Finger games based on poems by A. Barto, entertaining facts on the topic

Simple and funfinger games For motor developmentYour baby. It is known that there is a direct connection between the development of fine motor skills and the development of a child’s thinking. The more dexterous the fingers, the more flexible the mind. Afinger gamesThey help in the development of fine motor skills of the little ones in the best possible way. Ufinger gamesThere is another advantage - they help to establish stronger close contact between the parent and the child. After all, there is nothing for the baby better game, and finger games are very exciting and children like them. But if the baby does not want to repeat the movements of finger games after you, then just play yourself, sooner or later he will join you.



Finger games based on poems by A. Barto

Our Tanya...

Our Tanya cries loudly, clapping her hands; palms clenched into fists,

Rotational movements around the eyes

She dropped a ball into the river. wave-like movements with the whole hand:

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry, index finger right hand press to lips;

Rotational movements with fists near the eyes

The ball will not drown in the river. wave-like movements with the whole hand;

The fingers of both hands are connected in a circle

We will go for water imitation of steering wheel rotation

And we'll get your ball. fingers of both hands connected in a circle


Sailor hat, place the palm of your right hand on your head

Rope in hand rotational movements arms around each other

I pull the boat alternately with my right hand, with my left hand “pull the rope” towards me

Along a fast river. wave-like movements of the hand

And the frogs jump, we clench and unclench our fists

On my heels

And they ask me: clap hands

Take it for a ride, captain! wave-like movements of the hand; "salute" with your right hand


Let's build the plane ourselves, spread our arms to the sides and swing up and down

Let's fly over the forests, the fingers of both hands are intertwined

Let's fly over the forests, spread our arms to the sides and swing up and down

And then we'll go back to mom. Grab yourself by the shoulders


The bull walks, swings the index and middle finger of the right hand, “walk” along the table;

Extend the index finger and little finger of both hands, the remaining fingers

Make a fist; rotational movements left and right

Sighs as he moves to raise and lower his shoulders; index and middle finger

Right hand “walk” along the table

Oh, the board ends, clap in the palm; the backs of the palms are facing upward,

Fingers touch; spread your palms to the sides

Now I'm going to fall! with the index and middle fingers of the right hand we “walk” along the table;

Place your palms on the table.

Alexandra Murzina
"Visiting Agnia Barto." Interactive game dedicated to the work of A. Barto

IN visiting Agnia Barto

Event for children 6-11 years old. A month before the game, the topic of the quiz is announced. Children who want to participate should read as much as possible poems by Agnia Barto.

Today we will talk about a wonderful writer, you know some poems by heart from early childhood about Agnia Lvovna Barto

Born (Getel Leibovna Volova) 4 (17) February 1906 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian.

Poetry Agnia I started writing as a child, but in the future I saw myself as a ballerina and even graduated from a choreographic school. In 1925, She brought her poems to the publishing house, where they were read and received very warmly. And soon her first book, “Chinese Wang-Li,” was published. She was 19 years old at the time.

Extraordinary talent Barto How children's poet noted K.I. Chukovsky.

From that moment on, she became seriously involved in literary work. 3 years later, in 1928, her 2nd book was published "BROTHERS". She dedicated children different nations fathers who died in the struggle for freedom and happiness of people.

In these verses she calls for friendship between all peoples. For brotherhood, equality, unity of all living on earth. During the Second World War, this book was distributed secretly in Germany so that it would not fall into the hands of the Germans.

After the publication of a series of poetic miniatures for the little ones "Toys" (1936) (75 years, as well as poems "Flashlight", "Mashenka" etc. Barto became one of the most famous and beloved children's poets by readers, her works were published in huge editions and were included in anthologies. The rhythm, rhymes, images and plots of these poems turned out to be close and understandable to millions of children.

Popularity Agnia Barto grew rapidly. And not only here. She traveled all over Europe, visited many countries globe and met children everywhere. And it was the children who were her best books are dedicated to.

During Patriotic War Barto often spoke on the radio in Moscow and Sverdlovsk, wrote war poems, articles, and essays.

For nine years Barto broadcast on radio "Find a Person", in which she searched for people separated by war.

With its help, about 1,000 families were reunited. About this work Barto wrote a story"Find a Person".

In verse Barto has a lot of humor, satire, jokes, friendship between older and younger generations, between children and animals (puppies, cats, chickens, turtles, birds.). Lots of poems dedicated to nature(leaves, wind, sun, trees, flowers, sky, lakes.)

And of course she did not forget about the biggest fun for children - toys, which are participants and friends of children's children's life (dolls, elephants, bull, bear.). little readers feel sorry for them and thank them for having them.

In poetry she exposes: greed, sloppiness, laziness, arrogance, boasting, disrespect for work, idle talk.

For many years Barto headed the Association of Literature and Art Workers for Children, was a member of the international Andersen jury. In 1976 she was awarded International Prize them. H. K. Andersen. Poetry Barto translated into 55 languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and foreign countries. Over 21 million copies have been published. If books Barto laid out one after another, it is impossible to walk from the first to the last in one day.


Let's read these wonderful poems together

"Horse", "Bull", "Elephant", "Airplane", "Truck", "Ball", "Bunny", "Checkbox", "Ship", etc.

And now a quiz for the curious

First round:

1. What does the bull do when it walks and swings?



2. Which of these works was not written by Barto?



3. Of the three items, two are taken from the works of A. Barto, and one – No:



4. What is it called? poem,which contains these lines:

It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

Lay down in the box on its side.

The sleepy bear lay down in bed,

Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep. (Bull, Elephant. Bear)

5. What word is in the work? "Bunny"? (Friend, Snow, Bench)

6. What was the name of the girl in the work "Assistant" who was very tired without doing anything? (Tanyusha, Lidochka, Nastenka)

7. What little Nastenka could do while lying in a stroller (cry, dance, smile)

8. Which poemends with the words: “...And then we’ll go back to mom”? (Truck, Plane, Ship)

9. Why did Tanya cry? (fell, dropped the ball into the river, hit herself)

Second round:

1. Continue poem:

It was in January, there was a Christmas tree on the mountain,

And the evil ones wandered around this tree... (wolves, robbers, bears)

2. I can’t come to an agreement with Nastya at all!

I tell her: “Hello!”, and she «…» . (hi, aha, hello)

3. And in the north, where there is snow, where the frosts are severe,

The boys got up earlier in the morning -…. (Tungus, Nenets, Yakut)

4. We look at the boy - he’s kind of unsociable!

He frowns and sulks, as if he's drunk (acid, vinegar, tea)

5. Everyone puts a sandwich in their mouth first, and then eats compote.

He always - (on the contrary, also, correctly)

6.Masha put on a mitten:

Oh, where am I pointing... (hid, things, put)

Agnia Barto

Yesterday we played flock,
And we needed to growl.
We growled and bellowed
They barked like dogs,
Haven't heard any comments
Anna Nikolaevna.

And she said sternly:
- What kind of noise are you making?
I've seen a lot of children -
This is the first time I've seen something like this.

We told her in response:
- There are no children here!
We are not Petya and not Vova -
We are dogs and cows.

And the dogs always bark
They don’t understand your words.
And the cows always moo,
Keeping the flies away.

And she answered: - What are you talking about?
Okay, if you are cows,
I was a shepherd then.
Please keep in mind:
I'm taking the cows home.

BARTO Agnia Lvovna - children's writer. Born in Moscow; doctor's daughter. Published since 1917. The first poems were published in the children's magazines “Pioneer”, “Iskorka” and “Krugosvet”. The first book was published in 1925. Currently, he is the author of a number of illustrated children's books. Some excerpts from them are set to music. The best of the published ones: “Borka the Ram”, “Night”, “Sun”, “Counting Table”.
Children's poetess Agnia Barto is one of the most famous and beloved children's poets by readers. Her poems are known to many, both young readers and adults. The cheerful and interesting poems of Agnia Barto are understandable to every child. She has a special gift for talking to children. The poetess devoted her whole life to children, their upbringing and problems. Therefore, in her poems she talks about the same boys and girls with whom the little reader communicates in kindergarten or at school. Most often, these are not at all exemplary children; among them there are children who commit unexemplary actions. She jokingly talks about the various actions of the heroes, not forgetting to see their good traits. Reading the poems of Agnia Barto, a child will definitely see who should be imitated and who it is better not to be like.


« IN GUESTS K A State Research Institute B ARTO"

(1st grade)

Developed by: Nahkonen O.A.,

Saint Petersburg


We all love A. Barto's poems since childhood.

We are starting the game “Journey into the world of A. Barto’s poems”

This year marks the 108th anniversary of the birth of the writer. At this game you can not only show your knowledge of the work of A. Barto, but also learn new things, show ingenuity, creativity. 8 teams go on the trip. On the way you will meet 8 stations.

    Did you know?

(Questions about the work of A. Barto)


(Poems for the little ones)


    Guess what!

(Guess the title of the poem)

    Young artists.

(Draw pictures for poems)


(Make puzzles)

    Young artists.

    Jump rope.

(Jump rope)

You take the most necessary things with you on your trip, and we hope that your knowledge, curiosity, and inquisitiveness will become for you a real magic thread leading to victory.

In order not to get lost in our country, each team is given a route sheet, which indicates the order of passing stations. This sheet will record the number of points the team scores at each station. We wish you fair winds and good luck on your journey. No feather or fluff to you!


At this station, the team needs to show that you are well acquainted with the work of Agnia Barto.

(The “Toys” series - do not take it.)

For each poem - 1 point.


Compose a picture from the parts and you will find out the name of the collection of poems by A. Barto for the little ones.

For correct execution - 5 points.


At the station, your team needs to draw an illustration for A. Barto’s poem “We are at the Zoo.” Act together and you will succeed.

The presenters read a poem. The children immediately start drawing.

Highest score– 7b. (The drawing is completed, on the topic, the composition is thought out).

A. Barto “We are at the zoo.”

White bear!

Does she live in the ice?

Blizzard and ice

Are you not afraid of bears?

Oh, little bear!

The baby is only one year old!

He's wearing boots like these,

That they are not afraid of ice.

Oh, the brown bear is walking!

He is dressed in heavy fur.

He has a dignified figure

It can strike fear into everyone!

Dinner! Dinner! They're bringing lunch!

There is no more patience to wait.

They won't give him lunch

He will immediately eat his neighbor.

The little sable has a special food for now:

Everyone takes care of him and feeds him by the hour,

And he is so quick-witted: he knows how to suck himself.

Quiet hour at the zoo

Exactly the same as ours!

They lie and we lie.

Same mode.


At our station you need to guess the names of A. Barto's poems.

The presenters read excerpts:

(“First lesson”, “I’m growing up”, “Word game”, “I’ve grown up”, “To school”, “Rope”, “Helper”, “Left away”, “Bullfinch”, “At the theatre”, “Lyubochka” ", ")


Find out the hero, read a poem about him from the series “Toys” by A. Barto.

(Bear, bunny, truck, ball, elephant, bull, horse, boat, kid).

Evaluate – 1 point for each poem read.


In 5 minutes, prepare and read the poem “Conversation with Mom” expressively by role.

"Conversation with Mom"

The son calls: - Agu, agu! -

Like, stay with me.

And in response: - I can’t,

I'm washing the dishes.

But again: - Ahu, ahu! -

Heard with renewed vigor.

And in response: - I’m running, I’m running,

Don't be angry, my dear!

Evaluate – 3 points for correct, expressive reading.


Presenters read the poem “Rope”.

Guess, children, what do you need to do at our station?

Jump rope for as long as possible. For every 10 jumps - 1 point, time allotted - 5 minutes.


    In what year was Agnia Lvovna Barto born? (1906)

How old would she be this year? (108 years old)

2. In what city did the writer live and work? (In Moscow)

3. What profession did A. Barto’s father have? (Vet)

4. What did the writer want to become as a child? (Organ grinder)

5. What other very important work did Barto perform after the Great Patriotic War? (Helped parents who lost their children during the war find them.)

6. In honor of whom was the cycle of poems “Vovka – a kind soul” written? (A. Barto loved her grandson Volodya very much and dedicated many poems to him.)

7. What children's films did the poetess write scripts for? (“Elephant and String”, “Foundling”)

8. What was in the boxes that filled the writer’s entire apartment? (Letters from readers, which the writer read very carefully and tried to answer.)

9.What did A. Barto do during the Great Patriotic War? (She wrote poetry, went to the front as a correspondent, and mastered the profession of a turner at a factory.)

10. What object in space is named after Agnia Lvovna Barto? (Minor planet near Earth.)

I am never without a beginning

Close relative of the pier

The crown of every deed,

I call myself... (end)

So our journey through the land of A. Barto’s poems has come to an end.

It's time to take stock.

Literature used.

    A. Barto “Poems”

    I. Agapova " Literary games for children"

    G. Popova " Cool watch»

Agnia Barto's poems for children have become classics of Soviet literature. In total, more than 100 books were published, which were reprinted more than 400 times (the total circulation was more than 20 million copies and continues to be printed again and again today).

Much has been said about the life and work of this great writer, but the most important thing is that she loved her listeners. Agnia Barto’s unique vision was a respectful attitude towards children. She counted. That children don’t need to explain anything, they say they understand everything perfectly. And it's hard to argue with that. In many of the author’s works there is sarcasm rather than instructiveness. At the same time, children understand him perfectly and even accept him.

Separately, it is necessary to note A. Barto’s love for toys. One of the few authors who dedicated so many wonderful poems on this topic. Barto's poems especially notice little things about toys, which ordinary people They don't even pay attention. Yes, but what can I say, read the poems about toys and games yourself.

Herding game

A magnificent poem called “The Herd Game” by Agnia Barto is loved by both children and adults. Children with pleasure not only remember this poem, “The Game of the Herd,” but also happily take part in game form based on this poem.

The poem Game of the Herd, A. Barto, like the previous ones, was written in simple language, close and understandable to children.

Game of the herd Agnia Barto
Yesterday we played flock,
And we needed to growl.
We growled and bellowed
They barked like dogs,
Haven't heard any comments
Anna Nikolaevna.
And she said sternly:
- What kind of noise are you making?
I've seen a lot of children -
This is the first time I've seen something like this.
We told her in response:
- There are no children here!
We are not Petya and not Vova -
We are dogs and cows.
And the dogs always bark
They don’t understand your words.
And the cows always moo,
Keeping the flies away.
And she answered: - What are you talking about?
Okay, if you are cows,
I was a shepherd then.
Please keep in mind:
I'm taking the cows home.

In "Children's World"

This happened in the past, and in our time we, as adults, look into the Detsky Mir store with tenderness and delight.
So the verse In “Children's World” written by A. Barto will not leave either adults or children indifferent.

Verse In "Children's World" by A. Barto
When the adults arrive
Tired of business
When the adults come
To the toy department
They laugh heartily
Just like little children,
They gasp childishly:
- The toys are good!
Puts the clown in the briefcase
Laughing Citizen:
- I like to laugh myself
No less than my son.
Sailor with a gray beard
I admired the boat.
He, rejoicing like a little one,
Looks at the skiffs
And near the white yacht
He stands there without breathing.
He exclaims: - Oh, you!
Well, the yacht is good!
When the adults arrive
Tired of business
When the adults come
To the toy department
They laugh heartily
And they pet the bear cubs.
They laugh heartily
Although they are like babies
Of course they don't squeal.

Children's short poems about toys

Let's remember our favorite nursery rhymes about toys for the youngest children, which each of us knew by heart and gladly declared at any opportunity.
It turns out that our modern children do not know everything and have not even heard these magnificent nursery rhymes about toys.

Let's erase this gap, and we ourselves will enjoy the memories of childhood short poems about toys written by Agnia Barto. You can read the poems completely free of charge or watch the video, listen and repeat.

Nursery rhymes about toys

Teddy bear
Dropped the teddy bear on the floor
They tore off the bear's paw.
I still won’t leave him -
Because he's good.

The bull is walking, swaying,
Sighs as he walks:
- Oh, the board is ending,
Now I'm going to fall!

It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down on his side in the box.
The sleepy bear went to bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head
He bows to the elephant.

The owner abandoned the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
I couldn't get off the bench,
I was completely wet.

I love my horse
I'll comb her fur smoothly,
I'll comb my tail
And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

No, we shouldn't have decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
The truck overturned.

Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanya, don’t cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.

I have a little goat,
I herd him myself.
I'm a kid in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden -
I'll find it in the grass.

Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along a fast river.
And the frogs jump
On my heels,
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

We'll build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests,
And then we'll go back to mom.

Burning in the sun
As if I
The fire was lit.

I'm not bored without fire -
I have a flashlight.
You look at it during the day -
Nothing is visible in it
And you'll look in the evening -
It has a green light.
It's in a jar of grass.
The firefly sits alive.

Important prisoner

It was spring time
There was a war game
And we got a prisoner.
Captive! Captive!
What a respectable prisoner!

Although he is not tall,
But he has a gray temple,
He is a very important person -
The school director is surrounded.

He was part of the game
He lit signal fires
And he ended up captured.
Prisoners! Prisoners!
Such a respectable prisoner!

I gave more than one two
It's in our diaries
And today he is in captivity
In the hands of schoolchildren.

It's nice, whatever you say
Things are looking up...
Secretaries run to him: -
Director! Your report!

And he sighs: “Well, well!”
Warn me: I'm a prisoner.

Such an important person -
The school principal is captured!
Such a priceless prisoner
Alone in the whole universe!


Gathered for a squad meeting
All! There are no absentees!
The collection is serious:
You need to choose
The best girls to the council.

Galya has been crossed off the list!
Everyone said to her face:
- First of all, you are selfish,
Secondly, you are a fiend.

They offer to choose Sveta:
Sveta writes to the wall newspaper,
And she is an excellent student.
- But he plays with the dolls of Light! -
Ilyina declares.

- That's a new member of the council!
He's nursing his doll!
“No!” Sveta shouts, worried.
I'm sewing a dress for her now.

I'm sewing a brown dress
I am embroidering a belt.
Sometimes, of course, by the way
I'll play with her for an hour.

- You even need to sew for dolls! -
The squad is interceding.
“I’ll sew later for my grandchildren!”
The pioneers speak.

Natasha raised her hand:
- We must resolve the issue.
I believe that for dolls
It's embarrassing to sew in the fifth grade!

It became noisy in the school hall,
A heated argument began
But, after thinking, everyone said:
— Sewing for dolls is not a shame!


Kids in the yard
They did a round dance.
Game of geese and swans,
Gray wolf- Vasily.

Geese-swans, home!
Gray wolf under the mountain!
The wolf doesn't even look at them,
The wolf is sitting on a bench.

Gathered around him
Swans and geese.
- Why don’t you eat us? -
Marusya says.

Since you are a wolf, don’t be a coward!
The goose screamed at the wolf.

From such a wolf
No point!

The wolf answered: - I’m not afraid,
I'll attack you now.
I'll finish the pear first,
And then I’ll get to work on you!

It was in January

It was in January
There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And near this Christmas tree
Evil wolves roamed.

Once upon a time,
Sometimes at night,
When the forest is so quiet,
They meet a wolf under the mountain
Bunnies and hare.

Who wants to New Year
Fall into the clutches of the wolf!
The bunnies rushed forward
And they jumped onto the tree.

They flattened their ears
They hung like toys.

Ten little bunnies
They hang on the tree and are silent.
The wolf was deceived.
It was in January -
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.

Greedy Egor

Oh, what a racket it is!
Komsomol members are dancing.
This is how young people dance
Whatever you want, you can go
Dance on the Christmas tree.

A cheerful choir is singing here,
Fables are read here...
Yegor stands aside,
Fat third grader.

He came to the ball first
To the school club for the Christmas tree.
Yegor did not dance:
- Why dance to no avail?

He doesn't look at dragonflies
And bright fish.
He has one question:
- Santa Claus will be coming soon
Give out gifts?

People are having fun, funny,
Everyone shouts: “Horror!”
But Yegor insists on one thing:
- Will there be gifts soon?

Wolf, and hare, and bear -
Everyone came to the Christmas tree.

Why stare at them?
Laughing to no avail? -
The skiing began from the mountains,
Egor doesn't ride:
- I'll go for a ride in the park!

He has one question:
- Santa Claus will be coming soon
Give out gifts? -

Santa Claus plays a gathering:
- Here are the gifts, children! -
Egor grabbed it first
Golden bag.

I sat down on a chair in the corner,
Wrapped my gift
With sense, with arrangement,
Tied it with twine.

And then he asked again:
- And on the Christmas tree in the park
Tomorrow they will distribute
Gifts for schoolchildren?


The older brother cradled his sister:
Let's take the dolls away from here,

Persuaded the girl
(She's only a year old):
- It's time to sleep,
Bury yourself in the pillow
I'll give you a hockey stick
You will stand on the ice.

Don't cry
I'll give it to you
Soccer ball,
Want -
You will be for the judge

The older brother cradled his sister:
- Well, let's not buy a ball,
I'll bring the dolls back,
Just don't cry.

Well, don't cry, don't be stubborn.
It's time to sleep long ago...
You understand - I am mom and dad
Sent me off to the cinema.

Rubber Zina

Bought in a store
Rubber Zina,
Rubber Zina
They brought it in a basket.
She was gaping
Rubber Zina,
Fell from the basket
Smeared in mud.
We'll wash it in gasoline
Rubber Zina,
We'll wash it in gasoline
And we shake our fingers:
Don't be so dumb
Rubber Zina,
Otherwise we’ll send Zina
Back to the store.


The beautiful maiden sat down
Relax under a tree.
I sat in the children's park
In a shady corner, -
I sewed it for a nurse doll
Apron made of cambric.

Hey, what a beautiful girl!
What a needlewoman!

It’s immediately obvious - well done!
Doesn't sit idle:
Taught two boys
How to hold a needle.

Hey, what a beautiful girl!
What a needlewoman!

Teaches everyone how to sew and cut,
Doesn't give anyone a bad grade.