Event on the theme: "International Mother Language Day." International Mother Language Day: origins, celebration, prospects Event dedicated to Mother Language Day

Tatyana Maltson
Scenario of the event for the International Day native language for children of senior preschool age

Goals and objectives: Develop aspirations to be tolerant in human society; foster internationalism; promote the development of students' oral speech.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer.

Integration of educational regions: cognition, socialization, health.

Progress of the event:

Leading: Russia is a multinational state. Each nation has a unique culture, history, traditions and, of course, language. More than 130 languages sound in our country.

What is the name of the republic in which we live? (answers children) .

Leading: Correct, Republic of Tatarstan.

Show presentation "Republic of Tatarstan" (accompanied by the national anthem of Tatarstan).

And what languages can we hear in our region? (answers children) .

Leading: What is the name of the city in which we live? (answer children) .

Leading: That's right, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Now we will see how beautiful our city is and listen to the city anthem.

Show presentation "Naberezhnye Chelny".

Leading: In our city and republic we can hear Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Mordovian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Georgian and others languages. In our country, all citizens can use their native language, but the means of interethnic communication is Russian language.

Guys, in our republic the second state the language is Tatar. There are guys among us too different nationalities. IN kindergarten we speak not only in Russian language, but we also study Tatar. But still language The language in which you and I communicate in order to understand each other is Russian.

There is such a good word - "our".

And may you be a Tatar, Yakut or Chuvash,

Was he born Russian, Mordovian, Ossetian,

Be a kind and loving son to your Motherland!

If you want to beat fate,

If you are looking for joy in a flower garden,

If you need solid support,

Learn Russian language!

He is your great, mighty mentor,

He is a translator. He is a guide.

If you storm knowledge steeply,

Learn Russian language.

Leading: Every year since 2000, February 21 is celebrated international mother language day. This holiday is still very young. He is only 13 years old. We believe that this holiday is very important and necessary. Without language the world would not exist. Just as a fish cannot live without water, so a person cannot exist without language. On the language we think, communicate, create. IN International Mother Language Day All languages ​​are recognized as equal, because each uniquely responds to human purpose, and each represents a living heritage that we must take seriously and protect.

Each nation has its own characteristics, traditions, culture and language. All this distinguishes each nation from each other. This is what makes people proud of belonging to a particular nation. And in language all the features of the people’s way of life are conveyed. Therefore, many of them, even small ones, are trying by all means and forces to save your language, your pride, paying tribute to your ancestors and your uniqueness.

Let's play translator.

Game: "Translators"

Let's remember what words you know in Tatar language. How will it be Tatar: dad, mom, grandma, girl, boy, house, dog, cat. (answers children) .

And now we will listen to the poem, dedicated to the day native language, which will be read by Yaroslav.

per day native language

I wish you to keep it,

So that speech is easy,

Without repeating swear words,

Speak well -

A kind word is nice!

For that tongue came,

To communicate clearly on it.

Leading: Each people praised its language. On poems written in native language, songs, epics, legends

Now let's listen to the poem "Tatar tele" Nazhipa Madyarova.

Tatar tele-minem tugan tele,

Soyleshuye rahet st telde.

Shul tel belen koilim.

Shul tel belen soilim

Milletteshem bulgan kherkemge.

Donyalar kin, anda iller bik kup.

Tugan ilem minem ber gene.

Tugan ilemde de teller bik kup,

Tugan telem minem ber gene.

Leading: You and I also know Tatar and Russian folk games:

Let's play one of them: "We sell pots" (“Chulmek satu uyen”).

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, speed of motor reaction, strengthening of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system.

Progress of the game:

The players are divided into two groups: potty children and potty owner players.

Children potty form a circle, kneeling or sitting on the grass. Behind everyone

The player who owns the pot stands with the pot, his hands behind his back. The driver stands for

all around. Then he approaches one of the owners of the pot and begins talk:

Hey buddy, sell the pot!

Buy it!

How many rubles should I give you?

Give me three.

(Driver three times (by price) touches the owner's hand, and they start running along

circle towards each other (run around 3 times). Whoever runs faster to an empty space in the circle takes that place, and the one who remains becomes the driver.

Leading: And now the song will play "Tugan tel" (« Native language» ) from the repertoire of Zulfiya Minkhazheva.

Listening to an audio recording "Tugan tel".

Each of the peoples of our region has wonderful dances; they are connected with its culture and way of life. Dancing is the embodiment of the soul of the people, their national traditions.

Let's dance our favorite dance "Samovar".

From birth, the child hears sounds native language. The mother sings lullabies, the grandmother tells fairy tales. In every language have their own proverbs and sayings:

ide kat lch, ber kat kis. - Measure seven times, cut once.

ytkn sz - atkan uk. - The word is not sparrow: If it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Sabyr itkn - moradyna itkn. - Patience and work will grind everything down.

Sabyr tbe sary altyn. - Patience and work will grind everything down.

Tyryshkan tabar, tashka kadak kagar. - Patience and work will grind everything down.

Kem eshlmi - shul hashamy. - He who does not work does not eat.

Kartlyk - shatlyk tgel. - Old age is not a joy.

Kz trigger - cool Ashley. - The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Without kapchykt yatmyy - You can’t drown an awl in a bag.

Kitap - belem chishmse. - Books don’t tell, but they tell the truth.

Tamchy tama-tama tash tish. - A drop chisels a stone.

Drop by drop and the stone is chiseled.


There are many big countries in the world,

And there are many small ones,

And for any nationality

Your own language is an honor.

You have the right to be proud, Frenchman,

French tongue.

You always say Indian

ABOUT in your own language.

Chinese, Turkish, Serbian or Czech,

Dane, Greek or Finn, -

Of course, you are dearer to everyone one native language.

Russian in Russia language is language interethnic communication. But there is also international language communication - English. Every country in the world studies and speaks English language wherever you go on a trip, English language your main assistant.

Now listen to the song in English language“How are you my friend?”.


It's time for the holiday

There is laughter and song.

The game is calling us to visit us -

Without oral communication, the civilized world could not exist and develop. Every nation has many figurative expressions, proverbs and sayings about language. Since ancient times, Russian people have known that “the word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you won’t catch it,” “the tongue runs before the feet,” “where there are words of greeting, there is a smile for an answer,” and also that “my tongue is my enemy” and “the tongue is before Kyiv will bring it.”

One of official languages One of these holidays can be called International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO. In 2011, the President of Russia signed a Decree on the annual celebration of Russian Language Day in Russia. In addition, the UN Department of Public Affairs proposed to establish holidays dedicated to the six official languages ​​of the organization. The Russian language also received an official day of celebration - June 6.

Languages ​​are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our heritage.

International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on 17 November 1999, has been celebrated annually on 21 February since 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

In turn, the UN General Assembly in its resolution declared 2008 the International Year of Languages.

The year 2010 was proclaimed the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.

The date for the Day was chosen to commemorate the events that occurred in Dhaka (now the capital of Bangladesh) on February 21, 1952, when students who demonstrated in defense of their native language Bengali, which they demanded to be recognized as one of the official languages ​​of the country, were killed by police bullets. .

Languages ​​are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our material and spiritual heritage. According to UNESCO estimates, half of the world's approximately 6 thousand languages ​​may soon lose their last speakers. All steps taken to promote the spread of mother tongues serve not only to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education, to develop greater familiarity with linguistic and cultural traditions around the world, but also to strengthen solidarity based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

On February 21, 2003, on the occasion of International Mother Language Day, UNESCO Director-General K. Matsuura noted: “Why is so much attention paid to the mother tongue? Because languages ​​constitute a unique expression of human creativity in all its diversity. As a tool of communication, perception and reflection, language also describes how we see the world and reflects the connection between the past, present and future. Languages ​​bear traces of chance encounters, the various sources from which they were saturated, each in accordance with its own a separate story. Mother tongues are unique in the way they imprint each person from the moment of birth, endowing him with a special vision of things that never really disappears, despite the fact that a person subsequently masters many languages. Studying foreign language“It’s a way to get acquainted with a different vision of the world, with different approaches.”

And every year, as part of the celebration of Mother Language Day in different countries There are a variety of theme-based events aimed at promoting respect, promotion and protection of all languages ​​(especially endangered languages), linguistic diversity and multilingualism. So, in different years The Day was dedicated to the following topics: the relationship between the mother tongue and multilingualism, especially in education; Braille system and sign language; raising public awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue; protection of the intangible heritage of humanity and preservation of cultural diversity and others.

Related holidays

Day Arabic. Arabic Language Day has been celebrated since 2010. Then, on the eve of International Mother Language Day, the UN Department of Public Relations proposed establishing its own holiday for each of the six official languages ​​of the organization.

French Language Day (International Francophonie Day). French Language Day, like the days of other languages ​​of the United Nations, has been celebrated recently - only since 2010. The introduction of the new holiday was initiated by the UN Department of Public Relations.

Proclamation Day korean alphabet. October 9 at South Korea Hangul Proclamation Day is celebrated. The original alphabet of the Korean language is called Hangul, and today the country celebrates its creation and proclamation by King Sejong the Great.

Limba Noastra - National Language Day in Moldova On the last day of summer, Moldova celebrates a traditional and in its own way unique holiday - National Language Day - Limba Noastra. “Limba noastre” means “our language” or “mother tongue”.

State Language Day in Kyrgyzstan. The official language of Kyrgyzstan is Kyrgyz. In 2009, it was 20 years since the day in 1989 when the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz SSR unanimously adopted the Law “On the State Language of the Kyrgyz SSR.”

"Precious Heritage"

The languages ​​we speak today came to us from ancient times. All these years they have undergone changes, continuously developed, and detailed analysis these processes will help us better understand how the world around us, and themselves. I offer a selection of facts about the origin and original meaning of well-known words, as well as explanations of some difficult, controversial cases of their use.

Knowledge of the customs and morals of ancient peoples, knowledge of their mythology, their ideas about the world helps to understand the original meaning of many words. And in the same way, the analysis of words helps to understand the lifestyle and views of our distant ancestors. For example, we can conclude that our ancestors meant the concept of “happiness.” The root of this word is part, which means that a happy person is one who has a part, a part of wealth, an inheritance, who has received a share. Note that the word share has the meaning not only of “part”, but also of “fate”, “fate” (the composition of this word is also transparent: u-part).

“Water” and “fire” are the most important concepts in consciousness ancient man. They gave rise to many myths, fairy tales, legends, as well as many words. Thus, the word grief is associated with fire, that which burns in a person’s soul. The constant epithet of this word is bitter: “grief is bitter.” The tears are bitter, but one might say they are also flammable tears; those tears that burn. In the old days, Gorky meant “fiery.” Needless to say, the same root is in the words burn, warm, forge, potter, etc. The synonym for the word grief - the noun sadness - is also associated with fire: that which bakes. Sadness from the stove. The outstanding linguist A. A. Potebnya wrote: “Anger is fire; and from it the heart flares up “more than fire” or, what amounts to the same thing, “without fire”... In general, in words for anger and related concepts, the idea of ​​fire dominates.”

In the mythology of the Slavs important place occupied by Yarilo - the god of spring, sun, fertility. Hence many words with the root yar: spring (spring, sown in spring), yarka (young sheep), ardent bees (young, today's swarm). What does spring mean? It is sunny, shining, clear. It is also warm, hot, then the meaning develops: hot, excited, angry. Hence we have the words: bright, furious, rage.

Looking at the expressions still in the language, red maiden, red corner (in the hut), we guess that for our ancestors, red means “beautiful.” In the word work we no longer hear the word slave. But once upon a time a worker was actually a slave. There have been workers in the village for a long time (remember “The Master and the Worker” by L.N. Tolstoy). The word worker, appearing in mid-19th century, began to displace the worker, the worker. The word worker has remained in the language because it has changed its meaning. We are talking about people of intellectual work: scientific worker, literary worker.

In the Russian language there is a comrade and a commodity, which seem to be unrelated to one another. But what was it really like? Traders wandered around Rus', but it was dangerous to set off alone, so they chose a comrade who would help sell the goods. Then the word comrade acquired the meaning “friend, buddy” in general, and not just in trade and travel. After the Great October Revolution began new life words comrade.

Everyone knows the diminutive suffixes -ik and -ok: house - little house - little house; hour - hour - hour. But no one now perceives as diminutive words thread, particle, scarf, bag (once derived from fur), pin, hammer, bench, crust and dozens of others. We won’t say about the man who took off his belt: He loosened his belt.

Comparison and juxtaposition of words can go beyond the boundaries of one language, and then many similarities and differences in the worldview of different peoples are revealed. The word, human speech has always seemed to people an incomprehensible, mysterious phenomenon. The word was given a special, mystical meaning. The most mysterious were considered to be coincidences in the sound and meaning of words belonging to different languages. For linguists, such coincidences often seem natural.

Thus, we easily find the ancestors and relatives of the word god, first of all, in the Slavic languages, which indicates the deep antiquity of the word. Turning to other Indo-European languages, we find that the Slavic god is related to the ancient Indian bhagah, which meant “wealth, happiness” and the one who gives it - “giver, lord, ruler.” The ancient Persian baga - “lord, god” goes back to the ancient Indian bhajati - “endows, gives.” Thus, scientists come to the conclusion that the original meaning of the word god is “the giver of benefits, the bestower of benefits.” Its meaning as “supreme mythical being” developed in Slavic languages ​​later. Now the consonance of the words god and wealth, rich and poor, in which the prefix y- has a negative meaning, will no longer seem accidental.

Here are some other examples of the origins of words and their correct usage:


Looking in dictionaries, you can be convinced that the original meaning of the word “applicant” is not someone who enters a university, but someone who has just graduated from school (as is known, among graduates there are also those who do not intend to to go somewhere). Dictionary foreign words L. Krysina points out that the word “applicant” comes from the Latin abituriens (abiturientis), that is, “about to leave.”

However, the word actually Russified and became independent from the Latin source. Modern dictionaries- both the already mentioned Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Language Words and the Explanatory Dictionary edited by N. Shvedova - offer two meanings of the word “applicant”. The first, obsolete, is a graduate high school. The second, modern one, is entering a higher or secondary specialized educational institution.

Thanks to

Can you say, “Thanks to the fire in the building, some wonderful theatrical costumes were burned” or “Thanks to the hurricane, hundreds of people were left homeless”? Of course, it’s better not to say that: it’s somehow strange to say thank you for something like that! It should be remembered that only positive facts can follow the word “thanks to”. Otherwise, it is better to use neutral prepositions “because of”, “due to”, “due to” (“Because of the heavy snowfall, we got lost yesterday”).

For the preposition “thanks”, the context is very important, because even a hurricane can turn out to be good news, as, for example, in this situation: “Thanks to the hurricane, our old shed fell apart, which we had been planning to dismantle for a long time, but still never found the time.” In this case, the use of this preposition is acceptable.

God and God

Sometimes doubts may arise whether the word “god” should be written with a lowercase or capital letter. Everything will depend on what (or whom) you mean and in what sense you pronounce this word.

If you speak and write about God as a single supreme being in different religions (at the same time, it should be a monotheistic religion that claims that there is one God), then this word should be written with a capital letter - “God”. So, about the holy and sacred - with a capital letter, “God”. Moreover, adjectives derived from it must also be written with a capital letter (“Divine”, “Godly”). And even if in a religious or philosophical text the word “god” is replaced by other words (pronouns), then they are also written with a capital letter: “Thy will be done,” “His holy will be done.”

However, as soon as we “descend from heaven to earth” and move to the level of everyday life, changes immediately occur in the spelling of the word “god”. In stable expressions that no longer have a direct connection with religion (such as “God willing,” “thank God,” “by God”), “God” should not be written with a capital letter. Even if you are a believer, it is quite possible to get by with a lowercase letter in the words and expressions “by God”, “divine taste” or “Granny God’s dandelion”.

By the way, among Russian classics (F. Dostoevsky, for example), the word “god” is written with a lowercase letter.


The question often arises as to whether the majority of comrades “agreed” or “agreed” is correct. It is important to understand here about animate objects we're talking about or not. Tables, books, windows, doors are one thing. It’s completely different - students, friends, citizens, comrades, etc.

Let's take the topic of elections. “The majority of voters supported N.N.’s candidacy.” - so we will say. That is, we will have the predicate in the plural, despite the word “majority”. And why all? Because a voter is an animate object, a person!

Inanimate objects plural the predicate is useless. About nothing active action there is no speech there: “most of the windows were illuminated”, “most of the houses were repaired”. It would seem like a nuance, but the ending is different. Now most of you know about this!


Everyone knows the dark joke that “a good deed cannot be called a marriage.” An interesting linguistic effect: marriage is a marriage, and low-quality products are also a marriage. However, these are two different words - what linguists call homonyms.

Looking at the etymological dictionary, you can understand that the word “marriage” in the meaning of “matrimony” was still in Old Russian language, and its origins are rather obscure. It is believed that it came to the Russian language from Old Church Slavonic, and there from Common Slavonic, from “b’arati”, that is, “to take” (“to take as a wife”). In any case, the word is ours, the original one.

The same cannot be said about another “defect” - the one that means unsuitable products. The word “marriage” and “rejector” in this meaning are known to us only from the end XVII-beginning XVIII century, and the word “marriage” came from German language. In it, brak meant “vice, lack,” and before that, even earlier, “wreck.” Compare English brack (flaw, debris).

If earlier, when we saw or heard something amazing, unusual, scary or joyful, we exclaimed “ah!”, “oh!”, “ah!”, “oh!”, but now more and more often “wow!” comes out of our mouths. . This exclamation usually expresses an emotion of extreme amazement or delight. All these are interjections.

In the American version English language slang wow is used as a noun meaning “something out of the ordinary”; verb meaning “to stun, to amaze”; interjection expressing surprise and delight. In Scottish slang, the same interjection expresses exactly the opposite emotions: disgust, surprise, grief, condolences.

Most linguists are inclined to believe that the word wow comes from the war cry of the Okoto Indians. There is another version, it is associated with the so-called onomatopoeia theory, which received the mocking name “wow-wow” theory from its opponents. If a Russian speaker hears the sounds “woof-woof” in a dog’s bark, then an English speaker hears the combination bow-wow. In other words, the Russian “woof” can be an analogue of the English interjection wow.

Ice or black ice

Zealous fans of the Russian language have a question, what is the difference between the words “ice” and “ice”. This is the case when ordinary, commonly used words are at the same time the terms of weather forecasters, but their meanings do not coincide.

S. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary puts “ice” and “black ice” side by side. As you might expect, this is a time when the ground is covered with a layer of ice without snow and, of course, the surface itself is covered with ice. Just one touch: “black ice” is a more respectable word, it is certainly considered literary. But “ice” is a colloquial word.

Forecasters have turned “ice” and “icy conditions” into two different words, they mean different things. "Ice" is a more general term. Ice is the formation of ice on any surface: on roads, on wires, on trees. When there is ice everywhere, it is ice. Well, icy conditions are something that drivers don’t like: ice on horizontal surfaces, primarily on roads.

One of Anatole France’s heroes expressed his attitude towards languages ​​in this way, which we should all listen to: “Languages ​​are like dense forests, where words grew as they wanted or as they could, there are strange words, even freak words. In coherent speech they sound beautiful, and it would be barbaric to prune them like linden trees in a city garden... Such words are undoubtedly monsters. We say: “today,” that is, “today’s day,” while it is clear that this is a conglomeration of the same concept; we say: “tomorrow morning,” and this is the same as “for-morning in the morning,” and the like. Language comes from the depths of the people. It contains a lot of illiteracy, mistakes, fantasies, and its highest beauties are naive. It was created not by scientists, but by people close to nature. It has reached us from time immemorial... We will use it as a precious heritage. And let’s not be too picky...”

Based on materials from the books by V. V. Odintsov “Linguistic Paradoxes” (Publishing House “Prosveshchenie”) and M. A. Koroleva “Purely in Russian” (“pagedown studio”).

Alexander Mikhailov reads the poem “Our Language” by K. Yu. Frolov

Performed by Veniamin Smekhov

Day after day... (2: 21 February)

MKOU "School for children with disabilities health No. 7"

Kurchatov, Kursk region

Educational event for students in grades 5-9.



Subject: International Mother Language Day

Target: introduce students to the holiday - International Mother Language Day.


    Help students see and feel the inexhaustible possibilities of their native language; introduce the children to the biblical legend of the “Babylonian Pandemonium”.

    Continue to develop and correct pupils’ oral coherent speech, mental activity, memory, imagination, attention; enrich vocabulary students; broaden their horizons.

    To instill love and interest in the native language, to cultivate a culture of speech.

Equipment: multimedia presentation; cards with tasks for competitions - “Complete the proverb”, “Diplomas”; spelling dictionaries; tokens.

Form: competition “Native Language Experts”.

Preliminary work: exhibition of folk costumes; exhibition of dictionaries; During the event, there is also a competition for the best reader; students who wish to take part in this competition are given poems on the topic in advance.

Progress of the event

Introduction. Lesson topic message

1st presenter.(slide 1) International Mother Language Day is celebrated on February 21 every year. And this is no coincidence. Without language the world would not exist. Just as a fish cannot live without water, so a person cannot exist without language. In language we think, communicate, create. Around the world, people today speak 6,000 languages. Has this always been the case?

2nd presenter.(slide 2) There is a biblical legend that once upon a time all people spoke the same language. Descendants of the sons of Noah (Noah is a biblical character who was saved by the Lord during Flood due to the piety of him and his family) At first everyone lived in one place, and everyone spoke the same language. But when they multiplied so much that it was already necessary to disperse into different sides, then, in order to leave a monument about themselves forever, they set out to build a city and a tower that would reach the sky with its top. (slide 3) The Lord did not like this matter. (slide 4) As punishment for such a vain and proud undertaking, Ying mixed their languages ​​so that they ceased to understand each other and inevitably had to disperse, leaving the unfinished city the name “Babylon,” which means “confusion.” (slide 5) These events are called “Babylonian pandemonium.” This is how different peoples emerged who spoke different languages(from "The Holy History of the Old Testament")

1st presenter(slide 6) On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each is uniquely suited to human purpose and each represents a living heritage that we must take seriously and protect.

2nd presenter Russia is a multinational state. Each nation has a unique culture, history, traditions and, of course, language. More than 130 languages ​​are spoken in our country. What languages ​​can we hear in our region?

1st presenter(slides 7-11) We can hear Ukrainian, the language of Armenians, Greeks, Circassians, etc. In our country, all citizens can use their native language, but the means of interethnic communication is the Russian language.

(N. Banko’s poem “Mother Tongue” is read by the student ……………………)

(Competition poem)

Native language

There are many big countries in the world,

And there are many small ones,

And for any nation

Your own language is an honor.

You have the right to be proud, Frenchman,


You always say, Hindu,

About your language.

Chinese, Turkish, Serbian or Czech,

Dane, Greek or Finn, -

Of course, you are dearer to everyone

One native language.

And I thank fate,

There is no higher happiness for me,

What do I say in Russian?

Thirteen years already.

Calm, cheerful and melodious,

Mocking and stern

And merciless and powerful,

And formidable for enemies.

Suvorov approved of the soldiers

In Russian!

The immortal Pushkin composed

In Russian!

Mendeleev gave laws

In Russian!

“Down with the king!” - the people said

In Russian!

2nd presenter.(slide 12) My native language is Russian. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky said “Our language is our sword, our light, our love, our pride.”

1st presenter.(slide 12) A N.G. Chernyshevsky said “It is necessary to study your native language... in order to be able to use it to express your thoughts.” Everyone must know their language. Now we will check what kind of native language experts you are. A competition for “Native Language Experts” is announced, in which representatives of each class take part……. (presentation of competition participants)

2nd presenter. Participation in the competitions will be assessed by a jury consisting of..... .

Main part

1st presenter. Our native language is rich in proverbs.

-What is a proverb? (A proverb is a short, wise saying that has an instructive meaning and contains worldly wisdom).

What are proverbs needed for? (Proverbs decorate our speech, make it bright and convincing).

2nd presenter. Proverbs are not said in vain,

You can't live without them!

They are great helpers

And new friends in life.

Sometimes they instruct us

Wise people give advice,

Sometimes they teach something

And they protect us from harm.

1st presenter.(slide 13) 1st competition announced “Complete the proverb”

Remember the proverbs at the beginning of the phrase and continue them:

Live for a century - ... (learn for a century).

A strong friendship cannot be cut with an axe.

Without difficulty... (you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond).

The sun paints the earth, and man - ... (labor).

If you don’t have a friend, look... (but if you find one, take care).

A man without a homeland... (like a nightingale without a song).

Hurry up... (you'll make people laugh).

My tongue is ... (my enemy).

Seven one... (not waiting).

Do you want to eat rolls... (don’t sit on the stove).

Time for business... (hour for fun).

A friend in need is a friend indeed).

2nd presenter. While the participants are completing the task, a competition is announced for the audience "Question and answer". For correct answers you will receive tokens, and then we will identify the best Russian language expert from the audience.

Words that denote objects and answer the questions: who? What?

How many cases are there in Russian?

What questions does genitive?

What questions does accusative case?

Words that denote the action of an object and answer the questions: what to do? what to do, etc.

What does our speech consist of?

Words that denote a feature of an object and answer the questions: which one? which? which? which?

What tense can a verb be in?

Which verbs belong to the 1st clause, and which to the 2nd clause?

What are the 1st (2nd, 3rd) person pronouns?

1st presenter. Let's check the completed tasks of the participants.

2nd presenter.(slide 14) I suggest listening to the song “Native Language” by R. Gamzatov, performed by social teacher L.D. Dergachenko.

1st presenter(slide 15) Contest "Catchphrases"

What's happened catchphrases? (Catchphrases - came into our speech from literary sources, short quotes, figurative expressions. They give our speech special accuracy and expressiveness).

2nd presenter. Reveal the meaning of these expressions.

With all my might. (Fast)

Sit in a puddle. (Be deceived)

Bite your tongue. (Shut up)

Know it by heart. (Learn)

Find yourself at a broken trough. (nothing left with)

A teaspoon per hour. (slowly)

Lead by the nose (deceive)

Hack on the nose. (remember)

Scratch with tongue. (chat)

Making a mountain out of a molehill. (exaggerate)

White Crow. (about an extra person)

For beautiful eyes. (free, for nothing, just like that)

(Galina Purga’s poem “About the Native Language” is read by a student……….)

(Competition poem)

About your native language

Your tongue is a guide to the mind and heart,

Without it you will find yourself in a dead end.

Your language is your life, your dreams,

You are no longer you without him.

Your tongue is like your own mother,

Which cannot be humiliated, cannot be insulted.

You should thank him, friend.

Because you know how to speak correctly.

Native language is your soul, your world, your ray,

Love him because he is powerful.

Your tongue is a shield, your communication

Don't let him be neglected.

Don’t let someone else label your native language.

Your heritage is your land and your language

And don’t let the ignorant distort it,

Don't forget about this, my friend.

2nd presenter.Game for attention. If I call a noun in singular. h. You clap your hands if in the plural. – Raise your hands up and shake your fingers. (Notebook, pencils, bucket, children, coats, man, tigers, etc.)

And now I call the word in units. number, and you must call it in the plural.

Flower - … ,

iron - … ,

cotton - … ,

eye - … ,

lake - … ,

beast -...,

youth -….

2nd presenter.(slide 16) A dance group performing a round dance

1st presenter. Modern cultured person has an average vocabulary of 3 to 6 thousand words.

2nd presenter.(Sergei Baruzdin’s poem “Poems about a man and his words” is read by the student....)

(Competition poem)

Poems about a man and his words

Words are different

There are all kinds of words

The words are clear

Hard and soft

Words are bold

Stubborn, harsh,

But it certainly matters

Behind every word.

There are many words in the world,

There's a lot to do in the world

If there is no business -

The word is the wind.

The word flies away

You won't catch me again...

A man without a job -

A man without a word!

1st presenter.(slide 17) Let's check what vocabulary our participants have. A competition is announced "Rich vocabulary"

Assignment: say as many adjectives as possible when describing the item being offered to you.

2nd presenter.(Alexander Yashin’s poem “Russian Language” is read by the student....)

(Competition poem)

Russian language


I love my native language!

He is understandable to everyone, he is melodious,

He, like the Russian people, has many faces,

As our power, mighty.

If you want, write songs, hymns,

Do you want to express the pain of your soul?

It’s like rye bread, it’s smelly,

Like earthly flesh, tenacious.

He is the language of the moon and the planet,

Our satellites and rockets,

At school, at home and in council

Speak it:

Unambiguous and direct

He is like truth itself.

1st presenter. The word is an amazing gift that only man possesses. There are a great many words in the Russian language. But how many are there? Not one specialist can answer this question affirmatively. A rich and varied vocabulary of the Russian language is collected in dictionaries. Dictionaries are collections of words located in alphabetical order.

A competition is announced "Gramoteev".(slide 18) Participants are offered the opportunity to demonstrate their literacy. You will work with spelling dictionaries.

Fill in the missing letters.

r A vnina

f And zkul b tour

b And bl And edema

colo nn A

ra ss languishing

hello V please

gram O that

pr O d A vec

m O face e new

G O state

l e kingdoms O

n A With e coma

el e criticality

led O With And ped

ab O n e cop

byu ll eten

op e walkie-talkie

those pp history

With A n A thorium

pats And ent

ab O n e cop

n And Anino

f e st And val

arr. A h O tion

lawsuit ss yours

To O fe

national And onally O there is

kv And dance

aw And ation

pr A government

To O colony

bi O graphy

vent And lation

To A T A stanza

around T ness

d And diameter

predpr And yatie

in ss tanning

boo X galter

garn And zones

Komi ss and I

obligations nn awn

2nd presenter. Competition for spectators "Funny Questions"

How many vowels are in the root words: family, forty? (2.3)

How many peas can fit into a glass? (They can't walk)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)

What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin)

What's the first thing we do in the morning? (Wake up)

When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)

Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth)

Why do they buy a hat? (Because they don't give it for free)

What is the name of the first female pilot? (Baba Yaga)

What can't you bake bread without? (No crust)

Who has a hat without a head and a foot without boots? (At the mushroom)

How does day and night end? ( With a soft sign)

What is Boris in front and Gleb behind? (Letter b)

1st presenter. Let's check the correctness of the task of the "Gramoteev" competition

2nd presenter. Did you know that in the 17th century Cathedral Code Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich for swear words spoken in public was punished death penalty? We have no power over the speech of others, but to change own speech we can.

1st presenter. What should we do to make our speech competent and polite? (slide 19)

Commandments of speech etiquette

1. Always know for what purpose and why you are speaking.

2. Remember that politeness is the basis of speech behavior.

3. Respect your interlocutor, do not interrupt him.

4. If your interlocutor makes speech errors, try to very tactfully help him get rid of them

5. Speak simply, clearly, understandably.

6. Don’t think that by using rude words you seem more mature.

7. Use only those words whose meaning is completely clear to you.

2nd presenter(The poem “On the Day of the Mother Language” is read by the student....)

(Competition poem)

On Mother Language Day

We will appreciate every word

His fate was not easy,

But we will keep the legacy alive!

Our great-grandfathers and our fathers

We were given unearthly beauty

Russian words from the Russian soul,

Which touches a nerve in all of us.

Happy holiday to you, all Russian people

We congratulate and boldly wish

Free yourself from mortal worries.

And let the country bloom and prosper!

Lesson summary

2nd presenter. While our esteemed jury is summing up the results of the competition, we bring to your attention the sketch “Secrets of Health” performed by our school puppet theater.

1st presenter. The floor for summing up the results of the competition “Experts of the native language” (competition participant, spectator, reader) is given to the jury. (slide 20)

2nd presenter Today, you and I had a very important meeting. We came to the conclusion that we must fight for the purity of our native language.

1st presenter. To be a worthy citizen of your country, you need to preserve its culture and traditions, you need to be fluent in your native word.

Let's take care and love ours Russian word, because the Motherland begins with him.

List of used literature

    Davydova T.: Friend: Proverbs, sayings, popular expressions; publishing house Dragonfly, 2009

    Klyukhina I.V. Proverbs, sayings and popular expressions; Federal State Educational Standards Publishing House, 2008

    Sapozhnikov, V. Zolotov: Sacred History of the Old Testament; Second-hand book edition, 1990

    Romashkina N.F. : Extracurricular activities V game form; publishing house GLOBUS, 2005

International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1999, has been celebrated every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

Languages ​​are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our material and spiritual heritage. According to UNESCO estimates, half of the world's 6 thousand languages ​​may soon lose their last speakers.

All steps to promote the spread of mother tongues serve not only to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education, developing greater familiarity with linguistic and cultural traditions around the world, but also strengthen solidarity based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

This is what UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura says about this holiday: “By celebrating International Mother Language Day... we pay tribute to the myriad of languages ​​that exist in the world, the cultures they reflect, the creative charge that their development and forms of expression give people . On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each is uniquely suited to human purpose and each represents a living heritage that we should protect.”

Recognition and respect of all languages ​​is key to maintaining peace. Each language is unique. It has its own expressions that reflect the mentality and customs of the people. Like our name, we acquire our mother tongue from our mother during childhood. It shapes our consciousness and imbues it with the culture inherent in it.

Even though it is very difficult to penetrate deeply into the culture of another language, knowledge of languages ​​broadens our horizons and opens up a diverse world to us. Meeting people who speak other languages ​​makes it possible to learn about our differences and can dispel fears about the world that give rise to national strife. Make your thinking more free.

If we speak only one language, part of our brain develops less, our creativity they lose a lot. There are about 300 words that have exactly the same meaning in all languages: I, you, we, who, what, no, all, one, two, big, long, small, woman, man, eat, see, hear, sun , moon, etc.

But if we take other words, for example, the word patience in Chinese (zhen), then it also means tolerance, patience...

If in French je t "aime (I love you) you can say to a friend, child, lover, then this is unthinkable for other languages, for example, for English or Italian in which there are different words to denote the concept of “to love.”

One example. There are about 1600 languages ​​and dialects in India, the situation is very complex. The constitution guarantees all citizens the right to "preserve" their languages, and all ethnic and religious minorities have the right to govern educational institutions. In fact, there is a linguistic hierarchy. Minor languages ​​may disappear, replaced by English, which is perceived as a neutral language, a symbol of modernity and good social status.

Every age needs a native language...
(Kenzheev Bakhyt)

Every age needs a native language,
to every heart, tree and knife
we need a native language of purity of tears -
So I will say and I will keep my word.

So I will say and silently, barefoot, I will walk
barren, cloudy country,
to blame your work
the native language has become a cumbersome stone.

From the street, a disabled person pressed his ear to the glass.
Every throat hurts, every eye waters,
if the age decays, and its spring
dries up without comforting us.

The stones will erase the sole, take away your youth,
so that singing reeds grow from the water,
so that in old age he can justify his work
stonecutter's insatiable lace.

Well - tearing off the crust from compressed lips,
overcoming lies and abscesses in the ears,
to every sky - if the century is not loving -
let it slip, repeating the forgotten

In your native language, because again
in every living thing the early morning sleep is deep,
so that hate and love merge
in your narrow pupil into a golden ball.

About your native language
(Galina Purga)

Your tongue is a guide to the mind and heart,
Without it you will find yourself in a dead end.
Your language is your life, your dreams,
You are no longer you without him.

Your tongue is like your own mother,
Which cannot be humiliated, cannot be insulted.
You should thank him, friend.
Because you know how to speak correctly.

Native language is your soul, your world, your ray,
Love him because he is powerful.
Your tongue is a shield, your communication
Don't let him be neglected.

Don’t let someone else label your native language.
Your heritage is your land and your language
And don’t let the ignorant distort it,
Don't forget about this, my friend.

Native Russian language

I will not fight with my brother over the language,
We'd better have more vodka and fresh snacks.
But for the first time, a quietly happy mother,
When she just opened her eyes, she told me in Russian.

And so with mother's milk it poured into my blood
The same language is like a gift from ancestors-messengers.
Today I hear the cry of my fellow countryman again and again
About the fact that my native language is only the lot of foreigners.

When the carousel stops spinning,
And I’ll lie down in a cold hole behind the street descent,
They will drive my spirit away from the Ukrainian unfortunate lands
For the fact that during his lifetime he wrote his lines in Russian.

Native language

Everyone is interested in Arabic
everyone was drawn to the east,
Spanish, Polish, Italian,
the train carried everyone to the west

How easy it is to drop everything and hide,
and tell us all later
that happiness is abroad,
and laugh at your own

Now the dialect is already native,
now in a completely different country,
I'm happy for them, but life is not eternal,
and only the native language is in the soul

Native language
(Valery Bryusov)

My true friend! My enemy is insidious!
My king! My slave! Native language!
My poems are like altar smoke!
Like a furious challenge - my cry!

You gave wings to a crazy dream,
You have wrapped your dream in shackles.
Saved me in hours of powerlessness
And he crushed with excess strength.

How often in the secret of strange sounds
And in the hidden sense of words
I found the melody of the unexpected,
Poems that took possession of me!

But often, exhausted by joy
Or quietly intoxicated with melancholy,
I waited in vain to be in tune
With a trembling soul - your echo!

You wait like a giant.
I bow my face to you.
And yet I won’t get tired of fighting
I am like Israel with a deity!

There is no limit to my persistence.
You are in eternity, I am in short days,
But still, as a magician, submit to me,
Or turn the madman to dust!

Your wealth, by inheritance,
I, impudent, demand for myself.
I issue a call - you answer,
I'm coming - get ready to fight!

But the winner is defeated,
I will equally fall before you:
You are my avenger, you are my savior,
Your world is forever my abode,
Your voice is the sky above me!

Native language
(Pavlova Lina)

I thank previous eras,
Scientists and poets and people
For the language that you gave me
And they saved it in the most terrible year!

I thank my mother for reading to me
And, revealing the meaning of each fairy tale,
She corrected childhood mistakes
And it awakened my thought to life.

I thank Kuprin, Tolstoy,
Turgenev and Chekhov always,
That my native language was enriched
And supported in difficult hour me.

And if in a misfortune, in the years of hard times,
I haven't hit rock bottom yet,
And if I didn’t close my heart to people,
The merit of the book is that it is my destiny!

And often without even bread,
I opened it with a weak hand
Your friends, guides,
And time transported me to another world.

Native speech, beloved native language,
We draw strength from you throughout all ages.
You, our jewel, our strength,
And you play a role in the life of the lighthouse!

Native language, tell us the words...

Native language, tell us the words:
How to protect you, where to get strength?
Not the inglorious nickname “Mordovian”,
But the name “Erzya” should be worn proudly.

To be a forerunner is an enviable fate,
The Erzyan “istya” breathes the Russianness of truths.
But did you know that they would push you out
From the Volga expanse of the Fatherland?!

In the family of living Russian languages
You are the only one left among the few.
We are at the burial mounds of our forefathers
Let us resume the ritual of strict traditions.

Let the sacred shtatol keep the fire,
Only with Erzyan Mastor does one’s spirit and strength grow stronger.
To the mound hills - bow to the ground,
So that the memory of our ancestors speaks to us.

Istya (erz.) - yes
Erzyan Shtatol - a sacred candle, a symbol of hope, unification and will of the Erzyan people
Erzyan Mastor - land of Erzyan

Date in 2019: .

For most people, it is natural to communicate and convey emotions in their native language. Only man has received such a unique gift - to have the gift of speech. And within the framework of one article it is difficult to reveal the depth, the magic that is hidden behind this gift. People at the international level tried to emphasize the originality and uniqueness of each language, each dialect, by creating a holiday of the same name - International Mother Language Day.

From birth, a person hears unfamiliar sounds that flow from the lips of a loved one in song. It is these initially incomprehensible sounds that later become the child’s native language.

And there is no way to make you forget those very first, very dear words. After all, a person remembers up to 80% of words before the age of 7 years. Therefore, the language of childhood becomes the closest for life. And even if only a few hundred people speak it, it will still warm your soul and heart, because it is the language you are used to thinking, it is the language the heroes of your dreams speak.

Language is the spiritual heritage of the nation

Real political battles and even warriors often developed around the topic of language. The way to communicate was dictated not only by the social order, but also by many other conventions.

From time immemorial, every people and nationality has tried to preserve its originality, the main expression of which was language. But circumstances and realities often developed in such a way that local dialects were oppressed or completely prohibited by the colonialists or conquerors. Thus, in many English and French colonies, the native language was simply supplanted over the years due to new laws.

In addition, small peoples are simply dying out. Their language also disappears. According to statistics, about 24 dialects disappear on the planet every year. Only in Russia 2 adverbs are forgotten every year.

Immediately after the revolution, there were up to 193 languages ​​on the territory of the current Russian Federation, and by the end of 1991 there were only 140 of them left.

It cannot be said that human evolution has not previously encountered the birth of new dialects and the extinction of old languages. But in the 20th century this process accelerated significantly.

The development of information technology has given impetus to the spread international languages with the actual suppression of those that are little used. In fact, it turns out that a language that is not on the Internet actually does not exist. But out of 6,000 adverbs today, 69% are used by only 1/25 of the Earth’s inhabitants. And 80% of African dialects have no written language at all.

Therefore, it is believed that almost half of the languages ​​known today are on the verge of extinction. This is precisely the problem that is being voiced on International Mother Language Day.

History of the holiday

Issues related to the preservation of a certain dialect have recently become more acute. After all, the dominant position of the English language on the Internet reaches unimaginable positions. This is 81%, while the same German and Japanese account for 2%, French and Spanish occupy a niche of 1% each. Somewhere among the remaining 8% is Russian.

What can we say about rare dialects? Therefore, the initiator of celebrating Mother Language Day was the small country of Bangladesh, which only achieved independence and recognition in 1971.

This idea was supported by UNESCO and since 2000, International Mother Language Day has been celebrated all over the world.

The date of the holiday was associated with tragic event which occurred in 1952 in Pakistan. Students demonstrated on February 21 to defend their language. However, the demonstrators were shot by the police. But despite such a sad outcome of the event, the Bengali language, with which the riots were associated, was declared official in the country.

It is on February 21, 2017 that Russia and the whole world will celebrate a holiday related to the protection of the native language as a unique heritage of humanity.

Mother Language Day in Russia

The Russian language has always been a national pride for its speakers. After all, it was this language that was spoken by famous classics and emperors, scientists and travelers who glorified Russia.

It is the Russian language that has the status of the state language on the territory of Russia. However, today Russian Federation- a multinational state. And each nation has its own language, dialect and associated traditions.

On Mother Language Day, the goal of Russians is not only to emphasize their national pride state language, but also to talk about the importance of the language of small nations, the uniqueness of the dialects of national minorities. And everything must be done so that these dialects do not disappear, but remain, preserved as national pride, the identity of the entire population of Russia.

But it so happened that Russian speakers live not only in Russia. Many Russian speakers live abroad. And in modern geopolitical conditions, the attitude of some states towards their Russian-speaking citizens is simply puzzling.

It’s hard to judge who is to blame for the current realities, but on International Mother Language Day, February 21, I would like to wish people who find themselves in such a situation patience and not to forget, no matter what, their truly native dialect.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

The word has always inspired the soul, the word called to victory and on the road, with a word you can inspire and calm, give hope and make you happy. Only native words, native speech caress the ear and warm the heart. And even in a foreign land a person tries to hear native speech. So don't forget about your native language. And if you expect respect for your native dialect on a holiday, and not only treat any languages ​​with respect.

What could be dearer and closer,

The native country, its people.

What could be more expensive?

Native word and friends.

And fill your soul with words:

Communicate, think and read.

Don't give your enemies a chance, remember

And don't forget your language.

Larisa, February 9, 2017.