Basic functions of pedagogical management. School as an educational system and object of management

Graphically, the functional composition of management built on the traditional approach is presented in Fig. 3.

This classification system includes such functions of pedagogical management as pedagogical analysis, goal setting, planning, organization, regulation and control. They represent a cyclically repeating “chain” of the implemented process of managing educational systems. Each of the highlighted functions is presented below in detail.

Rice. 3. Functional composition of educational systems management (traditional functional cycle)

Pedagogical analysis. In the scientific literature, pedagogical information analysis is a management function aimed at studying the actual state and validity of using a set of methods, means and actions to achieve goals, at objectively assessing the results of the pedagogical process and developing regulatory mechanisms to transfer the system to a new qualitative state.

The goal of pedagogical analysis as a management function is to draw up a general picture of the process from various types of data, sometimes scattered, reflecting various phenomena and facts, and to identify its inherent patterns and trends.

Analysis is the processing of information, but at a higher level, when a problem is formulated even before a decision is made, a task is set. Analysis serves the purpose of justifying decisions.

The task of pedagogical analysis in common system general management educational institution- forming answers to three main questions: “Why did this happen?”, “How to eliminate the cause of this negative phenomenon?”, “How to develop this positive phenomenon?”.

In the process of carrying out pedagogical analysis, such specific methods are used as:

analysis - mental or real division of an object into elements;

synthesis- connection (mental or real) of elements into a single whole;

analogy - correspondence, similarity of objects, phenomena. Inference by analogy assumes that knowledge obtained from the consideration of an object is transferred to a less studied object that is similar in essential properties and qualities;

decomposition- dividing the problem into parts for analysis;

establishing a causal relationship - determination of factors of mutual influence and interdependence of phenomena;

grouping - a method of processing statistical data, when the studied set of phenomena is divided into groups and subgroups that are homogeneous according to individual characteristics, and each of them is characterized by a system of statistical indicators (for example, grouping teachers according to the stability of schoolchildren’s learning indicators; grouping students according to their educational needs, grouping educators according to certification results etc.);

comparison- comparison of phenomena, objects, establishment of adequacy. Methods of pedagogical analysis also include studying the documentation of an educational institution, analyzing products educational activities students, etc.

According to a number of researchers, the function of pedagogical analysis includes three types of analysis: operational, thematic and final.

Under operational analysis one should understand this type of pedagogical analysis, through which the main indicators of the educational process are studied and assessed daily, the reasons for the disruption of its progress and rational organization are revealed, recommendations are developed to eliminate these causes (for example, an analysis of the state of student discipline for a day, a week, a month; analysis the sanitary condition of the school for the same period; daily analysis of student attendance at classes, etc.).

Thematic analysis allows you to more deeply study certain positive or negative phenomena of the pedagogical process and reveal the reasons for their occurrence (for example, studying the system of work of the teacher to preserve the health of children, the system of work of the teacher to form the cognitive interests of students, the quality of knowledge of schoolchildren in individual subjects, the state of legal/patriotic / labor / aesthetic, etc. education of students, etc.).

Final analysis is carried out at the end of any reporting period of the life of an educational institution (quarter, half-year, year) and is aimed at studying the entire complex of factors influencing the results of the functioning of the educational institution and the reasons that caused them.

In modern scientific literature)