercenary Genoese infantry were in the center, and heavy cavalry deployed in two lines on the flanks) and a reserve. Light reconnaissance and security detachments scattered in front of the Horde camp. The enemy's plan was to cover the Russian. army from both flanks, and then surround it and destroy it. The main role in solving this problem was assigned to powerful cavalry groups concentrated on the flanks of the Horde army. However, Mamai was in no hurry to join the battle, still hoping for Jagiello’s approach.

But Dmitry Ivanovich decided to draw Mamai’s army into the battle and ordered his regiments to march. The Grand Duke took off his armor, handed it over to boyar Mikhail Brenk, and he himself put on simple armor, but not inferior in its protective properties to the prince’s. The Grand Duke's dark red (black) banner was placed in the Big Regiment - a symbol of honor and glory of the united Russian army. It was handed to Brenk.

Duel between Peresvet and Chelubey. Artist. V.M. Vasnetsov. 1914

The battle began around 12 o'clock. When the main forces of the parties converged, a duel between the Russian warrior monk Alexander Peresvet and the Mongolian hero Chelubey (Temir-Murza) took place. As folk legend says, Peresvet rode out without protective armor, with only one spear. Chelubey was fully armed. The warriors dispersed their horses and struck their spears. A powerful simultaneous blow - Chelubey fell dead with his head towards the Horde army, which was a bad omen. Pere-light stayed in the saddle for several moments and also fell to the ground, but with his head towards the enemy. This is how the folk legend predetermined the outcome of the battle for a just cause. After the fight, a fierce battle broke out. As the chronicle writes: “The strength of the Tatar greyhound from Sholomyani is great, coming and then again, not moving, stasha, for there is no place for them to make way; and so stasha, a copy of the pawn, wall against wall, each of them has on the shoulder of his predecessors, the ones in front are more beautiful, and the ones in the back are longer. And the great prince also with his great Russian strength went against them with another Sholomian.”

For three hours, Mamai’s army unsuccessfully tried to break through the center and right wing of the Russian army. Here the onslaught of the Horde troops was repulsed. Andrei Olgerdovich’s detachment was active. He repeatedly launched a counterattack, helping the center regiments hold back the enemy onslaught.

Then Mamai concentrated his main efforts against the Left Hand regiment. In a fierce battle with a superior enemy, the regiment suffered heavy losses and began to retreat. Dmitry Olgerdovich's reserve detachment was brought into the battle. The warriors took the place of the fallen, trying to hold back the onslaught of the enemy, and only their death allowed the Mongol cavalry to move forward. Warriors of the Ambush Regiment, seeing difficult situation their military brothers-in-arms, were eager to fight. Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovskoy, who commanded the regiment, decided to join the battle, but his adviser, the experienced governor Bobrok, held the prince back. Mamaev's cavalry, pressing the left wing and breaking through the battle formation of the Russian army, began to go to the rear of the Big Regiment. The Horde, reinforced by fresh forces from the Mamaia reserve, bypassing Green Dubrava, attacked the soldiers of the Big Regiment.

The decisive moment of the battle had arrived. The Ambush Regiment, the existence of which Mamai did not know, rushed into the flank and rear of the Golden Horde cavalry that had broken through. The attack by the Ambush Regiment came as a complete surprise to the Tatars. “I fell into great fear and horror of wickedness... and cried out, saying: “Alas for us!” ... the Christians have become wise over us, the daring and daring princes and governors have left us in hiding and have prepared plans for us that are not tired; Our arms are weakened, and the shoulders of the Ustasha, and our knees are numb, and our horses are very tired, and our weapons are worn out; and who can go against them?..." Taking advantage of the emerging success, other regiments also went on the offensive. The enemy fled. Russian squads pursued him for 30-40 kilometers - to the Beautiful Sword River, where the convoy and rich trophies were captured. Mamai's army was completely defeated. It practically ceased to exist.

Returning from the chase, Vladimir Andreevich began to gather an army. The Grand Duke himself was shell-shocked and knocked off his horse, but was able to get to the forest, where he was found unconscious after the battle under a felled birch tree. But the Russian army also suffered heavy losses, amounting to about 20 thousand people.

For eight days the Russian army collected and buried the dead soldiers, and then moved to Kolomna. On September 28, the winners entered Moscow, where the entire population of the city was waiting for them. The Battle of Kulikovo Field was of great importance in the struggle of the Russian people for liberation from the foreign yoke. It seriously undermined the military power of the Golden Horde and accelerated its subsequent collapse. The news that “Great Rus' defeated Mamai on the Kulikovo field” quickly spread throughout the country and far beyond its borders. For his outstanding victory, the people nicknamed Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich “Donskoy”, and his cousin, Prince Vladimir Andreevich of Serpukhov, nicknamed him “Brave”.

Jagiello's troops, having not reached the Kulikovo field 30-40 kilometers and having learned about the Russian victory, quickly returned to Lithuania. Mamai’s ally did not want to take risks, since there were many Slavic troops in his army. In the army of Dmitry Ivanovich there were prominent representatives of Lithuanian soldiers who had supporters in Jagiello’s army, and they could go over to the side of the Russian troops. All this forced Jagiello to be as careful as possible in making decisions.

Mamai, having abandoned his broken army, with a handful of comrades, fled to Kafa (Feodosia), where he was killed. Khan Tokhtamysh seized power in the Horde. He demanded that Rus' resume payment of tribute, claiming that it was not Golden Horde, and the usurper of power is Temnik Mamai. Dmitry refused. Then, in 1382, Tokhtamysh undertook a punitive campaign against Rus', captured and burned Moscow by cunning. The largest cities of the Moscow land - Dmitrov, Mozhaisk and Pereyaslavl - were also subjected to merciless destruction, and then the Horde marched through the Ryazan lands with fire and sword. As a result of this raid, Horde rule over Russia was restored.

Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo field. Artist V.K. Sazonov. 1824.

In terms of its scale, the Battle of Kulikovo has no equal in the Middle Ages and occupies a prominent place in the history of military art. The strategy and tactics used in the Battle of Kulikovo by Dmitry Donskoy were superior to the strategy and tactics of the enemy and were distinguished by their offensive nature, activity and purposefulness of action. Deep, well-organized reconnaissance allowed us to make the right decisions and make an exemplary march-maneuver to the Don. Dmitry Donskoy managed to correctly assess and use the terrain conditions. He took into account the enemy’s tactics and revealed his plan.

Burial of fallen soldiers after the Battle of Kulikovo.
1380. Front chronicle of the 16th century.

Based on the terrain conditions and the tactical techniques used by Mamai, Dmitry Ivanovich rationally positioned the forces at his disposal on the Kulikovo field, created a general and private reserve, and thought through the issues of interaction between the regiments. The tactics of the Russian army received further development. The presence of a general reserve (Ambush Regiment) in the battle formation and its skillful use, expressed in the successful choice of the moment of entry into action, predetermined the outcome of the battle in favor of the Russians.

Assessing the results of the Battle of Kulikovo and the activities of Dmitry Donskoy preceding it, a number of modern scientists who have most fully studied this issue do not believe that the Moscow prince set himself the goal of leading the anti-Horde struggle in the broad concept of the word, but only spoke out against Mamai as a usurper of power in Zolotaya Horde. So, A.A. Gorsky writes: “Open disobedience to the Horde, which developed into an armed struggle against it, occurred during a period when power there fell into the hands of an illegitimate ruler (Mamai). With the restoration of the “legitimate” power, an attempt was made to limit itself to a purely nominal, without paying tribute, recognition of the supremacy of the “king,” but the military defeat of 1382 thwarted it. Nevertheless, the attitude towards foreign power changed: it became obvious that, under certain conditions, its non-recognition and successful military opposition to the Horde were possible.” Therefore, as other researchers note, despite the fact that the uprisings against the Horde still occur within the framework of previous ideas about the relationship between the Russian princes - “ulusniks” and the Horde “kings”, “The Battle of Kulikovo undoubtedly became a turning point in the formation of a new self-awareness of the Russian people,” and “the victory on the Kulikovo Field secured Moscow’s role as the organizer and ideological center of the reunification of the East Slavic lands, showing that the path to their state-political unity was the only path to their liberation from foreign domination.”

Monument-column, made according to the design of A.P. Bryullov at the Ch. Berd plant.
Installed on the Kulikovo field in 1852 on the initiative of the first explorer
battles of the Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod S. D. Nechaev.

The times of the Horde invasions were becoming a thing of the past. It became clear that in Rus' there were forces capable of resisting the Horde. The victory contributed to the further growth and strengthening of the Russian centralized state and raised the role of Moscow as a center of unification.


September 21 (September 8 according to the Julian calendar) in accordance with Federal law dated March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ “On the days military glory and memorable dates of Russia" is the Day of Military Glory of Russia - the Day of the victory of Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo.

A chronicle collection called the Patriarchal or Nikon Chronicle. PSRL. T. XI. St. Petersburg, 1897. P. 27.

Quote by: Borisov N.S. And the candle would not go out... Historical portrait of Sergius of Radonezh. M., 1990. P.222.

Nikon Chronicle. PSRL. T. XI. P. 56.

Kirpichnikov A.N. Battle of Kulikovo. L., 1980. P. 105.

This number was calculated by the Soviet military historian E.A. Razin based on the total population of Russian lands, taking into account the principles of recruiting troops for all-Russian campaigns. See: Razin E.A. History of military art. T. 2. St. Petersburg, 1994. P. 272. The same number of Russian troops is determined by A.N. Kirpichnikov. See: Kirpichnikov A.N. Decree. Op. P. 65. In the works of historians of the 19th century. this number varies from 100 thousand to 200 thousand people. See: Karamzin N.M. History of the Russian State. T.V.M., 1993.S. 40; Ilovaisky D.I. Collectors of Rus'. M., 1996. P. 110.; Soloviev S.M. History of Russia from ancient times. Book 2. M., 1993. P. 323. Russian chronicles provide extremely exaggerated data on the number of Russian troops: Resurrection Chronicle - about 200 thousand. See: Resurrection Chronicle. PSRL. T. VIII. St. Petersburg, 1859. P. 35; Nikon Chronicle - 400 thousand. See: Nikon Chronicle. PSRL. T. XI. P. 56.

See: Skrynnikov R.G. Battle of Kulikovo // Battle of Kulikovo in the cultural history of our Motherland. M., 1983. S. 53-54.

Nikon Chronicle. PSRL. T. XI. P. 60.

Right there. P. 61.

“Zadonshchina” talks about the flight of Mamai himself-nine to the Crimea, that is, about the death of 8/9 of the entire army in the battle. See: Zadonshchina // Military stories Ancient Rus'. L., 1986. P. 167.

See: The Legend of Mamaev’s Massacre // Military Tales of Ancient Rus'. L., 1986. P. 232.

Kirpichnikov A.N. Decree. Op. P. 67, 106. According to E.A. Razin's Horde lost about 150 thousand, the Russians killed and died from wounds - about 45 thousand people (See: Razin E.A. Decree. Op. T. 2. P. 287-288). B. Urlanis speaks of 10 thousand killed (See: Urlanis B.Ts. History of military losses. St. Petersburg, 1998. P. 39). The “Tale of the Massacre of Mamaev” says that 653 boyars were killed. See: Military stories of Ancient Rus'. P. 234. The figure given there total number 253 thousand deaths of Russian combatants is clearly overestimated.

Gorsky A.A. Moscow and Horde. M. 2000. P. 188.

Danilevsky I.N. Russian lands through the eyes of contemporaries and descendants (XII-XIV centuries). M. 2000. P. 312.

Shabuldo F.M. The lands of Southwestern Rus' as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Kyiv, 1987. P. 131.

Yuri Alekseev, senior researcher
Research Institute of Military History
Military Academy of the General Staff
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Does anyone know what the small river Vorksla, which flows near Kyiv, is famous for? Does any of our contemporaries remember the greatest battle that took place on its shores in 1399?

Of course, it cannot be compared with the Battle of Kulikovo in terms of fame, but it surpasses it in the number of our ancestors who died in battle. Almost everyone who fought to the death on the banks of Vorksla died. Maybe that's why we know so little about this battle?

How it all started

In 1399, Kyiv was not yet as huge and densely populated as we know it today. That era came at the very end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, so the city was poor and plundered. He could not boast of any outstanding cultural achievements or scientific discoveries. The small population of the once mighty capital of Ancient Rus' was engaged in simple crafts and trade.
But at the same time, the victory on the Kulikovo Field raised the spirit of the Lithuanian-Russian warriors. Inspired by the unexpected success, they flocked to Kyiv, where Prince Vitovt, the ruler of Lithuania and Western Rus', was gathering an army. Everyone craved fame and rewards.

According to the few testimonies of historians, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas managed to gather up to one hundred thousand warriors. In the spirit of those times, these troops were variegated and motley. A considerable number of petty Lithuanian princes responded to the call of the Lithuanian sovereign. The Polish lords also did not disdain to take part in that military campaign. Even Tokhtamysh himself, the former Horde khan, who during his heyday managed to reach Moscow and burn it, joined the army. Having been overthrown by his follower Khan Edigei, the cunning Tokhtamysh hatched plans to regain his throne with the help of Vytautas.

The ancient Russian army awaited the decisive battle with great excitement and enthusiasm.

Let's go hiking

Feeling that he was ready, Prince Vitovt set out with his impressive army from Kyiv on May 18, 1399. With him came the princes Dmitry Bryansky, Ivan Kyiv, Andrei Polotsky, Gleb Smolensky, Dmitry Ostrogsky and several dozen other lesser-known local rulers.

Even the crusading knights joined the campaign, numbering up to a hundred. They had an army and artillery, an innovation unheard of at that time - crossbows and arquebuses. So the Battle of Worksla is also significant because artillery was used for the first time in Rus'.

Having reached the Worksla River, on August 8, 1399, the Lithuanian-Russian army met with an army of no less size, led by Khan Timur-Kultuk. Mongol-Tatar forces occupied the other side of the river.

Confident of his superiority, Prince Vitovt demanded that the Horde ruler immediately swear allegiance and agree to pay him tribute. He, in turn, assessed the enemy’s strength and resorted to cunning. He allegedly agreed to the demands put forward by Vytautas, but began to bargain over small details and asked to be given three days to think about it. Unsuspecting Vitovt agreed.

And at the appointed time, help arrived to Timur-Kutluk from among Crimean Tatars, and he, in turn, issued a counter ultimatum to the proud prince. Unable to tolerate such treatment, Prince Vitovt announced the start of the battle.

The brave ancient Russian warriors led by him had less than a day to live.

Bloody slaughter

On August 12, 1399, military forces under the command of the Lithuanian prince crossed Vorksla and attacked the Tatars. It is difficult to judge how deliberate this decision was, because the Tatar army was twice as large as the Lithuanian-Russian forces. However, for reasons only known to him, Prince Vitovt decided to give battle.

And it began great battle. At first, with their onslaught, the Old Russian army gained the upper hand over the Tatars. But the triumph was short-lived - Timur-Kutluk bypassed the army of Vytautas and deprived the Slavs of any hope for a successful outcome. The heavy and clumsy guns did not live up to expectations, since they failed to cause noticeable harm to the light and maneuverable enemy cavalry.

The battlefield was soaked in blood. Many thousands of soldiers were killed, and no fewer were taken prisoner.

The Russian army was defeated. The defeat is bitter and offensive. Vitovt himself managed to flee to Kyiv, hot on the heels of Timur-Kutluk. The Tatars, without hesitation, plundered everything in their path.

Having reached Kyiv, the Tatars tried to take the city, but no matter how hard they tried, they failed. Then they imposed a huge tribute on him by the standards of that time, which Kyiv was forced to pay.

Thus, ingloriously and tragically, the great campaign of Prince Vitovt ended.

History lessons

This defeat broke the power of the great ruler of Lithuania. Soon he was forced to accept Polish vassalage, and the principality lost its independence. Following the results of the Battle of Grunwald (with the participation of up to thirteen Russian regiments), it slightly restored its former greatness, but was never able to return to its former heights.

After the death of Vytautas in 1430, the Polish Poles began a campaign against Rus'. With his death, the Grand Duke marked the end of the heyday of the Principality of Lithuania.

The tragic date of the Battle of Worksla interrupted the history of the reign of the Lithuanian princes and consigned their names to oblivion. There are no descendants left of the princes of Ostrog, nor of Galicia, nor of Kyiv, nor of Novgorod-Seversky. But they descended from Vladimir the Holy and Yaroslav the Wise...

Europeans do not forget the tragic pages of their history. The Swedes and British regularly visit monuments to their fallen on Russian territory. And they are not discouraged by the fact that their ancestors suffered a crushing defeat on Russian soil.

Why is not a single obelisk erected in memory of one of the bloodiest battles in the history of Ancient Rus'? Not a single memorial plaque has been installed at the site of the brutal battle, and yet tens of thousands of Russian warriors died there, along with the Lithuanians and Poles.

Not giving up an inch of our native land is, of course, correct. But for historical justice and in the name of conscience, we must also remember defeats, so that the death of our ancestors, who did not spare their lives for the sake of the Russian land, would not be in vain.

Battle of Kulikovo briefly

The Russian man takes a long time to harness, but rides quickly

Russian folk proverb

The Battle of Kulikovo took place on September 8, 1380, but this was preceded by a number of important events. Beginning in 1374, relations between Russia and the Horde began to become noticeably more complicated. If earlier the issues of paying tribute and the supremacy of the Tatars over all the lands of Rus' did not cause discussion, now a situation began to develop when the princes began to feel their own strength, in which they saw an opportunity to repel the formidable enemy who had been ravaging their lands for many years. It was in 1374 that Dmitry Donskoy actually broke off relations with the Horde, not recognizing Mamai’s power over himself. Such freethinking could not be ignored. The Mongols did not leave.

Background to the Battle of Kulikovo, briefly

Along with the events described above, the death of the Lithuanian king Olgerd occurred. His place was taken by Jagiello, who first decided to establish relations with the powerful Horde. As a result, the Mongol-Tatars received a powerful ally, and Russia found itself sandwiched between enemies: from the east by the Tatars, from the west by the Lithuanians. This in no way shook the Russians' resolve to repel the enemy. Moreover, an army was assembled, headed by Dmitry Bobrok-Valyntsev. He made a campaign against the lands on the Volga and captured several cities. Which belonged to the Horde.

The next major events that created the preconditions for the Battle of Kulikovo took place in 1378. It was then that a rumor spread throughout Rus' that the Horde had sent a large army to punish the rebellious Russians. Previous lessons showed that the Mongol-Tatars burn out everything in their path, which means they cannot be allowed into fertile lands. Grand Duke Dmitry gathered a squad and set off to meet the enemy. Their meeting took place near the Vozha River. The Russian maneuver had a surprise factor. Never before had the prince's squad descended so deep into the south of the country to fight the enemy. But the fight was inevitable. The Tatars were unprepared for him. The Russian army won the victory quite easily. This gave even more confidence that the Mongols ordinary people and you can fight them.

Preparing for the battle - the Battle of Kulikovo in brief

The events at the Vozha River were the last straw. Mamai wanted revenge. Batu’s laurels haunted him and the new khan dreamed of repeating his feat and walking through all of Rus' with fire. Recent events have shown that the Russians are not as weak as before, which means the Mughals need an ally. They found him quickly enough. Mamai’s allies were:

  • King of Lithuania - Jagiello.
  • Prince of Ryazan - Oleg.

Historical documents indicate that the Prince of Ryazan took a contradictory position, trying to guess the winner. To do this, he entered into an alliance with the Horde, but at the same time regularly reported information about the movements of the Mongol army to other principalities. Mamai himself gathered a strong army, which included regiments from all lands that were controlled by the Horde, including the Crimean Tatars.

Training of Russian troops

Impending events required decisive action from the Grand Duke. It was at this moment that it was necessary to gather a strong army that could repel the enemy and show the whole world that Rus' had not been completely conquered. About 30 cities expressed their readiness to provide their squads to the united army. Many thousands of soldiers entered the detachment, the command of which was taken by Dmitry himself, as well as other princes:

  • Dmitry Bobrok-Volynits
  • Vladimir Serpukhovsky
  • Andrey Olgerdovich
  • Dmitry Olgerdovich

At the same time, the whole country rose up to fight. Literally everyone who could hold a sword in their hands enrolled in the squad. Hatred of the enemy became the factor that united the divided Russian lands. Let it be only for a while. The combined army advanced to the Don, where it was decided to repel Mamai.

Battle of Kulikovo - briefly about the course of the battle

On September 7, 1380, the Russian army approached the Don. The position was quite dangerous, since holding the ruck had both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it was easier to fight against the Mongol-Tatars, since they would have to cross the river. The disadvantage is that Jagiello and Oleg Ryazansky could arrive at the battlefield at any moment. In this case, the rear of the Russian army would be completely open. The only correct decision was made: the Russian army crossed the Don and burned all the bridges after itself. This managed to secure the rear.

Prince Dmitry resorted to cunning. The main forces of the Russian army lined up in a classical manner. In front stood a “large regiment”, which was supposed to hold back the main onslaught of the enemy; a regiment of the right and left hands was located at the edges. At the same time, it was decided to use the Ambush Regiment, which was hidden in the forest thicket. This regiment was led by the best princes Dmitry Bobrok and Vladimir Serpukhovsky.

The Battle of Kulikovo began in the early morning of September 8, 1380, as soon as the fog cleared over the Kulikovo field. According to chronicle sources, the battle began with the battle of heroes. The Russian monk Peresvet fought with the Horde member Chelubey. The blow of the warriors' spears was so strong that both of them died on the spot. After this the battle began.

Dmitry, despite his status, put on the armor of a simple warrior and stood at the head of the Big Regiment. With his courage, the prince inspired the soldiers to the feat that they had to accomplish. The initial onslaught of the Horde was terrible. They threw all the force of their blow onto the left-hand regiment, where the Russian troops began to noticeably lose ground. At the moment when Mamai’s army broke through the defenses in this place, and also when it began to maneuver in order to go to the rear of the main forces of the Russians, the Ambush Regiment entered the battle, which with terrible force and unexpectedly struck the attacking Horde in the rear. Panic began. The Tatars were sure that God himself was against them. Convinced that they had killed everyone behind them, they said that it was the dead Russians rising to fight. In this state, they lost the battle quite quickly and Mamai and his horde were forced to hastily retreat. Thus ended the Battle of Kulikovo.

Many people on both sides were killed in the battle. Dmitry himself could not be found for a very long time. Towards evening, when the pipes of the dead were being removed from the field, the body of the prince was discovered. He was alive!

Historical significance of the Battle of Kulikovo

Historical significance The Battle of Kulikovo cannot be overestimated. For the first time, the myth of the invincibility of the Horde army was broken. If previously various armies managed to achieve success in minor battles, then no one has ever been able to defeat the main forces of the Horde.

The important point for the Russian people was that the Battle of Kulikovo, which we briefly described, allowed them to feel faith in themselves. For more than a hundred years, the Mongols forced them to consider themselves second-class citizens. Now this was over, and for the first time conversations began that Mamai’s power and his yoke could be thrown off. These events found expression in literally everything. And it is precisely with this that the cultural transformations that affected all aspects of the life of Rus' are largely connected.

The significance of the Battle of Kulikovo also lies in the fact that this victory was perceived by everyone as a sign that Moscow should become the center of the new country. After all, only after Dmitry Donskoy began to collect lands around Moscow, there was a major victory over the Mongols.

For the horde itself, the significance of the defeat on the Kulikovo field was also extremely important. Mamaia lost most of his army, and was soon completely defeated by Khan Takhtomysh. This allowed the Horde to once again unite forces and feel its own strength and significance in those spaces that had previously not even thought of resisting it.

Prince of Moscow (from 1359), Grand Duke of Vladimir (from 1362), from 1363 Prince of Novgorod. Born October 12, 1350. Son of Ivan the Red and Princess Alexandra, his second wife. The Prince received the nickname Donskoy after his victory in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380.

The reason for the Battle of Kulikovo was the worsening of relations with the Golden Horde and the growing influence of the Moscow Principality. However, the formal reason for the outbreak of the conflict was the refusal of the Moscow prince to increase the amount of tribute paid. Mamai planned an armed conflict with the Moscow squad back in 1378. But the army of Murza Begich suffered a serious defeat on the Vozha River. Despite the serious strengthening of Moscow, Dmitry needed the support of other appanage princes. In many ways, for this, the prince sought and received the blessing of Sergius of Radonezh, whose icons can be seen today in many churches. But, despite this, neither Ryazan nor Tver responded to his call. And the princes of Suzdal generally took the side of Mamai.

Participants in the Battle of Kulikovo sought to gather as many troops as possible. Dmitry Donskoy had at his disposal only the soldiers of the Moscow and Vladimir principalities, as well as the soldiers of Prince Andrei Olgerdovich. By modern estimates historians, their total number reached 50 - 100 thousand people. The Lithuanian prince Jagiello hurried to the Horde army, which, according to various experts, amounted to from 60 to 150 thousand soldiers. Dmitry tried to prevent the connection of Mamai’s troops and he succeeded. Also, in Mamai’s army there were about 4 thousand Genoese, Muslim mercenaries, Yasses and others.

From chronicle sources it is known that the Battle of Kulikovo took place near the mouth of the Nepryadva and Don. However, it is reliably known that at that time the left bank of the Nepryadva was covered with forest. And the small field that exists today is too small for such a large-scale battle to take place. No ancient weapons or remains were found in these places. Thus, the question of the location of the battle remains open for many researchers.

A brief description of the Battle of Kulikovo, which took place on September 8, 1380, will not take much time. From the life of Sergius of Radonezh it is known that the battle was preceded by a duel between two heroes Peresvet and Chelubey. However, early sources do not mention him. Before the start of the Battle of Kulikovo, on September 7, Russian troops were lined up in battle formations. The main regiment was located in the center and was under the command of the okolnichy Velyaminov. The regiment of the right hand was placed under the command of Andrei Olgerdovich, the Lithuanian prince, the regiment of the left hand was commanded by Dmitry Mikhailovich Bobrok-Volynsky. It is not known exactly where the ambush regiment was located. Probably behind the shelf of the left hand. It was he who decided the outcome of the battle.

The result of the Battle of Kulikovo was the flight of Mamai and his troops. Moreover, the ambush regiment pursued the enemies another 50 versts to the Krasnaya Mecha River. Dmitry Donskoy himself was knocked off his horse in this battle. He was found only after the end of the battle.

The consequences of the Battle of Kulikovo had a serious impact on the further history of Rus'. Although the Horde yoke did not end, as many had hoped, the amount of tribute collected decreased. The authority of Moscow and Prince Dmitry increased, which allowed the Moscow Principality to become the center of unification of the lands of Rus'. The significance of the Battle of Kulikovo is also that it showed the possibility of a final victory over the Horde and the closeness of the end of the yoke.