Ostap son of Taras Bulba description of the hero. Portrait characteristics of Taras, Ostap, Andria

In Nikolai Gogol's story “Taras Bulba” there are several semantic centers. Historical past, fragment from life Zaporozhye Sich and the fate of the three main characters - Taras, Andriy and Ostap. I would like to dwell in more detail on the last character. The image is embodied in Taras Bulba national hero, fighter for faith, homeland and independence. Andriy seems to be some kind of rebel and traitor. What is hidden in the image of Ostap, the son of Taras Bulba? The characterization of Ostap from Taras Bulba will allow us to more fully answer this question.


First of all, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the hero. In this story by Gogol, the main characters have a textured appearance, thanks to which some character traits can also be traced. Compared to the characterization of Andriy, references to the appearance of Ostap from “Taras Bulba” are quite scarce; they appear infrequently in the text of the story. So, in “Taras Bulba” the description of Ostap is presented as follows: “His body breathed with strength, and his knightly qualities had already acquired the broad strength of a lion.”

Already from the first lines of the work, it becomes clear that Ostap has character. The eldest son responds to Bulba's banter with a fist fight. Ostap is ready to defend his interests and dignity, despite the fact that his father is his opponent. The fight ends with friendly hugs and praise: Taras is pleased that his son showed his strong-willed qualities, and therefore did not want the sons to stay with their mother for a long time, he thought that this would soften them.

Seminary studies

It is known that Taras sent his sons to get an education in Kyiv, so that experienced teachers there could provide knowledge about the sciences and discipline. At first, Ostap had problems with obedience. He ran away many times, disrupted classes, and buried books. Perhaps this would have continued further, but Bulba took the situation into his own hands, threatening to send his son to a monastery. After this, Ostap took up his studies seriously. Not to say that he had talent, but Ostap had amazing tenacity. After months of reading and mastering logical, rhetorical and grammatical subtleties, Ostap became on a par with best students. It must be said that studying at that time was very little like learning in the modern sense. The seminarians could not apply the acquired skills and knowledge anywhere; “everyone was far from experience.”

Attitude towards love

Ostap from the story “Taras Bulba” dreamed of going to the Zaporozhye Sich and becoming a Cossack. The family was completely not for him. Ostap did not think that one day he would lose his head because of his feelings for a beautiful girl. This outcome of events simply did not fit into his worldview. “He was harsh towards motives other than war and riotous revelry; at least I never thought about anything else.”

The execution episode once again states that his wife and family are not important to him. In the last minutes, Ostap did not want to see his mother or hear the cry of his inconsolable wife.

Behavior in the Sich

Both sons of Taras Bulba quickly fell in love with the wild life. Ostap respected the laws of the Sich, however, he was still not so amazed cruel punishment one Cossack for murder. Ostap was cold-blooded.

Fearing that the good fellows will be lost in partying and drinking, Taras asks the Koschevoy to break the peace agreements with Poland so that his sons can be hardened in battle. But events unfold somewhat differently, but in favor of Bulba Sr.

Ostap showed himself with the best side: undaunted, daring, courageous warrior. “Ostap, it seemed, was destined for the path of battle and the difficult knowledge of carrying out military affairs.” He could accurately determine the danger, while knowing how to avoid it. His prudence and sober calculation made Ostap an excellent strategist. The twenty-two-year-old youth fought alongside experienced Cossacks. He was characterized by two most important things for a warrior: composure and an analytical mind. The makings of a future leader were visible in him; it is no coincidence that Ostap was chosen as the chieftain of the kuren.


In the characterization of Ostap from the story “Taras Bulba”, a special place is given to temperament. Bulba's eldest son highly valued friendship and was considered one of the best comrades. In the seminary, being caught for some prank, he never betrayed his “accomplices.” He "was straightforward with his equals." The Cossacks highly appreciated this quality, because one of the main laws in the Sich was the law of partnership. The work does not mention any quarrels or clashes between Ostap and the Cossacks, since due to the above-mentioned personal qualities of the young man, they could not have happened.

His strong-willed character is evidenced not only by battle episodes, but also by his attitude to his studies: despite the boring and uninteresting textbooks, Ostap still became an excellent student.

Ostap was kind. Andriy's death and his mother's tears hurt him painfully, but the young man tried not to show it. He was closer to his father than to his mother. He and Taras had in common the desire to give his life for the sake of service native land and to the Ukrainian people. He was always attracted to stories about exploits, he dreamed of showing himself in battles, swinging a saber, defending his interests. He was not attracted to the “music of bullets”; Ostap looked at things more realistically than his younger brother. Taras Bulba himself was more impressed by Ostap’s character.


Ostap was not destined to live a long life, but a worthy one - yes. He is executed in Warsaw under the curious gaze of a crowd hungry for spectacle. The prisoners were led to the scaffold, Ostap goes first. He looks proudly at the Poles and does not greet them. The Cossack appeals only to the Cossacks, so that they do not disgrace the Cossack glory and do not utter a word while the executioners torture them. Bulba's eldest son will be executed first. He did exactly what he had told the other captives to do: he steadfastly withstood the torment. Ostap was silent even when the Poles broke the bones in their legs and arms.

Ostap forever remained faithful to his Fatherland, the Cossacks and the Christian faith. Literary scholars consider the image of Ostap from Taras Bulba to be collective. It deciphers not so much the human personality as the very idea of ​​freedom and the struggle for independence. Therefore, the execution turns out to be not just the death of Ostap, but the death of the values ​​​​proclaimed in the story: faith and Motherland.

A detailed description of Ostap will be useful for students in grades 6-7 when searching for materials for an essay on the topic “Characteristics of Ostap from the story “Taras Bulba””

Work test

  • It seemed to Ostap that the battle path was written in his birth, the difficult knowledge of carrying out military affairs
  • Gogol characterizes the hero, will suggest the folk poetic origins of imagery (comparisons, epithets), the lexical composition of passages (“His knightly qualities have already acquired the broad power of the qualities of a lion”; “Like a swimming hawk...”; “the old man will put it in his belt”; “Ostap endured torment and torture like giant. Neither a scream nor a groan was heard..."; "he would now like to see a firm husband who would refresh him with a reasonable word and console him at his death"; ), will reveal the generalized nature of the image, its typical features.
    Taras is the embodiment of the ancient ideals of Sich knighthood, Andriy is the embodiment of the views of the unstable part of the Cossacks, prone to compromise and outright betrayal, and Ostap is the embodiment of the young Zaporozhye force maturing among the people. Taras kills Andriy as a traitor to his homeland, despite the fact that he is his son. In the scene of filial murder we see the greatness of Taras’s character

    Ostap was always cool-headed and never lost his temper. At twenty-two years old, he could foresee and measure danger in order to better overcome it later. The traits of a future leader are noticeable in Ostap. The author compares Ostap with a giant, because giants and heroes have always been defenders of their native land. The greatness of Ostap’s soul lies in his loyalty to the Zaporizhian ideals: to die for his native homeland. Andriy, by his mental make-up, is an individualist and an egoist. He was distinguished by delicacy, passion, ardor of feelings that prevailed over reason.

    Tragic pathos last chapters stories“Taras Bulba” requires certain pauses: it is necessary to give the opportunity to internally feel, relive the most sorrowful pages of Gogol’s narrative. And the first questions to them are questions about what was felt, about the impression that the ending of the story leaves in the soul, tragic fate heroes. Heroes do not die - they gain immortality, because they are convinced that “not a single generous deed will perish.” Death, depicted in Gogol's story, "...is sanctified by an aura of valor, it is spiritual, although Gogol does not skimp on describing rivers of blood and the sight of severed heads." Dying, the Cossacks understand that the struggle is not over, that their death is not in vain, but is necessary for future victory. In this belief in the immortality of the people lies the true optimism of the story, its heroic pathos, folk, life-affirming beginning.

    Ostap and Andriy are the central characters of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".

    Ostap is the eldest son of Taras Bulba, who is a Zaporozhye Cossack. The story states that he is 22 years old. Every mention of the hero's appearance reflects his personal qualities. N.V. Gogol describes Ostap as follows:

    “His body breathed with strength, and his knightly qualities had already acquired the broad strength of a lion.”

    There are not many references to Ostap's appearance in the story; more often Gogol describes the appearance of the brothers together, rather than separately. An example would be the following quotes:

    "...They were two strapping young men... Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair that had not yet been touched by a razor..."

    "...They only had long forelocks..."

    "...at the sight of their freshness, growth, powerful bodily beauty.."

    Andria Gogol described Ostap in the text much more often, who was revealed more through the description of internal qualities.

    Andriy is the second son of Taras Bulba, he is only a year younger than Ostap. He is not at all like his stern relatives.

    Gogol describes Andriy’s appearance as follows:

    "...a glorious warrior! The most handsome of all..."

    "...this child was more than twenty years old and a fathom tall..."

    “...a velvet eyebrow arched boldly, tanned cheeks shone with all the brightness of virgin fire, and a young black mustache shone like silk...”

    Ostap is an impeccable fighter, a reliable comrade. He is silent, calm, reasonable. Ostap continues and honors the traditions of his fathers and grandfathers. For him there is never a problem of choice, hesitation between feelings and duty. He is an amazingly whole person. Ostap unconditionally accepts Zaporizhian life, ideals and principles of his older comrades. His respect never turns into servility; he is ready to take the initiative, but respects the opinions of other Cossacks. At the same time, he will never be interested in the opinions, views of “outsiders” - people of other faiths, foreigners. Ostap sees the world as harsh and simple. There are enemies and friends, our own and others. He is not interested in politics, he is a straightforward, brave, loyal and stern warrior. Ostap thinks only about battles, he passionately dreams of military feats and is ready to die for his Motherland.

    Ostap and Andriy are the central characters of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".

    Ostap is the eldest son of Taras Bulba, who is a Zaporozhye Cossack. The story states that he is 22 years old. Every mention of the hero's appearance reflects his personal qualities. N.V. Gogol describes Ostap as follows:

    “His body breathed with strength, and his knightly qualities had already acquired the broad strength of a lion.”

    There are not many references to Ostap's appearance in the story; more often Gogol describes the appearance of the brothers together, rather than separately. An example would be the following quotes:

    "...They were two strapping young men... Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair that had not yet been touched by a razor..."

    "...They only had long forelocks..."

    "...at the sight of their freshness, growth, powerful bodily beauty.."

    Andria Gogol described Ostap in the text much more often, who was revealed more through the description of internal qualities.

    Andriy is the second son of Taras Bulba, he is only a year younger than Ostap. He is not at all like his stern relatives.

    Gogol describes Andriy’s appearance as follows:

    "...a glorious warrior! The most handsome of all..."

    "...this child was more than twenty years old and a fathom tall..."

    “...a velvet eyebrow arched boldly, tanned cheeks shone with all the brightness of virgin fire, and a young black mustache shone like silk...”

    "...all straight, like a riverine sedge..."

    Characteristics of Ostap from Taras Bulba

    In Nikolai Gogol's story “Taras Bulba” there are several semantic centers. Historical past, a fragment from the life of the Zaporozhye Sich and the fate of the three main characters - Taras, Andriy and Ostap. I would like to dwell in more detail on the last character. Taras Bulba embodies the image of a national hero, a fighter for faith, Motherland and independence. Andriy seems to be some kind of rebel and traitor. What is hidden in the image of Ostap, the son of Taras Bulba? The characterization of Ostap from Taras Bulba will allow us to more fully answer this question.

    First of all, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the hero. In this story by Gogol, the main characters have a textured appearance, thanks to which some character traits can also be traced. Compared to the characterization of Andriy, references to the appearance of Ostap from “Taras Bulba” are quite scarce; they appear infrequently in the text of the story. So, in “Taras Bulba” the description of Ostap is presented as follows: “His body breathed with strength, and his knightly qualities had already acquired the broad strength of a lion.”

    Already from the first lines of the work, it becomes clear that Ostap has character. The eldest son responds to Bulba's banter with a fist fight. Ostap is ready to defend his interests and dignity, despite the fact that his father is his opponent. The fight ends with friendly hugs and praise: Taras is pleased that his son showed his strong-willed qualities, and therefore did not want his sons to stay with their mother for a long time, he thought that this would soften them.

    Seminary studies
    It is known that Taras sent his sons to get an education in Kyiv, so that experienced teachers there could provide knowledge about the sciences and discipline. At first, Ostap had problems with obedience. He ran away many times, disrupted classes, and buried books. Perhaps this would have continued further, but Bulba took the situation into his own hands, threatening to send his son to a monastery. After this, Ostap took up his studies seriously. Not to say that he had talent, but Ostap had amazing tenacity. After months of reading and mastering logical, rhetorical and grammatical subtleties, Ostap became on a par with the best students. It must be said that studying at that time was very little like learning in the modern sense. The seminarians could not apply the acquired skills and knowledge anywhere; “everyone was far from experience.”

    Attitude towards love
    Ostap from the story “Taras Bulba” dreamed of going to the Zaporozhye Sich and becoming a Cossack. The family was completely not for him. Ostap did not think that one day he would lose his head because of his feelings for a beautiful girl. This outcome of events simply did not fit into his worldview. “He was harsh towards motives other than war and riotous revelry; at least I never thought about anything else.” The execution episode once again states that his wife and family are not important to him. In the last minutes, Ostap did not want to see his mother or hear the cry of his inconsolable wife.

    Behavior in the Sich

    Both sons of Taras Bulba quickly fell in love with the wild life. Ostap respected the laws of the Sich, however, he was still not so amazed by the cruel punishment of one Cossack for murder. Ostap was cold-blooded.

    Fearing that the good fellows will be lost in partying and drinking, Taras asks the Koschevoy to break the peace agreements with Poland so that his sons can be hardened in battle. But events unfold somewhat differently, but in favor of Bulba Sr.

    Ostap showed himself at his best: undaunted, daring, courageous warrior. “Ostap, it seemed, was destined for the path of battle and the difficult knowledge of carrying out military affairs.” He could accurately determine the danger, while knowing how to avoid it. His prudence and sober calculation made Ostap an excellent strategist. The twenty-two-year-old youth fought alongside experienced Cossacks. He was characterized by two most important things for a warrior: composure and an analytical mind. The makings of a future leader were visible in him; it is no coincidence that Ostap was chosen as the chieftain of the kuren.

    In the characterization of Ostap from the story “Taras Bulba”, a special place is given to temperament. Bulba's eldest son highly valued friendship and was considered one of the best comrades. In the seminary, being caught for some prank, he never betrayed his “accomplices.” He "was straightforward with his equals." The Cossacks highly appreciated this quality, because one of the main laws in the Sich was the law of partnership. The work does not mention any quarrels or clashes between Ostap and the Cossacks, since due to the above-mentioned personal qualities of the young man, they could not have happened.

    His strong-willed character is evidenced not only by battle episodes, but also by his attitude to his studies: despite the boring and uninteresting textbooks, Ostap still became an excellent student.

    Ostap was kind. Andriy's death and his mother's tears hurt him painfully, but the young man tried not to show it. He was closer to his father than to his mother. He and Taras were united by the desire to give his life for the sake of serving his native land and the Ukrainian people. He was always attracted to stories about exploits, he dreamed of showing himself in battles, swinging a saber, defending his interests. He was not attracted to the “music of bullets”; Ostap looked at things more realistically than his younger brother. Taras Bulba himself was more impressed by Ostap’s character.

    Ostap was not destined to live a long life, but a worthy one - yes. He is executed in Warsaw under the curious gaze of a crowd hungry for spectacle. The prisoners were led to the scaffold, Ostap goes first. He looks proudly at the Poles and does not greet them. The Cossack appeals only to the Cossacks, so that they do not disgrace the Cossack glory and do not utter a word while the executioners torture them. Bulba's eldest son will be executed first. He did exactly what he had told the other captives to do: he steadfastly withstood the torment. Ostap was silent even when the Poles broke the bones in their legs and arms.

    Ostap forever remained faithful to his Fatherland, the Cossacks and the Christian faith. Literary scholars consider the image of Ostap from Taras Bulba to be collective. It deciphers not so much the human personality as the very idea of ​​freedom and the struggle for independence. Therefore, the execution turns out to be not just the death of Ostap, but the death of the values ​​​​proclaimed in the story: faith and Motherland.

    A detailed description of Ostap will be useful for students in grades 6-7 when searching for materials for an essay on the topic “Characteristics of Ostap from the story “Taras Bulba.”

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    Ostap is one of the main characters of the story “Taras Bulba”, the son of Taras, a young Cossack 22 years old. He is a continuation of his father: courageous, brave, puts honor, duty, and loyalty to the Fatherland and comrades above all else.

    We meet Ostap at the moment of his return home from Bursa. Ostap received his education only through the efforts of his father: the hero of science was not interested, he wanted to be free, to the Sich, to battle - only Taras’s threat that “he would not see Zaporozhye forever if he did not learn all the sciences at the academy” forced the boy to sit down to books.

    But his comrades highly valued Ostap: they knew that in any situation he would not betray, would not betray, would rather sacrifice himself than hide behind another: “never, under any circumstances, betrayed his comrades; no whips or rods could force him to do this.”

    Upon arrival home, Ostap immediately shows character: he responds to his father’s ridicule cockily and threatens to beat the old colonel. Which he does right away - to the joy of Taras, because this is exactly how Bulba would like to see his sons - independent, proud, brave.

    Ostap willingly goes to the Sich, because this is the dream and meaning of his life - a destiny dedicated to the battle for freedom, for the Fatherland. He doesn’t care about women, there is no romance or doubt in him: Ostap, like Taras, seems to be carved out of a solid block of marble and knows in advance the answers to all questions, knows the true price of things.

    In battle, Ostap shows himself with dignity: despite his calm and somewhat reserved disposition, he indulges in revelry, competes with other Cossacks in shooting, swims against the current of the Dnieper, and is able to stand alone against six.

    When Taras raises the Cossacks to war, Ostap reveals himself as a real warrior: “Ostap, it seemed, was destined for the battle path and the difficult knowledge of carrying out military affairs.” With a composure not characteristic of his age, he calculates the danger and possibilities of battle, sometimes he avoids danger, but only in order to be sure to overcome it. “Oh, yes, this one will eventually be a good colonel!” - Taras says about him.

    But Ostap was not destined to become a colonel. In the battle of Dubno, he is captured and then brutally executed by the Poles. Execution is the moment when the character of the hero is revealed in its entirety: “Ostap endured torment and torture like a giant. Neither a scream nor a groan was heard even when they began to break the bones on his arms and legs, when their terrible cracking was heard among the dead crowd...”

    Characteristics of the hero

    ("Ostap before execution" illustration by E. Kibrik)

    Ostap is a continuation of Taras. It seems that all the qualities of the old colonel have developed in him even more. Ostap has incredible courage, composure, smart, courageous, the main thing in his life is service to the Fatherland and loyalty to his comrades.

    This is an integral nature, without contradictions and searches. That’s why few words are said about Ostap in the story: he fights well and always does the right thing. To the modern reader he even seems uninteresting, “lifeless” - from the category of fantastic heroes, whom it is impossible to resemble.

    But everything changes at the end of the story, when Ostap dies in terrible agony. Having endured the most terrible torment without a single groan, the hero weakens before the end, because he wants to see his own face before death...

    “Father! where are you? do you hear all this? - Ostap shouted into the crowd “in mental weakness.” This moment and this call are so similar to the prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, when in his human nature he asks the Father: “Abba Father! everything is possible for You; pass this cup past Me..."

    In both cases, a father sacrifices his son for the sake of life, for the sake of a high goal.

    The image of the hero in the work

    In the image of Ostap, Gogol portrays the ideal of a male warrior, a defender on whom the world rests. It’s as if he shows us what the owner of the earth should be like, a person capable of both struggle and leadership and improvement.

    Too “correct” and not very lifelike at the beginning, Ostap leaves us as a living hero - capable of feeling pain, fear, love. So it’s possible to be like that. But Gogol believes that it should be.