Scenarios for May 7 and 9. II

GBOU "Belgorod Correctionalgeneral education

boarding school No. 23"

Holiday scenario

Prepared and carried out


Anisenko N.A.

Larchenko N.A.



Slide 1.

Slide 2.

music 1. (Levitan about the attack)

Slide 3-4

music 2. (Holy War)

The presenters come out.

Presenter 1.

Every year on these May days, our people remember the terrible years of war and honor the memory of the fallen. Although more than half a century has passed since Victory Day, time has no power over the memory of people of different generations. That is why we have gathered here today.

Slide 5.

Presenter 2.

Today we celebrate Victory Day over Nazi Germany. Among us in this hall are people whose youth coincided with a time of great, national trial. People who bore the hardships of a terrible war on their shoulders have gone through a huge life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships. Let's

let's welcome them.

Slide 6.

Chueva Klavdiya Ivanovna and Gerasimenko Lyudmila Ivanovna

And now we want to give you the floor.

Slide 7.

(Questions from the audience)

Question 1: How old were you when the war started?

Question 3: How long did you think the war would last?

Question 4: How were you different from us at our age? What interests did the youth of your generation have?

Question 5: “My years, my wealth” - what do these words mean to you?

Question 6: Tell us about your husband's military awards. Which is the most expensive?

Question 7: Have you experienced the horrors of war? You went through the nightmare of war, what would you like to wish us, your grandchildren?

Presenter 1.

For you, Oksana Khoroshilova and Denis Zelensky will perform the sign song “Thank you, dear ones”

music 3. (Khoroshilova, Zelensky. Thank you, dear ones)

Slide 8.

Reader 1:()

The beauty that nature gives us,

The soldiers defended themselves in the fire.

May day 45 years

Became the last point in the war.

Slide 9.

Reader 2:()

There is no company or platoon without losses.

Well, those who survived,

May day 45 years

They saved it for their grandchildren.

Slide 10.

Reader 3:()

For what we have now,

For every happy hour we have,

Because the sun shines on us

Thanks to the valiant soldiers

To our grandfathers and fathers.

(Children give flowers)

Presenter 1.

Get up people! Hearing the cry of the earth.

The soldiers of the Motherland have gone to the front.

Their sons were with their fathers,

And the children walked the roads of war.

Presenter 2.

Soldiers went into battle for the Dnieper and the Volga.

They fought for their beloved native land.

For every city, every village.

For everything that grew on my land.

For a child's smile, bright class,

For peace, for the happiness of each of us.

Slide 11.

Pantomime "Flower". Head - Elena Alekseevna Poidunova.

music 4. (phonogram for pantomime)

Slide 12.

Presenter 1.

Letters from the front...Small soldiers' letters - triangles...How your grandmothers and great-grandmothers waited for them at home. These letters were a connecting thread between the front and the rear. But how they were afraid of envelopes with a stamp - “funeral”.

Slide 13.

Reader 4.

If you want to know about the war

And about the victorious spring of May,

Ask the soldier's mother

Years froze on the pages.

He will always be 22:

"Mother! I am healthy and alive."

And in the morning the last battle.

Slide 14.

Reader 5.

Hello, dear Maxim!

Hello, my beloved son!

I'm writing from the front line,

Tomorrow morning back into battle!

We will drive out the fascists,

Take care, son, mother.

Forget sadness and sadness -

I will return victorious!

I will finally hug you.

Goodbye. Your father.

Slide 15.

Reader 6.

Dear, my family!

Night. The candle flame is flickering.

This is not the first time I remember

How do you sleep on a warm stove.

In our little old hut,

That is lost in the deep forests.

I remember a field, a river.

I remember you again and again.

Slide 16.

Reader 7.

My dear brothers and sisters,

Tomorrow I go into battle again.

For your Fatherland, for Russia,

That I got into a lot of trouble.

I will gather my courage and strength.

I will begin to smash our enemies.

So that nothing threatens you,

So that you can study and live.

Slide 17. (3 clicks)

Presenter 2.

Look at the burning candle. There is a fire that evokes special feelings and special memories in people. This is the fire on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There are many such graves on our land. These graves contain the remains of soldiers who died on the battlefield during the war.

The ashes of one of these soldiers are buried near the Kremlin wall in Moscow. Therefore, on the tombstone it is written: “Your name is unknown,” “Your feat is immortal.” This inscription means that people will always remember that dead soldiers defended the Motherland, their relatives and friends, their children and grandchildren.

Slide 18.

Presenter 1.

Let the sky be blue

Let there be no smoke in the sky,

Let the menacing guns be silent,

And the machine guns don’t fire,

So that people and cities can live...

Peace is always needed on earth!

Presenter 2.

Dance. “Prayer” Leader - Cherepanova Natalya Yurievna.

Slide 19.

music 5. (mp3 “Light the candles”)

Slide 20.

Presenter 2.

The memory of generations is inextinguishable

And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,

Come on people, let's stand for a moment.

And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Slide 21.

Presenter 1:

Get up! And let your silence be the most formidable protest against the war!

Slide 22.

Presenter 1:

Get up! Perhaps then at least one less drop of blood will be shed in the world!

(The metronome sounds, there is a minute of silence)

music 6. (mp3 “Metronome”)

Presenter 2.

Stop! Stop! Time, freeze! Stop and look back. Look back at them, who are not there now, who are now looking at us from the stone from the heights of their monuments. Stop, stop!

Presenter 1.

Never pass by a granite wall on which in gilded letters are written the names of those who fell on the battlefield, were tortured in fascist dungeons, burned, hanged, destroyed, but still not conquered. The war claimed 20 million Soviet lives.

Slide 23

(Video “Under the Russian Sky”)

Slide 24

Reader 8.

There will be peace when all people on our planet are friends.

May the sky be blue

Let there be no smoke in the sky,

Let the menacing guns be silent

And the machine guns don’t fire,

So that people, cities live...

Peace is always needed on earth!

Slide 25

Reader 9.

- THE WORLD is the Earth, the world is people, the world is children.

Peace is a calm and joyful life.

No war, no grief and tears. Everyone needs peace!

Slide 26

Presenter 1.

And now you will hear “A Medley of War Songs.”

Head - Tokareva Marina Vladimirovna.

music 7. (mp3 "Medley of war songs"

Presenter 2.

They say time heals wounds. However, there are wounds that bleed in the people's memory. And we must never forget the evil caused by fascism.

The war ended a long time ago, but the memory of those whose destinies and lives were crossed out by the war, of fathers and grandfathers who did not return, cannot be betrayed.

Slide 27, 28

(Sign song “Soldier” Performed by Selyutina Natalya

Head - Meshcheryakova Irina Mikhailovna

music 8. (mp3 “Soldier”

Presenter 1:

We are the generation in whose name millions of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers gave their lives!

We, the future defenders of the Fatherland, must remember the price of the Great Victory!

And let it always burn eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Let May 9 forever remain the biggest and brightest holiday, which no one, not even time, is allowed to cancel.

Slide 29

(Dance “” Artistic director Belykh Vladimir Ivanovich.)

music 9. (mp3 “___________________________”

Slide 30

Presenter 2.

They say that by insulting the people living next door, you insult your own people.

To us, the generation of the early 21st century, the future of the planet is dear.

Our task is to preserve peace, strengthen solidarity so that the people of the earth meet not on the battlefield, but on the roads of peace and brotherhood.

Slide 31, 32

6. (Gesture song"Russian guy". Performed by Igor Karpenko. Artistic director Meshcheryakova Irina Mikhailovna.

(music 10. “Russian guy”)

Slide 33

Reader 10.

The places of all battles are sacred,

Where the warriors went to great deeds.

Country Victory Day spring

They brought it from the battles.

Slide 34

Reader 11.

The sun is shining brightly, the apple trees are blooming.

Gray-haired warriors are walking with their grandchildren.

Glorious heroes, sons of the Motherland.

We must remember their feats of arms.

Slide 35

Presenter 1.

Song "From the heroes of bygone times."

Performed by Petrikova Anna and Kharitonenko Andrey.

Artistic director Goryachev Alexander Anatolyevich.

Slide 36

(Video)Music 11. (minus)

Slide 37

Presenter 2.

They say, "war has no woman's face", but women went to the front. They brought shells, they were snipers, anti-aircraft gunners, pilots, nurses. They were soldiers. Tender, fragile girls and women, they also brought victory closer.

Slide 38

Presenter 1.

Guns roar, bullets whistle.

A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.

My sister whispers: “Let me support you.

I will bandage your wound."

I forgot everything: danger and fear,

She carried him out of the fight in her arms.

How much love and warmth was there in her?

My sister saved many from death.

Gesture song "Katyusha".

Performed by Ekaterina Dorn.Artistic director Meshcheryakova Irina Mikhailovna.

Slide 39, 40

video (mp3 “Katyusha”

Slide 41

Presenter 2.

On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground,

The news rushed from edge to edge:

The world has won! The war is over!

Music 12. (Order for the surrender of Germany)

Slide 42

Gesture song "Victory". Performed by Alexandra Luneva.

Head - Bezkrovnaya Elena Aleksandrovna.

Music 13. (mp3 “Victory”)

Slide 43

Presenter 1.

We, the young generation of Russia, will always remember the heroic deeds of our people during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. The names of the heroes who gave their lives for our future will forever remain in our hearts. We will never forget those who, without sparing their lives, won freedom and happiness for future generations. We promise to study hard in order to be worthy of our great Motherland, our heroic people.

Together: Happy Victory Day!

Slide 44

Presenter 2.

Dance "We are children of the sun." Artistic director - Bezkrovnaya Elena Alexandrovna

Music 14. (mp3 “We are children of the sun”)

Presenter 1.

With this, the celebration dedicated to Victory Day has come to an end.

Presenter 2.

We thank all teachers additional education who prepared the rooms for the holiday.

Svetlana Fedyushina
Scenario of the holiday “May 9 - Victory Day!” for children 5–7 years old

Children with flowers enter the music room accompanied by music.


Dear guys! Dear guests! Very soon, on May 9, our entire country will celebrate the glorious holiday - Victory Day!

70 years have passed since our Army and our people defeated Nazi Germany. Every year we celebrate this great holiday.

While you are still very small. But we really want you to grow up to be brave, strong people, worthy citizens of our country, who love their Motherland and are capable of difficult moment stand up for her.

1 child: Even when we were not in the world,

When fireworks thundered from one end to another.

Soldiers, you gave to the planet

Great May, victorious May.

2 child: The people defended the Fatherland,

He walked bravely into a formidable battle,

People did not spare their lives

Dear for the Fatherland.

3 child: Brought by fathers and sons

Happiness to the people of the whole earth,

We praise on a bright day Victory

All those who went into great battle!

Children perform a song "Heirs Victory»

4 child: When the Day comes Victory,

The gardens are blooming, the fields are blooming.

When the Day comes Victory -

The whole earth breathes in spring!

5 child: When the Day comes Victory,

The sun rises earlier.

And, like one big family,

Our people are marching in columns!

6 child: When the Day comes Victory,

There is music and laughter,

And, accepting congratulations,

We congratulate everyone!

Children perform exercises with flowers accompanied by a song "Day Victory»

(Children take their seats)

Presenter: Every year on May 9, a military parade takes place on the main square of our country - Red Square. Passing by military equipment, current soldiers and cadets of military schools are marching, but the most important ones on this holiday - veterans, people who survived and won in this terrible war. On their chests shine many orders and medals for their courage and bravery, for heroism and bravery. Veterans put on orders and medals, meet at monuments to the dead, and talk about how they fought.

Presenter: This year marks 72 years since the liberation of Voronezh from fascist invaders. We know that in 2009 our city Voronezh was awarded the title "City military glory» . We bow low to those who stood up for us peaceful life and freedom. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

7 child: My Voronezh, you are dear to my heart.

For all of Russia you are a stronghold.

Here I once gained strength

Military, glorious, Russian fleet.

8 child: Voronezh! My favorite city!

You were born for the glory of Peter!

Your appearance is young and unique!

You shine with your beauty in the morning!

9 child: My city is a warrior! You invincible!

Not giving in to fascism and centuries!

The spirit of Russia is unquenchable in you!

I will give my whole soul to you!

10 child: The expanses of the Don, groves and oak forests!

Love for achievement. Minutes of silence.

Voronezh is a city of eternal glory!

The capital of the Black Earth Region and spring!

Presenter: During the war, poets and composers composed many good, soulful songs that soldiers loved to sing during their rest hours. The song always helped maintain the morale of the soldiers. Artists came to the front and performed for the soldiers during breaks between battles. These were songs about the Motherland, about mothers, about a beloved home. And now I invite everyone present in this room to remember the songs of the war years.

Teachers, children and guests sing verses of familiar songs.

Medley of war songs.

Presenter: Guys, when you grow up, then will you go serve in Russian Army. What should a defender of our Motherland be like?

11 child: We'll grow up very soon,

Let's go serve in the army.

You just need to not be lazy,

Study well at school, play sports,

Try to become brave and strong.

12 child: You need to know a lot

To protect the fatherland.

In the sea, in the sky and on land

A competent defender is needed.

He should be an example

And love the Motherland very much.

Presenter: Well, guys, show us what kind of defenders the country has.

Children dramatize a poem: a pilot looks at a map, a sailor looks through binoculars...

13 Pilot: The infantry is here, and the tanks are here,

The flight to the target is seven minutes.

The battle order is clear,

The enemy will not leave us!

14 Sailor: The plane is heading straight ahead.

Car, full speed ahead!

Prepare for battle crew!

Stop! Our fighter!

15 sailor: On the mast - St. Andrew's flag above us,

And behind the stern is an azure wave!

We will grow up and become sailors,

We will protect you, country.

Presenter: Thank you, boys, and now let’s see the cheerful dance of sailors and sailors.

Children of group 1 perform a dance "Salazhata"

Presenter: Our soldiers were noted not only for their daring and cheerful character, but also for their unparalleled courage and heroism. Not only men, but also women fought in the war. They were nurses, doctors, orderlies, intelligence officers, and signalmen. Many were saved from death by kind female hands.

A girl comes out, wearing a scarf with a red cross on her head, and a bag with medicines on her side.

16 Nurse: Guns roar, bullets whistle.

A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.

Little sister whispers: “Let me support you,

I will bandage your wound!”

I forgot everything: weakness and fear,

She carried him out of the fight in her arms.

There was so much love and warmth in her,

My sister saved many from death!

An attraction is being held "Helping the Wounded"

The participant’s task is to carry a wounded soldier on his shoulder from point A to point B, sit him on a chair and bandage his hand.

Presenter: The war claimed many lives. The war died down, peace came to the earth. Grateful people erected monuments to the soldiers-liberators. Many cities and towns have memorials called "Obelisks of Glory". There is a fire that evokes special feelings and special memories in people. This is the fire on the tomb of the unknown soldier. There are many such graves on our land. These graves contain the remains of soldiers who died on the battlefield during the war. The ashes of one of these soldiers are buried near the Kremlin wall in Moscow. Therefore on the tombstone written: “Your name is not known. Your feat is immortal". This inscription means that people will always remember that soldiers died defending the Motherland, their relatives and friends, their children and grandchildren. In honor victory The Eternal Flame burns over fascism. So that people do not forget about the exploits of our heroes.

17 child: People come to the eternal flame

They come to bow low

To those who died in a brutal war,

The Motherland is proud of their exploits.

18 child: Fire burns in rain, snow, and hail,

The blizzard and wind will not notice it

The feat of valiant soldiers is immortal.

Both adults and children carry flowers.

19 child: To those who stood for their homeland,

So that the war could not happen again.

People come to the Eternal Flame,

They come to bow deeply.

Children perform a song "Eternal Flame"

(Everyone sits down)

Presenter: Attention to the screen.

A clip is shown on the screen "I flew like an angel"

Presenter: There is a custom to honor the memory fallen heroes a minute of silence. Let us also now honor the memory of all those who died in the war with a minute of silence. I ask everyone to stand up.

On screen video "Minute of Silence"

Presenter: Please everyone sit down. Now tell us guys, what are your dreams?

20 child: What do children dream about?

We have one dream:

Let it be on the planet

The world is kind as spring!

21child: Peace - in every home, in every country,

Peace is May on the planet.

Peace is the sun on our earth,

Adults and children need peace.

Children perform a choreographic composition "Great-grandfather"

Presenter: In honor of the Day Victory There are always fireworks in the evening. Many of you will go see it on May 9th with your parents.

Let me once again congratulate all the guests and guys on the great Victory Day. We wish the veterans good health and well-being. That's our the holiday is over. Thank you for your attention.

Methodological development of a class hour for Victory Day “Friends and Foes”

Class hour dedicated to Victory Day. A newspaper story about a front-line soldier can become a reason for a conversation about respect for veterans, patriotism, and memory. The second part of the class hour is children's stories about their relatives who died during the war.

Goals: deepen children’s understanding of the Great Patriotic War; promote respect for older people; encourage children to do good deeds and help veterans; develop an interest in the history of your homeland.

Preparatory work: ask children to prepare stories about their relatives who died during the Great Patriotic War, bring letters, photographs, and other family heirlooms.

Class plan

I. Opening remarks.

II. Interactive conversation “Friends and Foes.”

III. A lesson for the scoundrels. (Work in groups.)

IV. Name on memorial note. (Children's stories.)

V. Final words.

VI. Summing up (reflection).

Class progress

I. Opening remarks

Class teacher. Guys, Victory Day is approaching. We will again hear festive fireworks, soulful songs of the war years, see St. George's ribbons, meet veterans with bouquets of flowers. There is no family in our country that has not been scorched by the war. More than 20 million dead, millions of destinies destroyed... People lost loved ones, loved ones, returned to the ashes of their homes and found the strength to live on. This military generation is special. They knew how to love and hate. They could fight and build. They were able to defeat fascism and raise the country. They are called the generation of winners. But the years go by, the trenches and trenches are overgrown with grass, and with each new Victory Day, fewer and fewer veterans come to meet with their fellow soldiers. And more and more often they say that it was easier during the war than now. It was clear where one was, where was a stranger, where was a friend, and where was an enemy. And now...

II. Interactive conversation “Friends and Foes”

Class teacher. I want to tell you about one tragic incident that happened in our time. Many Russian newspapers wrote about this story.

On May 9, a front-line soldier was walking along the central street of Moscow. He walked with dignity, slowly, as befits a winner. Orders and medals were cast in gold and silver on his chest.

A group of teenagers was walking towards him. Laughing and pushing, they surrounded the veteran and attacked him with malicious questions: “What, grandfather, did you hang up the iconostasis?! What kind of winner are you? They filled Europe with corpses - is this a victory? Yes, if it weren’t for you, we would now live in rich Germany!” Having had enough fun, the teenagers disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. And the front-line soldier went down to the subway and threw himself under the wheels of the train...

(The teacher pauses, giving the children time to comprehend the story.)

Why do you think teenagers suddenly picked on the veteran?

Sample answers from children:

Maybe he reprimanded them.

Maybe they were drunk.

They didn't respect older people.

They probably didn't respect their parents either.

Class teacher. Could any of you be among them? And if not, why not?

(Children give answers.)

How do you feel about what teenagers say? Do you agree that it was necessary to surrender to Germany?

Sample answers from children:

You had to fight for your country.

They would live in rich Germany, but would be slaves of the Germans.

The Nazis exterminated the people in concentration camps, and wanted to make the most submissive people slaves.

The Russians never gave up, they always drove out the invaders.

To surrender means to betray your people, your land. Class teacher. Why do you think these teenagers reasoned like that?

Sample answers from children:

They did not respect their country, their people, they were not patriots.

They did not know their history and believed any lie about Russia.

For them, the most important thing is wealth and entertainment.

They forgot that they are Russian.

Class teacher. If you were the judge, what would you call what these teenagers did? Sample answers from children:

This is stupidity, savagery, barbarism.

This is murder.

This is a crime.

Class teacher. How do you feel about the choice of a veteran? What could he possibly do?

Sample answers from children:

He was very upset. Many of his friends died for these scum.

It probably seemed to him that his life had been lived in vain.

This man understood that this was the thinking of the parents of these teenagers.

He realized that they could no longer be corrected; their lives would punish them.

III. A Lesson for Scoundrels (Group Work)

Class teacher. And now everyone has to decide what lesson could be taught to these scoundrels. This will be work in groups. So, imagine that the tragedy has not yet occurred.

First group. One of these teenagers turned out to be your friend, who told you this story, laughing. What would you answer?

Second group. You are a police officer who witnessed an attack on a veteran. What would you tell these teenagers?

Third group. You are a wizard who has a magic wand. What would you do?

Sample answers from children:

First group

I would say that he is no longer my friend.

I would say that he has no honor or conscience.

I would stop talking to him.

Second group

I would arrest them and bring them to the police station.

I would put them in a cell and call television to shame them all over the world.

I would arrest them and their parents and try them.

I would put them in prison and force them to learn the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Third group

I would make them invisible and put them in a concentration camp so that they could see what fascism is.

I would make them smart and well-mannered.

I would make sure that they apologize to the front-line soldier and congratulate him on Victory Day.

IV. Name on memorial note (children's stories)

Class teacher. Guys, for a long time in Rus' we have had a tradition on special days to remember the soldiers who died for the Fatherland. This tradition was started by Dmitry Donskoy, who established the Dimitrov Memorial Saturday in memory of those killed in the Battle of Kulikovo. Then on this day they began to remember all the soldiers “who laid down their lives in battle for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland.” On this day for 700 years, people have been coming to churches and writing notes with the names of soldiers who died on the battlefields.

May 9, Victory Day, is also such a memorial day. On this day, those who died in the Great Patriotic War are commemorated. In all Orthodox churches Memorial services will be held, priests will read notes with the names of soldiers who died on the battlefield. And there is not a single family in Russia that does not have such warriors.

While preparing for class, you all received the task of writing such a note. With the help of your parents, grandparents, you learned the names of your relatives who died on the battlefields, the circumstances of their military destinies. Now we will listen to your stories. So, whose names will be remembered in your family on Victory Day?

Now we will listen to your stories.

(Children go to the board one by one and talk about warriors from their family.)

V. Closing remarks

Class teacher. The story we talked about today ended tragically. Its participants were different sides front. The veteran is on the side of “their own”, the teenagers are on the side of the “outsiders”. This is what broke the front-line soldier. After all, his generation shed blood, suffered hardships, lost loved ones for one thing - so that their children and grandchildren could live on their land, so that they would feel like people, so that they would not be ashamed of their history, their ancestors. It turned out that heroism alone is not enough for this...

One philosopher learned to predict wars absolutely accurately. He said that new war begins when a generation grows up that has forgotten the previous war.

Veterans are passing away. The youngest front-line soldiers are now over 80. They once protected the whole world from fascism. Now they themselves need our support and protection.

On the eve of the holiday, congratulate your veteran relatives and neighbors, give them a kind word and a smile. Ask for forgiveness.

On May 9, all Orthodox churches commemorate the soldiers who died on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. If there are such warriors in your family, take a note with their names to church. This is how warriors have been commemorated in Rus' for a long time, and we must continue this tradition.

VI. Summing up (reflection)

Class teacher. Was this interesting to you? class hour? What thoughts and feelings did today’s conversation awaken in you?

Sample answers from children:

Now they are demolishing monuments to our soldiers, this is very offensive, you understand how painful it is for veterans.

I will not offend our veterans, I will protect them.

I wanted to know more about the war to tell those who don’t know.

I wanted to do something good for veterans.

I realized that under no circumstances should we forget the war.

Extracurricular activity "Game Finest Hour - Great Victory 1945"

Description of material: I offer you a summary extracurricular activity“Game Finest Hour - “Great Victory of 1945”, for students in grades 7-8. This material will be useful class teachers during events, dedicated to the Day Victory. This development is aimed at developing in students a sense of patriotism and respect for the fallen soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.
Goals:- education of Kazakhstani patriotism and citizenship
- formation of a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the history of the Great
Patriotic War;
- acquaintance with the heroic pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War
war, instill a sense of love for the Motherland;
- development cognitive interest to the history of the Second World War;
- development leadership qualities and communication culture.
Form of conduct: Game "Finest Hour"
Method of implementation: Story, conversation, oral survey, research and search work, demonstration.
Equipment: Interactive whiteboard, slide presentations, tape recorder, cassettes with recordings, task cards for the “Baiga” competition, stars for competition evaluations, markers and felt-tip pens.
Registration: the title of the event is the wall newspaper “Great Victory of the 45th”, the wall newspaper “Let us bow to those great years!”, balloons, collage fiction writers of the war years.
Intersubject communication: history, literature, geography, music.

Class progress

I. Organizational moment
1. Greetings from the teacher and participants.
2. Introduction to the topic open event- game "Finest Hour - Great Victory of the 45th."
3. Introduction of the jury members and guests.

II. Main part
The sunset was approaching evening
And the sea overflowed during the white night,
And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.
We didn't know then
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in 1945, in May.

The country grew, worked tirelessly,
The peaceful country was gaining strength.
And suddenly Levitan’s stern voice:
Attention! Comrades, war!

Dear guests, students and spectators! Let me welcome you to today's extracurricular event - the game "Finest Hour - Great Victory of the 45th", which is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory Day.
- The further into history the years of the Second World War go, the brighter and more fully we appreciate the greatness heroic feat those years and bow our heads low before the blessed memory of the victorious soldiers, whose courage decided the outcome great battle against fascism.
Any war is the curse of humanity. And the Second World War, which dragged entire continents into a long, brutal massacre, will forever remain a mournful stain in the history of earthly civilization.
- Now let’s move on to the game and meet the participants of our game:
(Participants briefly introduce themselves)
- And the progress of our game will be monitored by our respected jury consisting of:
- Let me introduce you to the program of our game, which consists of 4 rounds. The first round is called “Question and Answer”, the second round is “Put in Order”, the third round is “Baiga” and the final final round is “Make up words”. After each competition, 2 participants are eliminated.

So, first round “Question and answer”
Let me remind you of the rules of this tour: You need to answer questions using plates with numbers. The first 6 participants who answer 5 questions correctly advance to the second round. The participant who is the first to answer the question correctly receives a “star”. And I will ask our jury to help me keep track of who will be the first to raise a sign with the correct answer.

First question:
- Which city of the USSR, from the first days of the Great Patriotic War, showed unparalleled fortitude, mass heroism and courage?
1) Smolensk 2) Leningrad 3) Brest 4) Sevastopol

Second question:
- The blockade of which city lasted 900 days?
1) Smolensk 2) Leningrad 3) Brest 4) Sevastopol

Third question:
- What was the name of the plan for the attack of Hitler’s troops on the USSR, according to which the fascist strategists intended to end the war by the fall of 1941?
1) "Barbaross" 2) “Typhoon” 3) “Ost” 4) “Kremlin”

Fourth question:
- The famous 316th division of General I.V. Panfilov became famous during the defense of which city?
1) Stalingrad 2) Moscow 3) Leningrad 4) Kursk

Fifth question:
- The battle of which city played a decisive role in bringing about a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War and influenced the entire course of World War II?
1) Leningrad 2) Kursk 3) Stalingrad 4) Moscow

Now let's sum up the interim results of the first round.

Sixth question:
- In the area of ​​which city did the largest tank battle take place?
1) Stalingrad 2) Moscow 3) Leningrad 4) Kursk

Seventh question:
- During the siege of Leningrad, through which lake was the “Road of Life” organized, which connected the city with the whole country?
1) Onega 2) Ladoga 3) Chudskoye 4) Ilmen

Eighth question:
- Who owns it? catchphrase: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind us!”?
1) G.K. Zhukov 2) I.V. Panfilov 3) V.G. Klochkov
4) K.K. Rokossovsky

Let's summarize the first round. So, who made it to the second round?

Let's congratulate those who made it to the second round, and thank the participants who could not go further for good game.

Let's move on to second round – “Put in order”
Let me remind you of the rules of this tour: You need to create the correct chronology (order) of the events provided, using the signs. It is necessary to take two tablets, the events of which must be swapped in order to restore the chronology. To advance to the next round, you must answer 4 questions correctly. The first participant to answer the question correctly first receives a “star”. And I will ask our jury to help me keep track of who will be the first to raise a sign with the correct answer.

First question:
1) Beginning of the siege of Leningrad September 1941
+ 2) The beginning of the Great Patriotic War on September 1, 1939.
+ 3) The beginning of World War II on June 22, 1941.

Second question:
+ 1) Heroic Defense Sevastopol July-August 1943
2) Battle of Stalingrad July 1942 – February 1943
+ 3) Battle of Kursk October-July 1942

Third question:
+ 1) Beginning of the counteroffensive Soviet troops near Moscow July-September 1941
+ 2) Battle of Smolensk December 1941
3) Breaking the blockade of Leningrad January 1943

Fourth question:
+ 1) Complete expulsion of the occupiers from Soviet soil in 1943.
+ 2) Battle of Kursk 1944
3) Unconditional surrender fascist Germany 1945

Fifth question:
1) Ice battle XIII century
+ 2) Battle of Poltava XIV century
+ 3) Battle of Kulikovo XVIII century

Sixth question:
+ 1) Battle of Smolensk October 1941 - July 1942
2) Beginning of the siege of Leningrad September 1941
+ 3) Heroic defense of Sevastopol July-September 1941

Additional question:
- What are the names of the two Russian soldiers who hoisted the Victory Banner during the storming of the Reichstag?
1) Samsonov K.Ya.
+ 2) Kantaria M.V
+ 3) Egorov M.A.

Let's congratulate those who made it to the third round, and thank the participants who could not advance further for a good game. Let's ask the jury to announce the result of the second round.
- We continue our game and move on to the third round - “Baiga”
I remind you of the rules of this tour: You are given questions on the following topics: “Dates”, “Writers of the war years”, “Kazakh Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”, “Songs that went through the war”. Each question corresponds to a certain number of “stars”. Participants answer in turns. If a participant finds it difficult to answer, then the right to answer passes to another participant. The two participants who score the most “stars” in all competitions advance to the final round.

Dates ** X *** *
Writers of the war years * *** X **
Kazakh Heroes of the Great Patriotic War *** ** * X
Songs that went through the war X * ** ***

1 question:
- September 1941?
Beginning of the Siege of Leningrad (2 stars)

Question 2 (X):
- July 1942-February 1943?
Battle of Stalingrad (2 stars)

Question 3:
- September 1945?
Unconditional surrender of Japan. The end of World War II. (3 stars)

Writers of the war years
1 question:
- In the difficult September days of 1941, the Kazakh folk poet addressed the Leningraders with the poem “Leningraders, my children!”, in which he expressed the thoughts, feelings and experiences of all workers. What is the name of this poet?
Zhambyl Zhabaev (1 star)

Question 2:
- Name the poet-warrior, whose poems, written in captivity of the enemy, spoke of courage, ideology and endurance Soviet man. Which are also known as "Moabite Notebooks".
Moussa Jalil (3 stars)

Question 3(X):
- On September 4, 1942, the poem began to be published in the newspaper “Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda”. This “book about a fighter” immediately became a favorite work of the Soviet people, and its hero was perceived as a living, real person. Tell me about which writer we're talking about and name this poem.
Alexander Tvardovsky, poem “Vasily Terkin” (1 star)

Question 4:
- A famous Kazakh writer took part in the battles for Moscow, in the ranks of Panfilov’s division. What is the name of this writer?
Bauyrzhan Momyshuly (2 stars)

Kazakh Heroes of the Great Patriotic War
1 question:
- This young daughter of the Kazakh people voluntarily went to the front, where she was enrolled as a cadet in the sniper squad girls' school. In one of the battles, the company commander died during heavy fire. The soldiers were confused. That’s when she stood up to her full height and shouted: “For the Motherland! Forward!". The whole company rose behind her and burst into the enemy trenches. The girl was mortally wounded in hand-to-hand combat with a German officer. For her courage and heroism she was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero Soviet Union. Who are we talking about?
Aliya Moldagulova (3 stars)

Question 2:
- In August 1942, she voluntarily went to the front. She was the best machine gunner in the unit. In one of the battles, the machine gunners had to clear the way for the infantry. She was in the middle of this attack when her machine gun failed, she ran to another machine gun and opened fire. When an enemy shell hit this machine gun, the girl died. Tell me, who are we talking about?
Manshuk Mametova (2 stars)

Question 3:
- This year we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of this writer, a participant in the Second World War, the author of such works as “Moscow is Behind Us”, etc. What is the name of this writer?
Bauyrzhan Momyshuly (1 star)

Question 4 (X):
- Under whose leadership, the division, which arrived from Kazakhstan, heroically held the defense in the battles for Moscow, near the Volokolamsk highway?
General Ivan Vasilievich Panfilov (3 stars)

Songs from the war

1) To this famous march of Vasily Ivanovich Agapkin, Russian soldiers were escorted to the Balkan War against Sultan Turkey, to the First World War. And again it sounded from the first days of the Patriotic War, seeing off to the battle against Nazi Germany.
"Darkie" (3 stars)

2) This song was performed on the 3rd day of the war. The poems of Lebedev-Kumach, performed by the famous Maly Theater actor Alexander Ostuzhev, literally shocked everyone, stunned with their angry power and amazing ability to express what was boiling in everyone’s soul.
"Holy War" (1 star)

3) This song, written by M. Dunaevsky, has been a symbol of Victory Day for many years, the melody of which is known to everyone.
"Victory Day" (2 stars)

4) The poet Mikhail Isakovsky wrote this song in Moscow in the late 30s. During the Great Patriotic War, every soldier who sang or listened to this song felt as if he was personally called upon to save his native land. The song became a symbol of the high spirit, courage and heroism of Soviet people.
"Katyusha" (3 stars)

Let's summarize the third round. And who made it to the final?

Let's move on to final round – “Make up words”
I remind you of the rules of this tour: You will be given a word, from letters, which you will have to make as many as possible more words nouns in the nominative case. Then, you begin to name the composed words one by one, without repeating yourself. The last participant to say the word will win. In addition, the participant who has more “stars” has the right to use these “stars” instead of a word (one “star” - one word). Time to compose words is 2 minutes.

In this difficult and brutal war Soviet people was able to withstand and defeat the fascist invasion. He was able to prove to the whole world that the unity of the people, their effort and spirit cannot be broken. That the courage and devotion of people to their Motherland has no boundaries, that every citizen stood up to defend the Motherland and rebuffed the conquerors. All this can be combined in one word - CONFRONTATION. Resistance to the enemy, oppression, war.

So, as you already guessed, the word from the letters of which you must make words - CONFRONTATION. (Finalists are given this word on a card and begin to form words within 2 minutes).
- Let's sum up the final game and congratulate our winner!

The floor is given to our winner. So, please, your “finest hour” has come. (The winner speaks with congratulatory words for Victory Day).
Next, the winner is awarded a prize and certificate.

III. Final part
- “Victory Day” is a holiday that is always with us. And no matter how history is restructured, no matter what changes occur, no matter what speeches are said, without a doubt, one thing remains - “We have something to be proud of, we have something to remember!”

- The war is over,
But singed by the song,
Above every house
She's still circling.
And we haven't forgotten
What's 20 million
Gone into immortality
So that you and I can live.

On the ninth day of jubilant May.
When silence fell on the ground,
The news rushed from edge to edge:
The world has won! The war is over!

The windows were no longer darkened anywhere
Cities in industrial Europe.
Victory was bought at the price of blood,
May the globe always remember this!

All over the country from edge to edge
There is no city like this, no village,
Wherever Victory comes in May
The great ninth.

And Russia looks at her sons,
It seems like just yesterday the battle ended.
Gray-haired winners pass by,
Victory remains young.

No matter how quickly the years fly by,
She is not separated from us.
And soldier’s medals suit her,
Military orders suit her.

Wear orders, they are for your Victory,
Your honor is given for your wounds.
Wear orders, dawns glow in them,
What did you defend in the trenches of that war?

Wear your medals! Both on holidays and on weekdays,
On formal jackets and fashionable jackets.
Wear your medals! So that people can see you
You, who carried the Victory on your own shoulders.

The final word is given to the invited guests, members of the jury.

Department of Education of the Administration of Lipetsk

MBOU gymnasium No. 19 named after. N.Z. Popovicheva, Lipetsk

Dedicated to the Great Victory

(extracurricular activity scenario for grades 7-11)

script developed by:

methodologist and teacher of preschool education

Kudasheva L.I. ,

Lipetsk - 2017

“The memory is bitter in every birch”

Dedicated to the Great Victory


(Decoration: there are birch stumps on the stage, on one of them there is a raincoat, and on top there is a soldier’s cap.All participants in the performance have flowers in their hands.

Sounds“Where does the Motherland begin?”

The performers of the song slowly pass through the stage into the hall).

LELIKOVA: Where does the Motherland begin? From the treasured bench at the gate,


CHURILOVA: From that very birch tree that grows in the field, bending under the wind.

Or maybe it begins with the spring song of the starling.

And from this country road with no end in sight?

(mix the melody of the song)

DANILOVA: It happened, because in previous years locusts flew into Rus'...


There was an enemy of the Chipchaks - (ZARKUA) and where are the Chipchaks?

There was an enemy of the Poles - (ZARKUA) and where are those Poles?

There was this one, there was that one - they are not there, but Rus'?

ZARKUA: Everyone knows, shake it on your mustache.

“We will die! There is no shame in the dead!” - thunders in front of the squad.

And you, fear of the unfaithful, Donskoy, with the couple of the same name,

You fly like a disastrous thunderstorm towards the army of foreigners.

And you, our Peter, are in the crowd of leaders. Heed the cry: Poltava!

BONDARENKO: Remembering the victories of ancient times, glory to you, our grandfathers!

Friends who can no longer exist; there are no more leaders of victory;

Their houses were swept away by a whirlwind; their coffins were torn down by plows;

And the flames of rust consumed their helmets and chain mail;

But the spirit of the fathers was resurrected in the sons; their field is before us.

There we will find their glorious ashes from their glorious deeds.

ZARKUA: These lines are like a condensed history of the fate of Russia, the defense of our Fatherland.

SLIDE 4. (A melody sounds“Where does the Motherland begin?

LELIKOVA: Where does the Motherland begin? From the windows burning in the distance,

CHURILOVA: From an old military relic that we found somewhere in a closet.

Or maybe it starts with the sound of carriage wheels

And from the oath that did you bring her youth in your heart?

(Mix the melody)


L.I.: (holds relics in his hands) Yes, growing up, we understand that the main characters– these are People and Time. Not to forget Time means not to forget People, not to forget People means not to forget Time. That is why the families of front-line soldiers so carefully preserve everything connected with those who died at the front.

Or maybe a photograph?

It turns out that the most valuable relic for the family is a letter from the front, “some kind of paper triangle” without an “envelope with a stamp”! This simple and short letter of news often aroused the envy of neighboring women, because someone did not wait for a letter from the front at all...

It happened that there was only one triangle letter for the entire village... And there was no oath in the letter: “We will die, but we will not retreat!”, because the fighter did not want to die. In the rear, women and children were strained from their work and “fell to the ground from fatigue, like soldiers under fire. And then, in order to survive, they all read the letter from the front together... And the women imagined that their husbands, sons and brothers were writing this. And if they write, it means they are alive and well, only they are very far from home.

My grandfather Pavel Matveevich Vershinnikov went to the front on the second day of the war. His relatives waited for news from him for seven long months, and then the family received a notification that he died heroically on January 5, 1942 near the city of Borovsk (the village of Svoyaki) in the Moscow region. My mother still has this yellowed triangle.

SLIDE 6 . (A melody sounds“Where does the Motherland begin?”

girls in military uniform hand out front triangles).

LELIKOVA: Where does the Motherland begin? From the picture in your ABC book,

CHURILOVA: From good and faithful comrades living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it starts with the song that my mother sang,

Because no one can take it away from us in any trials?


DANILOVA: The children of the war remembered the loudspeakers that announced VICTORY! Everyone listened, but they, the children, couldn’t understand the words. But we realized that the “joy” comes from above. Some were lifted onto the shoulders of adults, and some climbed on their own. They tried to reach out to the black plate and kiss it. One would stand on the shoulders of another, then a third would climb on, and sometimes a fourth. Everyone wanted to kiss the word “victory”...

ALEXEEVA: Children of wartime can tell how they died of hunger and fear. How sad they were when September 1, 1941 came, and there was no need to go to school...

FROLOVA: Like when you were 10-12 years old, as soon as you stood on a box, you could reach the machines and work 12 hours a day.

DANILOVA: When they saw the first loaf of bread after the war, they didn’t know if they could eat it, because in 4 years they had forgotten what white bread was...

N.K.: “Leningrad children” - it sounded like a password.


Leningrad children that winter forgot how to play pranks, play, and laugh.

In the besieged city, thousands of them died of hunger. They didn’t even save 125 grams of siege bread...

KUDASHEVA T.: “I was 14 years old. And I was the main food processor in the family. I stood in line. I was selling cards. When the blockade norm of 125 grams was measured accurately, tiny makeweights remained, about half a candy size. Mom knew this, but I said that I couldn’t resist and ate it on the way.

And so New Year... When I brought out all the extras I had been saving since November in four bags, everyone cried. There was nothing sweeter than those crumbs”...


SIDALIEVA: Blockade... This word is as far away from our peaceful, bright days.

I say it and see again hungry, dying children.

How entire neighborhoods were deserted, and how trams froze on the tracks,

And mothers who are unable to carry their children to the cemetery.

PINDYURINA: I will remember the evening as a milestone: December, fireless darkness,

I was carrying bread home in my hand, and suddenly a neighbor came towards me.

Change it to a dress, he says,

If you don’t want to change, give it out of friendship.

It's been ten days since my daughter has been lying there. I don't bury it.

She needs a coffin. They will make it for us for bread.

Give it back. After all, you yourself gave birth...

And I said: “I won’t give it up.”

And she squeezed the poor piece tighter.

Give it back,” she asked, “you buried the child yourself.”

Then I brought flowers so that you could decorate the grave.

As if on the edge of the earth, alone, in the darkness, in a fierce battle,

two women, we walked side by side, two mothers, two Leningraders.

And, possessed, she prayed for a long time, bitterly, timidly.

And I had enough strength not to give up my bread for the coffin.

And he had enough strength to bring her to him, whispering gloomily:

Here, eat a piece, eat... sorry!

I don’t feel sorry for the living - don’t think about it.-

Having lived through December, January, February, I repeat with a shiver of happiness:

I don’t feel sorry for anything alive - no tears, no joy, no passion.

There are many of them - my friends, friends of my native Leningrad.

Oh, we would suffocate without them in the painful ring of the blockade.


SHIRYAEVA: ...How many letters have I received since then!

Why does it seem like

that until now I have not received the most desired letter...

Who didn’t write it or send it?

Is it happiness? Is it a victory? Trouble?

Or a friend who has not been found and recognized by me forever?

Or is that letter still wandering somewhere, desired like light,

he is looking for my address, and does not find it, and, languishing, he yearns: where is the answer?

Or the day is near - and certainly in an hour of great spiritual silence

Will I accept the unheard, imperishable news coming from the war?

( SLIDE 11. D leaves the soldier's cap and puts it on)

USACHEV: Forty-first...first,..first...

This is my first time at war.

For the first time my nerves are boiling, for the first time I can’t sleep.

The first time I became a soldier was the first time I was given an order.

For the first time I am with a machine gun and in a trench for the first time.

For the first time they will write to their mother that there is a willow tree under the steep slope

I was killed for the first time near an unnamed river.

(takes off his cap and stands with his head down).

DYKIN: I met you, war, when I came across this letter.

“Help me, save me. I don't want to die. A small piece of lead in the heart, in the head, and that’s all? And my hot body will no longer be hot. Let there be suffering. Who said I'm afraid to suffer? It was at home that I was afraid a lot. At home. And now I’ve already found out everything, tried everything. I'll be useful in life. After all, it’s even funny to kill a person who didn’t manage to do anything. I haven’t even finished tenth grade... I’ll go through everything, until the very end...”


SHESTOPALOVA: There lived an old man in the Izmalkovsky village of Afanasyevo. He was thin and tall, wore a sheepskin sheepskin coat and worn hemmed felt boots. I was busy with housework. I thought that I had honestly fulfilled my human duty, worked well, lived my life honestly, and would meet my time with a clear conscience.

But trouble came. One for everyone at once. She entered the house of Vasily Yakovlevich Voblikov wearing heavy forged boots. The coldness of the metal touched my heart when the Germans broke into the Voblikovs’ house.

DANILOVA: - Lead us to Petrovskoye, grandfather!

The old man’s conscience answered: “I won’t go!”

They dragged him out of the hut, bayonet pointed at his shoulder blades: “Lead!”

We reached the edge of the village.

I won't go any further. This is where I lived my life, this is where I will die,” the old man looked around the quiet village shrouded in darkness. Bayonet!!! Another bayonet!!! And lastly, as salvation, the old man took a bullet in the forehead. Furious with impotent anger, the Nazis pulled the old man's felt boots off his feet. The prickly wind moved his gray beard...

SHESTOPALOVA: In the morning, 18 wounds were counted on the body of Vasily Yakovlevich by fellow villagers, shocked by the cruelty of the enemies and the greatness of the spirit of Susanin from the village of Afanasyev, Izmalkovsky district of our region. This happened at the beginning of December '41, when the winter turned out to be severe, with severe frosts. Since then, much water has flown under the bridge and the snowstorms have passed. Just try to forget...

SHIRYAEVA: Raising twelve children is already a feat. Raise them to be people with capital letters- a doubly feat. It was committed by Maria Matveevna Frolova, a resident of Zadonsk.


(Students come forward, 12 readers join her)

LELIKOVA: The mother flashed between the apple trees and the dishes, until the eldest son forcibly sat her down next to him. He looked at her heavy peasant hands, so calm, and he felt good. And the mother rested her soul - the children, one after another, left for adulthood, and then they all arrived.

In May '41, the husband died suddenly, but 12 children remained, whom they raised and put on their feet. But the war had its own way...

(The melody sounds very quietly"Cranes" »)

IVANILOV: Senior Mikhail, a teacher at the Leningrad Naval Academy, served on a warship, was bombed and died in a hospital.

PINDYURINA: Daughter Antonina was dying in besieged Leningrad, saving his son from starvation. Her three-year-old child, weakened from hunger and having forgotten how to walk, was saved by her colleagues.

FOKIN: Alexey worked as an electric welder at a factory, so he had “reservation” until forty-five. To his requests to be sent to the front, he was answered briefly: “You are more needed here.” Currently, Alexey Frolov lives in Kazan.

TITLINOV: My son Dmitry was sick at sea and ended up in the Baltic Fleet. His ship hit a mine. We spent several hours in the icy water, so after the war he became blind and did not live long. He died of wounds in 1948 in a hospital among his own.

DYKIN: Konstantin saved the girls when they were swimming on the Don. Without hesitation, he threw himself off the cliff into the river. In his third year at the institute, he volunteered for the militia. A year later, having arrived from the front, I called my wife from the station: “I’m at the station, meet me.” Half an hour later, at the Baltic station, she saw bombed pastures.

NIKOLAEV: Tikhon’s son, when he became an adult, took exams at a flight school. The gray-haired colonel from the admissions committee looked at him for a long time, and then said in a completely unconventional way:

Your father saved my life, son.

Tikhon Frolov served in both the artillery and the flying troops, and died at the end of April in Germany. Buried in mass grave, - said the future cadet.

ALEXEEVA: Vasily was a private at the front from the first days of the war. I often wrote letters home. Died on Nevskaya Dubrovka.

FROLOVA: Nikolai was interested in radio engineering and assembled several televisions. Graduated from the school for junior commanders. He consoled my mother as best he could: “Some of us will die, but some will remain. He stayed, but the war reminded him of itself - he died after the Victory.

TITLINOV: Leonid damaged his kidneys while skiing as a child. He was not taken to the front. Having a “reservation”, I boarded the train with volunteers. Along the way, I received telegrams from the plant director “Come back,” but did not do so. He served in the “flying camp”, repaired tanks right on the battlefield, and went on reconnaissance missions. For a particularly important “language” he received a medal. At the end of April 1945, a shell hit the “flight”.

PANFEROVA: While still at school, Peter got a job as an apprentice at a factory. I was interested in motorcycles. During the war it was useful to deliver reports to headquarters. Wounded.

He escaped from the hospital to the front. He died in reconnaissance in '43.

SIDALIEVA: Mitrofan has less than a year left from the war. I managed to be under bombing and artillery shelling. Survived. Lives and works in Leningrad.

TERESHCHENKO: Daughter Anna worked as a teacher during the war and after. The brothers looked at her with hope: “Anya, take care of your mother, help her, she is very tired. If it weren't for the war..."

Anya did not fulfill the brothers’ behest. She died in 1993.

SHIRYAEVA: Maria Matveevna Frolova, a simple Russian woman, mother of 12 worthy children, suffered a heart attack already in the sixties and died when she was ninety-six years old.

(As the melody fades, they return to their places, except for Nikolaev).


NIKOLAEV: No, you’re lying, you won’t take ours for free!..

The water was boiling and the land was burning,

Threw armor-fronted "tigers" into shivers

Angry Russian "Katyusha".

Such an affectionate and caring name was given to the formidable military artillery piece, commanded by our fellow countryman Captain Ivan Andreevich Flerov, a native of the village of Dvurechki, Gryazinsky district.

During his three months at the front, Captain Flerov’s battery inflicted enormous damage on the Nazis. Urgent reports flew to the Fuhrer's headquarters: “The Russians used a multi-barrel flamethrower cannon, delivering blows of amazing force,” “...On Eastern Front The Russians have an unprecedented rocket weapon... At the place where its salvo landed, iron instantly melts and the earth burns...” In order to prevent the Germans from capturing the head battery, commander Flerov ordered it to be blown up and died himself...

ZARKUA: The installation is reactive, but it is called such a gentle and affectionate name “Katyusha”. Maybe because of the song that is so familiar and loved by everyone?


(Dance “Katyusha” (Pokhozhay, Tereshchenko, Yarlykova, Panferova)

(The similar one remains on the proscenium after the dance)

RELATED: Forty-first year. Hospital... There is a concert going on... (CLICK) The performances are fun and friendly. True, not everyone can applaud. Some have bandages on both hands. But if one hand is healthy, then they slap themselves on the knee. Two cheerful people applaud together, hitting the palm of one on the palm of the other, as in a children's game. It's painful to watch, but it takes some getting used to.

In one room a wounded man was moaning. I asked the doctor: “Maybe we shouldn’t speak in this ward?” But the doctor replied: “No, we have to!” It’s exactly what he needs the most.” And after our performance, the wounded man turned his head to his neighbor and said: “Clap for me.”

ZARKUA: A native of Yelets, Vyacheslav Lyudvigovich Krotevich, an instructor pilot.


Baltic Fleet, Gulf of Finland, pilots attacking enemy ships. The first approach is successful, but then an enemy shell hits our attack aircraft. The plane was engulfed in flames, and the pilots, defying death, directed a flying torch at the Germans. patrol ships. Explosion!!! And a short letter written on the back of the photograph reached the pilot’s wife:

USACHEV: Two wide, two wings rush me through the air,

If you were nearby, there would be four.

But in my chest it sings - you hear the song of revenge.

So, we are going on a flight, dear, together.

Where can a heart without love find such strength?

I love, love you as one with Russia!

PINDYURINA: “I only live for the fact that our meeting is just around the corner. I can already imagine how you all greet me, how I will hug you all, my glorious, dear ones...

If you could see how these damned Germans are afraid now, they know that they have already committed many crimes and they must answer for everything. But it was not for nothing that we walked this path from the Volga to the Oder, we will pay for everything, we will wean them off from fighting forever, so that our people, and all the peoples of the world, can live freely, and fascism is wiped off the face of the earth forever.”

(Prilepina slowly comes out from behind the scenes, with a scarf on her shoulders. She approaches the birch tree.)


PRILEPINA: Since then, my loving heart has turned to stone. The only thing left was his front card, and this triangle. Yes, there is a birch tree in front of a house in the village. Our villagers built at least a small chapel for their dead men. Now they have begun to celebrate Memorial Day. Everyone would at least light a memorial candle. Otherwise it’s not good somehow. But we need to remember. Ease your soul. Especially for us women.

(Lera Salova comes out from behind the scenes in a gymnast).


SALOVA: She was wearing a faded tunic,

And my feet were sore until they bled.

She came and knocked on the house . (turns to Prilepina)

The mother opened it. The table was set for dinner.

“Your son served with me in the regiment alone,

And I came. My name is Victory."

(To the melody of “THE MAY WALTZ” they stand, hugging each other,

then turn to the audience).

PRILEPINA: Black bread was whiter than white days,

And the tears were salty salts.

All one hundred capitals shouted in the distance.

They clapped their hands and danced. (CLICK)

And only in a quiet Russian town

They did not sing songs, but were solemnly silent.

(MELODY FAILS, girls leave stage).

(Prilepina and Salova take flowers)

YARLYKOVA: My heart was choking with happiness - Victory!

My heart was breaking with grief - someone didn’t wait for the Victory salute!


How much blood has been shed in us cannot be said either in poetry or in prose.

How many new birches have grown - a bitter memory in every birch.

Each house has its own list of names.

We call losses by name.


YARLYKOVA: Each house has its own list of names.

We call losses by name.

All those who saved their lives and did not spare their own,

Let us be worthy of the glorious memory of the fallen!

N.K.: Mikhail Stepanovich Nikeshin, tanker, my grandfather...

PRILEPINA: My great-grandfather is company captain Ivan Petrovich Sdvizhkov. Fought at Stalingrad. He liberated Pavlov's house, where soldiers, dying, wrote farewell messages in blood on the walls. I was captured. Miraculously he survived, climbing out of a common grave in which his executed comrades lay. Currently lives in Dobrovsky district.

KHURTYLO: My grandfather Mikhail Vasilyevich Makarov, machine gunner. At the front since 41 years old. Participant in the defense of Moscow. He was wounded four times. Awarded orders and medals. Died after the war.

PRILEPINA: My grandmother Maria Petrovna Zolotareva worked in the militia. She built a defensive line near Shatura, Moscow region.

RELATED: Dmitry Samoilov, my great-grandfather. He fought on the 2nd Belorussian Front. Had awards. Died... For a long time he was considered missing.

PRILEPINA: My grandfather Stepan Alekseevich Bykasov came under bombing. Concussed in the head. After the hospital, back at the front. Delivered ammunition to the front line. Died in 95.

NIKOLAEV: Senior Sergeant Ilinykh Alexander Osipovich is my great-grandfather. Had an injury. I met Victory on the Kaliningrad front. Died in 93.

USACHEV: Peshkin Ivan. Infantry My great-grandfather. I went through the whole war. Participant Battle of Kursk. He was shell-shocked. Then the hospital. Crossing of the Oder River. Wounded again. Awarded with orders. Died after the war.

TITLINOV: My great-grandfather Mikhail Belyaev went missing.

My grandfather’s uncle was a participant in the tank battle near Kursk. I reached Berlin. It was burning in the tank. Throughout the war, he was accompanied by his faithful friend, a dog, who saved him, wounded, on the battlefield.

SIDALIEVA: Sergeant Ashcheulov Pavel Antonovich. Infantryman. Awarded a medal for the capture of Berlin. Had injuries. My great-grandfather died in 1978.

My second great-grandfather was Private Vorotnikov Kirill Terentievich. Front-line soldier. He went missing in 1942.

My third great-grandfather is junior lieutenant Gorodovoy Pavel Filippovich. Artilleryman. Awarded a medal for the capture of Berlin. Died at 64.

DYKIN: Foreman Frolov Alexey Mikhailovich. Infantryman. I went through the entire war to Berlin. He was wounded in the stomach. My great-grandfather died 2 years after the war.

ZARKUA: Kablotsky Samuil Lvovich. Navigator-gunner. Chief of Staff of a separate aviation squadron. Fought from June 22, 41 to May 9, 45. Participated in battles as part of units Southern Front, North Caucasus, Ukrainian, 1st Belarusian Fronts. War veteran. Awarded the Order of Lenin. After the war he worked at school number 24 as a labor teacher. Died several years ago.

SHIRYAEVA: Private Chunosov Dmitry Arsentievich, a native of the city of Gryazi. My great-grandfather. He volunteered to go to the front. Fought on Far East, then in the Kaliningrad direction. Was wounded. In January 44, the family received notice that he was buried in a mass grave.

BONDARENKO: My great-grandfather Lebet Mikhail Romanovich. Infantryman. Was wounded. Died after the war.

My great-grandmother Ivanchenko Maria Stepanovna. Operating nurse in a front-line hospital. She died after the war.

PANFEROVA: Private Pirogov Pyotr Fedorovich. War veteran since age 41. I reached Berlin. Was wounded. Awarded medals for bravery.

TERESHCHENKO: My grandfather Georgy Dmitrievich Korostelev. Graduate of school 19. He absolutely loved books. Having attributed 1 year to himself, he went to the front as a boy. He died at 42 in the Belarusian forests, fighting in a partisan detachment. The family received a "Missing..." notice.

LELIKOVA: Alexey Korabelnikov, my great-grandfather. In the first months of the war he went missing.

Senior Lieutenant Baryshev Fedor Moiseevich. My great-grandfather. Signalman. I went through the whole war. Awarded orders and medals. Died in 85.

FROLOVA: Senior Lieutenant Ishchenko Nikifor Tikhonovich, my great-grandfather. At the front since 41 years old. Wounded on the Kursk Bulge. Has awards. Died after the war.

Neznanov: Private Neznamov Vasily. Infantryman. My great-grandfather. He went missing in action near Voronezh.

SHESTOPALOVA: My grandfather Vladimir Alexandrovich Alexandrov. Tanker. Died near Smolensk.

KUDASHEVA Tanya: Colonel Kudashev Nikolai Egorovich. My grandfather. Political instructor War disabled. Has awards. The family received a funeral, but he survived. Currently lives in Lipetsk.

Colonel Bykov Ivan Mikhailovich, my grandfather, test engineer, participant in the Patriotic War, veteran, served in the flying troops, had awards. Tragically died in December 2004.

PRILEPINA: No, the dead did not die for us.

Eternal time will reward those with love

Who gave himself to people,

He fell in a terrible battle with his enemies,

Who wanted humanity on earth,

Who, alas, will not come home,

Who is still missing,

Pain and pride, yours, people!

SLIDE 19 . Lipetsk, pl. heroes, eternal flame

(To the melody from the film “Moments,” flowers are laid. They move away in both directions.)


N.K.: If we devote a minute’s silence to each person who died, then humanity will be silent for 30 years!

KHURTYLO: Everything that you heard about today and that we were able to tell you about happened thanks to the people who surround us.

(the guys return to their seats in the hall. The melody fades out).

And these are pages of the history of our school. SLIDE 20.

ALEXEEVA: During the war, students brought firewood for the boiler room, which was located behind the school. In 1942, the 5th school housed evacuation hospital No. 2976, so the 19th and 5th merged and were located in our school building until January 1, 1944.

SIDALIEVA: Teacher of Russian language and literature, school No. 19 (CLICK) Honored Teacher Russian Federation Alexandra Andreevna Stepanenko was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree. She worked at our school from 1947 to 1977.

___________: Sergei Antonov, when the war began, gave himself 2 years and volunteered to go to the front. Awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War, 1st class. After the war, physics teacher Sergei Tarasovich Antonov worked at school No. 19. His wife Lidiya Georgievna, a teacher, taught with him primary school. The work of the dynasty is continued by their daughter, NSH teacher, candidate pedagogical sciences, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Olga Sergeevna Milyaeva.

BONDARENKO: Back in the distant 60s, many Lipsk residents knew EKVI well.

(SLIDE 21). Expeditionary Club of Air Finders of the 19th School! When the eternal flame was lit at the Eternal Glory Memorial on Heroes Square, the best Komsomol members, high school students from secondary school No. 19, stood on the first honorary watch at Post No. 1 since November 6, 1977.


FROLOVA: Today we can see a monument in Revolution Square, near the former cinema theater “October”. This is a bas-relief to the dead pilots during the Great Patriotic War, a monument to the crew of the aircraft under the command of Dmitry Barashev.

KHURTYLO: The head of the EKVI club was (SLIDE 23) physics teacher of the nineteenth school Merkuryev Vladimir Aleksandrovich. Active members of the club were our graduates, and now teachers of gymnasium No. 19: Gennady Ivanovich Merinov and Tatyana Ivanovna Voloshina. But also among the EQVIists was Tolya Panfilov.


Neznanova: Tatyana Ivanovna, now you are a teacher primary classes, and what brought you to the EKVI club when you yourself studied at our school?

(questions for a school graduate teacher)


L.I.: Modern scientists have proven that human memory perceives information, stores it in cells and lowers it to the lower floor, and when necessary, memory, like an elevator, lifts what is remembered back to the surface. Perhaps this is true. But the professors did not take into account one thing: ordinary memory, the memory of school lesson, the insult may go down, but the memory of those who fought does not obey the laws of biology. It is very high, this memory. That’s why we say: “It doesn’t subside.”

YARLYKOVA: I sometimes hear: “No need, no need to reopen the wounds!”

Surely it would be easier if we all just forgot about it?


N.K.Meshcheryakova: No, we must!

So that that war does not happen again on the planet,

Of course it is necessary that your children they remembered this, just like us!

(The melody “Where does the Motherland begin?” plays)


A selection of poetic lines was made by students participating in the event; local history material from family and school archives was used, as well as information from the school museum “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland!” (head of the museum Kudasheva L.I.)