Real versions of the OGE (GIA) in mathematics - Archive of files. Online GIA tests in physics Changes in demo versions of the OGE in physics

GIA in mathematics is a mandatory examination test, which is carried out based on the results of the 9th grade. Passing it is necessary to obtain a certificate of incomplete secondary education. Students who received exam results high marks, can continue their studies in classes with a physics and mathematics focus.

Time GIA in mathematics 2014– 235 min.

When performing work it is allowed to use:

Calculators, books and other materials are prohibited.

The minimum GIA score in mathematics in 2014 is 8 (provided that the student received at least 3 of them in algebra, at least 2 in geometry and less than 2 in real mathematics). Its value has not changed compared to last year.

GIA scores are correlated with school grades as follows:

Options for State Examination in Mathematics

According to the decision FIPI, GIA 2014 in mathematics retained its original structure. It consists of three thematic blocks of tasks:

  • Real mathematics (7 questions);
  • Algebra (3 problems, 8 questions);
  • Geometry (3 problems, 5 questions).

All tasks are divided into two parts:

  • the main one, which contains 20 basic-level tasks (mathematics answers are given in a short form);
  • increased complexity, which includes 6 tasks that require in-depth knowledge of the material (the solution must be written in expanded form).

To get acquainted with the structure of the test and the procedure for filling out the forms, you can download 2014 GIA assignments in mathematics on our website. Since no changes have been made to them, last year's tests will be suitable for training. The bank of problems from which they are compiled does not contain a number of exam questions. Therefore, preparation for the state final certification in mathematics 2014 must be carried out in accordance with the FIPI codifier, which contains an exhaustive list of topics.

To understand the principles of completing exam tasks, you can download free GIA solutions in mathematics.

The state final certification for ninth grade graduates is currently voluntary; you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

Why then is the OGE (GIA) form more attractive for 9th grade graduates of 2019? Carrying out direct certification in this new form allows you to obtain an independent assessment of schoolchildren’s preparation. All OGE (GIA) tasks are presented in the form of a special form, including questions with a choice of answers to them. A direct analogy is drawn with the Unified State Exam. In this case, you can give both short and detailed answers. Our website website will help you prepare well and realistically assess your chances. Besides this, GIA and OGE tests online with answer checking help you decide on your further choice of a specialized high school class. You yourself can easily assess your knowledge in the chosen subject. To do this, our project offers you various tests in a number of disciplines. Our website dedicated to preparation for passing the State Examination Test 2019, grade 9 online, will fully help you prepare for the first serious and responsible test in life.

All materials on our site are presented in a simple, easy-to-understand form. Whether you are an excellent student in your class or an ordinary average student, everything is now in your hands. It would be a good idea for you to visit ours. Here you will find answers to all your questions. Be prepared for the difficult test of the OGE, GIA and the result will exceed all your expectations.

  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2020 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2019 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2018 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2017 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2016 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2015 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2014 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2013 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in demo versions of the OGE in physics

Demo options OGE in physics 2009 - 2014 consisted of 3 parts: tasks with a choice of answers, tasks with a short answer, tasks with a detailed answer.

In 2013 in demo version of the OGE in physics the following were introduced changes:

  • was Added task 8 with multiple choice- for thermal effects,
  • was added task 23 with short answer– to understand and analyze experimental data presented in the form of a table, graph or figure (diagram),
  • was the number of tasks with a detailed answer has been increased to five: to the four tasks with a detailed answer of part 3, task 19 of part 1 was added - on the application of information from the text of physical content.

In 2014 demo version of the OGE in physics 2014 in relation to the previous year in structure and content hasn't changed, however, there were criteria changed grading tasks with a detailed answer.

In 2015 there was variant structure changed:

  • The option became consist of two parts.
  • Numbering tasks became through throughout the entire version without letter designations A, B, C.
  • The form for recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: the answer now needs to be written down number with the number of the correct answer(not circled).

In 2016 in demo version of the OGE in physics happened significant changes:

  • Total number of jobs reduced to 26.
  • Number of short answer questions increased to 8
  • Maximum score for all the work hasn't changed(still - 40 points).

IN demo versions of the OGE 2017 - 2019 in physics compared to demo version 2016 there were no changes.

IN demo version of the 2020 OGE in physics compared to demo version 2019 the structure has changed exam paper:

    Total number of tasks in the exam paper there was reduced from 26 to 25.

    Quantity tasks with detailed answers was increased from 5 to 6.

    Requirements for completing experimental tasks have changed: recording of direct measurements taking into account the absolute error has become mandatory.

    Introduced new criteria for evaluating experimental tasks. The maximum score for completing these tasks became 3.


The work consists of two modules: “Algebra” and “Geometry”. There are 26 tasks in total. Module "Algebra" "Geometry"

3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

as one digit

, squarecompass Calculators on the exam not used.

passport), pass and capillary or! Allowed to take with you water(in a transparent bottle) and I'm going

The work consists of two modules: “Algebra” and “Geometry”. There are 26 tasks in total. Module "Algebra" contains seventeen tasks: in part 1 - fourteen tasks; in part 2 there are three tasks. Module "Geometry" contains nine tasks: in part 1 - six tasks; in part 2 there are three tasks.

The exam work in mathematics is allotted 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

Write down the answers to tasks 2, 3, 14 in answer form No. 1 as one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

For the remaining tasks of part 1 the answer is a number or sequence of digits. Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to answer form No. 1. If the answer is received common fraction, convert it to decimal.

When completing the work, you can use the formulas containing the basic formulas of the mathematics course, issued along with the work. You are allowed to use a ruler, square, other templates for building geometric shapes (compass). Do not use instruments with reference materials printed on them. Calculators on the exam not used.

You must have an identification document with you during the exam ( passport), pass and capillary or gel pen with black ink! Allowed to take with you water(in a transparent bottle) and I'm going(fruit, chocolate, buns, sandwiches), but they may ask you to leave them in the corridor.