Work program for teaching literacy in the preparatory group work program for teaching literacy (preparatory group) on the topic. Teaching preschoolers to read and write Durov n in read ourselves buy

Work program

“Literacy teaching” for children 6-7 years old

2016-2017 academic year.

Educator: Shishkova E.G.


How well a child is prepared for school determines the success of his adaptation and entry into the school life, his educational success, mental well-being. It has been proven that children who are not ready for systematic learning have a more difficult and longer period of adaptation and adaptation to educational (rather than play) activities. These children have poorly developed coherent speech and mental abilities - they do not know how to ask questions, compare objects, phenomena, highlight the main thing, they have not developed the habit of basic self-control.

The development of a child’s speech is the main and priority task of teachers working with preschool children. The additional educational program “Teaching Literacy” is designed to assist teachers in organizing classes with preschoolers.

Early learning to read is not a fad or a whim of ambitious parents. The trend towards lowering the age range for children to start learning to read has a completely objective basis: standards are being introduced school education, the program is expanding primary school, the success of mastering them depends on preparation, intellectual development a child who can read.

Despite the availability of extensive literature on this issue, the possibilities of teaching preschoolers literacy in the system are not sufficiently substantiated. additional education, having the opportunity to address the individuality, identity and self-worth of each child. Therefore, the creation of additional educational program Teaching literacy to children aged 5-7 years is relevant.

The basis of the additional educational program “Literacy Education” is:

1. Concept of preschool education for children (1989);

2. Federal law“On Education” June (1992);

3. JI concept. A. Wenger on the development of the abilities of a preschool child, containing the statement that the main thing in teaching literacy is the development of abilities that allow the child to independently analyze, model, find solutions in new situations, consciously relate to his own activities, and not just the formation of knowledge, skills and skills.

4. The theory of A.V. Zaporozhets about the intrinsic value of the preschool period of development: the main path of child development is the path of enrichment, filling with the most significant forms and methods of activity for a preschooler - the path of amplification.

5. Concept by D.B. Elkonin, based on the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions. He believed that “reading is the reconstruction of the sound form of a word on the basis of its graphic designation.”

Studies by linguists, psychologists, and teachers (J.I.A. Wenger, S.V. Mukhina, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) have shown that five-year-old children are most receptive to learning to read and write, because They are distinguished by sharpness and freshness of perception, curiosity and vividness of imagination. In domestic and foreign pedagogical theory and practice, certain experience has been accumulated in early learning reading for preschoolers (G. Doman, N.A. Zaitsev, M. Montessori, L.N. Tolstoy, P.V. Tyulenev, K.D. Ushinsky, D.B. Elkonin, etc.).

This work program was developed on the basis of the author’s “Teaching Literacy” (authors L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya). It is designed for 2 years of study. The training is based on the manual “Teaching Preschoolers Literacy” (authors L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya) and didactic materials in four books “Let's Play Words”, “ From word to sound”, “From sound to letter”, “Reading ourselves”.

The main goal of training is to work on sound culture children's speech, and the main content is sound-syllable analysis of words. Purposeful work is being carried out to develop thinking, attention, memory, and to assimilate the visual image of each printed letter.

Learning to read and write is of a general developmental nature and promotes the development of active mental activity, performance, moral-volitional and aesthetic qualities of the child’s personality.

Particular attention is paid to gaming techniques and didactic games, which constitute the specifics of teaching preschoolers and are an essential component of this training.

Objectives of the year of study: children learn to analyze and synthesize sentences of different constructions, become familiar with all the letters of the Russian alphabet, learn some spelling rules, lay out words and sentences from the letters of the split alphabet using spelling rules, and master syllabic and continuous reading methods.

Classes are held in the morning before lunch or in the afternoon. When building educational activities The age-related mental and physical characteristics of older and preparatory children are taken into account. Classes are conducted in subgroups of 7-8 people in senior group once a week, lasting 20-25 minutes, in the preparatory group - twice a week, lasting 30 minutes.

Determination of the sequence of sounds in a word, intonation highlighting of each sound. Introducing vowels and consonants. Introducing hard and soft consonant sounds. Familiarization with iotated vowel sounds. Isolation of a stressed syllable.

Getting to know the offers. Writing a proposal using a “living model”.

Familiarization with all consonant letters of the Russian alphabet (in the process of working on sound analysis of words).

Section IV. Reading training

Teaching inflection. Formation of syllabic reading and formation of continuous reading.


1st year of study


Lesson topic, tasks



· Study of the development of phonemic hearing and speech attention

· Study of children’s independent sound analysis of words like bear, plum, castle, using chips on the tables.

· Isolation of a stressed syllable and a stressed vowel sound.

· The ability to compose sentences of 2-3 words, divide sentences into words, name them in order: first, second, etc., rearrange, add or replace words in a sentence.

· teach children to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;

· consolidate the ability to determine the place of stress in words;

· learn to compose a sentence of two words, name the 1st and 2nd words.

Letter a, A

· Continue teaching children to conduct sound analysis of words;

· introduce the vowels a, A;

· learn to make two-word sentences about the actions of a toy.

Letter I, I

Introduce the vowels I, I and writing rules I after soft consonants.

Letter o, O

Introduce the vowels o, 0.

Letter e, B

Introduce the vowel letters ё, Ё, that the letter ё can mean the sound “o”.


Letter e, E

Introduce the vowel letters ё, Ё, that the letter ё can represent two sounds “yo”.

Letter y, U

Introduce the vowels u, u.

Letter yu, Yu

Introduce the vowels yu, yu and the rules for writing them after soft consonant sounds.

Letter s

Introduce the vowel letters s.

Letter i, i

· Introduce the vowels i, i;

· teach children inflection.

Letter uh, eh

· Introduce the vowels e, e;

· teach children inflection.

Letter e, E

· Introduce the vowels e, E;

· teach children inflection.


Letter e, E

· Explain to children that the letter e can mean two sounds - “ye”;

· teach children inflection.

· Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound;

· learn to form three-word words.

Letter m, M

· Introduce the letter m, M, that it means the sounds “m” and “m”

Letter n, N

· Introduce the letter n, N, that it means the sounds “n” and “n”


Letter r, R

· Introduce the letter р, Р, that it means the sounds “р” and “рь”

Letter l, J1

· Introduce the letter l, J1, that it stands for the sounds “l” and “l”

Letter g, G

· Introduce the letter g, G, that it means the sounds “g” and “g”

Letter k, K

· Introduce the letter k, K, that it means the sounds “k” and “k”


· Reinforce the reading of syllables, words and sentences with the letters covered;

· learn to answer questions based on the text;

· continue to teach children to lay out a sentence using known grammatical and syntactic rules.

Letter s, s

· Introduce the letter s, S, that it means the sounds “s” and “s”

Letter z, 3

· Introduce the letter z, 3, that it represents the sounds “z” and “z”

Letter sh, sh

· Introduce the letter sh, the rules for writing the combination shi


Letter zh, Zh

· Introduce the letter zh, the rules for writing the combination zh

· teach children to retell a story they have read.

Letter d, d

· Introduce the letter d, D, that it means the sounds “d” and “d”

· teach children to title and retell a story.

Letter t, T

· Introduce the letter t, T, that it means the sounds “t” and “t”

Letter ь

· Introduce the letter ь;

· improve reading skills.


Letter ъ

· Introduce the letter ъ;

· improve reading skills.

Letter p, P

· Introduce the letter p, P, that it means the sounds “p” and “p”

· improve reading skills.

Letter b, B

· Introduce the letter b, B, that it means the sounds “b” and “by”

· improve reading skills.

Letter v, V

· Introduce the letter v, V, that it means the sounds “v” and “v”

· improve reading skills.

Letter f, F

· Introduce the letter f, F, that it means the sounds “f” and “f”

· improve reading skills.


Letter th

· Introduce the letter th, repeat the rule that the sound “th” is the shortest sound in our speech and is always a soft consonant;

· teach children word formation.

Letter h, Ch

· Introduce the letter ch, Ch, that the sound “ch” is always a soft consonant;


Letter Ш, Ш

· Introduce the letter shch, Shch, that the sound “sch” is always a soft consonant, writing combinations shcha, shchu;

· improve reading skills.


Improve reading skills

Letter c, C

· Introduce the letter ts, Ts, that the sound “ts” is always a hard consonant;

· improve reading skills.

Letter X, X

· Introduce the letter x, X, that it represents the sounds “x” and “x”

· improve reading skills.

Separating function b

· Improve reading skills;

· introduce children to the separating function of the letter ь;

· teach children to form a chain of words, making only one substitution in one word to obtain a new word.

Separating function ъ

· Improve reading skills;

· introduce children to the separating function of the letter ъ;

· teach children to guess the word laid out with chips.


Improve reading skills



Improve reading skills


Improve reading skills

68 Monitoring

· Studying children's knowledge of all the letters of the Russian alphabet and the rules for writing them, mastering syllabic and continuous reading methods;

· learning the ability to correctly lay out words and sentences from the letters of the split alphabet


Classes for preparatory group children are held once a week (36 lessons in total) lasting 20-25 minutes.

Classes for children in the pre-school group are held 2 times a week (68 lessons in total) lasting 30 minutes.

To determine the readiness of children to master the program, it is necessary to conduct monitoring taking into account the individual typological characteristics of children. Monitoring allows you to determine the level of development of mental processes, physical and intellectual abilities, find individual Eevee a dual approach to each child during classes, selecting the level of difficulty of tasks individually for each child, based on the zone of proximal development.

Monitoring is carried out 2 times a year.

Results by the end of the year of study

(school preparatory group)

Children know all the letters of the Russian alphabet and the rules for writing them, master syllabic and continuous reading methods, and are accustomed to correctly lay out words and sentences from the letters of the split alphabet.


1. L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya. Teaching preschoolers literacy. Methodical manual edited by N.V. Durova. - M.: “School Press”, 2004.

Didactic materials:

1. N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya. Let's play with words. - M.: “School Press”, 2006.

2. N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya. From word to sound. - M.: “School Press”, 2006.

3. N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya. From sound to letter. - M.: “School Press”, 2006.

4. N.V. Durova. We read it ourselves. - M.: “School Pre



Work program

“Literacy teaching” for children 6-7 years old

2016-2017 academic year.

Educator: Shishkova E.G.


How well a child is prepared for school determines the success of his adaptation, his entry into school life, his educational success, and his mental well-being. It has been proven that children who are not ready for systematic learning have a more difficult and longer period of adaptation and adaptation to educational (rather than play) activities. These children have poorly developed coherent speech and mental abilities - they do not know how to ask questions, compare objects, phenomena, highlight the main thing, they have not formed the habit of basic self-control.

The development of a child’s speech is the main and priority task of teachers working with preschool children. The additional educational program “Teaching Literacy” is designed to assist teachers in organizing classes with preschoolers.

Early learning to read is not a fad or a whim of ambitious parents. The trend towards lowering the age limit for children to start learning to read has a completely objective basis: school education standards are being introduced, the primary school program is expanding, the success of their mastery depends on the preparation and intellectual development of the child who can read.

Despite the availability of extensive literature on this issue, the possibilities of teaching preschoolers literacy in the system of additional education, which has the opportunity to address the individuality, identity and self-worth of each child, are not sufficiently substantiated. Therefore, the creation of an additional educational program for teaching literacy to children aged 5-7 years is relevant.

The basis of the additional educational program “Literacy Education” is:

  1. Concept of preschool education for children (1989);
  2. Federal Law “On Education” June (1992);
  3. JI concept. A. Wenger on the development of the abilities of a preschool child, containing the statement that the main thing in teaching literacy is the development of abilities that allow the child to independently analyze, model, find solutions in new situations, consciously relate to his own activities, and not just the formation of knowledge, skills and skills.
  4. The theory of A. V. Zaporozhets about the intrinsic value of the preschool period of development: the main path of child development is the path of enrichment, filling with the most significant forms and methods of activity for a preschooler - the path of amplification.
  5. Concept by D.B. Elkonin, based on the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions. He believed that “reading is the reconstruction of the sound form of a word on the basis of its graphic designation.”

Studies by linguists, psychologists, and teachers (J.I.A. Wenger, S.V. Mukhina, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) have shown that five-year-old children are most receptive to learning to read and write, because They are distinguished by sharpness and freshness of perception, curiosity and vividness of imagination. In domestic and foreign pedagogical theory and practice, certain experience has been accumulated in the early teaching of preschoolers to read (G. Doman, N.A. Zaitsev, M. Montessori, L.N. Tolstoy, P.V. Tyulenev, K.D. Ushinsky , D.B. Elkonin, etc.).

This work program was developed on the basis of the author’s “Teaching Literacy” (authors L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya). It is designed for 2 years of study. The training is based on the manual “Teaching Preschoolers Literacy” (authors L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya) and didactic materials in four books “Let's Play Words”, “ From word to sound”, “From sound to letter”, “Reading ourselves”.

The main goal of training is to work on the sound culture of children's speech, and the main content is sound-syllable analysis of words. Purposeful work is being carried out to develop thinking, attention, memory, and to assimilate the visual image of each printed letter.

Learning to read and write is of a general developmental nature and promotes the development of active mental activity, performance, moral-volitional and aesthetic qualities of the child’s personality.

Particular attention is paid to gaming techniques and didactic games, which constitute the specifics of teaching preschoolers and are an essential component of this training.

Objectives of the 1st year of study:formation in children of a general orientation in the sound system of the language, teaching them sound analysis.

Objectives of the 2nd year of study:children learn to analyze and synthesize sentences of different constructions, become familiar with all the letters of the Russian alphabet, learn some spelling rules, lay out words and sentences from the letters of the split alphabet using spelling rules, and master syllabic and continuous reading methods.

Classes are held in the morning before lunch or in the afternoon. When constructing educational activities, the age-related mental and physical characteristics of older and preparatory children are taken into account. Classes are held in subgroups of 7-8 people in the senior group once a week, lasting 20-25 minutes, in the preparatory group - twice a week, lasting 30 minutes.

Section I. Sound analysis of words

Determination of the sequence of sounds in a word, intonation highlighting of each sound. Introducing vowels and consonants. Introducing hard and soft consonant sounds. Familiarization with iotated vowel sounds. Isolation of a stressed syllable.

Section II. Dividing a sentence into words

Getting to know the offers. Writing a proposal using a “living model”.

Section III. Introduction to letters

Familiarization with all consonant letters of the Russian alphabet (in the process of working on sound analysis of words).

Section IV. Reading training

Teaching inflection. Formation of syllabic reading and formation of continuous reading.


1st year of study


Lesson topic, tasks



Studying the development of phonemic awareness and speech attention

Sound and word

  • Strengthen children's understanding of words;
  • consolidate the ability to intonationally highlight sounds in a word, distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds by ear

Sound, word, syllable

Teach children to divide two- and three-syllable words into syllables, introduce them to the term “syllable”;

  • learn to name words with a given syllable;
  • consolidate the ability to intonationally highlight sounds in words.


Sentence, word, sound

  • Learn to compose sentences from two words, name the first and second word;
  • learn to name words with a given sound.

Introduce children to the diagram of the sound composition of a word, make a sound analysis of the word oh, poppy, house.



Diagram of the sound composition of a word

  • Introduce children to the diagram of the sound composition of a word, find the same sounds in words;
  • introduce the word-distinguishing role of sound



Vowel sounds

Give the concept of vowel sounds;

Continue teaching children to name words with the given sound.


Vowels and consonants

  • Continue training in sound analysis of words;
  • introduce the fact that there are vowel and consonant sounds, and that consonants are hard and soft.



Hard and soft consonants

  • Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words;
  • introduce the word-distinguishing role of hard and soft consonant sounds.



Hard and soft consonants

Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, distinguish vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonant sounds



Word stress

  • Strengthen children's ability to divide words into syllables;
  • learn to isolate a stressed syllable in a word;
  • consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words.



Stressed vowel sound

Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonant sounds;

  • learn to isolate verbal stress, determine its place in a word;
  • learn to name words with a given stressed vowel sound.



Stressed and unstressed sounds

Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, distinguish between stressed, unstressed, hard and soft consonant sounds;

To consolidate knowledge about the distinctive role of sound.


  • bear, plum, castle,using chips on the tables.

2nd year of study


Lesson topic, tasks



  • Studying the development of phonemic awareness and speech attention
  • Studying children's independent sound analysis of words likebear, plum, castle, using chips on the tables.
  • Isolation of a stressed syllable and a stressed vowel sound.
  • The ability to compose sentences of 2-3 words, divide sentences into words, name them in order: first, second, etc., rearrange, add or replace words in a sentence.

Differentiation of vowels, hard and soft consonants

  • teach children to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
  • consolidate the ability to determine the place of stress in words;
  • learn to compose a sentence of two words, name the 1st and 2nd words.

Letter a, A

  • Continue teaching children to conduct sound analysis of words;
  • introduce the vowels a, A;
  • learn to make two-word sentences about the actions of a toy.

Letter I, I

Introduce the vowels I, I and writing rules I after soft consonants.

Letter o, O

Introduce the vowels o, 0.

Letter e, B

Introduce the vowel letters ё, Ё, that the letter ё can mean the sound “o”.


Letter e, E

Introduce the vowels ё, Ё, that the letter ё can represent two sounds “yo”.

Letter u, U

Introduce the vowels u, u.


Letter yu, Yu

Introduce the vowels yu, yu and the rules for writing them after soft consonant sounds.

Letter s

Introduce the vowel letters s.

Letter i, i

  • Introduce the vowels i, i;
  • teach children inflection.

Letter e, E

  • Introduce the vowels e, e;
  • teach children inflection.

Letter e, E

  • Introduce the vowels e, E;
  • teach children inflection.


Letter e, E

  • Explain to children that the letter e can mean two sounds - “ye”;
  • teach children inflection.


Rules for writing vowels

  • Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound;
  • learn to form three-word words.

Letter m, M

  • Introduce the letter m, M, that it means the sounds “m” and “m”
  • teach children to read syllables and words with the letter m.

Letter n, N

  • Introduce the letter n, N, that it means the sounds “n” and “n”
  • teach children to read syllables and words with the letter n.


Letter r, R

  • Introduce the letter p, P, that it means the sounds “r” and “ry”
  • teach children to read syllables and words with the letter r.

Letter l, J1

  • Introduce the letter l, J1, that it stands for the sounds “l” and “l”
  • teach children to read syllables and words with the letter l.

Letter g, G

  • Introduce the letter g, G, that it means the sounds “g” and “g”
  • teach children to read syllables and words with the letter g.

Letter k, K

  • Introduce the letter k, K, that it means the sounds “k” and “k”
  • teach children to read syllables and words with the letter k.


  • Reinforce the reading of syllables, words and sentences with the letters covered;
  • learn to answer questions based on the text;
  • continue to teach children to lay out a sentence using known grammatical and syntactic rules.

Letter s, C

  • Introduce the letter s, C, that it means the sounds “s” and “s”
  • teach children to read syllables and words with the letter s.

Letter z, 3

  • Introduce the letter z, 3, that it represents the sounds “z” and “z”
  • teach children to read syllables and words with the letter z.

Letter sh, Ш

  • Introduce the letter sh, the rules for writing the combination shi


Letter zh, Zh

  • Introduce the letter zh, the rules for writing the combination zh
  • teach children to retell a story they have read.

Letter d, D

  • Introduce the letter d, D, that it means the sounds “d” and “d”
  • teach children to title and retell a story.

Letter t, T

  • Introduce the letter t, T, that it means the sounds “t” and “t”
  • improve reading skills.

Letter b, B

  • Introduce the letter b, B, that it means the sounds “b” and “by”
  • improve reading skills.

Letter v, V

  • Introduce the letter v, V, that it means the sounds “v” and “v”
  • improve reading skills.

Letter f, F

  • Introduce the letter f, F, that it means the sounds “f” and “f”
  • improve reading skills.


Letter th

  • Introduce the letter y, repeat the rule that the sound “y” is the shortest sound in our speech and is always a soft consonant;
  • teach children word formation.

Letter h, Ch

  • Introduce the letter ch, Ch, that the sound “ch” is always a soft consonant;


Letter Ш, Ш

  • Introduce the letter shch, Shch, that the sound “sch” is always a soft consonant, writing combinations shcha, shchu;
  • improve reading skills.


Improve reading skills

Letter c, C

  • Introduce the letter ts, Ts, that the sound “ts” is always a hard consonant;
  • improve reading skills.

Letter x, X

  • Introduce the letter x X, that it represents the sounds “x” and “x”
  • improve reading skills.

Separating function b

  • Improve reading skills;
  • introduce children to the separating function of the letter ь;
  • teach children to form a chain of words, making only one substitution in one word to obtain a new word.

Separating function ъ

  • Improve reading skills;
  • introduce children to the separating function of the letter ъ;
  • teach children to guess a word lined with chips.



Improve reading skills




Improve reading skills




Improve reading skills

68 Monitoring

  • Studying children's knowledge of all the letters of the Russian alphabet and the rules for writing them, mastering syllabic and continuous reading methods;
  • learning the ability to correctly lay out words and sentences from the letters of the split alphabet


Classes for older children are held once a week (36 lessons in total) lasting 20-25 minutes.

Classes for children in the pre-school group are held 2 times a week (68 lessons in total) lasting 30 minutes.

To determine the readiness of children to master the program, it is necessary to conduct monitoring taking into account individual dual typological characteristics of children. Monitoring allows you to determine the level of development of mental processes, physical and intellectual abilities, find individual Eevee a dual approach to each child during classes, selecting the level of difficulty of tasks individually for each child, based on the zone of proximal development.

Monitoring is carried out 2 times a year.

Results by the end of the 1st year of study

(senior group)

Independently conduct sound analysis of words likebear, plum, castle,using chips on the tables. The stressed syllable and the stressed vowel sound are isolated. They can make sentences of 2-3 words. Children divide sentences into words, name them in order: first, second, etc., rearrange, add or replace words in a sentence.

Results by the end of the 2nd year of study

(school preparatory group)

Children know all the letters of the Russian alphabet and the rules for writing them, master syllabic and continuous reading methods, and are accustomed to correctly lay out words and sentences from the letters of the split alphabet.


1. L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya. Teaching preschoolers literacy. Methodological manual edited by N.V. Durova. - M.: “School Press”, 2004.

Didactic materials:

  1. N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya. Let's play with words. - M.: “School Press”, 2006.
  2. N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya. From word to sound. - M.: “School Press”, 2006.
  3. N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya. From sound to letter. - M.: “School Press”, 2006.
  4. N.V. Durova. We read it ourselves. - M.: “School Pre


“Teaching preschool children to read and write”

Preparatory group for school


Program content: Teach children to conduct sound analysis of words: differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants, apply the rules for writing vowels.

1. The teacher tells the children that in the older group they learned that words consist of sounds. There are sounds that are easy to pronounce, you can drag them out for a long time, sing them, and they do not encounter obstacles in your mouth. They ask what such sounds /vowels/ are called, what vowels they know /a, o, u, ы, и, е/, what chips are indicated by /red/.

The teacher suggests remembering the names of the sounds that meet obstacles in the mouth /consonants/, saying what consonants there are (hard and soft/), what chips are indicated (hard consonants are blue, soft consonants are green chips/ and name several consonant sounds). If the child names a hard consonant, the teacher invites him to name its soft pair / for example, “p” - “p”, “l - “l” /. If the child names a soft consonant sound, the teacher asks him to name its hard pair / for example, k- k, s-s/.

2. Sound analysis of the word “Book”.

One child understands the word at the board. At the same time, all the children lay it out at the tables.

A child at the blackboard consistently identifies the sounds of words with intonation, calls them /k, n, i, g, a/ in isolation, and characterizes them / vowel, hard or soft consonant/ and denotes the corresponding counter. Then he pronounces the word with stress /book/ and indicates the stressed vowel with a black chip, which he places behind the red chip. In a child's work it looks like this:

Book – 1st sound “k” is a hard consonant /places a blue chip in the first cell of the diagram/.

book – 2nd sound “n”, soft consonant /puts a green chip in the second cell of the diagram/.

BOOK – 3rd sound “i”, vowel /puts a red chip/.

book – 4th sound “g”, hard consonant /puts a blue chip/.

bookA – 5th sound “a”, vowel /puts a red chip/.

book - stressed vowel sound “and” /places a black chip/.

When conducting a sound analysis of a word, it is necessary to ensure that each sound is highlighted intonationally by the voice while simultaneously moving the pointer along the diagram, and then marked accordingly with a chip.

Questions and tasks for children:

What vowels are in the word "Book"? /i, a/.

What is the stressed vowel sound? /And/.

Pronounce the word with the accent /kniyiga/.

Change the accent /black chip/ to the sound “a”, how will the word sound now? /book/. Put the emphasis correctly again.

What is the soft consonant sound in the word? /ny/

What is 2-o1 hard consonant? /G/

What is a hard consonant? /To/

Game with tasks:

1. Call 4 children, invite them to take chips from the board indicating sounds in the following sequence: n, g, a, i, k and build the word “book”.

2. Call /to the side/: 1st vowel, 2nd vowel, soft consonant, 2nd hard consonant, 1st hard consonant and build the word “book”.

3. Children give the task for sounds.

Here are some sample tasks: name a word with its own sound /the sound can be at the beginning, middle or end of the word/, name a pair of your own sounds, find a toy whose name contains a given sound, name a word in which your sound is percussive.

4. Working with the proposal.

The teacher shows the children a doll and says that her name is Nina. The children look at the doll and say how beautiful it is / big, elegant, loved, good, etc. / The teacher calls two children to him and says that one will say the word “Nina” / gives him the doll/, the other the word - “elegant” " He invites them to stand next to him, turns to the children one by one and asks what words they mean / “Nina”, “elegant”/. The children of the group are asked to say what will happen if they say these words one after another / “Nina is smart”/. The teacher explains that the sentence “Nina Nyaryadnaya” came out. Children-words change places, a new sentence “Dressy Nina” is obtained, they call the 1st, 2nd word. A child is called up to say the word “sweetheart”, and the word “smart” sits down and 2-3 children say what sentence they got /Dear Nina/ and name the 1st, 2nd word.

Assignment for children with words: the word “Nina” will come out, the word “dear” will go with the word “Nina” to make the sentence “Nina dear.” The word "Nina" will clap her hands. The word “sweetheart” will name the 1st sound of this word /мь/.


Program content: Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words: differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonant sounds. Strengthens the ability to determine the place of a stressed vowel sound in a word. Learn to form a sentence of two words, name the words in order. Continue learning to name words with given sounds.

Demonstration material: diagram of a six-sound word, red, blue, green, black chips, pointer, bear, ball, chips or small toys.

Handout material: diagram of a six-sound word, red, blue, green, black chips on a tray, pointer.


1. Sound analysis of the word “newspaper”. The teacher warns the children that the one who first understands it at the table will lay out this word at the board. The called child identifies intonationally, names, characterizes sounds and denotes them with chips, reads the word with emphasis

Game with tasks:

1) A child is called to the game and guesses the teacher’s “riddle”. What is the 2nd hard consonant? /T/. What is the 1st hard consonant? /G/. What is the soft consonant? /z/. What is the 3rd vowel? /A/. What is the 1st vowel? /A/. What is the second vowel? /e/. Children form the word "newspaper".

2) Name: 3rd sound of the word, 6th sound, 4th sound, 2nd sound, 5th sound.

3) Children give tasks for sounds.

2. Game “Name the pair”. The teacher names a hard consonant sound /for example, “r”/. The child to whom the ball is thrown must name a soft consonant - a pair of the hidden sound /рь/ and throw the ball to the teacher. After half the children take part in the game, the teacher changes the task: he names soft consonant sounds and the children name their hard pairs.

All children must take part in the game. The game is played at a fast pace. During the game, children are at the tables.

3. Work on the proposal. The teacher shows the children a bear, asks them to look at it and say what it is like. Children select various definitions / for example, good, plush, small, beloved, clubfoot, etc. / Two children come to the board. One means the word “bear” /the teacher gives him a bear/, the other means the word “fluffy”. The teacher suggests constructing the sentence “Furry Bear” /children check the completion of the task/.

Name the 1st, 2nd word, then the children change places and 2-3 children say what sentence it turned out to be / “Fluffy bear” /. A child is called, who means the word “clubfooted”, and the word “fluffy” sits down. 2-3 children pronounce the sentence that was obtained after replacing the words /“Clubfooted Bear”/., then the 1st, 2nd word is called.

4. Game “Name the words.” The teacher suggests naming words with the sound “n” /for example, socks, sleds, pencil, dream/, then words with the sound “n” / for example, sky, skates, horse/. For each word, the child receives a chip or small toy. At the end of the game the winner is determined, i.e. the child who named the most words.


Program content: Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words. Introduces the vowels “a”, “A”. Learn to make sentences about the actions of a toy from 2 words. Continue teaching children to name words of a certain sound structure.

Demonstration materials: red, green, blue chips, pointer, letter “a” /3 pcs./, letter “A” /2 pcs./, toy chips, ball, bunny.

Handout materials: red, green, blue chips, pointer, letter “a” /3 pcs./, letter “A” /2 pcs./.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Playing in a circle with a ball: “Name the stressed vowel sound.” The teacher pronounces the word with emphasis and throws the ball to the child. He, having caught the ball, calls the stressed vowel sound and throws the ball to the teacher. All children must take part in the game.

2. Sound analysis of the word “faucet” /at the board, 4 children take turns parsing the word and laying out the chips on the board without a diagram; at the tables, children parse the words without diagrams/.

Questions for children after analyzing the word:

What consonant sounds are in the word "faucet"? /k, r, n/. What is the vowel sound in the word? /A/.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the sound “a” comes after the hard consonant sound “r” and explains that the sound “a” is indicated by the letter “a”. Children look at it and replace the red chip with a letter. Then the teacher reminds that if a word has one vowel sound, then it is stressed.

3. Sound analysis of the word “Alena”. At the board, 5 children sort out the word and indicate all the sounds with chips.

Questions for children after analyzing the word: What are the vowel sounds in the word “Alena”? /a, o, a/. What does this word mean? /girl's name/. The teacher explains that names are written with a capital letter and introduces the children to the letter “A”, after which the first red chip is replaced by the letter “A”. The teacher invites the children to say after which consonant sound the third vowel sound is heard /after the consonant sound “n”/ and replace the red chip with the sound “a”. After replacing the chips with letters, the children read the word and identify the stressed vowel sound.

4. Work on a sentence: The teacher takes the hare, performs different movements with it / the hare dances, jumps, gnaws, washes itself, sleeps /, and the children name what the hare does / dances, jumps, gnaws, washes itself, sleeps/. Then two children come to the board. One means the word “hare”, the other means the word “dances”, and all children name the 1st and 2nd word. The players change places and 2-3 children say which sentence they got. /"The hare is dancing"/. Then another child is called to indicate a different action, and the children determine which sentence came out.

5. Game “Name the words.” The teacher puts green, red, blue chips on the board and invites the children to name words according to this model / fox, saw, river, meat, etc. / If the child named the word incorrectly, the teacher reads his word according to the model and points out the mistake. At the end of the game the winner is determined.


Program content: Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound. Introduce the vowels “I”, “I” and the rules for writing “I” after soft consonant sounds. Learn to make sentences about the actions of a toy from 2 words. Continue teaching children to name words with given sounds.

Demonstration material: red, green, blue, black chips, cash register with the vowels A, a, Z, ya, pointer, toy chips, fox.

Handout material: red, green, blue, black chips, cash register with the vowels A, a, Z, ya, pointer.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Work on the proposal.

The teacher takes a toy fox and performs various exercises with it. Children make up 2-word sentences about the actions of the fox / the fox runs, the fox dances, etc. / Then two children are called to the board. One means the word “fox”, the other means the word “runs”. They are asked to construct the sentence “The fox is running,” and the children of the group name the 1st and 2nd words. The players change places and 1-2 children say which sentence they got /"The fox is running"/. Sentences are made about 3-4 actions of the fox.

2. Sound analysis of words.

Each child, depending on his level of preparedness, is given an individual task to lay out the word at the table. Suggested words: poppy, ball, moon, fish, hat, sled, linden, bank, hut, book, work, car. Children denote the sound “a” with the letter “a”, and all the others with the corresponding chips. After the teacher checks that the task is completed correctly, the children do not remove the words.



The texts in the publication are intended to be read to children by adults (parents, educators).
The lessons in this manual are aimed at working with children five years old. In these classes, your child will learn...

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The manual is aimed at classes with children of four to five years of age, the age most suitable for introducing children into the world sounding speech. The book will help show children that our speech consists of many words that sound different or similar, and teach them to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds. All this is necessary for subsequent learning to read consciously.
The texts in the publication are intended to be read to children by adults (parents, educators).
The manual, aimed at working with children aged six to seven years, contains practical material to familiarize children with vowel letters and the rules for writing them.
The knowledge, skills and abilities that children acquire in the course of classes are necessary for mastering continuous reading.
The texts in the publication are intended to be read to children by adults (parents, educators).
The lessons in this manual are aimed at working with children five years old. In these classes, the child will learn to consistently name sounds as they are heard in a word, distinguish between soft and hard consonant sounds, stressed and unstressed vowel sounds, and name words with a certain sound or a certain sound model.
The knowledge, abilities and skills that a child will acquire in the process of classes have great value for teaching reading and writing.
The texts in the publication are intended to be read to children by adults (parents, educators).
This book is a selection of methodically organized materials (syllables, words, texts) for teaching children continuous, meaningful reading (you can rely on the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in the process of previous preliminary training conducted using the first three manuals).
Designed for reading by parents and children.


Methodological support:

  • “Teaching preschool children to read and write”: Methodological manual / L.E. Zhurova. N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya / Ed. N.V. Durova. - M.: School Press, 1998. -144 pp. (Preschool education and training)

Explanatory note

The manual outlines the basics of preparing preschoolers for learning to read and write, describes demo material. Particular attention is paid to gaming techniques and didactic games, which constitute the specifics of teaching preschool children and correspond to modern standards V preschool education. Lesson notes are provided for the senior preschool age group and the school preparatory group. kindergarten.

IN modern society The issue of preparing preschool children for school has become acute. Teachers working in preschool institutions, and especially parents often tend to solve this issue by “training” 6-year-old children according to the 1st grade program. Unfortunately, it quickly becomes clear that this way of preparing a child for school is not effective: as soon as the supply of “school” knowledge runs out, he begins to lag behind his classmates. This is explained by the fact that the modern primary school curriculum requires special attention to the formation of children’s skills educational activities.
Is it possible to limit preparation for school? last year preschool childhood? Of course not! If the system of education and training of preschool children in kindergarten should be subordinated ultimate goal- preparation for studying at school, then it is also necessary to talk about the specifics of education not only in preparatory school, but also in the senior group of kindergarten, that is, about the specifics of the mental education of children in the second half of preschool childhood.
This manual is devoted to one of the issues of mental education of preschoolers - teaching literacy on the basis of theoretical principles developed by P. Ya. Galperin, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin. The proposed literacy course takes into account the age capabilities of older preschoolers and is built on introducing children to the sound reality of language.
Developing in children the appropriate means and skills for isolating and comparing units of linguistic reality is an indispensable condition for literacy.
The authors of the manual believe that it is advisable to begin preparing children for school not in preparatory school, but in the senior group of kindergarten. At the same time, they rely on data from Soviet psychologists, testifying to the special “feeling” of a 4-5 year old child for language. At an older age, this linguistic sense weakens somewhat; the child, as D.N. Bogoyavlensky says, seems to lose his “linguistic abilities.” Introducing a child into linguistic reality at the moment of the most acute “linguistic sense” is the most effective means to master this reality.
This program is based on the teaching methodology initial reading, developed by D. B. Elkonin, supplemented a large number various word games that make up the bulk of the lessons and necessarily contain learning task.

Successful speech development in preschool age has crucial for subsequent systematic study native language. D.B. Elkonin wrote that the reader operates with the sound side of the language, and reading is the process of recreating the sound form of a word according to its graphic (letter) model. This implies the need for preliminary acquaintance of children with the broad sound reality of the language (before introducing them to letter symbols). Research by linguists, psychologists, and teachers has shown that the fifth year of a child’s life is the period of the highest “linguistic giftedness,” a special sensitivity to the sound side of speech. That is why it is necessary to introduce preschoolers to the sound system of their native language already from the middle group of kindergarten.

Training in middle group is aimed at developing phonemic hearing and speech attention in children, which prepares them for mastering the sound analysis of words - the first step in teaching literacy itself.

IN senior group children acquire the skills of sound analysis of words of various sound structures, differentiation of vowels, hard and soft consonants. They gain knowledge about the syllabic structure of words and word stress.

IN preparatory group children become familiar with all the letters of the Russian alphabet and the rules for writing them, master syllabic and continuous reading methods, and learn to correctly lay out words and sentences from the letters of the split alphabet.

Learning to read and write is of a developmental nature and promotes the development of active mental activity, efficiency, moral-volitional and aesthetic qualities of the child’s personality.

Particular attention is paid to gaming techniques and didactic games, which constitute the specifics of teaching preschoolers, are an essential component of this training and comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.