Presentation of micro classrooms in preschool groups. “Methodology room as the basis for effective methodological work in a preschool educational institution” - presentation

Goals of the methodological room: - achievement by students preschool educational standards established by the state;

- effective and prompt informing of teachers about new methods, technologies, organization and diagnostics educational process;
- interaction with the structures of the municipal methodological service, parents of students, socio-cultural and educational institutions.

As well as tasks, components of the methodological office, a diagram of the methodological service - you will find all this in the presentation


Slide captions:

The teaching room of a preschool institution must meet such requirements as information content, accessibility, aesthetics, content, and help ensure motivation and activity in development.

Social component

Participation of teachers, children and parents in

working with parents

Stands, new materials
Methodical work
is a holistic, based on the achievements of science, best practices and analysis of teachers’ difficulties, a system of measures aimed at improving the skills of each teacher, at generalizing and developing the creative potential of the team, at achieving optimal results in the education, upbringing and development of children.


- source of enrichment professional competence educators, specialists, additional education teachers;

Center for collecting, summarizing and distributing pedagogical information and teaching experience educators kindergarten;

Center for Legal, Pedagogical, Social Information,

illustrating the effectiveness of the institution’s activities.

Technological component

organization of work of methodological units
Working group for the development of the basic general education program preschool education

materials on working with
young educators


Municipal preschool educational
institution kindergarten No. 19 “Spikelet”

Methodical office in
DOW like

center methodological work

Senior teacher-
Kokoeva Valentina Viktorovna


" > website of the senior teacher

basic documentation

Model of methodological service

Head of MDOU
Pedagogical Council
Senior teacher
Creative associations of teachers
Methodical office
Information support
preschool educational institution website


Working with teachers
achievement by preschool pupils of educational standards established by the state;
- construction educational standard based on priority universal human values, human life and health; free development personalities; education of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for surrounding nature, Motherland, family; instilling responsibility for one’s health, forming the foundations healthy image life;
- adaptation of preschool educational institutions to social orders and the developmental characteristics of pupils;
- effective and prompt informing of teachers about new methods, technologies, organization and diagnostics of the educational process;
- interaction with the structures of the municipal methodological service, parents of students,
and educational institutions.

certification materials

Visual material


MDOU kindergarten No. 19 “Spikelet” of Kursk municipal district SK

Our address: Russkoe village, Shkolnaya st., 50
t. 5-36-12,
[email protected]



Creation effective conditions for the comprehensive continuous development of children, professional development preschool teachers, interaction with the family, defines the main tasks of methodological work:

Office equipment
Components of the methodological room


Music library, video library

Prospects for the development of methodological services in preschool educational institutions
Methodical service
Continued implementation of innovative technologies
Continued implementation
computer technology into the educational process


Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 19 “Spikelet” of the Kursk municipal district of the Stavropol Territory

Methodological association of heads of preschool educational institutions of the Kursk region of the Stavropol Territory

Message for the presentation

“The methodological office in a preschool educational institution as a center

Organization of methodological work"

Senior teacher-
Kokoeva Valentina Viktorovna
[email protected]
viktorovna" > website of the senior teacher

S. Russkoe, 2016

Slide 1,2.

Methodological work in preschool educational institution– an important condition for improving quality pedagogical process. There are many definitions of the concept “methodological work” in the literature. According to A.I. Vasilyeva, methodological work in a preschool institution is a complex and creative process in which practical training educators methods and techniques of working with children.

Slide 3

The main goal of methodological work is to prepare teaching staff to achieve the required quality of education. Therefore, when selecting the content of methodological work, I proceed from the needs and difficulties of teachers, the specifics of preschool educational institutions, as well as the functions of the methodological service in creating resources to ensure high quality education.

Slide 4

Approaches to organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions based on:

  • system-active approach: understanding goals and objectives activities of preschool educational institutions, its status and conditions, as well as ensuring the integrity of the educational process, taking into account the influence of external and internal relations on it;
  • a person-oriented approach: ensuring a more complete disclosure of the capabilities and abilities of each teacher and child, the team as a whole, and a focus on development;
  • differentiated approach: taking into account the level professional competence and individual educational requests in building a system of methodological work in preschool educational institutions;
  • motivational-stimulating approach: the use of various incentives that arouse interest and motives for activity;
  • corrective approach: timely elimination of identified deficiencies and their causes.

On slide 5 you can see the diagram of the methodological work model

Slide 6

The methodological room is a treasure trove of the best traditions of a preschool institution, so my task as a senior teacher is to make the accumulated experience alive and accessible, to teach teachers to creatively transfer it to work with children, to organize the work of this methodological center so that teachers feel like they are in it. in your office.

Slide 7

All its content is aimed at assisting educators in organizing the educational process, improving pedagogical skills, interacting with parents and simply in everyday activities: preparing for the working day, pedagogical council etc.

I comply with the requirements for the content of the material in the classroom, make it accessible, carefully think through the systematization and arrangement, and teach teachers to creatively use this material in working with children.

My main goal as a senior educator is to provide methodological assistance to teachers in developing the professional competence of teachers and their professional self-improvement.

On slide 8 you can see the components of the teaching room.

Slide 9.

The ergonomic component includes areas for collective and individual work.

Slide 10.

The office equipment component includes all equipment (in my office there is a laptop, printer, projector, projector board), as well as the kindergarten website.

Slide 11

The technological component includes

  • Working group for the development of the basic general education program for preschool education
  • Creative team for website development
  • School for a young (inexperienced) teacher
  • Working on innovative projects

Slide 12

The social component includes the participation of children, parents and teachers in competitions.

Slide 13

The information component includes-

  • regulatory and instructional materials -

The methodological office collects regulatory and instructional materials published by educational authorities and other higher-level organizations.

For me, the obligatory document that determines the nature of the activities of teachers is: “International Convention on the Rights of the Child”, “Law of the Russian Federation on Education”, “Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution in Russian Federation", - and others, with which all employees of preschool educational institutions should be familiar. Regulatory and instructional documents are mandatory.

Methodological materials are presented separately. This includes various recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and education authorities.

A recommendation is one of the ways a manager makes a decision and brings it to the attention of performers. It is used when it is necessary to emphasize respect for the independence in the work of the performer. A recommendation is not obligatory, it serves as advice, a wish, emphasizing the right direction in work, in completing a task.

Slide 14

  • certification materials

Slide 15

basic documentation - educational program, annual plan, curriculum

materials for planning and accounting for advanced training and certification of teaching staff;

database of teaching staff

Slide 16

  • materials on working with young educators;
  • monitoring the professional growth of teachers

Slide 17

Our methodological office has accumulated enough material on working with parents. After all, in groups it is necessary to have visual and textual material for conducting pedagogical education of parents. This often causes certain difficulties: educators cannot always methodically and competently change such material depending on the season and topic parent meeting, his character is most often quite monotonous, and, as a result, he does not achieve the main goal - his parents do not get to know him. My help is to teach educators to use the minimum amount of time with the greatest impact when preparing material for parents. There may be several materials on the same topic on one page “with an appendix”. To prepare such materials, educators are involved in self-education, preparing a report on their activities or presenting work experience, preparing for events for parents.

Gradually, enough material accumulated in the methodological room so that preschool teachers could use it and change it frequently. Both teachers and parents like this form of work. Parents enjoy reading bright, aesthetically designed and interesting material that may include problematic issues family education, tasks for monitoring various manifestations of the child, health problems, development, readiness for school, statements and stories of children, and much, much more. Information changes in each group daily, weekly, monthly. All this helps to establish feedback between parents and educators, prepare for consultations, workshops, business games and others non-traditional forms working with family.

Slide 18

The entire book fund of a kindergarten can be divided into three parts: books for teachers (methodological and reference literature), books for children and books for shared use.

My responsibility is to replenish this arsenal of pedagogical thought. I follow the release of social methodological literature, getting acquainted with long-term plans and catalogs of pedagogical publishing houses, and order the necessary literature in a timely manner. Library sections are arranged in accordance with the main general education program « Physical development», « Cognitive development", "Social and communicative", "Artistic and aesthetic development", " Speech development”, which in turn are divided into more specific areas “FEMP”, “Game”, “Safety”, etc.

A special department of classics of foreign, Russian and Soviet pedagogy and psychology is also necessary in the method room.

The “Reference Literature” section contains various encyclopedias, reference books, and magazines.

A significant place in the method room is given to periodicals of a professional nature, such as “Preschool Education”, “Child in Kindergarten”, “Hoop” (with an appendix), “Preschool Education”, etc. In order not to get lost in the flow of periodicals, you need to be able to select and use everything necessary for work. Therefore, I, as a senior teacher, am the first to study, select and offer periodicals entering the preschool educational institution for teachers to work with.
Also available electronic library

(psychological and pedagogical, regulatory documents)

I have also compiled and continue to expand the card index of all literature, including periodicals. Literature cards separately for teachers, for the music director, for children, for each age group, where the name of the material is displayed, brief description, in which magazine or book, on which page.

Slide 20

Bank of materials for summarizing the experience of teachers

The material representing the work experience of the best teachers is appropriately designed. There is an additional one in a prominent place reference material for educators, which includes:

1) levels of teaching experience (preferably according to M.N. Skatkin, M.R. Lvov);

2) PPO criteria;

3) classification of PPO (preferably according to Yu.K. Babansky);

4) the main stages of work on studying and generalizing PPO (preferably according to R.G. Amosova);

5) forms for describing the software.

Material on collective forms of generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience has also been added.

The experience of an individual teacher is presented as follows:

photograph of a teacher representing work experience;

basic information about his biography;

report presented at the teachers' meeting,

from work experience, performances at the Moscow Region;

children's works;

notes of events, extracts from the work schedule;

long-term plans and programs for this experience of working with children;

children's statements;

questions for conversations;

photographs of children's activities;

scenarios for festive matinees and entertainment;

video recording of a creative report, conducting open events educator, their results and conclusions;

Slide 21

Music library, video library

Electronic bank of children's presentations for organizing directly educational activities, methodological material by GCD, by control, by organization summer job, electronic games, many others.

Slide 22

  • Visual and didactic material stored in the teaching room is organized accordingly. I compiled a catalog of teaching aids, all literature - both methodological and fiction. Since the area of ​​our teaching room does not allow us to accommodate all the visual material (paintings, toys, costumes), we store it in a separate small room.

Slide 23

Working with teachers. When organizing material for a teaching classroom, it is important to listen to the opinions of the educators for whom it was created. It is useful to analyze the nature of teachers’ requests to senior educators regarding certain materials, which aids are used more often and which are not used at all; which teachers constantly use literature and manuals, and which rarely, etc. The facts for such an analysis will be provided by a notebook (diary, journal) for issuing methodological manuals, which is maintained in our methodological office. Teachers prepare in advance for the upcoming working day the day before. It is completely unacceptable when a teacher comes for the desired picture or handouts before class. As a rule, this is an indicator that the teacher has not thought through the upcoming work.
Distributing materials is a good opportunity to have an individual conversation with the teacher about upcoming activities, help clarify the methodology for presenting this or that material, learn about attempts to use non-standard techniques in working with children, and prevent possible mistakes.

The return of material is also a good reason to involve the teacher in self-analysis of his activities.

Slide 24


In methodological office of preschool educational institution Exhibitions are regularly organized. They can be permanent or episodic. Only the title of the section is constant, but the material and content change.

Occasional exhibitions – the need for which arises during the academic year.

The topics of exhibitions can be very diverse, but when designing them it is important to follow some recommendations:

1. If there is a regulatory or instructional document on this topic (regulations, instructions, etc.), then a plan for its study, recommendations for teachers on working with it, experience of working with this document from other preschool educational institutions, etc. must be presented.

3. Work experience related to this topic (kindergartens in your area, other cities, foreign countries).

4. Literature on this topic (you can give a list with a brief annotation or a card index).

5. Visual material related to this issue: list of equipment, diagrams, drawings, samples of crafts, paintings, slides, videos, etc.

Slide 25

In addition, it is presented new material from various sources, attracting the attention of teachers to the problems of education and training, helping to prepare for competitions, informing about events, changes in preschool education, making them think about pedagogical situations, reflect on your work. Stands are great helpers in this.

Slide 26

Thus, the teaching room should become a “treasury of kindergarten traditions”, a center for collecting pedagogical information, “the brain of a preschool institution”, a laboratory for the creative work of educators, so that every visit here brings them new knowledge, new thoughts and ideas, and enriches their experience.

If all these conditions are met, then the teaching room in the preschool institution will bring great benefit both in improving the skills of employees and in uniting the team in solving specific tasks formulated in the Charter, development program and annual plan of the preschool educational institution.

Slide 27.

Creative success!

Thank you for your attention.

| Decoration of offices in preschool educational institutions

Defense of the project “New Year’s office decoration” for the International Year of Theater It was in January A. Barto Shadow Theater Props: 1.Large screen (sheet on a metal rod) 2. Lamp for makeup artists 3. Stencils: -Word "Christmas tree"-moon - an ordinary Christmas tree - a Christmas tree decorated with bunny figures 4. Masks and tails: Wolf-2 pcs. Hare-1 pc. Bunnies - 5 pcs 5. Firecrackers with...

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Publication “Photo report “Excursion to the office...”
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Methodological office passport

Cabinet equipment
The methodological office has a room in which pedagogical and methodological activity team, and also places methodological and reference literature.
The office is equipped with:
- bookcases in which regulatory and instructional documents, methodological and children's books are concentrated fiction, didactic materials, audiovisual aids.
- desks, chairs, for organizing and conducting teacher councils, seminars, methodological associations and other forms of work.
- computer
- scanner
- printer
Methodological support
Information and analytical department.
Materials on certification, advanced training, comprehensive assessment pedagogical activity. Monitoring and analyzing the state of the educational process, its quality. Assessing the effectiveness of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions.
Department of software and methodological support.
Educational programs implemented in preschool educational institutions; alternative educational programs; thematic planning according to the program “From childhood to adolescence”; methodological literature in psychology;
Department of artistic and aesthetic development.
Methodological literature, lesson notes, consultations on art activities, design, manual labor; Information about artists, reproductions of paintings; Information and samples for folk art, folk toy;
Department of Physical Development.
Methodological literature and development of notes, consultations on physical education and children's health; literature on valeology, encyclopedias (physical education, anatomy, human structure). This section contains literature methodological developments, workbooks, video materials for working with children on life safety.
Department of Fiction.
Collections and individual works of children's and fiction literature; Scientific and methodological magazines, booklets.
Department of Social and Personal Development.
Methodological literature, development of notes, consultations on familiarization with the native land, the Republic of Khakassia. Literature for the implementation of the national-regional component in preschool educational institutions (fiction, methodological manuals, clearly - illustrative material).
Department of cognitive and speech development.
Methodological literature, development of notes, consultations; Children's encyclopedias, visual and illustrative material.
Department for work with parents.
Information on common problems raising children, preparing children for school, protecting children's rights. These are: normative documents, methodological literature, developments of consultations, conversations, visual and illustrative material relating to these topics. Materials on protecting the rights of the child.

Presentation on the topic: Modern methodological classroom of a preschool educational organization





1.Lobynko L.V., Shvetsova T.Yu.. Games and activities for young children/L.V.Lobynko, T.Yu.Shvetsova. – Minsk: Information Computing Center of the Ministry of Finance, 2011. – 200 p.

2.Bondarenko A.K. Word games in kindergarten. A manual for kindergarten teachers. Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1977. – 95 p.

3.Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for speech development: Book for kindergarten teachers: From work experience / Ed. V.V. Gerbova. – 2nd ed., rev. – M.: Education, 1988. – 64 p.: ill.


1. “Continue the row”

3. "Letter"

5. "Word"

6. "Proposal"

7. “Sort out the dishes”

8. “Identify the first sound in a syllable”

9. “Say it the other way around.”

10. "Rebuses"


1.Introducing preschoolers to physical phenomena in nature: Manual for educators\Comp. V.T. Tupikova. – Mozyr: LLC Publishing House “Bely Veter”, 2002. – 36 p.

2.Avseikova V.V., Chekhovskaya N.V.. The natural world through observation. – Mozyr: Publishing House“White Wind”, 2001. – 48 p. (Introducing children to nature.)

3.Molodova L.P., Kurachenko I.V. Ecological activity and games for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. A manual for kindergarten teachers and teachers primary classes. – GOSPORB, GSU, Gomel, 1993.

4.Veretennikova S.A.. Methods of introducing children to nature: Tutorial for preschool pedagogical schools. – 2nd ed. – M.: Uchpedgizd, 1961.


    “When does this happen?”

    “Grows, blooms, ripens”

    “Do you know?”

    "Tops and Roots"

    “What kind of bird?”

    "Flower Shop"

    “What is this for?”

    "Who eats what"

    "Birds and Chicks"

    “Where are my kids?”

    "Hen and Chicks"

    "Wonderful bag"

    “Where did the bread come from?”


    “Find out who it is?”

    "What? Where?"

    "Ecological Lotto"

    "Botanical Domino"


    "Put it in a basket"

    “Who eats what?”

    "Edible and Inedible"

    "Living or Nonliving"

    "Answer quickly"


    "Find the tree"

    "Whose legs?"

    "North and South"

    "Find out who it is"


1.Leskova G.P., Butsinskaya P.P. Vasyukova, V.I. General developmental exercises in kindergarten: A manual for teachers., P.P. Butsinskaya, V.I. Vasyukova; Ed. G.P. Leskova. – M.: Education, 1981. – 160 p., ill.

2.Glazyrina L. D. Physical education - for preschoolers. Senior age: A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. – M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2001. – 264 p.

3.Fomina A.I..Physical training and sports games in kindergarten: A manual for teachers. for school groups 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Education, 1984. – 159 p., ill.

4.Osokina T.I. Games and entertainment for children in the air / T.I. Osokina. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 1983. – 224 p., ill. – (B-kindergarten teacher).

5.Frolov V.G. Physical education activities, games and exercises during walks: A manual for educators. – M.: Education, 1986. – 159 p.

6.Games and exercises in teaching six-year-olds: A manual for teachers. [Collection/Edited by N.V. Sedge]. – Mn.: Nar.asveta, 1985. – 136 p.

7.Bachurina V.New educational games for preschoolers. – M.: LLC “ID RIPOL classic”, LLC Publishing House “DOM. XXI century", 2007. – 176 p. – (series “Learning by Playing”, “ABC of Development”).

8.Mironova R.M..Game in the development of children's activity: Book for teachers. – Mn.: Nar.asveta, 1989. – 176 p.

9.Geller E.M. Our friend is the game. – Mn.: Nar.asveta. 1979. – 96 p., ill.

10.Minskin E.M. Games and entertainment in an extended day group. Teacher's manual. – M.: education, 1980. – 160 p., ill.

11.Vavilova E.N. Develop agility, strength, and endurance in preschoolers: A manual for kindergarten teachers. – M.: Education, 19841. – 96 p., ill.


1.We are funny guys


3. Crucian carp and pike

4.Catch up with your partner

5. Braid yourself, fence!

8.Birds and cat

9.Quickly pick up the item

10. Find yourself a partner

11.Find your house


13.By the bear in the forest

15.Cat and mouse


17.Whose column will be built faster

18.Colored cars

19. Homeless hare

20.Wolf in the ditch

21.Don't stay on the ground

22.Bug and hares

23.Wolf and hares

24. Fox in the hen house

28. Bears and bees

29.Migratory birds

30.Kittens and puppies

31. Shepherd and flock

32. Don't be late!

33. Knock down the pin

34. Hit the hoop


36. Hit the ball

37. Fish, birds, animals

38. The guys have strict order

41. Cheerful tambourine

43. In an even circle

44.Find and remain silent


46. ​​Dwarf giants

47. The sea is worried

48. Funny snowflakes

49. Baboski, frogs


1.Application: perspective-thematic planning of specially organized activities of preschool children / S.G. Tolkacheva [et al.]. Minsk: New knowledge, 2010. – 64 p.

2.Construction and children's design: perspective-thematic planning of special organizational activities for preschool children / S.G. Tolkacheva [etc.]. – Minsk: New knowledge, 2010. – 96 s.

3.Modeling: perspective-thematic planning of specially organized activities of preschool children / S.G. Tolkacheva [etc.]. – Minsk: New knowledge, 2010. – 87 p.


1.Denisova M.Yu.“Wonderful palms”: developing artistic and creative abilities, thinking and imagination of preschool children: a manual for teachers of institutions providing preschool education / M.Yu. Denisova. – Mozyr: White Wind, 2011. – 45, p.: ill.; 4 l.color incl.

2.Tolkacheva S.G. Drawing: perspective-thematic planning of specially organized activities for children up to school age/ S.G. Tolkacheva, L.P. Rudenko, L.N. Kuzmina. – Minsk: New knowledge, 2010. – 128 p.


1.Starzhynskaya N.S. We celebrate and walk together. – Mn.: Nar.asveta, 1994. – 80 p.


1. “Choose by shape”

2. “Specify the color of the object”

3. “Choose by color”

4. "Trucks"

5. “Find your trailer”

6. “Pick a dress for the doll”

7. “Find a house for a nesting doll”

8. “Hide the mouse”

9. “Every toy has its place”

10. "Our Day"

11. “Get ready for school”

12. “My mood”

13. “Who should I be?”

14. “Be careful!”

15. "Mail"

16. “Moving to a new apartment”

17. “Building a house”

18. “Let’s go for a walk”

19. What is this made of?

20. “All works are good”

21. “Evaluate the action”


1. “Higher-lower”

12. "Prize"

13. “Fold the picture”

14. “Connect the dots”

15. "Labyrinth"

16. "Confusion"

17. “Complete the drawing”

18. "Find the Difference"

19. “What’s missing?”

20. “Carrot-cabbage”

21. “Find one object”

22. “What does it look like?”

23. "Sooner-Later"

24. “Collect and name”

25. “Fold it like this”

26. “Paired pictures”

27. “Count correctly”

1. Card index of outdoor games

2. Card index of didactic games:

Speech development and literacy training;

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts;

Getting to know your surroundings;

Familiarization with nature;


Introduction to music.

3. Card index of games that develop speech and thinking.

4. Card index of games that develop targeted color perception.

5. Card index of role-playing games.

6. Methodological developments of game complexes for the development of the communicative sphere of older children preschool age.

7.Card index indoor plants

8. Card index of experiments on cognitive and practical activities

9. Role-playing games:


"Atelier" "Mumming Corner"


“Hospital”, “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”

« Road traffic»


10.Regulatory documents

Job description:

Safety instructions for classes and competitions in outdoor games.

Instructions on compliance with safety precautions when organizing labor activity children.

Instructions for protecting the life and health of children in preschool institutions.



5.Pictures in action



11.Wild animals

12.Exotic animals





1.Belarusian folk tales. – Mn.: Paradox, 2007.

2.Literary tales of foreign writers. – M.: Det.lit., 1982.

3.Bianki V.V. Fairy tales and stories about animals. For primary school age. - M.: white city, 2009.

Musically - didactic games

    "Musical puzzles"

    "Music phone"

    "Music Store"


    "Amazing traffic light"


    "Musical window"

    "Three Colors"

    "Let's help Thumbelina"

    "Musical Birds"

    "Glasha is dancing"


1. Table theater: “Geese and Swans”

"Puss in Boots"


2. Theater on flannelgraph “Ear of Wheat”

"First testicle"


"The Tale of the Great Bull and Yago Syabrov"

"The Hare and the Leader"

“Kotsik, stumpy and fox”

“How the chicken stump fought”

3. Theater on sticks: “Cat, fox and rooster”

"Little Red Riding Hood"


4. Finger Theater “Miadzwiedz i Kamar”


5.Shadow theater: “Kolobok”

6. Cone theater

7. Theater on boxes

8. Theater on spoons


Made from unconventional material

Musical instruments

Musical theater

“Zyryan audany akimdiginin No. 10 “Ladushki” balabakshasy” KMKK

Adistemelik office

Methodical office

Municipal State Enterprise "Kindergarten No. 10 "Ladushki" of the Akimat of the Zyryanovsky District"


Polionova Yulia Valerievna

Education: higher

Teaching experience: 15 years

As a methodologist: since 2009

The purpose of the methodological room:

  • formation and development professional qualities teachers;
  • creating conditions for their professional growth and improving their teaching skills;
  • improving the creative potential of each teacher, aimed at the optimal formation and development of the child’s personality.

Our methodological office small but cozy. There are cabinets for documentation, literature, periodicals, visual and didactic material, as well as workplaces.

Methodologist's workplace located by the window. It is equipped with a computer, two printers: color and 3 in 1 – printer, scanner, copier. Internet available.

The office has workplace for teachers.

It is equipped with a computer.

Also in the methodological room there are technical means:

camera, video camera, laptop, two computers. All vehicles are used in everyday work.

Since the teaching room is small, all events (teaching councils, seminars, master classes, round tables etc.) we carry out in the music room.

In the methodological room Documentation on the work of the kindergarten, methodological literature and manuals, children's literature, periodicals, teachers' work experience, visual and demonstration material, etc. are concentrated, an exhibition is organized.

Content documentation preschool work: regulatory documents, annual work plan, development program, certification of teachers, long-term planning, diagnostics, control activities, work of methodological councils, work with parents, etc.

Located in the closet methodological literature, which for convenience is arranged into sections, sections are signed.

Available periodicals:“Self-knowledge”, “Family and kindergarten”, “Pre-school education”, “Pre-school world”, “Pre-school education and training”, “Pre-school education in Kazakhstan”.

In the methodological room it is systematized material from the experience of teachers: projects, development of classes, open events, methodological developments on the search topic, participation in competitions, folders with software, etc.

Educational and methodological developments teachers.

In a folder "Our achievements" publications presented

Diplomas, diplomas, certificates and certificates of teachers and students.

Certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude kindergarten, teachers and pupils.

Publications by teachers in magazines, on Internet sites.

The methodological room has

visual and didactic material.

Demo material to the programs “Zerek Bala” and “Biz mektepke baramyz”.

Demo material story paintings, posters. There is a special place for them in the closet.

To help teachers, we regularly issue exhibitions of methodological material.

Analyzes of classes, events, and various activities of teachers are recorded V personal accounts.

In the corridor, in a place accessible to all teachers, there is a stand "Methodological Corner", which provides information on the annual tasks of the kindergarten, questions and results of control activities, announcements, etc.

In addition to all of the above, the methodological room has electronic storage materials:

  • development of classes and events;
  • presentations;
  • slides;
  • videos (lessons conducted, educational cartoons, popular science films, physical exercises, relaxation exercises, etc.);
  • information on the participation of teachers in conferences, regional, city and district seminars, competitions, pedagogical readings, etc.);
  • teachers’ portfolios (classes, certificates, information about participation in competitions, teaching readings, etc., photographs of teaching activities, publications, etc.);
  • information on the participation of kindergarten students in competitions.

Methodical office- this is a treasury of the best traditions of a preschool institution, therefore, as a methodologist, I need to make the accumulated experience “living”, accessible, and teach teachers to creatively transfer it to work

with children...