Bicycle riding rules for children. Lesson on traffic rules in the senior group on the topic "bicycle" For children about riding bicycles



introduce children to road signs: “Intersection with a bicycle path”, “No cycling”, “Bicycle path”;

to form the idea that special places are allocated for games and cycling;

Continue studying the rules of behavior for children on the street.


develop moral qualities;

bring to the awareness of children that their safety and the safety of the people around them depends on how they behave on the street;

continue to develop the skills to act according to the rules traffic.


cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, and the ability to listen to the answers of comrades.

Forms of working with children:

artistic word;

viewing illustrations;

surprise moment;

physical education in the form of a game “You can - you can’t”;

solution to a problem situation.


Kolobok toy; road signs: “Intersection with a bicycle path”, “Bicycles are prohibited”, “Bicycle path”; signal cards (red – not allowed, green – allowed); picture of a bicycle.

Active dictionary:

“Riding a bicycle is prohibited”, “Intersection with a bicycle path”, “Bicycle path”, parts of a bicycle - “saddle”, “frame”.

Passive dictionary:

Bicycle, wheel, steering wheel, pedals, roadway, road, KAMAZ.

Preliminary work:

Excursions to playgrounds, reading poems about bicycles, games on bicycles.


1. Emotional mood

Children with a teacher stand in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce words and perform movements in accordance with the text:

Wider our wonderful circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Turn left, turn right

And smile at each other.

Stretch your hands to the sun,

Take his rays

And press it to your chest.

With this ray in my chest

Look at the world more clearly. (children sit on chairs).

2. Educator: Guys, guess the riddle.

They made him out of flour,

Afterwards they put me in the oven.

He was chilling at the window,

He rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave,

And on the way he sang a song.

The bunny wanted to eat him,

Gray wolf and a brown bear.

And when the baby is in the forest,

I met a red fox

I couldn't leave her.

Who is this?

Children: bun (slide 2) I bring in a toy - a bun.

Kolobok: I haven’t visited you for so long that I even started to miss you. But I came on business. You told me a lot about ground transport. I also have my own transport - a bicycle, but I don’t know anything about it. You tell me how a bicycle works. Where can you ride it? I love riding so much.

Educator: Do you have bicycles? Do you like to ride them?

Children: Yes, we love to ride them.(Slide 3)

Educator: Look at this bicycle and tell me what parts it consists of. What is the name of the part of the bicycle where the driver sits? What makes it move? What is this? (Pointing to the frame), etc. What are the tires inflated with?

3. Game “Name what’s missing.”(Slides 4-7)

Educator: And now I suggest you play the game “What’s missing.” Look carefully at each slide. Tell me what the bike is missing?

Children: Wheels, saddle, steering wheel, pedals are missing.

4. Kolobok: Thank you. It’s great, of course, to ride a bike, but I don’t know where I can do it. I have a bicycle, but I can’t imagine how I’ll ride it on the road. Yes, some KAMAZ won’t notice me and will crush me.

Educator: Why is Kolobok afraid to ride a bicycle on the road?

Children: Afraid of getting into an accident, doesn’t know the rules, etc.

Educator: Where, in your opinion, can you ride and where can you not?

Children: You can ride in the yard, on the bike path, on the sidewalk. You can’t - on a road where there are a lot of cars.

Educator: Correct. Small children are not allowed to ride a bicycle on the roadway, and they should only ride and play in courtyards or playgrounds. If something happens to the bicycle, do not linger on the path, move to the side.(Slides 8-9)

Educator: Where does the kitten ride?

Children: Along the path.

Educator: Why does the puppy not ride a bicycle, but carry it?

Children: Because he is walking along the sidewalk and pedestrians may be walking towards him.

Educator: What do you see on this slide?

Children: How a grandfather teaches a girl to ride a bike in the yard.

Educator: When riding a bicycle, you must follow the rules. See how you can ride and how you can’t ride.(Slide No. 10)

Educator: Look at these cyclists. Who among them follows the rules of cycling?(Slide 11)

Educator: I will point to each cyclist, and you will show a red or green circle. Red - if you can’t ride like that, green - if you can.

5. Game “It’s possible - it’s not possible”

Children lie on their backs. Simulates riding a bicycle. The teacher names different places for cycling. Children react: if possible, they pedal in the air, and if not, they lie quietly.

At the bus stop... (lie quietly)

In the yard... (pedals)

On the roadway... (lie quietly)

In the clearing... (pedals)

Up the stairs... (lie quietly)

Along the sidewalk... (lie quietly)

On the platform... (pedals)

6. Educator: There are also special road signs for cyclists.

Who has a bike?

They say: No problem!

Sit down and pedal

Wherever you want, go there!

Everything is not simple, everything is wrong

Drive where this sign is:

The circle is painted blue,

And there is a bicycle in the circle.(Slide 12)

Educator: This sign is called “Bicycle path”. It only allows bicycles and mopeds. Pedestrians can also use the bike path (if there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path).

Remember the sign, friends,

Both parents and children:

Where he hangs it is impossible

Ride a bike!

Educator: This sign “Bicycles are prohibited.” It refers to prohibition signs. This prohibits the movement of bicycles and mopeds in both directions of the road.

Educator: And for drivers they put up a sign “Intersection with a bicycle path.” This sign is a warning. It warns drivers and cyclists that there will soon be a road crossing with a bike path. Cyclists need to slow down and give way to vehicles.(Slide 13)

When I pedal,

I can handle everything in the world!

But I recognized a familiar sign:

Signal to the driver and me.

Here I'll slow down a little,

At least I want to fly forward:

Bike Lane

The car path will cross.

Educator: And in order to remember these signs well, I suggest you play.

7. Game: "Choose the right sign"


Two signs are placed in the center of the room in different directions: “Bicycle path” and “No cycling”. Children must choose the right direction by explaining their decision. Having chosen the correct sign, children begin to move in the right direction to the music, imitating riding a bicycle.

Kolobok: Thanks, guys. Now I know where I can ride my bike.(Slide 14)

8. Analysis

– Do you guys remember the signs? What do they mean? Which one is prohibitive? Which warning? Why do you need to follow the rules of cycling? Look, I have mugs of three colors on my tray. What can be made from them? That's right, traffic lights: red, yellow, green. And with their help, you yourself will evaluate how you answered today. If you were active during the lesson and knew the answers to all the questions, then take the green circle, and if you are not very active, then take the yellow circle. If you found the tasks difficult and found it difficult to answer many questions, then the red circle. Now raise your mugs. Well done, everyone appreciated their work correctly. Now imagine that you and I got on a bike and went for a ride.

Guys, always follow the rules of cycling!

Goals: contribute to the formation of a culture of behavior on the roads; learn to recognize road signs; learn to identify places for games and cycling; introduce road signs regulating the movement of cyclists.

Material: slides (traffic accidents); cards with traffic signs; posters illustrating the rules of cycling.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. Once upon a time, when you were very small, you learned to walk, talk, and eat. Now that you have grown up, you need to learn how to behave correctly in the world of roads and cars. We must be able to take advantage of the conveniences that this world creates and avoid the dangers that lie in wait in it. To live safely in the world of machines, you need to know the rules of behavior in this world. After all, behavior that seems completely normal and safe at home can lead to serious injury or death in the world of machines. Let's see what unpleasant incidents are possible and how they can be avoided.

Look at the slides and discuss situations.

Teacher. Now let's discuss the rules of behavior on the streets.

Rule 1. You can cross the roadway only at a pedestrian crossing. It is indicated by a special sign - “Pedestrian crossing” (shows a card).

What is a transition?

Every cat knows this!

Respect these signs

Even cats and dogs!

Rule 2. Under no circumstances should you run out onto the road (even if you are in a hurry or your friend is calling you). Be sure to stop before the road and look around.

Rule 3. You cannot play on the roadway or even on the sidewalk. Such games can lead to disaster. Every guard will say: “Don’t play on the pavement!”

Teacher. Now listen to the riddle.

It’s my birthday - they gave me a horse.

What a wonderful, blue-blue!

You need to drive carefully, you can hold on to the horns.

The only pity is that there is no mane. What kind of horse? (Bike.)

It's no secret that all children love to ride a bike. It turns out that cycling also has its own safety rules. To understand them, look at the posters.

Rule 1. Do not ride in places where you can accidentally drive onto the roadway. Even if you ride in the yard, be extremely careful.

Rule 2. Never hope that a driver will notice you. Take care of yourself.

Rule 3. We have never been naughty on the road, clinging to car bumpers. Something irreparable could happen.

Rule 4. Do not cross the roadway on a bicycle, but cross it at a pedestrian crossing, holding the bicycle by the handlebars.

What road signs will help you ride a bike safely and with confidence? What do you guys think? Select them from the signs on the stand.

Children look at the signs and choose three of them: “Bicycle path”, “Intersection with a bicycle path”, “No cycling” (see figure). The teacher talks in detail about the purpose of each sign.

A story game is being played. The children place traffic signs around the office at their own discretion. Someone becomes a “pedestrian”, someone a “cyclist”, and someone a “car driver”. At the teacher's signal, the movement begins. Children comment on their actions.


Topic: Bicycle driving

head of the "YuID" circle

Ivanov Gennady Vladimirovich

Municipal educational institution lyceum "No. 2"

G. Dzhankoy, Republic of Crimea, Russia

Goal: learn traffic rules for cyclists.

Equipment: bicycle, figure driving strip, video projector.

. PROGRESS OF THE CONVERSATION: A bicycle is a very convenient and common type vehicle. Many students have bicycles and love to ride them, and some use bicycles to travel to school, to see friends, etc. During such trips, the cyclist moves along streets and roads in the general traffic flow. But many do not know that a bicycle is a dangerous type of vehicle, since the bicycle driver is not protected, like a car driver, by the body or cabin, and the bicycle is unstable in motion. Students who are at least 14 years old can ride a bicycle on streets and roads. Before going on the road, a cyclist must not only study the bike well and learn how to ride it, but also thoroughly study and know the rules of the road. When driving, cyclists, like drivers of other cars, must move on the right side of the road. Cyclists must move only in one row and at a distance of no more than one meter from the right edge of the roadway. Driving at a distance of more than one meter from the right edge of the roadway is permitted only for overtaking or detour. All maneuvers must be carried out with caution, giving a turn signal. Having overtaken or detoured, the cyclist must again take his place at the right edge of the roadway.

A cyclist is only allowed to turn left and turn around to move in the opposite direction on streets with one lane for traffic in that direction. In all other cases, you need to get off the bike and, like a pedestrian, guiding the bike with your hands, make the necessary transition.

Students often ride bicycles outside the city. If a country road has a bicycle path marked with a “Cycle Path” road sign, then you must follow it. Along the route, the bicycle path may intersect with the road; if the intersection is not controlled, then cyclists must give way to vehicles.

When driving on the roads, cyclists are prohibited from riding without holding the handlebars, as this often leads to traffic accidents. Cyclists are prohibited from riding on sidewalks and pedestrian paths.

Carrying cargo on a bicycle is permitted, but the objects carried must not interfere with the handling of the bicycle, and must not protrude more than half a meter along the length and width of the bicycle. When maneuvering, you must be especially careful and comply with all traffic regulations and give warning signals with your hand in advance.

Watching the film: “Road rules for cyclists.”

3. Practical lesson: “Figure driving lane.”

    A corridor made of long boards.

    Slalom between spaced cones.

    Transporting a container of water from one point to another.

    Jumping over the beam.


The bicycle is a friend, well known since childhood. What could be simpler? If you know how to drive, get in and drive! This is true, but you should remember that a bicycle is, first of all, a vehicle, when using which you must follow the rules of operation and behavior on the road. Negligence and connivance can lead to injury, or even a sad outcome.

It is important to teach children how to ride a bike safely. From the first minutes of mastering this transport, you need to tell your child about important aspects movements in an accessible form.

The baby begins to master the first children's bicycles on three wheels and balance bikes at the age of two. From the age of four, a child switches to two-wheeled transport. Cycling rides are carried out in safe places (squares, parks, sidewalks) and under the supervision of parents.

Later there comes a time when adults stop accompanying the child on bicycle rides. Before letting your child go on an independent journey, it is important that the child follows all the rules of safe movement on an intuitive level and has sufficient skill in driving a children's bicycle.

Knowledge about safe cycling for children aged 2-14 years

From the very early years The child must have a first knowledge of the rules of the road. They should consist of simple postulates:

— drive around moving objects (people, animals, other road users);

— slow down on turns and during maneuvers when going around immovable obstacles on the way (trees, benches, etc.);

— avoid driving onto the roadway;

— go around holes, puddles, sewer hatches;

- Cross the road only when accompanied by adults, and be sure to dismount.

Knowledge of how a child can safely ride a bicycle from the age of 14

From this age the child has the right to be road user. Compliance with traffic rules is vital necessary:

— the cyclist must comply with the established rules and follow the instructions of road signs;

— remember the distance relative to objects moving ahead;

— if there is a designated cyclist traffic area (cycle path) on the road, the cyclist must ride along it;

— group riding is carried out in a chain, one after another;

— the child must be attentive to stopped vehicles (sudden opening of doors, abrupt start);

— in the movement zone, people dismount and carry a bicycle nearby.

Cyclist's tongue

To ensure that other road users are informed about the cyclist’s movement, the child It is worth remembering special signals:

- elongated left hand- turn left;

- left arm, bent at the elbow joint and pointing upward - turn to the right;

- lowered left hand - stop.

Important precautions for keeping children safe on bicycles

— While driving, you cannot listen to the player and, especially, talk on the phone;

— carefully monitor what is happening around: traffic, pedestrians, possible obstacles and obstacles;

— always take into account: speed, driving experience, quality of road surface;

- know how and be ready to brake sharply.

This is especially true when a child or teenager does not have sufficient skill in riding a children's bicycle.

Riding in the rain

Moisture worsens the technical condition of bicycles and reduces the service life of parts, so it is better to avoid riding in the rain.

Movement nuances:

— poor grip;

— the brakes work much worse, which makes the braking distance longer;

— visibility deteriorates;

— turning is carried out only at minimum speed.

Riding a bicycle in the dark and with reduced visibility

— Be sure to have a lighted headlight in front and a light in the back;

- retroreflectors - clean and properly secured;

- light-colored clothing equipped with reflectors - it is vitally important for the child to be visible to other road users.

Nuances of equipment for a young cyclist

— Choosing clothing based on the principle of safety when driving (so as not to get caught on the steering wheel, chain, etc.), it is better to use sports or special clothing;

— reflective strips are required;

- the minimum necessary protection is a reliable helmet, which should be replaced after serious falls (even if the external integrity is intact, because the internal structure may be damaged);

- safety glasses.

Before going on a bike ride

Checking the readiness of the vehicle for movement is part of the rules for the safe movement of a child on a bicycle.

Before leaving, you need to inspect the technical condition of the bicycle for signs of increased loads:

— cracks;

— deformations;

- dents;

- abrasions;

- paint peeling.

It's worth checking out:

— serviceability of the steering wheel and headlights;

— operation of the sound signal and brake;

— presence and cleanliness of reflectors;

— tire pressure;

— wheel alignment;

- tension of spokes and chain;

— presence and adjustment of a rear view mirror;

— the height of the seat corresponds to the height of the cyclist — when the pedals are in the lower position, the leg should be slightly bent.

All these simple rules are vital and must be brought to automaticity. It is important to remember that only safety will help you truly enjoy your ride.

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  • Educational:
    • introduce children to road signs: “Intersection with a bicycle path”, “No cycling”, “Bicycle path”;
    • to form the idea that special places are allocated for games and cycling;
    • Continue studying the rules of behavior for children on the street.
  • Developmental:
    • develop moral qualities;
    • bring to the awareness of children that their safety and the safety of the people around them depends on how they behave on the street;
    • continue to develop the skills to act in accordance with the rules of the road.
  • Educational: cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, the ability to listen to the answers of comrades.

Forms of working with children:

    • artistic word;
    • viewing illustrations;
    • surprise moment;
    • physical education in the form of the game “You can - you can’t”;
    • solution to a problem situation.

Equipment: Kolobok toy; road signs: “Intersection with a bicycle path”, “Bicycles are prohibited”, “Bicycle path”; signal cards (red – not allowed, green – allowed); picture of a bicycle.

Active dictionary:“Riding a bicycle is prohibited”, “Intersection with a bicycle path”, “Bicycle path”, parts of a bicycle - “saddle”, “frame”.
Passive vocabulary: bicycle, wheel, steering wheel, pedals, roadway, road, KAMAZ.

Preliminary work: excursions to playgrounds, reading poems about bicycles, games on bicycles.


1. Emotional mood

Children with a teacher stand in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce words and perform movements in accordance with the text:

Wider our wonderful circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Turn left, turn right
And smile at each other.
Stretch your hands to the sun,
Take his rays
And press it to your chest.
With this ray in my chest
Look at the world more clearly.

Children sit on chairs.

2. Educator: Guys, guess the riddle.

They made him out of flour,
Afterwards they put me in the oven.
He was chilling at the window,
He rolled along the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave,
And on the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat him,
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest,
I met a red fox
I couldn't leave her.
Who is this?

Children: Kolobok (slide 2)

I bring in a toy - a bun.

Kolobok: I haven’t visited you for so long that I even started to miss you. But I came on business. You told me a lot about ground transport. I also have my own transport - a bicycle, but I don’t know anything about it. You tell me how a bicycle works. Where can you ride it? I love riding so much.

Educator: Do you have bicycles? Do you like to ride them?

Children: Yes, we love to ride them. (Slide 3)

Educator: Look at this bicycle and tell us what parts it consists of. What is the name of the part of the bicycle where the driver sits? What makes it move? What is this? (Pointing to the frame) etc. What are the tires inflated with?

3. Game “Name what’s missing.”(Slides 4-7)

Educator: And now I invite you to play the game “What’s missing.” Look carefully at each slide. Tell me what the bike is missing?

Children: Wheels, saddle, steering wheel, pedals are missing.

4. Kolobok: Thank you. It’s great, of course, to ride a bike, but I don’t know where I can do it. I have a bicycle, but I can’t imagine how I’ll ride it on the road. Yes, some KAMAZ won’t notice me and will crush me.

Educator: Why is Kolobok afraid to ride a bicycle on the road?

Children: Afraid of getting into an accident, doesn't know the rules, etc.

Educator: Where do you think you can ride and where you can’t?

Children: You can ride in the yard, on the bike path, on the sidewalk. You can’t - on a road where there are a lot of cars.

Educator: Right. Small children are not allowed to ride a bicycle on the roadway, and they should only ride and play in courtyards or playgrounds. If something happens to the bicycle, do not linger on the path, move to the side. (Slides 8-9)

Educator: Where does the kitten ride?

Children: Along the path.

Educator: Why does the puppy not ride a bicycle, but carry it?

Children: Because he is walking along the sidewalk and pedestrians may be walking towards him.

Educator: What do you see on this slide?

Children: How a grandfather teaches a girl to ride a bike in the yard.

Educator: When riding a bicycle, you must follow the rules. See how you can ride and how you can’t ride. ( Slide No. 10)

Educator: Look at these cyclists. Who among them follows the rules of cycling? (Slide 11)

Educator: I will point to each cyclist, and you will show a red or green circle. Red - if you can’t ride like that, green - if you can.

5. Game “You can - you can’t”

Children lie on their backs. Simulates riding a bicycle. The teacher names different places for cycling. Children react: if possible, they pedal in the air, and if not, they lie quietly.

At the bus stop... (lie quietly)
In the yard... (pedals)
On the roadway... (lie quietly)
In the clearing... (pedals)
Up the stairs... (lie quietly)
Along the sidewalk... (lie quietly)
On the site... (pedals)

6. Educator: There are also special road signs for cyclists.

Who has a bike?
They say: No problem!
Sit down and pedal
Wherever you want, go there!
Everything is not simple, everything is wrong
Drive where this sign is:
The circle is painted blue,
And there is a bicycle in the circle. (Slide 12)

Educator: This sign is called "Bike Lane". It only allows bicycles and mopeds. Pedestrians can also use the bike path (if there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path).

Remember the sign, friends,
Both parents and children:
Where he hangs it is impossible
Ride a bike!

Educator: This sign "Cycling is prohibited." It refers to prohibition signs. This prohibits the movement of bicycles and mopeds in both directions of the road.

Educator: And for drivers they put a sign "Intersection with a bicycle path." This sign is a warning. It warns drivers and cyclists that there will soon be a road crossing with a bike path. Cyclists need to slow down and give way to vehicles. (Slide 13)

When I pedal,
I can handle everything in the world!
But I recognized a familiar sign:
Signal to the driver and me.
Here I'll slow down a little,
At least I want to fly forward:
Bike Lane
The car path will cross.

Educator: And in order to remember these signs well, I suggest you play.

7. Game : "Choose the right sign"


Two signs are placed in the center of the room in different directions: “Bike path” and “No cycling”. Children must choose the right direction by explaining their decision. Having chosen the correct sign, children begin to move in the right direction to the music, imitating riding a bicycle.

Kolobok: Thanks guys. Now I know where I can ride my bike. (Slide 14)

8. Analysis

Do you guys remember the signs? What do they mean? Which one is prohibitive? Which warning? Why do you need to follow the rules of cycling? Look, I have mugs of three colors on my tray. What can be made from them? That's right, traffic lights: red, yellow, green. And with their help, you yourself will evaluate how you answered today. If you were active during the lesson and knew the answers to all the questions, then take the green circle, and if you are not very active, then take the yellow circle. If you found the tasks difficult and found it difficult to answer many questions, then the red circle. Now raise your mugs. Well done, everyone appreciated their work correctly. Now imagine that you and I got on a bike and went for a ride.
- Have a nice trip!