A fairy tale about how the last fly lived.

Today we got acquainted with the work of Ivan Dmitriev and among his works Dmitriev has the fable Mukha. This is a small work, which even in its full content is read very quickly, but if we talk about Mukha Dmitriev’s fable, then its essence is as follows.

Dmitriev fly

One day, a toiling bull was returning from the fields, very, very tired. He was dragging a plow behind him and probably really dreamed of rest. At this time, a fly was sitting on his horns. And so, on the way, Mucha meets her sister, that is, the second fly, who wondered where they were coming from so tired. To which Mukha answered: “We plowed.”
The author does not describe to us what the Fly was doing while the Bull was working. Perhaps she was sitting on the horns of the bull all this time, or maybe she just sat down and just managed to take advantage of the situation in time. But the essence is still the same.

Dmitriev concludes his work with the moral of the fable, which goes like this: “We shot down! We have decided." This is a small phrase, but there is so much truth in it, so much reality in it. When you read the fable, you understand that in our life there are a lot of such flies that sit on the horns. There are a lot of people who do nothing, who are lazy, but at the same time love to attribute to themselves the merits and work of others, using in their stories, in their conversation short word"We".

There are only two main characters in Dmitriev's fable. The first hero is the hard worker Ox, who is the embodiment and collective image of those who work and are not afraid of work. The second hero, or rather heroine, is Mukha. This character is the personification of lazy people, braggarts, those people who, without a twinge of conscience, take credit for the achievements of others, but at the same time they never lift a finger to do something.

In the fairy tale “About How Once Upon a Time” last fly" from the collection "Alenushka's Tales" the main character is a common fly named Mushka. Mushka was born in the same house and from the very birth she sincerely believed that the people living in this house exist only to please the flies in every possible way.

Every morning Aunt Olya opened the windows so that the flies could fly into the garden. The gardener took care of the plants that the flies liked so much. After little Alyonushka's breakfast, the flies got drops of milk, as well as crumbs of buns and sugar. The cook Pasha went to the market every day so that the flies would have a lot of tasty food. And when the berries were ripe, Aunt Olya began to cook sweet jam for the flies.

Such a comfortable life caused so many flies that people decided to take action. They placed strange pieces of paper around the house, which they moistened with sweet water. The flies immediately attacked the new treat, but it soon became clear that it was a trap. All the flies that tried the treat from the pieces of paper died, and the cook swept them away with a broom. But not all the flies recognized the danger, and in the following days many more flies fell for this trap. When only the smartest remained alive, people came up with a new trick - glass bells with bait, of which many of those who remained became victims. And only Mushka was lucky enough to avoid all the traps. She lived safely in the house until autumn. Over the summer, she was tired of her numerous relatives, and she dreamed of being left alone.

Her dream became a reality when autumn came and it became cold. The flies began to hibernate. And the day came when only Mushka flew around the house in splendid isolation. People, out of their kindness, did not touch the last fly, and Mushka flew freely where she wanted. Through the window she saw the first snow and realized what winter was.

But Mushka's happiness was short-lived. Over time, she became unbearably bored alone. Every day her boredom grew stronger. And when she was already feeling really bad, the fly heard a familiar buzzing and was happy to see a young fly that had just been born. It turns out that spring has come. People began to open the windows, and the fly happily rushed into the garden. Flying out the window, she thought that summer was made by flies. That's how it is summary fairy tales

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “How the Last Fly Lived” is that being alone is very boring and uninteresting. It is much more important to have many friends and acquaintances. Life goes better in the company of friends. The fairy tale teaches you to be attentive, careful and not fall into various kinds of traps that promise trouble.

In the fairy tale, I liked Aunt Olya, who, being a kind person, asked the rest of the inhabitants of the house not to touch the last fly.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

Living alone is a cold heart.
And in difficult days drive away boredom.

On the main square of Argos there is a statue of Jupiter covered with flies. Orestes enters, waving away the big fat flies. Terrible screams are coming from the palace.

Fifteen years ago, Clytemnestra, mother of Orestes and Electra, and her lover Aeghiof killed their father Agamemnon. Aegisthus wanted to kill Orestes too, but the boy managed to escape. And now Orestes, brought up in distant lands, enters his hometown with curiosity.

Jupiter enters, disguised as a city dweller. He explains to Orestes that today is the day of the dead, and the cries mean that the ceremony has begun:

the inhabitants of the city, led by the king and queen, repent and beg their dead to forgive them.

Rumors are circulating around the city that Agamemnon’s son Orestes remained alive. By the way, Jupiter notes, if he had accidentally met this Orestes, he would have told him: “The local residents are great sinners, but they have embarked on the path of redemption. Leave them alone, young man, leave them alone, respect the torment they have taken upon themselves, leave in good health. You are not involved in the crime and cannot share their repentance. Your bold innocence separates you from them like a deep ditch.”

Jupiter is leaving. Orestes is at a loss: he does not know what to answer to the stranger, the city where he could rightfully be king is alien to him, he has no place in it. Orestes decides to leave.

Elektra appears. Orestes speaks to her, and she tells the stranger about her hatred of Clytemnestra and Egasthos. Electra is lonely, she has no friends, no one loves her. But she lives in hope - she is waiting for one person...

Queen Clytemnestra enters. She asks Electra to dress in mourning: the official repentance ceremony will begin soon. Noticing Orestes, Clytemnestra is surprised: travelers, as a rule, bypass the city, “for them our repentance is a plague, they are afraid of infection.”

Electra mockingly warns Orestes that publicly repenting is the national sport of the Argives; everyone already knows each other’s crimes by heart. And the queen’s crimes - “these are official crimes, lying, one might say, at the basis government system" Every year on the day of the murder of Agamemnon, people go to

a cave which is said to communicate with hell. The huge stone blocking the entrance to it is rolled aside, and the dead, “as they say, rise from hell and disperse throughout the city.” And the residents prepare tables and chairs for them, and make beds. However, she, Electra, is not going to take part in these stupid games. These are not her dead.

Elektra leaves. Following her, wishing Orestes to quickly get out of the city, Clytemnestra leaves. Jupiter appears. Having learned that Orestes was about to leave, he offers him a pair of horses at a reasonable price. Orestes replies that he has changed his mind.

People crowd in front of a closed cave. Aegisthus and Clytemnestra appear. The stone is rolled away, and Aegisthus, standing in front of the black hole, addresses the dead with a repentant speech. Electra suddenly appears in a blasphemous white dress. She calls on residents to stop repenting and start living simple human joys. And let the dead live in the hearts of those who loved them, but do not drag them to the grave with them.


Audio fairy tale by the Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of How the Last Fly Lived" - about a cheerful young fly, about good people, which "...everywhere brought various pleasures to the flies." Alyonushka left “...for the flies a few drops of spilled milk, and most importantly - crumbs of bread and sugar... The cook Pasha was even kinder than Alyonushka. Every morning she went to the market specifically for the flies and brought amazingly tasty things: beef, sometimes fish, cream , oil..." Aunt Olya "...opened all the windows with her own hands every morning to make it easier for flies to fly..." There were also unpleasant and dangerous adventures with poison, a flytrap. Then autumn and winter came. The fly was left alone, she became more and more bored. “The last Fly was ready to completely die from despair... when suddenly she heard: zh-zh-zh! A real live fly flew past her.” Spring has come, winter frames have been put up. “Now I know everything,” the last Fly buzzed as it flew out, “we, flies, make summer...”
“The Tale of How the Last Fly Lived” is another educational fairy tale by Mamin-Sibiryak, which opens up the world of insects to young children, cultivating their powers of observation and imagination. We offer you to listen online or download to your audio library a useful fairy tale D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of How the Last Fly Lived."

The fairy tale tells how fun the flies were in the summer - they buzzed and frolicked. When the little fly was born, everything around her also seemed wonderful and cheerful. It was possible to fly into windows and doors, but the summer had passed... What conclusion did little Mushka make in the end?

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What a fun summer it was! Oh, how fun! It's hard to even tell everything in order. There were thousands of flies. They fly, buzz, and have fun. When little Mushka was born and spread her wings, she also felt happy. So much fun, so much fun that you can’t tell. The most interesting thing was that in the morning they opened all the windows and doors to the terrace - whichever window you want, go through that window and fly.

What a kind creature man is,” little Mushka marveled, flying from window to window. - These are the windows made for us, and they open them for us too. Very good, and most importantly - fun.

She flew into the garden a thousand times, sat on the green grass, admired the blooming lilacs, the delicate leaves of the blossoming linden tree and the flowers in the flower beds. The gardener, still unknown to her, had already taken care of everything ahead of time. Oh, how kind he is, this gardener! Mushka had not yet been born, but he had already managed to prepare everything, absolutely everything that little Mushka needed. This was all the more surprising since he himself did not know how to fly and even walked sometimes with great difficulty - he was swaying and the gardener was muttering something completely incomprehensible.

And where do these damned flies come from? - grumbled the good gardener.

Probably the poor fellow said this simply out of envy, because he himself only knew how to dig ridges, plant flowers and water them, but could not fly. Young Mushka deliberately circled over the gardener's red nose and bored him terribly.

Then, people are generally so kind that everywhere they brought various pleasures to the flies. For example, Alyonushka drank milk in the morning, ate a bun, and then begged Aunt Olya for sugar - she did all this only to leave a few drops of spilled milk for the flies, and most importantly, crumbs of the bun and sugar. Well, please tell me, what could be tastier than such crumbs, especially when you’ve been flying all morning and are hungry? Then, the cook Pasha was even kinder than Alyonushka. Every morning she went to the market specifically for flies and brought amazingly tasty things: beef, sometimes fish, cream, butter - in general, she was the kindest woman in the whole house. She knew very well what flies needed, although she also did not know how to fly, like the gardener. Very good woman at all!

And Aunt Olya? Oh, this wonderful woman, it seems, specifically lived only for flies. She used her own hands to open all the windows every morning to make it easier for the flies to fly, and when it rained or was cold, she closed them so that the flies wouldn’t get their wings wet and catch a cold. Then Aunt Olya noticed that flies really loved sugar and berries, so she began to boil the berries in sugar every day. The flies now, of course, realized why this was all being done, and out of gratitude they climbed straight into the bowl of jam. Alyonushka loved jam very much, but Aunt Olya gave her only one or two spoons, not wanting to offend the flies.

Since the flies couldn’t eat everything at once, Aunt Olya put some of the jam in glass jars (so that the mice, who weren’t supposed to have any jam at all, wouldn’t eat it) and then served it to the flies every day when she drank tea.

Oh, how kind and good everyone is! - young Mushka admired, flying from window to window. - Maybe it’s even good that people can’t fly. Then they would turn into flies, large and voracious flies, and, probably, would eat everything themselves. Oh, how good it is to live in the world!

Well, people are not quite as kind as you think,” said the old Fly, who loved to grumble. - It only seems so. Have you noticed the man everyone calls “Dad”?

Oh yes. This is a very strange gentleman. You are absolutely right, good old Fly. Why does he smoke his pipe when he knows perfectly well that I can’t stand tobacco smoke at all? It seems to me that he is doing this just to spite me. Then, he absolutely doesn’t want to do anything for the flies. I once tried the ink he always uses to write something like that, and I almost died. This is finally outrageous! I saw with my own eyes how two such pretty, but completely inexperienced flies drowned in his inkwell. It was a terrible picture when he pulled out one of them with a pen and put a magnificent blot on the paper. Imagine, he did not blame himself for this, but us! Where is the justice?

“I think that this dad is completely devoid of justice, although he has one advantage,” answered the old, experienced Fly. - He drinks beer after lunch. This is not a bad habit at all! I must admit, I don’t mind drinking beer either, although it makes me dizzy. What to do, bad habit!

“And I also love beer,” admitted young Mushka and even blushed a little. “It makes me so happy, so happy, although the next day my head hurts a little.” But dad, perhaps, doesn’t do anything for the flies because he doesn’t eat jam himself, and only puts sugar in a glass of tea. In my opinion, you cannot expect anything good from a person who does not eat jam. All he can do is smoke his pipe.

The flies generally knew all the people very well, although they valued them in their own way.

The summer was hot, and every day there were more and more flies. They fell into the milk, climbed into the soup, into the inkwell, buzzed, twirled and pestered everyone. But our little Mushka managed to become a real big fly and almost died several times. The first time she got her feet stuck in the jam, so she barely crawled out; another time, sleepy, she ran into a lit lamp and almost burned her wings; the third time I almost fell between the window sashes - in general there were enough adventures.

What is it: these flies are no longer alive! - the cook complained. - Like crazy people, they climb everywhere. We need to get them out.

Even our Fly began to find that there were too many flies, especially in the kitchen. In the evenings, the ceiling was covered with a living, moving net. And when they brought provisions, the flies rushed at it in a living heap, pushed each other and quarreled terribly. The best pieces went to only the most spirited and strong, while the rest got leftovers. Pasha was right.

But then something terrible happened. One morning Pasha, along with provisions, brought a pack of very tasty pieces of paper - that is, they became tasty when they were laid out on plates, sprinkled with fine sugar and doused with warm water.

Here's a great treat for flies! - said the cook Pasha, placing the plates in the most prominent places.

Even without Pasha, the flies realized that this was being done for them, and in a cheerful crowd they attacked the new dish. Our Fly also rushed to one plate, but she was pushed away rather rudely.

Why are you pushing, gentlemen? - she was offended. - However, I’m not so greedy as to take something from others. It's finally rude.

Then something impossible happened. The greediest flies paid first. At first they wandered around like they were drunk, and then they completely collapsed. The next morning Pasha scooped up a whole large plate of dead flies. Only the most prudent remained alive, including our Fly.

We don't want paperwork! - everyone squealed. - We don't want to.

But the next day the same thing happened again. Of the prudent flies, only the most prudent flies remained intact. But Pasha found that there were too many of these, the most prudent ones.

There is no life for them,” she complained.

Then the gentleman, whose name was Papa, brought three glass, very beautiful caps, poured beer into them and put them on plates. The most sensible flies were caught here too. It turned out that these caps are just flytraps. The flies flew to the smell of beer, fell into the hood and died there because they did not know how to find a way out.

Now that's great! - Pasha approved; she turned out to be a completely heartless woman and rejoiced at someone else’s misfortune.

What's so great about it, judge for yourself. If people had the same wings as flies, and if you placed flytraps the size of a house, you would catch them in exactly the same way. Our Fly, taught by the bitter experience of even the most prudent flies, stopped completely believing people. They only seem kind, these people, but, in essence, all they do is deceive gullible poor flies all their lives. Oh, this is the most cunning and evil animal, to tell the truth!

The number of flies has decreased greatly due to all these troubles, but now there is a new problem. It turned out that summer had passed, the rains began, a cold wind blew, and generally unpleasant weather set in.

Has summer really passed? - the surviving flies were surprised. - Excuse me, when did it pass? This is finally unfair. Before we knew it, it was autumn.

It was worse than poisoned pieces of paper and glass flytraps. From the approaching bad weather one could seek protection only from one’s worst enemy, that is, master man. Alas! Now the windows were no longer opened for whole days, but only occasionally the vents. Even the sun itself only shone precisely to deceive the gullible house flies. How would you like this picture, for example? Morning. The sun looks so cheerfully into all the windows, as if inviting all the flies into the garden. You might think that summer is coming back again. And so, gullible flies fly out the window, but the sun only shines, and does not warm. They fly back - the window is closed. Many flies died in this way on cold autumn nights only due to their gullibility.

No, I don’t believe it,” said our Fly. - I don’t believe anything. If the sun deceives, then who and what can you trust?

It is clear that with the onset of autumn all the flies experienced the worst mood of spirit. Almost everyone's character immediately deteriorated. There was no mention of the former joys. Everyone became so gloomy, lethargic and dissatisfied. Some even went so far as to start biting, which had never happened before.

Our Fly's character had deteriorated to such an extent that she did not recognize herself at all. Previously, for example, she felt sorry for other flies when they died, but now she thought only about herself. She was even ashamed to say out loud what she was thinking:

“Well, let them die - I’ll get more.”

Firstly, there are not so many real warm corners in which a real, decent fly can live the winter, and secondly, I’m just tired of other flies that climbed everywhere, snatched the best pieces from under their noses and generally behaved quite unceremoniously. It's time to rest.

These other flies clearly understood these evil thoughts and died by the hundreds. They didn’t even die, but they definitely fell asleep. Every day fewer and fewer of them were made, so that there was absolutely no need for either poisoned pieces of paper or glass flytraps. But this was not enough for our Fly: she wanted to be completely alone. Think how wonderful it is - five rooms, and only one fly!

Such a happy day has come. Early in the morning our Fly woke up quite late. She had long been experiencing some kind of incomprehensible fatigue and preferred to sit motionless in her corner, under the stove. And then she felt that something extraordinary had happened. As soon as I flew up to the window, everything became clear at once. The first snow fell. The ground was covered with a bright white veil.

Ah, so this is what winter is like! - she realized immediately. - It is completely white, like a piece of good sugar.

Then the Fly noticed that all the other flies had completely disappeared. The poor things could not bear the first cold and fell asleep, no matter where they happened. At another time the fly would have felt sorry for them, but now he thought:

“That’s great. Now I’m all alone! No one will eat my jam, my sugar, my crumbs. Oh, how good!”

She flew around all the rooms and was once again convinced that she was completely alone. Now you could do absolutely whatever you wanted. And how good it is that the rooms are so warm! It’s winter outside, but the rooms are warm and cozy, especially when the lamps and candles are lit in the evening. With the first lamp, however, there was a little trouble - the fly flew into the fire again and almost got burned.

This is probably a winter trap for flies,” she realized, rubbing her burnt paws. - No, you won’t fool me. Oh, I understand everything perfectly! Do you want to burn the last fly? And I don’t want that at all. There’s also the stove in the kitchen - don’t I understand that this is also a trap for flies!

The Last Fly was happy for only a few days, and then suddenly she became bored, so bored, so bored that it seemed impossible to tell. Of course, she was warm, she was full, and then, then she began to get bored. She flies, flies, rests, eats, flies again - and again she becomes more bored than before.

Oh, how bored I am! - she squeaked in the most pitiful thin voice, flying from room to room. - At least there was one more fly, the worst one, but still a fly.

No matter how much the last Fly complained about her loneliness, absolutely no one wanted to understand her. Of course, this made her even angrier, and she pestered people like crazy. It will sit on someone’s nose, someone’s ear, or it will start flying back and forth before their eyes. In a word, real crazy.

Lord, how can you not want to understand that I am completely alone and that I am very bored? - she squeaked to everyone. “You don’t even know how to fly, and therefore you don’t know what boredom is.” At least someone would play with me. No, where are you going? What could be more clumsy and clumsy than a person? The ugliest creature I've ever met.

Both the dog and the cat got tired of the last fly - absolutely everyone. What upset her most was when Aunt Olya said:

Ah, the last fly. Please don't touch her. Let him live all winter.

What is this? This is a direct insult. It seems they no longer consider her a fly. “Let him live,” say what a favor you did! What if I'm bored! What if I, perhaps, don’t want to live at all? I don’t want to - that’s all.”

The Last Fly became so angry with everyone that even she herself became afraid. It flies, buzzes, squeaks. The Spider sitting in the corner finally took pity on her and said:

Dear Fly, come to me. What a beautiful web I have!

I humbly thank you. Here's another friend! I know what your beautiful web is. You probably once were a man, but now you’re just pretending to be a spider.

As you know, I wish you well.

Oh, how disgusting! This is called wishing well: eating the last Fly!

They quarreled a lot, and yet it was boring, so boring, so boring that you can’t even tell. The fly became absolutely angry with everyone, got tired and declared loudly:

If so, if you don’t want to understand how bored I am, then I’ll sit in the corner all winter! Here you go! Yes, I will sit and not leave for anything.

She even cried with grief, remembering the past summer fun. How many funny flies there were; and she still wanted to remain completely alone. It was a fatal mistake.

Winter dragged on endlessly, and the last Fly began to think that there would be no more summer at all. She wanted to die, and she cried quietly. It was probably people who invented winter, because they invent absolutely everything that is harmful to flies. Or maybe Aunt Olya hid summer somewhere, like she hides sugar and jam?

The last Fly was ready to die completely out of despair, when something very special happened. She, as usual, was sitting in her corner and getting angry, when suddenly she heard: zh-zh-zh! At first she didn’t believe her own ears, but thought that someone was deceiving her. And then. God, what was that! A real live fly, still very young, flew past her. She had just been born and was happy.

Spring is starting! spring! - she buzzed.

How happy they were for each other! They hugged, kissed and even licked each other with their proboscis. Old Fly talked for several days about how badly she had spent the whole winter and how bored she was alone. Young Mushka just laughed in a thin voice and could not understand how boring it was.

Spring! spring! - she repeated.

When Aunt Olya ordered to put out all the winter frames and Alyonushka looked out the first open window, the last Fly immediately understood everything.

Now I know everything,” she buzzed, flying out the window, “we, flies, make summer.”