Admission is not only new specialties. We submit documents to universities on time and correctly

In the new academic year schools will graduate more than 20 thousand potential applicants, who in June will begin storming the doors of selected universities to continue their education. For parents, the responsible time is coming now: it is important to understand not only where your child will go, but also how this process occurs. This problem is becoming especially relevant today, when the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has seriously changed the rules regarding admission to higher educational institutions.

Features of the 2016 introductory campaign

Instead of two waves of enrollment, the process now takes place in two stages: in the first, graduates who immediately brought original documents will compete for 80% of the places; at the second stage, the competition will be for the remaining 20%, and during this period there will be especially tough competition - for best university applicants with the highest scores will compete, significantly increasing the competition. According to the Ministry of Education, this will make the choice of educational institution and specialty more conscious on the part of graduates.

The essay will allow you to earn additional points upon admission

The current admissions campaign has significantly increased the value of a document on secondary education: you need to look at the passing score at the universities of your choice and realistically assess the possibility of getting into them. In addition, applicants will receive innovation in the form of additional essays and portfolios, for which the university can award points. The list of innovations does not end there! Let's look at the most fundamental differences to help 2016 graduates avoid unnecessary difficulties:

  1. Changing the deadlines for submitting documents to the university. So, this year they have moved slightly - only by one day - however, it is worth monitoring the situation in advance so as not to miss the moment of the beginning and end of submitting documents.
  2. Opportunity to receive extra points for essays. The essay, which is carried out on the basis of the graduating school, makes it possible to earn 10 bonus points. Let us recall that the norm was introduced in accordance with the order of the President of Russia, as admission to. Year 11 students take this test in December. Failed students have 2 more attempts (at the end of winter and in mid-spring). Ultimately, the essays are placed in a database to which all universities in the country have access. Before entering a university, a graduate can indicate that the essay is included in the submitted documents. After checking the essay, university representatives can add another 10 points to the future student’s Unified State Examination score.
  3. Opportunity to enroll without exams. According to current situation affairs, apply for admission to a university without entrance examinations Students who have become prize-winners and winners of Olympiads included in the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation can apply.
  4. Points for individual achievements . Applicants can earn 10 points for personal achievements. This category includes obtaining a school certificate with honors, science Olympiads, sports achievements and volunteering.
  5. Additional exams and interviews. Some universities are given the right to conduct additional tests for applicants. For example, this year additional exams were introduced in 64 specialties, including not only such familiar “creative” professions as urban planning, design, acting, choreography or directing, but also pedagogy, some medical fields, philology, etc. d.
  6. Additional exam in a core subject. Some universities also received the right to host another profile exam. For example, in 2015 there were only two such universities in the capital - Moscow State University and MGIMO - but in 2016 the list may expand.
  7. The maximum score will be higher. Maximum quantity The passing points that a graduate can score after passing three subjects with all additional “bonuses” will now be 320 points instead of the previous 300.
  8. Graduates of colleges and technical schools lost the right to preferential admission. Applicants who have secondary vocational education will be admitted based on the results of entrance exams (test, written work or interview). Applicants who have graduated from college or technical school can only enter the first year. An exception will be those who apply for a bachelor's degree in the corresponding profile - for such applicants, the period of study may become somewhat shorter due to the re-crediting of previously passed subjects. Let us recall that before the entry into force of the new regulations on admission to universities, those who received secondary special education, entered their specialty without a single state exam, and their subjects were compulsory.

When submitting: a copy of the passport, a copy of the certificate, benefits (Documents confirming the availability of benefits), copies of diplomas (Only those that are taken into account by the university. Each university has its own list!). Upon enrollment: original certificate, 6 photos, medical certificate form 086u. Each area of ​​bachelor's training has its own package of documents!

From June 1 (or another date established by the university) to July 26 (for those who apply only for the Unified State Exam). Until July 5 (10) (If you have additional entrance tests at the university itself (Find out specifically))
Date of submission of the original and application for consent to enrollment:
First wave - until 18.00 August 1
Second wave - until 18.00 August 6

Yes, points are added for the honors certificate and for the essay. Each university has its own score! You can find it in the document called “University Admission Rules.” Section: taking into account the individual achievements of applicants.

You give the original certificate when submitting documents or during the waves. Without the original, you will not be admitted to any university. The original document can be collected at any time. It is better to send it directly to the university where you are most focused. The date of submission of the original before the waves does not affect the place in the ranking!

Answers to the most popular questions were provided by E.N. Alexandrova.

Applicant calendar 2016:

  • From May 25 to June 26- main period conducting the Unified State Exam. For more details, see the Unified State Exam 2016 schedule.
  • June 1- Universities publish their admission plan for 2016.
  • June 20- Reception of documents begins.
  • July 7- Completion of acceptance of documents from persons applying based on the results of entrance examinations. For specialties with creative tests, the deadline is several days earlier!
  • July 27- Posting lists of all applicants, ranked by scores, on university websites.

Advice: You need to look at how many budget places there are for the faculties you have chosen (they are called admission control figures - KCP). Please note that 10% of them can be given to beneficiaries (Olympiad winners, disabled people, target recipients, etc.), they are enrolled earlier than the main deadline. Then determine your place in the ranked list. Let's say there are 10 budget places at the faculty you have chosen, and you are in 10th place in the ranked list - that means you are definitely admitted. And if you are, say, in the 12th grade, then there is still a chance of admission, but it depends on how many have more high scores than yours, people will bring original certificates to the university before August 1st.

  • Until August 1- Universities accept originals of certificates and statements of consent for enrollment at stage I. At stage I, universities are required to identify and enroll applicants for 80% of the budget places. It is at this stage that the admissions committees of most universities call applicants who have a real chance of admission and ask them to quickly bring original certificates.

Advice: You need to choose one university where to take the original certificate. If you see that based on your Unified State Exam score you qualify for a budget place or have a slightly lower place, then you need to bring the original certificate to the university as quickly as possible and write a statement of consent to enrollment in order to get on the list of those admitted.

  • August 3- Issuance of orders for enrollment at stage I.

Advice: If you are not on the list of those enrolled, you can participate in Stage II of enrollment for the remaining 20% ​​of budget places. Using the same ranking lists, you determine which university you have the best chance of admission to. If you submitted the original to a university, which, as you now understand, there is no chance of enrolling in, then write an application for the return of the original certificate (the university is required by law to return the certificate within 2 hours).

  • August 6- Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment and original certificates for enrollment at stage II.

Advice: If you did not get into the chosen university based on the sum of points, you can try your luck again. But keep in mind that at this stage the competition in universities becomes tougher than at stage I - high-scoring students will come who did not qualify for admission to more prestigious universities.

  • August 8- Issuance of orders for enrollment at stage II.

Advice: If you didn’t get admission on a budget, you can try to get admission by paying tuition fees.

  • Until September 1- Deadlines for submitting documents and enrolling in places with payment of tuition fees are determined by the university independently; find out about them specifically at each university.

Advice: The number of paid places is also limited: those who have higher scores, submit a certificate and write an application for admission are admitted.

What documents are needed to enter the university?

  • Statement.
  • Original or photocopy of an identification document, citizenship.
  • Original (required when applying to target places) or a photocopy of a state-issued education document.
  • 4 photographs (if you plan to enroll in areas of training for which additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation are held, additional entrance tests of a specialized orientation or entrance tests conducted by the university independently).
  • Documents confirming benefits (if any).

Visual infographics for applicants:

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation determines the list of entrance tests for admission to study in educational programs higher education - bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs. (Complete list).

In this case, the results of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and in the relevant subject for the given specialty must be taken into account. Universities are given the right to choose one more third exam from several recommended for a given specialty.
(Procedure for admission to universities, order No. 890 dated July 22, 2016)

In 2018, the Unified State Examination results for 2014–2018 will be valid.

Two universities - Moscow and St. Petersburg State Universities have a special status. These universities have the right to independently decide to conduct one additional entrance test of a profile focus when admitting them to undergraduate programs and specialist training programs.

By order of the government, the right to conduct their own entrance examinations for certain specialties may be granted annually to some more universities. The form of these exams (written, oral, testing, interview) is determined by the university.

The right to conduct ( in addition to the Unified State Exam) one in-house entrance test in a core subject was given to 5 universities:

Universities that have the right to conduct additional tests for applicants
(for some specialties)

  1. Moscow State legal academy named after O.E. Kutafin (jurisprudence)
  2. Moscow State Linguistic University (political science, jurisprudence, linguistics, etc.)
  3. Moscow Pedagogical state university(sociology)
  4. National research university "graduate School economics" (philology, linguistics)
  5. Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. N. A. Dobrolyubova (translation and translation studies)

Additional tests may also be conducted by universities when applying for creative and sports majors. Some entrance examinations may be considered by the university on a pass/fail basis, while others may be considered competitive. Universities must determine the final list of entrance examinations and admission conditions by February 1 of the current year.

Admission to universities without entrance tests

Without entrance examinations (Unified State Exam results), only winners and runners-up can enter the university final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, members of Russian national teams participating in international olympiads in general education subjects, for training in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

Winners and runners-up additional Olympiads, the list of which is established by the Council for Olympiads, operating on the basis of the Russian Union of Rectors, receive benefits at the discretion of the educational institutions themselves, where they are admitted in accordance with the profile of the Olympiad

Admission to university: an important period in the life of any young man or girl.

When I worked at a university in the admissions office, I saw a girl with more than 300 Unified State Exam points. She sat in the admissions committee on August 7 and cried 10 minutes before the committee closed because she could not get her documents to take them to another university.

I saw a young man, also with high scores, who came to enroll because he didn’t get in last year... People think that it’s easy to get in with high scores, but this is not so.

All these pictures speak about one thing: to enter a university you need three things:

  • - pass the Unified State Exam with high scores
  • - choose the right university
  • - submit documents correctly

What do you need to pass the Unified State Exam with 100 points?

Reading manuals and memorizing does not give best result. In order to pass the Unified State Exam with 100 points, you need high-quality materials. Today such materials are video lessons, info cards and presentations. As well as direct consultation with a professional. Then you will get the desired result. The highest quality video lessons on history and social studies are available in and.

Until April 21, only you have a 2,000 rubles discount on the purchase of these materials:

Discount coupon: idweb

Both of these products have my professional support and consulting.

Many will say or think that they already know everything. But here's an example: my book “How not to screw up your application” Over 400 people downloaded it. But the test for real self-assessment was downloaded by only 35-40 people. This is called overconfidence: when you think you know everything. If you think you know everything, check yourself! As a result, only those who are constantly developing will rent out a hundred square meters. And our materials are just a bomb for accelerated development. AND

The deadlines for submitting documents have been changed - universities will begin accepting applications from June 20. If the specialty requires passing additional creative exams, the deadline for submitting documents will be postponed to July 7.

Some educational institutions are conducting internal tests: for them, the Ministry of Education has set its opening date for admissions committees - July 10.

Procedure for admission to correspondence department does not provide specific deadlines, so universities make their own decisions, which they inform applicants in advance through information stands and their official websites.

How and when to apply to the university

Submit documents to admissions committee You can send them in person, send them by mail, fill out an application online, or simply indicate in the application when, where and for what scores the exam was taken.

The university itself will check the accuracy of this information and, if everything is confirmed, will allow the applicant to participate in the competition for admission. Provide originals of the certificate and certificate of passing the Unified State Exam it is necessary only before signing the rector’s order on enrollment.

How many universities can you apply to?

An applicant has the right to apply to five universities for 3 areas of study in each - that is, apply for 15 budget places. You can apply to one faculty at once for daytime, evening and distance learning and on the other - for daytime and evening. Or choose five faculties, but all with full-time education.

Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren (university or All-Russian), who earned a benefit upon admission, will be able to use it only once this year. That is, to one university for one direction, and to all others - according to Unified State Exam results like ordinary schoolchildren.

To the Unified State Exam, in addition to your passport and pass, you are allowed to bring several black gel pens, a bottle of water and a chocolate bar. It is useful to have a watch on your hand to keep track of time. It is better if they are mechanical; examiners may have questions about electronic ones.

You are allowed to take a ruler for the math exam, and a ruler and a non-programmable calculator for physics, chemistry and geography exams. During the chemistry exam, you can also use the periodic tables issued by the organizers and the solubility of salts, acids and bases in water, as well as the electrochemical voltage series of metals.

Applicants will have to provide mobile phones before the exam.

Military university

To become a career military officer, you can only apply to one military-related institute or university. In addition, in addition to the Unified National Examination, you will have to take physical fitness exams, undergo a medical commission and psychological testing.

If you were unable to get into a military university, so as not to miss a whole year, you can apply to a civilian university where there is military department, or serve in the army, and then try your hand again.

Children of military personnel who have served for at least 20 years have benefits when enrolling in military universities. There is no competition for children who do not have parents, and for applicants who took part in hostilities.

If a young man graduates from school at 18

According to the Law “On Education”, everyone has the right to enter a university after graduating from school. True, not all military commissars know that 18-year-olds also have the right to enroll. And so that they leave the applicant alone, Dmitry Medvedev instructed the ministers of defense and education to consider the issue of granting such children a deferment.

What score can you get in with?

The Ministry of Education reports that in 2016, passing scores for universities will increase, despite the fact that the essence of the entrance exams themselves will not change much. Mainly, increased requirements should be expected in such disciplines as mathematics, social studies and foreign languages.

According to Rosobrnadzor, in 2016 the passing score in mathematics will be increased from 24 points to 27, according to foreign languages points will increase from 20 points to 22, and in social studies - from 39 points to 42.

The remaining disciplines will remain unchanged compared to last year. Thus, in the Russian language, biology, physics and chemistry there will remain a minimum of 36 points, in geography - 37 points, in history and literature - 32 points and 40 points in ICT and computer science.

Thus, applicants who were unable to score the specified points in the selected subjects do not have the right to apply for admission to the university.

It is also worth noting that in addition to passing Unified State Examinations, you can receive an additional 20 points for an essay or other achievements during the study period. Practice shows that every increase in the requirements for future students to pass exams does not give very good results.

Who can enroll in Russian universities and how?

In 2016, the number of universities to which citizens of 198 countries around the world will be able to enroll under a quota will be more than 500. In addition to foreign citizens, stateless persons, as well as compatriots living abroad (excluding Russian citizens), can also become applicants.

The main innovation in the new year concerned the application acceptance procedure. For this it now works electronic resource - through a “single window” you can submit an application and a package of documents that is needed to pass the selection. Moreover, when submitting an application, a potential student can indicate up to 6 Russian universities that he is interested in enrolling in.

Russian universities offer several training options. It could be full-time- all classes are held during the day, in the personal presence of students at the university. Eat part-time training- involves classes in the evening on weekdays and during the day on weekends.

There is also a correspondence form of study - students attend a course of introductory lectures, after which they study at home according to a specially designed program, then come to the university to take tests and exams.

Levels of higher education also vary: you can study in bachelor's, specialist's, master's, postgraduate, and professional retraining and advanced training, and also come to study Russian.

Foreigners, like Russians, can study at higher educational institutions in Russia at the expense of the Russian government budget or on a commercial basis.

Free training

There are three options for admission to budget places, financed Russian government. In particular: candidates can become the winner of one of the Olympiads held in Russia or abroad; pass the Unified State Exam or entrance exams; pass a competitive selection for state scholarships (quota).

Over the course of three years, 15 thousand quotas for free training in Russian universities.

The state scholarship includes: free training for the entire period in the chosen specialty; monthly stipend (during the entire period of study, regardless of the candidate’s success). In 2015, it was about 1,300 rubles (about $26) per month; provision of a hostel (if the university has premises).

Foreign students (with higher education), those undergoing internships under additional professional education programs (professional retraining or advanced training) are not paid a monthly stipend, but are provided with a place in the dormitory of the educational institution.

The selection of foreign applicants is carried out by Rossotrudnichestvo through a network of its representative offices, as well as through Russian embassies abroad.

Commercial training

If someone to a foreign citizen will not be offered a quota within the framework of the recruitment of 15 thousand applicants, he will be invited to study at Russian universities under contract.

Taking into account the fact that the cost of training in many universities is relatively low (in a significant part of universities it is 1000-1500 euros per year), many will be interested in this format.

If they have their own funds for training, applicants can choose their favorite educational institution and contact its representatives. Most often, universities ask to send an initial application by email, accompanying it with the relevant documents.

How to submit documents

Initial application indicating the desired specialty and level of existing education; a copy of the education document listing subjects and grades (with translation into Russian); copy of ID; a completed application form (the form is issued by the university or the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office); photographs (on request).

All documents must be translated into Russian and certified in the prescribed manner (notary or at the consular department of the embassy).

Official submission of documents to the university upon arrival in Russia

Application for admission to study indicating the chosen specialty and form of study; a document identifying the applicant and his citizenship (original and notarized translation into Russian); document on education indicating the subjects studied and grades received (original and notarized translation into Russian).

A medical certificate of the established form must also be presented stating that there are no contraindications for studying in Russia with a note on the results of an HIV test (or a medical certificate) and a photograph of the established sample.

After the applicant passes the competitive selection, he must receive an invitation and apply for a study visa.

How to get a study visa

Applicants from countries that have a visa-free regime with Russia need to present a foreign passport to enter its territory. In other cases, to enter the territory of Russia, in addition to an identity document, you must present a student visa.

To apply for a study visa, you will need an invitation. Invitations for foreigners are issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MFA of Russia) and the Federal Migration Service (FMS of Russia).

Applicants sent to universities based on the results of competitive selection for state scholarships (quota) receive visas as directed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office they are given a six-digit invitation number, which they call when submitting documents for a visa.

If the applicant entered the university on a general basis or on a commercial basis, then the university will send him an invitation. When applying for a visa, you will need the original of this document.

The material was prepared based on open sources.

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