Let no generation know. A holiday with tears in our eyes: beautiful congratulations to veterans on Victory Day

Each generation laughs at old fashions, always following new ones. The comma is correct

The comma is placed correctly.

Question No. 300632

Hello! Is this phrase correct? "We are proud to present you the new generation of product X"

Answer help desk Russian language

Maybe it's better new generation X product?

Question No. 299821

Is a comma necessary in such phrases: “As a result () newest generation Beeline TV is the most promising service in modern Russia". "As a result (the) LTE network has doubled compared to last year." Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Words as a result do not require punctuation.

Question No. 298214

“I see that the current generation is more developed, smarter, more reasonable,” I read a book and found this sentence. But it’s “smarter.” Both options are used on the Internet.

Russian help desk response

Right: smarter. Writing with two n wrong.

Question No. 291872

Hello! Please answer whether the commas are placed correctly in these two sentences: This is a common cultural phenomenon Russian history clearly manifests itself in the regional context of the Ural cities or, more broadly, as it was called, in the context of “Siberian memory.” Is a comma necessary before “or wider”? The main population of cities has turned from the first generation of migrants into the second, or even third, generation of “native” residents. Is it necessary to highlight “or even the third”?

Russian help desk response

Words in context"Siberian memory" are not a clarification, comma before or not needed.It is not entirely clear what the words refer to what was his name. Perhaps they should be omitted or moved to another part of the sentence. Repeat preposition V no need. Word wider acts as an introductory one and is isolated.

Correctly: This general cultural phenomenon of Russian history is clearly manifested in the regional context of the Ural cities or, more broadly,context of “Siberian memory”.

There is no reason to separate words or even a third: The main population of cities has turned from the first generation of migrants into the second or even third generation of “native” residents.

Question No. 291711

Hello. Are quotation marks required in this case: A generation is born (")copypast(") - (")copy and paste("). Thanks in advance.

Russian help desk response

Correctly: The copypast generation is born –« copy and paste».

Question No. 288394

Hello. We were puzzled out of nowhere: should we put a comma before “Vladimir”? It seems possible, but it doesn’t seem necessary, we don’t put a comma in “According to President Vladimir Putin”: “According to the head of state, Vladimir Putin, who congratulated the guardsmen, the current generation of soldiers worthily continues the traditions...”

Russian help desk response

Isolation of words Vladimir Putin not required.

Question No. 284068

Please tell me what will be the analysis of the composition of the word “generation”? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Generation. Letter e denotes two sounds: [j] and [e]. The first belongs to the root, the second to the ending. Thus, the root in this word is highlighted generationsj and ending -uh.

Question No. 283950

Please tell me the words with the same root for the word "generation". Is it possible to call the words pokolenitse, generational similar to it?

Russian help desk response

Yes, that's right. These are words with the same root.

Please note that the word generation It is not recorded in dictionaries, but it is used in speech: I wonder what they will write about us in poetry: what we did for posterity barbed wire? .. Wow, generational! Let them tell you how we burned everything here! A. Pristavkin, Kukushata, or a plaintive song to calm the heart. To add to the list of words with the same root, we can add the now outdated and therefore rarely used adjective generational. Cm.: They produce their own kind, either by separating embryos from themselves, or by parts that later become whole animals, or by multiplying, growing like generational branches. V. Zuev, Extracts from the textbook “Outline of Natural History” (1785).

Question No. 276979
Good afternoon
The question arose: will “not” be written together or separately with participles in these cases:

“blackout roller blinds are chosen by lovers of romantic twilight who cannot stand bright light...” (not tolerating or intolerant)

“Adults are attracted to eco-friendly materials that are easy to care for and do not cause allergies, and the younger generation is delighted with bright colors...” (not provocative or not provocative)

Which is correct?

Russian help desk response

In both cases, the separate spelling is correct.

I read in Nora Gal’s book “The Living and the Dead Word” that the word “to worry” in the meaning of “to worry, to be upset” is illiterate, “one of the signs of vulgar, bourgeois speech.” I was very surprised. In my opinion, it’s a normal literary word. Can you comment on this somehow? When and how did it happen that it turned from illiterate to dictionary (I checked, it’s in the dictionary, and without any notes)? And does it still have modern language that bourgeois taste?

Russian help desk response

This wonderful book was first published in 1972. Then - in the 1960s and early 1970s - the use of the word worry without an object meaning "to worry" (I'm worried) it was new, unusual and caused some rejection among native speakers (especially the older generation). Korney Chukovsky also wrote about this new use in his book “Alive as Life” (1962):

“...Young people began to feel the verb in a new way worry. We said: “I’m experiencing grief” or “I’m experiencing joy,” but now they say: “I’m so worried” (without addition), and this word now means: “I’m worried,” and even more often: “I’m suffering,” “ I'm suffering." Neither Tolstoy, nor Turgenev, nor Chekhov knew this form. For them worry has always been a transitive verb."

In a word, worry“worry” has passed the same path that almost every linguistic innovation goes through: from rejection and rejection (primarily by the older generation of native speakers) to the gradual recognition of it as normative. Now verb worry in this meaning it is part of the Russian literary language, there is no “vulgarity” in it. True, in some dictionaries this meaning is still given with the mark decomposition"colloquial".

Question No. 270990
Hello, dear Help Desk team!

I am haunted by the question of how to correctly translate the English phrase Generation X into Russian. Please tell me how it would be correct from a linguistic point of view:

A) "Generation X"
b) "Generation X"

B) "Generation X"
d) "Generation X"

D) "generation X"
f) "Generation X".

Thank you very much!

Russian help desk response

Probably, it is necessary to take into account that in English X is not "x", but "ex". So if you translate it literally, it’s like this: generation ex.

Question No. 269807
My last name is Skidan (emphasis on the first syllable). I recently came across the fact that according to some linguistic standards my surname is floating around, although in my family it has been known from generation to generation that this is not so. In all my documents, my parents, their parents, in which the surname is written, for example, in the dative case, it is without declension. Help me decide what is actually correct.

Russian help desk response

Male surname Skidan bends, the female one does not. The rules are simple: all male surnames ending in a consonant are declined in Russian (the only exception is surnames ending in -y, -ikh type Black, Long), this does not depend either on the origin of the surname or on the place of emphasis in it. If you don't decline male surname(for example, write: issued to Alexey Skidan), it will be grammatical error. There have always been such rules, it’s just that now their implementation has become more carefully monitored.

Question No. 268065
Good afternoon The generation of the 90s are those who were born in the 90s, or who?...))) Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Not necessarily. These could be all the people in whose lives the 90s were significant. It is better to clarify what is meant, for example: youth of the 90s, schoolchildren of the 90s, businessmen of the 90s, etc.

This year marks the seventy-third anniversary of the Great Victory. Despite the fact that quite a few years have passed since that harsh time, the Russian people remember and honor the heroes who fought for the independence of our Fatherland. There is no doubt that this year the surviving veterans will receive congratulations on Victory Day 2018. Thus, the current generation will pay tribute to all those who did not spare their lives for our happy future.

Celebration with tears in your eyes

In our country, May 9 is a special holiday. All citizens without exception know about it and celebrate it. Russian Federation. It so happened that last war left its bloody mark on almost every family. Each of us has relatives who were associated with that war. It is clear that every year the number of veterans is becoming smaller and smaller, especially those who directly fought on the war fronts. However, we should not forget that victory was forged not only in military operations. Almost the entire country worked to ensure that the enemy was defeated.

Our women and even children made a huge contribution to the victory. They fought day and night on the labor front. Therefore, remembering Victory Day in 2018, we should remember everyone who brought May 9, 1945 closer, including:

  • veterans of WWII battles;
  • rear workers;
  • children of war.

Sometimes it is very difficult to find words that would express the full degree of gratitude to our veterans. For those who are looking for worthy, and beautiful congratulations for May 9, we have prepared a wonderful selection that may be useful for this special day.

Congratulations from the younger generation in verse

Whitened with gray hair, but not broken by time.
You have suffered a lot of bitterness and coped with a heavy burden.
Those who fought when they were young, who conquered their enemies and conquered old age, -
The laws of front-line friendship have not been forgotten even now!

Low bow to you from the peaceful, young generation.
We will preserve the memory of your victory forever incorruptible.
Congratulations to you again on May 9 – a glorious date.
And we wish our soldiers great health!

Fights and campaigns, sleepless nights...
You really wanted to live and love.

But they gave their youth to war,
May we live in peaceful silence now.

And there was no greater feeling then,
What is in the heart for the Fatherland love forever!

To you, already gray-haired,
Low bow from millions,

Whose youth was spent in peacetime,
Who has not suffered a bitter burden!

For you, veterans, fireworks, flowers,
And a peaceful spring, a triumph of beauty!

Impervious to years and oblivion,
Even though old wounds bother you.
Please accept congratulations,
Dear veterans!

You are a living example of heroism, courage,
No regrets own life!
We know: you would go into battle, as before,
For the peaceful sky of the Fatherland.

On Victory Day we are happy to congratulate you,
Remember everything that is so important and sacred.
And see the shine of happy eyes,
Our main Victory soldiers!

Today - May 9
The Russian people are very happy!
The Holy Victory has come to us -
73 years ago!

All these years we THANK YOU
We speak to the living heroes!
We honor the fighter who is a block of marble
Frozen forever young!

Bow to all the nameless fighters -
They gave us life!
May the Lord give to Veterans
Health, all the best, optimism!

Great Anniversary -
73 years of Victory!
Above the fascist clique,
What brought trouble to the world...

We also defended our homeland,
And the whole world is our grandfathers!
And assigned to the order -
On the anniversary of the Victory!

Dear Veterans,
Keep your spirits up!
And in health, dear ones,
Live very long!

73 wonderful years
We live without wars and troubles,
Veterans bequeath
May countries live peacefully!

You live a long, long time,
For centuries to your descendants
They handed over the banner of peace,
Honor and purity of the uniform!

We will keep our vows sacred -
We can live in peace and richly!
Honor the Heroes with all your soul!
Serve your homeland!

Victory does not age -
Even though she is 73 years old!
She became for the light
Deliverance from adversity!

Heroes are not forgotten,
Veterans - HONOR!
Drink together and standing
For the Heroes people!

Bow to you, Veterans,
We remember all the exploits!
Good health to you! Let the wounds
Don't worry at all!

For Victory to the Soldiers,
Who died and who is alive!
We THANK YOU and Holy
We speak from the heart!

People are celebrating today
Happy Victory Day!
The fragrant lilac is blooming,
The troubles are long forgotten!

But all descendants never
Heroes will not be forgotten!
Stores granite slab
Their names are everywhere!

Let's bow and be silent...
Let's lay lilacs at our feet!
And now the warriors are alive
We can say “THANK YOU”!

Dear veterans, Happy Victory Day!
Happiness, vigor, health and goodness!
Let neither bitterness nor misfortune touch you,
There will be a long life, with generous joy!

May you never be disturbed,
Wounds cursed by the God of war,
Your valor is worth a lot,
Peace - peace, you brought it in 1945!

Years and generations change,
But we will keep your feat sacred,
With love and great respect,
We thank you for peace and sunshine!

Congratulations to veterans in prose

We congratulate you on the glorious day that proclaimed the triumph of peace, on Victory Day. Let this great holiday there will be peace and tranquility in your soul and heart, may your loved ones be healthy and happy. Take care of peace and harmony, value life, sacredly honor the feat of your people.

With reverence, awe and respect, I congratulate you on Victory Day! Happy memory to the heroes, gratitude for the peaceful sky above, bow to the ground for the right to life without the horror of war, fear and pain. Let no generation know sorrow, loss, or enemy oppression. Let exploits, courage, and courage inspire people, and let the holiday leave tears of happiness and touching joy in their hearts, uniting souls!

May 9 is not only a beautiful spring day, but also an unforgettable memorable date- Victory Day. There are very few people left who are directly related to this holiday, to whom we personally must now bow at their feet and thank them for the peaceful sky above our heads. Let us wish the veterans health and longevity and promise that we will do everything so that our children never know what war is. And we will make every effort to preserve the memory of those who walked long miles towards this victory. Happy holiday!

Happy Victory Day! This holiday moves away from us every year. But we must never forget about the heroic deeds that our ancestors performed in the name of freedom, honor and a prosperous life. On this holiday, I would like to wish, first of all, peace. After all, nothing costs more than human lives, tears of mothers, broken destinies of a huge number of people. Let this victory inspire only good deeds and love for the Motherland. Let no one ever see war.

Happy Victory Day! May the courage and heroism of this great holiday never be forgotten by anyone. Let the spirit of victory inspire our hearts and lead us forward to new exploits, successes and achievements. And may the whole world always live in peace, and may only this sacred holiday remind us of wars.

Short congratulations

In verse

Happy Victory Day! Happy holiday.

Life - in peace, care, warmth.

Let the desired and most victorious

Every day will be everyone on Earth!

May the sky be peaceful

Over our heads!

I wish you on Victory Day,

May life be colorful!

Let's fill the world

Goodness, love, light!

We remember everything with pride

After all, there is no more important date!

Happy Victory Day, dears

Children, adults, family!

Be happy, kind,

And so that there is no war!

Happy Victory Day! Happy day!

Let there be peace forever!

Peace and love to everyone

I wish from the bottom of my heart!

Happy Victory Day,

Be happy always

Let the war not happen again

Never in your life!

In prose

Happy Victory Day! May the clear sky of dreams stretch above you, may a happy and kind life await you ahead, may your heart remember and be proud of the great exploits of our grandfathers.

On this wonderful and great Victory Day, I want to wish with all my heart to be proud of the exploits of our heroes and to believe with all my heart in a wonderful, happy and peaceful life.

A great holiday has come for the whole country - I sincerely congratulate you on it! May the sun shine clearly for you on Victory Day, and I wish you good health. May there always be room for joy and happiness in your life under the free bright blue sky.

Today I want to congratulate you on Victory Day. Fortunately, all losses and military troubles are far in the past, and thanks to devoted to the Motherland soldiers, our country lives under a peaceful clear sky. I congratulate you and wish you never to experience all the horrors of war.

I congratulate you on the greatest day in our history - Victory Day. This day is soaked through with tears, this day smells of gunpowder from bullets, and this day is saturated with the happiness of victory. May terrible military actions and troubles never touch you.

Colorful pictures for Victory Day

We must not forget that many veterans are people Soviet era. In those years, it was customary to send holiday cards for Victory Day. Many grandfathers keep yellowed cards from past years and often go through them, remembering how they were congratulated in different years first children, and then grandchildren. Therefore, it will be very useful to prepare colorful pictures by May 9 by downloading them from the Internet. You can print or write congratulations on them to all the veterans you know. Believe me, they will be very pleased with your attention.

On a fine, bright May day,
Like many years ago,
The lilac blossomed for the holiday,
Having decorated the garden lushly;
The whole country smells of lilacs
On this day every year:
As a symbol of the holiday, she
It blooms only in your honor -
After all, you, heroes from epics,
We walked around half the world
And, having taken defeated Berlin,
Victory has been achieved!
And there were no more important victories,
And there are no more sacred milestones!
I wish you health and many years to come,
And Happy Victory Day to everyone!

The photographs capture the last moments of the war, happy moments and joyful faces of soldiers.

Soviet soldiers on a Berlin tram

Maria Timofeevna Shalneva, corporal of the 87th separate road maintenance battalion, regulates traffic military equipment near the Reichstag in Berlin. May 2, 1945

Soviet soldiers with an accordion on one of the streets of Berlin

Soviet soldier in Goebbels' apartment in Hitler's bunker under the Reich Chancellery

Soviet mortar soldier Sergei Ivanovich Platov leaves his autograph on a Reichstag column

A British soldier leaves his autograph among the autographs of Soviet soldiers inside the Reichstag

Lidia Ruslanova performs “Katyusha” against the backdrop of the destroyed Reichstag. May 1945

Return from the front of a pilot, twice Hero Soviet Union Nikolai Mikhailovich
Skomorokhova (1920-1994). He made 605 sorties, conducted more than 130 air battles, shot down 46 enemy aircraft personally and 8 in a group, 7th place in the list of Soviet fighter aces. Skomorokhov himself was never wounded during the entire war, and was never shot down.

A photograph of a Soviet soldier hoisting a red banner over the captured Reichstag on May 2, 1945, which later became known as the Victory Banner - one of the symbols of the Great Patriotic War along with the famous “Combat” photo. This is one of a series of photographs taken by Evgeny Khaldey
on the roof of the Reichstag. Evgeniy Khaldey said: “There were four of us there [on the roof of the Reichstag], but I well remember the Kiev resident Alexei Kovalev, who was tying the flag. I photographed him for a long time. In different poses. I remember that we were all very cold at that time... He and I were helped by the foreman of the reconnaissance company of the Guards Red Banner Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky Zaporozhye Rifle Division Abdulkhakim Ismailov from Dagestan and Minsk resident Leonid Gorychev.” This option is in official
Soviet sources was published in a retouched form: the contrast of the image was increased and with right hand The officer's watch was removed (according to another version, the compass), which could give rise to accusations of looting by Soviet military personnel.

Official, retouched version.

Another option

Residents of Leningrad at the fireworks in honor of the Victory

Soviet soldiers drink to the Victory - at the general formation of the unit, the Victory over Nazi Germany May 9, 1945

A Soviet cavalryman talks to a Russian girl who was kidnapped to work in Germany and is now returning home

A German unit on bicycles advances to the place of surrender

Meeting of Soviet marshals G.K. Zhukov and K.K. Rokossovsky with British Field Marshal B. Montgomery at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

Chief of the German General Staff ground forces Infantry General Krebs (left), who arrived at the location on May 1 Soviet troops with the aim of drawing the High Command into negotiation process. On the same day, the general shot himself.

The soldiers who stormed the Reichstag. Reconnaissance platoon of the 674th Infantry Regiment of the 150th Idritsa Infantry Division. In the foreground is Private Grigory Bulatov. It is believed that he was the first to hoist the red flag on the Reichstag. However, a version has become widespread that the first were now
famous Mikhail Egorov and Meliton Kantaria.

Mikhail Egorov and Meliton Kantaria go to the roof of the Reichstag on May 1 to hoist the Victory Banner there.

Poet Evgeny Dolmatovsky with a sculpture of Hitler's head in Berlin. May 1945

Evgeny Dolmatovsky reads poetry at the Brandenburg Gate

Soviet soldiers, resting on the steps of the Reich Chancellery, look at German awards that were never awarded. Berlin. May 2, 1945

Red banner on the quadriga of the Brandenburg Gate

Fireworks in honor of the Victory on the roof of the Reichstag. Soldiers of the battalion under the command of Hero of the Soviet Union S. Neustroev

The courtyard of the Reich Chancellery shortly after the end of the fighting for Berlin. This photo is interesting because it shows a rare armored car. In 1933, Wilton-Fijenoord manufactured three armored vehicles for the Dutch East Indies.

General photo of the Soviet delegation during the signing of the Act on unconditional surrender everyone armed forces Germany. In the center is Marshal Zhukov. May 8, 1945

Echelon "We are from Berlin!", on which soviet soldiers returning from Berlin to Moscow

Rest at the train "We are from Berlin!" with Soviet soldiers

Sniper girls

Meeting of the victorious soldiers at the Belorussky railway station in Moscow

Officers of the 3rd Belorussian Front accept Germans who surrender along with armored vehicles, including from the 4th tank division. Spit Frisch-Nerung, May 9, 1945

Soviet soldiers on a T-34-85 against the backdrop of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The tank was covered with mesh screens that protected against hits from “faust cartridges”

The surrender of the Germans on the Frisch-Nerung spit, East Prussia. German officers receive from Soviet officer terms of surrender and procedure for surrender

Soviet sailors, heroes of the storming of Berlin, pose for an American war correspondent

A soldier returning from the front kisses his son

Artillerymen of the 144th Rifle Regiment of the 49th Guards Rifle Division in German helmets

Fellow soldiers of the 88th separate heavy tank regiment at the Reichstag

American soldiers who came to Berlin's Tiergarten to exchange wristwatches communicate with German girls. In the background is a group of Soviet military personnel. In the first time after the end of the war, the Tiergarten garden became a place for barter exchange of goods.

American military girls salute a Soviet traffic controller in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate

Polish survivors of the war (residents of the city of Lodz who were brought to forced labor in Germany) huddle along the railway tracks in Berlin, hoping that the British military will pick them up with them.

The regiment's son Volodya Tarnovsky signs an autograph on a Reichstag column

Soviet artillerymen are fighting on the streets of Berlin. April 1945

Soviet assault group moves towards the Reichstag

Soviet soldiers run to a new position in battle in Berlin. In the foreground is a murdered German sergeant from the RAD (Reichs Arbeit Dienst, pre-conscription labor service)

Ivan Aleksandrovich Kichigin at the grave of his friend Grigory Afanasyevich Kozlov in Berlin in early May 1945

Captive german soldier at the Reichstag. A famous photograph, often published in books and on posters in the USSR under the title "Ende" (German: "The End").

German prisoners of war on the streets of Berlin, captured by Soviet troops

Column of prisoners on the streets of Berlin. In the foreground are “the last hope of Germany” boys from the Hitler Youth and Volkssturm

A captured German is crying

Soviet soldiers and the head of the medical service of the Berlin police, Major General of the medical service Karl Emil Wrobel. Captured May 2, 1945

German children playing with abandoned weapons (rifles, submachine guns) on one of the streets of Berlin

Soviet medium tanks T-34 in captured Berlin

Soviet convoy on the street of Berlin

Soldiers distribute food to Berlin residents. April 1945

Aerial view of the Brandenburg Gate in captured Berlin

German police officers of the post-war administration in Berlin

Hero of the Soviet Union Major General A.V. Gladkov and his wife at the end of the Victory Parade. Original title: "The Joy and Pain of Victory"

Victory Parade allied forces September 7, 1945 in Berlin. Soviet soldiers on the spectator stand

Victory Parade of the Allied Forces on September 7, 1945. Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov tours the troops

Victory Monument in Berlin. July 1945

Soviet soldiers and an officer drink with the Americans for Victory

If you are alive, or in the skies with your fighting friends - Forgive me, Soldier!

The time for the most important holiday for our entire country is approaching. Such a holiday is Victory Day. On May 9, everyone will congratulate each other, wish light, warmth and peace. Don’t forget to congratulate your loved ones on Victory Day on May 9th.

Now it’s not difficult to show attention even to those who find themselves far from you on this holiday. SMS with Victory Day on May 9 will come to your aid and delight the recipient.

Happy Victory Day! Let this holiday bring warmth,
So that the heart, like tulips, blooms with fervor,
So that the birds sing loudly in the spring,
So that no one in the world threatens war again!


For the bright sky, for the singing of birds,
For many happy and joyful faces
Today everything in the world is tulips for you,
Thank you, my dear veterans!
Throw away your troubles of past years from your soul,
Fireworks for you on Brave Victory Day!


May 9 is a holiday of many nations,
Peace began to reign under the firmament.
Happy Great Victory! Let's honor the heroes!
They gave us peace at the cost of their blood!


Happy Victory Day! Happy St. George Ribbon Day!
Congratulations on a peaceful and beautiful life!
Let them be quiet for ten more years,
And every spring is just as bright, warm, clear!


Happy Victory Day, dear country!
Happy Victory Day, kind, peaceful people!
Let never, never on our land
There will be no such merciless and terrible wars.


The music of the past years sounds
And fireworks thunder from all sides,
There are conversations about the war in schools,
On the most important holiday, Victory Day!
No - war! Yes to peace and goodness,
Sun and spring warmth!

SMS congratulations and congratulations in verse on Victory Day May 9, 2018

Congratulations on Victory Day
And with all my heart I wish:
happiness, joy, warmth
And peaceful skies to you always!

We congratulate you on Victory Day - a wise, persistent day, writes the portal website. Many years to come! Wide smiles! We will always respect you!

Even those who have not seen war,
But everyone was touched by her wing,
We congratulate you on Victory Day!

The lowest bow, to the very ground,

I will not suddenly congratulate you on Victory Day.
Our grandfathers died for our happiness,
And they defended our peaceful sky there!

Today and the years are already gray
Since the war was over,

Country of grandfathers and great-grandchildren.

Victory Day is a spring holiday,
The day of defeat of a cruel war,
The day of defeat of violence and evil,
Day of Resurrection of Love and Kindness!

May the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
Let the menacing guns be silent
And the machine guns don’t fire,
So that people and cities can live...
Peace is always needed on earth!

May our faith, our wishes,
The inexorable running of time will slow down.
Your experience, wisdom, strength, knowledge
Bring it into the twenty-first century!

On this day we congratulate veterans, defenders of the Fatherland,
who defended the right of the peoples of the world to be free.
Eternal glory to all those who fell and survived in that terrible war!

The old wounds still ache...
With Holy Victory, veterans!

Happy Victory Day and with all my heart I wish:
happiness, joy, warmth, peaceful sky always!

We remember your feat - it is immortal!
Happy May 9, with a great victory! Happy longevity!

Happy Victory Day! We respect you, we bow before you! Live long and may the horrors of those days never be repeated for your descendants!

Even those who have not seen war, But keep an immortal feat in their souls, We congratulate you on Victory Day! Happiness, peace, light and health!

The lowest bow, to the very ground,
May God grant you, veterans, many years to come!

Grandfathers died for the happiness of the world,
And defended our blue sky!
Bow to them low to the ground!

Today and the years are already gray
Since the war was over,
But congratulations on Victory Day!
Country of grandfathers and great-grandchildren.

Let harmony and prosperity be in every home, because the eternal desire of the people for peace, freedom, better life invincible.

Father! You've survived all the troubles
Although wounded, scorched by fire...
Congratulations on Victory Day
We are glad, on the brightest day!

I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day!
This holiday has entered our hearts as a symbol of heroism!
Let no generation know the horrors of war!

Your whole chest shines with orders,
Heroically you walked through the smoke of war.
We wish you well-being with all our hearts,
Beloved, our dear person.

SMS on Victory Day: poems from May 9, short congratulations, best wishes

Happy Victory Day!
I won’t congratulate you suddenly,
Grandfathers died for happiness,
But you survived, so we survived too!

Thank you, our dear fighter!
We give on May Victory Day
Your true love!

We will thank you tirelessly, dear veterans!

We remember and appreciate. For us you are like stars,
Peace on earth was created by your feat.
We are ready to congratulate you on Victory Day
On holidays, weekdays, all over again!

Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,
Let the peaceful years rush by quickly.
Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga
History will remember forever.

We were born when everything was in the past, Our victory is decades old, But how close to us is what is already in the past. May God grant you, veterans, many years to come!

We honor the dead and the living, Those who fell, defending the Fatherland, We will remember their names forever, They gave their lives for us. Congratulations on the holiday of May 9!

Victory Day is a holiday of gray hair of our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and those younger. Even those who have not seen the war - But everyone was touched by its wing - We congratulate you on Victory Day!

May 9 is Victory Day, a day of remembrance of exploits and self-sacrifice... May the blue sky never again turn black and the earth not shake from blows. I wish you peace and goodness!

Happy Victory Day! Happy National Day!
Happy Defender of the Country Day!
We dream that in the world
There was no more war!

Happy Day of Victory, Glory, Sorrow,
Thanks, spring!
Today we will remember with joy:
I don't dream about war!

On Victory Day I wish you
To live without war and without sadness!
So that neither children nor grandchildren will ever
Don't take the machine guns into your hands!

Happy Victory Day, glorious and important!
Let us remember those who fell bravely in battle,
Let's wish each other happiness,
Peaceful days without wars and misfortunes!

Congratulations on Victory Day! Let battles take place only with your own laziness, and let luck lead to high achievements only in the peaceful field.

On this spring day, May 9, I wish you never to lose your fighting spirit and always be confident in your victory, no matter what. Happy Victory Day!

This year marks the 74th anniversary great Victory over the Nazi army of Germany. This tearful holiday every year evokes great joy, sad memories and pride in ancestors for those who, fortunately, did not have to experience the consequences of the war. on this day they sound special. Therefore, the editors WANT to prepare something beautiful for all the children of war who came into contact with this human misfortune.


We previously published, but now we want to congratulate everyone on May 9th with beautiful congratulations in verse. Please note that on May 9 in all countries former USSR people will honor the winners, give flowers to veterans, talk about important things, watch war films and mentally ask that war “never again” come. On this day, of which there are already so few left, this is a way to express your gratitude.

Therefore, we have collected congratulations on May 9, official, beautiful in verse and prose, so that we can congratulate you on the great holiday. Write down a beautiful greeting in verse. These short congratulations on May 9 can be written in postcards and given to veterans.

Congratulations on Victory Day -
Happy legendary, bright day.
We wish peace in the house,
In society, in my native country.

We wish that in the world
Nowhere and never again
Didn't happen, didn't open up
No more war.

We want people
Protected, looked after
The world that our grandfathers
They brought it to their grandchildren.

The war has long since died down,
Again blue sky above us.
Only the memory of the past is alive,
We will not forget this pain over the years.

Don't forget those young guys
That victory was getting closer for us.
With no way back
They only ran forward under fire.

Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing
Let the planet be full of flowers.
The sky will be decorated with fireworks
In honor of the heroes who are no longer with us!

Victory Day is memorable and bitter.
Victory Day is a holiday for centuries!
Let's bow to the veterans together.
The country says “thank you” to you.

We survived. Saved. Forever in memory
To everyone who did not reach and did not live,
To those who are next to us today,
Wishing you all the warmth of your family and a lot of strength!

I wish you clear skies
And peace without war,
And the radiant sun,
Over the entire land of the country.

Relatives, loved ones - happy holiday!
Love, health, strength!
May every day make you happy
And it brought happiness.

Let the sounds be silent on this day,
Let time slow down,
Let the grandchildren remember the feat of their grandfathers,
They will honor their memory with silence.

May their unfading glory
Leave the fear of war in the past,
Let there be a peaceful state,
Let the children sleep and dream.

Let people believe, wait and love
Through villages and cities,
They will not forget your feat,
Thank you, veterans!

Victory Day is special for the country:
We remember the soldiers and the fallen.
Rockets will fly into the air for them
Yes, the sky will be colored with lights.
I guarantee there are no people who don’t appreciate it
An army feat of those who protected children.
I believe the blows of war are behind us,
There was only light and joy ahead.
Good health and warmth!
The birth of healthy, happy children,
The grandfathers who recognized them are a great example!

Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

In prose, formal is intended to help you express words of gratitude beautifully if you have to speak in front of an audience. in prose will be a real find for those who, in their own words, want to thank veterans for their feat before the Fatherland.

To congratulate you on the holiday in your own words, see the following congratulations on Victory Day in prose.

Happy Victory Day. The most important thing that I would like to wish on this day is what our grandfathers fought for - peace to you! May there always be clear skies above your head and bright sun. I wish you health, joy and happiness on Victory Day. Let victory accompany you everywhere and always, let only kind and sincere people be nearby. I wish that the heart does not know pain and melancholy, and that the victorious march always plays in the soul.

Happy Victory Day! May the courage and heroism of this great holiday never be forgotten by anyone. Let the spirit of victory inspire your hearts and lead you forward to new exploits, successes and achievements. And may the whole world always live in peace, and may only this sacred holiday remind us of wars.

Happy Victory Day! This holiday moves away from us every year. But we must never forget about the heroic deeds that our ancestors performed in the name of freedom, honor and a prosperous life. On this holiday, I would like to wish, first of all, peace. After all, nothing is worth more than human lives, the tears of mothers, the broken destinies of a huge number of people. Let this victory inspire only good deeds and love for the Motherland. Let no one ever see war.

May 9 is not only a beautiful spring day, but also an unforgettable, memorable date - Victory Day. There are very few people left who are directly related to this holiday, to whom we personally must now bow at their feet and thank them for the peaceful sky above our heads. Let us wish the veterans health and longevity and promise that we will do everything so that our children never know what war is. And we will make every effort to preserve the memory of those who walked long miles towards this victory. Happy holiday!